The hornet's bite is one of the most dangerous among the bites of other flying insects found in our country. Attacks by a stinging insect should be feared throughout the warm season, especially in nature, in rural areas, but city residents are not immune from them. Like wasps, hornets are capable of making several stings in a row, since most often they do not lose their sting after an attack. And the sensations in the case of a hornet sting are similar to a wasp attack: a sharp piercing pain, in some cases the state of health worsens. And it is important to know what actions to take after such an incident.

  • severe itching around the bitten area
  • severe weakness, feeling of lightheadedness, nausea
  • increased sweating
  • tachycardia (rapid heartbeat)
  • sudden and severe headache
  • feeling of suffocation, shortness of breath
  • febrile symptoms - fever, chills
  • pallor or even blueness of the skin on the face, neck, ears
  • sudden change possible blood pressure with accompanying symptoms
  • seizures (relatively rare)

It is important to remember that the lower the body weight, the more dangerous it is for health if poison enters the body. Therefore, if you are bitten small child, then it is necessary to show increased attention to his condition and try to provide assistance as quickly as possible. Moreover, the child himself cannot monitor his condition. The danger also increases when there are several biting insects. One of the most serious risks of a hornet sting is the so-called anaphylactic shock when an allergic reaction of the body can develop so rapidly that a life-threatening condition occurs before it is possible to receive full medical care.

First aid for a hornet sting

How easily or hard a person will endure a hornet bite depends on how quickly and competently assistance is provided. The very first aid for a hornet bite is to wash and cool the bitten area as quickly as possible, thus reducing pain, itching, swelling and minimizing further consequences. Sometimes there are recommendations to suck out the poison, but if you decide to do this, then everything should be done quickly and carefully, in no case squeezing or rubbing the affected area. Just in case, the victim should be seated and only then should assistance begin.

Unlike bees, hornets, like wasps, are able to retain their sting after an attack, however, sometimes it remains completely or partially in the skin of the bitten person. And such a residue can cause suppuration. Therefore, you can examine the wound, and if there is a hornet sting left there, the main thing is to try to remove it without further damaging the affected area, and then, if possible, disinfect the bite site using alcohol or alcohol-containing preparations, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, or simply wash it carefully with soap.

These are recommendations general, which are suitable for any occasion and for any person. But what to do when a hornet bites a person prone to allergic reactions? In this case, the victim of the bite should take any allergy medications as soon as possible. Often, the only timely use of an antihistamine, for example suprastin, is enough to avoid a dangerous deterioration of the condition and safely wait for a qualified medical care.

But what should you do if you feel worse after a hornet bite? Such as, for example, weakness, nausea, rapid heartbeat, significant swelling in the face and throat, and breathing problems. In this case, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible, of course, having first done everything that can alleviate the painful condition.

Medical assistance

When seeking medical help, you should report as accurately as possible the time when the hornet bite occurred, and what measures were taken before contacting a medical facility. It is important for the doctor to know whether the victim has already taken any antihistamines and how prone he is to allergic reactions when he is bitten by other insects (bugs, etc.), as well as to medications, because when providing assistance, medications will most likely be required. Therefore, for people with hypersensitivity, special treatment tactics should be selected

Based on this information and the condition of the victim, the doctor decides what to do first and what treatment will be required later. The primary measures, as a rule, are to relieve the state of anaphylactic shock and eliminate its most dangerous manifestations, counteracting the most serious symptoms of intoxication. Then treatment is prescribed to normalize the general condition of the body, which can last from several days to several weeks and should occur under regular medical supervision.

How to treat a bite site treatment at home

Since, fortunately, medical assistance for a hornet bite is not always required, in most cases you just need to know what to do if you are bitten by a hornet at home.

  • cool the affected area with ice, frozen contents of the refrigerator, previously wrapped in a clean cloth, just cold water
  • if necessary, remove the stuck tip
  • lubricate with a local antihistamine, such as Fenistil ointment, Prednisolone, Lorinden, etc.

As an alternative we can suggest folk remedies, such as:

  • dandelion juice
  • table vinegar solution
  • paste made from diluted water baking soda, crushed aspirin tablets
  • mashed or finely chopped parsley and plantain leaves
  • cut or paste fresh cucumber, raw potatoes, lemon, apple

To improve your health more quickly, rest and drinking plenty of fluids (not alcohol) are recommended.

Help with allergies

However, all of the above recommendations are quite effective only in the absence of signs of allergy - acute headache, sweating, etc. If such symptoms occur, you should take an antihistamine (if prescribed by a doctor) and consult a doctor. If you have difficulty breathing or just rapid development swelling of the face or neck, difficulty breathing, weakness, tachycardia should be caused ambulance, reporting not only the symptoms, but also the reason for the deterioration in health.

What are the consequences of a hornet sting

What happens if a hornet bites depends on many factors, from the person’s age and state of health to the number of insects bitten or alcohol consumed. By the way, the ban on alcohol is valid until the consequences of the bite completely disappear. The fact is that alcohol taken orally increases cellular permeability, which is why insect venom spreads more strongly into soft tissues, sharply increasing swelling and provoking more serious complications.

The main danger posed by a hornet sting is a possible allergy to the sting, or more precisely, to the toxin that is injected by the stinging insect. The mere amount of a toxic substance entering the human body during an attack by one individual is not capable of causing serious poisoning. But if available allergic reaction the bite can pose a serious threat to health or even life. For this reason, people who are hypersensitive to insect bites are advised to carry a syringe tube (injector) with the appropriate drug (Prednisolone, adrenaline), using which they can manage to stop the most dangerous consequences of a hornet bite.

Hornet one of the most poisonous and dangerous insects. Just one hornet sting causes severe pain, swelling and burning. The insect belongs to the species of the aspen family, has an intense body yellow with black stripes. Adult hornets can grow up to 5 cm in length. The hornet's belly is equipped with a long, poisonous sting. Hornets are predators by nature, preying on moths, bees and other insects. Beekeepers fight them because they are the bane of apiaries. Even one hornet can destroy all the bees in a hive. Their mouth is equipped with powerful jaws that literally tear their prey to pieces and devour it.

They build nests in abandoned buildings, in trees, rural houses, you can often find it in the forest. A nest with a swarm of hornets looks like a large oval ball in colored paper. Insects are aggressive and very dangerous. While defending their nests, they can attack a person in the blink of an eye. Just a few hornet stings can cause serious health problems in sensitive people. Those allergic to the toxin should be especially careful around these dangerous insects.

There are many myths surrounding a hornet sting.
The first myth is the answer to the question:

How many hornet stings cause death in humans? And the answer is: not one and not two. Of course, this does not apply to people who are allergic to their poison.

The second myth is that a hornet sting is terribly painful. This is also not true. The bite is painless. But when the poison spreads under the skin it causes severe pain.

It is worth noting that a hornet sting is much more dangerous than a wasp sting. And he more painful due to a longer, more deeply penetrating sting and a higher concentration of acetylcholine in the venom. A hornet sting is very painful and unpleasant. At the site of the insect bite (arms, head and legs), severe burning pain and severe swelling almost immediately appear.

Hornet stings are mainly a seasonal phenomenon - with early spring to late autumn. The venom of these insects contains various ingredients that have mainly neurotoxic and histamine-releasing effects. Poisoning combines toxic and allergic components of a reaction to the body.

Hornet venom composition

Most important parameter Hornet venom is LD50. It determines the amount of poison per kilogram of body weight that causes the death of 50% of the population. In the case of the hornet, the LD50 is 50 mg/kg (range 10 to 90 mg/kg). Thus, to kill a victim weighing 60 kg, an average of 60 * 50 = 3000 mg of poison is required. One hornet contains about 0.26 mg of poison in its abdomen and, thus, to cause the death of a person, several hundred hornets must bite him.

But when a hornet stings, reactions can occur that can indirectly lead to death. These neurological reactions such as seizures, peripheral neuritis, depression.

There are species of hornets that are more toxic. Their LD50 value can even be 30 times higher than described above. But these species are not found in Russia.

Hornet venom consists of the following compounds:

  • histamine- usually located in human body, acts as a mediator of inflammatory processes and neurotransmitters. The bite increases the amount of histamine and causes rapid dilation of blood vessels, and also reduces blood pressure.
  • serotonin- a neurotransmitter known as the happiness hormone. The presence of serotonin and its increased concentration in this area causes painful sensations. Serotonin causes the release of acetylcholine and enhances the effects of histamine.
  • acetylcholine- neurotransmitter causes dilation of blood vessels and lowers blood pressure
  • kinins- cause pain
  • phospholipase A And phospholipase B- enzymes that destroy cell walls, which allows the penetration of poisons into the blood. Their action also includes the local release of histamine from cells, causing itching, burning and swelling.

Symptoms after a hornet bite

Local symptoms:

  • burning pain
  • edema,
  • redness,
  • sometimes bullous changes (blisters),
  • possibility of local infection,
  • regional lymphadenitis and lymphangitis

General toxic signs:

  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • weakness,
  • dizziness

After being bitten in the area of ​​a blood vessel or in the neck or head, loss of consciousness and convulsions

Allergic symptoms:

  • rash and itching on the skin of the body
  • swelling of the eyelids and soft tissues,
  • hemorrhage in the conjunctiva,
  • nausea,
  • bronchospasm,
  • swelling of the larynx,
  • tightness in the chest,
  • lack of air,

First aid for allergies to hornet stings

People who are allergic to hornet venom have a sudden, severe reaction called anaphylactic shock .

Among the many symptoms of anaphylactic shock, the most common are:

  • increasing shortness of breath,
  • weakness,
  • swelling of the neck and face,
  • rash.

With such symptoms, you need to quickly take appropriate measures:

  • by using cold water or ice to cool the bite area
  • immobilize the bite site (to reduce the rate of spread of the poison)
  • lie down (to avoid collapse in case of loss of consciousness)
  • in case of weakness and lightheadedness, raise your legs up

If you lose consciousness, you should call an ambulance. Health care providers use hydrocortisone and bicarbonate or, in severe cases, epinephrine and antihistamines.

Emergency medical care

For bee, wasp and hornet stings:

  1. Remove the sting (if any) and treat the wound alcohol solution. Apply antihistamine ointment.
  2. Antiallergic treatment with corticosteroids, antihistamines, adrenaline and resuscitation, oxygen therapy, calcium supplements. Laryngeal edema is treated with high doses of glucocorticoids, adrenaline, intubation and ventilation, and tracheostomy in emergency cases.
  3. For a bite on the tongue or oral mucosa with a swollen tongue and difficulty breathing - high doses of glucocorticoids, adrenaline, intubation, tracheotomy.
  4. Detoxification treatment with moderate amounts of infusion solutions, B vitamins, enzyme preparations.

Bitten by a hornet - what to do at home

Correct action within the first few minutes can prevent a lot of inconvenience and even save the life of a person suffering from allergies to bee, wasp and hornet stings!

The most important thing is to act quickly and decisively.

First, it is necessary to determine whether the person who was stung by the hornet is allergic to the poison. If this is the case, you need to remain calm and eliminate the risk of repeated bites. Most often, people who are allergic to hornet stings carry medicine with them to treat acute anaphylactic shock.

If a hornet bites you in the mouth, neck or face, you need to react quickly and call an ambulance, as swelling can block the airways. This can lead to loss of consciousness or even suffocation. If a hornet stings your tongue, throat or mouth while waiting for an ambulance, you should give him a cold drink, suck on ice cubes and a teaspoon of salt solution.

After a hornet sting, severe pain and burning are felt. It is necessary to examine the site of the bite and check whether there are any sting residues there. When a hornet bites, there should not be a sting in the wound, but if you still see it, carefully remove it with tweezers or a needle.

Then you need to vigorously wipe the affected area with one of the following products: :

  • a clove of garlic, cut into two halves,
  • half an onion
  • Parsley, marigolds, mallow or plantain also help well.
  • A piece of apple applied to the bite site gives an excellent effect
  • if there is nothing, you can pour a little vinegar (preferably apple cider vinegar) onto the bite site.

How to relieve swelling and swelling after a bite

We offer two folk recipes compresses that help relieve swelling and swelling at the site of the bite.

  • 1 glass of water 150-200 ml
  • ½ cup vinegar (apple vinegar is fine)
  • ½ teaspoon ammonia
  • ½ teaspoon citric acid
  • 1 glass of vinegar or brandy 150-200 milliliters

Soak a cotton cloth with one of these two mixtures and place it on the tumor. Change the compress 5-6 times a day until swelling and swelling decrease and the wound heals.

It happens that a hornet bites you while you are eating fruit (often the insect is inside a grape, peach, etc.) - this is very dangerous bite, because swelling of the tongue and oral mucosa and breathing problems immediately occur.

What to do? Immediately eat 1-2 cloves of garlic and take 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar. And then run to the nearest hospital, especially if you are prone to developing severe allergic conditions.

Prevention - how to avoid a hornet bite

Hornets are not as curious as wasps and they are not interested in people. They only attack if provoked. But if this happens, and the hornet still arrives, you should remain calm and move away from it. Or just stay still and calmly wait until it flies away. It's good to abstain from sudden movements and under no circumstances attempt to move your hands. Since he may consider such behavior as an attempt on his life. Natural reaction The hornet's defense is to use its bite. When a hornet enters a house, the best thing to do is open the window and let it fly out. Or try using something oblong with a wide surface (for example, newspaper). Might fit glass cover, under which to place a piece of cardboard and thus drive it out.

It should also be remembered that hornets are much more nervous and aggressive on hot days. Strong odors (such as perfume) and alcohol can also be irritants. Keep this in mind when you are at the front of the house or in the garden. Bright contrasting or dark clothes also attracts hornets.

A hornet bite is very dangerous for humans; the venom of this insect has a fairly high concentration of toxins that cause the most negative reactions. The most dangerous are numerous bites in one place, but even an accidental single bite can cause a severe allergic reaction. In some cases, you will not be able to cope with the consequences of poison entering the body on your own, so it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Main symptoms of a bite

Insect bites, especially those such as wasps and hornets, are not dangerous for everyone, but they are rather the exception. Most often, if a hornet bites even once, as soon as possible the following symptoms appear:

  • headache, severe dizziness;
  • body temperature rises, the skin at the site of the bite seems very hot;
  • severe sweating appears.

In more severe cases, the following symptoms appear:

  • severe, throbbing pain appears in the affected area;
  • the affected area turns red and swelling appears;
  • nausea, vomiting and other signs of intoxication are observed;
  • the limbs become cold, the neck, ears and lips become bluish;
  • pulse and heartbeat increase;
  • within a couple of minutes after the bite, a person may lose consciousness, but this is usually observed only in elderly people, small children, and those with weakened immunity;
  • Allergy sufferers also experience a symptom such as spotty skin, which is accompanied by the appearance of cracks and peeling throughout the body.

Immediately upon being bitten, a person feels a sharp pain, and the affected area may become very red. This is due to the fact that the poison contains histamine and acetylcholine, which cause a feeling similar to tissue damage from a hot nail or drill. Along with redness, severe swelling may develop, accompanied by a burning sensation and unbearable itching.

If you have even mild symptoms, you should immediately take first aid measures that will reduce the likelihood of developing complications such as urticaria, work disorders cardiovascular system or Quincke's edema.

First aid

First aid for a hornet bite involves taking action before seeing a doctor. It should also be taken into account that the insect’s venom is quite strong, it can cause harm even through mosquito nets; in addition to a bite, you can get severe burns and eye damage.

If hornet venom comes into contact with the skin, mucous membranes, eyes or through a bite, the following measures must be taken immediately:

  1. Prevent repeated bites, for example, by closing the window, going into the room or leaving the area where the insects are located.
  2. Relieve swelling and pain with a cold compress.
  3. If you are bitten in the mouth or head, the victim must be taken to the nearest medical facility as quickly as possible, since such lesions cause swelling of the larynx, blockage of receptors and difficulty breathing.
  4. We must try to remove at least part of the poison from the wound, for which, immediately after the bite, blood is sucked from the affected area and necessarily spat out.
  5. Then the affected area is treated with citric or 9% acetic acid, which is necessary to neutralize toxins.
  6. At home, you can also use a piece of apple, plantain leaf (be sure to rinse before use) or regular garlic;
  7. Hydrogen peroxide or alcohol is used to disinfect the bite site. .

Until the doctor arrives and the swelling in the affected area is relieved, you should hold an ice compress in the form of ice cubes wrapped in a towel. This will slow down the spread of toxins through the blood and reduce pain. You can put regular sugar under the compress, which will partially draw out the poison (this remedy works for no more than 10 minutes, after which the sugar will be useless). For allergy sufferers, you can take any commonly used antihistamine, for example, Suprastin or Diphenhydramine. If possible, these should be injections that will work as quickly as possible. Such measures will help alleviate the condition and minimize negative consequences for the body.

In a medical facility, IVs are usually immediately placed with the introduction of purified saline solutions, with the help of which toxins are removed from the body. The affected areas of the skin are treated with disinfecting compounds, and antihistamines are additionally administered to prevent allergic reactions.

When should you see a doctor?

Any hornet bite is dangerous, even a single accidental one can cause serious swelling and the development of complex allergic reactions. You can cope with the consequences of the lesion on your own if such simple symptoms appear as itching, redness, and slight swelling that does not spread further. In addition to the above first aid measures, you can additionally lubricate the bite site with special ointments against flying insects, which reduce pain and help you recover faster. If your body temperature has risen to 38 degrees, you can take antipyretics, which also have a calming and analgesic effect. It is advisable to drink more fluids to speed up the elimination of toxins. But such measures do not always help; in many cases, immediate medical attention is required. These alarming symptoms are:

  • there is a strong fever, a febrile state, and the antipyretics taken do not help;
  • the pulse quickens, signs of shortness of breath appear;
  • there is severe nausea, accompanied by headaches and fainting;
  • swelling is extensive, increasing in size, involving surrounding tissues;
  • Several days passed after the bite, and the general condition began to deteriorate (usually this is four days, but experts do not recommend delaying and immediately consult a doctor).

Hospitalization is not always required; usually the bite site is treated in the clinic; in addition to a dropper, you will be given antihistamines and some laboratory tests were taken. Depending on the general clinical picture, anti-inflammatory, glucocorticosteroid drugs, and drugs against allergic reactions will be prescribed, including Prednisolone, Loratadine, Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone and others. All this will alleviate the condition and make it possible to prevent the development of complications.


You can avoid hornet bites by remembering that these insects prefer to live in green areas, including parks and gardens. Nests can be found in old wooden houses and on trees, they have a characteristic “papery” appearance and a grayish tint. Such nests, even if they seem abandoned, should not be disturbed. It is recommended to treat the area by special means. You cannot use dichlorvos and similar preparations, as they will only provoke the hornets to attack. You also need to remember that popular mosquito and tick repellents do not work against these insects. In general, it is recommended to immediately contact companies that deal with the destruction of nests of such insects.

The most common is a bite on the finger, since insects are hidden in foliage and flowers and may simply not be visible. Therefore, it is necessary to follow some preventive measures that will help avoid bites:

  • when visiting an apiary you should use protective equipment, in such places it is better not to make sudden movements that could cause insect attacks;
  • in gardens and parks the number of hornets can be quite significant, but insects really do not like dark places, dense bushes and thickets of trees - on open place more likely to get bitten;
  • during rest, it is not recommended to kill insects, since crushed bodies release substances that attract swarms;
  • To prevent a hornet from biting your leg while walking in nature, you must use closed shoes, and it is not advisable to use sharp-smelling cosmetics;
  • Having seen a large swarm, you need to choose another place for a walk.

At dachas, it is recommended to regularly treat the area from insects and nests, which will help prevent accidents from hornet bites. You also need to remember that a hornet can bite repeatedly, unlike bees, its sting is smooth.

What should you not do if you are bitten by a hornet?

When bitten by insects such as wasps and hornets, it is very important to provide first aid correctly. Most often, complications develop due to people’s ignorance of such simple rules.

  • the victim should not drink alcohol, as alcohol causes the rapid spread of toxins and increased swelling;
  • You should not take a drug such as Diprazine, because it can cause an immune response and a serious deterioration in your general condition;
  • Even the mildest symptoms cannot be ignored, since the lack of first aid often causes serious complications, including the development of Quincke's edema.

Hornet stings are very dangerous; even a single accidental bite cannot be ignored, since the injected poison causes toxins to enter the body. Defeat is always accompanied severe pain and redness, among the side symptoms are swelling, high temperature, fainting and other signs of poisoning. In many cases, it is necessary to contact the nearest medical facility as quickly as possible, where a set of measures will be taken to remove toxins from the body and therapy with antihistamines will be performed.

A hornet, whose bite is remembered forever, can be encountered by a person anywhere: on a hike, in the countryside, and even while on vacation in hot countries. Each type of these insects stings, of course, in its own way, but, nevertheless, contact with any, even the least aggressive common (European) hornet, promises a person a rather unpleasant outcome of the encounter.

Hornet sting of all Hymenoptera insects is considered one of the most painful and fraught with serious consequences. It feels a little like being stung by an ordinary wasp or bee, but the pain itself, like the symptoms of a hornet sting in general, turns out to be many times stronger and more sensitive.

“I remember that a hornet bit me once. God, how painful it was, my ears began to ring. And then only one bit me, and I quickly shook it off. The bite was on the lower back, and in just a few minutes the inflammation spread to the shoulder blades. I knew that if a hornet bites a person, then due to too strong allergy symptoms you can die, but I had nothing like that. Maybe the temperature has risen a little. But the only serious thing is terrible pain. It feels like half of my back was simply cut off. And so – for about five days, then gradually everything passed.”

Inna, Volgograd

The photo shows what a hand looks like after a hornet bite:

While in our latitudes the overwhelming majority of bites from this insect will cause, if not fatal, but very unpleasant and generally unsafe symptoms for health, in the tropics people often die from hornet bites. For example, in Japan (according to current statistics) about 40 people die annually as a direct result of attacks by locals - so many people there do not die from any other insect or wild animal.

Meanwhile, hornets are insects that are not too aggressive and are even much more peaceful than, say, wasps. The hornet's sting is used relatively rarely and only when there is a serious danger to itself or to its nest. Therefore, disturbing such nests is really fraught with massive bites: if there is some kind of threat to the entire family, the hornets will defend themselves tooth and nail.


Despite the severe consequences of hornet stings in general, individuals of the common European species, which is often found in Russian summer cottages, are not at all the leaders in the painfulness of stings among the insects of our fauna. Thus, the bites of road wasps are much more sensitive. The bites of swimmers are considered approximately similar, but still a little more painful. But the closest sensation is the bite of a large horsefly: the hornet bites just as painfully, but the consequences of its sting and the accompanying symptoms are much more serious due to the action of the poison. During an attack, a horsefly bites off a piece of skin from the victim, but the resulting wound, however, heals very quickly and stops bothering you within a few minutes after the attack. But a hornet bite is dangerous because of the consequences, which can be very serious.

The photo shows a hornet bite approximately 1 hour after the attack on a person:

Hornet venom and its effect on the body

Hornet venom contains many components, some of which are widely found in the animal world, for example, they are part of the venom of rattlesnakes.

Active ingredients of hornet venom:

  1. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that causes a sharp activation of nerve endings and the generation of impulses. Figuratively speaking, when it gets into tissues in excess quantities, it hits the nerve nodes like a hammer and causes terrible pain.
  2. Phospholipases and orientotoxin are components that cause the destruction of cell walls and the leakage of their contents into the intercellular space. Because of this, where the hornet has bitten, a focus of inflammation first appears, and then, when the walls of the blood vessels are damaged, hemorrhage occurs, often accompanied by subsequent suppuration. Phospholipases are an integral component of snake venom.
  3. Histamine - simply put, this substance is by its nature an activator of an instant allergic reaction.
  4. Protein components that cause the breakdown of the victim's own mast cells and thus release additional amounts of histamine.
  5. Biogenic amines are substances that initiate increased heart rate and activation of respiration.

This is interesting

One of the protein components contained in hornet venom is called crabroline - in honor of the insect itself ( Latin name common hornet - Vespa crabro).

This composition of the poison determines not only what the hornet’s bite looks like on the victim’s body externally, but also with what force it affects the body as a whole. The video below shows the consequences of a hornet sting:

This is what hornet bites look like

Interestingly, the composition of the poison largely depends on how exactly and for what purpose insects use their toxins. For example, hornet venom is a typical protective one; it is not intended to attack or immobilize. At the same time, in scolias (close relatives of hornets, which are dark in color and sometimes not inferior to them in size), the poison is used precisely to paralyze prey - for example, the larvae of large beetles. The bite of these insects, unlike hornets, is insensitive and does not lead to serious symptoms of intoxication or allergies in humans.

One of the most important features The hornet's sting is its ability to sting several times. Unlike honey bee, the hornet removes its stinger from the skin of the victim after each bite and can continue to use it.

This is interesting

The toxicity of hornet venom is less than that of a regular honey bee. But the pain caused by the bite is stronger.

Needless to say, a large predator spends a significantly smaller dose of poison on one bite than, for example, a bee - after all, it needs to maintain a strategic reserve of a protective substance for further attacks. However, the victim experiences severe pain, even from one such “injection.”

“What kind of stupid questions is this: does a hornet bite or not? It's a wasp, only a big one. Of course it bites. This summer, a hornet bit my cat at the dacha, on the nose. I thought the animal would not survive. His eyes couldn’t open, he could barely breathe through his mouth. It’s a terrible sight, I even had to take him to the vet, but he seemed to have recovered.”

Olga, Kaluga

Thanks to the mobility of its body, the hornet bites quickly and from almost any position. We can say that if this insect decides to attack, then avoiding the bite will be problematic - its reaction speed is too high.

By and large, the word “bite” should not be used in relation to this large insect: when striking a victim, the hornet stings, and does not bite. Despite the powerful jaws with which the predator kills its prey - insects and various small arthropods - it prefers to use its sting for protection. However, for the sake of simplicity, the hornet is most often said to “bite.”

This is interesting

Unlike bumblebees and bees, a hornet can sting without landing on the body of a person or other animal. People say that “the hornet strikes” - it actually flies close to the victim, quickly bends its body and thrusts its sting into the body. Literally immediately the poison is injected, and the wasp removes the sting from the skin. This is similar to a quick punch from a boxer and is a copy of the injection of riders - distant relatives of hornets, which thus inject an egg into the victim’s body with lightning speed. At the same time, his paws do not touch the opponent’s body. Thanks to this technique, a hornet can sting in the same place several times in a row.

“I once saw a hornet bite on the head. The girl seemed to have a huge dropsy on her head, and half her face was swollen. She was constantly injected with painkillers, but she still couldn’t eat because it hurt her to move her mouth.”

Vladislav, Moscow

The photo shows the consequences of a giant hornet biting a person:

Symptoms of a hornet sting

A hornet bite is very dangerous for humans: some of the symptoms that appear in the victim after an encounter with this insect pose a serious threat to health, and sometimes even life.

First of all, the sting causes incredible pain. It is felt immediately, even before the insect removes the sting from the skin. But even after this, the pain does not subside, but on the contrary, it only intensifies due to the spread of acetylcholine through the tissues.

The photo shows what a hornet bite to the face looks like:

In addition to severe pain, one of the primary symptoms that appears almost immediately after a bite is inflammation in the affected area, accompanied by extensive swelling. The more poison the hornet managed to inject into the wound and the higher the body’s sensitivity to it, the stronger the swelling will be.

The photo shows the hornet's sting:

In some cases, suppuration, tissue necrosis and numerous hemorrhages may appear at the site of inflammation. Such consequences are especially typical for cases when a person is stung by more than one hornet - multiple bites can develop into Quincke's edema.

A hornet bite is especially dangerous for children. In addition to the above symptoms in babies, swelling that appears, among other things, can affect internal organs.

“I am very afraid of all kinds of wasps and hornets and avoid them on the tenth road. And the husband flaunts his courage and got hit once. I drove the hornet out with my hand summer kitchen, and he bit him. I don’t know, it was probably very large, but my husband’s fingers were so swollen that he couldn’t pick up a spoon. There was such a pillow on my arm.”

Olga, Barnaul

One of the most dangerous is the bite of the giant, which lives mainly in Southeast Asia, and in our country - in Primorye. This insect is generally quite calm, but if it stings, then, as they say, “it won’t seem like much.”

Firstly, the Asian hornet almost always uses its sting several times in one attack. Secondly, he injects a sufficiently large dose of poison into the victim’s body, which, moreover, includes a unique substance mandorotoxin, which has a powerful effect on nervous system. Among other things, numerous bites of this hornet can cause hemorrhages in internal organs.

Pictured is a giant Asian hornet:

However, even without a severe allergic reaction, a hornet sting in a person can cause symptoms such as increased heart rate, headaches and shortness of breath. These temporary reactions rarely reach the point of serious heart pain or asphyxia, but, nevertheless, they can greatly frighten a person.

One more thing can be noted characteristic feature hornet bite - pain in the affected area is always accompanied by severe itching, sometimes so much that it is impossible to tolerate it. To alleviate this, in principle, not dangerous, but very unpleasant symptom, special medications are required.

“We had a case in our department once. They brought a child, he was bitten on the butt by a hornet. Everything seems to be normal according to the indicators, but the temperature is increased, and the swelling on the bottom is such that the baby could not move. All the tissues had hardened, and it was clear that the child was in great pain. He had to inject him with Xekofam and put him in the ward. Only after four days did he begin to feel better, and we sent him and his mother home.”

Tatiana, Kyiv

As mentioned above, within a few minutes after the bite, a person develops an allergic reaction. Its depth depends on individual sensitivity and can vary from simple inflammation to very serious consequences. Let's take a closer look at them.

Severe consequences of the attack

An allergy to a hornet sting is, perhaps, the most dangerous consequence attacks by this insect. In people with increased sensitivity to poison, the body's immune response can be very severe, sometimes turning into anaphylactic shock and ending in death.

You can never be sure of the body’s reaction to an insect bite, because it does not depend on the physical condition, and its severity is largely determined by genetic factors. Therefore, if a hornet bite does occur, you need to carefully monitor the emerging symptoms and your condition in general.

“Over the past year, two people were admitted to our hospital with anaphylactic shock after being stung by hornets. One was unconscious, the second was in a semi-fainting state. In both cases, the cause was a single bite. In one patient, due to edema, the patency of the upper respiratory tract; despite our efforts and the use of serious drugs, he died from acute renal failure. The surviving patient admitted that he did not know whether hornets bite, and simply tried to drive away the insect that had flown in at the smell of dried fish.”

Tian Li, Huangdu

An allergic reaction of the body almost always follows the same “scenario”. However, we should not forget that its intensity is different people is absolutely individual, therefore how far the allergy will go in its manifestations depends specifically on the body of the victim. However, let's highlight everything possible symptoms as they appear.

  1. The first sign of the body's immune response is the actual inflammation at the site of the bite. It is characteristic of all those stung.
  2. Then a rapid heartbeat, headaches, and an increase in body temperature begin to appear.
  3. Further, a person increases lymph nodes, nausea and diarrhea may occur.
  4. In rare cases, renal failure develops.

If any of these symptoms appear, the victim should be immediately taken to the hospital, since without medical assistance the risk of death is quite high. In case of high sensitivity of the body (which the bitten person may not be aware of), even simple inflammation can quickly develop into more serious manifestations.

The mortality rate from anaphylactic shock after a hornet sting, even with timely treatment, is 15-20%.

Particular attention should be focused on a very important fact: the severity of the allergy increases with each new sting of any hymenoptera insect. This means that if, for example, a bee sting once had allergic consequences, then more serious complications can be expected from an encounter with a hornet.

If a hornet bites you: what to do?

Now let's determine the algorithm of actions if you or a person nearby are stung by a hornet.

After a bite, you don’t need to look for a sting in the skin - it simply isn’t there. Only bees leave their sting in the wound, but hornets live quietly and continue to use it. But what you should do right away is take a tablet of Suprastin or Claritin to stop the development of an allergic reaction.

  • try to suck out the poison from the wound, but do this for no more than 2-3 minutes, because the skin at the puncture site quickly tightens, and the main amount of toxin still remains inside;
  • apply a moistened piece of sugar to the wound - it will draw out some more of the poison;
  • apply a cold compress to the developing swelling to slow down the spread of the toxin in the tissues;
  • lubricate the stung area with Fenistil and drink Diphenhydramine.

All further actions boil down to two fairly simple goals: monitoring the victim’s condition and combating symptoms. If the body temperature of the stung person does not rise above 38°C, it is not worth bringing it down.

Under no circumstances should you ingest alcohol after a hornet bite: this can cause swelling to increase significantly.

If a hornet has bitten a cat or dog, you need to carefully monitor the pet’s condition and, if possible, apply a compress to the stung area of ​​the body. If the animal's health worsens, it should be shown to a veterinarian.

“Our Birby (Yorkshire Terrier) was recently bitten by a hornet. The dog's entire shoulder was blown out, he began to have shortness of breath, he could not move his paw, he did not eat anything. We called the veterinarian, he told us that it was definitely a hornet. He injected some medicine to relieve the swelling, but only a week later Birby began to eat and walk normally. I lost a lot of weight during this time...”

Alla, Voronezh

Be that as it may, a hornet bite is in any case a very serious incident that requires close attention. If a particular person has ever had severe allergic reactions to insect stings, he must always have with him a so-called “allergy passport” - a certificate from an allergist, which indicates all the necessary data in case this patient has severe symptoms of a bite the hornet will end up in the hospital.

After a hornet attack, you should carefully monitor your well-being and not be too self-confident: anaphylactic shock develops very quickly and can affect even completely healthy and physically strong people. Therefore, if your health worsens, you should not hesitate to go to the hospital or call an ambulance.

A hornet's bite is considered one of the most dangerous - these insects are capable of injecting such an amount of poison under a person's skin that it has a serious pathological effect on the body. It is noteworthy that a person may not immediately notice that he was bitten by a hornet - the primary pain is similar to that caused by a wasp/bee sting. But distinguishing characteristic in the condition under consideration, the hornet venom is highly toxic.

Please note:Everyone needs to be able to provide first aid in the event of a hornet bite; it is especially important not to be late with it in the event of a bite of a person with a history of it - most likely he will develop rapidly, which in most cases leads to death.

Symptoms of a hornet sting

These insects can inflict repeated attacks on their “prey”; hornets are even capable of injecting their poison through mosquito net! And the symptoms of a hornet sting are as follows:

Similar symptoms are present in 96% of all cases of hornet bites, and only a few of the victims turn out to be “lucky” - no pronounced symptoms are noted, they do not require any specific treatment.

After an insect attacks a person, the victim may develop:

  • strong - many people are simply unable to tolerate it;
  • – this symptom is always accompanied by a headache, and together can lead to a short-term loss of consciousness;
  • a person begins to actively sweat (increased sweating);
  • body temperature rises sharply, and immediately to critical levels;
  • disturbances in work develop respiratory system– respiratory rate appears and increases;
  • rarely, but convulsions may occur.

The consequences of a hornet sting can vary - some people experience only severe swelling and difficulty breathing, others complain of incredibly intense headache and vomiting. It all depends on how many times the hornet attacked a person, how much poison got under the skin, whether at the time of the hornet bite the victim had any kind of somatic disease that occurs in chronic form, the state of the human immune system and many other factors.

Please note:The indicated symptoms and consequences of a hornet sting are most intense in childhood– they are not only clearly expressed, but are rapidly progressing.

What to do if you are bitten by a hornet

First of all, you need to try to remove the poison from the wound at the site of the bite. But remember that you need to do this as quickly as possible - the wound heals quite quickly. So, for 1 minute (no more!) we suck out the poison from the site of the hornet bite, then apply a cold compress to the wound - it can be a heating pad with ice, a bottle of drink from the refrigerator, a piece of meat from the freezer.

Please note:When a hornet bites, it never leaves a sting in the wound! Therefore, do not waste time searching for it - in the event of a hornet bite and in relation to first aid, every minute counts.

Under no circumstances should you rub, scratch, or put pressure on the bite site - this promotes the spread of poison into the deeper layers of tissue. If we summarize the entire range of first aid measures for a hornet sting, we can form a clear list:

  • the contents are sucked out of the wound (you need to try to do this to the maximum);
  • A cold compress (ice) is applied to the bite site for several minutes;
  • then the damaged area must be treated with alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or a solution of potassium permanganate - this is done for disinfection;
  • Apply wet sugar to the affected area and cover with a damp towel (cold) on top.

You need to apply sugar in order to delay part of the poison that is located directly under skin. Moreover, sugar has this effect for a maximum of 10 minutes - after this time, the sugar can be replaced with a tampon/gauze soaked in citric or acetic acid.

It is important to apply the acid to the bite site - the hornet's venom has an alkaline environment, which is neutralized by the acid. If the indicated means are not “at hand,” then a slice of apple, a slice of lemon, a clove of garlic, or a leaf of plantain may come in handy.

Providing first aid for a hornet bite involves the use of any antihistamine by the victim - for example, Suprastin or Diphenhydramine, or some other. These drugs help suppress the allergic reaction and prevent its intensive development.

Consequences of a hornet sting

If after a hornet bite there is only swelling, redness and itching, and no other symptoms develop, then you can get by with symptomatic treatment at home - in principle, you can do without qualified medical care. You can use any specific ointment for insect bites - it will alleviate the condition of the victim and quickly restore his health.

But there are a number of symptoms that should prompt immediate seeking of qualified medical help. These include:

  • a sharp increase in temperature, a feeling of heat throughout the body;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • rapid pulse;
  • extensive swelling (not only at the site of the bite);
  • headache;
  • preservation of swelling specifically at the site of the hornet bite for 4 days or more.

If it is impossible to urgently hospitalize the victim in a medical facility (for example, he is in a holiday village or outdoors on a hike), it is necessary to give him glucocorticosteroids - they will have both anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects. These drugs include:

  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Prednisolone;
  • Dexamethasone.

Please note:The listed drugs prevent the development of a dangerous allergic reaction, but they can only be used as first/urgent medical aid for a hornet sting, as they are highly likely to develop side effects.

Help with a hornet sting without signs of an increasing allergic reaction

If the victim is one of the “lucky ones” and the hornet sting does not cause progressive allergic reactions, then he will need to receive the following assistance:

  • the bite site should be lubricated with Fenistil gel, Soventol, Moskitol (gel-balm);
  • if body temperature rises above 38 degrees, take any antipyretic drug;
  • correction of the diet - if nausea occurs, it is better to temporarily refuse to eat solid food, but eat large number liquids (compotes, etc.).

What is strictly forbidden to do if you are bitten by a hornet?

Not only do you need to know about the rules of first aid for a hornet sting, you need to know exactly what is strictly forbidden to do at this time.

So, if you are bitten by a hornet, you cannot:

  1. Drink alcoholic beverages . Most often, hornet bites occur during recreation in nature or in the countryside - places where people relax having fun and drinking alcohol. So, alcohol increases swelling and spreads poison under the skin.
  2. Take Diprazine as an antihistamine medicinal product– this remedy can trigger the body’s own immune response.
  3. Ignore the first symptoms of a hornet sting I. It is precisely these victims who actively refuse help (“just think, it’s like a bee or wasp sting!”) that are then literally pulled out of the other world by resuscitators. But often it is impossible to pull the victim out - death is guaranteed.

Preventing hornet bites

Hornets live not only outside settlements– these insects can live quietly within the boundaries of populated areas, so their nests are often found in wooden buildings.

Under no circumstances should you discover a hornet nest by poisoning them with deodorants, dichlorvos, or trying to knock down the insects or disperse them. You just need to contact specialized services that will help you get rid of these dangerous insects.

One more thing - if you find a hornet circling around you, you should not wave your arms or start moving sharply - this is precisely what can provoke an attack by the insect.

Hornet sting - dangerous condition, which in most cases requires the provision of qualified medical care. If it is possible to immediately contact specialists, then this will be the best option– even if a rapid allergic reaction does not follow, the person will be safe from the consequences of a hornet sting.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):