There are many dream books in which the same dream can be interpreted in different ways and with different meanings. It also matters what situation, what room the girl is in, and what she does in her dream. For example, according to Miller’s dream book, the most complete dream book of all those currently known in the world.

What if you dream about your beloved?

If your beloved girl smiles in a dream, this means that everything in life together will be fine. If your beloved woman swears in a dream, looks with distrust, then this means that there will be some kind of conflict involving the one who is having this dream, which may lead to complete rupture. If in a dream a man saw his beloved kissing or in bed with another man, it means that there is a high probability of unpleasant moments in professional activity, and clashes with unpleasant people are possible.

Freud's dream book is also very popular. Here, first of all, the emphasis is on the psychological background of each dream, while no specific interpretations are given. Based on this dream book, what does your beloved dream about? If you dreamed about a woman, it means that the one who saw this dream experiences satisfaction from the relationship with his beloved girl. Moreover, he is satisfied with both the spiritual and intimate aspects of living together with his woman. No changes are expected in his life unless he himself wants it. If your beloved girl dreams of being angry and irritable, or she is in danger, then this means that in the depths of his soul the man is thinking about breaking up with her. In Vanga’s dream book, seeing your beloved woman in a dream means making sure that your love for her is only growing stronger and relationships develop over time.

If you dreamed of a wedding with your beloved, it means that in reality there will be not only a family, but also a spiritual union. The marriage will be mutually happy, and the entire life together will pass in peace and harmony, in respect for each other. Tsvetkov’s Dream Book is a reference book for many Orthodox people, which teaches not only how to correctly interpret dreams, but also sows good, eternal things.

In this book, the description of dreams is closely connected with the Orthodox canons of existence, with worldly laws and freedoms.

According to this dream book, if you see in a dream your beloved woman with whom there is a conflict or quarrel, then in reality this will lead to illness, either of the beloved or the beloved. If you dream of an affectionate and tender wife or woman, then there will be material wealth in the family or in the life of a man.

The famous French dream book is now not used as widely as before, but many modern dream books are based on this dream book, since its interpretations of dreams are allegorical, soft and tactful. According to the French dream book, seeing your beloved woman in a dream means complete love and mutual understanding in real life. If you dreamed about your beloved with another man, this means that she loves and is loved, and does not have any connections on the side and does not think about it. If you dreamed about your beloved being beautiful and happy, it means that separation and heartache are not far off. If in a dream a man hugs and kisses his beloved, then this means receiving good news, the arrival of loved ones and long-awaited people - relatives, friends.

Hasse's dream book is the most popular among those who professionally interpret dreams - fortune tellers, mediums, psychics, and so on. The highest probability of coincidences with reality is observed precisely where this dream book is used.

What does it portend?

According to this dream book, a beloved woman who smiles, hugs and talks about her love in a dream, in reality dreams of leaving a man and leaving him with nothing. If the beloved dreamed in tears, then this means that the man needs to wait trick from near and dear people. If you see a wedding with your beloved in a dream, then in reality your family life will be long and happy.

The most detailed, and at the same time the most controversial interpretations of dreams are present in David Loff’s dream book. But, due to the fact that this dream book is based on the essence of the person himself, and not on his dream, it is quite popular, especially among people who are interested in esotericism and psychology. So, if a man who has everything in order with his personal life saw his beloved woman in a dream, then this means that everything is going well with her. If a man who experiences discomfort in his relationship with his woman sees her in a dream, this means that he needs to work on the relationship, or completely break it off. According to the intimate dream book, especially popular among young people, any dream in which there is a beloved woman or man can be interpreted as knowledge of intimate life, the sexual world and joint relationships. Many dream books that exist to help a person unravel the mysteries of dreams not only help analyze their dreams, but also direct the actions and life of a doubting person in the right direction. After all, when a man sees his beloved woman in a dream, this in any case indicates that he thinks about her, loves and appreciates her. But, due to the fact that this dream book is based on the essence of the man himself, and not on his dream , it is quite popular, especially among people interested in esotericism and psychology.

So, if a man who has everything in order with his personal life saw his beloved woman in a dream, then this means that everything is going well with her. If a man who experiences discomfort in his relationship with his woman sees her in a dream, this means that he needs to work on the relationship, or completely break it off.

According to the intimate dream book, which is especially popular among young people, any dream in which there is a beloved woman or man can be interpreted as knowledge of intimate life, the sexual world and joint relationships.

There are many dream books that exist to help a person unravel the mysteries of dreams.

    Dream Interpretation "sonan"

    Dream: joint life. I dreamed of a friend who I really like. In dream it was as if we had begun a closer relationship, and he invited me to the table, prepared food for us, I sat down, and then he started a conversation, affirmatively stating that we would live together (without asking me) and that we rent the whole apartment life we can’t, and we need to buy our own. to the entry: Why do you dream about fish man. to the entry: Dream Interpretation dreamed about an ex boy.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Boy gave me a ring in dream. Former man With a man joint life. If in dream men in dream in dream see on your hand men Read completely

  • Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Boy gave me a ring in dream. Former man dreams in cases where something from your past with him reminds you of itself. Dance With a man- to marriage. As is the dance, so is joint life. If in dream you were given a ring, wait for the offer. Rings given as a gift men in dream If you in dream see on your hand men wedding ring - he has a connection with someone. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "TaroTaro"

    Why See guy in dream. If boy, which you dreamed about, looks happy and contented, then this means positive changes in your life- perhaps you will soon find a good friend, friendship with whom can develop into a love relationship. Why do you dream about a girl? With guy. If in dream you will see a girl With guy, then you should not place high hopes on your immediate plans and desires - they will not come true. Why do you dream Boy hugs.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "galya"

    Dream Interpretation "detskiysad"

    Why do you dream boy. See in dream guy whom you have known for a long time means that you will soon receive news from a person whom you have not heard anything about for a long time. Psychology joint life. Until recently, many believed that arranged marriage was an archaic relic of the past. Nevertheless, this type of marriage still exists successfully. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonniktolkovatel"

    If you in dream boy pursued dream means danger, an attempt at deception from a person similar to your character sleep. Indifference guy in dream means the same thing in reality - cooling of his feelings for you, lack of interest. If in dream boy looks into your eyes or you look into each other's eyes, dream means sincerity.Dance With guy- to marriage. As is the dance, so is joint life.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "KakProsto"

    Live With parents - not a solution, in the early stages joint life Couples often break up precisely because of parental intervention. A partner who finds himself in someone else's family will always feel awkward. Discuss With guy your passions. Everyone has certain habits, for example, running in the morning or dream until 1 p.m. on weekends. Agree to do this either together, or try not to interfere with each other. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "all-psy"

    To the question: Joint life With guy, psychologists with higher psychological education answer. I’m dating With guy half a year. Boy I know my parents, while my dad generally likes him, and my mother is neutral towards him, and let’s even say she doesn’t feel much awe. We decided live together but we don’t know how to tell my parents, his parents are aware and approve of such a step. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    If a girl wonders why she dreams of dating With guy, that means in her life The time has come when you should think about getting married, about starting a family. You should mentally prepare for moving away from your parents, because such dream means that marriage is just around the corner. If acquaintance With guy in dream an already married woman sees, this foreshadows her possible conflicts with her husband. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "zalclub"

    27 Feb 4794 You are here: Home Home comfort What you need to remember when starting joint life?Just read and think: 1. If you are starting live together With guy, That life each of you must improve.Arthur: Before sleep I have a habit of drinking warm milk. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "woman"

    joint life With guy. Guest | 07/29/2013, 17:42:32. at joint life With guy, I think girls don’t really want boy I saw pads and other feminine little things. where do you hide such similar things? and what do you do during your period with used pads (of course, you throw them away) I mean, it’s not very good in the trash can (it looks, you’ll agree, not so hot) Girls, what do you do in such cases? I understand that. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "MneSnilos"

    I dreamed: Joint life. I dreamed: 02.20.2005.we With guy We rented an apartment, it was dark and in the living room there was an old window with access to the balcony, painted boiling white, and for some reason he let his ex-girlfriend live with us, paid attention to her, kissed her, for some reason there were her glasses in our kitchen. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Boy gave me a ring in dream. Former man dreams in cases where something from your past with him reminds you of itself. Dance With a man- to marriage. As is the dance, so is joint life. If in dream you were given a ring, wait for the offer. Rings given as a gift men in dream mean union, marriage, family (if the ring was gold and intact). If you in dream see on your hand men wedding ring - he has a connection with someone. Read more

    Dream interpretation "woman and man"

    First joint life With a man. For the first time in life. All my friends already had them, but I somehow got by. What kind of women do they choose? men What kind of women are avoided? men Songs about men Cartoons about men About friendship men and women Stories about men Anniversary scenario men What to gift man How to conquer man Dream man Congratulate man Postcards for men Dream Interpretation man.Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    A dream in which one dreams boy from Tuesday to Wednesday, may indicate the lover’s intentions to begin joint life. He may invite the girl to move in with him or rent an apartment together. Girls often dream boy who she has feelings for. So, for example, if boy gave her in dream a bouquet of flowers will invite you on a date in reality. If in dream boy confesses his love, then in reality he is waiting for recognition from the sleeping woman, because sometimes it is difficult for young people to take the first step. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "meduniver"

    - Boy not ready mentally. Some men for years live With parents or themselves, not wanting to share an apartment with a woman. Maybe none of his friends have started yet joint life With loved one, so he stops breathing in dream. Apnea during sleep.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    If your man in dream dream guy, but you will also be very worried. Man in the blood dreams of danger, an accident. Dance With a man- to marriage. As is the dance, so is joint life. If in dream you were given a ring, wait for the offer. Rings given as a gift men in dream mean union, marriage, family (if the ring was gold and intact). Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    If your man in dream pale, ill-looking or beaten up, dream to bad changes and troubles. First of all, they will affect your guy, but you will also be very worried. Dance With a man- to marriage. As is the dance, so is joint life. If in dream you were given a ring, wait for the offer. Rings given as a gift men in dream mean union, marriage, family (if the ring was gold and intact). Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Water house forest sea boy child death dreams dream fear. If your beloved girl in dream smiles, it means that everything is in joint life it will be good. If the woman you love swears in dream, looks with distrust, then this means that there will be some kind of conflict involving the one who dreams of this dream, which can lead to complete rupture. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "alimero"

    Before you try live With guy under one roof, I dated him for about five years. Our conversations more and more often began with words of love and ended with thoughts about the wedding. To smooth out the moments joint accommodation, I had to try. Now, having analyzed that moment in my life, I can draw some conclusions: 1. Homework When we started live With mine guy together, then everyone had a job. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "KakProsto"

    Minuses joint life With guy. New everyday problems appear. We have to cook more, wash, clean, iron and do other routine housework. Men As a rule, they rarely take on household chores, and this mainly falls on the shoulders of girls. Financial issues can cause serious conflicts. Previously, you existed separately and did not account for waste to each other, but now you need to learn live together.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    Dream Interpretation "zizn"

    We are a month we live With my martyr We love each other, we are engaged, we have been working towards being together for a long time, we really wanted it! But here's a month together life and something changes in the relationship... We even brushed our teeth together for the first week, washed the apartment together. I try my best to be a good wife: I have sex every day, I clean, I cook, I pack sandwiches for work every day! Read more

    Dream Interpretation "timelady"

    To joint life has not cracked, you need to know how to maintain a relationship with your loved one. If you want to know how to maintain a relationship With guy go spousePerhaps one of you snores heavily in dream or forgets to wash the plate after himself, leaves...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Swimming in a pool means a certain area of ​​​​perception of your life, in which other people are present. A joint dream “MEETING” 10/16/2015. Books of the Magikum project 09/01/2015.Former boy in dream, taming an enraged table, a slap in the face, victory over...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "bolshoyvopros"

    pros joint life With guy- relationship experience. The main disadvantage of simple cohabitation is usually that guy everything will be fine and it is possible that in the future he will not want to officially legitimize the relationship. On the other hand, people get to know each other better and feel whether they are suitable for each other in everyday life, life or not. It’s possible and simple live With guy family stamp in the passport is more for society than for relationships between people! Read more

    Dream book "DomSnov"

    In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a kiss with your ex. guy in dream in Miller’s online dream book. My boyfriend and I broke up six months ago (after three years joint life).The reason for the separation was his betrayal. Of which I certainly found out. He tried several times to return the relationship, but my pride and fear of condemnation from someone else played a role here. Of course, my feelings for him have not cooled down much. Although I am building new relationships. I often think about us. If.

It has long been believed that dreams are harbingers of an imminent wedding. If a girl dreamed of certain things, events or animals, then the whole family was preparing for the holiday, waiting for a marriage proposal from the chosen one of the young bride. This tradition has survived to this day: many women are still looking for the interpretation of dreams to find out about the near future. For these purposes, dream books are used to help in their interpretation.

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    When did you have the dream?

    It is very important to take into account the period in which the dream occurred. Esotericists claim that prophetic visions occur from Thursday to Friday or from Monday to Tuesday. They can also be seen during the winter or summer solstice. In the old days, it was believed that if you had a dream about a wedding on Christmastide or from Christmas to Epiphany, then the girl would definitely get married.

    The moon in esotericism has always been considered a symbol of intuition. At this time, a person experiences a special craving and ability for clairvoyance. If a woman sees a dream during the waxing moon, then with a high probability it is prophetic.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

    What do you dream about getting married soon?

    Before getting married soon, you may dream of a situation that has nothing to do with marriage. It is worth looking at the images more deeply. It is important to learn to notice the details of your dreams in order to give them the most accurate interpretation.

    If you dreamed of any paired objects or animals, then soon the young man will propose to his girlfriend.

    Why do you dream about your ex-husband - interpretations in dream books


    Birds are frequent images in the dreams of girls who are about to get married. Dreaming of a bird's nest - foretells the imminent start of a relationship with a person from whom children will subsequently appear.

    Some animals foreshadow a quick marriage:

    • If you dream of a pair of doves, it means marriage. This dream has no other meanings, regardless of the details.
    • Swans - to the sincerity and fidelity of the future husband.
    • Storks - for a successful marriage.
    • Rabbits - the submissiveness of future partners to each other.
    • Lions in a dream are a sign foreshadowing the beginning of a new relationship and possible marriage.
    • A brown or polar bear in a dream is a sign that the dreamer will marry the reliable man she dreamed of.
    • A pack of wolves - the wedding will be soon.
    • A snake in a dream means a strong marriage.
    • Dolphins - the marriage will be happy.
    • Kittens - for gentle, warm and trusting relationships in the family.
    • A red dog means a long-awaited wedding.
    • Catching a caterpillar is a dysfunctional family relationship.

    Agricultural herd animals: pigs with piglets, goats with kids, cows with calves - dream of a large and friendly family.


    Food is less common in dreams, but is an important symbol that foretells changes in your personal life:

    • If a girl dreams of tomatoes, then this is also a symbol of imminent marriage.
    • Cabbage is seen as a sign of a large and close-knit family, which the dreamer will acquire in the future.
    • Garlic - for a marriage of convenience.
    • Eating chocolates means love adventures.
    • There are cakes - there is a chance of meeting a lover who wants to deceive the dreamer.
    • There are grapes from a bunch - a sign that foreshadows many suitors, from whom you will have to choose whom to marry. And eating seedless brown grapes means family life without quarrels.
    • Cutting a citrus or exotic fruit means a quick marriage that will not bring happiness.
    • Strawberries - for a quick meeting with your future husband.
    • Peaches or apricots - the newlyweds will be happy and kind to each other.

    If the food is rotten in the dream, then the marriage will be unhappy. A girl who was poisoned in a dream meets her chosen one who is fooling her and has no intention of marrying her.

    Plants: flowers and trees

    Dreams in which flowers appear, in most cases have a positive meaning:

    • Roses in light shades - the dreamer has a timid admirer.
    • Scarlet or burgundy roses - to passion and to new love, which does not always lead to marriage.
    • Wildflowers: daisies, cornflowers, buttercups - marriage to a simple but reliable person.
    • Exotic flowers - the husband will have unconventional thinking.
    • White flowers - to spiritual unity between partners; sexual relations in marriage will fade into the background.

    Yellow rosebuds dream of separation or disappointment in a partner. If you dreamed of any other yellow flowers, then this symbolizes the beginning of a relationship that will lead nowhere.

    A tall and strong oak tree dreams of a strong and long marriage. If the tree is rotten or dry, then family life will be short-lived. Grass is also a good sign. The dreamer can mow, tear the grass, collect it into haystacks - this is for the wedding. If you dream about nettles, then the woman will have to choose between several men. If you get burned by this plant, it will be very difficult to choose.

    Accessories and decorations

    An excess of gold in dreams speaks of the greed and vanity of a future partner.

    If a girl dreams of rings, then this means a wedding with her man. But there should be exactly two rings - no more and no less. If they just hang in the air, then the marriage will not take place soon. And if the jewelry is on a pillow, in a box or on your hand, then the celebration will take place in the near future. A ring given by a man that does not fit the dreamer in size is a sign that the lady will not be able to accept the marriage proposal due to some circumstances. Finding, taking away, or stealing jewelry is a foreshadowing that a woman will take a man away or will live the same way as the lady whose ring was stolen in a dream.

    Seeing a necklace in a dream is a sign that speaks of the limitations that the dreamer will experience. Restrictions will be related to family obligations.

    Sometimes women dream of chains or bracelets - they are symbols of dependence on someone. Perhaps a spouse or one of his family members.

    Accessories in the form of crosses foreshadow an unhappy family life.

    Interior and household items

    If in a dream you see that the dreamer receives keys from a man, then the partner will be wealthy, especially when the item is gold. This can be a bunch of keys, or a separate key to an apartment or car. Often a vision predicts a marriage of convenience, but not serious feelings. Buying some household items promises the lady a quick family life. This could be carpets, household appliances, dishes, and some furniture. In this case, marriage between people can be unofficial.

    A broken clock in the house is a symbol that there will be problems in the marriage in the area of ​​sexual relations.

    The interior and furnishings in dreams play an important role:

    • A beautifully renovated kitchen is a symbol of comfort, warmth and well-being in a relationship between two people.
    • Pasting wallpaper means changes in the love sphere of life.
    • Doors in the apartment - meeting a lover, a new level in a relationship.

    Shoes and clothing

    If a woman sees herself trying on men's trousers, then this is also a positive sign, foreshadowing family life.

    A pair of shoes means moving, traveling, meeting, dating, romance. Usually such a vision is interpreted as pre-wedding. Shoes can be absolutely anything - felt boots, boots, and shoes. The main thing is that the shoes suit the dreamer. If it doesn’t fit, then the marriage relationship will be difficult, the partners are too different people. It is believed that the higher the sole or heel, the taller the future groom will be.

    Terrain, nature, buildings

    Seeing a port, pier or shore in your dreams means loneliness will soon end and a new happy married life will begin.

    A beautiful sunrise on the seashore is not only a wonderful dream, but also a harbinger that the bride will walk down the aisle in a beautiful dress.

    Looking at the moon - soon a woman will experience feelings for a new person. This could be an old acquaintance with whom an affair will begin. Moonlight signifies an open heart for new relationships.

    If you suddenly dreamed of spring, then this promises the lady an unexpected meeting that can develop into something more. Spring weather in a dream means great love.

    If you dreamed of a building under construction, then this is the beginning of family life. It is important that dreams have a solid foundation - then the groom will also be reliable.

    Dream details

    When interpreting a vision, you should pay attention to details that could be associated with marriage and relationships on a subconscious level. The self-awareness of oneself in a dream is affected.

    Such a dream is a reaction of the brain to what is happening in life, and foreshadows something on an intuitive level.

    The dreamer should pay attention to the colors and atmosphere of her dreams. The abundance of red, pink, ocher, crimson can indicate unconscious love.

    If dreams hinting at marriage occur within a year or several months, then the woman experiences some kind of emotional discomfort or suffers from an excess of feelings. Sometimes, on the contrary, this is the phenomenon that a girl is absolutely happy and satisfied with her relationship with her boyfriend.

    Important nuances in dream interpretation A dream about an imminent marriage does not always contain any wedding attributes.

    A woman who dreams of a wedding with an old man may become seriously ill. Getting married to a young and handsome man is good news not related to relationships.

    Seeing marriage from the outside means meeting an old acquaintance or acquaintance. For divorced or unmarried people, this image foreshadows a quick, whirlwind romance. If a single girl sees her friend’s wedding, then this is a sign that foreshadows great love. For married ladies, such a dream promises danger.

    A bride in a white dress lying in a coffin is a symbol that the marriage will be short-lived and unhappy.

    Elderly women who dream of a man asking for marriage should take a closer look at their surroundings. This means that there is a person who loved her very much throughout her life. Another interpretation of the dream is that throughout his life the husband was faithful to the dreamer.

Dreams about marriage do not always show a picture of a real wedding. For the most part, visions predicting an imminent marriage in reality appear in the form of symbols that, at first glance, are in no way connected with this event.

Prophetic dreams, as a rule, occur on the night from Monday to Tuesday, from Thursday to Friday, during the summer and winter solstice

What dreams do you have before marriage?

It is noteworthy that dreams, which will be discussed further, can have several interpretations. Moreover, among them there are practically no universal ones that can be considered as an accurate sign of an approaching wedding. However, with a certain plot, the following pictures in night dreams are considered by dream books precisely in the context of imminent marriage.

Prophetic dreams, as a rule, occur on the night from Monday to Tuesday, from Thursday to Friday, during the summer and winter solstice. Among the holidays: from Christmas to Epiphany and Christmastide.

Wild and domestic animals

A bear becomes a harbinger of an imminent legal marriage. This is the most striking symbol that promises the dreamer the creation of a strong, friendly family. At the same time, it is better that the bear in the dream is white - it personifies a worthy man with whom the dreamer will connect her life. However, marriage proposals will have to wait a while.

Running away from the owner of the forest, hiding from him is a sign of an imminent wedding. However, if the bear in the dream was angry, then this may indicate that the marriage will be forced, and family relationships will be strained. The beast did not scare you - life together promises to be smooth and calm.

Wolves make a similar prediction. If you saw one animal in a dream - to meet your betrothed, a whole flock - soon you will be preparing for the long-awaited wedding ceremony.

Among the harbingers of a wedding, dream books also highlight:

  • a red dog;
  • a pig with piglets;
  • cow with calves;
  • white horse;
  • rabbits with offspring;
  • lion family;
  • snake;
  • dolphins;
  • kittens

Some dream interpreters are inclined to believe that fish can also promise marriage. She promises a replenishment of the family, and here we can reason as follows: married ladies dream about the birth of a child, girls who are not in a relationship - about meeting a new family member, that is, a future husband.


  1. A pair of doves is one of the few symbols with a single meaning. The dream speaks of marriage, regardless of the storyline.
  2. I dreamed about storks - the marriage will be successful.
  3. If in your night dreams you saw swans, the dream promises fidelity and sincerity on the part of your future husband.

A bird's nest is also a good sign. The dream suggests that soon you will meet a person with whom you can start a family and give him children.

Fruits and vegetables

Changes in your personal life are promised by dreams in which you saw a lot of delicious vegetables and fruits. The main predictors in this case are:

  • ripe strawberries - if the dreamer decided to try ripe berries in a dream, then this means an early marriage;
  • red, ripe tomatoes promise a wealthy groom, unripe fruits indicate that the girl will refuse the proposal or will think about her answer for a very long time;
  • carrots become a harbinger of a wedding and a new addition to the family only for young representatives of the fair sex; for older women, the dream promises unexpected profits;
  • cabbage promises the dreamer not only a long-awaited marriage, but also a large, friendly family;
  • grapes symbolize a strong union, a long life together, full of love and mutual understanding;
  • garlic becomes a sign that the dreamer will have an arranged marriage;
  • exotic fruits that you cut in half in a dream indicate an unhappy marriage;
  • apricots and peaches indicate that the future spouse’s attitude towards his wife will be tender and reverent.

Fruit poisoning is a bad sign. The dream speaks of the insincerity of the partner, who will soon change his mind about registering the relationship.

Flowers and trees

Before marriage, one often dreams of a green garden or a picturesque park. But it is very important to pay attention to the general atmosphere of the dream. If there is a feeling of calm, tranquility, there is a couple of lovers walking between the trees, then the dream promises a quick wedding and family happiness.

But if a man and a woman in a dream pick apples or plums from trees and try them, then this is a bad sign - the relationship in this case promises to be short-lived. In addition, if partners suddenly break their embrace and go their separate ways, then this is a warning about an extramarital affair.

Before marriage, one often dreams of a green garden or a picturesque park.

A clear sign of imminent marriage is a dream in which you saw a stinging plant - nettle. Moreover, if the dreamer makes her way through dense thickets, this means that she will choose between several contenders.

A dream in which you were burned by grass indicates that making the final choice will not be easy. Caring for nettles means getting married for selfish reasons.

White flowers speak of a wedding and a special atmosphere in the family: spiritual values ​​and unity between partners will come first. Exotic representatives of the flora hint to the dreamer that her future husband will have an unconventional mindset. If in a dream you saw the most ordinary wildflowers, then this means that you are about to marry a simple, but at the same time devoted and very reliable person.

A man saw a bouquet in a dream - the dream speaks of his readiness to formalize the relationship with his chosen one.

Many dream interpreters associate oak with the creation of a strong family. And the higher the tree, the happier the married life promises to be. But if you dream of a dried oak tree, then this indicates that the spouses will not live together for long. To see someone cutting down or cutting down a tree trunk means that the husband will have another woman, which will destroy the marriage.


Another pre-wedding vision is a pair of shoes. But there are some nuances here too.

  1. A high sole or heel indicates that the man will be tall.
  2. The shoes don't fit - life together promises to be difficult.
  3. I dreamed of only one shoe - to a short-term marriage, widowhood.
  4. In one couple there are two different instances - quarrels and scandals due to the different characters of the partners.
  5. A comfortable, beautiful pair that fits in size means a happy marriage.

Absolutely any shoes become a harbinger of a wedding: summer, winter, demi-season. You can try it on in a dream, buy it, and even accidentally find it on the road. However, there should be no extremes in the storyline. For example, if you tear your boots or shoes, this may indicate a breakdown in your current relationship or an imminent divorce.


Not all jewelry can become a symbol of a happy marriage. What will the dream books tell you?

  1. Gold rings, earrings and other jewelry made of this noble metal indicate a complex family life. The future spouse will have character traits such as greed and vanity, which will negatively affect the atmosphere in the family.
  2. Seeing jewelry with diamonds means financial independence from your future husband. And this does not mean at all that he will not provide for his family. Perhaps the dreamer will advance up the career ladder, which will allow her to make a significant contribution to the family budget.
  3. In a dream, you are given jewelry - the young man you marry will be wealthy. And the more gifts you receive in a dream, the wealthier the groom will be.
  4. Two rings are a symbol of marriage. If they are lying in a box or showing off on the fingers of lovers, preparations for the celebration can already begin, since the wedding is just around the corner. They just hang in the air - the dreamer will definitely hear the marriage proposal, but not soon.
  5. The man gave him a ring, but it didn’t fit; the girl will be forced to reject the offer for reasons beyond her control.
  6. In a dream, you stole jewelry or took it from someone - the woman is destined for the role of a homewrecker. It is possible to marry a man who will leave his family for you.
  7. A necklace, chain, bracelet - these items speak of limitations and dependence on the future spouse.
  8. If you dreamed of a pectoral cross or a decoration in the form of a cross, this signifies a marriage that will turn out to be unhappy.

Household items, household chores

Dreams in which you see a house, interior items, household items, as well as changes in the environment, can also tell about an imminent marriage. You just need to remember what exactly attracted your attention.

  • A successful marriage is promised by a dream in which a girl receives keys from a man. It is especially good if they were gold - in this case the groom will be rich and will be able to provide for his family. But a marriage of convenience cannot be ruled out.
  • If you bought a carpet, get ready to try on the role of a wife. Dream books promise prosperity and prosperity.
  • Noticed - to problems in the intimate life of future spouses.
  • A beautiful kitchen renovation promises a warm atmosphere, a cozy family and a prosperous life together.
  • A dream in which the dreamer happened to be gluing wallpaper promises new love, a meeting with her betrothed and a marriage proposal.
  • If you see that there is a new door in your house - get ready for a fateful meeting and subsequent marriage. For girls who are currently in a relationship, this same dream promises a quick wedding.
  • Rearranging the furniture in the apartment means living together with a young man. However, in this case, dream books do not indicate an official marriage, but a civil marriage.
  • Parents dreamed that their daughter was doing general cleaning, sorting out or taking out her things - soon she would leave their house and move into her own, where she would build a new family.

Wedding and pre-wedding arrangements

Sometimes before the wedding, girls dream about the wedding ceremony itself or the troubles that precede it.

  1. Seeing preparations for your own wedding means getting married soon in real life. If at the same time the dreamer tried on a veil, then this is a clear sign that the marriage will be happy. But if you wore a wedding dress along with the veil, then this is a bad sign. Dream books predict events due to which the ceremony will need to be postponed.
  2. The wedding of acquaintances, relatives, strangers can also be a dream of marriage. However, dream books say that the union will not be strong, and the spouses will soon separate.
  3. Hearing a marriage proposal in a dream is a sign of a new acquaintance. The relationship promises to be romantic and will definitely develop into something more - you will definitely create a strong, friendly and happy family.
  4. A dream in which you were lucky enough to catch the bride’s bouquet becomes a prediction of an imminent wedding.

For marriage, there is also a dream in which the dreamer tied a belt (but not gold) or decorated her wedding dress with ribbons (but not black!).

Seeing preparations for your own wedding means getting married soon in real life

Unusual dreams

The following dreams are also associated with the imminent entry into legal marriage.

  • Preparing fluffy dough. If a girl in a dream kneads, tastes, bakes the dough, or simply sees it, then this indicates that she will soon hear a long-awaited proposal from her lover.
  • Newborn in arms. Cradled a cute baby, sang a song to him, pressed him to your chest - you can hope to meet the man with whom you will soon link your destiny.
  • The Orthodox Church is dreamed of for a wedding, however, according to dream books, it will not happen as soon as we would like. A dream in which you happened to cry in a temple has a similar interpretation.
  • You dreamed of a gypsy who told you fortune - the dream promises a quick marriage. But here the interpreters insist that there is no need to rush too much, otherwise marriage will not bring happiness - the chosen one is unreliable. If the dreamer herself appeared in a dream in the form of a gypsy, the spouses will live in love and mutual understanding.
  • Seeing a colorful sunrise on a picturesque seashore is a sign of a luxurious wedding, where the bride will appear in a chic wedding dress.
  • If you saw a building being built, then such a dream also hints at creating your own family. The main thing is that the foundation of this structure is strong and durable - this indicates the reliability of the future spouse.
  • You can expect a marriage proposal after a dream in which your subconscious showed you a beautiful island washed by crystal waters. Family relationships and feelings promise to be as pure as the water in the ocean. And if you and your lover also studied it, walked across a bridge or overcame stormy streams - this is a sure sign of an imminent wedding.
  • Some dream books associate a dream about a funeral and corresponding attributes with marriage. But this interpretation will be appropriate only in one case: if one of her relatives saw such a dream with the participation of an unmarried girl.
  • Sometimes the bonds of marriage are encrypted in dreams quite strongly. This is evidenced by dreams in which the dreamer is tied, chained, in a word, her movements are greatly constrained and she is unable to get out. And here emotions are of great importance: the feelings experienced in the vision will be reflected in married life.

When considering the symbols of an imminent marriage, remember that a dream can only be true if the subconscious shows them to us unexpectedly, without the influence of events from reality.

Why do you dream about your loved one? The interpretation of a dream depends entirely on the interpretation of the most memorable details and can be both positive and negative. Popular dream books will help you correctly decipher what you saw in your dreams.

Interpretation from the dream book of lovers

Why do you dream of a loved one and a kiss in the dark? Be careful: numerous envious people are spreading false rumors about you. Kissing in the light is much better. In the real world, you will be able to avoid notoriety and trouble.

Did you dream that your loved one left for someone else and even married her? You will be jealous of your chosen one for absolutely no reason. If in a dream you experienced cooling from your loved one, then in reality you will be faced with a choice: get married or live alone. According to the dream book, seeing the true love and passion of a loved one means that in reality you will experience real happiness.

Why do you dream if in the night you managed to cheat on your loved one? This means that in the real world you will also easily resort to deception. The interpretation of a dream is similar if you dreamed of a betrayal of a loved one. In the night, did someone give you a photo of your chosen one? The dream book is sure that he stays with you for selfish reasons.

Interpretation according to women's dream book

Why dream that your loved one showered you with gifts in a dream? A sharp change in your current situation is coming, most likely you will get married.

Did you dream that you were walking with your loved one in beautiful nature? In reality, you will soon go on vacation together and have a wonderful rest. The dream book considers this same plot to be an omen of a happy marriage.

It's bad to see you say goodbye to your loved one. This means that he is indifferent to you and your union will soon fall apart. However, the dream book advises not to be discouraged: in the near future you will meet your true love.

Decoding according to Freud's dream book

Why do you dream about your loved one? In a dream, it symbolizes complete satisfaction with life, including its romantic side. Moreover, you are so satisfied with everything that you do not want to change anything.

Did you dream that your loved one was in some danger? The Dream Interpretation believes that this reflects the fear of losing him.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Did you happen to see your loved one? You are completely satisfied with your current situation. If you are overwhelmed with a feeling of love for your chosen one, then there has been tangible progress in business, which will provide you with complete freedom from worries.

Did you dream that you fell out of love or that your chosen one showed unusual coldness? The dream book believes that you have to make a serious choice: leave everything as it is or completely change your life.

Why do you dream about a loved one, a man, a guy, a boy?

Did you dream about your loved one? Prosperity and stability await you. A sincere feeling in a dream indicates complete contentment and satisfaction, and also promises excellent prospects. Why do you dream that in a dream you love a man or a guy literally to madness? To achieve your goal, you will have to give it your all and work hard. If a boy whom you once loved very much appeared in a dream, then serious life changes are coming.

What does it mean if a loved one has left for another, abandoned, abandoned

Did you dream that your loved one cheated on you with someone else? This does not mean at all that this is exactly what will happen in reality. Most likely, you will be deceived about something else. Why do you dream that your loved one has left for someone else? Your relationship is unacceptably everyday and monotonous. Immediately introduce variety into them, otherwise everything will end in a complete break. Did you happen to see that your beloved man left you in a dream? You are clearly worried that you might lose him. Stop overthinking and talk frankly with him - the problem will immediately disappear.

I dreamed of a loved one covered in blood, in a hospital, in prison

If in a dream your loved one was covered in blood, then in reality he risks getting sick, having an accident, or simply quarreling with your relatives. If you dreamed that your loved one was in the hospital, then in reality you can rest assured that he is in excellent health. But in other areas of life, serious troubles are possible. Why dream that your loved one was sent to a mental hospital? A difficult period is coming, which will be filled with all sorts of difficulties and experiences. The worst thing is to see your loved one in prison. This means that you will be disappointed in him or, at a minimum, doubt his integrity.

Why in a dream a loved one died, lies in a coffin, was killed

Seeing your loved one in a coffin is good. This is an omen of stability and prosperity. In extremely rare cases, the interpretation of a dream is direct. Did you dream that your loved one died? He is equally likely to live a long life or break up with you. The same plot hints at the cooling of old feelings. Why dream that your loved one was killed? In reality, you will quarrel with him or he will suddenly become rich.

A loved one gives a ring

If a loved one gives a ring in a dream, this is a sign of an imminent wedding or, at a minimum, of his fidelity and love. If your loved one gives you a beautiful gift for the holiday, then your dream will come true. If you are in a state of quarrel, then you will certainly make peace soon.

Sometimes the plot has nothing to do with the real relationship. If a loved one gives something, then you need to listen to your inner voice. If you don’t have a loved one, but dreamed that your chosen one was literally inundated with gifts? The upcoming acquaintance will end in a happy marriage.

In a dream, a loved one confesses his love, makes a confession, proposes

This image does not have the most pleasant interpretation, because most often the law of inversion comes into play. If in a dream a loved one confessed his love, then in reality he can cheat, deceive or abandon.

Moreover, if you dreamed that your lover proposed, then take a closer look at him - you are probably just being used. If you yourself managed to confess your love to your betrothed, then expect favors and gifts from fate.

Why do you dream if your loved one scolds or hits you?

Unlike the previous one, this plot indicates complete harmony in the relationship. Moreover, the harder a loved one beats in a dream, the more sincerely he loves. If you yourself beat your chosen one, then make peace with him after a minor quarrel. If he beat you, then things will go smoothly. But if you dreamed that your loved one was angry and angry, then get ready for mistrust and disagreement.

Why do you dream that your loved one scolds you? There is a chance that you will get sick. A scandal with a lover also indicates the commission of an impartial act, which will entail disorder and turmoil. It is best if in a dream after a scandal with your loved one you feel calm and relief. This means that in the near future you will not face any difficulties, because you have received the necessary release of emotions.

Beloved in a dream - even more transcripts

The interpretation of a dream is mainly based on the actions of the dreamer and the main character. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the mood of your loved one in a dream, your own feelings and the characteristics of the dream atmosphere.

  • evil - mistake, mistake, stupid act
  • happy - good luck, things will get better
  • patient - worsening situation, trials
  • hairy - huge profit
  • kisses in the dark - beware of gossip and slander
  • in the light - avoid big troubles
  • married someone else - unreasonable jealousy
  • on you - separation, less often - direct interpretation
  • indifferent - choice between marriage and loneliness
  • jealous - victory over a rival
  • hits - loves
  • leaves silently - parting
  • cheated - breach of trust
  • you cheated - you will deceive a loved one
  • your loved one has group sex - disappointment in love
  • same-sex - resentment, failure
  • with a stranger - fantastic luck, winning
  • dancing with a rival - show restraint and wisdom
  • with you - harmonious relationship
  • photo of your loved one - they don’t love you, they only use you
  • gives expensive gifts - a rich and decent husband in the future
  • ring – sincere love, real wedding
  • jewelry - luck, success in endeavors
  • gives money - lack of heat
  • give your loved one a slap in the face - confidence, calm
  • a promise is a noble deed
  • medicine - success in business
  • walking with your loved one - a successful marriage, a pleasant pastime
  • going together - living together or implementing plans
  • eating at the same table - a quarrel, up to a complete break
  • dreaming about a loved one - anxiety, concern for loved ones
  • rejecting a loved one - change, a complete change in lifestyle
  • saying goodbye to him - indifference, breakup

Did you dream that you didn’t feel particularly sad when saying goodbye to your loved one? In reality, there will be many more fans, and one day you will meet your true soul mate.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):