Over the past few years, among summer residents and other gardeners, planting crops before winter has become widespread. This is explained by the presence of a number of advantages that winter sowing has. Thus, crops whose seeds were sown in the fall:

  • are able to develop powerful roots and accumulate more than the required mass;
  • have a high growth rate in spring;
  • resistant to weeds.

Compliance with certain rules for planting plants before winter in the garden or garden can lead to lush flowering and early harvest in the spring. To do this, it is necessary to strictly adhere to planting dates and use cold-resistant crops.

What crops can be planted before winter?

Skilled summer residents have a vegetable garden that functions all year round. At temperatures below +1 (up to -5 degrees), it is proposed to plant some types of vegetables in order to ultimately obtain good harvests. Thanks to these planting features, the seeds do not grow during the winter cold and go into a kind of hibernation.

Subsequently, these crops, which are considered resistant to different weather conditions, are able to produce crops earlier. These types of vegetables include:

  • garlic;
  • carrot;
  • beets;
  • radish;

Some people practice winter sowing tomato, mustard, borage, potatoes, corn.

The garden is also an important part of the yard in a country house. If the garden brings food, then the garden can also create a certain atmosphere around.

It is customary to plant this area before winter. deciduous trees capable of bearing fruit. They choose shrubs, ornamental trees, and perennial flowers. This group includes:

  1. From the trees: apple tree, cherry, sweet cherry, plum, pear and others.
  2. From decorative species: barberry, viburnum, rowan, currant.
  3. Bushes raspberries, gooseberries, blackberries.

What flowers and herbs are planted before winter?

In principle, due to their natural properties and relative resistance to frost, any type of greenery is suitable for planting before winter. The most popular are:

  • parsley is highly resistant to low temperatures;
  • basil;
  • dill, capable of vigorously germinating ahead of schedule;
  • sorrel, which has the ability to withstand cold and sub-zero temperatures;
  • celery;
  • parsnips, the seeds of which can sprout faster after winter hibernation.

If the area is properly prepared for the necessary planting, flowers can also be planted for the winter. Seeds of annual and perennial plants are not exposed to freezing cold:

  • daffodils;
  • delphinium;
  • cornflowers;
  • calendula;
  • peonies;
  • cloves and other types.

You can add a little to the yard medicinal plants, and sow mint, lemon balm, valerian, and sage before winter.

In order to guarantee lush flower beds in the spring, it is necessary to cover the rows with film or oilcloth when the snow melts.

When to start winter planting?

For each climatic zone and local weather conditions, different sowing dates are chosen. It mainly falls in the last months of autumn, when planted crops are guaranteed not to grow at the existing temperature. The main criterion that is met and heeded when planting plants before winter is the factor of the onset of persistent cold weather.

Planting dates for main crops:

  1. Garlic and onion– 1.5 months before the onset of frost. On average, this period includes the last two weeks of September and the first half of October.
  2. Optimal timing for planting seeds sorrel are August and September. They do not need to be covered with film for the winter, since the plant is frost-resistant.
  3. For beets, carrots, radishes, dill With parsley And salad choose days in October or November. During this time, the seeds swell, but do not have time to germinate and go into “hibernation.”
  4. Tomatoes grown when persistent cold weather occurs, since sudden thaws can ensure premature germination of seeds.
  5. Perennial or annual flowers are planted within the time period indicated on the seed packaging. Typically, winter sowing of plants occurs at the end of October, beginning of November.

On average, The optimal time for planting crops before winter is from October to November when the earth temperature does not exceed 2-3 degrees Celsius. You can choose the timing of planting yourself, taking into account the presence of constant temperatures without sharp fluctuations for several weeks after sowing.

How to prepare the ground for winter planting?

Despite the natural resistance of plants to cold temperatures, the necessary optimal soil conditions are created to ensure the germination of seeds, flowering of trees and the release of shoots. To do this, prevent the entry of frosty air into the ground by premature loosening of the soil.

In some cases, beds cover with oilcloth to avoid contact with the seeds of weed plants. The depth of each hole is within 5 cm, while the furrow itself is prepared in advance.

After winter sowing, rows poured on top with various compositions. Dry soil, compost, peat, and dry fallen leaves mixed with sand and fertilizers can play this role.

What to plant in the garden before winter: video

Sowing seeds of various crops in the garden before winter will provide an early harvest. Thus, it becomes possible to saturate a tired body with vitamins from fresh, natural vegetables.

It is important to remember that some crops require close planting of seeds before winter, while others are provided with a reliable covering of film or other natural materials.

Winter is a wonderful time during which gardeners can breathe easy, gaining strength before the grueling season. There is so much to be done - greenery, diligently cared for, watered, fertilized... But for some, part of the work has already been done - some crops have been sown. Why do this and is it possible to get a good harvest?

The benefits of planting vegetables before winter

The first, most important reason why experienced gardeners try to send part of the planting material into the ground in the fall is that the harvest can be harvested much earlier. This is especially important for those involved in the marketing of agricultural products - the cost of early vegetables is quite high.
The second reason to start planting vegetables in the fall or greens before winter is that seedlings that have successfully overwintered differ from those planted in spring in numerous characteristics. It is strong, grows faster, and usually produces a high yield.

Planting vegetables in the fall plays an important role for those who do not know how to properly store planting material until spring, in the absence of a suitable room. Incorrectly stored garlic can become completely unsuitable for planting over the winter; it will safely overwinter in the garden and will quickly begin to grow with the arrival of spring.

Another important point is that in early spring it is easy to determine which plants will not give a good harvest. If you find bad seedlings, immediately remove them from the garden bed, which will save you trouble in the future.

The best crops for planting in the fall at the dacha

Severe, stable frosts will not harm the seeds of carrots, radishes, dill, beets, and turnips. You can safely go to the site in late autumn, taking a bag of planting material. The first frosts won't hurt.

As for onions or garlic before winter, you will have to do things differently - from the moment of planting to frost, the time necessary for root germination must pass. Otherwise, the bulbs or cloves of garlic will not have time to prepare for the winter cold and there is a big risk that they will not survive the winter.

An important point is that you should not plant greens to obtain root crops for the fall. Celery or parsnips will produce excellent foliage that is successfully used for cooking, but the roots will be small and thin.

Before purchasing planting material, be sure to read the instructions on the package. Choose early varieties of vegetables - they germinate faster. Late ones, even when planted before winter, do not guarantee an early harvest.

  • spinach;
  • carrot;
  • garlic;
  • turnip;
  • sorrel;
  • parsley;
  • parsnip;
  • salad;
  • dill;
  • beet.

Preparing the soil for planting vegetables in the fall

Particular attention should be paid to soil preparation. Deep digging will allow you to destroy pest nests prepared for the winter, as a result of which many enemies of the beds will die from the first frost.
It also doesn’t hurt to add compost or humus to the soil. Some experienced gardeners recommend adding wood ash and mineral fertilizers when digging. This will not only improve the composition of the soil, but will also allow you not to feed the plants in the spring.

Wood ash has excellent pest control properties. This is especially important if the bed is being prepared for planting onions or garlic before winter. Pests of these particular crops are afraid of the smell of ash. The result will be double benefit - the plant will be provided with useful components and protected from the destructive attacks of harmful insects.

It’s not a big deal if the digging time is a bit late and the bed is covered with snow. You can wait until the first thaw in December and plant the seeds - this will not affect germination in any way.

How to properly plant onions or garlic before winter

The most popular crops for planting for the winter are garlic and onions. There are several basic rules that will help you grow an early harvest of these vegetables without loss. First of all, before planting, the material is carefully re-sorted, spoiled ones are thrown away; they are not suitable for growing.

It is better to take small bulbs, otherwise the shoots will begin to grow actively in the spring. With garlic the situation is completely different - the cloves must be large. Before planting, it is recommended to disinfect the planting material using a weak solution of copper sulfate.

For more convenient planting, it is better to make even furrows, plant onions and garlic and sprinkle with a layer of soil. If possible, you can compact the beds with a roller. This must be done so that wind or melt water does not damage the top layer of soil.

Watch the video on how to properly plant onions before winter

Another important condition is mulching the beds. Peat or humus is perfect for this. This way the plants will receive additional nutrients and will survive the frosts well. You can also cover the ground with pine needles, chopped straw or sawdust. However, with the arrival of warm days, you will have to tinker to remove the cover from the beds. Do this carefully so as not to damage the delicate sprouts.

A flawless lawn at your dacha all summer long!

Nadezhda Nikolaevna, 49 years old. I have been planting grass near my house for many years. Therefore, we even have experience in this area. But my lawn has never looked as gorgeous as after using Aquagrazz! Like heaven and earth. The lawn is lush and dark green even in the heat. Requires minimal watering.

An important point - do not cover with plant debris. Together with them, you can safely introduce pests into the garden bed or transfer diseases. It is recommended to immediately burn everything that remains after harvesting.

Proper planting of root crops and greens in autumn

When planting onions and garlic, you should focus on warm weather in the fall. Root vegetables and greens are not so demanding; even frosts cannot harm them. It is better to plant them a little later, because the seeds should not sprout until winter.

Another important rule is that you should take almost half as much planting material as for spring planting. If the seeds germinate poorly after wintering, then increasing the quantity will compensate for the losses.

Seeds should not be soaked before planting - this stimulates rotting. Dry planting material will sprout well in early spring. Even slight frosts in April or March will not harm them.
Is it necessary to cover beds with sown seeds? Yes, you can’t do without them. This can be done using dry peat, manure or sawdust. They will not only insulate the soil, but will also cope well with melt water.

A useful video that will tell you what you can plant before winter.

  • When choosing seeds, follow the instructions on the package. Most often it states that the varieties are resistant to planting before winter. If it is indicated that the varieties are heat-loving, it is better to discard them - they will certainly die even from minor cold snaps.
  • Before winter, you can plant seeds whose shelf life is about to expire. In a warm room, such planting material is more likely to lose germination than in the garden. This is also convenient because in places where the seeds have not sprouted, you can plant new plants in the spring, the bed will not be empty.
  • After planting, use wooden pegs to mark the boundaries of the bed. It will be more convenient to cover them for the winter, because longer autumn rains can irreversibly erase all traces of the presence of planting material in the ground.
  • You need to choose the location of the bed carefully - if a large amount of snow collects in the place intended for the vegetable garden, in the spring melt water can damage not only the seedlings, but also successfully wash the seeds from the soil. Even worse could happen - the planting material will rot.
  • If winter is expected with little snow, it is recommended to install small barriers near the crops. They will help collect snow in the garden, which is necessary for a good winter.

Alina Sokolova, especially for

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Summer residents are often interested in what they plant in their gardens before winter. Experienced gardeners know that there are many crops that tolerate frost well and produce an early harvest. Before you start growing vegetables in the fall, you need to familiarize yourself with all the features of such planting.

In this article we will look at what can be planted before winter and what plant varieties are best to sow. And how to do this correctly in order to get a good harvest in early spring.

Planting before winter: is it worth it?

If the owner wants to sow some garden crops in winter, he should treat this issue responsibly. Although this method of planting has a number of positive features, without proper sowing and care, all efforts may be in vain.

Advantages of planting garden crops in the fall:

  1. Early harvest. Typically, such vegetables appear 3 weeks earlier than those planted in the spring. If the summer resident covers them with film, then ripening will occur another 2 weeks earlier.
  2. Healthy and strong plants. Overwintering, the seeds harden and undergo natural selection. Weak shoots die immediately, the rest grow with a powerful root system. It is this that helps to accumulate more of the required mass.
  3. Resistant to frost, pests and weeds. They are not afraid of autumn sowing. An overwintered sprout can avoid attack by the cruciferous flea beetle and carrot fly, because these pests are still sleeping during the germination of these seeds.
  4. Such crops are not afraid of drought. A dry spring does not harm the autumn harvest. When the snow begins to melt, the seeds sown in autumn begin to swell and begin to grow. All spring moisture is used 100%, and spring sowings are only being planned during this period.

But we should not forget about possible risks. Seeds can germinate during early spring thaws, which are usually followed by frost. This crop is also afraid of sudden warming. In this case, root vegetables may throw out flower arrows instead of tops. Then you can only collect the seeds, not the harvest.

What can you plant?

To constantly have fresh vegetables, you can use the plot in your dacha all year round. However, not all garden crops can be planted in the fall.

Experienced summer residents usually plant in their garden for the winter:

  • radish;
  • beets;
  • carrot;
  • garlic;
  • mustard;
  • corn;
  • spinach;
  • parsley;
  • parsnip;
  • arugula;
  • cauliflower and Chinese cabbage.

These crops are considered resistant to different weather conditions. As a rule, during winter frosts, the seeds of these crops do not grow, but hibernate. But not all vegetables can survive the winter. There are several crops that are at risk. When preparing them for planting, you need to take into account the geographic latitude and climatic features of your region.

What vegetables can be sown before winter in the Moscow region? First of all, beets. When buying seeds, it is better to give preference to frost-resistant varieties. These are considered to be Cold-resistant 19 and Podzimnyaya A-474. The beet variety Polar flat K-249 can be planted even in areas that are located closer to northern latitudes. Egyptian beets tolerate severe frosts well.

It is better to buy carrots of varieties such as Vitamin 6 and Nantes 4. They not only tolerate winter well, but also have a juicy structure. For the northern regions, you can also use the NIIOH 366 variety. All these varieties are resistant to the throwing away of flowering shoots.

When choosing radishes, it is recommended to take into account its important quality - development in low light conditions. You can buy varieties Zarya and Zhara. As for other garden crops that are used for planting before winter, you can buy any frost-resistant varieties.

Almost every suburban area has a garden. It can be replenished in the fall with raspberry, blackberry and gooseberry bushes. Ornamental plants such as rowan, barberry and viburnum will also survive the winter well.

When and how to plant a vegetable garden in the fall?

When you have already figured out what can be planted on a country plot in the fall, you need to familiarize yourself with how to do it correctly. The most important issue is sowing time. Naturally, there can be no talk of an exact date, because it depends on the weather conditions of the region. It is necessary to catch the moment when persistent cold begins to set in. If, after sowing, short-term frosts occur and then a thaw follows, the seeds may germinate. With the arrival of the next frost, vegetables can be lost.

Sowing should begin at a stable temperature of 0°C. If warming is expected, then it is better to hold off on planting vegetables. There is no need to be afraid if the top layer of soil freezes. When this happens, you can safely start sowing. There is no need to worry if yesterday it was 5°C, and today it was sharply -5°C. Such temperature changes no longer threaten the seeds.

It is best to choose a place on a hill. In such an area in the spring, the water will most likely recede and the soil will dry out. This will contribute to rapid warming of the soil. If the snow does not melt in the spring for a long time in the garden and the water remains standing, then it is better to forget about autumn sowing.

The bed must be prepared in advance. The soil needs to be dug up and fertilizers applied, which ones depends on the characteristics of the soil in the area being used. Some gardeners prefer humus and compost, others enrich the soil with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. The soil for winter sowing should be fertile and light, since heavy soil becomes even more compacted during the winter.

Having completed all the preparatory work, you can begin sowing. First you need to make furrows, the depth of which will not exceed 5 cm. It is necessary to prepare dry soil and mulching material (for example, sand or compost) in advance. Further furrows should be covered with covering material so that precipitation does not wash out the beds and weed seeds do not get into the furrows.

It is important to remember that for winter sowing, seed consumption doubles. The seeds must be dry. They need to be brought into the beds and sprinkled with 2 cm of dry soil. Next, you need to add a layer of mulch. It will not allow a crust to form on the surface of the earth. This will protect the root system of the sprouts from sudden temperature changes in the spring.

Next, the bed must be covered with branches with dry foliage or dry leaves. It is better to place branches on the beds so that the leaves do not fly away from the wind. The thickness of the protective layer should be at least 20 cm. Winter crops do not need watering.

All summer residents and gardeners are accustomed to the fact that sowing work is carried out in the spring and early summer. When the weather begins to pamper us with the first rays of the warm sun, when all nature itself begins to wake up from the winter cold. But some crops and plants can be planted in the fall, “before winter.” This can reduce the amount of work in the spring and speed up the first harvest.

It’s worth mentioning right away that not all plants in your garden or cottage will withstand the winter cold. But autumn sowings are a great time saver in the spring, so you need to understand what can be planted before winter. But it is important to know that in order for your plan to be crowned with success and the death of seedlings to be minimal, the soil on your site should be light and cultivated, with a minimum clay content.

Now we will figure out what should be planted before winter

You can plant in the fall:

  • dill,
  • parsley,
  • salad,
  • garlic,
  • carrot
  • beets.

They can winter well under the snow. Before planting these crops before winter, it is imperative to fertilize the soil, and then carefully dig and loosen it.

It is best to fill the grooves with seeds with humus or peat. Plant the seeds deeper, then cover with straw to prevent them from freezing. As a rule, seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of +5C, so choose a period when prolonged warming is not expected. Otherwise, the seedlings may die when frost occurs. The ideal temperature for planting is when during the day + 3-5 C, and at night below zero. Let's say you can plant dill and garlic in September - they will not be able to germinate until the first autumn frosts. Closer to the onset of winter, it is better to plant parsley, cilantro, onions and sorrel. And spinach doesn’t like snow, so keep this in mind when planting before winter.

The garden or soda plot where you are going to plant seeds in the fall should not be flooded, and in winter it should be reliably covered with snow.

By the way, take a little more seeds for planting, taking into account the increased mortality of seedlings than in the spring. If you do everything correctly and are lucky with the weather, then in the spring you will receive the first harvest on your plot 2-3 weeks earlier, and all because planting in the fall is economically profitable.

Now about the flowers. It is better to plant bulbous plants

  • daffodils,
  • tulips
  • and hyacinths

and perennials

  • phlox,
  • delphinium,
  • day-lily,
  • iris.

The seeds are unlikely to germinate. Choose a sunny place for planting. Prepare the soil in advance: it should be well-drained and nutritious, so you can add a little sand to it. Dig up the soil in advance and leave it to rest and settle for a while; it is important that the planted bulbs do not suddenly end up too close to the surface and freeze.

You need to nourish the soil for planting before winter not only with humus, but also with mineral fertilizer with a small nitrogen content. Before planting, for the sake of prevention, keep all the bulbs for about half an hour in a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate. When planting, the distance between the bulbs should be from 5 to 10 cm (depending on their size). The same applies to depth: immerse large ones in the ground by 15 cm, small ones by 12 cm. After autumn planting, it is better to cover the flowers with dry leaves.

What is the best shrub to plant in the fall?

  • Lilac,
  • jasmine,
  • elderberry
  • mock orange

The main thing in preparing for winter is to hill them well. And as for many fruit trees, then autumn is the best time to plant them. For apple and pear trees, it is necessary to add mineral fertilizers to the planting hole, and make the hole itself a hill so that voids do not form there during compaction and subsidence of the soil.

At the end of September and before winter, it is best to plant red currants. Choose a place for it that is shaded and protected from the wind: somewhere under a fence. Before autumn planting, thoroughly loosen the soil. But gooseberries, on the contrary, love the sun very much, so they should occupy an appropriate place in your garden plot: a couple of meters from trees and fences.

In October you can plant black currants; they also love sunny but windless conditions.

At all, autumn is a great time to plant trees and shrubs: There is no need to rush to plant them before the buds appear. It is only important that the plant has time to take root well before the onset of serious cold weather. And to do this you need to have time to manage it until about mid-October.

Any questions left?

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