An attentive and responsible owner takes time to repair and replace worn-out household items. A door handle is a functional element of hardware, which due to frequent use causes various problems: the mechanism can jam or click. Often the fastening points become loose, causing the handle to become loose and uncomfortable to use. To find out which element has worn out and broken, you need to gain access to the inside of the product. Thus, in order to replace outdated parts or the entire product with a new one, you need to dismantle the fastening from the door leaf. To do this, you should consider in advance the question of how to disassemble the door handle. By becoming familiar with the best method, you can reduce your time and effort.

Depending on what type of fitting this element belongs to, the technology for its removal and disassembly will differ. You can easily learn how to remove a handle from a door using a step-by-step disassembly diagram. The main types of structures: stationary, push, rotary or knob handle. Removing a stationary handle from a door is easiest, since it is in no way connected to the lock mechanism. Accordingly, when removing, the push and turn are disassembled.

When may dismantling be necessary?

  • Breaking. The more complex the design of the product, the higher the likelihood of an early breakdown. It is also worth paying attention to the cost: door fittings that are too cheap are unlikely to last long. In addition, if the door is used frequently, the fastening may become unusable faster. Therefore, when choosing a product, you should take into account its intensity of use. Where the pen is not used very often, you can choose cheap options. If the handle will have to be repeatedly exposed to workload during the day (for example, for a bathroom door), you should choose a product with high strength ratings.
  • Planned renovation of the premises. When creating a new room design, often old products “do not fit” into the new design picture.
  • Scuffs on the surfaces of decorative elements. Typically, the first parts to fail are the internal parts, especially the locking parts and locking tabs. But sometimes the inner part serves for a long time without breaking, and the outer surface takes on a worn and shabby appearance. In this case, you should consider replacing it.

Stationary handle

Stationary door handles differ from similar products in their simplicity. They are not connected to the lock mechanism and are secured with self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws. Removing and replacing them is not difficult. You just need to unscrew the fastening elements and release the product.

There is another option. If the screws are not visible, you need to rotate one part of the product to the side while holding the other part in place. This is typical for stationary round mounts. They are usually fixed using a main axis.

Lever handle

The push structure has an internal mechanism that connects it to the locking tongue. As a rule, these are “L”-shaped products. When you press it, the tongue disappears into the doorway and the door opens freely. The deeper the tongue goes into the hole in the doorway, the more pressure you need to apply. Accordingly, a design that does not require deep pressing is more convenient to use. The fastening is done on both sides of the door at once. General procedure for removing a push-type product:

  • Remove the main part. There is usually a bolt or screw on the bottom of the handle that needs to be unscrewed.
  • It is necessary to remove the decorative trim, which hides the screws securing the main part of the structure. The cover plate is in most cases attached using threads.
  • Unscrew the screws and pull the part towards you, holding the fastener on the other side of the door leaf.
  • Taking off design on both sides, you can start releasing the lock.

Knob handle

The peculiarity of the Knob design is that a lock is embedded in its center. At the same time, it may outwardly resemble a conventional rotary or push version. This type of product is most prone to frequent breakdowns, so the most pressing question for the owner is how to disassemble a round door handle. Disassembling this design can be more difficult than other types of door hardware.

Before disassembling it, you should look carefully and find where the pin is located. It is usually located on the side of the room and helps secure the handle to the door. You may have to tinker around to find it, as it may be hidden under a decorative trim. A special key with a stop is often included in the kit when sold.

  • Using a screwdriver or other object, clamp the pin.
  • Remove one handle and unscrew the screws.
  • Remove the second handle.
  • Unscrew the bolts and release the lock.

Understand The question of how to mount the knob is not difficult. You need to do all the same manipulations in reverse order.

Round handle with rosette

The method of its removal differs in that it is usually necessary to separate the elements manually. The part that is located closer to the door leaf should be held, and the upper part should be rotated. This will remove the top piece from the thread.

The second step is to remove the socket, unscrew the screws and remove the axle. Dismantling should be carried out carefully to avoid damage to decorative elements.

Dismantling and disassembling door hardware will not be difficult if you carefully and thoughtfully familiarize yourself with the features of its internal structure.

Round door handles, called knobs, have many advantages - they are easy to use, quite reliable in operation, and their cost is relatively low. Finally, these handles are unified - replacing them is simple: remove the knob, insert a new one and enjoy - the fit dimensions will be the same, even if the handle is made by another manufacturer.

Without a doubt, in most cases the actions do not look so categorical - it is not replacement that is required, but only routine maintenance, the lock or latch mechanism needs to be lubricated, or something needs to be corrected. But before performing these works, the handle must be removed. There is nothing complicated in this process, you just need to know what to do - our illustrated guide will make it easier to remove the round handle without damaging the doors and, as sometimes happens, your palms.

Removing the round handle

Round handles can have different designs and are removed in different ways. One of the simplest options is shown in the image. In fact, no explanation is required - we unscrew the two tightening screws, after which the handles with the entire mechanism can be removed. And by unscrewing the screws from the end side of the door, you can remove the latch.

However, sometimes not everything is so obvious - there are round handles with a button and decorative elements that hide the fastening screws. To gain access to them, you need to remove the outer part of the handle, which is fixed with a special button, and then the decorative trim.

How to remove a round handle with a button

The buttons that secure the outer part of the handles may also differ in design - sometimes they are clearly visible, in other cases only a hole is visible. Our task is to find the locking button and press it. Go!

On the handle INSIDE doors we find the button or hole under which it is hidden. If the button is not visible under the hole, then you should twist the handle in different directions until the hole aligns with the button.

Having gained access, press the button with a handy object - a nail, a thin screwdriver, etc. Having sunk the button, remove the outer part of the handle, turning it a little from side to side and moving it away from the door (pulling it towards you).

Note. Sometimes it takes some effort to retract the button, especially if the handle is oxidized or clogged with compressed dust. When applying force, be careful - the tip of the screwdriver can easily come off the button and scratch the handle. The further path of the screwdriver is easy to trace - it will stick into the palm or finger of the other hand holding the handle.

The outer part of the handle was removed (its slight oxidation is noticeable in the photo), let's move on to the next step.

Now you need to remove the decorative element in the form of a cover that hides the fastening screws of the round handle. To do this, pry it off with a thin metal object - a steel technical ruler, a screwdriver with a wide but thin blade, or a similar object. Prying should be done very carefully, trying not to scratch or damage the coating of the door leaf. It is advisable to place a thin metal plate under the prying object - a blade, for example, and only then remove the decorative trim. You can secure the plate to the door leaf with electrical tape or tape.

Note. Some types of linings have special places for removal in the form of recesses into which the tip of a screwdriver is inserted. If the recesses are semicircular in shape, then it is advisable to pry off the cover with a round-shaped object - in extreme cases, a Phillips screwdriver. Typically, the removable places are located at the bottom of the decorative trim, and not on the side.

Having removed the decorative trim, all that remains is to unscrew the screws holding the lock ladles together. The handle has been removed.

As additional information, we note that the above method can be used to remove the vast majority of knobsets with both round and staple-shaped handles. The shapes of the buttons in the images are the most common, but they can look different.

Another button option.

And this form happens...

And this one too - in the form of a bracket...

Each room, be it a house, apartment or office, must have doors. This means that when arranging them, you won’t be able to ignore the moment of choosing fittings such as door handles for them. Let’s dwell in more detail on their types and selection criteria, but before you start choosing, it’s worth finding out how to remove the handle from a door: interior or entrance.

Learning to remove the handle


The main criterion when choosing a door handle is its quality. After all, it is used constantly, since with its help any door opens and closes. In addition, it plays an important aesthetic role in the interior of any room. In any hardware store you can find a large selection of door hardware, among which everyone will find what they need. Handles for interior and entrance doors differ not only in price and design, but also in the material used.

If there are often drafts in the room, we recommend purchasing a handle with a latch lock. This will help the door stay closed without you having to keep closing it. When choosing such a device, you should carefully check the mechanism for serviceability and smooth operation.

Device types

  1. Push. The mechanism causes the lock latch to work when it is pressed. The tongue moves to the inside and an opening occurs. Opening such a lock is easy, so if security is important to you, then it is better to take a closer look at another option;
  2. Stationary. A simple device with no moving parts. The role of such handles is decorative and they are quite suitable for interior doors, as can be seen in the photo;
  3. Rotary. This is a kind of push-button model, which is most often used for the bathroom.

Main stages

Before you begin dismantling the handle, determine its design. It can be simple or with a snap mechanism. The former, in turn, are also divided into several types:

  • secured on both sides with self-tapping screws;
  • having a rod running through the entire canvas.
  1. If the handle is attached to ordinary self-tapping screws, then you can use a screwdriver. Having removed it, you can easily understand what is causing the problem and whether it is possible to fix it;
  2. You will have to tinker with the handle and rod. Try spinning the part while holding the second part of the part to prevent it from spinning. Having removed the part from one side, you can easily remove the second and take out the rod;
  3. To remove the handle with a latch, you need to get rid of the screws holding the fittings, after which you will see how it is secured. Most often, a structure of this type contains a rod and a tongue movement structure. Remove the small rod with the cap and it can be easily removed.

Round designs

Start the process of removing the handle from the side where the locking key is missing:

  • First, get rid of the decorative trim, to do this, press the stopper with a screwdriver and it will easily come off, as shown in the video;
  • Unscrew the two screws that hold the parts of the handle and remove them;
  • Now you can unscrew the screws holding the latch and remove it.

Interior door

If the damage is serious, then it is better not to save money and buy a new one. Let's begin the replacement process:

  • Remove the fittings, taking into account its design and the rules described above;
  • Clean the removed handle with sandpaper and take it to the store, where they will help you choose a similar model;
  • Most often, handles with latches and a lock are purchased for replacement.

Entrance door

The most important thing is to determine the malfunction and then replace the handle on the front door. To do this, listen to our advice:

  1. Using a screwdriver, remove the structure. To do this, unscrew the screws holding the lever on both sides of the door leaf, without touching the internal lock;
  2. Use an adjustable wrench to help unscrew the device or lever. Continue twisting until you remove the rotating mechanism as shown in the photo;
  3. Having taken out the handle, you can easily remove the spring and rotation mechanism.
  4. Carefully inspect all the details on which the hard work depends. If the handle is loose, then you can easily see all these details without even disassembling it;
  5. It is necessary to unscrew the retaining ring that holds the torsion spring and washer together;
  6. If you did everything correctly, you can easily remove the upper washer located under the locking ring;
  7. The cause of the failure may be the torsion spring. To check this, take it out and inspect it carefully. If this is indeed the reason, then buy a new one and replace it;
  8. It is worth checking the torsion spring as well. To do this, unscrew it with a screwdriver. If it is difficult to unscrew, then this is good and indicates that it is tight enough and there is no need to change it.

Let's sum it up

Replacing the handle is necessary in two cases: breakage and installation of a new door. If you listen to our advice, you will not have any problems in any of the cases. The main thing is to be careful and not to rush, and you will probably succeed.

Almost all interior doors are equipped with fittings in the form of handles, both with and without locks. Due to the fact that they are used regularly, the fittings quickly wear out and are subject to mechanical damage, which can cause breakdowns. Before calling a technician and making a replacement, you should disassemble the interior door handle and try to fix the problem yourself. Depending on the type of interior door handles, this process may differ, but there should not be any particular difficulties.

Types of Door Handles

To understand how to remove the handle of an interior door, you first need to decide what type it is. The set of necessary tools and the process itself of how to disassemble it will depend on this data. All handles for interior doors can be divided into 3 types:

  1. Push - the mechanism is designed in such a way that when you press the handle, the tongue hides inside the leaf and thereby allows you to open the door.
  2. Rotary - the device of this type of fittings is similar to the push type, however, instead of pressing on the handle, it is rotated.
  3. Stationary - this type of fittings does not have internal mechanisms and serves more as a decorative element; they are installed on interior doors of those rooms that cannot be closed.

The general mechanics of removing fittings from the canvas are usually the same, since the insertion process is not much different. But due to the difference in the structure of the internal mechanism, the handles can be disassembled in different ways.

How to disassemble the push handle

The pressure mechanism is one of the most complex, and its dismantling may require a little more time than its analogues. This is due to the fact that the entire structure is fixed by a single axial rod and is additionally tightened using a tetrahedron. The photo shows where the fixation occurs. To remove the door handle of an interior door with such a mechanism, you need to perform the following steps step by step:

  1. The whole process begins with removing the plugs around the handle. Depending on the type, they can be secured with a self-tapping screw or simply tightly fitted. In any case, the plates can be easily removed with a screwdriver.
  2. Using a tetrahedron, you need to loosen the fastening of the rod, which tightly fixes the mechanism.
  3. The fittings on one side are unscrewed from the axle and removed.
  4. The second part of the door handle is removed along with the retaining rod.
  5. If a lock is provided in the door fittings, then this mechanism is also removed from the door leaf.

If you perform all the steps consistently and carefully, then removing and disassembling the push handle with your own hands will not be difficult.

What do you need to remove the rotary knobs?

Rotary knobs or knobs (knobs), as in the photo, are removed sequentially, following a number of simple rules. The whole process looks like this:

  • First of all, decorative plates are removed from both sides. To do this, just pry them off with something flat.
  • After the protective element is removed, the blind side is unscrewed from the blade and the axle rod. To do this, you need to constantly hold the nob with the key so that it does not release the mechanism.
  • After completing these steps, you can easily remove all the fittings, thereby freeing the mechanism.
  • At the last stage, the mechanism is removed.

After all the parts of the door handle and lock have been removed, you can begin troubleshooting and repairing the hardware.

In what cases do you need to remove stationary handles?

Stationary handles are the least likely to break; as a rule, they are the most durable due to the absence of moving parts. Typically, repairs to the door handles of stationary interior doors are not required, and they must be replaced after removal. The whole process is structured as follows:

  • use a screwdriver to unscrew the screws;
  • the head is unscrewed from the holding rod on one side;
  • pull out the parallel side along with the rod.

If the structure does not have a central rod, then the process is greatly simplified, and you only need to unscrew the screws. For all work, a screwdriver with a cross-section depending on the size of the screw head will be sufficient.

How to repair an interior door handle

Depending on the complexity of the breakdown, in some cases you can repair the handles yourself. To carry out repairs, the handle must first be removed from the canvas. Depending on which element has stopped functioning, either the entire structure together with the lock or its individual parts must be dismantled. After the fittings have been removed, if necessary, you need to disassemble the mechanism in order to troubleshoot problems with it. Sometimes this is not required, and it will be enough to just slightly adjust the fasteners and lubricate all the rotating elements. How to repair an interior door handle with a mechanical part with your own hands can be seen in more detail in the video.

If you cannot adjust the handle of the interior door and bring it into working condition, it would be best to purchase similar fittings. The canvas and the box are already properly processed for mechanisms of a certain type, and installation of a new element will not be difficult in any way.

There are two types of broken interior door handles. Most often, when you press the handle, it simply scrolls, the door latch does not react to movement and the door does not open. Less often, the spring inside breaks, the handle sags lifelessly and no longer returns to the horizontal position.

Whichever option you encounter, to solve the problem, the door handle must first be disassembled and removed. The sequence of work depends on the design and features of the device of a particular model. Therefore, before we begin describing the technology for removing and disassembling the handle, let's look at what parts it consists of.

Door handle design

The photo below shows the design of the simplest door handle.

The first is the handle itself (in our case, a push handle). A plastic ring is attached to it, which ensures a tight fit of the handle to the base. It is also called a “rosette”, decorative flange or strip. There is a return spring inside it, which guarantees the stability of the horizontal position of the handle.

The next two elements are the travel stop and the locking ring. Their task is to prevent the handle from scrolling further than the required trajectory. All these components are sequentially located on the rod (Square in the image) and secured with a locking screw. The rod, in turn, is inserted into the locking mechanism and drives the latch.

The next photo shows the disassembled handle on the socket with a slightly more complex design of some parts.

Having understood the names and purpose of each of the elements, let’s move on to the sequence of removing the handle from the door and disassembling it.

Step-by-step instructions for performing the work

  1. First of all, remove the handle (indicated in the photo above). It is attached to the rod with a locking screw, or, in the simplest case, secured with a spring-loaded locking pin. We unscrew the screw with a screwdriver or a hexagon, depending on the shape of the groove on it. If we are dealing with a spring-loaded pin, then you need to press it inward with a nail and forcefully pull the handle away from the door.
  2. By removing the handle, we gain access to the socket. If the mounting screws are visible on the socket, then by unscrewing them we can immediately remove it from the rod. But more often there will be a special overlay on top of the fasteners (a decorative flange - in the photo above it is labeled as a socket). It will have a groove where it meets the door, by which it can be pryed with a screwdriver and removed. Perhaps the trim just needs to be turned counterclockwise if it is held on by the thread. By removing the decorative trim we gain access to the mounting screws that secure the socket itself. Since access to them is open and nothing is in the way, they will be easy to unscrew with a screwdriver.

It happens that the socket, just like the handle in other designs, has a hole in the end: there is a spring-loaded pin in the recess. In this case, to remove the socket, you need to press on it with a nail, while simultaneously pulling the socket off the rod. If you find a hole, but there is no pin in it, this means that when installing the handle, the socket was turned around its axis and the pin is located somewhere else. You can find it by smoothly turning the socket with a nail inserted into the recess until the nail rests on the pin.

After disassembling the handle in the suggested sequence, you will be able to determine the exact design of your particular model. And based on its characteristics, draw conclusions about what exactly caused the breakdown and how to fix it.

Types of handles for interior doors

Door handles are sold in two types: “knob” and “rosette”. The handle of the knob is usually hollow and light, while the handle on the rosette is made of more massive materials and is usually non-hollow inside. Over time, when the spring mechanism wears out, the first structure may begin to wobble or even sag. The second is that it will last longer and be more comfortable to use. Accordingly, their prices differ: the most budget-friendly options are knob handles.

The shape of the handles is divided into rotary And push. The push button has a classic handle shape: when you press it, the door latch is hidden in the lock body and the door opens. The rotary handle has a ball shape, which makes it less noticeable. In addition to the difference in design, these two designs differ in features that are not obvious at first glance.

The rotary handle is more compact: it is more difficult to accidentally touch it when passing by the door. And if this happens, it will not be as painful as with a push handle. At the same time, using a ball-shaped pen every day with wet or oily hands from cream is very inconvenient - your hands slip. So, if used regularly on kitchen or bathroom doors, the push handle will create fewer problems for you.

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