03/07/15 1.8K

This is the first part of a two-lesson tutorial on creating a vintage effect image in Photoshop.

I'm sure you've already seen tutorials on how to create the effect of old, damaged photos. It's OK. I'm sure you'll still learn something new from my guide.

I'll tell you how to give a photo a vintage look. I will list hotkeys in parentheses immediately after the command. They are specified for the Windows operating system. For Mac alt=option and ctrl=command ( apple key). So let's get started.

Firstly, here is a picture before processing:

and after:

Once you open the picture in Photoshop, use the Frame tool ( crop tool) (c). Vintage photos are usually square in shape, so let’s make our photo look like this. Hold down the shift key while making a selection. Apply the tool to the image with a small margin around the edges - we will need a little extra space:

Hold alt and double-click on the layer in the layers palette. Then duplicate it by dragging the layer icon onto the “New Layer” icon ( or with the layer selected, press ctrl+j). Go to the menu Filter – Blur – Gaussian Blur (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur). We need to blur the picture so that some details disappear, but their outlines are visible. I used setting 1.2:

Give the layer a mask by clicking on the circle-in-a-rectangle button at the bottom of the Layers palette. Take the Gradient tool ( gradient tool) (g) and set to “Radial”.

Once you've made sure the mask is selected, start applying the gradient from the focal point. The further you move the cursor from the starting point, the more of the image will be in focus. If the opposite happens, change the foreground and background colors by clicking them, then try again.

It should look something like this:

The next step is to add some grain. Duplicate the bottom layer again and move it above the blur layer. Go to the menu Filter – Noise – Add Noise (Filter > Noise > Add Noise). Add enough noise so that you can see the main objects in the photo. I used the value 11.88%:

In the layers palette, change the blending mode from “Normal” ( Normal) to "Soft Light" ( Soft Light). You can experiment with the modes. Each of them will give a different picture:

Now let's give the photo a sepia effect. Click on the button at the bottom of the layers palette ( half black circle). Select " Hue/Saturation» ( Hue/Saturation). When the dialog box appears, check the “Rendering” checkbox ( Colorize) bottom right.

Change the hue to yellow-red and reduce the saturation. Lighten it up a bit, as most old photos don't show true black. When you are satisfied with the result, click Ok:

Finally, let's add vignettes. Create a new layer. Make a selection using the " tool Oval area» ( marquee tool).

Select the “quick mask” mode ( quick mask mode) (q). On the menu Filter – Blur – Gaussian Blur (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur) increase the blur level almost to the limit. Exit quick mask mode ( mask mode) (q). A circular selection should appear inside your drawing.

Go to the menu Selection – Invert (Select > Inverse) (ctrl+shift+i) and fill the resulting selection with black. To do this, make sure the background color is set to black, then press ctrl+delete . If the foreground color is set to black, you can press alt+delete .

Deselect ( ctrl+d). Adjust the opacity ( opacity) layer at your discretion. I like a very subtle vignette, so I set the opacity to 42%. This setting changes in the upper right corner of the Layers palette.

Take a fascinating journey into another era by turning a modern color photo into a retro photo! Read the article and find out how to age a photo without Photoshop quickly and efficiently. All you need is one of your photos and the convenient PhotoMASTER editor.

First steps: installation and launch

First, install the software for “PhotoMASTER” on your PC. The distribution weighs only 106 Mb, so downloading will take you no more than 2-3 minutes. Install the software in the desired folder and run it. Click on the “Open Photo” button, indicate to the application the path to the photo you want to process and get creative.

Method one: apply ready-made effects

The easiest way is to apply a suitable effect to the image from the catalog built into the program. Go to the "Effects" section. Here you will find about 30 ready-made photo processing options for any occasion. Click on one of the presets: “Retro-1”, “Retro-2”, “Retro-3” or “Black and White” in the panel on the right.

The changes will immediately take effect, so you can quickly evaluate the result in the preview window. Like? Save the photo by clicking on the button of the same name just above. If you do not find a suitable option among the listed effects, then click “Reset” and try to process the photo yourself.

Method two: process the photo yourself

First we need to make the image black and white. In the Enhancements section of the Saturation scale, move the slider to -100. You can also take it even simpler and set the switch from Color to Black and White instead. The photo will instantly become monochrome.

Next, go to the “Colors” menu and adjust toning. Choose a color from the palette: orange, yellow or brown can ideally age a photo. Once the shade is selected, determine the blending mode. The best options would be Overlay, Soft Color, or Hard Color. Then adjust the strength of the processing: make sure that the toning does not make the photo too colorful.

Let's move on to the finishing touches! Open the "Composition" section. Here you can, if necessary, add vignetting. Let's take a closer look at working with the second of these options. Click on it and immediately adjust the processing strength. Pull the slider on the scale to the left if you want to darken the edges of the photo, to the right if you want to lighten it. Both options will look appropriate in a retro-style photo.

Adjust other vignetting settings as desired. For example, you can determine how far the darkening or lightening will reach the center of the photo: the “Midpoint” scale is responsible for this. You can also specify the shape of the edge processing on the “Roundness” scale and the level of feathering of its borders. Try to create a soft vignetting that blends seamlessly into the image.

That's it, we have successfully aged the photo:

All that remains is to record the result. Click on the “Save” button in the upper right corner, specify the format and location where the file should be placed. Download “PhotoMASTER” and try to process any of your photos using this method. We are sure that the result will pleasantly surprise you!

Hi all! Today I would like to show you how to age a photo in Photoshop to create a great effect at home. Many, of course, will think why this is necessary at all, but in fact it turns out very cool and interesting. Let's try to do this in different ways, not only in the graphic editor itself, but also in Photoshop online without installing it directly in the browser.

Let's start with a simple method.

First, load any color image into Photoshop and make it black and white. The easiest way is to go to the menu “Image” - “Correction” - “Desaturate”. You can also press hotkeys SHIFT+CTRL+U. After this, the picture will lose its former color.

Next, go again to the menu “Image” - “Correction”, only this time we select "Hue/Saturation". For convenience, you can press the key combination CTRL+U.

After this, be sure to check the “Toning” box after the color window opens. Now our colors will be reset, but will have a reddish tint. Of course, we can’t leave it like this and we will need to select the color tone, brightness and saturation to make it look like sepia. I set the values ​​to 40, 30, -15. You can adjust it to your taste. After that, click OK.

Next, let's add some noise. To do this, go to the menu “Filter” - “Noise” - “Add”. We set the value purely symbolically, at about 5-6 percent. Well, don’t forget to note the uniform mode. After that, click OK again.

Now, download the texture for the old photo. You can download from Yandex images. but if you're lazy, you can download from here. After that, load the image with the old texture on top of the layer with the girl, or whoever it is in your photo.

Now, your task will be to completely cover your working photo with this very texture. For this you can use. If the texture turns out to be small, then increase it using ( CTRL+T).

There's just a little bit left. Go to the blending parameters of the texture layer and set the mode to “Multiply” from normal.

You probably ended up with a very dark photo, so let's fix that. While on the same layer with the texture, set the opacity lower, for example 40-50% .

Thus, the aged photograph began to really resemble those same old photographic cards that we still have from our parents or grandparents.

Also, instead of the Multiply blend mode, you can try using something else, such as Soft Light. You'll never guess which effect, filter or mode will be better in your particular case.

Method 2: Photo filter and brightness

Now we will try to age a photo in Photoshop using a special photo filter. Not to say that this method is very different from the previous one, just rather an additional solution. Therefore, upload a photo and we will get started.

For starters. if you initially have a color photo, then desaturate it in the same way as in the previous method (SHIFT+CTRL+U). And then go to the menu “Image” - “Correction” - “Photo filter”.

In the newly opened window, select the “Sepia” mode and set its density to 100%, then click OK. If you think that this is not enough, then apply the same photo filter, only this time with a lower percentage. In the end, I decided to set it to 150 percent (once at 100 and the second time at 50). Now we have what we need.

Next, we will again have to turn to the help of texture. IN archive, which I gave above, there are several aging images. Select any of them and load them into the document on top of the layer with the main photo.

Now, in the already familiar blending parameters on the layers panel, set the “Multiply” mode. Once again we see how the texture has been superimposed very darkly on the photo. But now you and I will not work with opacity, but will act differently. Just .

Go to the menu “Image” - “Correction” - "Brightness/Contrast" and set the values ​​that suit us. I was happy with the brightness at 130, but I didn’t touch the contrast at all.

As you can see, the effect is such that the photo looks older than it should, and even somewhat stained. Overall excellent.

But if you want, you can combine several textures at once. I decided to overlay what we used in the first method on top, set it to “Multiply” mode and set the brightness to 150 units. This wasn't enough, so I decided to remove some of the opacity.

In the end, it turned out just great. So feel free to combine. The purpose of Photoshop is to use many different elements.

Feel free to experiment with other textures to get the effect of an old photo in Photoshop. I gave you a few in the archive as an example, but there are many more on the Internet. Just enter something like “Scratches background” in the Yandex or Google image search, "Old Photo Paper" and so on. Believe me, you will find many wonderful textures for Photoshop.

Additional effect

If you suddenly want to give an even greater aging effect to a photo in Photoshop, I recommend that you make a frame. Let's go in order.

First, create a new layer so that it is below the texture, but above the main photo. After that, take the Fill Tool and simply paint the layer with white. Immediately after this, the aged photo will disappear, but only in the visual sense. In fact, as you already know, it hasn't gone away.

Next, we need to set the value by how many pixels our selection will be reduced. You need to make it so that it is noticeable, but not too thick. In my case, the value was 20. After that, click OK and see that our dotted rectangle has become smaller.

The great thing is that you can combine and mix all these methods at your own discretion. Of course, this is just a drop in the ocean compared to what you can learn in these video tutorials.

The effect of aging a photo in Photoshop online

If suddenly, for various reasons, you do not have Adobe Photoshop itself installed, then there is nothing to worry about. You can do almost the same thing in Photoshop online, including aging any photo. To do this, you will not need to install anything. You just need an active Internet and a browser.

  1. Let's go to online-fotoshop.ru and open our photo, which we need to age.
  2. Next, go to the “Correction” menu and select “Sepia”. Unlike the photo filter we used earlier, here we won't have a choice of percentage. The effect will be set to fixed.
  3. Now go to the “Filter” menu and select “Noise”. You don’t need to put in too much to avoid graininess.
  4. Now let's go to "File" - "Open image" and select any texture with the effect of an old photo (scratches, photo paper, etc.). The picture will have to open in a separate document.m
  5. To transfer the texture to our main document, hold down the left mouse button on the layer thumbnail and drag it onto our picture with the girl (or whatever you have). If necessary, go to the "Edit" - "Free Transform" menu and drag the texture so that it covers the entire image.
  6. And now the dancing with the tambourine will begin. While on the texture layer, click on the controls icon to make a mini panel appear with blending modes and opacity. Set the mode to “Multiply” and the opacity to 25-35 percent, depending on the situation. It is necessary that the photograph becomes scratched and not darkened.
  7. Alternatively, instead of opacity, you can go to the Adjustments menu and select "Brightness/Contrast", as we did in the second method. In this case, the scratches will not become translucent. Here, in fact, everything depends on the situation.

And despite the fact that online Photoshop is a very castrated editor, it more or less coped with our task of aging. Therefore, we give him an additional plus.

Well, if you want to be well versed in Photoshop and learn how to use it in just a couple of weeks, then I recommend that you watch these wonderful video tutorials. But if you are focused specifically on working with photographs, then it would be even better to look this is a great course. All the lessons are excellently structured, the material is simply amazing, and most importantly, everything is told in simple human language and simply explained “piece by piece.” After watching, you simply won’t have any questions left.

Well, I hope that now you understand how to age a photo in Photoshop at home easily and effortlessly. Of course, it is clear that this effect can be made much cooler, but this will require much more time, effort and nerves, especially if you have not been using this graphic editor for long.

Well, that's all for me. Don't forget to subscribe to public pages on social networks and to notifications on my blog. I don’t do spam, everything is just to the point. I'm waiting for you again. Good luck to you! Bye bye.

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

We often pick up old photo albums, blow away the dust of centuries, or simply open them and cannot stop smiling. There was something in them, in the old photographs, that was captivating and captivating, some kind of soul. To bring back this soulfulness, characteristic only of old photographs, into modern gray everyday life, there are at least four ways.

1. Online photo processing.

Still don't have Photoshop? No problem, it can be fixed. There are a couple of sites floating around the Internet that will help you convert brand new, fresh digital photographs into old photo cards quickly and without requiring experience in the field of photo processing.

First site - wanokoto.jp, it has a photo aging tool that turns them into shabby black-and-white masterpieces. You just need to upload a photo, click “upload” and in a minute or two you will receive your processed work.

Second site - rollip.com. A simple online application that has 40 effects of classic film photographs (and even vintage processing).

2. Diffusion and reuse.

Old photographs are recognizable by their characteristic wear, shabbyness, smudging, and, sometimes, even being stained with something indelible. Good news: this effect is easy to achieve with any camera, be it a regular point-and-shoot camera, an HD camera, or a Barbie doll's foot with a built-in lens. If you take pictures with a mobile phone, you need to smear the edges of its camera with Vaseline, and for equipment of greater value it is better to apply it to the lens filter, which you don’t really mind damaging. The photography site Flickr even has a group dedicated to such photos, and a series of interesting images called "Mighty Lubricant" by photographer James Blanc. You can also pull nylon stockings over the lens for the effect of taking photos from old toy cameras, or photograph through textured translucent materials like wax paper.

3. Withdraw the updated one, call up the outdated one.

4. Find an old photo booth.

Feeling nosalgic, but access to vintage cameras and film is closed? The problem is solved! Indulge yourself in searching for godforsaken instant photo booths. There is nothing better than sitting behind a dark curtain, gazing intelligently at the camera, smiling at the flash and then waiting five minutes for the finished pictures. For lovers of this endangered type of photography there is a website photobooth.net, helping to find such booths around the world. Find a photo booth near you and don't forget your vintage scarf and red lipstick!

Digital photography is an amazing technology. They are superior to film in many aspects. But for all their digital perfection, they often do not have the properties of old film. Film, being a physical medium, is susceptible to the ravages of time; it deteriorates, breaks, and fades. This property often produces a very attractive effect that is not characteristic of ordinary digital photographs.

However, we could...with a little help from Photoshop and some textures. In this tutorial, we'll use several textures and filters to give a digital photo a convincing aged photo effect.

Final image:

1. Digital resources

To give a digital photo an aged look, it is important to use high-quality textures. For this lesson, we used a paid set of textures with scratches and damage on old film, which can be downloaded from the link at the beginning of the lesson.

Any photograph can be used as the main image, but the effect will be more convincing if the subject of the photograph is also old enough to be a vintage photograph, such as a photograph of the Brooklyn Bridge.

2. Simple effects

Step 1

First, open the bridge photo in Photoshop. Then using Crop Tool(Frame), crop the photo, highlighting the bridge itself. This is necessary to remove modern vehicles in the image.

Step 2

Unzip the film texture pack and open the two files in Photoshop: Pack_2_Film_07.jpg and Pack_2_Film_10.jpg.

Step 3

On the image Pack_2_Film_07.jpg go to the menu Select > All ( Select > All) (Ctrl+A), and then to the menu Edit > Copy(Edit > Copy) (Ctrl+C). Now switch back to the bridge photo and go to the menu Edit > Paste(Edit > Paste) (Ctrl+V) to paste the texture as a new layer above the photo.

Change the blending mode for this layer to Multiply(Multiplication) and through the menu Edit > Free Transform(Edit > Free Transform) (Ctrl+T) reduce the size of the texture to fit it above the photo. Use the Enter key to apply the transformation.

Step 4

Use the same method to place the second texture. When converting a new texture layer, try to line up the holes along the edges of the film. If the resulting effect is too harsh, reduce the layer's opacity.

Step 5

The scratches of the second texture distract too much from the center of the image. Add a Layer Mask Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All(Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All). Then using soft Brush Tool(Brush) (B) Paint black on the surface of the mask, hiding the scratches in the center of the frame.

Step 6

The original photo looks too sharp for the old film. Go to the background layer with the bridge and convert it to a smart object through the menu Layer > SmartObjects > ConverttoSmartObject(Layer > Smart Object > Convert to Smart Object). Then go to menu Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur(Filter > Blur > Radius(Radius) 2 px.

Step 7

Using the tool Polygonal Lasso Tool(Rectangular Lasso) (L), create a rectangular outline around the background photo. Then click on the icon at the bottom of the layers palette Add Layer Mask(Add Layer Mask) to use the selection as a layer mask.

Step 8

Take the soft black again Brush Tool(Brush) (B), soften the edges of the mask and carefully paint over a few areas of the sky to make the photo appear faded.

At this point the image looks quite aged, and that's just due to the use of a couple of good textures.

3. Moving on

At this stage the image looks quite aged and you can stop there. But in reality, old photographs tend to have faded and blown-out areas as a byproduct of the technology at the time. If you want to add these effects too, follow the steps below.

Step 1

Add an adjustment layer Photo Filter(Photo Filter) above the background layer of the photo. Set a filter Sepia(Sepia) and specify Density(Density) 54%. This will give the photo a vintage feel.

Step 2

As they fade, old photographs become lighter. To simulate this effect, add an adjustment layer Curves(Curves) and move the left point of the curve up half a cell of the spatial grid. Then add the center point of the curve and move it up a little.

Step 3

Now let's create a grainy effect. Add a new layer Layer> New> Layer(Layer > New > Layer) (Shift+Ctrl+N), and name it “Grain”. Set the Foreground color to black and the background color to light yellow (#ece88c) and then go to the menu Filter > Render > Clouds(Filter > Render > Clouds).

Step 4

Go to menu Filter > Noise > Add Noise(Filter > Noise > Add Noise) and set the effect value to 50%. Then go to menu Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur(Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur) and specify Radius(Radius) 6.4 px. Complete the grainy effect by setting the layer's blending mode Overlay(Overlap) and Opacity(Opacity) 60%.

Step 5

Overexposure was a known problem in old photographs and can easily be recreated using a color gradient. Create a new highlight layer via the menu Layer> New> Layer(Layer > New > Layer) (Shift+Ctrl+N). Take GradientTool(Gradient) (G) and open the Gradient Editor. Then set the gradient colors as shown below.

Set a linear gradient, stretch it from the upper left corner to the right and a little down.

When finished working on the effect, set the blending mode SoftLight(Soft Light)

Step 6

Add a mask to the highlight layer and select black and white GradientTool(Gradient) (G). Apply a linear gradient to the mask, extending it from the top edge of the image down to about halfway. This will hide the color defect effect at the bottom of the image.

Step 7

To leave the effects of aging only on the photo area, and not on the edges of the film, we will remove them all from the main photo. Hold down the Shift key and select all layers in the Layers palette, starting with the adjustment layer PhotoFilter(Photo filter) and ending with the highlight layer. Then go to menu Layer > Create Clipping Mask(Layer > Create Clipping Mask) (Alt+Ctrl+G) to remove them all from the bridge layer.

Great job!

Congratulations! See how easy it is to age a digital photo using a few high-quality textures and filters.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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