Today many residents apartment buildings They are wondering whether it is legal to charge one tax for water, how it is calculated and whether it is necessary to pay for general household needs.

“HVS ODN” - transcript

When receiving a monthly payment receipt, the first thing that may confuse you is the abundance of abbreviations that are incomprehensible to someone who has just begun to delve into the details of utility charges.

“HVS ODN” and “DHW ODN” are the consumption of resources for general house needs (GVS) for cold water supply (HVS) and hot water supply (DHW).

As a rule, the consumption of cold water supply exceeds the consumption of hot water. This is due to the fact that cold water is the main water supply in apartment building, and hot is obtained by heating cold and is supplied in the volume necessary to obtain the desired temperature.

Heating occurs using heating devices that raise the water temperature to 60-75°C, after which house pumps supply water through pipelines to apartments and other places of household consumption.

Due to the fact that obtaining hot water requires additional resources in the form of heating and supply to apartments, its cost is usually higher than the cost of cold water supply.

What is included in the ODN for cold water?

The water tax rate includes the consumption of resources consumed for the maintenance and servicing of the common areas of the house. Such territories include the internal space (entrances of the house, utility rooms, attics and basements), and the external territory adjacent to the house (yard, parking lot, additional buildings).

A typical example of general household water consumption would be water consumption for wet cleaning entrances or for watering flower beds located on the territory of the house.

Do I need to pay for communal water needs?

ODN for water is paid by apartment owners. Such regulations are prescribed in Government Decree No. 354.

Consumer of utilities in an apartment building, regardless of the chosen method of managing the apartment building, as part of the payment for public utilities pays separately for utilities provided to the consumer in residential or non-residential premises, and for utilities consumed during the use of common property in an apartment building (hereinafter referred to as utilities provided for general house needs). “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354

Thus, the accrual of ODT for water is completely legal on the part of the management company.

How is ODN calculated for water?

Unlike apartments, common areas are not equipped with individual metering devices (IMU), and therefore water consumption for common house needs is recorded only by a common building meter (ODMU).

When calculating the ODN payment for water in an apartment building, the readings of the common building meter are first taken. It shows how much total water was consumed within the home during the reporting period.

Typically, several days are allotted for collecting readings from residents, but today manual collection of readings is increasingly giving way to automated collection of readings, which makes the collection process as one-time as possible, which increases the accuracy of the balance for the house.

Unlike manual collection readings, where it takes a week to collect and process all the readings, automated collection of readings allows you to consolidate data on the house in just 15 minutes.

After the IPU readings are collected, their amount is subtracted from the readings of the general building meter. The difference that results is usually considered an expense for general household needs.

A simple example: a communal meter showed the consumption of 4,000 m³ of water during the reporting period. The total readings from individual metering devices amounted to 3,800 m³. The resulting difference of 200 m³ is the amount of water that was spent on the maintenance and maintenance of common areas - for wet cleaning in the entrance, watering the flower beds on the territory, etc.

How is one tax charged for water?

The distribution of ODN by water occurs in accordance with the size of the living space occupied by the owner.

After the total volume of one unit becomes known, this quantity is divided by the entire living space in the house to determine the volume of one unit per 1 m² of living space, and then multiplied by the area of ​​the owner’s apartment using the formula:

volume of ODN (m³) / living area of ​​the house (m²) x living area of ​​the apartment (m²) = volume of ODN, which is paid by a specific owner

The amount of payment for ODN is calculated according to the standards and tariffs approved by the city or regional government.

In practice, there are about a dozen reasons leading to high ODN. Eliminating them becomes the task of the management company. "STRIZH" already in the first weeks after installation allows you to understand the main reasons and establish an accurate system of apartment-by-apartment water metering in an apartment building.

Do you want to reduce ODN?
in an apartment building?

In continuation of the article.

As of January 1, 2017, a separate line of expenses for general household needs disappeared from bills. From now on, ODN is included in the payment for the maintenance of common property. How are general house needs calculated in 2019?

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The abbreviation ODN in payment cards has become familiar to consumers. Most payers have already understood the accrual mechanism.

But in 2019 the rules changed dramatically. How is payment for common house needs calculated now?

Important aspects

Previously, as part of general house needs, excess consumption of electricity, cold/hot water supply, and heat energy was paid separately.

Since January 2019, these expenses have been included in the payment for housing maintenance. Another important point is the change in the scheme for calculating payments for ODN.

Previously, the amount of the fee was determined as the difference between the readings of communal meters and the amount according to the readings of individual metering devices.

In most apartment buildings, the difference was completely distributed among the residents. Since the beginning of 2019, payments for one-time tax payments have received clear limits.

The payment cannot exceed the corresponding consumption standard for general household needs.

From now on, the costs of paying for excess amounts of utility resources are borne by management company.

Important! To include the payment for one-room service in the payment for the maintenance of residential premises, a decision of the general meeting of residents of the building is not required.

But at the same time, these innovations will in no way affect high-rise buildings with a direct management method and houses where the owners have not determined or implemented the management method.

In such cases, the previous scheme of payments for resources spent on ODN is retained.

What is it

ODN stands for general house needs. Legislation defines these as costs arising in the process of servicing apartment buildings.

However, needs can be varied. For example, lighting costs include not only energy costs, but also replacement of light bulbs or wiring.

Washing of entrances and stairwells involves wasting water. And heating the entrance is impossible without the expenditure of heat energy.

In payment documents, such expenses are often stated simply as.

Although in practice these services are often provided inappropriately or not provided at all. In this case, the consumption rate of a certain resource is set at the regional level.

But the main problem is the lack of opportunity and desire on the part of management companies to save such resources.

As a result, residents receive bills with significantly higher expenses.

Changes in legislation mean that payment details are now required to be displayed in payment slips.

The norm is established by the updated Rules for the maintenance of common property in multi-apartment housing.

According to the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, this will entail more complete informing of citizens about the composition of expenses for paying for housing services.

Standards are approved by regional authorities and may differ depending on the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Approved standards must be published on the website of the management company.

Emerging nuances

Thanks to the innovations that came into force on January 1, 2017, apartment owners have the opportunity to optimize costs when paying for housing and communal services.

Any apartment owner knowledgeable resource consumption, can assess the effectiveness of its management company in improving the energy efficiency of housing.

It becomes possible to assess the volume of resource consumption in the apartment itself.

Thanks to accurate metering data, it is possible to determine where consumption is excessive and why heating one apartment is more expensive than another.

Also, owners in apartment buildings get the opportunity to see how much it costs them to maintain adjacent areas and common front doors.

A clear display of expenses will help resolve issues related to saving resources. This in turn will help reduce the amount of payment for general household needs.

What is included in general house needs

Most residents of high-rise buildings understand general building needs as:

  • lighting in house entrances and adjacent areas;
  • cleaning costs for common areas;
  • heating costs for the total area.

But you should know what exactly is included in the ODN. In addition to the above-mentioned expenditures of energy resources, general house needs include:

  • operation of elevators;
  • use of water supply pumps;
  • use of intercoms and alarm systems;
  • emergency lighting of attics and basements;
  • technological losses associated with the features of the installed electrical equipment.

ODN for water supply is:

  • washing landings and garbage chutes;
  • watering lawns;
  • flushing of communications;
  • loss of intra-house water systems;
  • crimping heating system;
  • repair and commissioning of the heating system.

Other resource expenses are not included in the ODN. But even those indicated are quite enough to cause significant losses if consumed improperly.

And since it is no longer possible to write off all expenses for residents, management companies are directly interested in saving resources and ensuring their proper use.

How is electricity calculated (formula)

The amount of payment for one payment for electricity largely depends on the presence/absence of a common house meter.

In the absence of a meter, electricity consumption is calculated according to standards established back in 2012.

The standards will be revised only by June 2019. How is electricity charged according to ODN now? With?

If an apartment building has a common meter, then the common house needs are calculated by a representative of Energonadzor together with the representative of the house selected general meeting residents.

The basis is the difference between the readings of the common house meter and the total amount of readings individual meters.

The total amount also includes values ​​calculated according to standards for apartments not equipped with meters. The resulting difference is divided among all apartment owners, taking into account the occupied space.

The formula for determining ODN in the presence of a common building meter looks like this:

In the absence of a common house electricity meter, ODN is determined according to approved standards.

The formula is:

Other utilities ODN (tariffs)

As for other public services for one-way service, water consumption matters. Until 2019, residents paid the entire cost overrun.

In 2019, the situation should change. After the standards are approved, general house water consumption will be paid no more than the approved tariff.

When determining standards, such technical and design features high-rise buildings like:

  • number of storeys;
  • wear engineering systems;
  • type of water supply system;
  • equipping the house with equipment.

The standards for utility costs for the maintenance of common property will be calculated on the basis of the standard that each subject of the Russian Federation must establish before June 1, 2017.

That is, it is not yet possible to talk about average tariffs in the Russian Federation. This will become clear after the values ​​are approved throughout Russia.

To establish average standards, specialists will need to install a common meter for an apartment building and calculate the difference between general and individual consumption.

Video: payment for general house needs

Only by comparing the readings for tens and hundreds of thousands of objects, taking them into account technical features, it will be possible to calculate the consumption standard and determine the average tariff for ODN.

For your information! Since January 2019, in houses where the ODN fee exceeds the standards or the readings cannot be determined due to the lack of meters, residents can pay for services according to the norm. All unnecessary expenses are paid by the management company.

How is payment made?

According to the payment for ODN in 2019, it is calculated and indicated in the invoice issued by the HOA or management company, being part of the payment for the maintenance of the residential premises.

Now ODN cannot be included in the payment for water or electricity based on the area of ​​the premises.

But at the same time, the payment for ODN cannot exceed the consumption standard for general household needs established by regional legislation.

However, the legislation does not provide a clear answer to the situation when the standard exceeds the actual amount.

But it clearly states that payment for one-time tax payment must not be lower than the standard.

Judicial practice

Changes regarding the ODN will entail their own judicial practice. Until the proposed amendments begin to take effect as expected, many nuances will need to be “settled down.”

Regarding practices that preceded the change earlier current standards, then it is very extensive and covers almost the entire territory of the Russian Federation.

In particular, in the mentioned review, among others, the issue of the absence of common building wastewater meters in apartment buildings and the charging of charges for sewerage in relation to single-apartment buildings was considered.

It was established that the water disposal standard must correspond to the volume of water supplied by centralized water supply sources.

Residents of one of the houses on Engels Street contacted the city administration, expressing disagreement with the volume of consumption cold water home. They pointed out inconsistencies in the data on charges for ODN. In a high-rise building on the ground floor there are several commercial organizations. Residents of the building believe that these organizations consume water, so all residents have to pay for them.

“We don’t use water at all in the entrances,” said Galina Polchaninova, a resident of the house, who met us along the way, emotionally. - When we wash the entrance, windows, water the flowers, we take water from the apartments. And if one of the residents or entrepreneurs steals, why should I pay for my neighbor? Let the controllers look for him and call him to account.

The head of the inspection department of the Vodokanal municipal unitary enterprise, Dmitry Kovalenko, explains to the woman:

In accordance with the law, the water utility determines the volume of consumption of the cold water supply and sewerage utility service for the entire house according to the readings of the household meter. At the same time, management organizations charge residents for ODN and for individual consumption using individual metering devices.

House Manager apartment building Olga Pozina showed receipts for the last few months, in which the amount of accruals for ODN is on average about 30 rubles.

There are no crazy amounts for one-time travel, as happened in past years, now,” Olga Terentyevna assured. - Readings from a common house appliance and from metering devices in commercial enterprises removed regularly.

Together with resource officers, managers and the building manager, we visited the basement and took readings from two common house meters and individual meters legal entities located on the first floor. No violations. All volumes are displayed in accordance with the law.

Let's calculate one
The situation with the ODN was explained by Sergei Goryunov (pictured), the head of the GRC, who makes all the accruals for the NUK management company.

We have a list of houses where the difference in readings between the common house meter and general indications all the residents’ apartments are very large,” explains Sergei Goryunov. - Inspectors come to such houses much more often and identify violators. But you need to understand that even if there are unscrupulous residents or entrepreneurs, then all losses are legally borne by the management company. Residents now pay according to a formula that protects them in such situations. Here's a simple example of how one is calculated in a house where there is a communal meter.

1. From the volume of water that was shown by the common house meter, we subtract the volume that in total was consumed by the non-residential premises in the house, apartments with metering devices, apartments that are calculated according to the standard, and apartments calculated according to readings from the average monthly volume of consumption of a communal resource, then there are those who did not submit testimony this month individual device accounting. Let's call this value Difference.

2. This Difference, in accordance with the law, cannot exceed the standard volume for one single room, which is calculated as the product of the area of ​​seats public use to the standard - 0.03.

3. If the Difference is less than the calculated standard, then we divide this Difference by the total area of ​​the house, multiply by the area of ​​the apartment and multiply by the tariff per cubic meter of cold water.

4. If the Difference is greater than the calculated standard, then we take the resulting standard volume per ODN, divide by the total area of ​​the house, multiply by the area of ​​the apartment and the tariff for cold water.

“Black holes” of unaccounted expenses
Where does the water go, which is ultimately paid for by residents as one-time service? .

These include leaks in the basement of a house or in apartments that do not have metering devices, and their residents, due to irrational consumption and faulty plumbing, waste water in excess of the standard, argues the leading engineer of JSC NUK Veronika Kayryak. - These are also illegal connections, when a small kiosk is “powered” from your house.

And most of the water, which is ultimately paid for as single use, is “hidden” in unaccounted consumption,” continues the leading engineer. - As the analysis shows, if only part of the apartments in a building are equipped with water meters, then the charge for one water supply in such a building will be quite high. All because real consumption water in apartments, which are calculated for services according to the standard, significantly exceeds this standard. The reason is a careless attitude towards water (you will still pay only the standard), as well as hidden tenants: one is registered, but a family of five lives. The excess consumption of such apartments will be included in the total expense. Another “black hole” for missing water is the cunning of apartment owners who report underestimated meter readings. Some owners, citing busyness, rarely transmit instrument readings: once every three months. Meanwhile, the expense for these three months will be taken into account in the expense of the entire house.

897 cubic meters - general household consumption per month.
598 cubic meters - individual consumption of all apartments.
897-598 = 299 cubic meters (this is the Difference) 914.40 (area of ​​common areas) * 0.03 = 27.4 (one common house size)
(27.4:9199) * 37.5 * 51.62 (tariff for cold water) = 5.77 rubles - the amount of one tax per month.
299-27.4=271.57 cubic meters - paid by the management company ( commercial losses management organization).

Utility bills make up a significant portion of anyone's expenses. family budget. Therefore introduction additional payments, in some cases, causes indignation among payers, since sometimes utility services are of poor quality. In 2013, a fee for one-time service appeared in payment bills. What this is will be discussed below.

What is ODN? Photo No. 1

In 2013, by Government Resolution No. 314, the concept of one water tax was introduced into the utility payment system. This abbreviation is interpreted as general house water consumption needs.

According to the above regulatory document, general house water consumption needs relate not to its use by specific consumers, but to the maintenance of the entire multi-apartment building.

Let's figure out what ODN is.

As you know, cold and hot water enters the apartment building, where it is distributed through utility networks among all consumers. But some of it does not reach due to technological or other problems.

Technological problems mean losses due to various leaks, flushing utility networks during their diagnosis and other processes.

Other cases mean the use of process water for maintenance of the multi-story building itself (watering lawns, washing staircases, use for other needs). Based on this, a certain cubic capacity of water (maximum value) enters the house, and a smaller portion reaches consumers.

Naturally, the utilities that supply the water must receive payment for all water.

As you know, ODN applies not only to cold, but also to hot water.

The components of cold water ODN are as follows:

  • watering the common area;
  • use of water resources for washing staircases, as well as other common areas for residents;
  • technological loss, such as leaking utility lines;
  • other needs for maintenance of an apartment building.

Components of hot water:

  • flushing the heating system before starting it hot;
  • filling engineering systems with technological hot water, for their diagnosis;
  • troubleshooting problems in which you have to drain hot water and bleed it.

Now let's move on to consider the question of where payments for one-way tax are received. These are utility companies that provide cold and hot water supply services. They are the providers of such public services, and accordingly are obliged to receive payment for them.

It is important to remember that due to the fact that general household needs for water consumption are classified as public services, they are also subject to the rules on the provision of subsidies.

Frequently asked questions regarding the calculation of ODN standards

Answers on payment for one-time tax. Photo No. 3

Despite the fact that this tariff was intended as a fee for water resources, which go to the needs of servicing houses, is not formed transparently, which is why many utility companies try to inflate the consumption standards of one unit.

Let's look at frequently asked questions. The first concerns calculation schemes. There are several formulas for calculating ODN, but none of them are perfect and there are many ways to confuse consumers.

It’s easier for those who have an apartment building equipped with a common building meter for cold and hot water. Having it, utility consumers can always compare how much water entered the house, as well as the amount spent by all consumers. Accordingly, the difference will be the amount of one.

Those houses that do not have communal metering devices will pay for ODN based on calculations from utility service providers. The formula for them is as follows - H = 0.09 x K / C.

N is the value of ODN for a specific consumer facility (that is, per personal account), 0.09 is a standard number used for all calculations, K is the total number of citizens living in the house, C is general meaning all residential and non-residential in a particular apartment building.

As can be seen from this formula, it will not reflect an accurate indication of the water used to service the house and its utilities.

The next question concerns payment for services not provided. For example, there are situations when there is no water in the house due to repair work on the central water pipeline, or other breakdowns, and the received payment contains one. No need to panic. It is enough to submit an application in the form of a claim to the utility company that supplies water.

In it, indicate from what time and for what time there was no water, and ask for a recalculation, which can be checked using the above formula. If such a recalculation is not done, then you can contact and demand that it be done forcibly.

The ODN standard provides for payment for water (cold and hot) which is used for maintenance of an apartment building (watering, checking utility networks, and other needs).

You can learn about approaches to setting tariffs for one-way service by watching the video:

Write a question to a housing lawyer in the form below See also Phone numbers for consultation

14 Sep 2017 113

Discussion: 3 comments

    It is likely that many residents have not even heard about one-room service, although they knew that they had to pay for it. Although I think that these expenses should be included in the rent rates. The population pays for all existing utility services according to meter readings.


    ODN was introduced to secretly increase tariffs. Previously, all water and electricity were included in the same tariff, but then ONE was removed from there, but the tariff was not reduced! I have ONE more electricity for individual consumption! How does this happen?


    1. General house needs, such as lighting in the entrance, water consumed by the cleaner, losses due to poor-quality networks. Resources consumed in the apartment are paid according to meter readings according to issued receipts directly to the resource supplying organization. Each house has the same water supply, electricity, and heating devices for the entire house. The difference between the consumption of the entire house and each apartment according to the meter will be one. General house needs are paid to the management company or homeowners association, which directly maintains the common property of the house (washing floors, changing light bulbs and electrical wiring, etc.). If the difference between the payment in the apartment and the ODN is significant, you must contact the service company with an application for an inspection. Perhaps due to the deterioration of the networks, a leak occurs, or the fact of resource theft is revealed. A commission appointed on the basis of your application will conduct an examination, identify and eliminate these facts. The amount of ODN should decrease.


Maybe it will be useful to someone. I couldn’t shake up GZhi and get answers from the management company and GZHI regarding payments for hot water supply, hot water supply and heating.


Then the Ministry of Construction sent my application to the Ulyanovsk Housing Inspectorate. Finally, the ice has broken! True, the answer did not satisfy me because I need an answer to all my questions. Therefore, I wrote and sent a new application to the State Housing Inspectorate. So far they have written that the answer should not be expected earlier than 01/20/18.


On October 18, 2017, we sent requests to the Ministry of the Russian Federation of Moscow and the Ministry of Construction of the Ulyanovsk Region regarding clarification of the calculation of hot water supply in the payment receipt. For several years we were charged huge sums for 1 cubic meter of hot water. This was done by LLC Management Company MZhK and RIC of Ulyanovsk

Our house is served by Management Company MZhK LLC, director S.P. Tagirov. Management Company MZHK charges for DHW and DHW ODN based on meter readings. The cost of 1m3 of hot water according to these calculations in September is 259.51 rubles. We considered that in Ulyanovsk the payment for hot water supply is taken unreasonably and illegally, which allows the management company and the company PJSC "T-Plus" to unjustly enrich themselves at the expense of the owners.

The basis for the recalculation and verification of payment for hot water supply was the "Definition Supreme Court RF dated 08/15/2017 states that the RF Armed Forces have established that the use of meter readings that measure the volume of heat energy spent on heating cold water (coolant) when calculating the cost of public services for hot water supply is not provided. In the case of establishing two-component tariffs for hot water supply, the cost of the heat energy component is determined according to “standards for the consumption of thermal energy for heating water for hot water supply, regardless of the presence of a collective (common house) metering device, which records the amount of thermal energy entering the hot water supply system of the apartment building”

By virtue of the direct indication of paragraph 13 of Rules No. 354, the terms of contracts for the acquisition of utility resources for the purpose of using such resources to provide utility services to consumers are determined taking into account the above rules and other legal acts of the Russian Federation.

1. In accordance with paragraph 26 of the said appendix, the amount of payment for utility services for hot water supply in i-th core or non-residential premises, are determined by formula 23. 26. The amount of payment for utility services for hot water supply in the i-th residential or non-residential premises is determined by formula 23: Pi = Viп x Тхв + Qip x Тт/е Viп - volume consumed during the billing period in the i-th residential or non-residential premises of hot water, determined by the readings of an individual or general (apartment) meter in the i-th residential or non-residential premises

Calculation of housing and communal services Tkhv - a component for cold water or coolant, which is integral part established in accordance with legislation Russian Federation tariff for hot water (hot water supply); Calculation of housing and communal services Qip - the volume (quantity) of thermal energy used to heat water in order to provide public services for hot water supply for the billing period in the i-th residential or non-residential premises, calculated as the product of Vip and approved standards for the consumption of thermal energy used to heat water for the purpose of providing public services for hot water supply; TT/e - component on thermal energy, which is an integral part of the tariff for hot water (hot water supply) established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Calculation of housing and communal services Now we substitute all the values.

Let’s take 1 m3 for the consumption of hot water for the month of September, the THW component for cold water with a two-component tariff is 23.19 rubles (adopted from July 1, 2017) Qn-1 m3Х 0.062 (with isolated risers and heated towel rails or 1m3x 0.067 (non-insulated). (adopted from 09/28/2017).

Information on the equipment of an apartment building or residential building with insulated or non-insulated risers and heated towel rails on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is provided by local authorities based on the information contained in project documentation houses. In the absence of the necessary information in the design documentation of the house, the specified information is determined on the basis of information received from the utility providers.

TTE component for thermal energy. It is 1684.59 rubles. So: 1. option Q= 1x0.062=0.062 2.Pi= 1x23.19+0.062X1684.59 Pi=127.63 rub. 2.option Q=1Х0.067=0.067 2.Pi=1х23.19+0.067Х1684.59 Pi=136.05 rubles 3.option spent 2m3 Q=2Х0.067=0.134 2. Pi=2Х23.19+0.067Х1684.59 Pi=159.25rub

Conclusion for GZHI: I argue that in the formula it is necessary to apply the tariff for cold water, and not the coolant component, which was not adopted for our two-component tariff. Also, I have not yet understood what standard for thermal energy consumption should be taken. With insulated risers and heated towel rails 0.062 or non-insulated risers with heated towel rails 0.067. In any case, what the management company of MZhK calculated for us for the month of September for hot water supply in the amount of 259.51 rubles is fraud.

2. The volume (quantity) of thermal energy used to heat water in order to provide public services for hot water supply for the billing period for general house needs, falling on i-th residential or non-residential premises (Qiodn) in formula 24 of the same application. 27. The amount of payment for the utility service for hot water supply provided for general house needs in an apartment building for the i-th residential premises (apartment) or non-residential premises, in the case of establishing two-component tariffs for hot water, is determined by formula 24: Piodn = Viodn x Txv + Qiodn x Tt/e where: Viodn is the volume of hot water consumed during the billing period for common house needs, per the i-th residential or non-residential premises, which is determined: in the presence of a collective (common house) hot water meter - according to formula 12, provided this application; in the absence of a collective (common house) hot water meter - according to formula 15 provided for by this appendix;

Тхв - a component for cold water or coolant, which is an integral part of the tariff for hot water (hot water supply) established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation; Qiodn - the volume (quantity) of thermal energy used to heat water for the purpose of providing public services for hot water supply for the billing period for general house needs, pertaining to the i-th residential or non-residential premises, is defined as the product of the approved standard for the consumption of thermal energy used in heating water for the purpose of providing public hot water supply services; Ht/e is a component for thermal energy, which is an integral part of the tariff for hot water (hot water supply) established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The volume (quantity) of a communal resource per i-th residential premises (apartment) or non-residential premises (cold water, hot water, gas, waste water, electrical energy), provided for general house needs for the billing period in an apartment building that is not equipped with a collective (community) metering device, is determined by formula 15: (as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2016 No. 1498)

Formula 15 where: Nodn is the consumption standard for the corresponding type of utility resource for the purpose of maintaining common property in an apartment building for the billing period established in accordance with the Rules for establishing and determining standards for the consumption of utility services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2006 N 306 ; (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2016 No. 1498) Soi - the total area of ​​​​the premises that are part of the common property in an apartment building. When determining the volume of cold water allocated to the i-th residential premises (apartment) or non-residential premises provided for general house needs for the billing period, the total area of ​​the premises included in the common property in an apartment building is determined as the total area the following premises, which are not parts of the apartments of an apartment building and are intended to serve more than one room in an apartment building (according to the information specified in the passport of the apartment building): areas of inter-apartment landings, stairs, corridors, vestibules, halls, lobbies, wheelchairs, security (concierge) premises in this apartment building that do not belong to individual owners; Si is the total area of ​​the i-th residential premises (apartment) or non-residential premises in an apartment building; Sob - total area of ​​all residential premises (apartments) and non-residential premises in an apartment building.

Since the management company MZhK, represented by S.P. Tagirov, calculated the cost of hot water supply using the ODPU meter, and he used the resulting multiply increased tariff in the calculations.

As in my example for September - 259.51 rubles, which he received by making a calculation on the meter.

3. I am also sending you an application for recalculation for heat supply, which I sent to the management company MZhK back on January 17, 2017. There is still no answer.

Appendix: 1. Application to the Management Committee of the Moscow Housing Complex dated January 17, 2017.

In connection with the above, I request:

1. Make a calculation according to the formula 23 of the RF Regulation No. 354 for the hot water supply of the apartment, starting from March 22, 2015, when the RF Regulation No. 129 came into force.

2. Make the calculation monthly by sending a request to the RIC and take as a basis the consumption in the apartment per month of 1 m3 of hot water. I do not have the opportunity to send you all payment documents.

3. Make calculations according to RF PP No. 354 for domestic hot water supply, starting from March 22, 2015, when RF PP No. 129 came into force.

4. Calculate the DHW supply on a monthly basis by sending a request to the RIC about the area of ​​the premises, the area of ​​residential and non-residential premises.

5. Check the heating calculations, starting with my application to the Criminal Code.

6. Send your conclusion on all calculations to me, to the management company MZhK and to the RIC, so that they recalculate the entire house.

7. Conduct an inspection and bring Management Company MZhK LLC to administrative responsibility for violations under Article 7.23.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 14.7, Art. 14.6, Article 7.23.3, Article 15.1, Article 19.1, Article 5.39 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

November 22, 2017 Mikhalkova




In the payment documents for October-December 2016-2017, provided by Management Company MZhK LLC, when checking payments for utility companies, we established:

1. Heat supply KPU - October 2016 COMMON HOUSE CONSUMPTION Cost HOUSE AREA C


We calculate how much our house owes to RSO for the heat consumed. 115.970 x 1630.82=189126.2 rub

Now we divide by the area of ​​the house to find out the cost per m2, then by the area of ​​my apartment 105.5 m2

189126.2/ 10708.300=17.66 rub/m2 17.66 x 105.5=1863 rub

HOWEVER, IN THE PAYMENT DOCUMENT I HAVE 18.93 rubles/m2 HOUSE AREA 9980.300 (residential premises only) 18.93 x 105.5=1997.22 rubles per apartment.

THE DIFFERENCE FROM MY APARTMENT IS 134.22 rubles, for the whole house 18.93-17.66 = 1.27 rubles 1.27 x 10708.3 = 13599.54 rubles.



10708.300 m2 (RESIDENTIAL AND NON-RESIDENTIAL) We calculate how much our house owes to RSO for the heat consumed.

260.700 x 1630.82 = 425154.77 rubles Now we divide by the area of ​​the house to find out the cost of m2, then by the area of ​​my apartment 105.5 m2 425154.77/ 10708.30 = 39.70 rubles / m2 39.70 x 105.5 = 4188.69 rubles

HOWEVER, IN THE PAYMENT DOCUMENT I HAVE 42,556 rubles/m2 AND THE AREA OF THE HOUSE IS 9980,300 (residential only

premises) 42.556 x 105.5 = 4489.65 rubles per apartment. THE DIFFERENCE FROM MY APARTMENT IS 301

RUB, for the whole house 42.556-39.70=2.856 RUB, 2.856x10708.3=30583 RUB



We calculate how much our house owes to RSO for the heat consumed. 330 x 1630.82=538170.6 RUR

Now we divide by the area of ​​the house to find out the cost of m2, then by the area of ​​my apartment 105.5

m2 538170.6/ 10708.30 = 50.257 rub/m2 50.257 x 105.5 = 5302.14 rub HOWEVER IN THE PAYMENT DOCUMENT

I HAVE 53.869 rub/m2

HOUSE AREA 9980.300 (residential premises only) 53.869 x 105.5 = 5683.20 rubles per apartment.

THE DIFFERENCE FROM MY APARTMENT IS 381.20 rubles, for the whole house 53.869-50.257=3.612 rubles, 3.612x10708.300=38.678 rubles


PREMISES AMOUNT: 13599.54+30583+38678=82860.54 rub. CONCLUSION - IF RESIDENTIAL OWNERS









RIGHT TO DEMAND A FINE UNDER Federal Law No. 176 “Part

6. A person guilty of violating the procedure for calculating fees for utility services, resulting in an increase in the amount of the fee, is obliged to pay the consumer a fine determined in the amount and in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, except in cases where such a violation was eliminated before applying and (or ) before payment by the consumer."

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):