Ash is unique complex fertilizer. This amount useful microelements not found in any mineral fertilizer. Ash can and should be used to fertilize everything horticultural crops, including cucumbers. Dry ash can be sprinkled on the beds, but it is better to water them ash solution. This solution is very easy to prepare. Take a glass of ash in a bucket of water, stir it well and the fertilizing is ready. You can water it. Just make sure that the insoluble sediment also gets into the garden bed.

An ash solution for foliar feeding is somewhat more complicated to prepare. Dilute 300 grams in 3 liters of water. ash. Put on fire and boil for 30 minutes. Then let it brew for 5-6 hours. Add a little soap to the solution and bring the volume to 10 liters. Strain and start spraying.

Feeding cucumbers with mullein.

If you feed cucumbers with manure during growth and fruiting, this will give a noticeable increase in yield. To cook mullein, you need fresh manure pour water in a ratio of 1: 3. Let it ferment for 10 days. Before watering, take 1 liter of mullein into a bucket of water.

And during fruiting, add another 50 grams. superphosphate per bucket ready solution. It is advisable to water not directly into the garden bed, but into pre-prepared grooves. After watering, the furrows are leveled.

The same solution, only diluted 1:20, can also be used for foliar feeding. And if you grow cucumbers in a greenhouse, then it is also better to place the container in which the mullein ferments in the same greenhouse. The smell will certainly not be very good. But all these fumes that are formed as a result of fermentation are foliar feeding for cucumbers.

By the way, if ordinary mash ferments in a greenhouse, the effect will be exactly the same. But that's true, by the way.

Fertilizing with liquid compost.

How to feed cucumbers if you have neither ash nor manure on hand, but you don’t really want to use “chemicals”? There is one good and absolutely free option. This fertilizer is literally lying under our feet.

Any kind of food is suitable for its preparation. fresh grass, tops, as well as all fallen apples, pears, etc. We fill the barrel or any other container with all these “raw materials”, about two-thirds. Then add water, cover with a lid and leave to ferment. Fermentation will last about 10 days. After fermentation stops, the fertilizer can be used. This “talker” must be bred in the same way as mullein. 1 liter of solution per bucket of water.

This fertilizer has one drawback. From the barrel comes a strong and bad smell. To tone it down, add a little valerian to the barrel. And of course, cover with a lid.

Yeast feeding of cucumbers.

Many gardeners use regular baker's yeast to feed plants. For this, both dry and regular yeast are used. Regular ones dilute 100 grams. for 10 liters of water. And you can water it right away.

Dry yeast (10 g packet) is also diluted in 10 liters of water, but it must be allowed to brew for 2 hours. In addition, it is recommended to add 2 - 3 tablespoons of sugar to this solution. Yeast-based fertilizers are also sold in stores. It's called Rostmoment.

Conduct yeast supplements cucumbers should be no more than 2 times per season. Yeast does not contain any beneficial microelements. Such supplements can be regarded as stimulating, not nourishing. . However, after applying such fertilizers, the cucumbers noticeably “come to life” and begin to grow. This means there are benefits from them.

All these feedings need to be done once every 10-15 days. The greatest effect is obtained by alternating in various ways. All these methods can be combined with each other. Of course, within reasonable limits. Fertilizer in excess desired result will not lead. In addition to regular feeding, you must definitely exercise

Nowadays, more and more people are trying to grow organic fruits and vegetables in their garden beds. Therefore, quite often people think about how to feed cucumbers in the open ground with folk remedies. It should be noted that this process is not complicated, so we will now talk about the most popular, effective and reliable methods of feeding cucumbers in as much detail as possible.

In order to feed cucumbers with folk remedies correctly, first of all, you need to have information about which conditions are suitable for cucumbers and which are not.

This culture loves:

  • soil containing humus in large quantities, with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction;
  • soil temperature above 15 degrees;
  • temperature environment from 20 to 30 degrees;
  • as much humidity as possible;
  • fertilizer with infusion prepared from fresh manure.

Negatively affect the growth and development of the plant:

  • unenriched organic fertilizers soil with a high level of acidity;
  • use for irrigation of water whose temperature does not reach 20 degrees;
  • sharp fluctuations in temperature indicators;
  • transfer from one place to another;
  • The ambient temperature is below 16 degrees or too hot weather, at which temperatures exceed 30 degrees;
  • draft.

Cucumbers love soil enriched with fertilizers. The growing season ranges from 90 to 105 days, if the crop is provided comfortable conditions, can be expected high level productivity.

The need for feeding lies in the fact that cucumbers must supply nutrients to long shoots and leaves, and their root system located in the arable horizon, which does not contain sufficient fertilizers.

Please note that in different periods For their development, cucumbers require various nutritional elements:

  1. On initial stages When planting, the soil should contain as much nitrogen as possible.
  2. After planting in the ground during the formation and growth of side shoots - phosphorus and potassium.
  3. During fruiting, nitrogen and potassium should predominate in the soil.

Important: for best fruiting For cucumbers, the soil needs to be enriched with microelements, especially magnesium.

Feeding cucumbers using folk recipes

It's no secret that feeding cucumbers with fertilizers of organic origin is better than using chemicals. In addition, the cucumbers will be environmentally friendly.

People have a considerable number of ways to feed cucumbers using natural substances. Now let's look at some methods, but which one will be the best is up to you to decide.

Please note that when applying even natural fertilizers to cucumbers, you must be very careful and avoid overfeeding the plant.

Ash use

Ash belongs to the group of unique fertilizers because it contains large number potassium, phosphorus and trace elements. The only drawback, so to speak, is that the ash is low in nitrogen.

It must be remembered that without fertilizers with potassium you should not expect a good harvest; if the soil is poor in phosphorus, then the root system of the plant will not be able to supply nutrients and water to the leaves and fruits. It is important to add half a glass of ash to the hole when sowing, mixing with soil and watering with water.

In the future, the plant can be fertilized in the following ways:

  1. Sprinkle 2 tbsp under the bush of the plant (at the root). l. ash and water.
  2. Dissolve a glass of powder in 1 liter of water and water the cucumbers with the prepared solution at the rate of 2 liters of fertilizer for cucumbers in open ground per plant stem.

Using this method, you can feed cucumbers every two weeks.

Please note that if plants are sprinkled with ash before watering, this will not only strengthen them, but also protect them from diseases and pests.

Manure and compost

All pumpkin crops love manure, but adding it to fresh strictly prohibited - manure must be in liquid form. Positively affects the growth and development of cucumbers green manure, that is, an infusion of weeds and compost.

The positive properties of the fertilizer are explained by the fact that even when more of the mixture is added than necessary, the risk of nitrates getting into the fruit is minimized.

Good fertilizers are mullein and bird droppings, because they contain all the substances necessary for fertilizing. To prepare the infusion, you need to mix a bucket of manure or droppings with 4 buckets of water and leave for several days, stirring from time to time. As for weeds, they are infused by placing them in barrels and filling them with water.

After this, mullein is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10, manure - 1:10, green fertilizer - 1:5. It is recommended to fertilize with manure or other such fertilizer twice every seven days, 2 liters per plant.

Pay attention! If plant foliage is treated with a strained infusion, it becomes resistant to powdery mildew.

Good yield results are observed when fertilizing the soil with humus.

Use of baker's yeast and beer

By using of this product Fertilization can be carried out 2 - 3 times a season. To prepare fertilizer you need:

  • a packet of yeast;
  • 2/3 cup sugar;
  • 3 liters of water.

All ingredients are mixed and left in a warm place for three days, the mixture needs to be stirred from time to time. After this, the infusion is diluted in a ratio of 250 ml:10 liters of water and the plants are fed. One stem requires 500 ml of fertilizer. If you strain the solution, you can also treat the leaves of the plant with it.

For a good harvest, cucumbers can be fed with beer, but only live or non-alcoholic beer should be used. Please note that it is allowed to feed seedlings with live beer no more than 100 ml per plant.

Onion peels as fertilizer

An infusion prepared from ordinary onion peel, is not only a fertilizer, but also an excellent immunostimulant and protects the plant from pests and diseases.

For this purpose, decoctions are also used, which are recommended to be watered or sprayed on plants. To prepare the decoction, you need to pour 1.5 liters of boiling water over a handful of onion peels and boil for 7 minutes, then leave until it cools down and add 3.5 liters of water to the decoction.

Herbal infusions and decoctions

The simplest and available fertilizers for cucumbers - decoctions prepared on the basis of herbs. You can water the beds with herbal infusion. A variety of plants are used to prepare fertilizer.

Best options:

  • coltsfoot;
  • loboda;
  • burdock;
  • Agave grass.

For cooking herbal infusion it is necessary to fill the barrel 2/3 full vegetable raw materials and fill with water. The container is left in a warm place and infused for 10 days. Before use, 1 liter of herbal infusion is dissolved in 10 liters of water. After this, water the plant at the root to grow a large amount of crop.

Using eggshells

Not everyone knows that eggs can be used not only in cooking, but also in agriculture. Egg shells can increase soil fertility, because it significantly reduces the level of acidity. In parallel with this, the shell can play the role of a soil loosening agent.

So that the use of egg shells gives best result, you need to know how to properly prepare the composition. So, first of all, the shells need to be washed and crushed using a coffee grinder or meat grinder.

Important! Do not try to crush egg shells with your hands, because this is not an easy task, in addition, you can also injure the skin. If the pieces of egg shell are large, then its effectiveness as a fertilizer is significantly reduced.

To use eggshells As a fertilizer for cucumbers, you need to grind the shells of 5 eggs into powder and pour in a liter of boiling water. The resulting mixture is left to infuse for 5 days, stirring from time to time. After this, the infusion of egg shells is diluted with water and watered over the plants.

Fertilizer made from food waste

A cocktail made from plant waste received excellent reviews:

  • onion peel;
  • banana skins;
  • orange peel;
  • carrot skins.

The prepared mixture of ingredients is poured hot water and insist for several days. Before use, 250 ml of the resulting infusion is diluted with 5 liters of water. This food for cucumbers not only nourishes the plants, but also protects them from diseases.

Can be used potato peelings as fertilizer.

The following product has already been developed: spent mushroom mycelium as a fertilizer for cucumbers in open ground. Having collected the mycelium, it is poured 1:1 with boiling water and left for 24 hours, then filtered. Before watering the plants, the infusion must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Banana peel as fertilizer

Dried banana peels are used to mulch the plantings. An infusion of banana skins as a fertilizer is especially effective for watering young shoots.

To prepare fertilizer from banana peel, recommended:

  1. Pour 3 fresh banana skins into 3 liters of water and leave for three days. After this, dilute it equally with water and water the plant at the root.
  2. Pour the dried skins of 4 bananas into a liter of water, leave and water the plants.

Please note that before preparing fertilizer from banana peels, you need to wash them under running water.

Natural biostimulator of growth

To make plants, including cucumbers, grow quickly, you can fertilize them with aloe juice. To prepare the product, you need to take several leaves of the plant, wash them and place them in a saucepan. After this, the aloe leaves are crushed to obtain a homogeneous consistency. 1 tbsp. l. Aloe pulp is placed in 250 ml of water and placed in a dark, cool place for a week, adding water from time to time until 5 liters of liquid are obtained.

Before use, the aloe infusion must be boiled and cooled.

Please note: experts say that you need to use both old and young aloe leaves.

Use of acetylsalicylic acid

Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) is widely used not only in medicine, but also in everyday life. Aspirin can heal fungus-infested and low-acid soil. Aspirin has a positive effect on plant growth and development.

We can safely say that this is the answer to the question of how to feed cucumbers for growth. All that is needed is to place Aspirin (1 tablet) in a liter of water and water the plants. You can bury Aspirin directly into the soil - 1 tablet. every ten centimeters.

Fertilizing plants that are in greenhouse conditions

In greenhouses, cucumbers must be fed much more often compared to those plants that grow in open ground. This is explained by the fact that with closed ground It is possible to obtain 15 times more greens, so much more fertilizer must be applied.

Here is the answer to the question of how to fertilize cucumbers. Almost all the most popular folk remedies for feeding cucumbers are presented. Be more attentive to vegetable crops, and you can proudly declare: “I feed the cucumbers, and they thank me for a good harvest.”

Experienced summer residents try to minimize the use chemical fertilizers, giving preference to folk remedies. They approach this issue with particular care when feeding it, since young greenies accumulate nitrates. At correct use folk remedies you will get high.

Folk remedies for feeding cucumbers for growth

Let's look at the most common and effective means can be used for feeding cucumbers to accelerate the growth of lashes.


If your bread is dry, do not rush to throw it away. It can be used to make an excellent fertilizer for any plants, including cucumbers. Pour crusts of black bread into the bucket so that 1/3 of the free space remains. Fill the bread with water, place a press on top and leave the bucket in a warm place for a week and a half.

The bread starter is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3. Add 1.5 tablespoons of universal fertilizer to 12 liters of solution. Cucumbers are fed with this fertilizer every week. If the soil is acidic, add chalk to the bread solution.


Yeast feeding has many advantages:

  • improves root formation in plants;
  • the product increases the immunity of cucumber seedlings;
  • with insufficient lighting, cucumber seedlings become more hardy;
  • it is an effective growth stimulator.

To prepare a yeast solution in a 10-liter container with warm water add 10 g of dry yeast, add 2 tablespoons of sugar. This product is infused for 2 hours, after which it is diluted in 50 liters of water. After the first feeding, cucumbers begin to actively increase their vegetative mass, and fruit ovaries appear faster. But to apply this folk fertilizer possible only after transplanting the seedlings to permanent place(after 2 weeks) and a second time, when phosphorus fertilizing has already been applied.


If cucumbers grow poorly and develop poorly, the plants probably lack calcium. The most accessible folk remedy that contains this trace element is wood ash. During the entire growing season, cucumbers are fed with ash infusion 5-6 times. The very first feeding is carried out when 2 leaves appear on the plant, the second when flowering and active growth of vines begins.

Ash is added in dry form (crushed), scattering it before watering. An ash infusion is made as follows: 10 tablespoons of ash are poured into a 5-liter bucket and left to infuse for 10 days, stirring the liquid periodically.

Herbal infusion

Perhaps one of the most effective and accessible folk remedies for accelerating the growth of cucumbers and other crops is an infusion of herbs. To prepare it, you can take any plants without roots and seeds. The best fermented varieties are nettle, coltsfoot, quinoa, and burdock. Fill the barrel 2/3 with chopped grass, adding water to the rest. The barrel should be in a warm place. This fertilizer should be infused for at least 10 days. Before feeding, a liter of nutrient liquid is diluted in 10 liters of water and the cucumbers are watered at the root.

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