No matter how expensive and high-quality your plumbing is, nothing will make it shine clean forever without proper care. When it comes to toilets, the main problem they suffer from is urinary stone. The same yellowness that you can see under the rim and inside the toilet. And if the situation is further aggravated by the lack of regular cleaning and disinfection, the problem will soon appear in all its glory. You will learn how to clean the toilet lid from yellowness in this article.

Why does the toilet lid turn yellow?

Human urine has a special composition - certain minerals, which subsequently form urinary stones. If there is urine residue on the surface, plaque accumulates and builds up on the walls of the toilet. It consists precisely of urinary stone. This plaque builds up over time, and the longer it is not removed, the more difficult it will be to clean. However, there are certain tips on how to clean the toilet lid, and the toilet itself, from yellowness.

Important! Plaque usually covers not only the seat, but also the bowl itself, especially inside. There are several reasons for this, and each of them must be dealt with in its own way. Find out:

How to keep the toilet clean?

Having figured out where the yellow plaque on the toilet comes from, it’s time to find out how to deal with it. The easiest way to prevent the formation of urinary stones is regular cleaning, because it’s always easier to produce regular care and keep the plumbing clean, rather than making efforts to remove old stains.

You can keep your toilet clean and white in the following ways:

  • flush water regularly cistern, after each visit to the toilet;
  • delete daily toilet paper or use a damp cloth to remove splashes and drops from the toilet lid;
  • Once every few days, apply a toilet cleaner to the surface of the toilet to prevent the appearance of plaque;
  • you can use special cassettes that are attached to the toilet, under the lid, and every time you press the flush button, water enters the toilet along with special remedy, which fights the formation of dirt and also has a pleasant aroma.

Following these simple rules, you are unlikely to encounter the problem of a strong yellow coating. And if you also read the article via the link with rating household chemicals, then all your problems with further choice.

How to remove not too old plaque?

If you always try to keep your toilet clean, according to the recommendations above, then the maximum that awaits you is to occasionally remove the yellowness from the toilet seat and its surface. Let's look at everything possible means who do this very well.

Table vinegar

Cleaning is done as follows:

  • In a saucepan or any container convenient for you, heat about one glass of vinegar until warm.

Important! If you have a food thermometer, the temperature of the vinegar should be 40 degrees Celsius. The liquid should feel warm, but not hot.

  • Pour the heated vinegar into the toilet bowl and add two teaspoons of baking soda there.
  • Leave to stand overnight.
  • In the morning, it will be enough to just flush the toilet with a brush and drain the water.

Important! The melamine sponge copes well with any dirt.

If you only need to wash the toilet lid from yellowness, then you need to:

  1. In a small container, mix warm vinegar and baking soda.
  2. Wearing rubber gloves, quickly apply this mixture with a sponge.
  3. Leave for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with a clean sponge.

Lemon acid

Another remedy for removing old plaque is citric acid.

Important! It removes not only urinary stones, but also calcium deposits that build up on the walls of the toilet due to the fact that the water in the taps is too hard.

This procedure is incredibly simple and convenient. All you need to do is add a couple of sachets. citric acid into the toilet and leave it all to react overnight. After the chemical reaction takes place, you just need to clean the toilet with a brush and drain the water.

Important! Cleaning procedures using vinegar or citric acid are best done after draining the water. To do this, you can use a plunger.

How to get rid of old plaque?

It happens that you get a toilet in a fairly neglected state. None store products in tandem with a brush they cannot cope with existing dirt. Then it is necessary to connect heavy artillery.

Household chemicals containing acid

The easiest way to clean a toilet from old plaque is the use of household chemicals available on the product market. IN in this case It is necessary to pay attention to those products when working with which you need to use a protective mask. Only they are able to cope with strong and old pollution.

Important! The most effective products will be those containing formic or sulfuric acid.

Coca Cola

No matter how funny and strange it may sound, housewives have repeatedly tested and proven that Coca-Cola can cope with many contaminants. Cleaning the toilet was no exception.

In order to clean the accumulated plaque and deposits, you just need to pour a bottle of the drink into the toilet and leave it to stand for several hours. After this, work a little with a brush and drain the water.

Oxalic acid

Oxalic acid is a crystalline powder. You need to work with it exclusively in thick rubber gloves. It is applied with a sponge to the toilet lid and under the rim. For ease of application, use a damp sponge.

In the presence of heavy pollution At the bottom of the toilet, pour powder inside. Wash off after a few hours.

Important! This method also works well to clean the toilet seat.


The most powerful, but at the same time, the most difficult to use toilet cleaner. The difficulty lies in the strong toxicity of the electrolyte. With him you need to provide yourself maximum protection. In addition to thick rubber gloves, you should wear a protective mask, your body should be hidden as much as possible under thick clothing, and it would be a good idea to wear goggles to protect your eyes.

Since the electrolyte is a liquid, you just need to pour it into the toilet, doing this very carefully, avoiding splashes. After 15 minutes you can drain the water.


If you want to achieve maximum whiteness of the toilet bowl, then this product will do the job perfectly. “Whiteness” just needs to be poured into the toilet bowl and left there, flushed after a few hours.

Important! All of the above products will be even more effective if you pour or pour them into a toilet bowl that has previously been emptied of water using a plunger.

After leaving the toilet with the cleaner overnight, it will be good if you remove the deposits in the morning using a wooden spatula or a construction spatula. Such option will do with very large stone deposits. The stone will become wet under the influence of chemicals and will easily come off in pieces from the surface.

What to do if the plastic cover turns yellow?

It happens that over time the plastic on the lid turns yellow. To whiten the toilet lid from yellowness, it is best to remove it first, if the design of the toilet allows it. If this cannot be done, apply all the products described below with a sponge and leave for a while. If you still managed to remove the lid, then clean it by soaking.

In the fight against old fat, ordinary baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), dissolved in very hot water.

Take an enamel basin or steel pan, immerse contaminated items in it, pour soda at the rate of 2-3 tablespoons per liter of water and pour hot water. The higher its temperature, the more intense the process of fat breakdown will occur, so it is best to pour kitchen utensils boiling water from a freshly boiled kettle. To improve the effect, you can add a little dishwashing liquid. Leave for 30-40 minutes. You can periodically add boiling water to the basin to keep the water warm.

After this, remove the kitchen utensils from the soda solution and wipe them with a sponge or dish brush. The remaining undissolved fat should come off easily and quickly. After this, rinse the cleaned items thoroughly under running warm water.

If the items are too dirty, you can increase the exposure time of the soda solution to one and a half to two hours. During this time, even the most “difficult” fatty stains will come off. But in this case, it is better to put the basin or pan on the stove at minimum heat, keeping the water hot - or bring it to a boil every 10-15 minutes, turning off the stove in between.

What can be cleaned with baking soda solution?

Of course, not all kitchen accessories will be harmless when “bathing” in a hot soda solution. You can safely wash away old fat in this way from items such as:

  • cutlery, dishes and accessories made of metal;

  • steel rails, hooks and hanging shelves;

  • glassware;

  • items made of earthenware and porcelain (except for painted dishes and objects).

Items with plastic parts(knives and cutlery with plastic handles, containers, plastic lids, etc.) can be cleaned soda solution only if the plastic is durable and heat-resistant. And even then, you should not use the “hard” method of boiling and prolonged exposure to very hot water - the plastic may warp.

It is better not to clean wood products in this way at all - wood swells in hot water and may crack after drying. And products made from varnished wood will be damaged in any case: the soda solution will dissolve the varnish “at the same time” with the fat layer.

It is also better not to put expensive items with gilding or enamel inserts, collectible dishes and interior items at risk and use softer (even more labor-intensive) cleaning methods.

Precautionary measures

The baking soda solution does not have a strong odor, and no toxic fumes are released during heating, so if you decide to clean old grease in this way, there is no need to turn on the hood or open the windows.

But it’s better to wear rubber gloves, especially if the skin on your hands is dry, thin and prone to irritation.

A frying pan after frying, a saucepan with “escaping” broth, plastic containers for packing food for a picnic or lunch - with insufficient care, all of these kitchen helpers a deposit that is difficult to wash off is formed, which spoils both the appearance and functionality of the dishes. But there are several proven ways to wash a frying pan from old fat, a saucepan from drips, and return plastic to its original color. We'll talk about them today.

Main secret proper care It’s simple to the point of banality - dishes need to be washed immediately after use. Hot water, a sponge and a fat dissolving agent are the three pillars on which it rests perfect cleanliness our pans and pots. Even if you don’t want to do the washing right after a delicious meal, just soak the dishes in warm water with a little extra detergent to prevent fat from drying to the walls.

If you wash the frying pan every time after use, soot will not appear.

On a note! After washing, do not forget to dry the frying pan or pan with a dry towel - this will help avoid corrosion, streaks and stains.

But how to clean plastic dishes, the same lunch boxes or thermal containers that we use for picnics, snacks on the road or at work? After all, they are designed for conditions where there is no access to the usual kitchen devices. The answer is simple: immediately after use, remove any remaining food and grease by rinsing the container cold water or wipe with a paper napkin. And, of course, don’t forget to wash it thoroughly with a cleaning product when you get to the kitchen. Otherwise, a yellow coating of ingrained fat will appear on the plastic, and you will have to work hard to return the original color.

Soot on frying pans is formed from the combustion of fat and soot

Note! You can fight stubborn fat with vinegar, mustard powder, citric acid and salt. These products clean and degrease surfaces well.

Methods for removing old fat and carbon deposits

If you do not wash off oil splashes that get on the walls of pots and pans in time, over time they will burn over the fire and the walls of the dishes will become covered with black soot. Here a soft sponge will not help - you will have to use other means, kitchen and even construction equipment.

Mechanical cleaning

You can deal with the problem mechanically, using a knife, a metal or hard synthetic scraper and hot water. The same dishwashing liquid or cleaning abrasive powders will help speed up the process.
Cast iron, aluminum, steel

dishes without plastic or wooden parts You can preheat it in the oven at a temperature of 200-250 degrees or over an open fire. When body fat will burn, all that remains is to clean the surface of their remains (of course, after complete cooling).

The most radical and quick way, wash the dishes from old grease, which has already turned into multi-layered carbon deposits - cleaning using a drill or grinder with a special wire brush attachment. True, this method is effective only for “grandmother’s” frying pans and pots made of thick-walled cast iron - modern thin and light dishes too easy to damage. But no chemistry!

Important! Clean frying pans with ceramic or Teflon coating in an abrasive manner It is possible only from the outside, so as not to damage the non-stick layer. But aluminum cookware generally does not like mechanical intervention, except for incandescence.


Any household chemicals store will have a whole arsenal of special products with which you can easily solve the problem of how to wash grease from a frying pan at home, for example, Shumanit, Master Cleaner, Dr. Beckmann. Just remember to carefully study the label - it contains recommendations for use and types of surfaces for which this product is suitable (or strictly contraindicated). chemical composition.

Grease remover for stubborn carbon deposits

To clean a frying pan or pan, just apply the product to problem areas, rub a little with a soft sponge, wait specified time, and then rinse thoroughly warm water. If the multi-year fat layer is too thick and firmly ingrained, you can leave the frying pan or saucepan with the applied product for a couple of hours or overnight, just wrap it in an airtight plastic bag to avoid breathing fumes. True, it is better to conduct such experiments on the same cast iron or thick-walled steel dishes without painting.

With the help of chemistry, fat quickly dissolves and is easily removed

Important! All chemicals have an aggressive effect on the skin, so be sure to protect your hands with rubber gloves before working. It is advisable to work in a ventilated area, and ideally in a respirator.

Traditional recipes for fighting old fat

Not all surfaces can be cleaned with aggressive chemicals or mechanical impact(the most capricious are ceramic and Teflon). But there are also more gentle remedies that you can prepare yourself. In addition, the ingredients for most of them can be found at home, which means you can save money.

Laundry soap

One of the best and time-tested ways to wash a frying pan from grease with inside, got modern housewives a legacy from Soviet times. To prepare this home remedy you will need 72 percent laundry soap and water.

To clean the inside of the frying pan, we proceed in stages:

  1. Grind half a bar of soap on a grater.
  2. Pour the shavings into a frying pan and fill with water.
  3. After boiling soap solution turn the heat to low and leave for 25-30 minutes.
  4. Then turn off the heating, close the dish with a lid and let it cool.
  5. Drain the cold solution and wash the walls of the pan under hot water using a regular sponge.

How to clean a frying pan with laundry soap

The same laundry soap can also be used to remove multi-layer carbon deposits from the smoked sides of the outside of the dishes. To enhance the anti-fat effect, in addition to a bar of soap, you will also need a tube of silicate glue and soda ash. All ingredients dissolve in hot water. The main thing is to choose a container that will fit the entire frying pan or saucepan.

Preparing a solution of soap, soda and glue

After boiling, the solution with the dishes should be kept on low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then cover the pan with the soaking pan and let stand for 1-2 hours so that the carbon deposits soften thoroughly. After such a “bath”, it can be easily removed with the hard side of a washcloth or a dull knife.

Note! This product can be used for Teflon and ceramic cookware - it does not damage the coating. But do not forget to turn on the hood and open the window when working - for solutions based on laundry soap very unpleasant smell.

Vinegar and citric acid

Using these products, you can not only clean a pot or frying pan from grease, but also remove yellowed deposits from plastic containers. You will need a liter of water and a small container. After boiling, add half a glass of table vinegar and a tablespoon of citric acid to the water. Soak the greasy dishes in a hot solution and leave for 45-60 minutes. After that even old fat Easy to scrape off with a hard sponge.
Places where grease is strongly ingrained can be sprinkled with soda and vinegar. As a result of the reaction, foam is formed, which will help remove carbon deposits.

Vinegar effectively fights fat deposits

Note! This product should not be used on aluminum cookware, and on Teflon and ceramic - only for cleaning the outer walls (if they are uncoated).

Soda and salt

These products will surely be found in the kitchen of any housewife. With their help you can not only cook delicious dishes, and also clean the dishes efficiently. One of the most budget ways Wash the outside of the pan from grease - use salt and soda as an abrasive powder. They remove well slight dirt, thin fatty deposits and carbon deposits, you just need to rub the wet walls with small granules, let it sit for a couple of minutes and rinse off under warm water.

Salt and soda act as an abrasive powder

Salt or soda can also be used to internal cleaning cookware, only use caution when using coated pans. Simply sprinkle the powder onto the walls moistened with water and gently wipe with a soft sponge without pressing. And after a couple of minutes, when the granules dissolve, wash in the usual way.

On a note! Salt cannot cope with complex layers, but soda can do it. You just need to use not ordinary food grade, which works more like an abrasive, but calcined one. It is dissolved in warm water, where it is soaked for a couple of hours. dirty dishes.

How to restore dishes after cleaning

Many people have probably noticed that food sticks to frying pans that have been thoroughly washed from grease during the first frying. The reason is that when cleaning, the layer of oily film that protects from burning is also washed off. Therefore, before pleasing your household culinary masterpieces Cooked on renewed cookware, this protection should be restored.

We offer 2 simple ways to choose from:

  • Pour coarse salt into the bottom of the pan and heat over medium heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then remove the granules (they can be reused). Wait for the dishes to cool, rinse and put back on the fire, but without any filler. When the frying pan is well heated, grease the bottom with vegetable oil using a silicone brush and leave to cool. For a better non-stick effect, it is recommended to repeat the procedure three times, removing the previous oil layer with paper napkins and heating the pan again.

Cleaning a frying pan with salt

  • For restoring cast iron and steel frying pans without wooden handles and other flammable elements, you can use the oven. To do this, the dishes, already cleared of carbon deposits, are heated for 40 minutes at a temperature of 120 degrees. Then take it out, coat it with any vegetable oil and put it back in the oven, raising the temperature to 230-250 degrees. After an hour, take out the pan, cool it and grease it again with oil.

Oiling a frying pan

On a note! Oil treatment will not only restore the non-stick layer, but also protect the cookware from rust.

Video: how to clean a frying pan from old fat and carbon deposits

Now you know how to clean a frying pan from old fat and how to return it kitchen utensils initial gloss. But if none of traditional ways didn’t help, perhaps you should seek help from cleaning specialists or... buy new dishes.

Fatty plaque affects not only appearance dishes, but also on its functionality. Due to the appearance of soot, the food begins to burn, the remains of old fat spoil the taste finished products. In addition, unkempt kitchen utensils look unattractive. Experienced housewives they are fighting the problem with all their might, developing effective ways. Among effective means there is soda, vinegar, salt and other improvised means that are available in the kitchen.

Method number 1. Lemon acid

  1. Wet the pan big amount boiling water Prepare a mixture of baking soda and citric acid, mixing the ingredients in equal proportions.
  2. Apply the product to the internal and external parts, leave for 1 hour. If necessary, add water to the bulk mixture to obtain a slurry. She will hold up better.
  3. Within 60 minutes, the fat will begin to move away from the walls of the dish under the influence of chemical reaction. When the specified time has elapsed, scald the frying pan with boiling water and wipe with a sponge.
  4. Evaluate the result and repeat the procedure if necessary. Finish cleaning by washing with scouring powder or dish gel.
  5. An analogue of citric acid is juice citrus fruit. It must be mixed with soda until a paste is formed. Then the walls of the dishes are lubricated with the composition.

Method number 2. Salt and soda

  1. This method is rightfully considered the most budget-friendly, since the listed components are available in the kitchen of every housewife. Mix the ingredients in equal quantities, dilute with water until you get porridge.
  2. Scald the frying pan with boiling water. Scoop up the product with a foam sponge and spread the paste over the walls with a greasy coating. Leave for 1 hour; to enhance the effect, you can wrap the dishes in cling film.
  3. When the time is up, wash off the excess product with boiling water. Rub outer part frying pan with an iron sponge, and the inner pan with a soft cloth. If the result is poor, the procedure can be repeated.
  4. If the plaque is too strong, you need to use soda without salt. To carry out the procedure, take 900 g. product, dilute with 1 liter of water, pour into the cavity of the container. After 2 hours, wash as usual with detergent.

Method No. 3. Dry mustard

  1. If the old fat deposit is not too dense, you can use mustard powder. Place the dishes to be cleaned on the stove. Heat to maximum heat, scald with boiling water.
  2. Pour several packets of dry mustard into the cavity, add hot water and leave for 3 hours. Stir the mixture periodically and try to scrape off the fat with a wooden spatula.
  3. After the specified period, wash the dishes as usual and evaluate the result. If you are not satisfied with it, perform the manipulations several more times.
  4. To clean glassware or ceramics, use a 1 liter solution. boiling water and 250 gr. mustard powder. The container is filled with the composition and then infused for 24 hours. During this period, all the fat will peel off, you can easily remove it.

Method number 4. Vegetable oil and soap

  1. If the fat deposit is relatively fresh, prepare a hot mixture. To do this, grate or otherwise grind half a bar of tar soap and pour in 100 ml. boiling water
  2. When the shavings dissolve, pour in 60 ml. vegetable or corn oil. Stir, now add the amount of soda that will bring the product to the state of porridge. As a rule, about 200 grams are required.
  3. Scald the dishes with boiling water and spread the mixture over it. Place the container on the fire, heat it up, turn off the burner. Wait about 45-60 minutes, then remove the loose plaque with a sponge.

Method No. 5. Glue and laundry soap

  1. Fat removal is carried out by boiling. To do this, you need to prepare a wide enamel basin or bucket in which the frying pan will be placed.
  2. Pour water into a container and bring to a boil. Add 175 ml. PVA glue, mix. After 2 minutes, add shavings of one bar of laundry soap, stir again until smooth.
  3. When soap base dissolves, place the dishes with the coating inside. Cleaning does not take place immediately, the cooking time is 2.5 hours, and when complex pollution- from 3.5 hours.
  4. Add hot water periodically if it boils over. The pan should sink in the liquid. When the specified time has expired, turn off the burner. Remove the dishes, clean the deposits with a sponge and dishwashing gel.

Method number 6. Soda

  1. Prepare a wide basin or bucket that can be placed on the stove. Pour boiling water into the cavity, add soda at the rate of 1 liter. liquid accounts for 70 g. bulk composition. Therefore, if 10 liters are poured into a bucket. water, you need to add 700 gr. soda
  2. Place the dish with the solution on the fire, bring to a boil, and place the frying pan inside. Carry out the digestion for 1-1.5 hours. When the time is up, remove the bucket from the heat.
  3. Take your time to remove the frying pan; let it sit in the solution until the liquid cools. After this, take out the dishes and remove the grease with a paste of soda and water.
  4. Rinse the container with hot water and wash with liquid. If necessary, repeat the procedure, increasing the amount of sodium bicarbonate to 80 g. for 1 l.

Method No. 7. Table vinegar and citric acid

  1. The technique is designed not only to eliminate the old fatty plaque, but also removing yellowness from the walls of food containers. To start manipulating, pour 1 liter. water into a saucepan, put on fire.
  2. When the first bubbles appear, pour in 150 ml. vinegar solution with a concentration of 6-9%, add 30 g. citric acid. Stir the mixture until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. Turn off the burner and place the pan into the hot mixture. Soak for 1-1.5 hours, during which time the fat will partially come off. If it is not completely removed, scrape off the residue with a hard sponge.
  4. There is also an abrasive treatment. To do this, you need to prepare a paste mixture of vinegar and citric acid. Scoop it onto a sponge and wipe off the grease mechanically. Finish cleaning with regular dishwashing.

Method No. 8. Vinegar and baking soda/salt

  1. As can be understood from the name of the method, the product is prepared from table or apple cider vinegar(9%) in combination with soda or salt. Regardless of this, preliminary preparation is necessary.
  2. First, soak the pan in hot water with some dishwashing gel and leave for 50-60 minutes to remove the grease. After this, combine baking soda or salt with vinegar to form a paste.
  3. Rub the product onto the outer and inner walls of the dish and wait a few hours. Next, try scraping off the fat with a sponge; if necessary, scald the pan with boiling water. Finish cleaning with standard washing.

Consider removing old fat using citric acid, baking soda, PVA glue, salt, table vinegar. If desired, combine the options you like with each other. Take precautions to protect your skin and respiratory tract.

Video: how to clean dishes from grease and burnt marks

To remove from dishes old fat use effective chemicals or formulations made from available ingredients: soda, citric acid, vinegar, salt, laundry soap, dry mustard and glue. Boil pots and pans using a combination of folk remedies. Wash plates with mustard powder or detergent, and utensils with non-stick coating alcohol-containing liquids

If you do not pay due attention to kitchen utensils, over time they will become overgrown with a layer of fat, which is extremely unpleasant to deal with. Pclean dirty dishes from carbon deposits and greaseIt is possible using both folk and industrial means.

Folk remedies for cleaning dishes

There are many means for removing fresh and stubborn stains from kitchen utensils.

Moreover, you can make an effective and safe composition from improvised means that are present in every home. Most often used for these purposes:

  • soda;
  • lemon acid;
  • table vinegar;
  • salt;
  • laundry soap;
  • vegetable oil;
  • PVA glue;
  • dry mustard.

These folk remedies help , and when mixing them, the result is achieved many times faster.

Citric acid, table vinegar and soda

To wash the lid itself , especially around the handles and under the rim, do the following:

  1. Prepare a container to accommodate the dishes.
  2. Pour water.
  3. For one liter of water, add a glass of vinegar (9%) and citric acid (25 grams).
  4. Place the container on the stove and wait until it boils.
  5. Place the dishes in the mixture and cook over low heat for 30 minutes.
  6. Turn off the stove and leave until cool.

Remove the dishes and wash off the grease and residue under running water.

Citric acid with baking soda

If you need to wash off grease on plates and utensils made of plastic, , glass or ceramic vases:

  1. Combine 2 tablespoons of citric acid and soda.
  2. Apply the paste onto the wetted surface.

After the interaction of soda and citric acid, the fat will begin to dissolve and can be easily removed with a sponge.

Baking soda combined with salt and vinegar

You can also boil dishes in a water-soda solution.

For this boil for at least 1 hour, after which fat and carbon deposits are removed with a sponge under running water.

But if you need to wash a large aluminum pan or slab surface, do the following:

  1. Wash the surface with hot water and any detergent.
  2. Mix equal amounts of baking soda, 9% vinegar and salt.
  3. Apply the paste onto the pan.
  4. Leave it to sit for a couple of hours.

Loose fat is easily removed with a sponge. Be sure to rinse the dishes well and wipe dry.

Laundry soap and glue

ABOUT wash dishes from old greaseRegular laundry soap in combination with PVA glue will help without any effort.

For this:

  1. IN large capacity pour 5 liters of water.
  2. Add 3 tablespoons of laundry soap shavings and the same amount of PVA glue.
  3. Place the container on the fire and boil the solution.
  4. Place dirty dishes into the boiling liquid.
  5. Boil for about 1 hour, adding water periodically.

After partial cooling, remove old fat and carbon deposits from the surface. hard side of the sponge.

This method will help clear heavy carbon deposits even an old frying pan.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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