What do men really look for in a woman with whom they are ready to spend their lives? Hundreds of acquaintances and meetings - all this to find your soul mate. The magazine site is ready to cover this issue, which worries our readers so much.

What kind of woman do men dream about: a girlfriend who will become a companion for his adventures, a passionate lover, an ideal mother for future children, or a girl who is as similar as possible to his own mother? What do men want from a woman? Here are 10 main advantages that an ideal woman should have according to men:

1. She is cheerful and lives her life

The ideal woman should know how to take care of herself, have her own style and be able to make time for her friends and family. This is a woman who loves travel and adventure. She knows how to enjoy the joys of life, be it a walk in the park, a sunny day or a delicious dessert.

Men dream of a woman who does not put the search for a groom at the center of her existence, does not evaluate her success in terms of marriage and does not wait for the ideal man to start living.

2. She can become his best friend

The ideal woman should help a man be at his best: laugh at his jokes, compliment him and let him shine in the most important moments of his life. And, of course, a man should try to do the same for her.

3. She doesn't have to make the first move.

There are constant discussions on this topic, but, nevertheless, the answers of the majority of the men surveyed show that the ideal woman should not take any action in order to get acquainted, because every man is a hunter at heart and dreams of conquering us. In addition, only in this case can a woman be sure that they are really interested in her, and not just picked up her initiative.

4. She shouldn't put pressure on him.

This is a very important aspect of the relationship between a man and a woman: men cannot stand pressure and restrictions on their freedom. You shouldn’t call him several times a day, innocently asking “Where are you?”, don’t bombard him with text messages or emails, and also avoid questions about your future. Better yet, completely eliminate the word “marriage” from your vocabulary.

Men do not like to give reports and build their lives according to a schedule, but prefer spontaneity and chance.

5. A real woman is sexy, but without excesses

Every man dreams of a sexy woman and this concept changes as your relationship progresses, but most men believe that at the beginning of dating women should avoid sexual comments and overt advances, but as the relationship becomes more serious, more intimate expressions of love are quite appropriate.

6. She knows how to choose the right time for sex

Of course, we live in the twenty-first century and no one waits until the wedding night to have sex, but the first intimacy is an important step for a couple, and, nevertheless, many women do not understand how fast the transition to sexual relations is may affect the dynamics. When women have sex and become aroused, they are influenced by the hormone oxytocin, which, according to some studies, makes them more attractive to their partners. If you find yourself in bed with a new acquaintance too quickly, then there is a danger that your relationship will not develop outside of sex.

7. She won’t turn a blind eye to men’s pranks.

A real woman will not tolerate inappropriate behavior from her man. Guys respect women they can't afford to have affairs with, because they know what the consequences will be. If he understands that betrayal is a serious mistake, he will appreciate you even more. Men also like women who adhere to the following principles in their lives: never date married or already taken guys.

8. She should be attentive to him

The woman a man dreams of knows how to show small signs of attention that make it clear how much he really cares for her. She remembers what her man loves and is always attentive to his needs, be it his favorite dish, music or something else.

9. She knows how to choose a real man

A real woman knows how to choose a worthy man: serious and reliable, who knows how to be honest and sincere with her. You should have the same views on life, education and cultural level, in addition, a common attitude towards money is very important (one of the reasons why couples most often quarrel). Although there are many theories that say opposites attract, think twice before committing your life to a big spender.

10. She knows how to truly love

How do women know that they truly love? Sometimes a moment comes when they exclaim: “Here he is!”, considering him the most attractive of all other men, and others less so. In fact, love is the unique realization that the happiness of another person is as important as yours.


Contrary to popular belief, they need more than just sex from us. Or rather, if a certain woman is just a transit point for him, then yes, he takes sex and leaves. Search for your dream, your love. All of them, even the most freedom-loving ones, have a secret dream that they will not even reveal to themselves, but they really want to fall in love. And the most important thing is that they are loved. Unconditional, all-encompassing love. And if they don’t meet one, they close.

They, like frightened animals, run away from relationships, and there are a number of explanations for this.

For example, women's financial concerns. Many successful men do not even advertise their success and material wealth, so as not to become a victim of hunters for rich men.

In addition, men are polygamous by nature, and it is difficult for them to remain sexually attracted to one woman.

And in general, they are lazy, and when they hear the word “family” they see continuous responsibilities and worries. Often they see how friends have changed after getting married. And the body’s natural reaction is to escape.

But let's not talk about sad things, and let's figure out what men want us to see.

They divide women into 4 categories. And they communicate with these categories in turn, in accordance with their requests.

Sexual partner- liberated and reckless. Capable of any man’s experiments and fantasies, always ready for sex with her partner. This gives a man confidence in his masculine viability. It is advisable for her to have body proportions most suitable for childbearing. But I’ll reassure you, any woman has such proportions if she takes even a little care of herself. Element - Fire

Friend- common interests, so that a man and a woman can consult with each other, and know that the other side will always understand and support. It is on this facet of relationships that people should have the same level of development. Although it is very good if a man knows more, he also takes on the role of teacher in the relationship. And in general, it’s good for a woman to be a leader in this friendship, a la a silly girl, to artistically fulfill her role. But at the same time, a man should know that you are not stupid at all. You should have fun and feel comfortable together. It is very good to show your helplessness in certain issues in which a man will be pleased to help you. You must be diplomatic. Element - Water.

Queen- a self-sufficient person, smart and independent. In social life she has achieved something, is interested in something, is of interest to other men, but is unapproachable to them. A man should be proud to have such a woman next to him. Men in general are terrible show-offs, and will be happy to help you reach certain heights, just to be proud of their Woman. Element - Air

Mistress- she must surround her partner with care in everyday life. She must cook several of a man's favorite dishes better than anyone else. A man should want to come home knowing that the best woman is waiting for him by the fireside. A man should be confident that his offspring are in good hands when you have children. Element - Earth.

Now let's come down from heaven to earth. Hand on heart, performing all the roles without hesitation throughout your entire life - you can go crazy! But still, if we want a harmonious relationship, something needs to be done about it.

First, decide which of these roles suits you best. We all have a certain character, habits, interests. Therefore, 1-2 roles from this list will not be difficult for you even at the initial stage. But the remaining edges will have to be worked on a little.

It’s just that a man always finds a logical solution to everything. If a woman cannot cope with one of the above roles, he looks for people who can give it to him. And no matter how strong feelings he felt for his own wife. This is why lovers, boyfriends, side affairs, and so on appear. Do you need it?


But I will reassure you, men also have roles that they also manifest unevenly, and here women have the opportunity not to work hard, but simply find a suitable man. A man is looking for a woman who will complement and strengthen him.

Artist (water and fire) - a man in whom sensuality is most manifested. He has a rich imagination and creates new things. Creative personality, follows a dream. Indifferent to everyday life, stingy and generous at the same time. Needs self-care. He praises a woman, but is unable to provide for her. Inventive in bed. Will search Queen and Mistress (air and earth). Bitchy and practical, capable of creating comfort, cooking deliciously, planning and organizing everyday life. She becomes the leader in the family. There's a problem here. Such women, as a rule, look for equally strong and successful men, not paying attention to Artists.

Artist (earth and water) - a man in whom practicality and sensitivity prevail. He perfectly captures people's mood and gets his way. Not prone to sentimentality and romanticism. Little predictable, prone to risk, optimistic, decisive. Strives for power and glory. Loves variety, seeks new sensations. Will search Sexual partner and Queen (fire and air). A woman should be sensible and sexy. Devilishly smart, outwardly cold, and liberated in sex. A man should doubt her feelings. This woman’s bitchiness only inflames a man’s desire to give gifts to his queen. She masterfully teases her man, turning him away from everyday problems.

Powerful king (air and earth) - a man in whom practicality and logic prevail. This is a born leader, he rarely suffers defeat, and is merciless towards his enemies. Requires obedience and order from those around him. He has a strong will, is purposeful and persistent. Knows how to show strength. Will search Friend and Sexual partner (water and fire). She will decorate his life, admire his achievements, and introduce unpredictability into his gray, measured life. And even if he doesn’t like the mess at home, he will take it calmly and pamper his sweet eccentric.

Explorer (fire and air) - A man has strong logic and intuition, masculine strength. They don’t care about everyday life and are indifferent to money. Capable of earning a lot and spending it right away. He doesn't understand feelings well and doesn't let anyone get close to him. He appears cold and reserved, but is passionate by nature. Will search Friend and Mistress (water and earth). Tasteful and neat. Her home is always cozy and open to guests. She is always ready to support and caress. She must conduct all affairs and create the appearance that the man is in charge. I must support him in everything.

Men are more stable in their manifestations, and it is very difficult to change them. And a woman is able to cultivate the missing qualities in herself. We are more plastic, and if we want, we can cultivate everything within ourselves. We have a choice - to meet someone who is ideal for us, or to cultivate the necessary qualities in ourselves. Of course, this can be called a choice with a stretch, because in any case we adapt.

So, you need to first understand which female roles you are most comfortable with. Arrange all four roles in order so that the most familiar roles are in first place, then in descending order. And now look at what you need to cultivate in yourself. Based on priority positions, you can easily determine which partner is right for you. But for the rest, you still need to develop at least a little ability. Ideally, you can swim in all four elements like a fish in water.

Is everything complicated in a relationship? Want to know everything about your partner? Confused about yourself? COME HERE!

How exactly to cultivate certain roles in yourself if some role is not yours at all?

Sexual partner. Go for strip plastic surgery. Work on your body. I also recently found out that in Moscow there are trainings where they teach oral sex, Thai sex, and tell how to give a man the greatest pleasure. I even visited “Oral Sex”, learning that there are about 50 types of just these caresses. Can you imagine how happy your partner will be if you show him something? You can also learn massage, understand all types of sex, this is literature, the Internet. Sea of ​​sources! And don't be shy. This is your development, and not debauchery, as those who remained on the stove will exclaim.

Friend. In this element, preparation may be unnecessary. It’s just that when there is already a specific partner, you are interested in his hobbies and become his ally. But the interest must be genuine. You find some information on this topic and discuss it. You get involved in his business headlong and begin to love your Man’s business. Why not? But you shouldn’t impose yourself either. Otherwise he’s going fishing with his friends, and here you are... They’re planning a drinking party, and you’re like customs control))) It’s great if you can interest him in your hobbies. Or come up with a new business that will interest him. It's ideal if you make friends based on a common interest. Start doing something together, and be his support, appreciate his achievements. Always defend his interests in any company as if they were your own. In difficult moments, find the right words.

Queen. Be self-sufficient and practice it. In your work, try to achieve something. Improve your professional level. Communicate, take public speaking courses. Learn some poems, proverbs, quotes, jokes. Learn to dance, learn etiquette. Consult a stylist about what color suits you, what clothes, what hairstyle. You must have a special style. Practice your gait, posture, and gestures. Love yourself, treat yourself to beauty salons more often, make it a habit. Don't wait for someone who will take care of you, become a well-groomed woman.

Mistress. Here you can work both BEFORE and AFTER meeting a Man. Well, first of all, a neat appearance is a mandatory minimum condition. A sloppy woman will most likely not be able to become a good housewife. You can learn to cook some delicious dishes, especially meat. To learn to understand interior design, you can attend such courses or read books. You can learn to sew and knit. Embroider some napkin, or knit a scarf. But the main work is when you find out his preferences and fantasies. Learn what is important to him, what he loves and wants to see in everyday life. It is very useful to become friends with the mother of our subject. This is a good thing in every way, and unless she is a monster like I was, being friends with her will be a good thing for your relationship and will greatly flatter your man. She will also be happy to tell you about her son’s preferences, and also teach you how to cook what he likes. Use this knowledge and develop new recipes, only yours. Gradually accustom him to the idea that you are the best housewife.

Well, if you can master all the roles, not a single man will escape you, believe me! They are logical creatures, and why should they look for variety in sex on the side if his partner can do everything, and you have a trusting, open relationship? Why should he be friends with some ladies if any of his adventures will find support in your person? Why should he admire someone if the queen is nearby? Why should he run away from home to work or to see friends if he is comfortable at home, if he is drawn there?

Yes, and here's another thing. Jealousy. Get rid of this feeling. It comes from self-doubt. Understand that if a person needs to change, he will do it. Therefore, it is working on yourself that will bring real results in this matter. You must know and exude self-confidence with every cell of your being. If a man has already seen an ideal in you, then he will not leave. Feel free to let him go. It's even better if he walks around a little longer. Show him how good it can be with you and let him go! It's like in fishing, when you pull a fish out, you need to feel it, and if it jerks sharply, you need to let it go a little, otherwise it will break. So let him meet someone else and make sure that it’s better with you. Know how to let go gracefully, without explanations or showdowns. If this is your man, he will come back. And if not, then thank God he left. But after such a “walk” he will cling to you and never let go. He must mature to realize that he is ready to build a relationship. Myself. You can only indirectly help him in making such an important decision.

If you have come to this page, you are interested in building harmonious relationships. I have great respect for people who seek and engage in self-knowledge. Have you tried studying physiognomy? This knowledge will help you “read” any person and make the right impression on a man.

Knowing the strengths/weaknesses of a person, you will always influence the right points. By learning to read a man's nonverbal behavior, you will read his thoughts!

Don’t delay, because time is running out... Moreover, you can start now and absolutely free!

STUDY PHYSIOGNOMY, it is the best tool for life!


6 reasons to study physiognomy right now:

1. You will know ALL THE SECRETS of people, because the face is always in sight. To do this, you will not need any data about the person - no last name, no first name, no patronymic, no date, no time, no place of birth, no passport details, no details of his current account - NOTHING!

3. You will increase your income by an average of 40%

4. You will build a strong family without wasting time on mistakes

6. You won't need a lie detector

Knowing what men need from girls allows the fair sex to become better people and not miss the chance to build a happy union with their chosen one. Typically, representatives of the stronger sex value loyalty, the ability to listen and sympathize, thriftiness and other qualities in ladies. Their presence significantly increases the “cost” of a woman on the “bride market.”


This is desired not only by representatives of the stronger sex. Everyone wants to have an understanding person nearby. What do men look for in women if not acceptance and support? Therefore, girls who want to build strong relationships with their chosen ones should learn to accept their men for who they are. If there are moments that irritate or cause anxiety, you should not immediately point out them, grumble and get annoyed.


The obvious answer to the question of what men look for in women is fidelity. Every representative of the stronger sex would like to have a devoted life partner nearby, in whom he could be one hundred percent sure. If a man has to go on a business trip or circumstances turn out to be such that they have to stay away from each other for some time, he should not have a shadow of a doubt that his chosen one may cheat on him. Everyone needs not just a beloved, but a faithful friend who will never betray under any circumstances.

This quality is especially appreciated by those men who are interested in dating for a serious relationship. If a person is simply looking for someone to have fun with, the question of fidelity is unlikely to be as relevant for him as for someone who plans to start a family with a girl. Therefore, here ladies need to be especially careful: in order to prove their seriousness, they do not have to tell their partner about their reliability. The main thing is to demonstrate this with your behavior.

Listening skills

Both ordinary women and professional psychologists wonder about what men need for complete happiness. Research shows that the ability to listen sensitively is often the most important skill in a woman for the stronger sex.

Often men have to hear the phrase from ladies: “I told you so!” If this is the case, the girl needs to work on herself seriously and as soon as possible. It is necessary to learn to listen to your chosen one without reading notations, trying to enter into his position. There is no need to shout that he is again taking the wrong step, which he himself will later regret. Instead, you can simply sit next to your lover, hug your lover and listen silently.

If he needs advice, you can unobtrusively comment on the situation. With such a lady, a man will always share his joys and sorrows, without hiding anything and without fear.


Girls used to be taught from a young age that the way to a man’s heart runs through his stomach. The lady who knows how to cook and run a house well is endowed with a great advantage. But what if a woman simply doesn’t have enough time to improve her skills in cooking borscht and baking pies? Here you can show your creativity and organize your life so that both are happy. For example, in the movie "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" she does not know how to cook, but her lover is always full and happy. After all, she orders food at home, and after that she sets the table. This is how economic talent manifests itself, the ability to feed one’s chosen one in any situation.

This character quality is also often especially valuable for men interested in dating for a serious relationship. After all, such a love affair in the future involves living together and maintaining everyday life. Men often turn out to be pragmatists in this matter. If, up to a certain age, a gentleman can endure any whims of his beloved, just to be close to her, then as he grows up, men’s tastes transform. A mature man always assesses the situation more adequately. He will prefer to build a life together not with the lady who causes a storm of emotions, but with the one who knows how to cook a delicious dinner and make the house cozy.

The ability to be grateful

Gratitude for the attention and gifts of your chosen one is always better than coldness and misplaced pride. How does a man show interest in a woman? He does this in different ways:

  • strives to spend more time with his beloved;
  • offers assistance;
  • listens to her carefully;
  • and, of course, gives gifts.

As in any human communication, for all this the representatives of the stronger sex seek gratitude from the ladies. Otherwise, it will be a shame to invest time, effort, and finances in a girl. Therefore, gratitude is often the quality that men look for in women. For representatives of the stronger sex, it is important not only a woman’s ability to support them, but also the ability to appreciate what they have, what they are able to give. Whether you gave him a diamond ring or simply picked him up from work, you definitely need to thank him. And it’s worth doing it with all your heart. If flattery causes offense, then sincere gratitude is the desire to make your woman even happier.

Communication skills

“What do men look for in women?” - those ladies who at first glance seem ideal torment themselves with questions. They have a beautiful appearance, they are pleasant in communication with men, mysterious and unobtrusive. But sometimes it happens that a woman who is ideal in all respects turns out to be lonely. Moreover, her loneliness extends not only to her personal life, but also to other areas - this ideal lady may have absolutely no friends or acquaintances.

Many representatives of the stronger sex are looking for a woman who would have her own social life. They will prefer a girl who loves to spend time with her friends, and not just spend all evenings with her lover. Some men will even appreciate a girl who doesn’t forbid herself to sit for an hour or two in a bar after work, talking with her colleague. At first glance, the social aspect does not seem to be a critical factor - such as appearance, education or, for example, tact. But in reality, many men notice how many girlfriends their chosen one has and what kind of relationship connects her with them.

Positive outlook on the world

Why do many men value a sense of humor and optimism in ladies? At first glance, the answer to this question is obvious: it is always more pleasant to spend time with a cheerful woman than with a sad one. But there are deeper reasons to value a positive outlook on the world. The marriage of a man and a woman is a serious undertaking. Family life is not at all a series of happy and carefree days, as young lovers sometimes imagine it to be.

In reality, marriage often turns out to be a serious test for both partners. Every person has to overcome many difficulties in his or her life. Marriage, on the one hand, represents a reliable rear in which you can hide from adversity. On the other hand, the family itself can become a source of problems. Some have children and have to face psychological and financial difficulties. Others discover that their personalities are not as similar as they seemed during the candy-bouquet period. Still others face professional difficulties and begin to seek support from a partner.

A sense of humor, self-irony, and the ability to rise above oneself are important qualities that are lacking in such situations. When a woman overloads herself with problems, a similar vision of the world begins to be transmitted to the man. Some strive to protect themselves from it, others cannot build such a psychological barrier. What kind of women are interested in men - those who lose heart at the very first trials, or those who are able to support both themselves and their lover? The answer to this question is obvious: strong women have a much greater chance of building a strong family union.

Fear of loneliness, complexes and the inability to hear oneself literally bring a woman to her knees in front of each of her men. Without vulgarity and double meaning.

And the worst thing is that she desperately believes: if she infringes on herself in her interests, limits her needs and desires, she will have the long-awaited happiness.

And it doesn’t occur to anyone that happiness first of all needs to be cultivated in oneself, and not sought in another person.

Even less often will anyone remember that love is not a one-sided game. And harmonious relationships are built on interaction and sensual reciprocity.

By betraying yourself, stepping on your interests, you risk becoming dependent on each of your men, former and future, and simply losing yourself. And cultivate a spoiled egoist in the man next to you.

So, you don’t need to write it down, but you MUST REMEMBER. Unless, of course, you are focused on .

Idolize HIM

A man is instinctively drawn to a self-sufficient woman. The one who loves, feels herself and is guided by her desires. And such a man knows for sure that a man needs to be admired, respected, appreciated and loved.

But you don’t have to sacrifice yourself on the altar in front of his idol! The exception is your sexual games on the topic :) A healthy man is irritated by chronic admiration.

It has long been proven that only a person who loves himself (and not a narcissist, do you feel the difference?) is capable of mature love for another.

Justify violence

Abuse, violence, dictatorship - things that CANNOT HAPPEN in normal relationships.

The first two need help, and the third needs to be treated alone... But the fact remains that both the first and the second allow him too much and do not value themselves.

There are no excuses for such behavior. A man is initially a stronger structure in a relationship and he must protect the woman.

A sense of security is one of the key and most important qualities of a healthy and harmonious relationship.

Only for women and men its manifestations are slightly different.

Go to extremes

Many women have no idea what the “golden mean” is in a relationship.

Either they play inaccessibility, excessive mystery, then already on the fifth date they tell how Yulka’s appendicitis was removed from work and that her ex was “not wow” in bed.

We must not forget that balance must be maintained in everything. This is a vital principle.

A professional woman is shrouded in a LIGHT mystery and never says too much. Doesn't discuss, doesn't judge. He is busy with his life and his relationships.

For a man, it’s like a book that he started reading, got lost in, and couldn’t close. But he will never read it to the end. Because each new page teases and brings something interesting to his day.

Do you feel the difference?

When he knows exactly what you’re wearing under your dress, it stops intriguing and exciting... Everything a man should be sure of in you is... This is the only way you can be predictable.

Hide your status

This nuance concerns not only your intimate life. Whether you're single, dating, married or divorced, the man proposing a relationship with you has every right to know.

And this is a double-edged sword, because material status is also important.

Remember the situation in which the main character of the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” found herself when she hid that she was a production director.

Such cover-ups do not end well. And what will you do when he finds out that you earn much more? Or are you not working at all and your financial situation is extremely difficult?

That’s why you’re hiding it - you’re afraid to “humiliate” him with your status or to humiliate yourself with his status. Are you afraid to attract a gigolo and a hanger-on? Or do you believe that you can receive the social stigma of being a “kept woman”?

In any case, sooner or later everything will be revealed. Then you will either lose his trust, or him himself - if your status somehow infringes on his self-esteem.

Give your man the opportunity to understand your social level and make him feel as much of a breadwinner as he can.

Tolerate his whining

You'll be doing both of you a big favor if you don't go with him out of pity. You are not a container for draining negativity and sadness (if this dominates your relationship). You can inspire him, support him, motivate him... whatever.

Just let him solve his own problems, including psychological ones. Because a healthy relationship can be built by two people who are holistic and self-sufficient in their own way, and nothing else.

Become "strong"

It is important for a man to feel strong and needed. There is no way without this. Each of us wants, somewhere deep down in our souls, to be a hero.

Childish, I know... 🙂 Yes, we are all a little children inside. Do you also sometimes want to be “small and handy”? So, if you are ALL BY YOURSELF, what kind of hands?! And don’t complain later that you don’t make them want to help and care.

The desire to become indispensable and decide everything for him grows out of your own insecurity. And many try to become a caretaker, a secretary, a mommy, a granny for their man...

And at the same time, she is also a racketeer for friends and relatives, who manages to attack everyone who offends her darling.

Do you really think this is how you can earn his love and protection? You will care and protect.

Some go to the edge and even support their men. This, of course, is your business... But gigolos and rogues exist for that. I hope he efficiently performs the functions for which you sheltered him.

Forget about yourself

A man is not a reason to give up self-development, personal time, space, favorite activities, friends, etc. Give up on yourself in general. Do you understand this? This also includes betrayal of your dreams, your ideals, values, and views.

A worthy man wants his woman’s life to have all of the above and will do everything for this.

And all the “why do you need to work - don’t I earn enough?”, “Are THEY more valuable to you than me?”, “I don’t like your girlfriend,” “this work is between us” are the tricks of typical dictators.

The same applies to a man’s demands to change or adjust your appearance, clothing style, and lifestyle to his requirements.

Should I go under the knife for him or change my hair color from blonde to brunette?! He simply is not attracted to the one who actually excites him, and stupidly fits you into her “bright image” - that’s what it means! Be yourself!

When you like yourself, pump up your femininity, you are simply doomed to find a worthy man.

If you don’t know how to do this yet or still don’t understand what men want, come to mine - I’ll tell you everything.

And your parameters are not so important as healthy self-esteem and the ability to take care of yourself. It is important that you sparkle with positive, lively energy.


...chew and absorb all omissions, quarrels, conflicts, grievances, claims, dissatisfaction. You don’t have to think that if you are patient, remain silent, and are quietly offended, he will appreciate you and love you more.

Inappropriate men take advantage of this. It’s convenient to pretend that you don’t notice anything.

Yes, don’t forget that even a worthy man will never guess why you’re upset or what you want if you don’t tell him about it.

You may be a great actress if he is sincerely confident that everything is fine with you and you are happy. But you accumulate grievances and irritation, and then still start a showdown.

Relationships should be built on the basis of trusting communication. Help a man get to know you. Explain what you're sulking about. And you will be happy!

Play a role

To adapt to a man (especially from the principle “if only not one”), many women try on roles. And often their reality has nothing to do with these roles.

You don’t have to pretend to be a fool, an ideal housewife, a party girl or a glamorous diva in order to please him and keep him close to you. This doesn't work in real life. Normal men sense falsehood very clearly and it pervades relationships.

And, if a man has a low intellectual level, income, or whatever, there is no need to create for him the appearance of a different life.

To each his own

Don’t become a toy in the hands of a beggar, don’t be the plasticine of his desires and complexes. Love yourself, your interests, freedom, values ​​and habits. You cannot respect someone who does not respect himself!

And everyone will find theirs if they look correctly. And you too will find your worthy man.

Focus on your growth and development. Be the kind of woman a worthy man wants. There is only one way to be happy - to be YOURSELF. What I sincerely wish for you!

I believe in you
Yaroslav Samoilov.

In a world of frantic competition, men have to prove their worth in all areas of their lives. At work, with friends, at home and, of course, in sex! Sometimes men feel that they cannot cope with all this burden of responsibility. They constantly need to prove to everyone around them that they deserve the right to be called real MEN.

Men who have to constantly pretend to be something in bed, without feeling the support of their partner, have a hard time. They complain that in bed they must demonstrate their achievements in order to meet women's expectations.

Despite the fact that men, as a rule, have a more primitive attitude towards sex than women, they also tend to suffer from insecurity about their sexual attractiveness. Such uncertainty can negatively affect a man's sex life. As a result of the study, it turned out that most men complain that most often it is they, and not women, who initiate sex.

Women are often limited only to what a man offers. Without thinking about how to get aroused yourself and arouse a man. A woman’s lack of initiative can tell a man that she is not interested in him as a sexual partner and his manifestations are perceived by the woman as an “imposition.”

Monotonous and predictable sex also does not suit many men. Men crave initiative and ingenuity from women, and most importantly, a demonstration of desire, the desire of him - MEN! The woman who shows a man her desire to possess him, willingly responds to his fantasies and demonstrates her own, is precisely such a woman in the eyes of a man who is sexually attractive!

As a result of the survey, it turned out that the majority of men, answering the question of what a woman needs to do to arouse him more, answered “Be active in bed.”

Nowadays, when sex is not a closed topic, nevertheless, many women still very much restrain themselves in bed. They are embarrassed to open up to their partner, show their sexual desires and demonstrate preferences.

This happens because they are afraid of appearing too approachable. Some women lack the ability to be creative, proactive, express their emotions in sex, and at the same time demonstrate the confidence of a woman that needs to be won. Not everyone manages to maintain the balance of this fine line.

Women, if you are confident in your sexual partner, do not be afraid to show your partner your desires and fantasies.

Take the initiative, because by going to meet a man, you show him that you not only consider him sexually attractive, but thereby allow him to feel your importance and masculine worth in the field of sex, too, and also to feel loved in the full sense of the word !

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):