For a country or country house that does not have the ability to connect to main communications, the construction of a well is sometimes the only possible option water supply In this regard, many questions arise: “What is the difference between a well and a well?”, or “how to transfer water from a well to a bathhouse?”
You will find the answers to them, as well as a lot of other information, in our instructions. And the video in this article will tell you how to build a well for a well with your own hands.

Types of wells: pros and cons

According to their design, wells are shaft and tube. The difference between them lies in their diameter, and, consequently, in the technology for constructing them.
The shaft can be square or round, but its diameter cannot be less than 70 cm.
Wells-wells are called tubular due to the fact that they have a small diameter, and their construction is carried out using pipes:

  • But the main difference between a well and a well is its depth. A well with a shaft length of 50 m is considered deep, while for a well this can be said to be the minimum mark.
    The choice of one design or another is made based on the geological characteristics of the soil, the depth of the aquifers, and, of course, the required volume of water.

  • The photo above schematically shows the difference between a well and a well. As you can see, there are several aquifers that are located at different depths.
    The closest is the perched water, which is fed by storm and drainage runoff that soaks into the ground.
  • This water is not suitable for drinking - it is quite dirty and cloudy. But if its main use is, for example, watering a garden, you can build a shallow water intake well with water supplied using a surface pump.
    Groundwater is located deeper than the perched water, in sandy aquifers. A drinking well is usually dug to the level of the first sandy horizon. And there may be several of them in the soil structure.
  • Aquifers alternate with impermeable layers. And if the limit of a well or borehole is exhausted, the mine can be deepened both into the thickness of the same horizon and to the level of the next layer.
    At the greatest depths there are calcareous layers, which give much more water, compared to sand layers.
  • Calcareous horizons are called artesian. to their level is impossible, because the depth of the formation can be either at around 200 m or up to half a kilometer. We need to drill a well.
  • And if we take into account that the price directly depends on the depth, then the pleasure will be too expensive, and the productivity of artesian wells many times exceeds the needs of one family. Therefore, they are usually used collectively: one for the whole village. By the way, the water obtained at such a depth is crystal clear and does not contain sand.
  • If a well is drilled for private use, it is not an artesian well, but an ordinary one, down to a sandy aquifer, or a well is built. What to prefer? Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of these water intake structures.

Water supply from a well

  • Supply can be carried out either by a pump or manually - with a pump or gate. This is a plus, since a power outage for settlements is not uncommon, and if this happens, the house will not be left without water.
  • The advantage of the well is its spacious shaft - it simplifies the maintenance process: cleaning the bottom, replacing the pump, or installing a hydraulic seal on a leaky joint. An undoubted advantage is the possibility interesting design head. This part of the well is often used as an element of landscape design.
  • Over time, under pressure groundwater on the walls of the barrel, they may become depressurized. As a result, dirty surface water ends up in drinking water. Therefore, the minus of the well can be considered large number its structural parts.
  • For example, on the walls of a concrete mine shaft, 30 m deep, there will be at least 33 wall rings 90 cm high, and, naturally, the same number of joints. For comparison: the minimum casing length for wells is 2.06 meters. Accordingly, there are fewer seams.
  • A fairly large volume of soil removed from the mine also causes certain inconveniences - it needs to be removed, and this is an additional cost. In this regard, the most convenient well in the country is the Abyssinian well.
    It has the smallest diameter. The soil is not actually drilled, but “pierced” with a rod, like a needle.
  • The rod is a steel rod that grows as it sinks into the ground. Driving is carried out with a headstock until the wellbore is immersed in the nearest aquifer.
    When driving, water is constantly added to the pipe, and as soon as it sharply goes deeper, it becomes clear that the goal has been achieved.

  • The trunk, of course, does not reach artesian horizons, but can exceed the maximum depth of a mine well - and the deeper the aquifer lies, the purer the water in it. Its undoubted advantages include the possibility of manual drilling using the simplest equipment.
  • Moreover, this can be done in just one working day. The fact that the needle well does not take up much space makes it possible to place it even in a bathhouse or basement of a house.
    The Abyssinian well will serve for at least a quarter of a century. If, from time to time, you lift the filter to the surface and replace it with a new one, this period can double.
  • A tubular well is so small in diameter that it is impossible to place submersible pump. IN in this case, water is supplied to the top using a surface electric pump or a hand pump.
    Naturally, for the device autonomous water supply such a well is unacceptable, but for a dacha it is the best and inexpensive option.

The choice of a particular structure is made based on considerations of ease of use and specific operating conditions. But the decision in favor of a well will be the more correct, the deeper the aquifer is.
How to get to the water
We have briefly described all types of drinking water intakes that can be installed on personal plot. How do you build wells and boreholes with your own hands? This question interests everyone who plans to build a home plumbing system.

  • The desire to do all the work yourself is commendable, but where special equipment, certain knowledge and experience are required, it is better to trust the professionals. This applies to drilling a well.
    After all, you can’t dig it up with your hands. And the soil is not everywhere soft enough to allow manual drilling.
  • Any mistake, especially deviation of the trunk from the vertical, may result in the need to do the work again, in a different place. Specialized companies that provide similar services to the population carry out drilling based on accurate calculations and perform the work strictly according to technology.

  • Upon completion, you will be given a document: "". It will reflect all the data on the water intake: location address (coordinates); depth; piezometric and dynamic levels; performance; sizes of casing pipes used.
  • These characteristics will definitely be required in case of repair or conservation of the well. The contractor also carries out all approvals with regulatory authorities independently. So, the need to turn to specialists, in this case, is obvious.
  • But digging a well on your own is quite possible. Moreover, when the aquifer does not lie too deep. First you need to decide what material you will use for the walls of the shaft.
  • You can buy reinforced concrete wall rings; purchase a mold and cast them on site; make the walls monolithic, made of concrete; lay them out of brick, stone or logs. It all depends on what talents and knowledge you have. On the pages of our website you will find detailed instructions on all types of wells that can help you in this matter.

  • It would be easier to build well walls in a finished pit, but high-quality drinking water extremely rarely occurs at a depth of 6-10 meters. Therefore, they are almost always built using the lowering method. Its essence lies in the fact that a rigid frame with a steel knife is used, following the contour of the barrel.
  • First, only a small part of the shaft is excavated, to a depth of 2-3 meters, where the frame is installed.
    The masonry will be carried out directly on it, the log house will be made, or mounted. As soon as the walls are brought out, the soil under the frame is undermined, and the structure sinks lower under its own weight.
  • The soil being removed is raised to the surface using a bucket and winch. Then, the next element of the barrel is mounted, the joint is sealed, and the tunnel is dug again. And so on - to the required depth.
  • Of course, this requires compliance with safety precautions and precise knowledge of technology. You need to decide what design your well will be: full or imperfect. In the first case, the well trunk rests on a water-resistant layer, and water can only flow through the side walls.

  • In imperfect wells, there is space between the water-receiving part of the trunk and the water-resistant layer. In this case, the influx of water can occur simultaneously: both through the walls and through the bottom. This is the design that experts recommend for individual use.
  • When the well trunk is brought to the required depth, the pipeline is inserted into its walls. If, of course, you want to supply water to your house or bathhouse.
    After sealing the insertion point, onto the pipe with the check valve, a submersible pump is mounted and lowered into the shaft. As it sinks, additional sections are connected to the pipe.
  • The pump is fixed with a cable to a special frame. It is welded from angle steel and installed on the head of the well. If it is necessary to repair or replace the pump, you can pull it to the surface quickly enough.

Installing an autonomous water supply system is a rather complex process. It is necessary not only to dig a well correctly.
Laying and inserting a pipeline, introducing it into a building, constructing inspection and rotary wells - all this also requires certain knowledge. It is good if the work is carried out in accordance with the project - developed individually, or standard, tied to the construction site.
If there is no project, you will have to study not only articles on the topic, but also building codes and regulations.

The question is what a better well or well - ambiguous and at the same time very serious. It arises for everyone who wants to provide their home with the necessary amount of water. good quality. In order to choose a well or well for a summer residence, you need to understand the issue comprehensively. You need to know exactly what kind of water you need and how much money you can allocate for this purpose.

In our article we will look at all the pros and cons, and each person will decide for himself what to choose a well or a well. You will learn what these two types of construction are.

What kind of water is needed

As strange as it may sound, we get water from wells and boreholes different types. Therefore, we will consider the difference between a well and a well in this regard. It’s up to you to choose between these two designs at your summer cottage. We will try to inform as much as possible so that there is as little doubt as possible about what is better and what is different - a well or a well.

Unlike a well, electricity is not required to extract water from a well.

When drilling a hole for water intake, the first layer that we come across in the process is perched water. It is located at a depth of approximately four meters. This is the water that accumulates here as a result of precipitation. The largest amount of this water collects when the snow melts. Minimum quantity in winter. If you need water for technical purposes, watering plants, it is quite suitable; further drilling is not at all necessary.

In order for the water to be of excellent quality, moisture from this layer should not get inside the structure.

When we drill or dig further, groundwater will begin to flow. When installing a well, the water level in it will be exactly the same as underground. This layer is replenished by filtering the water that comes as a result of precipitation and melting snow. River water also penetrates into groundwater. The level ranges from 10 to 40 meters and depends entirely on the terrain.

The next layer of water, which lies even deeper, is artesian. It is characterized by the fact that it is located between soil layers under constant pressure, that's why there is pressure. The pressure can be so strong that when a hole is made, it can result in a fountain. Here the water is the cleanest, the layers of soil protect from debris and other types of pollution. But getting to it is not so easy; you need to drill to a depth of at least 40 meters. Therefore, if you want to get well-purified water, it is better to give preference to a well, since it is very difficult to make a well to such a depth. In addition, the well will last longer.

To keep the water in the well clean, it must be constantly cleaned and disinfected.

Depending on what you want to get as a result, the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen design are determined. It is safe to say that for technical purposes, watering a vegetable garden, orchard or flower bed, it is not at all necessary to use the most clean water. Therefore, it is better to give preference to cheaper and simple option, which in this case is a well.

If you want to get an answer to the question, what is the best way to get quality water- well or borehole, it is better to give preference to the latter option. It will last longer. If you want to have artesian water, there is simply no alternative.

Now let's consider the issue of profitability, as well as the terrain.

Construction of a well in financially more convenient and cheaper. The depth can range from 15 to 15 meters, but there are structures even deeper. Everything again depends on the terrain and the depth of the water vein.

To obtain water, a well will be more profitable in material terms, since it is designed for excavation work at shallow depths and without the use of special digging equipment.

The depth at which we will search and take water plays a big role in the choice. The quality of water in a well is largely determined by the climate, as well as how correctly the work was carried out.

What is an Abyssinian well (igla well)

The first thing that characterizes this type structures – shallow depth, ranging from 4 to 12 meters. The water is of the same quality as in a regular well.

The construction process differs in that a pipe with a sharp tip is driven into the ground to the required depth. Despite the shallow depth, the water is in excellent condition, as it is protected from debris and other contaminants.

The disadvantage is that installation is not possible everywhere. In addition, for full operation it is necessary to install a special pump. It absorbs water on its own.

The design has both its advantages and disadvantages. Let us analyze the Abyssinian well and you will be able to determine whether it is suitable or not.

The first thing that characterizes this type of well is efficiency in installation. You can make an Abyssinian well with your own hands, which will significantly reduce its cost. A basement or other room may be suitable for drilling. It is protected from debris and contamination since the design is completely sealed. In some cases, the water is even suitable for consumption without preliminary purification. If used correctly, it can last for several decades. Can give as much water as needed.

But there are also negative aspects. This type of structure for water intake can only be installed where there are appropriate geological characteristics. The soil must be soft and loose. Water layer must be at a level of at least 8 meters, this is necessary so that the pump can cope with its functions, since it sucks in water itself. Such a pump will not be able to take water from great depths. If you do not reduce the pressure, then it is not possible to connect several water points at once. Must be used constantly this well, otherwise it will silt, and over time its productivity will drop significantly.

Manufacturing scheme Abyssinian well

What is a sand filter well?

This filter design can be used at depths of up to 30 meters. You don't need to invest a lot of money to drill such a well, compared to the cost of an artesian well. But the disadvantage is that it will not last long; very rarely the service life exceeds 15 years. And this despite the fact that this design will be done by experienced specialists. The service life increases if you draw water regularly, and, accordingly, shortens if you draw water rarely.

To drill and equip such a well, specialists will need no more than a day. To equip the filter structure, large-sized special equipment is not required. Good quality water, low iron levels.

But in the cold season, the amount of water that can be taken is significantly less than in the warm season. If there are other filtration stations nearby, the aquifer decreases. To prevent siltation, you need to constantly draw water.

If you want to equip yourself with an artesian well, be prepared to pay a considerable amount. But such a well will be very reliable. Its depth is more than 30 meters. Drilling work will not be cheap, and you will also need to buy a special pump that regulates the pressure.

Despite high price arrangement artesian well, many people want to have it on their site. This is due to the high quality of water. The design will last a very long time. If you cooperate with your neighbors and decide to make one well for several houses, its cost will be significantly reduced.

When purchasing equipment, you need to be very careful in choosing it. It must be reliable. Buy only what is made by trusted manufacturers.

The well is characterized by high productivity, since the water yield of the limestone is high. Gives water all year round without interruption. The pressure will not be less when connecting several points. There is no debris in the water because the design is sealed. It is not necessary to use the well all the time. It can be used endlessly.

Drilling and equipping such a well is quite expensive. Before starting work, you must obtain permission. And for this you need to prepare documents.

Emphasis on volume

The water level in the well depends on climatic features and time of year. The average amount of water that can be obtained from a well is 200 liters. If this amount of water is enough, make a well. But when you need to get water constantly large quantities– give preference to the well.

Many people living in the private sector strive to equip a water source on their estate.

After all, a good and high-quality source of water is the key to comfortable living in the house.

This could be a well or a borehole.

The choice is determined by several factors: the geological features of the site, the required debit, and the financial capabilities of the owner.

First, it is necessary to mention what kind of water exists under the surface of the earth. Its quality and volume depend on this.

  1. Verkhodka is the layer of water that is least buried. It is usually less than 3-4 meters away. The water supply is replenished when the snow melts or when there is heavy rain. Water contains contaminants from the surface of the earth. This source is suitable for best case scenario for agricultural and technical needs. During the dry season it dries out.
  2. Groundwater is located deeper than the perched water and is limited from below by the first impermeable layer. They are most often used for wells and shallow wells. This underground source is fed by filtering water from the surface, so the liquid is not always suitable for drinking and requires periodic chemical and microbiological analysis.
  3. Interformational waters are protected by rock on both sides almost along the entire length, so such a source is better protected from external influence. The depth at which these underground waters are located exceeds 10 meters. Both wells and boreholes can be installed on this horizon. The water is usually slightly mineralized, cleaner, from a microbiological point of view, than groundwater and perched water
  4. Artesian waters- This is a type of interlayer type. The aquifer usually extends below 100 m and is enclosed between layers rock and is a pressure source. When the waterproof roof is opened, water rises up the column and often flows like a fountain above the surface of the earth. This is a high-debit source, which is often characterized by high mineralization. However, in terms of microbiological composition it is ideal.

Thus, waters at different depths differ from each other in their composition. Another important feature is the productivity of the well and well. This characteristic determines not only the suitability of the source for providing water to a home, but also the required performance of water-lifting equipment.

In most cases, a well is more productive than a well. The last maximum per hour can produce 0.5 m 3 of water. The productivity of a gerbil is on average 1 m3. The most abundant water is the artesian, it can be used to supply water to an entire village.

Wells and wells differ in other properties.

Well as an inexpensive but reliable source

For water supply to a small private house, preference is given to a well, the depth of which depends on the location of the vein. But it is not profitable to resort to this method of extracting underground water if you have to go deeper than 15 meters.

You can stop at high water if well water is needed only for watering the garden. But you need to take into account that in dry times you may be deprived of water.

By the way, exactly the driest time of the year is preferable for arranging a well source. It is usually advised to carry out the whole process in the fall, then the earth will be easier to dig, and you will be able to get to the lower vein in which for a long time contains clean water.

Installation is carried out usually according to the following scheme.

  1. Are purchasing required quantity rings. This value depends on the depth of the structure. To determine the level of occurrence aquifer, it is better to contact geologists. Simpler, but less reliable option– talk to neighbors who already have a well.
  2. At the chosen location install the first ring.
  3. The soil is removed inside the ring. They also dig from the outside to make it possible to level the column and seal it.
  4. The rings gradually fall down under their own weight.
  5. The next element is placed on top, connecting with the previous one. All joints must be sealed, since water will only have to come from below from the aquifer.
  6. A hole is pre-made in the penultimate ring to connect the outlet pipeline if you plan to supply water directly to the house using a pump.
  7. After reaching the aquifer equip a bottom pebble filter.
  8. From above around the ring they make clay castle , the head of the well must have at least a lid. You can build a stylized house.

Installation of the well is quite simple, but labor-intensive. Operating the source is not difficult either. There are 2 options for raising water:

  • it is possible to install pumping equipment, both surface and deep, depending on the depth of the mine;
  • using the old-fashioned method - a reel with a bucket or a “crane”.

The well needs to be pumped and cleaned periodically bottom filter. Sometimes it is necessary to deepen the mine.

Negative qualities of a well are:

  • small debit;
  • high probability of water contamination from outside, including microbiological agents;
  • in case of installation errors V well water may fall and dirty water;
  • the well takes up more space on the surface than a well.

However, despite all the disadvantages, the well also has a number of positive qualities:

  • low price arrangement;
  • availability of materials and tools;
  • ease of maintenance(cleaning and replacing pumping equipment);
  • possibility of manual water lifting in the absence of electricity.

Wells - expensive, but high quality and convenient

Compared to a well the well is more technologically advanced and has several advantages:

  • greater productivity;
  • closedness of the source from external influences;
  • less occupied area.

Otherwise, the characteristics of the well depend on its type.

Abyssinian well

“Abyssinka” is actually not a well, but a needle well. Its last name is associated with its form. The well has an inch shaft, which tapers downwards, where it eventually turns into a filter and a pointed tip.

Water-lifting equipment is installed at the top. This can be an electric or manual pump.

The arrangement of such a source can be carried out with my own hands . The process involves clogging a mine and gradually building it up until it reaches the aquifer. The depth of such a source does not exceed 12 m, which is due to the capabilities of the surface pump.

The Abyssinian well has several advantages:

  • simplicity and low installation price;
  • possibility of arrangement inside the house V basement, as well as transfer to another place in case of siltation;
  • good performance, allowing to provide small house water;
  • ability to work without electricity with a hand pump.

To the negative characteristics needle wells include:

  • impossibility of driving in rocky soils;
  • depth limitation(the water surface should not be lower than 8 m).

Filter well

If the aquifer is located at a depth of 10 to 50 m in the sand layer, then a filter or sand well is installed. It consists of several elements:

  • casing pipe, which simultaneously plays the role of water supply;
  • bottom filter;
  • submersible pump;
  • head.

You can arrange such a source yourself, but it is better to trust the professionals. This is especially true for pump installation.

Source performance suitable for small house . But sand well There are several negative qualities:

  • reduction in debit in the case of using the same aquifer with a neighbor;
  • the need for annual filter cleaning and year-round operation;
  • service life does not exceed 15 years.

Artesian well

"Artesian" is the most debiting well. The water in it is maximally protected from negative impact external environment. But this does not mean that the quality of the liquid meets the standards. Water treatment is often necessary in the form of softening, iron removal and demanganization, which requires additional costs and allocation of space for installing filters.

Another disadvantage is the need to obtain permitting documentation for drilling, which, by the way, is impossible to carry out on our own, since you have to go very deep.

That's why this source is also the most expensive. In addition, the well, namely pumping equipment annual maintenance required.

Sometimes it is the artesian well that is the best option. For example, for big houses. You can connect a whole group of houses, while the costs of drilling and arrangement are significantly reduced. Moreover, this source will last a long time.

Price issue

The cost of the well is the lowest. One reinforced concrete ring is estimated at approximately 1.5 thousand rubles excluding delivery. Usually you need about 10 pieces. You also need to add the price of waterproofing. If you plan to lift the water manually, then the price of the pump is added, which is about 10 thousand rubles.

A ready-made kit for an Abessinian well without water-lifting equipment will cost 5-10 thousand rubles, depending on the depth. You can prepare all the elements yourself, which will slightly reduce the cost. A turnkey needle well is estimated at approximately 25-30 thousand rubles.

The main costs when installing a sand well are:

  • drilling, which is determined by the type of soil and is estimated at approximately 1.5 thousand rubles per linear meter;
  • submersible pump, which can cost 10,000 rubles or more.

A turnkey filter well costs approximately 200 thousand rubles

For drilling each linear meter of an artesian well you will have to pay an average of 2.5 thousand rubles, and you will have to go 100 meters or more deep.

It is expensive to obtain permits and licensing, which can amount to 300 thousand rubles.

Thus the final the price of an artesian can exceed 500 thousand rubles.

What is cheaper, a well or a borehole, is of course a serious and ambiguous question. To determine whether a well or a well is better for a cottage, you need to approach the issue comprehensively, this means understanding what kind of water you need and what funds you are willing to invest.
In this article we will figure out what is better than a well or a borehole for a summer house in all of the listed parameters. With the help of the video in this article you will understand what both are. You will see everything clearly in the photo.

What kind of water is needed

A well or borehole must be installed on the site; this, oddly enough, also depends on what kind of water you want to get in the end. Let's see what to choose a well or borehole from this point of view.


  • A well or borehole in sand will first encounter high water. It is the very first in depth and it corresponds to approximately 4 meters.
    Its amount is entirely related to precipitation and the largest volume is accumulated during snow melting. Minimal accumulations occur in winter.
    This layer is suitable only for watering, and therefore can be achieved quite quickly. In this option, the well will be the best. But if you want to get drinking water, then you will have to isolate this layer and protect it from falling into a well or borehole;
  • After the high water we get to the groundwater. When this water is reached to install the well, it will have exactly the same layer, and unchanged.
    The filling of this layer occurs due to the filtration of water that comes from precipitation. River water also gets here. The occurrence of these waters ranges from 10 to 40 meters. It all depends on the area;
  • Now our turn will be artesian water. They are located between layers of soil and are under pressure, and this is what causes pressure.
    Therefore, during soil drilling, a fountain may even result. This type of water is the purest.
    It is completely protected by layers of earth from the penetration of debris. Just to get to such water, you will have to go deeper to a distance of at least 40 meters. Therefore, to obtain high-quality water, it is better to use a well. It will simply be more durable in this version.

A well or a borehole, the pros and cons in the first case, are determined by what you want to get in the end. At this stage, one thing can be said that when watering the garden you will not need water high quality and therefore a well can be considered a cheaper and faster implementation.
A well or borehole at the dacha to obtain high-quality water for consumption, then it would be better to make a well, then you will have no problems and long time provide for yourself artesian water. But this is true only with this approach.
But there is also profitability, that is, what and how much it costs. The terrain should also be taken into account.
Now let's talk about another approach. And let's see what is better or a well, only from the other, practical side.

Construction of a well - convenient and inexpensive water supply arrangement

One of the most basic structures, which is also inexpensive and convenient, for arranging a water supply is a well. It should be 5-15 meters deep.
The depth of search for the aquifer plays an important role here. Building a well is the most profitable option for obtaining water. Quality is influenced by climate and proper construction.

Features of the Abyssinian well (needle well)

The depth of such a well should be 4-12 meters. From it you can draw water of the same quality as in a simple well.


  • The construction method differs in that a pipe with a sharp tip must be driven into the ground at a certain depth.
  • The water is transparent and, most importantly, clean, because unnecessary objects and high water do not get into it.

Attention: It is worth noting that this structure cannot be installed everywhere. In addition to this, you need to purchase a special pump that independently sucks in water.

Advantages of building an Abyssinian well

Such a structure will have its disadvantages and advantages. Let's take a closer look at them and only after a complete analysis will it be possible to say whether a well or a well for sand is worth making.

  • It does not take much time for construction. Moreover, all the work can be done entirely with your own hands, which will reduce the price of the structure;
  • The location for the well can be a basement or other room;
  • D this design does not fall extra items and garbage, since it is completely sealed;
  • In rare cases, water from such a well can be drunk untreated;
  • At good conditions the well can be operated for up to 30 years, it is characterized by increased productivity;
  • The well must be restored if the filter is clogged or it stops functioning.


  • The Abyssinian well can be installed depending on the geological characteristics of the surface and only in places with soft and loose soil;
  • The level of the water layer must be at least 8 meters so that the pump, which independently sucks in water, can handle the work;
  • The pump used to extract water will not be able to extract it from great depths;
  • It is not possible to connect several water points unless the pressure is reduced;
  • The well should be constantly operated so that it does not silt.

Features of a filter well (for sand)

The depth of the filter structure should be no more than 30 meters. You won’t have to spend a lot of money on drilling this type of well compared to building an artesian well, but its service life will not exceed 15 years, taking into account the fact that everyone construction work will be handled by experienced specialists.

Attention: If you use this design, then its service life will increase. If not, then the service life will be no more than five years.

Advantages of constructing a filter well:

  • Drilling work is carried out within one day;
  • To equip the filter structure, you need to use small-sized equipment;
  • The water in such a well has a minimal amount of iron content.

Some negative points:

  • IN winter period water loss is significantly reduced;
  • If several filter wells are installed nearby, then the aquifer may decrease;
  • To prevent the structure from silting, it must be constantly used.

Features of an artesian well

The construction of an artesian well is considered expensive, but at the same time quite reliable. It must be more than 30 meters deep.
To drill an artesian option, you will need to invest quite a bit of money. At the same time, it is worth buying additionally, which will regulate the required water pressure, which will not be enough.
Despite the cost of work and the purchase of materials, the main advantage of an artesian well is its high-quality and durable design. If you drill a well for several houses, you can save a lot of money.

Attention: When purchasing additional equipment, you must fully study the instructions for the equipment. It must be of high quality and reliable. Preference should be given only to trusted manufacturers.

Advantages of constructing an artesian well

Such a well has many undeniable advantages. But the most important thing is that you will always have high-quality water.

  • The construction is highly productive because there is a large drainage of limestone;
  • The well operates without failures all year round;
  • You can connect more than one water point without reducing the pressure. Thus, several families will use one well;
  • No debris or foreign objects get into the water, since the well is completely sealed;
  • The well does not need to be used all the time;
  • The service life of an artesian well is endless.

Some negative points

  • The construction of a structure is not a cheap pleasure;
  • Water may be highly mineralized, especially saturated with iron;
  • To drill an artesian well, you will need to collect documents that will allow this process to be carried out.

Focus on water volume consumed

The filling of the well will depend on climatic conditions and seasons. According to average estimates, 200 liters of water are obtained within an hour.
If there is such a sufficient quantity, a well can be used. To ensure water supply without interruption in the right quantity, a well should be drilled.
It should be taken into account that the sand well must be constantly operated so that it does not silt up and fail.

Financial costs for construction

Before starting construction, of course, you should determine the cost of work and materials. As a rule, building a well will be much more profitable in price, but then its use in the future will cost more.

Attention: The water quality in the well usually does not meet the standards. It is necessary to additionally purchase a water purification system. In addition, the bottom should be cleaned and disinfected every year.


  • If the groundwater is deep, building a well will cost much more.
  • In the case of floating floats, it is impossible to carry out work at all.
  • By sharing a well with your neighbors, you can greatly reduce the cost of drilling a well.
  • Compared to a well, a well will last longer;
  • Well, this is also a labor-intensive task. It’s worth saying right away that if you don’t have high-quality sealing of the rings, then you definitely won’t see high-quality water. Moreover, the well will become unusable much faster from the well.

Before starting the construction of a well or a well, the issue of the price of the structure is in the foreground, but think about the fact that your health will depend on the use of high-quality water. The purest water can be obtained from an artesian well, and it works uninterruptedly.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):