If water does not flow well into the drain and an unpleasant odor appears in the room, it is necessary to urgently take measures to remove the blockage in the sewer hole. Alternatively, you can use the services of a specialist or solve the problem yourself. Do you want to save money and do everything yourself? No question, because after reading our article, you will learn how to remove a blockage in the bathroom and cope with the task as quickly as possible.

The main “culprits” of blockages

First you need to figure out what causes a clogged pipe in the bathroom? Most often, this problem arises as a result of human activity. The point is that a person cannot keep track of what ends up in the drain, because we are talking about long hair, animal hair, and pieces of rags. All this garbage is compactly packed in the sewer and forms a lump that blocks the passage of water.

This is when stagnation of water occurs, which you need to start fighting in time, without postponing this process for later.

It is better to prevent a clogged pipe than to look for a way out of the situation.

By the way, in a multi-storey building, the blockage can be local, that is, in one apartment, or general, if the central sewage system of the building is clogged. To determine the type of blockage, you should turn on the water in the kitchen and bathroom: if the problem is only in one place, the blockage is local and can be eliminated on your own.

When talking about the causes of blockages, one cannot fail to mention the following factors: fatty deposits in pipes, deterioration of the sewer system. In a word, there are several reasons, so the question of how to clear a blockage in the bathroom is extremely relevant.

Using a plunger - traditional method

It is much more difficult to break through a clog with a plunger in a bathroom than in a sink, because draining the water complicates the process. The problem is that when the water starts to overflow, air gets into the opening, and a vacuum is needed to operate the plunger.

The plunger must be selected taking into account the size of the drain hole

How to clear a clog in the bathroom using a plunger? First, the above-mentioned hole for overflowing water is tightly closed with a stopper, and then the plunger, pre-lubricated with Vaseline, is pressed tightly against the drain and 10 sharp back-and-forth movements are made.

This is important to know: instead of a cork, you can use a second plunger to create the greatest tightness, but then you will need the help of another person.

If there is no result, you can try to push through the blockage not with air, but with water. To do this, you need to pour hot water into the bathroom (approximately to the height of half the rubber bowl) and immerse the plunger into the water at an angle. With the last pump, the plunger should be sharply pulled out of the water. If the blockage is not cleared the first time, the procedure is repeated several times.

Plumbing cable - a more serious method of cleaning

Everyone understands perfectly well that using a plunger can only clear minor blockages, so it is necessary to consider other methods of dealing with this nuisance.

The plumbing cable must be kept taut while clearing the blockage.

If the blockage is located far in the pipe or it is heavily compressed, they resort to cleaning using a cable. The essence of this method is that you need to hook the debris with a plumbing cable, pulling it out or pushing it into a wider pipeline.

This procedure proceeds as follows:

  • the cable is inserted into the drain hole;
  • one person pushes the cable, and the other rotates it;
  • after passing through the clogged area, you need to make a couple of sharp jerks back and forth, then open the hot water tap and, carefully pulling out the cable, wash off the dirt that has formed in the sewer pipe.

It is worth paying attention: rotating the cable helps to better destroy the blockage.

Plumbing cable is sold at a hardware store, but you can make it yourself. To do this, you need to take a piece of a fairly flexible metal cable, bend it and fluff the tip a little. Thanks to this manipulation, the cable will move well along the bends of the pipe and will not rest against the knee.

This is important to know: for ease of grip, the cable should be wrapped in something rigid to form a kind of handle.

It is also necessary to mention the fact that a plumbing cable should absolutely not be used to clean plastic, chrome-plated pipes - then their inner surface can be damaged.

Chemicals are faithful helpers

How to remove a blockage in the bathroom using drain cleaning products and which product should you prefer? As for the first point, there is nothing complicated here: I bought a cleaning product in a specialized store, read the instructions carefully and did everything in accordance with the written information.

This is important to know: the product is poured or poured into the sewer hole, left there for a while, and then thoroughly washed off with running water.

In addition, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that chemicals must be used correctly, since even the safest drugs, when used for a long time, cause deformation of the material from which the pipes are made.

Chemicals are effective, but using them too often will damage your pipes.

When deciding how to break through a clog in the bathroom, modern people are faced with another problem, because there is a wide range of cleaning products on the market. Therefore, we should name the most popular drugs to make the choice easier for our readers:

  • “Mole” is an effective remedy that cannot be used on plastic pipes;
  • "Mr. Muscle" is a product suitable for all types of pipes. It is available in the form of a gel or foam. "Mr. Muscle" cleans pipes of dirt, penetrating into all nooks and crannies. It also kills bacteria, thereby helping to eliminate odor;
  • "Tiret" - removes blockages quickly and effectively. It does not smell of ammonia and, according to user reviews, does its job perfectly;
  • “Pothan” is a substance that quickly and without residue dissolves various contaminants. It has a pungent chemical smell, but it breaks through even the most severe blockages.

When using products for cleaning clogs, you need to remember safety precautions, that is, when working with alkalis and acids, you should be properly equipped.

This means wearing rubber gloves, safety glasses and an oilskin apron.

It's better to prevent a problem than to fight it

Yes, if a person regularly prevents blockages, he will avoid many troubles. What should you do for this? First, you need to install a protective mesh at the water drain hole: it will protect the pipes from dirt, animal hair, and hair getting into them. Secondly, chemicals are considered a good means of prevention - the main thing is to use them in accordance with the instructions so as not to damage the pipes. In general, proper operation and timely preventive measures extend the service life of communications, ensure their reliability and prevent blockages.

We hope that the information presented in this publication will help you solve the problem of how to remove a clog in the bathroom. And also, remember that the best way to remove blockages is preventive measures. By performing them, you can be sure that unnecessary discomfort will not be created in the bathroom and you will not have to use a plunger or plumbing cable.

Blockages in the bathtub occur due to improper use of the drain, which contains hair, fur and small debris, which are impossible to keep track of. As a result, all this turns into a lump that does not allow water to pass through. To avoid water stagnation, you should know how and with what to clear the blockage in the bathroom. There are several methods, the effectiveness of which will depend on how severe the blockage is.

Using a plunger to remove a clog

Surely, this simple device is found in every home. It is used to remove blockages in both the sink and bathtub, and in the toilet. It is appropriate to use a plunger not only to remove existing blockages, but also to prevent them.

The more often you use the plunger, the less often a blockage will form.

The instructions for using a plunger are simple, so anyone can use this method:
  • The plunger must be positioned so that its rubber part completely covers the drain hole.
  • To make cleaning more effective, it is recommended to first fill the bath with some water.
  • The plunger handle is raised up a little, then lowered, and so on several times. This must be done sharply and continuously so that the air suddenly enters the sewer and pushes through that lump of dirt that does not allow the water to “flow.”
Under such pressure, the blockage can go deep into the sewer, and some particles of dirt can float to the surface; they just need to be washed off with water.

Removing clogs with baking soda or vinegar

Despite the fact that today folk methods of removing blockages are not often resorted to, baking soda and vinegar are universal remedies for blockages that can be used when there are no other remedies for blockages in the bathroom at hand.

There are two options for using baking soda and vinegar to break through the blockage:

  • Pour half a pack of soda into the drain of the bathtub, which should not contain water, and after 5 minutes turn on high pressure of hot water.
  • Pour four tablespoons of soda into the drain and pour half a glass of vinegar there. Next, the hole must be closed with something so that the chemical reaction begins. After 10 minutes, you can turn on a strong pressure of hot water.

Attention! Frequently using this method to clear a blockage can cause pipes to deteriorate. Therefore, it is best to use a plunger for prevention, and in case of a blockage, use vinegar and soda.

Lemon juice to combat clogs

One of the most primitive folk ways to “break through” a sewer is to use regular lemon juice. You will need 3-4 whole lemons, from which you need to squeeze the juice directly into the drain and leave it there for two hours (at this time you cannot use the bathroom or turn on the water). As soon as two hours have passed, turn on the high pressure of hot water.

Drain cleaning products

The easiest way to remove a sewer clog is to purchase special chemicals that do all the work for a person due to their aggressive active ingredients. The most effective product will be one that dissolves hair and fur.

To remove blockages, any product in the household chemicals department that says that it copes with blockages and is suitable for these purposes is suitable.

To make the right choice among the variety of household chemicals and use them as efficiently as possible, you should use several recommendations:
  • The blockage is eliminated not only by products sold in powder, but also by liquid products, however, the consumption of liquid products is greater.
  • In the instructions for the selected product, you should clarify whether it is suitable for your pipes, since not all products are suitable for certain pipes.
  • The product itself is poured or poured into the drain hole, but if it is a powder, then it is better to pour another glass of warm water into the pipe on top of it.
  • When using household chemicals, you should not use the bathtub for a while, as this may cause the product to simply dissolve in the water and not remove the blockage. Every chemical requires time for the chemical reaction to begin.

Despite the fact that traditional methods for solving the problem that have arisen are quite effective, it is recommended to alternate them with chemicals and be sure to clean the pipes in order to prevent stagnation.

How to clear a clog in the bathroom: video

In addition to the traditional plunger and chemicals, there are several other effective and not entirely standard ways to clean the drain. You can learn about them from a special video:

It is always easier to prevent a blockage than to eliminate it, so it is recommended to install a protective mesh on the drain, which will filter dirt and prevent large blockages from getting into the pipe. Bathtub clog removers can be used periodically for cleaning purposes, which will help prevent severe clogs.

Before starting work on cleaning the sewer system, you should figure out what exactly led to the blockage. There are a sufficient number of reasons that provoke its appearance:

  • a design error is a problem independent of the actions of the bathtub owner. This is due to the fact that even at the construction stage, pipe laying was not carried out in accordance with technical requirements. As a rule, this is an insufficient drain slope. It can be cleaned, but after a while the problem will reappear. To eliminate it, you will have to redo the entire system, from the bathroom to the main riser;
  • pipe material - if they are made of cast iron or steel, dirt accumulation will occur more often. This is due to the fact that plaque is deposited on their walls in large quantities. Plastic pipes are not so susceptible to this negative point, but they still cannot completely get rid of the problem;
  • foreign objects - before looking for the answer to the question of how to clear a blockage in the bathroom at home, you need to determine whether any large debris has gotten into the drain. It refers to food, construction and other waste that belongs in the trash can and not in the sewer. The so-called human factor in this case plays a significant role;
  • end of service life - all materials have their own limitations regarding the time of their use. We should not exclude the possibility that the pipes have simply become unusable due to long use. Over time, they become loose, deformed, and growths appear inside. All this leads to the fact that the risk of blockages increases significantly;
  • improper care - regardless of whether the pipe in the bathroom is clogged or not, it should be cleaned regularly. It is enough to carry out this event several times a year, and the appearance of blockages can be avoided;
  • fat - its deposits provoke a decrease in the throughput of pipes, due to the fact that their diameter becomes smaller. Grease is a very dangerous enemy of bathroom drains because it can contaminate the entire pipe. Outwardly, the drain may look completely clean, but the water flow will be weak.

Mechanical cleaning

How to clear a clog in a bathroom at home if it is located in close proximity to the drain? The best option here seems to be a mechanical method. It should be understood that this means the use of special tools, and not improvised means that can be used to poke into the drain hole in the hope that in this way it will be possible to clean it.

Today, as many years ago, the most effective tool is a plunger. This is a rather primitive, but very effective device, which consists of a stick and a rubber hemisphere at its end.

Breaking through a blockage with a plunger has an important drawback - it is a rather complex task, from a physics point of view.

The principle of clearing a clog using a plunger:

  • The lower edge of the rubber part is first lubricated with Vaseline or any other lubricant. This is necessary in order to ensure the most airtight connection with the surface of the bathtub;
  • the working part of the plunger is placed directly above the drain;
  • Then, with rhythmic movements, the plunger is compressed and straightened. This creates pressure on the obstacle inside the pipe. The longer you work with the plunger, the faster it will collapse and be pulled upward;
  • If the contamination cannot be removed, you can try to break it with water. To do this, hot water is drawn into the bathtub, after which it is pumped into the pipe using a plunger. The acceleration imparted to it by the tools will allow the cork to blur.

Breaking through a blockage with a plunger has an important drawback - it is a rather complex task, from a physics point of view. Therefore, it is recommended for men to perform it.

A plumbing cable is a newer tool than a plunger. Externally, it looks like a thick twisted wire, which is twisted into a kind of spiral. At the end of the wire there is a handle for convenient control of the cable inside the pipe.

A plumbing cable is a newer tool than a plunger.

This tool is most effective for cleaning deep contaminants located inside the pipe. The flexible body of the device allows you to reach the most secluded corners of the drain in the bathroom.


  • the end of the cable is carefully inserted into the drain hole;
  • the cable is slowly pushed forward while the handle is rotated at the same time. Thus, something similar to drilling is obtained. Due to the complexity of the procedure, it is advisable to perform it together;
  • as the cable is twisted, deposits inside the pipe are subjected to strong mechanical stress and, accordingly, are destroyed;
  • when the resistance to the wire becomes minimal, it jerks sharply back and forth;
  • the cable is unscrewed back and thoroughly washed to remove debris adhering to it;
  • Water is released into the pipe, which should wash out the destroyed blockage.

This tool is most effective for cleaning deep contaminants located inside the pipe.

If necessary, this procedure can be repeated. In any case, it will be much easier from a physical point of view.

A siphon is a part of plumbing fittings located on the outside of the bathtub, that is, under the drain, being its continuation and a kind of entrance to the pipe. A characteristic feature of a siphon is that it usually has a sharp bend. It is because of this that most of the blockages are deposited here. Timely cleaning of the device reduces the risk of severe blockage.

Timely cleaning of the device reduces the risk of severe blockage.

Work order:

  • on the floor, directly under the siphon, you should lay out a rag or place some kind of container. This will help prevent dirty and even smelly water from getting on the floor;
  • the nut is unscrewed, after which the bulb is removed;
  • after all the water has drained out, the siphon is thoroughly washed with clean water, and any deposits on its walls are removed mechanically. The same applies to foreign particles.

The disadvantage of this method is that in the case of a bathtub it is quite difficult to get to the siphon. This also determines the fact that you will have to work in an uncomfortable position. Knowing how to clean a bathroom drain by washing the siphon, you can effectively avoid the appearance of any foreign deposits inside the drain pipe.

Folk remedies

Naturally, there are also methods that have already been invented by the people. Most of them actually help solve the pressing issue of how to unclog a bathtub. Despite the fact that such methods are used relatively infrequently today, some of them still deserve to be discussed in detail.

Perhaps one of the most versatile tools present in the kitchen. Natural or table vinegar, as well as vinegar essence, can clean, dissolve, whiten, eliminate odors and perform many other functions that, as food products, should not be characteristic of them. It should be noted that vinegar alone will not be able to break through the blockage inside the pipe. To do this, you can mix it with soda. This is done like this: four tablespoons of baking soda are poured into the drain hole, after which half a glass of vinegar is added. In order for the chemical reaction to proceed with a limited amount of oxygen, the hole is closed with something sealed. After about half an hour, you can turn on a strong pressure of hot water, which will remove the remaining debris.

You can also use pure soda. You will need about half a pack. There should be no water in the drain. Five minutes after adding soda, turn on the hot water.

You already know how to remove a blockage in the bathroom at home using the above remedies. But you also need to understand that such substances can have an extremely negative effect on the technical and operational condition of pipes, especially if they are steel. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to using soda and vinegar no more than once a year.

Preventive measures

With the help of modern means, mechanical devices and, ultimately, changing the design of the bathroom drain, any blockage can be eliminated. But its removal is associated with such negative aspects as physical effort, financial costs, spoiled mood, loss of time, etc.

Consequently, it is much easier to avoid the appearance of a traffic jam than to deal with it later.

  • use caution. In order not to solve the question of how to get rid of a blockage in the bathroom at home, you need to ensure that no third-party things get into the drain during bathing, washing and other activities in the bathroom;
  • installation of protection - just put a fine mesh in the drain to protect it from various small objects, as well as hair and wool;
  • regular care. Modern chemicals make it possible to quickly and effectively carry out preventive cleaning. They will help not only prevent the formation of plaque, but also reduce the risk of corrosion. The same goes for the plunger. If you clean your bathtub with it once every few months, it will be virtually impossible for clogs to form.

Preventive measures are quite simple, and therefore their compliance will in no way complicate people’s lives.

A blockage in a pipe can occur for various reasons. Sometimes the problem can be quickly solved with the help of a plunger or by disassembling the siphon; in some cases, professional equipment may be required. Find out why clogs form in the bathroom, and how to fix the problem using folk methods and professional devices.

Dirty water forms plaques on the walls of pipes. When there are too many of these deposits, a plug appears. Debris can completely block the drain, in which case a solid blockage forms, which is removed with an auger. If the water slowly but still goes down the drain, a leaking blockage occurs, the problem can be solved with the help of a plunger.

Knowing the reason why the bathtub is clogged, you can choose a way to clean it.

Types of blockages

  • Mechanical

This type of blockage occurs when an object gets into the pipe. A cable or hydrodynamic device will help fix the problem.

  • Operational

The most common type of blockage. Hair, soap residue, grease and dirt get into the drain, which causes a narrowing of the pipe lumen. You can remove such a plug using simple methods - a plunger or chemical means.

  • Technological

The problem of traffic jams in this case is associated with incorrect design of the sewerage system pipes. In particular, the pipe angle may have been chosen incorrectly. To restore normal drainage, you need to reinstall the pipes.

Disassembling the siphon

In order not to have to rack your brains over how to remove the blockage in the bathtub, you need to remove the debris from the siphon from time to time, which inevitably accumulates in this place.

  • Place a bucket under the siphon to drain dirty water.
  • Holding the siphon body, unscrew the bottom of the device. Remove the rubber seal and union nuts.
  • Rinse the siphon under running water; for disinfection, you can use an acid- or chlorine-based chemical.
  • Assemble the siphon. Install the rim, nuts, and tighten the lid.
  • Open the water tap to make sure there is no water leaking at the connections. If the siphon is old, use silicone-based sealant.

Important. If a metal siphon is installed, you will need a wrench to disassemble it.

How to unclog a bathtub

An effective method for cleaning a pipe is a plumbing cable. A flexible long spring has a handle for torsion on one side and a replaceable nozzle on the other. The nozzle is selected depending on the diameter and material of the pipe; it can be in the form of a brush, scraper or hook.

The cable is useful in case of deep blockage

  • First remove the siphon.
  • The cable is directed into the hole and pushed inside the pipe by rotating the handle. The device easily passes even complex bends, but you don’t need to turn the handle very hard, otherwise you can damage the pipe. If the clog is caused by debris, it is best to use a hook attachment. It easily catches debris and pulls it out when the cable moves back.

Important. Rotate the handle clockwise only.

  • Finally, open the water tap to flush out any remaining clog.

Sometimes the cable gets stuck inside the pipe. In this case, it is rotated in one direction or the other.

Cleaning a sewer pipe with an auger

Improvised plastic cable

If the house does not have a plunger, much less a cable, try removing the blockage in the pipe using a device made from a plastic bottle.

  • Using a felt-tip pen or marker, draw a spiral over the entire surface of the bottle (the distance between the turns is about 2 cm).

Homemade cable can be made from a plastic bottle

  • Use a knife to cut off the bottom. Use scissors to cut out the homemade cable.
  • Insert the spiral into the drain and push it along the pipe until it stops.

If the jam is not deep, such a simple device will cope with it. You can clean both cast iron and plastic pipes in this way.


If the cause of the blockage lies not in the pipe, but in the siphon, use a regular plumbing plunger.

A plunger is a tool with a rubber cap and a wooden handle. If the clog is located close to the drain hole, a plunger will be the best solution to the problem. This cleaning method does not damage the pipe; the blockage is removed through water hammer. The diameter of the plunger bowl must be larger than the diameter of the drain hole. The water in the bath should completely cover the rubber tip.

  • Close the overflow hole to prevent pressure loss in the plug area.
  • Press the plunger firmly against the drain.
  • Then make sharp movements with the plunger up and down (without lifting the rubber part from the drain). Repeat until the water begins to quickly flow into the pipe.

A plunger is a simple effective method for removing a traffic jam.


This method does not require experience in plumbing work. To restore the sewer system, you need to pour gel or liquid into the drain hole, wait a while and rinse the pipe with plenty of water. The blockage is removed if the water flowing into the pipe forms a funnel.

Important. Use rubber gloves and a cotton-gauze bandage for your face. Avoid contact with skin. Chemicals for clearing blockages consist of alkali and acid, so you should not breathe their vapors.

  • If a plastic bag or other large debris has gotten into the pipe, acid-based products will not be effective in this case.
  • Acid-based products destroy hair and soap plugs, while alkaline products fight fat deposits.
  • Dry powder products quickly clear blockages, but can destroy the walls of the pipe. Rinse the pipe thoroughly with water after using the powder. Gel, unlike powder, is considered a more gentle product.

Important. Powdered products cannot be used on plastic pipes. Also, you should not keep the product in the pipe for longer than the recommended time, as this may negatively affect the condition of the pipe.

The chemical method is suitable for those who do not want to disassemble the siphon. But you should not often use alkalis and acids to clean pipes; their use is unsafe for humans

Manual hydrodynamic device

The power of the device is selected based on the diameter of the pipeline. If you don’t know the best way to clear a blockage in the bathroom that has formed due to a frozen pipe, choose a hydrodynamic machine. It will heat the water and clear the blockage.

A plastic tube-hose is connected to a high-pressure apparatus. The nozzle nozzle ensures complete cleaning of the channel (one jet is directed horizontally and three at an angle).

The device is connected to the sewer and not only removes the blockage, but also completely washes away deposits from the walls of the pipes.

If the clog is severe, use an automated cleaning method

Folk remedies

Don’t know how to clear a blockage in the bathroom? You can break through the blockage with soda and vinegar. Pour half a pack of soda into the pipe and fill it with vinegar. After half an hour, open the water tap and rinse the pipe for 3 minutes.

You can pour 2 liters of boiling water into the drain, but this method is not suitable for plastic.

The “ruff” brush is ideal for home use

Video: professional cleaning devices

Preventing pipe clogging

A musty smell in the bathroom and water slowly flowing down the drain are the first signs of a clogged pipe. Preventing blockages will help extend the life of your drain. And scheduled pipe cleaning is much less expensive than emergency cleaning.

  • Install a protective grille on the drain and remove debris from it in a timely manner.
  • You can purchase a filter plug. From time to time, empty the fixture of debris so that water does not stagnate in the bathroom.

Over time, cast iron and metal pipes become covered inside with deposits, as a result of which their throughput capacity decreases. You can remove such a blockage in different ways, but the effect of flushing will be short-lived. It is possible to ensure normal drainage of water only by replacing communications.

10/19/2017 1 1,077 views

How to unclog a bathroom at home? Thousands of people face this issue every day, since after some time, plumbing fixtures tend to become clogged, even if they were used as carefully as possible.

Sewage systems are susceptible to littering not only in private sectors, but also in multi-apartment buildings. There can be many reasons for contamination of the siphon and other water communications: human or animal hair, greasy deposits, pieces of rags, and other small waste.

All this negatively affects the permeability of water, since the accumulation of soap scum, grease and other debris in the inside of the pipes impedes its pressure. As a result, an unpleasant odor appears, and the liquid disappears more and more slowly, or remains completely. Of course, it is necessary to resort to various cleaning methods to eliminate the problem and prevent it from recurring.

The main causes of blockages in the bathroom

Make sure that the contamination occurred only in your apartment, since in the event of a general blockage, housing office workers are required to take care of the problem. To do this, open the water in the bathroom and kitchen - if in one of the rooms the liquid flows freely, but in the other it is standing, then you should start cleaning the pipes.

Polluting factors

  • greasy plaque (you can get rid of it using various chemicals);
  • errors during installation of the sewer system;
  • external debris: hair, wool, threads, paper, etc.;
  • unsuitable water supply system;
  • careless attitude when using plumbing equipment, as well as non-compliance with maintenance rules;
  • primitive choice of materials (plastic pipes are less susceptible to contamination than cast iron).

How to clear a clog using folk remedies?

Gradually decomposing debris stuck in the drain leads not only to the fact that water does not flow well, but also to the appearance of a very unpleasant odor that spoils home coziness and comfortable living conditions. In order to quickly get rid of the problem, it is not necessary to seek the help of specialists, because it is possible to clean a clogged drain efficiently and at home on your own, using traditional methods. Cleaning methods:

  • thermal (using hot water);
  • mechanical (disassembling the siphon or removing debris using a plumbing cable);
  • chemical (use of chemicals);
  • pressure (using a plunger).

The choice of method is influenced by the material from which the pipes are made. For example, a plastic system can be damaged by boiling water or cable, and before using chemicals, you must read the manufacturer's recommendations.


The most common method is mechanical cleaning with a plunger, which even a woman can do. This method can be used both to clean clogged pipes and for preventive purposes. The more often you use this cleaning product, the less often you will encounter problems associated with dirty drains.

Instructions for use:

  1. The rubber bowl of the plunger must be thoroughly lubricated with Vaseline so that it fits tightly to the drain part.
  2. Fill the bathtub halfway with water.
  3. Make sure the plunger attachment is in firm contact with the drain, completely covering the hole.
  4. Actively lift and lower the device with sharp movements to break through the debris that has formed on the walls of the pipe with air.
  5. Quickly remove the plunger, making a final push.
  6. Open the hot water to maximum, which will wash away the dirt.

If the blockage cannot be completely removed, repeat the procedure again until the liquid drains normally. For cleaning purposes, you can also use a powerful vacuum cleaner that has a “reverse air blowing” function. The procedure takes place in the following stages:

  • Find a small rubber ball (slightly larger than the drain hole) and divide it in half. One half should be smaller in size than the other;
  • place the smaller half in the larger one, making a hole in the center that matches the diameter of the vacuum cleaner tube;
  • insert a vacuum cleaner tube into the hole made, securing the structure with clamps or electrical insulating tape;
  • connect the hose to the vacuum cleaner outlet;
  • press the homemade device to the hole and turn on the vacuum cleaner.

The action of this design is comparable to the operation of a plunger, however, a strong air flow from the device can quickly clear the blockage, without much physical effort.

Plumbing cable

A plunger is a fairly effective device for clearing blockages, but it only copes with small debris. For more global pollution, this method is not suitable, so to clean the pipe yourself you need to use a plumbing cable. The method is quite simple and does not require serious financial costs.

The essence of the method is to mechanically pull out debris using a cable. Contaminants can also be pushed into a wider part of the pipe. Under no circumstances should you use this cleaning method for plastic and chrome-plated pipes - there is a high probability that the device will damage the surface. To perform cleaning you must:

  1. Wear rubber gloves.
  2. Disassemble the siphon located under the sink.
  3. Straighten the end of the cable.
  4. Insert the end into the drain hole.
  5. Use a circular motion to push the clog down the pipe.
  6. Give 3-4 sharp pushes when the main debris is removed.
  7. Pull out the cable.
  8. Turn on hot water to completely wash off the dirt.

Tips for effectively clearing a bathroom clog with a plumbing rope

It is not necessary to purchase a plumbing cable in a store; you can make it yourself:

  1. Take a small piece of flexible iron cable.
  2. Bend the tip, fluffing it a little.
  3. Wrap the cable in hard material, making it look like a handle.

For more efficient work, have a second person help you to monitor the cable tension. While pushing the tip into the drain, you can ask your partner to make circular movements at the same time. After this, open the hot water without finishing the action with the cable. The flow of water and active rotation of the cable will perfectly remove blockages in the inside of the pipe.

Rubber hose

Another device that everyone can use at home is a rubber hose. To carry out the procedure:

  1. Take the rubber hose and stretch it over the faucet, securing it tightly.
  2. Place the unused end of the hose into the drain hole at the deepest part.
  3. Open the hot water.
  4. Use a pushing motion to clear out any internal debris.
  5. Fill the bathtub with hot water.
  6. Remove the drain plug with a sharp movement. To achieve the best result, use a plunger at this moment - thanks to the pressure generated, the water will wash away the remaining contaminants.

Siphon cleaning

In order to get rid of an unwanted odor, or to prevent yourself from clogging at the wrong time, you need to clean the siphon from time to time. To clean the siphon, you need to perform the following steps:

  • place a rag on the floor under the siphon that will absorb liquid well, or a container so that subsequent cleaning does not take much time;
  • it is necessary to unscrew the shutter nut and remove the flask, then wait until all the liquid has drained;
  • Next, using chemicals, you need to thoroughly rinse the siphon and its walls so as to completely remove the plaque;
  • upon completion of this procedure, the entire structure must be assembled. The drain pipe should not focus on the siphon flask, because this will disrupt the water seal;
  • To check the tightness of the connections, you can simply turn on strong water pressure from the tap.

This procedure can be done both during blockages and for preventive purposes. It is recommended to flush the siphon approximately once every two to three months. This will at least prevent the appearance of plaque on the walls, which emits an unpleasant odor, and will reduce the chance of blockages to a minimum.

Soda and vinegar solution

Due to the fact that soda and vinegar can be found in every home, this method does not require financial expenditure and is environmentally friendly. Because these two substances react when they come into contact with each other, they can clear up more serious clogs. To clean pipes using this method, you must do the following:

  1. First of all, pour the soda into the cup, and then into the drain.
  2. Pour the same amount of vinegar into a cup and pour it down the drain again.
  3. Close the drain with a plug.
  4. Wait 15-20 minutes.
  5. Rinse the pipe with hot water to remove any remaining baking soda and vinegar.


Folk remedies are good because if a problem suddenly arises, it can be eliminated with improvised means, but their effect will be weaker. For light blockages, the folk method using lemon works well. To remove dirt in this way, you need to squeeze several lemons to obtain lemon juice. Then pour it into the drain hole (it is important to ensure that no bones get in there). Lemon juice will remove stains within an hour or two. After this time, rinse the sink with hot water.

Salt, soda and cream of tartar

To use this method, you need to take a glass of salt and soda, and only a quarter glass of cream of tartar. Mix all components thoroughly and place in a box or container. Once a week, pour ¼ of the resulting mixture into the drain hole, then fill it with boiling water. After a couple of minutes, you also need to rinse the drain with cold water from the tap. This method will help to quickly and effectively remove a blockage that suddenly occurs, and will also serve as a good preventive measure to prevent it.

How to choose the right household chemicals

Household chemicals will help deal with various blockages in the pipe. At the moment, there are a large number of different chemicals designed to combat blockages. It is noteworthy that when using them you do not need to use any other force. Basically, such chemicals come in several types: powder, liquid, gel, foam and granular.

To choose the right product, you need to follow a few simple rules. If the blockage occurs in the bathroom, choose a product that can dissolve the hair. If there is a blockage in the kitchen, the product should be able to dissolve the grease. Also, when choosing a chemical, it is necessary to take into account the material from which the pipes are made. If the pipes are plastic, granular or gel products are the best choice. In addition, attention should be paid to the purpose of the substance. These can be both products intended to remove blockages and for prevention.

Any household preparations are primarily chemicals. Therefore, when using them, special attention should be paid to personal protective equipment. Any actions with such substances are carried out with rubber gloves, since their contact with the skin is extremely undesirable.

Video: how to unclog a bathroom at home?

Preventing blockages in the bathroom

In order to protect yourself from many problems, you should not wait until the pipes become clogged. There are a few simple preventative tips to follow to keep your pipes clean.

  1. First of all, equip the drain hole with a special mesh. With its help, less debris will get into the pipes, therefore, blockages will appear less often. But don’t forget to clean this mesh. It is recommended to perform this procedure after each hair wash.
  2. Once every two to three months it is recommended to use chemicals designed to prevent blockages. Thus, the accumulated debris will dissolve without having time to form into large traffic jams.
  3. To prevent clogs, you can use a plunger from time to time.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):