Major renovation

Major renovation- a set of significant works to improve the condition of buildings and structures, engineering communications, machinery and equipment, etc.

The word “capital” is derived from the word “capital”, which in in this case means “main”, “big”, “significant”.

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    See what “Major repairs” is in other dictionaries: major renovation - Repairs performed to restore serviceability and complete or close to full restoration of the resource of an object with the replacement or restoration of any components . Note The value of a resource close to full is established in the normative...

    Technical Translator's Guide Major renovation - repairs carried out to restore serviceability and complete or close to complete restoration of the service life of a product with the replacement or restoration of any of its parts, including basic ones;... Source: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2010 N 533... ...

    Official terminology See Overhaul Dictionary of business terms. 2001 ...

    Dictionary of business terms Simple reproduction of the active and passive parts of fixed assets that have used up their standard resource, and restoration of elements of fixed assets that have not yet been worn out in order to use their operational resources. Major renovation... ... Big

    encyclopedic Dictionary Simple reproduction of the active and passive parts of fixed assets that have used up their standard resource, and the restoration of elements of fixed assets that have not yet been worn out in order to use their operational resources. K.r. equipment... ...

    Legal Dictionary Reproduction of fixed assets through major, comprehensive repairs, in which entire worn-out parts, assemblies, and parts of machines, buildings, and structures are replaced. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B.. Modern economic dictionary ...

    Economic dictionary CAPITAL, oh, oh; flax, flax. Basic, radical, very important. K. question. K. labor. Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 …

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary- simple reproduction of the active and passive parts of fixed assets that have used up their standard resource, and restoration of elements of fixed assets that have not yet been worn out in order to use their operational resources. In a relationship… … Legal encyclopedia

    See what “Major repairs” is in other dictionaries: - 3.11 major renovation: Repairs carried out to restore serviceability, complete or close to full restoration of the technical resource of the EPS with the replacement or restoration of any of its parts, including basic ones. Source … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Restoration of parts of fixed assets that have used up their standard resource, and renewal of elements of fixed assets that have not yet been worn out in order to use their operational resources. Overhaul of equipment, complex of works on... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

- Resolution of the Moscow District AS of September 19, 2014 No. A40-116450/13. Dismantling and replacement of elements and systems of the premises are aimed at restoring its functional purpose and are not capitalized work (section III, V, VI, VIII, XI, XII, XIII, XIV appendix 8);

— Resolution of the Fifteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated July 10, 2014 No. A53-17409/2013. Repair costs for repairing cracks in the foundation, walls, ceilings and roof, strengthening the structure, plastering walls, painting, replacing roofing, new concrete covering genders can be taken into account for tax purposes at a time;

- Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Central District dated November 5, 2013 No. A54-7269/2012. Worn-out structures were replaced with newer and more durable ones, communications were replaced, and partial redevelopment was carried out with an increase in the total area of ​​the partitions to 20 percent. The inspection noted that the work performed led to an increase in the area of ​​the premises. But the court, based on the floor plans, concluded that the total area of ​​the disputed premises changed insignificantly due to the use of more modern materials at construction work;

- Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Volga-Vyatka District dated December 25, 2013 No. A43-32179/2012. The faults have been eliminated, the building has been brought into a condition suitable for use, and partitions have been installed. The inspection indicated a change in the purpose of the property. The court noted that there was no increase in production capacity, improvement in quality, changes in product range, or changes in the main technical and economic indicators of the building;

- Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the East Siberian District dated November 1, 2013 No. A19-3291/2013. Dismantling of plywood chipboard wall cladding, partitions, metal lintels, baseboards, wooden stands, cabinet shelves, wall cladding and installation of plasterboard suspended ceilings, filling potholes in existing cement floors; replacement wooden windows on PVC blocks, installation of door blocks; laying heating pipelines; reinstallation of heating radiators; punching openings in brick walls Oh; repair concrete preparation; installation of finishing screed, insulation with mineral wool, linoleum and carpets and other works are repairs;

— Resolution of the Eighth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated May 17, 2012 No. A81-888/2011. The Inspectorate indicated that due to installation work in fact, new fixed assets were created without dismantling old ones. The court took into account that dismantling before the work was carried out was impossible, since the work was carried out at an existing, operating facility (section XXpril. 8). The work meets the criteria for a major overhaul;

— Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Ural District dated September 15, 2011 No. A76-25924/10. Change cast iron pipes for polyethylene is a major overhaul, not a reconstruction, functional purpose the pipeline has not changed (Section XVI, Appendix 8);

- Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Volga-Vyatka District dated 08/12/11 No. A82-7144/2010. Repair of floors, cable ducts and replacement of door blocks are major repairs (Section VIApp. 8);

— Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North Caucasus District dated April 11, 2011 No. A53-10464/2010. Installation of new ventilation systems and water supply meets the criteria for major repairs (sections XII and XIII appendix 8), and not modernization or reconstruction. As a result of the repair, there was no improvement in production and an increase in its technical and economic indicators; throughput pipelines;

— resolutions of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North Caucasus District dated 02.16.11 No. A32-15838/2010, dated 02.11.11 No. A32-16132/2010. Insulation, putty, primer, painting walls, finishing balconies, dismantling and installation paving slabs, dismantling and installation of wells are repair work, their cost is not capitalized (sections IV and XVI appendix 8);

- Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Central District dated December 30, 2010 No. A68-1971/10. Costs for façade repairs and reinforcement structural elements buildings are undergoing renovation. Current expenses also include expenses for work preceding repairs (preparing a project plan, conducting geodetic tests), and for redevelopment associated with carrying out these works;

— Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District dated December 3, 2010 No. A40-13115/10-114-80. Work was carried out on the dismantling of covering slabs, timber sheathing, insulation of coverings, leveling screeds, roof fencing, dismantling of roof coverings from roll materials, covering the bottom of the gallery, installing covering panels, installing floors, installing purlins, installing floor trusses, and replacing windows. These works relate to repairs (in particular, section IV appendix 8);

- Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Volga-Vyatka District dated November 2, 2010 No. A82-4702/2009. The administrative and industrial building “turned” into a cultural and entertainment center, and there was a change in quantitative parameters (after completion of the work, the total area of ​​premises for rent increased). The area, number of floors and volume of the building have not changed. The court recognized that the work carried out by its nature was aimed at restoring the building and was a repair;

- Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Ural District dated September 21, 2010 No. A47-6070/2008. The reconstruction works specified in the contract are repair work, since they did not cause changes intended purpose entrance building (gatehouse), the technical and economic indicators of the building’s functioning have not changed. The dismantling of structures on the foundation, dismantling of insulated coverings, dismantling of brick walls, reinforced concrete floors, reinforcement of masonry walls and concrete foundations, laying of brick partitions, laying of slabs and coverings, replacement of small coverings made of steel and roll coverings, vapor barrier installation, insulation, screed, putty and primer, painting, plastering, installation of gate frames, roof replacement and heating system; installation of window and door units, equipped basement;

- Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District dated September 4, 2009 No. A40-94373/08-139-447. Work on partial redevelopment, repair of the vestibule, floors, replacement of air ducts, repair and partial replacement of masonry, replacement of partitions and parts concrete base rightfully classified as major repair work. As a result of the work carried out, the service or technological purpose of both the building as a whole and the renovated premises of the building did not change (section II, III, V, XII appendix 8);

- Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District dated February 15, 2010 No. A40-95760/08-116-293. As a result of the work performed, the old fence was dismantled, a new fence was installed and painted, gates were installed and swing gates. Since the technological and service purpose of the fence has not changed, these works are a major overhaul (section XXI appendix 8);

— Resolution of the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated July 14, 2009 No. A40-16205/09-99-33. When replacing, the type of new coating must comply with the requirements of the standards and technical specifications for new construction. Fireproof doors are installed in the work areas. For this purpose produced auxiliary works: removal of trims, removal door leaves, dismantling door frames. Work was also carried out to improve the cosmetic and production status office premises. The work is recognized as current repairs, since they do not meet the criteria for major repairs (Sections VI and VIII, Appendix 3);

- Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District dated May 26, 2009 No. A40-27155/07-98-157. Punching of openings in brick structures and installation of blocks in external and internal doorways, dismantling masonry and laying individual sections of brick walls, dismantling and installing gable rafters, replacing sheathing with gaps from boards up to 30 mm thick, dismantling metal structures, installing perforated flooring, old insulation from mineral wool, insulation of coatings with mineral wool slabs, installation of ventilation systems made of galvanized steel sheets, waterproofing with sealant, louvres, door blocks and other construction and installation work related to major repairs;

- Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-Western District dated October 17, 2008 No. A56-48759/2007. System adjustment central heating, change of individual sections heating devices and small sections of pipelines when eliminating leaks and blockages in pipes, repair and replacement of control and shut-off valves and other works on the content refer to the works current repairs, their cost is not capitalized (section XIII app. 3);

- Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the West Siberian District dated August 27, 2008 No. A81-461/2008. The pipeline repair work carried out by the company fully corresponds in content to major repairs (section XVII appendix 8);

- Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-Western District dated May 21, 2007 No. A56-27115/2006. Laying partitions, installing additional bathrooms and hoods, repair and finishing work (puttying, painting walls, laying tiles, installing suspended ceilings, door repair) are major repairs

The article will help you find out the differences between major and current repairs and what is included in the common property of the house

Do you know the difference between current repairs and major repairs? And who should pay their cost? How often should major home repairs be carried out and who is responsible for such actions? To these and other questions within the framework of the topic “Current and major repairs apartment buildings"We will give detailed answers in this article.

Common property of an apartment building

Since the current and major repairs of apartment buildings relate specifically to common property, it would be advisable to list what is included in it.

Simply put, common property includes everything that does not belong to specific owners, namely:

  • Foundation.
  • Facade.
  • Roof.
  • Water supply risers (hot and cold).
  • The basement and the equipment located in it.
  • Heat supply for the entrance.
  • Power supply for the entrance.
  • Room and elevator shaft.
  • Mailboxes.
  • Home security system (entrance door, intercom, video surveillance, security equipment, etc.)

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Major renovation

Major renovation apartment building - this is carrying out work to eliminate malfunctions of worn-out house structures, including their restoration or replacement.

A comprehensive overhaul is the renovation of the entire building as a whole.

Selective overhaul is a repair individual designs building or individual engineering equipment.

Many citizens of our country are dissatisfied, and often extremely outraged, by the need to pay for the costs of major repairs in 2019. This can be explained by the fact that sums of money have to be paid regardless of whether these repairs are required for this moment or you can completely do without it. In other words, people have to pay money for repairs that can be carried out in just a few years.

Well, what can you do?! According to federal and regional laws, Russians are required to pay contributions for major repairs. The amount of payment is determined at the regional level, and the requirement itself has a legislative form in the form of amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Owners have the right to choose the method of accumulating funds that will be used for major repairs. They can be placed in a regional operator account or in a special bank account.

According to the regional program, funds for major repairs come from several sources:

  • Payment to homeowners.
  • Funds from the regional budget.
  • Funds from the housing and communal services fund.

The minimum amount of contributions is determined by regional authorities, but at the request of the owners, general meeting it can be increased.

In most cases, it is impossible to refuse to pay for major repairs. Otherwise, this may lead to problems in the form of debt accumulation and penalties in the amount of 1/300 of the refinancing rate Central Bank RF for each overdue day. Procedures that can be applied to citizens who do not make contributions to the capital repair fund are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

As for the total debt of the owners of a separate apartment building, if the amount of payments is less than 50% of the amount of bills submitted for payment, the state housing supervision authority gives 5 months for this situation to be corrected.

If after a certain time the debt is not repaid, then the local government body, whose competence includes making decisions on transferring funds from the special account to the account of the regional operator, is notified. If the account owner refuses to take such actions, then, in accordance with parts 8-10 of Article 173 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the funds can be recovered in court.

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How to make repairs using capital repair funds?

It will depend on who will do the overhaul (technical specifications, design documentation, construction supervision, customer, developer, etc.) or the owners themselves or they agree to take it upon themselves. Therefore, solutions may be different. Residents themselves choose a contractor and construction control, or authorize all problems from the management authority, management company (with its consent).
And do not forget that they have the right to offset the funds spent on major repairs against future contributions, if the next similar major repair does not occur earlier than in the regional program

Who is exempt from contributions for major repairs?

Only residents of buildings located in in emergency condition subject to reconstruction or demolition. If the house was declared unsafe after it was included in the capital repair program, then funds from the fund will have to be used for the purpose of its reconstruction and demolition (in accordance with Part 2 of Article 174 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

According to Part 1 of Article 168 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, houses with less than three apartments should not be included in the capital repair program.

Rules for major repairs

The rules for major repairs are that they must begin no earlier than 9:00 am and end no later than 7:00 pm. Workers have the right to perform noisy work for the entire specified period of time. On holidays and weekends, such work should not be carried out, since residents have the right to rest during the specified period. In turn, apartment owners need to be prepared for the fact that a major renovation of their home may take from 6 to 12 months. In this case, the speed depends on the complexity of the work performed and on the efficiency of the workers performing it.

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Current repairs of an apartment building

Current repairs of an apartment building are pre-planned work that is carried out within a certain time period (once a quarter, once a year).

Current repairs in apartment building is carried out exclusively in relation to the common property of residents. In other words, such repairs will be carried out to the door of the apartment.

List of works that are included in the payment for current repairs:

  • Sealing cracks and seams in walls and foundations.
  • Sealing wall cracks and seams.
  • Relaying some sections of brick walls.
  • Sealing cracks and potholes in block and panel walls.
  • Sealing seams and joints.
  • Sealing holes in facades and walls.
  • Restoration of individual sections of walls and cornices.
  • Restoring damaged plaster.
  • Restoration of cladding.
  • Repair of individual architectural parts that may fall.
  • Restoration of stucco.
  • Restoration of waterproofing areas of the foundation.
  • Strengthening the foundation.
  • Replacement of individual sections of the foundation.
  • Repair and ventilation installation.
  • Repair or change of blind area.
  • Restoration of basement entrances.
  • Sandblasting and washing of facades, balconies and loggias up to the 2nd floor.
  • Insulation of windows in certain rooms that tend to freeze.
  • Replacing drains on window openings.
  • Repair and painting of building facades (one-story and two-story).
  • Partial replacement or strengthening of wooden floor elements.
  • Restoration of screed and backfill.
  • Antiception wooden structures and their fire protection.
  • Sealing of seams in joints of prefabricated reinforced concrete floors.
  • Sealing cracks in reinforced concrete concrete.
  • Insulation steel beams attic.
  • Painting attic beams.
  • Strengthening the elements of the rafter system.
  • Changing individual rafters.
  • Replacement of drainpipes.
  • Partial roof replacement.
  • Repair of individual sections of the roof...
  • Replacement of individual sections of parapet gratings.
  • Replacement of fire escapes and fences.
  • Replacing home grounding devices.
  • Restoration of cornice and ridge ventilation ducts.
  • Repair of the attic covering (restoration of the insulating and waterproofing layer).
  • Repair of dormer windows.
  • Repair of roof exits.
  • Equipment of devices for fastening safety ropes.
  • Replacement of door and window fillings.
  • Replacement of door and window devices.
  • Installation of springs, stops and closers.
  • Replacement and strengthening of certain sections of wooden partitions.
  • Sealing cracks in slab partitions.
  • Repair of potholes and cracks in stairs and landings.
  • Partial replacement of steps and railings.
  • Strengthening metal and wooden railings.
  • Replacement of balcony grilles.
  • Installation and restoration of umbrellas over the entrances to the entrance.
  • Installation of canopies over the entrances to the basement.
  • Replacement of some sections of floors.
  • Replacing floor waterproofing.
  • All types of work on troubleshooting furnaces and their relocation.
  • Relocation of some areas chimneys and pipes.
  • Recovery interior decoration(plaster, cladding, stucco, sockets, etc.).
  • Replacement of individual sections of pipelines.
  • Installation of air valves, if necessary.
  • Insulation of pipes and expansion tanks.
  • Relocation of boilers and pipes in the boiler room.
  • Restoration of destroyed thermal insulation.
  • Replacement of some electric motors and low-power pumps.
  • Cleaning storm sewer and drainage.
  • Repair of water supply and sewerage systems (replacement of internal fire hydrants, change of mixers, siphons, individual sections of pipeline, replacement of individual components water heating columns, replacement of pumps and electric motors, insulation of water tanks, etc.).
  • Replacement of individual ventilation sections.
  • Electrical and electrical repair work technical devices(replacement of faulty areas electrical network buildings except residential apartments, replacement of sockets and switches, lamps, fuses, panels, etc.).
  • Repair of special general house technical devices (built-in and roof boiler rooms for heating and hot water supply, pumping units, cleaning and receiving installations Wastewater, general house installations for forced ventilation in buildings with nine or more floors, fire extinguishing and smoke removal systems, intercoms and locking devices, elevators, automated heating units, metering units for heat energy and water consumption, dispatch systems, etc.).
  • Repair of individual sections of destroyed sidewalks, paths and blind areas.
  • Restoring flower beds, lawns, sowing lawns, planting shrubs and trees.
  • Equipment of playgrounds (children's, sports, utility, etc.).
  • Equipment for waste bins and containers.

IMPORTANT! List of works in mandatory reflected in the agreement with the management company.

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The Prosecutor General's Office declared fees for major repairs unconstitutional

The Prosecutor General's Office agreed with the arguments of deputies of the A Just Russia party regarding the illegality of fees for major repairs of apartment buildings.

The party reports that the Prosecutor General's Office considers the applicants' arguments about the inequality of the position of the owners who form the capital repair fund on the account of the regional operator, and the citizens who collect these funds in a special bank account, to be justified.

The contested norm does not specify the scope and timing of the order financial resources and does not determine the procedure for their return, which may create conditions under which the owners of the premises will not be able to manage the money transferred to the operator’s account. This leads to a violation of the Constitution, says the review from the Prosecutor General’s Office.
In turn, the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, Ella Pamfilova, emphasizes that operators, by transferring money collected in one house for repairs in another, are essentially using, without permission, the funds of some owners to fulfill obligations to others.

Previously, bill No. 986339-6 was introduced to the State Duma, aimed at creating alternative options financing major repairs of common property in apartment buildings.

It is proposed to provide the owner with the right to voluntarily choose the following methods of financing: formation of a capital repair fund; general property insurance and one-time cash charges.

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The State Duma proposed to suspend the payment of contributions for major repairs

A bill has been submitted to the State Duma to suspend for five years the validity of Articles 169 and 170 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation regarding the obligation to pay contributions for major repairs of common property in an apartment building.

The authors of the project note that there is growing distrust in society in the capital repair mechanism itself, in regional operators, and, as a result, in the authorities as a whole, since people see this reform as just another extortion.

In this regard, it is proposed to suspend for 5 years the obligation to pay contributions for major repairs of common property in an apartment building and the formation of a capital repair fund. Presumably, this will make it possible to develop a fundamentally new, working model of the capital repair system in the Russian Federation.

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Major and current repairs of structures and buildings- types of organizational and technical measures aimed at eliminating moral and objects. There are a number of differences between them. Let's look at them in the article.

Major renovation

It includes the elimination of malfunctions and defects in worn-out elements of the object. Some of them can be replaced with new, more durable ones.

During the overhaul the following may be replaced:

  • Concrete and stone foundations.
  • Load-bearing walls.
  • Frame structures.

In addition, redevelopment of the structure, installation of additional engineering systems, and landscaping of the surrounding area can be carried out.

Types of overhaul

Major repairs can be selective or comprehensive.

The latter involves replacing engineering equipment and structural elements or upgrading them. The work may cover either the entire structure as a whole or individual parts of the structure.

During selective overhaul, partial or complete replacement individual structures and elements, as well as engineering equipment. Such measures are aimed at compensating for physical and functional wear and tear.

Current repairs of structures and buildings

The frequency of its implementation is determined taking into account climatic conditions, in which the structure is operated. The technical condition of the elements and the mode of use of the object are also important.

Repairs are carried out at intervals that ensure the most efficient use object. The work is carried out after the building is put into operation before major repairs or between major repairs.

Justification for current repairs of buildings and structures

To ensure safety, they must be carried out Maintenance, current repairs, operational control. The relevant regulations are contained in the Town Planning Code.

The justification for the need for implementation is carried out on the basis of the results of operational control. It is carried out by performing:

  • Periodic inspections.
  • Control checks/monitoring.

During these procedures, the technical condition is assessed building structures, engineering systems. Based on the results of inspections, special statements are compiled. The obtained indicators are entered into them, which are then checked against established standards.

Types of inspections

To justify the need for current repairs of structures and buildings Scheduled and unscheduled examinations are carried out. The first, in turn, are divided into partial and general.

During general inspections, control is carried out technical condition the facility as a whole, external landscaping and engineering systems. During a partial inspection, the condition of some structures in the premises, as well as landscaping elements, is assessed.

Unscheduled inspections are carried out after natural disasters (earthquakes, rainstorms, mudflows, heavy snowfalls, floods, etc.), the occurrence of which may result in damage to individual structural elements. In addition, such inspections are carried out after accidents in energy, water, and heat supply systems, as well as in the event of detection of deformations in the base of the facility.


General inspections before current repairs of structures and buildings are carried out at least twice a year. A commission is formed to carry them out. The results of inspections are reflected in documents recording the technical condition of the object. They are, for example, accounting journals, special cards, etc.

These documents must contain information about:

  • Assessing the technical condition of the structure and its elements.
  • Malfunctions identified during the inspection.
  • Location of defects.
  • The reasons why the identified malfunctions occurred.
  • Work on current repairs of structures and buildings performed during the inspection.

Generalized information about the condition of the facility is reflected annually in the technical passport.

Cost justification

Basis for determining the price current repairs of structures and buildings are design documents that include the estimated cost of work. This documentation is developed and approved in the manner prescribed by law.

A project, according to Article 48 of the Civil Code, is a complex of materials made in text and graphic forms. IN project documentation functional-technological, architectural, engineering-technical, Constructive decisions providing construction, repair, reconstruction of objects and their parts, if the corresponding measures affect the safety and reliability indicators of the structure.

Specifics of document preparation

Based on Part 12.2 48 of Article GRK, when carrying out major repairs, preparation is carried out individual parts design documentation in accordance with the instructions of the customer/developer, depending on the volume and content of the work provided.

Requirements for the content and composition of sections of the project are established by government decree No. 87 of 2008. The documentation is approved by the customer or developer.

When performing routine repairs, registration of the entire project is not required. An estimate that justifies its cost is sufficient. It is drawn up in the form specified in Appendix No. 2 to MDS 81-35.2004.


The need for routine repairs of equipment of buildings and structures arises more often than the need for major repairs. In this regard, local events are held every three to six months. This time range is very arbitrary, since premature repairs may be required, for example, in the event of an accident.

It should be said that the adjustment list of works for current repairs of structures and buildings, the schedule for their implementation can be carried out by residents at general meetings or by employees of the enterprise. Overhauls are usually carried out every 3-5 years. Owners or employees can also postpone the date of the event if there are good reasons for doing so.

Routine repair activities are carried out, as a rule, without prior notification. As for work related to large-scale replacement or renovation of structures, they are notified in advance.


Difficulties often arise when distinguishing between current and major repairs of a facility. The fact is that there is no clear boundary between these formats of organizational and technical events.

For example, there is such a concept - “selective overhaul” (discussed above). It involves partial replacement of structural elements of the building. However, during routine repairs, similar measures can be carried out.

It should be said that in practice, major repairs may involve a whole range of works. Moreover, they can all be included in the list of current technical activities. Strict delimitation will only take place when the project receives the appropriate designation.


For the average person, the differentiation of the concepts of “routine repair” and “overhaul” can be significant even if it is not related to organizational and technical processes.

The distinction, for example, may become important for owners of individual (private) houses who are planning to carry out certain activities related to updating systems and structural elements of the structure. He will spend his own money on all this work. Accordingly, he needs to know exactly what activities need to be carried out and how much they will cost.

Understanding the differences between current and major repairs will allow you to classify technical work, divide them into types, and determine their level of complexity. If third-party contractors are involved, the classification helps to establish the degree of their responsibility.

The distinction is also important for owners of premises in apartment buildings. After all, in this case, residents’ money will be spent on capital and current repairs. It is important for owners to understand the specifics of repairs in order to competently build legal and business relationships with the company performing these repairs. technical events. At the same time, the residents themselves can take an active part in inspecting the structure, inspecting equipment and engineering systems, together with the commission or independently. Owners must have up-to-date information about the condition of the structural elements of the property in order to accept right decisions regarding their update.

The legislation reserves space to describe each type of repair work that can only be carried out in relation to common areas homeowners, which means there are differences between repairs and major repairs.

Not only employees of the management organization should be familiar with these legislative acts, in order to proper organization activities related to the maintenance of common property, but also apartment owners.

The fact is that sometimes dishonest employees of management organizations pass off one type of activity as another, thereby trying to profit from the owners’ ignorance of the difference in prices and volume of activities. Also, work to maintain the house in a well-maintained condition can be carried out with a significant delay or even skipped altogether.

Let's turn to the legislation. The Town Planning Code of our country, in its article, Article 1, paragraph 14.2, talks about what constitutes a major overhaul.

What repairs are considered major repairs? Carrying out such actions involves either replacing or restoring (and in some cases simultaneous) intervention in the structure of the house and the general engineering and technical support of an apartment building.

Thus, we can conclude that the work carried out as part of the overhaul is global in nature and interferes with the internal structure of the house. This is the main difference between major and current repairs.

The concept of routine maintenance differs significantly from the above. What is the average current repair? You can become familiar with this concept within Methodical manual on the maintenance and repair of housing stock in Article 3, paragraph 5.

There is also Resolution 279 on major and current repairs, which can be downloaded below. In it you can also find out what applies to current repairs and what to major ones.

The concept of major repairs and current repairs: major repairs are repairs in order to prevent wear and tear on the house and carry out global work. Carrying out ongoing activities are planned actions that are carried out in order to maintain the normal condition and performance of the house.

It would seem that it is very easy for an ignorant person to get confused about what actions are currently being taken on the house. In addition, not every owner knows how often certain repairs should be carried out.

Let's try to understand the differences in order to understand major repairs and current repairs. What is the difference? Is roof repair a major repair or a routine repair?

The difference between current repairs and major repairs

What is the difference between current repairs and major repairs?

The main difference between current and major repairs is that current repairs require much less costs than capital.

And funds are taken from different sources to carry out these two types of actions.

As for major repairs, they are carried out using funds that are collected through systematic contributions from residents to the capital repair fund.

The funds form the corresponding mass that must be spent on the work. Also, sometimes the fund for major repairs of a particular house receives subsidies from the state.

As for the current repairs of the building, they are paid for through regular contributions to the maintenance of the house. Cash lie in the account of the management company and are spent depending on need.

But besides finances, there are other differences between overhauls that are no less important. Let's consider these differences between major repairs and routine repairs.

Differences in the list of works

Which work is classified as a major overhaul and which is classified as a routine one? The list of major repair works (Housing Code) covers the most complex actions in an apartment building. These include changing communications, replacing engineering equipment, installing new pipes and connections.

How to determine major repairs or current ones? For such actions, professionals from relevant organizations are invited. These actions should prevent deterioration of the house.

Carrying out routine repairs is the performance of work that should maintain the condition of the house in a habitable form. The most common action is redecorating. It is also common to carry out manipulations to improve the home.


The date of the current repair is not discussed in advance.

The order of these actions is determined by the agreement with the management company.

It is this document that establishes the order of when repairs should be carried out and how often.

In some cases, residents themselves may express a desire to carry out repairs and specifically discuss the work.

The timing of major repairs is determined by an interval of 3-5 years. If management organization and does not carry out major repairs, then the owners have the right to ask the district administration to include their house in the priority list for repairs.

And insist that the organization of routine repairs or major repairs be carried out. You can find out how the application is drawn up at the city administration.

In the event that residents want to force the management organization to carry out current renovation work at home, then they must contact the head of the organization with a complaint.

If major repairs are not carried out, residents can cooperate and go to court.


Another difference between major repairs and routine repairs is the timing of their implementation. Current repairs are carried out every six months to a year, depending on what is agreed upon in the agreement between the owners of premises in an apartment building. Residents can ask at the general meeting for either earlier or later implementation of these actions.

As for major repairs, it must be carried out in accordance with the Town Planning Code every three years (), in extreme cases - five years.


Current repairs are not discussed with residents until they are carried out. Residents can make their amendments and proposals at one of the meetings and notify the management organization about this.

The schedule for carrying out major repairs must certainly be discussed with the residents. Since such manipulations may cause some inconvenience to residents, it is necessary to warn them about everything in advance.

Intervention schedules for various communications systems should be announced to citizens in order to enable them to prepare in advance for any inconvenience.

Why is there confusion?

Sometimes citizens are confused about what specific work is being done in their home and do not understand what a major repair is, what a current one is.

This arises due to the fact that the management organization does not sufficiently inform the people living in the house about what exactly is happening with the common areas.

For example, when engineering equipment is repaired, it can easily be confused with replacement. The fact is that the management organization does not always notify citizens about what specific manipulations are being carried out and it is easy to confuse one with the other.

In addition, few residents control the process of repairs in their home. How to distinguish a major overhaul from a current one?

A frequent and common case is landscaping work. This activity can be carried out both as part of a major overhaul and as part of an ongoing one. Citizens can easily be misled and made to think that work is being carried out for them that is more global than that carried out within the framework of current actions.

Both major and current repairs are mandatory procedures that must be carried out on time. They allow the house to remain in working order and for a long time not be in a state of disrepair.

If you want your Management Company carried out all actions in accordance with the law and carried out the necessary manipulations with the house on time, you yourself should be aware current legislation and its constant variability, understand that there is a difference between major and current repairs.

Know your rights and then no one will be able to violate them.

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