Public catering places, whether small cafes or expensive restaurants, sooner or later face the problem of cleaning sewer pipes from internal fatty deposits. As a rule, this occurs due to improper operation of the sewer system or as a result of untimely maintenance. Another reason for the frequent clogging of sewer pipes with fatty deposits is too much load on the system. This reason is the most common when considering public catering places. Indeed, in addition to food waste with food residues, a large amount of dishwashing liquid ends up in the sewer. And, as you know, it does not remove fat, but simply envelops it, and then settles along with fat molecules on the walls of the sewer.

Over time, multiple fat deposits, including other waste, build up in the pipe, almost completely closing its lumen. At the same time, even cleaning with a cable, which gives good results at home, will not work in a restaurant or cafe. Most often, with such cleaning, only a small hole is formed, which will quickly close with new deposits.

The best option in case of clogged sewerage in public catering establishments is to clean the pipes hydrodynamic method which can be carried out by specialists. It is based on the use of special equipment using special cleaning agents (alkali based). These products are aimed at quickly dissolving fat that settles on the walls of sewer pipes. Hydrodynamic cleaning method effective for pipes with a diameter of 5 cm to 1 meter. This method is the most effective and most modern of all available solutions. It allows you to resume kitchen operations in public catering establishments in the shortest possible time. At the same time, when cleaning from fat deposits is carried out, the impact on the internal walls of the pipes is minimal, this also allows it not to affect the service life of the sewer pipes.

Other methods for removing clogs in a sewer pipe include chemical, mechanical and thermal cleaning. The profitability of using one or another cleaning method depends on the size of the blockage and the design features of the pipes (collapsible or solid design).

Restaurants, cafes and other public catering places are usually equipped with special tanks called grease traps. Grease traps allow you to get rid of such problems as a clogged pipe with grease. But there is one “BUT” - periodic

In addition, you can try to get rid of fat deposits on your own. However, the result will not last long; the gap in the pipe will close quite quickly. Such improvised methods will help if a team of specialists is delayed, and it is not possible to close a cafe or restaurant while they wait. The most common cleaning method is to use an ordinary flexible cable. Another option is cleaning using special products. However, no available means can cope with a large congestion. In addition, some substances can have a detrimental effect on the pipe material.

In addition to cleaning measures, which become necessary in the event of a grease blockage, preventive measures are relevant at any time. They help keep the sewer system clean and prevent blockages from forming.

By the way, the pictures shown on this page show the condition of pipes from real objects, the managers of which spared money on the maintenance of drainpipes. As a result, the entire pipeline has to be overhauled.

Sooner or later, any pipes become clogged, and in order not to aggravate the problem, it is important to clean them in a timely manner. The causes of clogged pipes in bathrooms are hair and paper, but in the kitchen, drains most often become clogged due to accumulated grease. Few people know how to dissolve grease in the sewer, as they do not pay enough attention to this problem.

Why is it important to clean grease from drains?

It is not surprising that there is a film of grease on the walls of sewer pipes, since it penetrates into the sewer with food debris. Very often broths are drained into the sink, and dishes and food are also washed in it.

Fat deposits on the pipes gradually clog them

Such clogged pipes can happen not only in the kitchen, but also in the bathrooms. The toilet also flushes waste and other debris. In this case, it is much easier to solve the problem of grease accumulation, since many toilet bowl cleaners can easily dissolve grease.

Today, the main cause of pipeline clogging is grease, which accumulates on its walls, turning into a sticky film. When small debris gets into the pipe, it lingers on this film, resulting in a serious blockage over time.

In addition to poor sewerage performance, bacteria multiply and an unpleasant odor is felt from the drain hole.

Removing a layer of fat using improvised means

Almost every kitchen has tools that can help eliminate this unpleasant problem. The most common way is to use regular soda. When it is combined with water and vinegar, a violent reaction is formed with a large release of carbon dioxide. As a result, increased pressure is created in the pipe, due to which the walls of the sewer pipes are cleaned of fatty deposits. Of course, this method of solving the problem is effective, but sometimes it does not help if the blockage is very serious.

dissolving fat in pipes using boiling water

To put this method into practice, you need:

  • Prepare one glass of baking soda;
  • pour it into the drain hole;
  • pour warm water.

Instead of water, you can pour in vinegar, but you will need less of it, since an overly violent reaction can damage the protective layer of the pipe.

Sometimes soda is mixed with dry citric acid, taking into account equal proportions. This mixture is first poured into the drain, and then diluted with warm water.

To get rid of the fatty film, you can use chlorine-containing products, in particular this applies to the use of household chemicals or simple whiteness. The latter option is poured into the drain in large quantities and washed off with water pressure after an hour.

The most effective means to combat fatty layers on pipes

There are several good ways to clean the sewer from grease, which are particularly effective, and this applies not only to the use of chemicals, but also to mechanical cleaning.

removing and cleaning the inner surface of the pipe from grease

Preparations based on chemical compounds do an excellent job of removing various blockages. If we consider the case of removing fat, it is best to give preference to products that contain alkali.

It is not necessary to re-read all the ingredients; it is enough to pay attention to granular products. In addition to alkali, the composition may contain antiseptic and cleaning substances that effectively eliminate the effects of fatty deposits on pipes.

It should be noted that alkali is capable of dissolving not only fat, but also soap residue, which also often accumulates on the internal surfaces of pipes.

So, we list the drugs that are particularly effective:

  • Mole is considered the most inexpensive product, the granules of which are packaged in separate packages for single use;
  • the Mister Muscle brand also produces a similar product, and even the composition is similar to the previous version. The only difference is the price;
  • Pothan's products are considered a heavy artillery option, since only 10 minutes are enough for active action and the removal of even the most complex fatty blockages is guaranteed. The disadvantages of the product include a danger to human health.

Use chemical products with extreme caution, using gloves and a protective mask. Despite the high cost, the latter drug lasts for several uses, so this solution is very profitable.

Mechanical cleaning agents are also quite effective. The most commonly used plumbing cable. This item is a piece of metal made of woven wire, equipped with a rotating handle. Due to this design, the cable has the necessary strength and elasticity. An important feature in the cable is not its design, but the type of tip with which the blockage is removed from the pipe walls.

So, the tip of the torso can be in the form:

  • volumetric spring;
  • metal brush.

To quickly eliminate fat deposits, it is recommended to give preference to the second option. Despite the advantages of this brush, it should be used very carefully, since there is a risk of damage to the walls of the pipeline, especially for metal products.

Cleaning pipes with chemicals

As a rule, cleaning sewers from grease should be carried out while observing the rules of your own safety, namely, it is important to use gloves and a protective mask. If chemicals are used, it is important that the area is ventilated.

sewer pipes before and after cleaning

If a blockage has already occurred and the water in the sink does not drain, then it must be removed before cleaning the drain. Granules of the selected chemical are poured into the drain hole, and then filled with a glass of water. For an effective reaction to occur, only warm water must be used. In normal cases, a few minutes are enough for the drugs to take effect, but there are times when you need to wait a couple of hours.

After waiting a certain time, you need to flush the drain with water pressure.

Mechanical pipe cleaning products

Many people do not risk cleaning pipes with a cable on their own, so they call an experienced plumber. In fact, using this device is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

If the pipe is already clogged, then before work you first need to determine where exactly the garbage is:

  • First, you need to remove accumulated water from the sink and pipe.
  • After this, water is refilled and the volume of liquid drained is monitored.

If the blockage is located deep in the sewer system, then you will have to disassemble the pipe. The end of the device is inserted in a slow circular motion, and when the desired location is reached, a little effort will be required. To collect waste, it is advisable to prepare an unnecessary container in advance.

cleaning sewer pipes using hydrodynamic method

After completing the pipe cleaning process, the metal cable will need to be removed using the same circular movements. At the last stage, the pipeline must be assembled to its original state, and then washed with water pressure.

After cleaning work, it is necessary to treat the cable tip with machine oil.

Preventive measures

Of course, it is much easier to clog a sewer pipe than to clean it. To prevent a serious problem from occurring, it is recommended to periodically treat the sewer pipeline with improvised means, which, for example, are found in every kitchen. This applies specifically to soda and vinegar. Unfortunately, these remedies are powerless in the fight against large blockages, but are effective for carrying out preventive measures.

It is recommended to use professional means only in emergency situations, when a sewer blockage has already occurred, and improvised methods do not help.

Siltation of the sewer leads to a narrowing of the internal lumen of the pipes. As a result, wastewater moves to the final receiver more slowly, forming traffic jams and stagnation. To overcome sludge from fat and pieces of food debris on the internal walls of the communication, you can use “Mole” to clean the sewer pipe. But besides this method, there are other methods of dealing with the problem.

The importance of cleaning drains from accumulated fat

Dense food waste often enters the drain through the kitchen pipe. Fat from dirty frying pans, broths, leftover soups and other similar waste go into the sink. It is especially bad if such waste is discharged into the pipeline while still hot. When faced with the cool temperature of plastic or cast iron and cold water, the grease thickens, slows down and settles on the walls of the pipes.

The situation is aggravated by pieces of food falling into the sewer. They attach to the sticky fatty film and thus form a growth. He is like a coral that grows larger and larger.

As a result of such formations, the following problems arise:

  • partial or complete blockage of the pipe;
  • slowing down the outflow of dirty water;
  • proliferation of bacteria in the collector;
  • a strong, foul odor from the sink or bathtub.

The most common places where fat plugs are located are the kitchen pipe section and the walls of the sewer pit, which receives drains with the remains of soup/borscht flushed down the toilet. This is where sweat and fat particles accumulate and are washed off the body in the shower.

Methods for cleaning sewer pipes

Plumbing cable

There are several popular ways to deal with greasy sludge in pipes. Moreover, you can use them without the help of professionals. The simplest of them is cleaning with a cable.


This method is the most radical, but it removes all growths on the walls of the pipes right down to the septic tank/pit. If chemicals or a plunger work locally on the first 15-25 cm of the collector from the sink/bath/toilet drain, then the cable can be pulled to the receiver.

They act this way:

  1. Take a long plumbing cable. Its length should be enough for 10-15 meters of the collector.
  2. A special rounded brush is placed on the cable.
  3. The work is carried out together. The first master constantly rotates the cable, and the second continuously moves it forward. The collector must be cleaned using this method until it exits into the pit.
  4. If the steel device rests on the plug, you need to make rotational movements back and forth. This will allow you to break through the traffic jam and move forward.
  5. At the end of the work, the entire collector is washed with plenty of hot water to remove any remaining grease from its walls.

This method helps not only to break through the grease in the sewer pipe, but also to remove the formed silt on the walls. But here you need to be careful: it is strictly forbidden to use a split steel cable or a pointed metal brush. They scratch the inner smooth surface of plastic pipes.

Hot water and soda

If you suspect that sludge has formed in the pipeline (the water drains out more slowly), you can try flushing the sewer pipes of grease using hot water. To do this, pour half a glass of baking soda into the bathtub and sink drain. It is important to try to sprinkle it into dry plumbing fixtures. So the soda will fall until it overflows. Then 1 liter of very hot water (70-80 degrees) is poured here and the drains are closed. A reaction will begin inside the collector that will break down the fat.

After about 10-15 minutes, turn on the hot water (60-70 degrees) and thoroughly rinse the pipeline for 20 minutes. High temperatures contribute to the dissolution of the fat film and its transportation to the drainage pit.


There are chemicals for cleaning sewer pipes from grease in a house or apartment. Most often in Russia they use the cleaning composition “Mole”. You can also use the usual Domestos or Tiret Turbo. The components of "Mole" are potassium and sodium hydroxide. "Tiret" and "Domestos" contain surfactants and 10% chlorine bleach.

They operate in the following sequence:

  1. The selected product in the amount of 0.5 cups (or 1 sachet if it is “Mole”) is poured into the sink/bathtub drain.
  2. About 1 liter of very hot water is also sent here. Within an hour, the chemical will work against the fat.
  3. Then all that remains is to flush the pipes with plenty of hot, clean liquid.

This method does not work against deep and thick deposits.

Cleaning the sewer pit

If in a private house there is a receiver without a bottom - just a hole in the ground - you need to deal with fat carefully. Various chemicals such as caustic soda and the like can seriously harm the soil and groundwater. They will overcome the fat, but then seep further into the soil. In leaky receivers it is better to use bacterial preparations. They perfectly decompose feces, fat, and food waste. However, biological preparations do not work in an aggressive environment, and powdered water, detergents and cleaning products are equally discharged into the sewer system of a private house.

There is only one way out - using a suction pump, or burying a hole and forming a new one, this time sealed.

To break down fat in a sealed sewer pit, you can use caustic, but very carefully. It mercilessly burns any living tissue, so you need to wear protective gloves and a mask when working. According to the instructions, before use, the caustic is diluted with 8-10 liters of water. The mixture is stirred well until the soda granules dissolve. For 1 m3 of pit take 0.5-0.7 kg of product. The liquid is poured into the receiver and wait 4-5 minutes. The wastewater can then be pumped out using a sewer truck.

Preventing grease accumulation in drains

In order not to resort to the use of aggressive chemicals and not to use heavy artillery in the form of a plumbing cable, it is better to install a grease trap for preventive purposes. This device allows you to effectively remove fat from water before it enters the pit. As a result, the sewer system will be protected from the formation of dense growths.

The grease trap operates in two stages:

  • in the first section it cleans drains from food and other waste;
  • in the second compartment it removes fat from the water.

If you don’t want to install the device, it is advisable to thoroughly rinse the sewer pipes with hot water once every 2-3 months as a preventative measure. The liquid temperature is approximately 60-70 degrees. Washing time is at least 15-20 minutes. You can also help with a plunger. If the device is used in a bathtub, the overflow must be closed, otherwise the effectiveness of using the plunger will be low due to pressure drops in the system.

Try to avoid getting personal hygiene items, rags, paper, and food waste into the collector.

As a rule, not only residents of multi-storey buildings are faced with such a problem as clogged sewerage, but also owners of private plots with autonomous sewerage.

In fact, a clogged sewer is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, since the water stops flowing and a very unpleasant smell appears in the premises.

Cleaning sewer pipes of grease at home can be done with your own hands if the blockage is small.

But if there are large accumulations of fatty deposits in the pipes and it is not possible to thoroughly clean them with available means, then it is better to turn to professionals who, using special equipment, will do the job quickly and efficiently.

Cleaning pipes from grease by professionals

Most people faced with this problem are wondering how to clean grease from sewer pipes?

There are many options you can use. For example, at home, you can clean sewer pipes using soda and a plunger.

For larger fat accumulations and blockages, a cable can be used, however, it can cause damage to the pipes if used incorrectly, which will lead to the sewer pipe becoming unsafe.

Today, more affordable methods have appeared, in particular, this is a chemically effective means for cleaning sewer pipes from grease.

Cleaning pipes with soda

Popular remedies for blockages

If you are wondering how to clean the drain from grease, then just go to any hardware store, where on the shelves you will be offered a lot of options for chemicals and mechanical cleaning.

It is worth saying that alkali-based chemicals are perfect for cleaning the sewer system from grease and any blockages; they are all produced in granules.

It is alkali that perfectly copes with grease and soap deposits on pipes.

It is worth taking a closer look at each modern means for cleaning sewer pipes from grease, offered to consumers:

  • Mole - packaging with granules. One package is enough for one use, which is very convenient. The cost of this product is very affordable, one bag costs about 10 rubles. This option is the cheapest;

    Mole pipe cleaner

  • Mister Muscle is a foam or gel product that effectively removes grease and blockages. It is worth saying that its composition is almost identical to the Krot brand, however, the cost is four times more. That is, this product can be purchased for 40 rubles;

    Mister Muscle Pipe Cleaner

  • Pothan is a powerful remedy that can, in a matter of minutes, eliminate the most difficult blockages. But it is very harmful to humans, so its use must be done with gloves and a respirator. The cost of the drug starts from 300 rubles and the bottle is enough for 5-6 uses;

    Pothan Pipe Cleaner

  • Floop is a package of powder, one package is enough for one use. The cost of the product is about 59 rubles per package;

    Floop pipe cleaner

  • Deboucher is an effective drain cleaner. It is a 1 liter bottle of liquid. The cost of the product is about 90 rubles;

    Deboucher Pipe Cleaner

  • Tiret – gel for cleaning pipes. One bottle contains 500 ml, cost 210 rubles;

    Tiret pipe cleaner

  • NoaVita is a very effective product for cleaning drains from grease, has a pleasant aroma and antistatic properties. A 500 ml bottle costs about 70 rubles.

    NoaVita pipe cleaner

How to clean grease from a pipe using NoaVita

When wondering how to flush sewer pipes from grease, you can very quickly and easily find the answer using NoaVita.

So, to carry out the procedure itself, you need to follow a certain sequence:

NoaVita - the best remedy for blockages

  1. first of all, put on gloves and a respiratory mask, open the windows to ensure good ventilation;
  2. then pour the cleaner into the drain hole;
  3. we wait about 20 minutes, this time is necessary for the product to pass through the system and free it from blockages;
  4. After the specified time, rinse the system with water. You need to pour 3-4 buckets of water into the hole so that the chemical along with all the debris leaves the sewer pipe.

Blockages in a pipe always differ in their origin, so you need to get rid of them in different ways. In the bathroom and shower stall, the most common cause of clogs is hair, in the toilet - paper, and in the kitchen - fat. How to clean sewer pipes from grease worries many people. Still, not everyone pays due attention to this problem.

Is it so important to clean the sewer pipe from grease?

Reason for appearance greasy film on the pipe walls is clear. Fat ends up in the drain along with food debris. Broths are often poured into the sink, dishes are washed in it, and food is cleaned in it. Also, fatty deposits occur in the pipes that are connected to the toilet, because waste is often dumped there too. In the case of toilets, this problem is not so acute, because many toilet care products contain substances that perfectly dissolve fat.

Grease is the main cause of clogged pipes. It accumulates on the pipe walls, forming a sticky film. Small debris that passes through the sewer easily lingers on this film. As a result, a blockage will soon form.

In addition, grease in the pipe is unhygienic. It is a great environment for bacterial growth. If you notice a foul odor coming from your drain, there is likely a large amount of oily deposits that have accumulated in your drain. It's time to think about how to clean sewer pipes? Many people resort to improvised means in this matter.

Is it possible to deal with grease in a pipe using improvised means?

Even in the kitchen itself you can find remedies that will save you from such an unpleasant problem. First of all, this soda. She is very versatile. It is used to whiten teeth, clean various surfaces, and fight heartburn, but it turns out that it will also help in removing fatty clogs.

When combined with water, acetic or citric acid, a violent reaction occurs, resulting in the release of a large amount of active carbon dioxide. It creates increased pressure in the pipe and cleans the walls of the sewer system from fat and soap deposits. Despite being so effective in solving this problem, baking soda is in most cases completely useless for clearing other types of clogs.

To clean a pipe, you need about a glass of baking soda. The simplest solution is to simply pour it into a dry drain and fill it with warm water. It is best to close the drain with a stopper, then the soda will not go beyond it.

It is more effective to pour vinegar over the baking soda, but then it is better to use less. The reaction will be very violent. If you have metal pipes, it is better not to resort to this solution; it can damage the anti-corrosion layer.

You can also mix dry soda and citric acid in equal proportions. Pour this mixture into the drain and fill it with water.

Various types of products can also help in the fight against grease film or blockages. chlorine based products. This can be household cleaning chemicals or ordinary whiteness. Simply pour a large amount of product into the drain and after an hour, rinse the pipe with running water.

Despite such a variety of available means, all of them are not very effective.

What products are most effective for cleaning pipes from grease?

There are several professional methods for cleaning sewer pipes from grease. They can be called the most effective. This includes various chemicals and mechanical cleaning.

Chemicals very popular for removing any kind of blockage. For getting rid of fat, the most suitable ones are those that contain alkali as an active substance.

There is no need to study the composition of each product in detail. It is enough to purchase one that comes in the form of granules. Alkali interacts with water, so the production of such products in liquid form is very complicated. In addition to alkali, it is desirable that the products contain antiseptic and cleansing components. At the same time, they will remove all the unpleasant consequences of fat deposits.

Alkali perfectly dissolves both grease and soap deposits, which also often accumulate on the walls of kitchen pipes.

Many manufacturers have similar drugs. The cheapest - from the brand Mole. It is sold in a package, the contents of which are enough for only one use, but it is very convenient. There is no need to take up space on the household chemicals shelf with yet another product. Such granules cost only 10 rubles.

The company has exactly the same product Mister Muscle. It is interesting that its composition is completely identical to the products of the Krot brand, but the price is 4 times higher.

The heavy artillery among chemicals for combating grease blockages is the brand’s products Pothan. It works in just 10 minutes and removes even the most difficult clogs. The disadvantage of such a drug is that it is very dangerous for humans. They must be used with extreme caution. Be sure to wear gloves and a respiratory mask. By the way, the same precautions must be observed when cleaning with other similar products.
The price of one bottle of Pothan starts from 300 rubles, but its volume is enough for 5-6 uses.

Most effective by mechanical means can be called a plumbing cable. It consists of an interweaving of several thin metal elements. This provides it with strength and elasticity at the same time. Still, the main thing in the cable is not its design itself, but the tip - it is this that removes blockages and cleans the walls of dirt. The tip can be of two types: volumetric spring and metal brush. A brush is most effective in the fight against fat deposits. It completely cleans the pipe walls, but it has one significant drawback. If used incorrectly, the brush can damage the pipe walls. This is especially dangerous for metal products.

How to clean a pipe from grease using chemicals?

Before you start clearing grease from a pipe, be sure to wear gloves and a respirator mask. Open all the windows in the house for good ventilation.

If you already have a clog and there is water in the sink, you will have to completely remove it. The granules are poured directly into the drain itself and filled with water. No more than one glass is needed. Make sure the water is warm, otherwise the chemical reaction will not be as effective. Usually the products work within a few minutes, but sometimes they will have to be left on for several hours.

After cleaning, turn on the faucet for a few minutes to remove the product and any remaining grease.

How to clean a pipe from grease using mechanical means?

To clean a pipe with a metal cable, many resort to the services of a specialist. After all, not everyone has such a device in their home. However, using it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You can deal with this on your own.

If a blockage has already formed in the pipe, you need to determine how far it is from the drain. To do this, remove accumulated water from the sink, including in the pipe. Then you will have to fill it again, but this time monitor fluid volume. If you poured less than one liter into the pipe before the water began to accumulate in the container, then the blockage is on the surface. With a larger volume of water, it is most likely located further in the system. Then it is best to disassemble the pipe and start cleaning closer to the blockage.

The end of the cable is placed into the pipe in a circular motion. Once you reach the blockage, you will have to do it with a little force. Prepare a bucket or other unnecessary container in advance so that waste can flow into it.

Carefully remove the cable in a circular motion, connect the system and thoroughly rinse the pipe.
The cable also needs to be cleaned, and in addition, the tip must be lubricated with machine oil. After you have rolled the cable, it is best to wrap it in rags and store it that way.

As you can imagine, any method of drain cleaning involves some difficulties, so it is best to regularly take measures to prevent blockages.

Preventing the accumulation of fat in the sewer pipe

Preventing a blockage is much easier than dealing with it in the future, especially since fat is easily removed with improvised means.

Make it a rule to pay attention to sewer pipes during general cleaning in the kitchen. Just pour one of the available products that we talked about earlier into the drain and go about your business.

You should use professional methods only in the most serious situations, when fat is already interfering with the normal functioning of the system.

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