
Few people will remain indifferent to such a fascinating natural phenomenon as a waterfall. You can see it not only in real life, but also in a dream. Popular dream books will help you decipher the vision.

A waterfall is an ambiguous symbol. Dream books offer a variety of interpretations of the vision:

  • American. Physical and emotional liberation and healing from illnesses that have tormented for a long time.
  • Babushkin. Unpleasant meeting.
  • Wangi. You will experience a strong shock. You will have to endure a lot, but having gained life experience, you will overestimate a lot and will be grateful to fate for the lesson provided.
  • Spring. To change your life.
  • Oriental. Fate will be favorable to you.
  • Grishina. Unforeseen events will occur that will completely unsettle you.
  • For lovers. Among my acquaintances there is an honest and devoted person. It's worth taking a closer look at it. The union with him promises to be strong and long.
  • For the whole family. You will be invited to a party where you will have a great time. Memories of this bright event will remain in memory for a lifetime.
  • For the bitch. Thanks to prudence and the ability to control yourself, you will achieve unprecedented heights.
  • Winters. Relieve emotional tension, relieve stress. If there is a difficult period in life, then know that soon the dark streak will end and long-awaited peace will come. For patients, night dreams promise recovery.
  • Miller. You will be able to restrain unbridled desires, thanks to which you will achieve success in the future.
  • Newest. Seeing a waterfall in a dream is a good sign, especially for sick people. The dream tells you that you will soon get better and get rid of your illness.
  • From A to Z. The opportunity to go on a trip to an exotic country will arise.
  • Peter Leyman. It is necessary to relax and throw off the burden of problems that have piled up. The opportunity to do this will soon arise.
  • Family. You will be able to control your desires and achieve success.
  • Simone Canonita. Serious life shocks await you, which will teach you a lot.
  • Modern. Your cherished wish will come true.
  • Wanderer. You will encounter something scary.
  • Ukrainian. To an unpleasant meeting or receiving news.
  • Universal. The dream may symbolize some kind of secret or a desire to escape from the bustle of the city into the bosom of nature.
  • Fedorovskaya. Grief will happen in your family.
  • Freud. The dream indicates strong feelings. If you happen to watch a waterfall from afar or look at it from above, then some disturbing thoughts haunt you. You need to let your emotions out. If in a dream you had to stand at the foot of a waterfall and watch how the seething water turns into a slow stream, then this indicates shyness. To achieve harmony in sexual relationships, you should liberate yourself.
  • Hasse. Learn an important life lesson and become wiser.
  • Gypsy. Meet interesting people who will start to like you.
  • Esoteric. You are in danger. The closer you were to the waterfall in the dream, the more serious the troubles will happen.
  • A dream in which you admired a waterfall in the company of a loved one promises a strong and long union. No one will be able to destroy it.

    For a young woman, a dream about swimming in a waterfall portends unrequited love and suffering.

    Waterfall in men's and women's dreams

    For a girl, a dream in which she swam near a waterfall does not bode well. Such a plot foreshadows reckless love. Her chosen one will not be free. The dreamer will go to great lengths to win his heart. But other than suffering, this will bring her nothing.

    For a woman, a dream prophesies positive changes in life and career advancement. But this takes into account that the water was clean and transparent. If the waterfall in night vision was small in size, then you will learn something interesting.

    For a married woman, a dream about a mountain waterfall warns of conflicts with her husband. You haven’t told your spouse for a long time about what doesn’t suit you in the relationship. The dissatisfaction has been accumulating for more than one day, but soon the emotions will burst out.

    For a pregnant woman, a vision of a waterfall, especially if it had muddy water, does not predict anything good. This may indicate health problems. If you feel unwell, you should consult a doctor.

    For a man, a dream about a waterfall is ambiguous. On the one hand, it foreshadows a promotion and an improvement in financial situation, on the other hand, it warns that you should not start a love relationship during this period. A new romance can interfere with professional growth.

    To dream about a waterfall from Friday to Saturday means your cherished desire will come true.

    The meaning of sleep depending on the details

    The interpretation of night dreams is influenced not only by the dreamer’s gender, but also by his actions in the kingdom of Morpheus, as well as what the waterfall was like (high, high-water, etc.). Therefore, it is important to remember all the details of the dream.

    Jumping into a waterfall in the kingdom of Morpheus indicates that you know how to enjoy life and enjoy every day you live.

    What did the waterfall look like in your night dreams?

    Did you dream of a high waterfall? Some interesting event will happen, after which you will rethink a lot and look at your life with different eyes. If the waterfall in the night vision was small, you will receive interesting news.

    Seeing a beautiful and abundant waterfall in a dream is a good sign. The dream promises a meeting with an old friend, which will take place in a warm atmosphere. A heart-to-heart conversation will not only lift your spirits and set you in a positive mood, but will also be the beginning of a new stage in life.

    A weak, drying waterfall seen in night dreams is not a good sign. The dream speaks of loss of strength and chronic fatigue. It's time to rest and relax, otherwise you risk getting sick.

    If the water in the dreamed waterfall was clean and transparent, joyful events and changes for the better are expected. Dirty and muddy water portends troubles and conflicts.

    The waterfall falling from the mountain in the kingdom of Morpheus serves as a warning. You need to learn to restrain negative emotions, otherwise you risk getting into a lot of trouble.

    If in night vision you happened to try the water in a waterfall and it was cold, then this is a good sign. The dream promises good health. A waterfall with warm water portends illness and loss of strength.. If the water was icy or even turned into ice, then it’s time to start solving the problems that have been shelved for a long time.

    Admiring the beauty of a waterfall alone in a night vision is a signal that it’s time to think about your life and make an important decision.

    The dreamer's actions and other details

    Jumping down a waterfall in a dream and enjoying it means bright events and new impressions. If in your night dreams you were pushed into a waterfall against your will and you began to drown, be careful. Ill-wishers weave intrigues behind your back and can do a lot of harm.

    Sometimes in a dream you may not see the waterfall itself, but hear the sound of rushing water. Such a vision predicts the receipt of important news. If in your night vision you happen to be floating along a mountain river with a waterfall, then a series of joyful events awaits you and your loved ones.

    Did you dream of a rainbow in a waterfall? The black streak will end and a period of rest will begin

    To see in your night dreams how a waterfall crushes stones is a sign that not so long ago you gave your emotions the opportunity to break out. Now you have to deal with the consequences of your behavior.

    Watching other people bathe in a waterfall in a dream is an omen that you will not be invited to an important event. This will undoubtedly be upsetting and upsetting. If you dreamed that a person drowned in a waterfall, then someone close to you will have trouble.

    Swimming in the streams of a waterfall in a dream means making a profit.

    Decoding other interesting dreams about a waterfall

    Looking at a picture of a waterfall in a dream is a sign of excessive preoccupation with one’s own problems. Nothing brings you joy; most of the time you are in thought. If you dreamed of a waterfall in the desert, then some out of the ordinary event will happen.

    Drinking water from a waterfall in the kingdom of Morpheus means prosperity. Problems will be solved on their own, and people who annoyed you will unexpectedly leave your life.

    Did you walk under a waterfall in your dream and not get your clothes wet? You will easily overcome the obstacles along the way. Looking at a waterfall at night in your dreams means an incredible love adventure.

    Dreams about a waterfall often foreshadow the onset of a new stage in life. Sometimes they warn that it’s time to rest and retire, and sometimes they promise that your cherished desire will come true. A dream in which you were lucky enough to admire a waterfall in the sun’s rays is especially favorable. It promises happy events and receiving good news from relatives.

    Few people will remain indifferent to such a fascinating natural phenomenon as a waterfall. Visions in which a rushing stream of water appears are interpreted ambiguously. The main key for deciphering is the mood of the dreamer and his impression of the dream.

    Interpretation according to various dream books: Miller, Freud, Vanga and others

    A waterfall is an ambiguous symbol. Dream books offer different interpretations:

    • Miller's dream book: a waterfall seen in a dream characterizes the dreamer as a person who controls his feelings and emotions. In the near future, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate similar endurance to others. Even in the most difficult life situations, you will be able to maintain composure and make the right decision;
    • dream book of Simon Kananita: a waterfall in a dream promises difficult life experiences that will teach you to restrain your feelings and actions;
    • psychoanalyst Freud: dreams of a waterfall indicate strong emotional fluctuations. The leading place in the interpretation is the place from which you observe this majestic natural phenomenon. Look from above - you need to throw out accumulated emotions. You are standing below, and the flow has become slow and quiet: a direct indication of cooling and constraint in intimate relationships.
    • dream book of the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga: if in a dream you stood under clean streams of water - a sign that higher powers will not leave you without care. On the contrary, if you are exposed to dirty, muddy or foul-smelling splashes, and the waterfall itself appears to be raging chaos - this means quarrels, disputes and conflicts with family and friends. Eastern dream book: fulfillment of cherished desires.

    The eastern dream book promises fulfillment of wishes to those who saw a waterfall in a dream

    Who is having the dream: a woman, a girl, a pregnant woman, a man

    1. For a girl: a rather dangerous dream - swimming in the place where the waterfall passes into a calm channel. This promises her a joyless love; the girl’s chosen one will not be free. And to get him, the girl will go to great lengths. As a result, she herself will suffer and will make those around her suffer.
    2. If a woman in a dream simply looks at a waterfall with crystal clear cool water, this is a sign of positive changes in her professional activity. A salary increase or successful overcoming of difficulties is possible, which will allow the dreamer to grow spiritually and gain material success.
    3. For a pregnant woman, a dream about a waterfall is quite dangerous, especially if the falling stream was cloudy. This dream means that the child is in danger. Advice: consult a doctor immediately.

      If you dream about a waterfall from Saturday to Sunday, important changes will soon occur in the dreamer’s life.

    4. For a man: a dream about a waterfall has a double meaning. On the one hand, a waterfall in a dream promises profitable work projects, successful investments, financial success and climbing the career ladder. On the other hand, a dream with a waterfall warns a young man against starting a romantic relationship during this period. A new novel will only serve as a hindrance at the time of professional growth.

    A dream about swimming in a waterfall warns a girl about unrequited love

    What a waterfall looks like in a dream: mountainous, beautiful, clean, weak, stormy, cold, warm, frozen, crushing stones

    1. A mountain waterfall with clean, clear water promises a person an emotional reboot . Despite the fact that now is a time of hard work, quite soon a period of relaxation and rest will come. A flow of water from the mountains can mean getting rid of bad habits and addictions.
    2. A dream in which a person watches a weak, drying waterfall symbolizes a breakdown.
    3. If you see a stormy waterfall as a menacing natural phenomenon, causing almost sacred horror, your desires will come true.
    4. Interpretations of dream books agree that a waterfall with clean water - this is a good dream, promising joyful events and good changes. Dirty water in a waterfall - a symbol of quarrels, conflicts, discord.
    5. Cold water waterfall - an image of good health and spiritual purification. Dreaming of a waterfall with warm water - beware of illness.
    6. An interesting interpretation of a dream in which you see a frozen waterfall. This is a symbol of accumulated problems, the solution of which you keep putting off. Advice: Be more confident in your abilities.
    7. A waterfall crushing stones is an image that says that you have given free rein to your emotions and now you have to deal with the consequences.

    A frozen waterfall in a dream is a symbol of many unresolved problems

    The dreamer's actions: jump, push, drown, swim along a mountain river

    Now remember what exactly happened in the dream:

    Interpretation of other dreams

    If the dreamer admires a picture in a dream that depicts a waterfall, this indicates that in reality he is immersed in his own thoughts and is constantly in thought.

    Seeing a waterfall in a dream where it cannot exist, for example, in the desert, is a sign of amazing events. It’s good when you dream about a waterfall from Saturday to Sunday: important and major changes in life are on the way.

    Correct interpretation of dreams will allow you to prepare for unexpected turns of fate. A dream about a waterfall has many meanings: pay attention to all the nuances.

    according to Miller's dream book

    Seeing a waterfall in a dream foretells that you will be able to restrain your unbridled desires and fate will be extremely favorable for your success.


    according to Ayurvedic dream book

    Is a symbol of birth.

    Seeing water in a dream

    according to Loff's dream book

    Water plays a huge role in human history. Whether it is a deep fresh lake, a river that brings life, or an ocean that swallows people, water is both friend and foe. If a dream contains this significant symbol in any form, it is extremely important to understand its role. Water in dreams is a powerful symbol because very often its appearance coincides with the highest point of feelings. If other objects have a relaxing effect, then a babbling stream flowing through the meadow enhances this effect. If some symbols create a feeling of fear or anxiety, then the stormy ocean intensifies it. Water has a symbolic, primary meaning, according to which it either ensures the existence of life, or keeps a secret, is fraught with danger. This is a reflection of the human experience with water. At the dawn of humanity, hunter-gatherers quickly realized that water was a central component of life. People die from thirst much faster than from hunger. It was even more important to know where the water was, because it made it clear where the food was. However, with the spread of trade, water became a necessary evil, fraught with unknown dangers. Travel by water was dangerous and mysterious, as sea creatures, storms and rough seas claimed the lives of many travelers; contaminated water affected livestock and spread disease. Emphasizing the positive view of water, it should be noted that it is often a symbol of new life, restoration of strength and energy. Water in controlled quantities or in a controlled environment almost always causes this feeling in the sleeper. Managed water is the key to solving problems. If there is a lake in the dream, is the entire shoreline within sight and probable reach? If you dream of a river or stream, have they overflowed their banks, and in your opinion, can they be overcome by ordinary means? These are all examples of managed water. Water represented in this way often indicates renewal. For example, a tired traveler, dreaming, suddenly comes across a stream. A place where you can refresh yourself and gain strength to continue your journey is close, at hand. Perhaps the dreamer is sailing on a boat, slowly gliding along the surface of the water. The sleeper must be anticipating a time of respite from everyday worries or trying to specially create such an opportunity. Uncontrolled water creates anxiety. Raging rivers, rapids and boundless lakes reflect the uncontrollability of the circumstances in which the dreamer finds himself. Quiet, deep water that seems refreshing can also create feelings of anxiety. The reason for this is the potential danger lurking in the darkness and the lack of knowledge of what lies in the depths. The exception to the general statements listed above are water taps. In a dream, it is important to determine whether the tap is controlled by the dreamer or another person and for what purpose this is done. If the dreamer does not operate the tap effectively, then we can assume that he feels that he is not in control and is unable to cope with simple circumstances, or, even worse, perhaps there is no water in the tap. If the tap is controlled by another person, then it can be concluded that the dreamer feels that his position, whether good or bad, is determined by the whim of another. This whim can make one feel significant discomfort or comfort, depending on whether it comes from an unpredictable boss , lover or other persons significant to you.

    Water in a dream

    according to the dream book of Nostradamus

    Water is a symbol of life. To see crystal clear water collected in a huge ball - this dream foretells favorable weather, which will bring many benefits for agricultural work. Drinking water and seeing a fly at the bottom of a glass - this dream means a lawsuit, litigation or slander that will change the mood of society and its faith in the future. Walking on water and seeing schools of carp - this dream suggests that relations with Japan will be brought to a critical point, but it will not come to violence or a declaration of war. Walking underwater and talking with dolphins is a harbinger that you will discover a previously unknown nation to the world. Seeing strongly seething water is a sign of the birth of a new teaching or science, a favorable period for discoveries and complex experiments. Seeing water with blood - this dream foreshadows the birth of Scorpio, who will become a great man and declare himself publicly.

    I dreamed about water

    according to Miller's dream book

    Seeing clean water in a dream foretells that a joyful prospect of prosperity and pleasure awaits you. If the water is cloudy, you will be in danger and despondency will take the place of joy. If you see that the water has flooded your house and is rising, this means that you will fight, resist evil, but if you see that the water is decreasing, you will succumb to dangerous influences. If you walk on wet ground and feel that your feet are becoming wet, this portends troubles, illness and poverty, which will force you to solve difficult problems, but you will be able to prevent them with your vigilance. The same interpretation can be applied to the muddy water filling the ship. Falling into troubled water is a sign that you will make many bitter mistakes and will be painfully upset about it. Drinking muddy water portends illness, but drinking clean and fresh water is a sign of the favorable completion of the wildest hopes. Playing sports in water means a sudden awakening of love and passion. If you dream that splashes of water are falling on your head, this means a passionate awakening of love that will end happily. The following dream and subsequent events in real life are conveyed as follows by a young woman studying dreams: “It is unknown how in a dream I ended up in a boat floating through clear blue water to a pier, which seemed snow-white to me. The next evening I had a delightful guest - a young man who stayed with me beyond the time prescribed by my mother, and I was severely judged for this. The blue water and the beautiful white boat in perspective were symbols of disappointment.

    Why do you dream about water?

    according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

    drink clean, cold - fortunately, health; cloudy, warm - to illness; walking in troubled waters is a disappointment for the better; immersion in water - getting into a difficult personal situation; plunge headlong - avoid danger; getting wet is a shame in love, betrayal and collapse of personal plans; wash your face - to joy, liberation; pour - to shame, mistake; watering - to loss; looking at the waterfall is a terrible encounter; splashed on the head - unexpected passion; drawing water - grief; drawing water from the River means money from someone; from a well - unfortunately; drinking warm water - to chagrin, illness; seeing something underwater is the past; pops up - renewal of relationships or litigation, regret about the past; see scoop; (flowing from a well) - loss of property; unhappiness with loved ones; (flows from where it is not supposed to flow) - troubles depending on the location of the leak: from the wall - troubles from the husband or in the family; from the ceiling - from the authorities; from under the floor - troubles from enemies or betrayal of friends; from the pipes - slander and slander against the sleeping person.

    Why do you dream about water?

    according to Vanga's dream book

    Water is a symbol of change, resolution of contradictions, evolution, renewal, washing away sins and oblivion. In a dream, drinking clean cold water - in reality the world will be renewed, and you will be involved in this process of purification and resurrection in a new quality, along with many people around you. If you dreamed that water was pouring on you from above, then this is an omen of an impending wave of cosmic influence, which is unreasonable to resist. If you manage to find harmony with the cosmos, then you will become a great person and become famous throughout the world. Seeing muddy water is a sign of trouble, complexity of situations and relationships with people. Show kindness and patience, otherwise you will stain your soul with unworthy impressions. If in a dream you saw water flooding your house, then in reality expect a stream of news, one of which will radically change your sense of self and relationships with people. Drowning in water means in reality resisting the natural course of events, as a result of which your health will be damaged and your life will be shortened. Seeing circles or ripples on the surface of water in a dream means you will have difficulty withstanding the coming changes, but by surviving this stormy event, you will gain power over yourself and other people.

    Niagara Falls, what could be more spectacular and beautiful when tons of water fall down in just a fraction of a second? Millions of people, thrill-seekers flock to see this miracle of nature. It will not be surprising if, after such emotions, a waterfall appears in dreams. We will find out why such a plot is dreamed of in dream books.

    According to ancient Eastern philosophy, a waterfall is a source of water where it flows in constant motion. Water, being a very strong energetic element, suggests abundant wealth and good fortune. This is a very sacred symbol for the dreamer, bringing harmonization of living space, attracting happiness, prosperity and health.

    It is very important for a positive prediction that the murmuring water be clean and transparent. Only under this condition, cascades of water promise relaxation, tranquility and relief from the negative accumulations of a hectic life.

    Night scenarios with the noise of seething streams of water are extremely relevant for men whose activities take place in dangerous and life-threatening conditions. Such dreams can relieve emotional stress and restore the correct balance of power.

    A woman's speech flows like a waterfall

    A waterfall in a woman’s dream promises many good prospects and opportunities.

    For a housewife, such a nightly scenario involves flows of inspiration and strength to cleanse the home space, create home comfort, as well as acquire new skills and abilities. This can be either mastering new recipes or more serious activities, for example, the art of airbrushing on cars. In any case, this will be a chance for self-improvement and a source of additional income.

    For a business woman, this is a reason to be bolder in the implementation of plans; fate favors all endeavors. Without focusing on fatigue, your determination and perseverance will help you achieve a lot and succeed to the envy of your competitors.

    For an unmarried beauty, such a dream promises an uncontrollable feeling of attraction to a young man whom she will soon meet. Try to control yourself and not plunge headlong into the pool, your fate is still ahead.

    For a girl seeking a serious relationship, feeling the splash of a fresh stream of water is a signal to take action. A man is already flashing on the horizon, ready to propose, but you are experiencing doubts and caution. Don't miss the chance to become a happy and prosperous wife.

    Water that frightens you with its flow in a dream speaks of your insecurity and tendency to exaggerate in real life. You are used to calculating everything in advance, and if the situation gets out of your control, you begin to panic and nervousness. Try not to worry unnecessarily, trust fate.

    If, on the contrary, the spectacle of the unbridled water element attracts and excites you, in reality be afraid of your carelessness and lack of fear. Your reckless risk can lead to lasting consequences.

    A man running away from the rain will always manage to fall under a waterfall

    For the male half of humanity, dreams about waterfalls can motivate and direct energy and strength in the right direction. A career can skyrocket, and confidence in success will go hand in hand with wisdom and competent action. You are like a locomotive rushing forward, and you cannot be stopped.

    Powerful flows can be a warning of danger. If you experience joy and pleasure from them, the interpretation will be completely opposite to the mood in the dream. First of all, this indicates a high probability of making a mistake in your business area, which you will later regret.

    A muddy and dark pool reminds you of current issues that you are reluctant to resolve. You would like to delegate this labor-intensive and responsible mission to one of your colleagues.

    For a young, purposeful person, a waterfall can be a harbinger of drastic changes in life. Don’t try to stay in a rut; explore new ways to move forward. If at the same time you hear a distinct sound of water, get ready to hear the news about your promotion or change of position. Any option will be a worthy prospect for you to increase your salary and gain new unique experience.

    Falling from a waterfall means losing the opportunity to control the situation. Your carelessness and frivolity dull your sense of responsibility for your own life and health safety.

    Truth is in wine, and health is in water. Author's dream books

    Sigmund Freud

    A waterfall represents strong emotional outbursts of experience, ecstasy or orgasm. Watching the spontaneous flows of water from top to bottom, your body strives to throw out accumulated tension and relax. If you feel yourself in a low backwater at the foot, in reality you are worried about shyness and stiffness during intimacy.

    You need to loosen up and gain experience while enjoying the process in order to achieve harmony with your partner.


    Standing under clear water that flows from above in the playful noise of foam means that you will soon experience the grace that will come down from heaven in the form of love, warm close relationships, promising deeds and good fame.

    If you are touched by splashes of muddy and dirty water lava, expect strife and disagreements with others. Conflicts can affect both family, friends, and relationships with colleagues or partners. During this period, restraint, patience and the search for compromise with people will help. The streak of troubles will pass quickly, but how decent you will look afterwards is up to you to decide.

    Gustov Miller

    The stormy flows of a waterfall in a dream are evidence of unbridled desires, passions and absurd obsessions. Giving in to temptation is fraught with problems and losses for you. You understand this very well yourself, but you don’t stop. Someone’s wisdom in the form of a calm and kind friend will help you control yourself and achieve inner comfort.

    The white foam of water will be the key to your luck in real life, and the noise and droplets sparkling in the sun will represent the splashes of champagne to celebrate your success.

    Evgeniy Tsvetkov

    To see the miracle of Niagara in a dream is to experience something truly exciting and amazing in reality. You lack the thrill, you have forgotten what you once dreamed of. And now you are experiencing a moment of crisis, you want to do a lot: get up and go on a long journey, experience the happiness of loving a woman and commit an act that you will then proudly tell your children about.

    Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

    For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

    When you are ready, draw a card:

    dream interpretation waterfall

    It is a good sign to see a waterfall in your dream. Such a dream helps you cope with your unbridled desires. Dreams with a waterfall are considered favorable; they indicate that fate is treating you favorably, and you will be able to achieve unprecedented success.

    waterfall according to the dream book

    Dreams with a waterfall mean strong experiences and shocks in reality, after which you will be able to reconsider many of your views on life and will be grateful to fate for this. Swimming under the streams of a waterfall - in reality, grace will descend on you, you will be able to distinguish bad people from good ones and help all people with your advice.

    waterfall according to the dream book

    In a dream, admiring a waterfall means a terrible and unpleasant meeting. If water splashes on your head - unexpected passion, and drawing water from a waterfall - to grief.

    dreamed of a waterfall

    Dreaming of a waterfall indicates that you will be able to conquer your ambitious intentions and unbridled desires. There will be a devoted person in your circle with whom you will form a strong alliance for life.

    waterfall according to the dream book

    Seeing a waterfall in a dream indicates a release of emotional tension. And if something tormented and burdened you in reality, then after such dreams the tension will subside and good luck will visit you. For patients, sleep promises a speedy recovery. If in a dream a waterfall destroyed something, you may encounter an unpleasant situation if in reality you give vent to your emotional stress. Therefore, control any situation that arises, do not swear, but look for another way to relieve your emotional stress.

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      • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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          What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

    • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):