The Flood dream is an ambiguous dream that is interpreted differently based on what you did in the dream and what the flood was like in your dream. A lot depends on what emotions you experienced when you saw a flood in a dream: positive or negative, admiration or fear. All this and much more will help you find the correct interpretation of your dream. All known dream books are collected here and answers to the most common questions after the dream “Flood” are given.

Autumn dream book

Why do you dream of a flood? This dream suggests that if there is a river nearby, it will overflow its banks.

Summer dream book

I dreamed of a flood - this dream is a symbol that the elements will begin to roam.

Children's dream book

  • The dream "flood" means that your life will change for the better. You will see clear progress, and luck will turn to face you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a flood, a large wave that moves quickly and causes you fear in a dream - in real life it will be difficult for you to adapt to conditions that will change quickly, you will be at a loss all the time, but not for long. You don't need to waste time on various thoughts, take everything into your own hands, or otherwise miss your chance.

Women's dream book

  • If you dream of a flood on the street, in real life a catastrophe could happen that could lead to serious misfortunes.
  • To dream of a flood, a flood and people simply being carried away by the current - this dream foreshadows heavy losses.
  • The dream of "a flood in a city where the streets are covered with clean water" says that you will be able to find peace and prosperity after a long struggle. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of water, flooding and water rushing in a stormy stream - this dream is a harbinger of illness or a stop in things important to you.

Maly Velesov dream book

  • If you had a dream about “flood”, it means that a journey or a profitable business awaits you.
  • In a dream you dreamed of a flood with clean water - in reality you may encounter obstacles.
  • Dream interpretation: flood water, but it is cloudy in a dream - this dream is very bad.

Ancient Russian dream book

Interpretation of the dream: flood - adventures await you, and at the same time you can go broke.

Intelligent dream book

The flood also carried you away - you will regret your past and at the same time repent.

Dream book for family

  • Meaning of the dream: flood - this dream foreshadows various unfavorable events.
  • Dream Interpretation: flood in the house - in reality you will experience big problems in your family life, and the situation will be so serious that you will think about your marriage. If you are not yet married, then you need to reconsider your relationship with your loved one.
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of water, flooding and muddy water - this dream suggests that you will have troubles related to your intimate life.
  • To dream of a flood, a flood and you are drowning - this dream is a warning. You need to take serious care of your health because you will get very sick.

Erotic dream book

Interpretation of sleep: flood - in reality you can change your usual image in your sex life. Or you will have a new sexual partner. But there is also a threat to change your orientation, but only if someone advises you.

Dream Interpretation by E. Tsvetkova

  • You dreamed of a flood in a city with clean water - you need a reprieve from business, but only temporary.
  • What does it mean if you dream of a flood with muddy water - you will feel a strange position in a strange place.
  • Fleeing from a flood in a dream, but being surrounded by water - in reality you will find yourself in luxury.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Why do you dream of a tsunami flood with clean water - you will experience some temporary interference in your business.
  • To dream of a flood with muddy water - you will find yourself in a strange place.
  • Dream: there is a flood on the street, but you are watching it from afar - this dream is a warning that an obsessive person will overtake you.
  • Dream Interpretation: flooding in the house up to the windows - this dream promises good luck. (cm. )

Spring dream book

Interpretation of the dream: flood - this dream symbolizes money.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • The dream “flood, flood with muddy water” foreshadows a distress or hopeless situation.
  • Dream Interpretation: a flood in the sea with clean water - in real life a major acquisition awaits you. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: fleeing from a flood and the water begins to carry you away - big changes await you.
  • In a dream you dreamed of a flood, and you are drowning in it - it promises you wealth.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

  • Why do you dream of water, flood - this dream warns of emotions that you cannot control, and they will overwhelm you.
  • In a dream you dreamed of a flood, but you watched it from afar - this dream is also a warning, but this time about dangerous connections or a bad acquaintance.
  • Dream Interpretation: the end of the world, a flood and it threatens your life - in reality you will endure suffering and losses that will change your life.

Dream Book of G. Miller

  • Dream Interpretation: a flood in a village in a dream - this dream speaks of a catastrophe that will lead to great misfortunes.
  • The dream “there is a flood on the street and you see how it is carrying people away” means in real life you will have to endure heavy losses and great hopelessness. This will make your life even sadder.
  • I dreamed of a lot of water, a flood - this dream foreshadows prosperity and peace, which you can find after fighting your fate.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a flood, and the water from the river carries you - this dream is a harbinger of a certain disease.

modern dream book

Seeing a flood in a dream - this dream promises a profitable business from which you can get rich.

Jewish dream book of Azar

Why do you dream of a flood, a deluge - the dream speaks of prosperity or even you will receive unexpected wealth.

Dream Interpretation of Yu.Longo

  • The dream “a flood, a tsunami and you suffered from it” says that in reality you too often have primary instincts that bring you and your loved ones grief. Advice: You need to try not to focus on what your instincts are saying and at the same time not to give in to their strength. You need to direct your energy in a direction that is peaceful and harmless to other people.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a flood and observing from the side - something global will happen in real life and it can destroy your principles.

Esoteric dream book

In a dream I dreamed of “flooding, experiencing panic” - this dream promises hopelessness.

ABC of dream interpretation

  • I had a dream “flood”, which warns of uncontrolled emotions that can overwhelm you.
  • Dream Interpretation: water, flood, but you see it from afar - this dream warns you of a dangerous connection.

American dream book

Interpretation of dreams: flood - in reality you will be overwhelmed with different feelings.

Vedic dream book

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a flood? This dream, especially for traders, speaks of successful trading. There may also be a journey waiting for you. But for ordinary people, this dream speaks of poor health.

Eastern dream book

  • The dream “flood in the city” says that you need to prepare for all the vagaries of fate.
  • Dream interpretation: a flood, a big wave that washes you away in a dream - this dream foreshadows illness or financial loss.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

  • Seeing a flood from afar in a dream - the dream warns you that you may meet an obsessive person.
  • Dream interpretation: a flood, a flood that threatens you - in real life you may have a new idea.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Why do you dream of a flood, a deluge - this dream speaks of strong feelings that can overwhelm you. There is a possibility that some events may cause your emotions to be out of control and therefore harm you. If you had a dream about a flood, then it is best not to give free rein to your feelings in reality. You need to try to react calmly in any situation.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

  • The dream of a "flood in the city" predicts that in reality you may also find yourself in a place where a flood occurs.
  • Seeing a flood from afar in a dream means a big commotion awaits you in your home.

Freud's Dream Book

  • Why do you dream of a flood? This dream is a symbol of pregnancy.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a flood (for a woman) - either you or a loved one will become pregnant or you will give birth soon if you are already pregnant.
  • Dream interpretation: a lot of water, flood (for a man) - in reality you have a craving for pregnant women.
  • Seeing a flood in a dream and watching it (for a man) means in real life you want to have children.


To summarize all of the above, I would like to say once again that a flood in a dream usually means something bad, but, like any rule, there is an exception here too. Therefore, before looking for an interpretation of your dream, pay attention to the details of the dream.

Why do you dream of a flood? A flood in a dream can foreshadow both a real natural disaster in reality, and it speaks of the dreamer’s personal experiences and future events in his life. Often water in a dream represents the sphere of emotions, internal experiences and feelings.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Each dream book interprets a dream about a flood differently.

    Miller's Dream Book

    If you dreamed that water was pouring from the ceiling directly onto the dreamer’s head, then this portends sensual pleasures. If a pregnant woman dreams of a flooded house, this indicates possible problems with the health of the unborn child.

    Seeing water flooding the workspace means trouble in the professional sphere, unstable relationships with colleagues. For creative people, a flood at work indicates stagnation and lack of inspiration.

    Seeing a flooded parental house in a dream warns about upcoming misfortunes, disagreements within the family, the possible death of one of the relatives. Seeing a flooded old, dilapidated house indicates that the consequences of old mistakes will soon overtake the dreamer. A flood in someone else's apartment portends financial profit or good news.

    If you see a flood in a village in a dream, then this indicates the presence of an unpleasant, obsessive person in your life.

    A flood in the bathroom portends financial instability, large unplanned expenses, or failure to receive the expected profit. A flooded kitchen indicates that the dreamer cannot control his emotions and with careless words can hurt the feelings of others.


    A global flood in a dream is a harbinger of global, large-scale changes in life that will turn the dreamer’s whole life upside down. Moreover, these changes do not necessarily have to be external - perhaps the dreamer’s worldview will simply change radically.

    A powerful flow in the city speaks of the dreamer’s participation in some large-scale enterprise, rally, or introduction to some culture. Also, the global flood foreshadows meeting interesting, extraordinary people.

    Tsunami flooding - what does it mean?

    A flood with a tsunami portends some kind of catastrophe, accident, or unforeseen disaster. Such a dream may indicate a misfortune that will happen to the dreamer's relative.

    The incoming water, which washes away the city, buildings, people, indicates amazing, but unplanned events in life, but it is impossible to say with certainty what they will be - positive or negative.

    Finding yourself in the center of a raging disaster means painful human experiences, losses and family disagreements. If the dreamer managed to escape from a tsunami with a flood, then this indicates his readiness to cope with all problems.

    Running away from the flood: the meaning of sleep

    Running away or saving yourself from a flood in a dream means that a person in reality is hiding his feelings and impulses, suppressing them, and perhaps is afraid to admit to himself the passions that overwhelm him. Such a dream also indicates the dreamer’s serenity, his desire to hide from responsibility, and also speaks of his fear of the changes taking place.

    If a person fails to escape from the flood, this portends a quick fall in love, a new romantic relationship. If a stream of water passed by the dreamer, this indicates that in reality he will be able to avoid many problems.

At least once in a lifetime, every person has dreams that cannot be forgotten. And not only. These images convey a very important message. This includes flooding. The dream book, of course, will tell you what to prepare for. However, the visitor to the astral world himself needs to work with his brains. After all, not all situations are included in the dream book. Flood, flood, spaces covered by oceanic masses have a different appearance, accompanied by the most important nuances. Let's figure it out so we don't miss important news from the subconscious.

What to look for?

You know, you should solve night visions based on the impression they have on you. This is perhaps the most important thing. So it is with our plot. For example, you were scared by a flood. In this case, the Dream Interpretation will recommend creating an “airbag”, and he will be right. But not always. After all, the capture of wide spaces by huge bodies of water is a multifaceted image. It can mean both a terrible failure and excellent prospects. That is why you should be careful about the emotional component. It tells you in which direction to think, how to reason if you see a flood. The Dream Interpretation, by the way, only gives general interpretations. You need to rely on them, delving into the meaning and improvising. Only in this way will you understand the secret meaning of this message. It will be different for everyone, just like life. After all, you must admit, it is impossible to repeat the path of another. Only common features can coincide. This is roughly how the dream book explains a flood. Any source of interpretation provides directions for creativity, vectors that should be followed in order to understand the meaning of this vision. Let's take a closer look at them.

Miller's Dream Book

This source is rightfully one of the most authoritative. Many people rely on his tips and correctly respond to astral images to their benefit. This dream book considers flooding not a very good sign. By and large, it speaks of certain events of enormous scale that will entail troubles and misfortunes for everyone around. Agree, one person cannot cope with a disaster like a tsunami and cannot prevent it. Care should be taken to minimize losses. However, clear waters covering vast areas do not bode ill. On the contrary, it is necessary to make active efforts to solve seemingly hopeless problems, the dream book says. Flood in this case promises peace after a serious struggle, a life filled with happiness and prosperity. But seeing the victims of this natural disaster is a sign of great losses, this dream book sadly reports. Flooding on the street, seen in night dreams, indicates an approaching period of anxiety and worry. It is necessary to gather and meet the “enemy” fully armed.

Freud's Dream Book

This source of wise advice shows a unique perspective on the subject under discussion. It is believed that the space flooded with water is intended to prepare a woman for information about an imminent pregnancy. This wonderful state will come to her or someone she knows. There is no reason to worry, unless pregnancy seems unwanted to the dreamer. For a man, such a plot promises an unusual adventure. It shows his attraction to women in position. It’s good if such a person’s wife is expecting a child, the dream book says. Water, flood for the stronger sex is a sign of risk associated with amorous affairs.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

This interpreter adheres to an optimistic interpretation of the plot in question. If you saw yourself surrounded by clean waters, then you will live in great wealth. Agree, such a prediction will please and inspire anyone. However, in some cases, this dream book does not interpret flooding so optimistically. A wave seething in the wrong places, carrying dirt and fragments of household utensils, indicates the futility of projects. After such a plot, everything should be stopped. They will bring no benefit, no profit, no satisfaction. If the waves were clear, then you still need to be careful. This dream indicates a delay in the implementation of projects.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

This source does not go into much detail about our plot. In addition, the dream book associates a flood in a city with the property of the person who dreamed it. Namely, this person is expected to lose in the near future. Unfortunately, there is no emphasis on details such as mud in the water or the presence of victims of a natural disaster. But if the dreamer himself was drowned, then he can be congratulated: in an unexpected way, this person will be able to get rid of the terrible danger. When you saw that you were pushing someone into the water, then show in real life unprecedented cruelty that is unusual for your character.

Modern dream book

Flooding and high water in this source are considered bad signs. Any of the visions, regardless of whether the dreamer suffered from them, speaks of upcoming illnesses and losses. It was especially bad when the water was dirty, seething, and threatening. Such a plot clearly predicts some kind of misfortune that can break your will. A person will not just become a victim of some terrible disaster. He will lose sources of budget replenishment, part with friends, experience the betrayal of loved ones, and the efforts of many years of work will be buried before his eyes. Existence in the modern world will become joyless and dull.

Only the purest waters around speak of good things. A person who sees such a plot will have a calm life filled with all kinds of benefits.

Esoteric dream book: flood

A big wave is a sign of impending panic. Moreover, the larger it is, the stronger the negative emotions will be. This source assures readers that the dreamer will become a participant in some social phenomenon. It will have a very negative connotation, perhaps with elements of some kind of scandalous panic. Psychosis will cover everyone around. Most likely, everything will become clear soon. The panic will be completely unfounded. The plot should be taken as good advice. Don’t give in to the general wave, try to disconnect from the mass insanity. So save your nerves, health, and maybe money or property.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

This interpreter proceeds from the fact that every person is influenced by deep instincts inherited from ancestors who killed mammoths and fought with saber-toothed tigers. They are extremely difficult to control. However, if you dreamed of a flood, you will have to. These very instincts push you to irrational destructive actions. In addition, the results of such behavior become the cause of sorrowful experiences for relatives and friends. In general, everyone feels bad. You should control the motives of your own decisions, refusing aggression. Then life will become more enjoyable. When you saw a flood from the outside, get ready for global changes. They will affect all areas of life, forcing you to reconsider your own worldview.

Eastern dream book

This wise source of interpretation also makes its contribution to the analysis of the described image. Here it is recommended to connect the flood with the state of society. When the waters were dirty and seething in the night vision, it means that something wrong is happening around. A social revolt or some kind of serious discontent is brewing. The dream is intended to prepare a person for a turbulent situation, and also advise not to join the general protest. Nothing good will come of this. You will only make enemies for yourself in the form of people holding opposing views or government agencies. Clear waters that dominate cities and streets also herald changes. However, they will be calm and inexorable, progressive and long awaited. If you are an active member of society, then feel free to continue your activities. The dream speaks of the correctness of the chosen position, the prospects of the undertaking or event.

Family dream book

This source of wise thoughts interprets our vision completely differently. From the title it is clear that he tries to consider all night images from the point of view of relationships. So the plot in question is considered a harbinger of certain events that will please or sadden relatives. Thus, clean water during a natural disaster foreshadows a change in the situation of one of the family members. You may soon receive an invitation to a wedding. You should know that this plot predicts happiness for the new couple. Agree, there is something to tell relatives about. Be sure to do this to please the newlyweds. But dirty waters, on the contrary, foreshadow the destruction of family ties. As sad as it may be, such a test may affect you. Therefore, you should pay special attention to your other half, so as not to lose her.

Sometimes the vision tells about the state of affairs in the family of friends. The dreamer should understand who he is talking about and try to reconcile the stubborn ones. It’s not just that this story came to you. This means that no one else has the opportunity to save a potentially happy couple from a terrible mistake.

Vanga's Dream Book

The seer talked a lot about disasters. She left her advice to those who saw them in their dreams. Vanga connected the flood with events of a universal scale. They foreshadow some upheavals affecting states and continents. There is no point in fighting them. Since you dreamed of a flood, it means that the Higher Powers decided to save you at all costs. Good advice should be followed. Monitor events carefully, responding to them carefully and appropriately. It’s easier to say this: if a mess starts, then run before it’s too late. There is no point in fighting forces that are several orders of magnitude greater than you. Protect yourself and your family. This is what the seer advises to remember. The Lord does not give us anything more valuable than family and loved ones.

We have reviewed several sources that explain what a flood leads to in astral wanderings. Miller's dream book seems to be the most detailed and objective in this list. He examines this plot from all possible angles. However, it should be remembered that the flood must be interpreted based on one’s own life circumstances, taking into account the peculiarities of one’s worldview and even character. For some, such a plot tells about personal problems, for others - about the upcoming world revolution. Only the dreamer himself can understand this. Good luck!

Why do you dream about a flood in an apartment? Interesting question. And they are asked by all the people who have dreamed something similar. Well, such a dream has an interpretation, and it’s quite interesting, so it’s worth exploring this topic in full.

According to Miller's dream book

The first step is to tell us what information this book of interpretations gives us regarding why we dream of a flood in an apartment. So, flooding in your own home is a serious struggle. If a person sees how water floods his house in tons, and with every second its level rises higher and higher, it is worth thinking about it and taking, as they say, your life into your own hands. Material well-being is under threat, so you need to gain strength and defend it to the end.

Flooding in the house also promises serious family problems. And if in real life the dreamer really experiences difficulties regarding his personal life with his soulmate, then it’s time to act and correct the situation. This is what I dream about later in the apartment. And a rapidly increasing water level is a sign of the dreamer’s immaturity. This is also worth thinking about.

Modern dream book

This book of interpretations also gives a useful answer to the question of why you dream of a flood in an apartment. This is a warning about misfortunes, and they concern family and home. Well-being comes under threat not only financially, but in all other respects too. However, if a person managed to cope with trouble in a dream, then in real life everything will be resolved quite successfully. At the same time, you don’t have to worry that initially everything is not going too smoothly. All the same, as a result, the person will receive a new high-paying job, and relationships in the family will improve.

Flood Meaning

A flood in an apartment can tell a lot more interesting things on this topic - it’s clear, but what does a flood mean in general?

If it happens in the city, then it will lead to a speedy disaster. If at the same time the dreamer still notices how others are dying, and they are carried away into the distance or into the depths by streams, then you should be wary. Usually such a sign promises heavy losses and simply incredible difficulties. In the event that a flood covers the entire city, you need to stock up on strength and patience. After all, such a dream promises failures that cannot be avoided, even despite the efforts made.

Another interesting and common dream plot. A person sees himself in his own apartment or house. Watching what is happening around him through the window, he realizes that a flood is approaching his home. And now tons of water will flood everything around. So, such a vision means imminent illness and the unsuccessful completion of one’s own business, which was very important for the dreamer. We continue to consider further why we dream of a flood in an apartment.

For a woman, a dream in which water entered the house usually promises troubles with relatives. Men have problems with property.

Flee from invasion

If a person sees how he is trying to escape from the water that has overwhelmed his house, apartment or city, then it is important to take into account when interpreting the dream exactly how he tried to save his life from invasion. Climbing a tree means that hardships and trials await him in real life. He fell from it, ended up in the water, but still managed to save himself - to overcome any difficulties. As a result, the dreamer will still achieve the desired success.

If he also tried to help other people during a disaster, he would end up with serious illnesses. But catching the dead means major failures. If a person was saved by a miracle and was not affected by the water, then one should not rush to rejoice. Most likely, an unpleasant meeting will happen in his life. And if the dreamer drowned in water, then in reality he should pay more attention to his health.

Why do you dream of a flood in someone else’s apartment? This is also not a rare phenomenon. A vision of this kind promises unpleasant changes regarding the dreamer’s relationships with other people. These could be friends, acquaintances, colleagues, relatives. Or an unpleasant person will appear in his life, with whom, despite his own desires, he will still have to have contact.

In general, as you can see, there are many interpretations. In order to give a truly accurate definition of a particular dream, you need not only to listen to dream books, but also to take into account the circumstances of real life and your impressions of what you saw.

A flood seen in a dream always causes panic and anxiety. The person understands that the situation is out of his control and cannot do anything about it, only watch the consequences in horror. In fact, there is no need to panic ahead of time. This dream does not predict terrible events and disasters, but only reflects the emotional state of a person. Anger and irritability begin to boil within you, and every day it becomes more and more difficult to contain them; patience is coming to an end.

Dream interpretation flood

All dreams associated with water indicate certain events or changes in a person’s life and his emotional state in current life situations.

If you dream of a flood, according to Freud, this predicts a woman’s imminent pregnancy, and a man – sexual attraction to someone else’s pregnant woman, a sinful relationship.

A flood in a dream - Vanga’s dream book interprets this dream as a harbinger of a worldwide catastrophe that will affect all segments of the population. Only people with a clear conscience and a kind heart can survive in this terrible whirlpool of events.

Why do you dream of a flood according to Miller’s dream book? This is an omen of not very pleasant events in life that will cause depression, a feeling of hopelessness and a depressed state for a long time.

If in a dream the fields are flooded with clean water, then this means a good harvest, unexpected profit and prosperity.

Muddy water rapidly flooding houses and drowning people is a harbinger of great losses and misfortune.

Dream Interpretation Juno interprets the flood as a warning that your life and health are in serious danger. But at the same moment, if the boiling water is clean, then this is a good omen of spiritual rebirth. After severe shocks, your life will change for the better.

Hasse's dream book interprets a flood as a serious warning that you may lose property.

Modern dream book. If in a dream, during a flood that has begun, a person stays afloat well and feels confident, then this is a very good omen. This means that very soon he will be in the right place at the right time, demonstrate his abilities and occupy a high position in society.

The esoteric dream book explains a flood in a dream as panic, bad mood, and bad premonitions. Don’t succumb to group psychosis, avoid mass events.

Longo's dream book interprets a flood as a manifestation of base instincts, animal passion, which can cause serious problems. Soon a global event will occur in your life that will completely change your principles and worldview.

Danilova's dream book explains the flood by an unexpected change of sexual partner, even a change of orientation.

The Tarot Dream Book interprets the flood as a complex matter that is nearing completion.

The meaning of sleep according to the location of the element

A place that was flooded by a raging stream of water in a dream means the localization of your anxiety or irritation. If a house or apartment was flooded in a dream, then you are worried about your relationships with your family and loved ones. If an entire city is flooded, then you are very worried about the situation in the country or about the fate of the whole world.

Localization of a flood in a dream:

  • Flood indoors. This is anxiety, a premonition of great trouble.
  • A flood in the house where you now live speaks of base feelings and vicious desires that have washed over you. Such a dream can also be a harbinger of illness or restriction of freedom.
    If you managed to cope with a flood in your house on your own, then in reality you may fall under the influence of a not very good person. This promises big trouble, so you need to be careful.
  • Why do you dream about a flood in an apartment? A flooded apartment promises a major scandal in the family. If you feel that your relationship with someone in your family is very strained, then it is better to smooth it out in time with a calm, frank conversation.
  • Streams of dirty water that flow down the walls and from the ceiling, slowly filling the apartment, signal an approaching illness and conflict with the family.
  • If the apartment is filled with clean water, then expect unexpected help in a difficult matter.
  • The room was flooded. If in a dream a person watches his room fill with water, then in reality he experiences a strong fear of the future. Events are about to happen for which he is not prepared and this frightens him. A person feels unprotected in his own home.
  • A flood from the ceiling is a harbinger of not very good events that a person cannot change.
  • A flood in the bathroom caused by a faulty pipe means an old family problem that has not been remembered for a long time. Soon she will remind herself with renewed vigor. You also need to seriously think about your financial situation. If you don't take decisive action urgently, you can lose everything.
  • A flood in the toilet and water with feces indicate unexpected income. The money itself floats into your hands.
  • The kitchen flooded. In reality, a strong conflict has arisen in the family. And the reason for everything was accumulated and unspoken grievances, petty problems.
  • A flood in someone else's apartment may mean that, through your fault, a scandal will break out in someone else's family, even leading to divorce.
  • A flood at work is a harbinger of unforeseen difficulties that will affect the interests of all employees of your enterprise.
  • Flood on the street. Dirty water flooding the streets of the city means a deep economic crisis that will affect all residents of the city.
  • If in a dream a person floats with the flow and does not try to get out, it means that he has a very weak position in life and lacks confidence in his own abilities.
  • A flood in the city predicts events on an urban scale. These could be rallies, protests, strikes, major sporting events or a grand concert. If raging streams of water carry people away, then you need to be very careful. These events can end in riots with casualties.
  • A flood on a road or railroad tracks predicts a dangerous journey.

The meaning of sleep according to the strength and significance of the raging elements

If you dream of a flood, but you are watching what is happening from the outside, it means that in reality you are being pursued by an obsessive person. If sweat or flood threatens life, then this is a sign of internal rebirth. Sometimes such a dream means that you want to avoid responsibility for sins committed and dream of starting life again.

A global flood that wipes out entire cities does not mean that a global catastrophe is coming. Rather, it is a reassessment of values, a change in a person’s thoughts, spiritual maturation and development.

Flood - a lot of water in its meaning echoes the feelings that overwhelmed you. Be prepared for a strong emotional outburst that you will unleash on others. Losing control over yourself and the situation can cause severe damage and loss. If it is flooded with clean water, then this is a harbinger of violent, uncontrollable passion. Flooding with dirty water promises quarrels and conflicts.

A tsunami flood with high waves sweeping away everything in its path suggests that you are very afraid of some danger that hangs over your family. But at the same time, you are ready to fight them, and you feel the help and support of your loved ones. This is also a warning that you are in danger of misfortune, from which it is difficult to escape. The higher the waves, the bigger the trouble.

Flooding of water, rapidly overflowing rivers, flooded houses means that events will happen in life that you cannot control. They will cause a lot of trouble and problems.

Flood, rain, downpour, strong jets of water symbolize your psychological mood. If you are struggling with the elements, trying to take cover and save other people, then in reality you will cope with any difficulties and be able to protect yourself and your family from danger. This is a sign of the beginning of a new life.

Why else do you dream about a flood?

A flood or deluge in a dream is a signal that you are overwhelmed by stormy, destructive emotions that are very difficult to cope with. To avoid destructive consequences, you need to carefully control your feelings and not give free rein to your emotions.

In any dream, details play a very important role. It is on these little things that the overall meaning and deciphering of the entire dream depends.

If you dreamed of a flood, but the water was light and clean, then this is a good omen. It means that after some serious events you will feel reborn, full of strength and confidence in your rightness. Such a dream suggests that there is no need to cling to the old life and past failures. It’s better to wash them out of your memory and start all over again.

Dirty water means that a whole stream of lies, dirt and gossip will suddenly fall on you.

Then from ice water symbolizes later repentance, when it is already difficult to change something.

Strong, seething streams of water, which sweep away everything in their path and carry away people, warn that in reality you need to be very careful and avoid large crowds of people. Even a cultural event can get out of control and there will be casualties.

A flood of red wine warns of mortal danger. Blood, death of a large number of people. In this case, you need to pray that the dream does not come true.

If water flows out of a pipe or tap, this promises internal disagreements in the family.

If the flood comes from outside, then these are external troubles beyond your control. In this case, you urgently need to take care of your own safety and the salvation of your family.

If you are surrounded by water on all sides, but you yourself are standing in a safe place on land, then this promises luxury and prosperity.

Flood or flood promises very good meaning for trade workers. For everyone else, these are health problems and unforeseen difficulties.

A flood with a whirlpool that pulls you into its funnel means that very soon you will find yourself in a large and noisy society. This company will oppress you.

If you are trying to save someone during a flood or flood, this is a sign that an unexpected illness will prevent you from completing the work you started.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):