In the vastness of our homeland there are about 20,000 species of flies that cause a lot of trouble. How can you get rid of flies in the house? on our own, today we will consider the most effective methods. You will appreciate them because each method is simple. Let's get started!

Insecticides for flies in the house: TOP-5

The products presented below are equally effective in getting rid of small flies and eliminating larger insects at home.

No. 1. Chalk

This category includes “Mashenka” chalk and other similar types that are super effective. Make several lines in those places where flies constantly live. When they step over the chalk, they will die almost immediately. Families with pets and children should be careful.

No. 2. Powder

Before getting rid of the flies that live in the house in the fall, choose the appropriate powder: “Phenaxin”, “Agita”, “Mukhita”, “Bayt” or “Baygon”. This is a kind of bait that affects nervous system and causes paralysis in insects. After diluting with water according to the instructions, the product is sprayed onto trash cans, window sills, walls and even furniture.

No. 3. Aerosol

This list includes “Dichlorvos”, “Chlorophos”, “Mukhoyar”, etc. Before getting rid of flies using an aerosol, check the possibility of using it in the house (indicated on the bottle). The insecticide is sprayed under pressure over all surfaces where insects live. After processing, leave the apartment. After a couple of hours, come back and open the windows.

No. 4. Granules

The following are considered the most effective: “Byte Mukha”, “Fly Byte”, “Agita”. Granules are suitable for those who want to quickly eliminate pests. Distribute the composition in corners and places where insects constantly live. You can dilute them in water and spray them with a spray bottle. When an insect comes into contact with an insecticide, it dies within a few hours. The effect lasts up to 1.5-2 months.

No. 5. Fumigator

It is a device into which plates or a bottle of liquid are inserted. The best are considered “Taiga”, “Raptor”, “Flor”, “Help”. The fumigator is plugged into the outlet and begins to heat the contents. It evaporates, the volatile vapors kill pests very quickly. People and pets have nothing to fear.

Folk remedies for flies in the house: TOP-5

Since you can easily get rid of flies living in the house using folk remedies, we recommend resorting to one of the methods.

No. 1. Formalin with milk

First prepare a sweet solution of granulated sugar and water, taking the ratio by eye. Measure out 0.5 liters. Inject 300 ml. milk and 100 ml. formaldehyde. You have received a solution that needs to be used to treat jambs, doors, windows with window sills and even walls. You can soak the loaf in it and place it as bait. When an insect eats it, it will soon die.

No. 2. Vinegar

Acts as a repeller. Soak an old rag in vinegar and wipe dinner table, window sills, doors and jambs. Treat areas that flies frequent. This way you will not only drive away pests, but also warn them reappearance.

No. 3. Kerosene

Helps how to get rid of onion fly, as well as other insects of this family that have settled at home. Prepare the product from 2 liters. water and 80 ml. kerosene. Wash the floor with it. It should be understood that it will be unpleasant for people to be in such a room. Therefore, after treatment, it is better to leave the house for a while.

No. 4. Black pepper

An effective spice that eliminates almost all types of insects. Before getting rid of flies, combine pepper and granulated sugar. Sprinkle this mixture around your house and wait for the results. You can make a solution of granulated sugar and pepper, soak pieces of fabric in it and hang them. Also very effective.

No. 5. Sugar substitute (saccharin)

The most dangerous poison for flying insects. Combine 0.2 l. water with 20 gr. honey and 2 gr. surrogate. Dip newspaper or album sheets, then place them near the windows. Hide this bait from pets and children.

Indoor plants against flies in the house

Above we looked at all sorts of variations on how to get rid of flies in the house very quickly. Now here is a list of plants that literally eat insects. By planting them in pots on the windowsills, you will decorate the window and forget about flies forever.

No. 1. Geranium

It looks quite beautiful, the smell seems attractive to humans, but insects cannot stand it.

No. 2. Venus flytrap

The name came about for a reason. The flower traps flies with its leaves, after which they cannot get out. This is how the plant feeds.

No. 3. Wormwood, lavender, basil, tansy

The presented varieties act as repellers. Flies don't like them, so they try to stay away.

No. 4. Cherry

There is no need to set up a vegetable garden in your apartment. Just grow 1-2 pots of Cherry tomatoes on your windowsills.

No. 5. Elderberry, fern

Today it is not difficult to obtain branches of the presented plants. Place them around your home fresh(dried ones cannot be used, they have the opposite effect).

No. 6. Eucalyptus, myrtle

Refresh and disinfect the room in which they are installed. Enrich the air nutrients and repel flies.

Homemade fly traps in the house

Homemade traps help both get rid of flies and prevent them from appearing in the house.

No. 1. Moistened cloth

Take honey, rosin and castor oil in equal proportions. Brush elongated pieces of fabric, any paper or cardboard with the fragrant mixture. Soon the insects will flock to the trap, but will not be able to get out.

No. 2. Cropped bottle

Before getting rid of flies when they appear in wooden house, you need to make a trap. Cut off top part bottles. Turn the neck over and lower it to the bottom. It should not touch the liquid. Pour in sweet and aromatic water. Insects will be able to get inside, but they will not be able to get out.

How to get rid of fruit flies in an apartment

Fruit insects often appear. Find out how to get rid of fruit flies in your apartment.

No. 1. Smoking

Take advantage old frying pan, which will be easy to get rid of. Heat it and place crushed solid camphor. After some time, you will notice light smoke coming out. Don't worry, it poses no danger to humans. Insects, on the contrary, do not tolerate it. Carry containers throughout all rooms.

No. 2. Geranium

Geranium helps both get rid of flies and prevent their reappearance in the house. If you notice insects, it is enough to place one flower in each room. Also find the cause of the flies, perhaps it was spoiled fruits.

No. 3. Potassium permanganate and matches

This method is more suitable for combating insects that have bred on the plant. Make a weak solution of potassium permanganate and treat flower leaves with it. Stick matches into the soil with the sulfur side down. This simple move will kill the larvae in the ground.

No. 4. Garlic

Flies cannot tolerate the garlic aroma. Try to figure out where insects are most often found. Turn the garlic into a pulp and spread it out. In just a few hours the flies will disappear.

No. 5. Cloves and orange

To deal with annoying flies, resort to a proven method. To do this, stick a spicy clove stick into the orange zest. Place the incense in the area where insects are most often seen.

No. 6. Cold

Almost all flies are temperature dependent environment. Therefore, if you notice activity during the cold season, just open the window and go for a walk. In just a few hours you will forget about the problem.

Preventing the appearance of flies in the house

In order not to have to think about how to get rid of flies in the house once again, it is enough to follow simple rules.

1. Try to find and seal all cracks and holes through which insects can enter.

2. Do not neglect the installation of mosquito nets.

3. Once you get rid of the problem, be sure to do a thorough cleaning. Wash floors and windows with water and turpentine.

4. Take care of the plumbing and fix any leaks, including from the faucet.

5. Get into the habit of storing food in airtight containers. Throw out trash as often as possible.

All methods effectively help fight insects. To prevent them from appearing again, stick to simple recommendations. If you live in a private home, try to get around your personal area and remove any rotting waste. It is in such places that flies are born.

Flies are one of the most common types of insects. There is probably hardly a single person who would like these annoying creatures. In addition, fighting them is quite difficult. There are many ways that can help get rid of flies. If you don't want to use purchased funds, but you are not sure that folk remedies help, use proven methods. The material presents the most effective folk remedies that will help you rid your home of flies.

The life cycle of a fly and the danger it poses

Flies are quite annoying insects, which (without knowing special means) are almost impossible to get rid of. But in order to understand how best to deal with them, you need to know why they are dangerous and what their lifestyle is.

So, the fly has a rather short life cycle, which can be divided into several stages.

  • Laying eggs. At one time, the fly can lay up to 150 eggs. She usually chooses damp places for this - manure, garbage pits, etc. That is, all places that are unfavorable for humans are favorable for her.
  • Maturation of the larva. She hatches from the egg in quite a while short term– this requires from 8 to 24 hours. The process of larval development also occurs quite quickly - from 5 to 15 days. It feeds on the food in which the eggs were laid.
  • Pupation. To do this, the larva moves to a dry place and there turns into a pupa. This process takes three to four weeks.

The fly is a carrier of infection and dirt

  • Emergence of an adult fly. She is able to live up to 30 days and for this quite short period time to postpone a large number of eggs (up to 2000 pieces).

Effective folk remedies for controlling flies

Let's consider the simplest and at the same time effective means fight against flies that you can do with your own hands:

  • Tomatoes. Ordinary tomatoes, which grow in many garden beds, or rather, the leaves of this crop are an excellent tool in the fight against flies. It is not necessary to lay out tomato leaves throughout your home; it is enough to just place a small pot of tomatoes in each room. If you do this, flies will fly around your home ten times over. And if you decorate the pots beautiful decor, then they can become an unusual addition to the interior.
  • Vinegar. This is an excellent fly repellent. Just wipe all door and window openings with a vinegar solution, and flies will fly around your house.

Advice. If you are planning lunch for fresh air– thoroughly wipe the table with a vinegar solution, then for two to three hours you will be protected from insect attacks.

  • Kerosene. A very effective, but rather short-term way to get rid of flies. You can wipe the floors with a special solution with the addition of kerosene in a ratio of 50 ml of flammable substance per 10 liters of water. You will be protected from flies for several hours. Keep in mind that such “cleaning” will leave a very strong kerosene smell in the room.
  • Black pepper. Pepper acts on the fly’s body like a real poison. You can mix sugar and pepper and sprinkle this mixture around the house. But still, it will be more effective and practical to use a tape soaked in a sugar-pepper solution. Dilute 30 g of black pepper and a couple of tablespoons of sugar in 100 ml of milk. Dip several fabric strips in this solution and hang them around the rooms. Please note that the smell from the fabric will disappear quite quickly, so you will have to change the tape periodically.
  • Saccharin. The substance is a derivative of sugar and is a real poison for flies. So, prepare the solution as follows: dissolve 2 g of saccharin and 25 g of honey in 250 ml of water. You need to moisten any paper with the resulting sweet water (even newspapers will do). When the paper is dry, place it near windows throughout the house - within a day, all pests in the house will die.

Use to repel flies aromatic herbs: basil or lavender

  • Homemade ribbons. Very cheap and effective method. To create such “traps” we will need strips of thick paper (scraps of wallpaper, cardboard, etc. will do), as well as rosin, molasses (if this is unavailable, you can use honey) and castor oil. Mix 2 tablespoons of castor oil, 1 tablespoon of rosin and 100 ml of molasses/honey. Brush the paper strips with the mixture using a small brush.

In addition to the above remedies, you can use some plants and herbs that do not have the best effect on flies:

  • Lavender. This aromatic plant extremely effective in controlling flies. You can use dried lavender flowers. Add a little clover to the crushed flowers, bay leaf and cloves. Make small mesh bags and pour the resulting dry mixture into them. It is advisable to change the mixture in the bags once every couple of months.
  • Basil. Excellent product for controlling flies. Plant basil in several pots and place them around the house. Thus, you will not only get rid of pests, but also decorate your home beautiful plant and you can use basil as aromatic seasoning for prepared dishes.
  • Tansy. Tansy is rarely grown at home, but it grows in abundance in the wild. Grind the dried plant and sprinkle it on pre-lubricated office glue strips of paper. When they are dry, hang them around the house and enjoy the absence of flies.
  • Sagebrush. This is an excellent time-tested fly repellent. Just hang it in summer time bunches of fresh wormwood and flies will not enter your house.

So our article has come to an end, the purpose of which was to help you get rid of annoying flies in my house. Good luck!

Velcro for flies at home: video

How to get rid of flies: photo

Flies in an apartment are a fairly common and unpleasant occurrence. How to get rid of them and prevent the appearance of buzzing pests? How dangerous are they? Let's figure it out.

What is a fly and how does it get into your apartment?

Flies are small insects that can not only irritate with their buzzing and flying around households, but can also seriously harm health by transmitting various contagious diseases and infections.

IN city ​​apartment There are only two ways a fly can get there. First - open windows, doors, as well as a ventilation shaft. Thanks to their speed, flies are able to get into your apartment unnoticed before you have time to close the door behind you.

The last method is used extremely rarely by flies, because in the shaft itself there is often a strong flow of air, which prevents it from reaching the apartment and pushes it out.

The second way is with contaminated fruits and vegetables, as well as flowers (potted or bouquet). Flies often lay eggs in plant materials. After some time, many flies are born from such eggs. If you are unlucky enough to accidentally bring an infested fruit or vegetable into your home, you will be surprised how quickly the number of flies in the house increases from zero to a dozen or more. This happens most often in spring and summer.

Risk factors

The answer is simple - the “aroma” of food waste. What flies love most is the smell of food starting to rot. In the trash bin, this smell is usually emitted by the skins and skins of vegetables and fruits. Discarded leftover meat and rotten food are also strong temptations for flies. Banana peel- one of the typical wastes that attracts flies with its smell

High humidity can also be the reason why flies prefer your apartment to others. Try reducing the humidity level by using an air conditioner, split system or heater.

Table: ways to combat different types of flies

How to get rid of flies in an apartment

Fortunately, today there are many ways to say goodbye to the pest forever. Among them there are both professional and popular, both expensive and almost free.


Chemicals on the market are represented by the following main groups:

A cool period has come and the flies have become uncomfortable living outside. You open the door a little and migrants instantly take over the house. If in the summer it was somehow tolerable, then by autumn it became unbearable. In practice we still use sticky tapes, but, you see, this is not very effective method, and such a device does not look aesthetically pleasing in the middle of the hall on a chandelier, and every now and then someone sticks to it. Fumigators that plug into an outlet scare me, especially with a small child. And aerosols are not a solution at all. At that moment, when the flies had already completely overcome, we decided to look for a remedy that would suit us all, but really did not suit these insects. And you know, we found it. The gel [Mukhoyar fly gel] is applied to a substrate (we press it onto jar lids) and hidden, for example, behind a vase on a cabinet, on a window sill behind a flower pot, on kitchen set. So they don't spoil the view. And the child will not get into the product. Moreover, flies do not stick to the gel. The gel has no odor. He doesn't highlight hazardous substances in the air, so it’s not at all scary to use it even in the presence of children. But, of course, you shouldn’t touch it with your hands.

Alisa Zet

[Bait for killing flies Agita] When you live in a city, flies (and other flying nits) don’t cause too many problems. At least in the city it's enough to hang mosquito net and destroy insects that have already flown into the apartment. But when you live in a village/stanitsa, the problem of flying insects becomes especially acute. I have already found out that fighting insects with an electric fly swatter is pointless. Today, on the advice of my grandfather, I went to the veterinary pharmacy, where I purchased a drop-dead product called Agita 10 WG. At first, the flies even liked the product, but I thought that I was wasting water on my eyes and didn’t follow the proportions, since the white liquid doesn’t work. However, 5 minutes passed after I ran around the house with a spray bottle (I used a regular bottle of glass cleaning liquid, very convenient), and the flies had already flown off to their forefathers. Well, or to a neighbor. I don't really care. The main thing is that the Agita 10WG fly repellent really works. Moreover, the effect is long-term. Some people talk about weeks of life without flies after treating the area, but I don’t believe in such a period. My grandfather already used this poison at home (and there are tons of mosquitoes there, since the Kuban River is nearby) and noted a three-day effect.

Kosmonaut Misha

Fly traps

  1. Rinse the empty, unwanted plastic bottle with water and dry.
    Empty plastic bottle must be dry
  2. Cut off the top of the bottle using scissors. Try to cut as evenly as possible - this affects the quality of the trap.
    Carefully cut off the top of the empty bottle
  3. Turn the cut top over and insert it into the bottle.
    If you cut the top straight, it will hold well in the bottle
  4. Secure the result. Connect the two parts with tape or a stapler.
    Scotch tape or a stapler firmly connects the parts of the resulting trap
  5. Prepare the syrup. To do this, boil one glass of water in a saucepan and add half a glass of sugar. When the sugar dissolves, cool the resulting syrup.
    When preparing syrup, you should constantly stir the sugar so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan.
  6. Carefully pour the syrup into the bottle. Additionally, lubricate the edges of the trap with it. You can also add other baits to the syrup: small pieces of fruit, such as apples. Meat that has begun to rot is also perfect. Fill the trap so that there is a little less than a centimeter left to the neck of the bottle.
    Not a single fly can resist the bait of syrup, pieces of fruit and meat.
  7. Place the trap in a warm and open place. A well-heated window sill is best.
    On warm windowsill the trap can attract a lot of flies

Purchased traps come in a variety of shapes and prices. The cheapest ones cost about 300 rubles, while prices for the most expensive ones can be above 8,000 rubles.

Photo gallery: purchased fly traps

Chinese Flashlight Insect Trap Uses Light and Aroma to Lure Airhot IK-40W - A trap that lures insects with light and kills them with electricity The Aeroxon trap is a variation on sticky tape, but offers a more aesthetically pleasing appearance

Mechanical methods

Professional pest control

When choosing a pest control service, focus on independent reviews. If possible, ask your neighbors and friends.

Folk remedies

There are quite a lot of folk remedies that expel or destroy flies in an apartment. Choose the one you like best:

  • flies cannot stand the smell of vodka or vinegar, so they can be sprayed in the room where insects appear most often. Table vinegar 9% must be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio before use;
  • You can soak paper ribbons in a mixture of ground black pepper and milk. Add a tablespoon of pepper to half a glass of milk and stir. Dip paper strips into the mixture. Hang them throughout the apartment;
  • Flies also do not like the smell of kerosene. Dissolve a quarter cup of kerosene in a bucket for washing floors and carry out wet cleaning;
  • Potted plants can not only serve as food for flies, but also repel them. Flies can't stand the smell the following plants: mint, wormwood, lavender, tansy, cloves, geranium, fern, basil, elderberry. You can plant these plants on your windowsill or use dried bouquets to repel flies. Just don't use herbs that you are allergic to.

How to avoid flies in your apartment

It is easier to prevent any problem than to fix it. This rule also applies to flies. To prevent the pest from entering your home again, do not forget to adhere to the following rules:

At the dacha in the house, ordinary fly plates help me. I insert a fly repellent plate into one fumigator and screw in a bottle of mosquito repellent liquid. There are no insects in the house (well, maybe only ants will run in). Of course it’s more difficult outside, horse flies are just animals! And I drive away mosquitoes with a coil, at least they don’t get on the sofa in front of the house.

If in the house, then put a bouquet of tansy, and if on the street, then I don’t know how to fight this evil, try hanging Velcro, special ones for flies.

We once went to Berdyansk on vacation. Military closed part + free access to the sea! Well, this is just for clarity. There were a sea of ​​small, nasty flies. The military wives came to their husbands, set the tables out in the air, and let them wipe them with vinegar. I, a Moscow young lady, have eyes wide open - WHY? They explained: flies do not sit on the table. I'm convinced. We then “relaxed” together on outdoors- and no flies!

Getting rid of flies completely is quite difficult. Fortunately, there are many methods for controlling and preventing pests from appearing in an apartment.

There are probably no people in the world who are not familiar with these annoying creatures.

Such insects are extremely fast in flight and very difficult to catch in flight. Their wings are driven by a system of powerful muscles in the thoracic region of the body (thorax). Scientists have found that the wings of an ordinary housefly work at incredible speed - about 200 beats per second. Selected species These insects are able to move their wings even faster. Although those wings that are located at the back (haleteres) are not, in fact, wings, they help the fly maintain balance and perform all these tricks, avoiding falling or unstable flight. In addition, thanks to these wings, some flies can spin in the air in one place and fly backwards. It was found that the fastest representatives of these insects can fly with very high speed- almost 40 km/h.

Lifestyle of a fly

Housefly activity occurs mainly during the day. Adult representatives of this species eat various liquid substances. Their mouthparts are licking-sucking, that is, such insects are absolutely incapable of piercing human skin.

Biting flies that are commonly confused with house flies are jet flies ( Latin name stomoxys calcitrans).

House flies are quite prolific. One pair of flies can produce very large offspring. They lay their eggs (on average 80-100) wherever its larvae can feed. During her entire short life, the female is capable of laying about 1000 eggs. This insect completes its entire development cycle in just a couple of weeks.

IN winter period house flies mysteriously disappear. The question arises: where do they come from in such colossal quantities by summer? It's simple - they lay eggs, from which, a day later, larvae appear, which reach the stage of an adult insect in just 11 days.

Throughout its existence, a fly goes through a series of changes: from an egg it turns into a larva, then into a pupa and ultimately emerges adult insect, which is immediately capable of producing new offspring.

How dangerous are flies?

According to the smallest estimates, common house flies are the cause of 112 epidemics of infectious jaundice in the 19th century in Russia. Currently, thanks to the well-developed medical field, this indicator decreased to 3-5 epidemics per year.

Diseases of the above infectious diseases occur if you eat food that is contaminated with flies. All diseases, if left untreated, will affect the state of the gastrointestinal system. The affected person's liver and stomach function are disrupted, he or she develops constipation or diarrhea (depending on the type of infection), and the temperature often rises. In very serious cases, the stomach may develop bloody cracks and small ulcers, and the liver may become enlarged.

Folk remedies for fighting flies

.Many people have an ordinary tomato growing in their garden, and it is its leaves that can help in the fight against these insects. You shouldn’t cover your entire home with tomato leaves; it will be enough to place a few miniature pots of tomatoes on the windows. And if you decorate them with some kind of decor, the plants will become an unusual addition to your interior. This folk remedy for flies helps keep these insects away from your home.

Another excellent fly repellent is black elderberry and fern. IN summer period such plants great amount, so you won't have any problems getting them. Flies can't tolerate themsmell . In order to scare away these insects, we lay out branches of fern or elderberry throughout the room, or simply put them in a vase.

.You can prepare poison against house flies own production. To do this, mix sugar (2 teaspoons) with ground black pepper (1 teaspoon). Sprinkle the resulting mixture into saucers and place them around the entire perimeter of the house.

.Those who love flowers and have geranium in their collection are incredibly lucky, because this excellent remedy against flies

.These insects cannot stand the smell of castor oil, turpentine and wax. If you wash your doors and windows with water to which you add a few drops of one of these products, flies will be afraid to fly into your home.

The smell of plants such as eucalyptus or myrtle is also a good way to get rid of flies. And most importantly, it’s very fast. Plant these plants in flower pots and place them on the windowsill. An excellent cold remedy and an excellent fly repeller will always be on hand in the house.

.Homemade feeders with black pepper help against these insects. In places where large numbers of these insects live, it is necessary to sprinkle black pepper. They will not like it, since this substance is a terrible poison for them.

A pot of castor beans is also a good way to repel flies. Since these insects cannot stand the smell of this plant, they will disappear from your apartment for a long time.

.If you have a private house or you are in the country, then you can plant bird cherry trees near your home. Its smell is unpleasant to these creatures.

.Excellent folk remedy from flies - this is tansy. Its flowers and stems secrete special essential oils that have a paralytic effect against these insects

.Can be prepared at home special solution, which acts on flies as a poisonous substance. To do this, you need to dissolve a quarter teaspoon of chlorophos in water and add half a teaspoon of sugar. Pour the resulting mixture into

saucers and place them around the house.

Some people say that you can get rid of flies by hanging an orange or lemon stuffed with cloves.

Prevention of the appearance of flies in the house will be its timely cleaning. Food should be kept out of reach of insects. The windows and vents of your home must be protected with mosquito nets. Then you can get rid of many annoying insects without having them at all.

After the cold weather ends, we all want to open the windows wider to let fresh air into the house. But besides this, annoying insects - flies - fly into the rooms.

Not everyone has the opportunity to cover all doors and windows with protective nets. Although insects can get inside even bypassing such protection. In this article you will learn how to get rid of flies in the house.

Unpleasant guests in the house

When insects first appear in the house, you need to start fighting them. IN excellent conditions- with plenty of food and comfortable temperature- They multiply very quickly.

In addition to the unpleasant buzzing and intrusiveness, they also cause other troubles:

  • They bite. The bites are painful, although they may not leave any traces.
  • They carry diseases. Due to their expanded living area, insects land on garbage, decomposing animal carcasses, and food in your kitchen. On their paws they carry many viruses and dangerous diseases - salmonellosis, cholera, typhoid fever and others.
  • On various surfaces Unattractive products of their vital activity remain.

How to get rid of flies? We offer you several proven methods of combating these unpleasant insects.

Simple methods to control flies

You can repel and destroy insects in the house in simple and accessible ways to everyone:

  • Use houseplants. They are needed more for the purpose of prevention, since their smell repels insects. Pots of tomato would be a good idea on the windowsill - plants of the nightshade family are poisonous to flies. A popular flower will also help - geranium, which has persistent odor and at the same time purifies the air in the room. You can buy dwarf eucalyptus, it also has an unpleasant aroma.
  • Place vases of tansy around the house. This medicinal plant Even when dried, it repels, and you won’t have any problems getting rid of flies in your house in winter. Using tansy is a grandmother's method, but very effective.
  • Spices will help - black pepper and cloves. You need to make sticky ribbons from the pepper. To do this, we take segments plain paper from a notebook and prepare a solution of pepper (2 tbsp), milk (0.5 cup) and sugar (2 tbsp). Place over low heat and stir until the sugar melts. Dip paper strips into the liquid for 30 seconds - they are ready to hang throughout the house. A decoction is prepared from cloves for washing window sills and door frames. You need to boil a glass of water and boil 1 tsp in it for 15 minutes. carnations. Add 2 tbsp to the cooled mixture. l. cologne. Ready.
  • Vinegar will help repel flies not only from the house, but also in the fresh air for 2 hours. In 1 l. water you need to add 2 tbsp. l. acids and wipe window sills and doorways, and a table outside.
  • Aromatherapy session. Essential oils eucalyptus, cloves, mint, lavender have a detrimental effect on insects. At the same time, they kill pathogens in the air and have a beneficial effect on people’s health.

Traditional recipes do not guarantee the instantaneous disappearance of insects, but when there are small numbers of them and for preventive purposes, they are ideal.

The safest and cheapest, but labor-intensive method is to use a fly swatter. Despite all the various methods of fighting insects, every country house should have a fly swatter.

How to get rid of flies: using industrial products

For those who don’t particularly trust grandma’s methods of fighting flies indoors, you can purchase special insecticidal aerosols that will 100% destroy insects. Industrially manufactured adhesive tapes are also often used.

For the purpose of prevention, you can use traditional methods fight against flies, which we talked about above. The following recommendations are also added to them:

  • Don't leave in open access food on the tables. Hide in the refrigerator or cover.
  • Cleanliness in the house - absence of flies. Spend more often wet cleaning, empty and wash your trash can often, and you will be free of flies in your house.
  • Mosquito nets and curtains on the front door.
  • Bird cherry and elderberry growing near the house repel insects.

Methods of destruction and scaring away annoying insects from home there are many. But no matter how effective they are, it is better to ensure that flies do not get into the rooms.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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