How and with what to cover the lining inside the bathhouse

Building a bathhouse involves a lot of hassle, and they all play an important role in the final result. Take, for example, the lining with which the interior of the bathhouse is lined: it’s not enough to secure them correctly using a heat-reflecting layer, but you also need to cover the wooden surface with protective agents.

But we will look at how and in what specific way in this article.

In the bathhouse it is very important to follow all safety rules, thermal insulation, vapor barrier and moisture insulation

The steam room is the most important part of the sauna

If you want your bathhouse to be comfortable, cozy and durable, you need to choose high-quality materials for its finishing. Not everyone knows, but most of the wood species offered by suppliers are not suitable for the extreme conditions sometimes created in a steam room.

High humidity and temperatures of 100 degrees, or even higher, have an adverse effect on them.

Therefore, when building a bathhouse with your own hands, make a choice from the proposed options:

  • Linden is a soft and light wood. Its structure is resistant to high humidity and does not delaminate due to hot air.
    It is also considered an extremely delicate material that does not leave splinters when working with it.
  • Aspen has gained popularity due to its easy processing and low cost.
    A good option for cladding work with clapboard in a bathhouse. and for mounting shelves from it.
  • Alder is the most beautiful of the domestic tree species: the texture is bright and expressive. If it is very important for you that the bathhouse is not only functional, but also beautiful, you should pay attention to alder.

The price of Russian wood is in an acceptable range, which cannot be said about exotic varieties: not so affordable for many Russian citizens. However, they have increased resistance to high temperatures and are not afraid of moisture.

If you make a steam room from such materials, you will succeed once and for all.

Rich and beautiful color of tropical Abash wood

Most of them are not sold in many Russian cities, so it is not surprising that for some it will seem like a luxury to attach exotic materials to the walls of a bathhouse.

Protective products for steam rooms

And yet, how to cover the lining in a bathhouse in order to increase its service life and give the wood structure resistance to the destructive effects of moisture?

The first thing you should do is refuse and cross out the option with ordinary wood varnish: not only is it afraid of high temperatures, it also emits an unpleasant odor.

Then you need to divide your priorities into:

Imported funds

Supi Saunasoja (manufacturer Tikkurila)– protective acrylic, intended for treating walls, floors and ceilings in steam rooms and rooms with high humidity. It can be either colorless or tinted.

Color solutions for the steam room

The main advantages are:

  • After application, it forms a water-repellent and dirt-repellent surface, which remains unchanged even at temperatures of 120 degrees.
  • The product contains a component that prevents the appearance of mold on the treated surface.
  • Can be used for both wooden materials and concrete structures.

The only drawback is that Supi Saunusoy cannot be used for ceilings in a bathhouse.

  • First of all, you need to make sure that the humidity in the room is at least 75% and the temperature is not lower than 5 degrees.
  • The surface to be treated must be clean: dirt and dust must be removed.
  • After cleaning, the walls are slightly moistened and you need to wait until the water dries. There may be loose wood fibers in some places that need to be sanded down.

Instructions for applying protective acrylic:

  • Supi Saunasoja is applied to the surface in two layers.

Note! It is advisable to ventilate the room.

  • The first layer, if tinted, is diluted with water up to 20%. With a colorless composition there is no such need.
  • The second coat should be applied continuously, treating several boards at a time. This will help avoid color difference.

For your information!
To get acquainted with the color and see how it will look on the lining, apply a little product to a separate board.

Apply two layers to a small board to achieve the final result.

You can take care of the treated lining only after a month, when the wood is completely saturated with the protective agent.

It is best to use SupiSaunapes - a product designed specifically for the care of rooms with high humidity.

Interier Sauna (manufactured by Belinka) is a modern colorless antiseptic (based on acrylic resin and water), designed for treating all wooden elements in rooms with high humidity, except ceilings.

Belinka is one of the leading companies producing varnishes and paints in Slovenia

If work with this product is carried out at temperatures below 10 degrees, the surface may turn yellow.

  • Before using colorless glaze, you should thoroughly clean all elements to be treated from wood chips and dirt.
  • The container with InterierSauna is thoroughly mixed.
  • Apply the protective agent in two layers using a brush or roller.
  • The first layer is painted at a temperature of about 20 degrees and with a minimum humidity of 65%.
  • The second layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried, at least 3 hours.
  • Use stainless steel tools, otherwise rust stains may appear on the walls over time.
  • After the first application, about an hour later, it is advisable to sand the surface with fine-grained sandpaper. This will have a positive effect on the final result.
  • InterierSauna is the answer to the question of how to cover the lining in the dressing room.

Russian funds

Aqualak Eurotex Sauna - colorless varnish based on wax and water. Suitable for all types of walls, floors and ceilings, however, it should not be applied to canopies.

It is absolutely colorless, so it does not have any negative effects on the loss of wood paints.

This is what a protective product from a domestic manufacturer looks like

Main features of the Eurotex Sauna scuba tank:

  • The treated surface practically does not absorb water, which has a positive effect on operation.
  • The product contains an antiseptic that prevents the appearance of fungus, mold and the development of other microorganisms on the lining and other wood elements.
  • The product is environmentally friendly, non-flammable, and does not emit toxic fumes over time.

Do not use Eurotex Sauna after the expiration date.

How to apply Aqualak:

  • The surface must be completely cleaned and sanded. If there was already some kind of protective varnish on it, the wood should be sanded to avoid contact of one product with another.
  • After careful preparation, the first layer is applied using a brush or roller.
  • The next layer must be applied no later than after 40 minutes. If the drying time is increased, the surface is completely dry after an hour, then during application you should, as it were, rub the aqualac into the wood.

The room is ready for use after three days, with preliminary heating of the bathhouse.

Important! Re-processing of the lining should be done after 3-4 years.

Pirilax is a complex of antiseptics and various protective agents used for all types of premises: with high humidity and high temperatures .

For new surfaces (newly constructed pairs), it is best to use products called Terma and Prime, designed for comprehensive protection of walls:

  • Fire protection.
  • Anti-corrosion coating.
  • Antiseptic properties.
  • Dirt and moisture repellent base.

If you need to “cure” infected wood, you can use Nortex: Wood Doctor and Bleach.

Convenient container with a tight-fitting lid can be stored for several years

The information described above will help you choose the necessary bath product, but you should know some subtleties in order to avoid adverse consequences:

  • How to paint the lining in the bathhouse? The question is formulated incorrectly; painting lining in a damp room, for example, in a steam room, is generally not recommended.
    It prevents the wood from breathing, which will negatively affect the service life of the material. The paint is suitable for rooms where there is no exposure to high temperatures and humidity. Therefore, it is better to ask what to cover the lining with.
  • Is it possible to treat curtains in bathhouses? Not advisable. Even if you purchased a high-quality imported product, this does not mean that it is harmless for contact with the body.
    It’s one thing to touch walls, which, if touched, are done extremely rarely and for a short period of time; another thing is the canopy: full and prolonged contact.

For your information! Untreated wood is more useful and even has a healing effect.

  • Is it possible to apply scuba gear on a wet surface? No. Be sure to dry all walls and floors before starting work. Look at the packages with protective products; they usually indicate the permissible range of humidity and temperatures during operation.
  • If the lining inside the bathhouse is treated with paint or varnish, can it be coated with an antiseptic? Alas, it’s impossible. Careful paint removal work must be carried out.
    The photo below shows one of the ways to remove finishing material.

You can use a special scraper to remove varnish from wood

If you still have any questions, maybe something was not clear, then we have attached an article with a step-by-step process for applying protective varnishes to the lining. After viewing it, you will receive additional information on how to paint the lining inside a bathhouse without harm to health.

There is a lot of information on our website, it is scattered under certain headings, but sometimes the content overlaps, and then we invite you to follow the link and get acquainted with more voluminous material on a given topic. This article is devoted to the questions of how to paint or treat the inside of a steam room in a bathhouse. Here you will find a brief summary of the essence of the matter, and details - in about interior coatings for baths.


Many people will immediately answer that there is no need to process it inside at all, because there is “chemistry” everywhere, and it is always harmful, especially in the bathhouse. If we understand by “chemistry” artificially obtained organic compounds, then yes, many of them will not bring anything good to living organisms if they get inside. But, excuse me, we ourselves also consist of organic compounds, and we eat them too. There's just no need to pose the question like that.

A steam room is a place where elevated temperatures make various substances more volatile. These are the smells of herbs, and resins in wood, and phenols in mineral wool... In general, if you smell the smell, it means something has warmed up and is “phoning.” It’s bad when paint or varnish, or PVC, or mineral wool, or sulfides in stones begin to “stain.” Therefore, they try not to put plastic in the steam room; for insulation they use only those heat insulators that do not release binding substances when heated (if mineral wool, then with a mark on the packaging “for saunas and baths”)...

IMPORTANT! They also refuse to use varnishes and paints based on organic solvents.

But the modern paint and varnish industry has already taken a technological step towards greater humanity and environmental friendliness. Now there are water-based varnishes and paints that practically no smell when applied, and after drying they form a fairly stable polymer that does not smell of anything at all.

Therefore, the Finns, knowing perfectly well what temperature conditions they have in their steam rooms, make and sell compositions that have been tested and are considered safe. This is it water-based acrylic coatings. Or is it impregnations made from completely safe oils- flaxseed, paraffin...

However, don’t even cause the paint to harm your health with its smell, it reacts quite poorly to moisture, tends to peel off, hang in rags... Therefore, if you paint a steam room in a bathhouse with anything, then only with special compounds that are suitable for bathrooms ( also written on the packaging). Such coatings are waterproof.


After all, natural wood in a steam room is such a built-in standard. Therefore, somehow the thought does not arise about paint that will hide the texture of the wood. And there is no need - now you can tint the varnish with any color - be it green or pink.

Let’s think for a second about why we should even look for varnish for the steam room in the bathhouse. A tree that is exposed heating And moisturizing exposed deformations– it picks up moisture, swells, then shrinks in volume, often cracking after that. And if it fails to dry properly, fungi and bacteria take advantage of this, converting the cellulose into rot.

So, coatings like varnish are not so much for beauty, but for protection– from cracks and deformations, from mold.

You can protect the floor, and use it for this waterproof yacht varnish. Even though it contains polyurethane or urethane. The thing is that the temperature on the floor in the sauna is low - the Finns are required to have a 5-10 cm gap under the door to the steam room.

In a Russian steam room, if you don’t make special heated floors, it’s also not that high, it’s unlikely to be higher than 30 degrees. Therefore, yacht varnish will not hurt here either.

Waterproof, highly abrasion resistant varnish will make the floor more durable. Just don’t allow a problem like the one in the video below.

The walls can also be varnished, but this time it is safer.

ATTENTION! This can be any acrylic varnish that clearly states that it is intended for sauna walls.

Such varnishes are available from different manufacturers - both Russian and foreign. Teknos, Belinka, Tikkurila, Dulux have them, as well as ours - Neomid, Senezha, Rogneda, etc. If there is a certificate, it means the product is good.


When they talk about “oil for a steam room in a bath,” they mean impregnation for wood, but not drying oil. Compositions have long been developed that do not smell like drying oil. In particular, there is no smell from paraffin oil.

Treatment of the bathhouse inside the steam room with oils is usually limited to covering the shelves with them. They do this because it is the safest way for humans to protect a tree.

You can find it on sale as liquid oil compositions, and more hard varieties containing, in addition to oil, also beeswax. The latter are even better, considering that wood has been waxed for a long time, and not only for a beautiful shine, but also to increase its service life and protect it from all kinds of pests.

Coatings for different types of surfaces

Here we have already mentioned that the temperature regime of the steam room heterogeneous, it has places with more and less high temperatures. It is logical that when the furnace is operating, the areas next to it and under the ceiling will be the hottest, because heated air is lighter than cold air and tends upward.

Therefore, floor coverings differ from ceiling and wall coverings. Due to the fact that much has already been said above, we will briefly go over all types of steam room surfaces in a bathhouse and how to treat them.

How to treat walls

You can learn about what and how to cover a steam room from. Here we will say that there are only two options - this is either solid log/timber, or lining. In both cases, we are talking about natural wood, so all compositions are focused specifically on it.

How to paint a log house in a steam room

You already know the first option - do not paint with anything. But if for some reason this option is not suitable for you, then you can cover the steam room in a bathhouse made of timber or logs, or impregnation for wood, or acrylic varnish.

In principle, the wood will not darken and will dry out less during conventional processing. impregnation, but you will have to spend quite a lot of it. You can calculate the quantity by asking the sellers about the number of layers and impregnation consumption per square meter.

Water-based varnishes will also protect the wood, and they are more decorative due to additives - color or... mother of pearl. Yes, that’s right - we came across Tikkurilov’s acrylate varnish “Supi Arctic” with the addition of mother-of-pearl. This was probably supposed to symbolize, in contrast, the flickering of snow in a hot steam room.

Kohlers, As already mentioned, only yellow and brown colors of different types of wood have not been repeated for a long time, but most of us are conservative and do not want to see turquoise-colored wood.

How to treat lining in a steam room

The lining should be processed in the steam room of the bath the same the very compositions that you would use if you had a log bathhouse.

Floor treatment

If your floor is ceramic tiles, then it does not need additional processing. But if he wooden, then it would still be worth protecting it from moisture. Here, too, you can choose to use either impregnations, or scuba diving

Above we talked about the permissibility of using yacht varnish– this variety is designed to cover wooden boats and yachts that remain in water for a long time, so periodic spills of water on the floor are not a problem for this varnish.

If you are still worried about the release of volatile organics, do it yourself take your temperature floor while vaping. If it does not exceed 30 degrees, there is nothing to worry about.

BY THE WAY! There is no reason to worry about the floor next to the stove - usually this area is reliably protected. It is preferable to place the stove on a brick podium trimmed with tiles, and the heaviest varieties have. In addition, a metal sheet is always placed in front of the firebox to protect against sparks.

The main difference between floor coverings is that they take into account the fact that we walk on them, and friction leads to abrasion. Therefore they must be more durable. However, nothing prevents you from purchasing a composition without strength-increasing additives. It will just have to be renewed from time to time.

Ceiling treatment

Despite the fact that the ceiling is the hottest part of the steam room (not counting the space next to the stove), coverings for it are usually used the same as for walls. Of course, they must be specialized specifically for the steam room.

How to paint the shelves

You will find detailed material on how to paint the shelves of a steam room in a bathhouse on this page.

Here we will say that varnishes and paints are not suitable for shelves, because they are in contact with the human body and their thermal conductivity is different from wood, therefore a layer of varnish or paint could burn the skin.

The only available option is impregnation. They will prevent the shelves from darkening and smelling of sweat. And at the same time, they will increase their durability, because the shelves are usually made of linden or aspen, whose wood is soft and not resistant to rotting and infection.

How to cover windows and doors

Windows and doors are also most often made of wood. The exception is glass sauna doors, made of solid heat-resistant fabric. However, they also have wooden boxes.

Either way to cover doors you should use the same compositions as for the walls of the steam room. At least from the inside. From the outside (if necessary), you can use any composition that will match the overall design of the room. Read more.

As for windows, that itself . But if they are made, then they are thick, with several glasses. The outer part facing the street is exposed to precipitation, so it can be protected with the same yacht varnish (if it is not made of PVC on the outside). The interior can be coated with either acrylic varnish or impregnation.

Useful video

You may also be interested in materials about the steam room, where we talk about and separately. And for those who are just starting to build their own bathhouse, it will be useful to know its, in general, steam rooms and its

The interior of the bathhouse is traditionally decorated with wood materials. For cladding, lining is most often used. Typically, a sauna consists of three sections - a dressing room, a washing room and a steam room. The hallway serves as a dressing room and storage of bath accessories (robes, brooms, basins, etc.). In some cases, in the same room they not only steam, but also wash. The lining inside the bathhouse is constantly exposed to high temperatures, hot steam and water. Therefore, the question arises - how to cover the lining in the bathhouse?

Previously, passenger cars were lined with thin boards inside. Over time, the thin profiled board began to be called clapboard. Lumber is made in the form of thin panels connected by a tongue-and-groove locking system.

Cladding board-lining

Types of wooden profiles

Before processing the lining in the bathhouse, you need to select the type of profile. Woodworking enterprises produce five types of panels. The boards have different cross-sectional shapes:

  • standard;
  • calm;
  • Europrofile;
  • eurolining;
  • American.


The cross-section of the board looks like a trapezoid, the edges of which are beveled at an angle of 30 degrees. There are longitudinal ventilation grooves on the back side of the panel. The side surfaces have a groove on one side and a tenon on the other. The tenon is made somewhat narrower than the groove. When saturated with moisture, the protrusion swells, the lock becomes dense and practically inseparable.


Boards of this type have rounded longitudinal edges. Otherwise, the lumber is similar to the above type.

Sectional view of the Shtil cladding board


The board has a wide tenon, which makes the connections particularly reliable. Because of this property, they try not to use finishing of this type for baths. Moisture saturation can lead to cracking of the locking fasteners.


The surface of such materials looks like boards interspersed with thin depressions. A high tenon forms a gap between the panels, this creates a beautiful wood texture. On the back side of the panels, ventilation ducts prevent condensation from forming, which prevents rotting of the sheathing wood.

Eurolining assembly


The profile, unlike eurolining, has a beveled edge, which gives the impression of laying the boards overlapping. This type of cladding is used for finishing the facades of wooden houses.

In addition, the shape of the boards is imitated by plastic and MDF panels. Bathroom walls are not decorated from these materials due to poor technical characteristics.

Two types of profiles are acceptable for finishing interior walls: Standard and Shtil. This follows from the fact that finishing with such boards is the simplest and most cost-effective.

Wood requirements

The main part of the bathhouse is the steam room. Therefore, the requirements for facing a steam room are special. The boards are used from domestic types of wood. These are linden, aspen and alder.

When heated, softwood lumber begins to release resinous substances. Touching hot resin may cause burns. Sticky stains on the walls cause a feeling of discomfort.

Processing of wooden walls

An aggressive environment is a destructive factor for wooden cladding in a steam room. You can come across the opinion of “experts” that the wooden surface in a bathhouse does not require treatment. The wood should only be sanded. To prevent fungus from developing and the humid environment to not stagnate, you need to periodically ventilate the room and this is enough.

As for the professionals, they categorically insist on the need to process the wood. Wood impregnation creates a dirt-repellent and water-resistant coating that eliminates the occurrence of wood deformation due to temperature changes.

Pre-treatment of wood

Before treating the lining in the steam room, the wooden sheathing of the walls is impregnated with an antiseptic. It is necessary to use antiseptic agents intended for baths.

Installation of timber sheathing under the lining

Prepare boards for impregnation as follows:

  1. The panels are cleaned of various contaminants with a grinding machine or sandpaper.
  2. The wood is washed with a weak soda solution.
  3. Next, you need to cover the boards in 2 layers of antiseptic.

Temperature conditions and humidity levels in the waiting room, washing room and steam room are very different. Despite this, experts recommend preparing the cladding according to one scheme. It is best to treat the wood before installation. After fixing the lining, all that remains is to restore the damaged processing surface.

Wall protection in the steam room

After antiseptic treatment, the final coating of the lining is made. We need to resolve the issue of how to cover the lining in the steam room. Experts advise using several types of materials to protect lumber:

  • oil;
  • dye;


Linseed oils and drying oil are used as processing. Such impregnation is acceptable in the washing room and dressing room. Oil coating does not withstand heat and high humidity. This affects the durability of wood cladding.


After treatment with drying oil, the lining is often painted. The paint is oil based. Synthetic dyes are not used in sauna conditions because of their ability to emit toxic fumes, which is dangerous in a small confined space.


Of all materials, furniture varnish is considered the ideal coating for wooden walls. However, this type of lining processing must be treated with caution. The fact is that the product mixed with a solvent in the steam room of the bath will fill the air with harmful fumes for a long time. Without adequate ventilation, the room will remain unsafe for the people in it.

Protective acrylic varnish does not cause such negative phenomena. Products of this type are most suitable for covering walls in a steam room. The treated surface can withstand heated air up to 120 o. The retail chain offers a wide selection of acrylic coatings designed for hot rooms with high humidity levels.

Technology of applying a protective layer

Before starting work, prepare the following tools and materials:

  • acrylic varnish;
  • solvent;
  • brush;
  • tray;
  • rags and sponge;
  • personal protective equipment (respirator, gloves, goggles, work clothes).

Process the lining before installation. This is done this way:

  1. The lumber is laid out in one row on a pallet.
  2. The surface of the cladding is polished.
  3. An antiseptic is applied to the tree.
  4. After drying, the wood is coated with acrylic varnish in 2 layers.
  5. A day later, the boards are fixed to the sheathing of the walls.
  6. Coating imperfections are filled with varnish.
  7. The bathhouse doors are kept open until the wall cladding is completely dry.

Caring for lining coating

During the operation of the bath, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the walls in the steam room. You need to follow a few simple rules:

  • after each visit, the bathhouse is thoroughly ventilated;
  • wash the walls with a cloth without using chemical detergents;
  • darkening wood is treated with bleach.
  • Contaminants are cleaned off with sandpaper and the varnish coating is restored.

Restoration of protective coating

To extend the service life of the lining, it must be re-treated every two years.

Regularly exposed to extremely high temperatures and high humidity. In such conditions, the lining deteriorates, the wood may darken, stains may appear on it, it may warp, rot, and fungi, mold and other microorganisms may develop in it. You can avoid changes in the appearance and destruction of the wood structure if you treat it with a special protective compound.

The lining should be treated with special impregnations for baths and saunas. Treating the lining with furniture varnish is not recommended, because... At high temperatures, varnishes emit harmful substances, and the varnished surface chips during use.
Modern protective products extend the life of the cladding, preserve the natural structure and appearance of the wood, prevent the development of microorganisms, are made from natural materials, do not emit harmful substances or odors during evaporation, and are safe for use even when exposed to high temperatures.

The domestic market offers a variety of impregnations for protecting baths and saunas, which can be divided into 2 groups: for treating walls and ceilings and for treating elements in contact with the skin, i.e. benches, shelves, shelves.

Treatment of bathhouse ceilings and walls.

A large group of impregnations for the protection of ceilings, walls, partitions, doors in steam rooms, sinks and other interior spaces of baths and saunas. Among the most common means are the following:

- “Supi Saunasuoja” (SUPI SAUNASUOJA) from the company TIKKURILA - water-borne protective impregnation, prevents the formation of mold and blue stains on wood, forms a transparent protective film against dirt and water.
- Belinka Interier Sauna – colorless glaze based on acrylic resins and water. Provides protection for wood in damp areas.
- “KRASULA” protective composition for baths and saunas” - prevents darkening of wood, protects against microorganisms, dirt and water. Contains natural wax, due to which it repels water, but allows steam and air to pass through.
- “Eurotex Sauna” produced by “NPP Rogneda” - aqualac with wax and antiseptic, protects surfaces from fungi and mold, creates a transparent waterproof film.

Processing benches and shelves.

Benches should be treated with special compounds, because... products for treating benches should be well absorbed into the wood and should not create a film on the surface to avoid skin burns. The following impregnations are popular:
- SUPI LAUDESUOJA from TIKKURILA - oil for shelves and benches, protects against moisture and dirt, has an antiseptic effect, makes the natural color of wood deeper and more saturated.
- SAUNA-NATURA by TEKNOS – colorless shelf protection oil.
- “Eurotex Sauna Oil for shelf protection” produced by “NPP Rogneda” - based on natural oils, protects against dirt and water.

Every finishing master will say that it is ideal for lining a bathhouse. This is a natural and environmentally friendly material that can easily withstand high humidity inside the shower and high temperatures in the steam room.

Due to the low density of wood, the lining does not overheat and does not burn the skin even at a temperature of 80-100 degrees. Therefore, it is safe and comfortable to use. And when heated, linden releases a pleasant sweetish aroma, which has healing and relaxing properties. It has a positive effect on a person’s well-being and clears the airways.

Narrow and thin slats are easy to install. If necessary, they will level the walls and ceilings, cover wires and other communications. The lining will create good heat and vapor insulation. To prevent moisture from accumulating between the boards, it is recommended to lay the lining vertically in the bathhouse. And the ceiling can be mounted using the diagonal method. It looks beautiful and original. Read more about how to properly line a bathhouse with clapboard.

However, wooden materials have one disadvantage. Wood is negatively affected by external factors, including exposure to moisture and insects. This shortens the life of the materials. To preserve the original properties and color of the lining, the surface must be treated with special protective agents. Let's find out how to cover the lining in a bathhouse.

Which product to choose

  • Many people believe that the lining in the steam room does not need to be covered with anything. But that's not true. Without treatment, the lining will have to be changed every 4-5 years, and with intensive use of the bath, the service life of the products will be reduced to 2-3 years;
  • Previously, the lining inside the bathhouse was treated using natural materials, including wax, linseed and hemp oil. Today, manufacturers offer a lot of modern products that protect wood from moisture and dirt, rot and fungus, and insect damage. Experts recommend taking materials from Russian and Finnish brands;
  • You cannot use standard wood varnish or paint in the steam room, as they cannot withstand high temperatures. When heated, the products emit an unpleasant odor and toxic substances that are dangerous to humans! In addition, with such treatment, wood will not be able to “breathe”, will absorb moisture and deteriorate;
  • To treat the walls inside the steam room, foreign manufacturers suggest using acrylic varnish. They create a water-repellent surface that does not rot or change over time. Acrylic varnish easily withstands temperatures of 100-120 degrees, effectively resists the appearance of fungus and mold;
  • Russian manufacturers offer to treat the surface inside the steam room with a colorless varnish based on water and wax. This varnish preserves the natural color of the wood. After treatment, the lining does not absorb, but repels moisture, which extends the service life of the products. Antiseptics in the protective varnish prevent fungus and mold. In addition, this varnish is environmentally friendly and does not emit toxic fumes when heated;
  • Experts recommend painting the shower or washing room, the rest room inside the bathhouse with a semi-matte or matte water-based varnish. It effectively protects wood from moisture, does not emit odor and does not fade over time. For a steam room in a sauna, take specialized odorless impregnations with a composition that is resistant to particularly high temperatures.

Acrylic processing

Acrylic varnish is suitable for processing lining in a steam room. It does not emit an unpleasant odor, effectively protects wood from the negative effects of the environment and is safe for humans. Acrylic can be colorless or tinted. You can choose the color and shade you like or keep the natural color of the wood.

Advantages of acrylic varnish:

  • It is characterized by increased stability and low specific gravity;
  • Has a dirt- and water-repellent effect;
  • Prevents the occurrence of mold and mildew;
  • Not afraid of high temperatures;
  • Resistant to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Dries quickly and does not crack;
  • Creates an even, elastic and high-strength film on the surface of wood;
  • You can choose any color of varnish to give the desired shade to the wood. Lovers of natural wood can take a clear varnish that will preserve the natural color and enhance the layered grain of the wood.
  • Both wood and concrete structures can be treated.

Acrylic varnish is applied at temperatures above five degrees above zero. Before painting, clean the lining from dirt and dust and sand the surface. Apply varnish to dry wood in two layers. Colored varnish is diluted with water up to 20%, transparent varnish is not diluted. To paint the lining in a bath without bumps and overlaps, let the layer dry before applying the next one.

Oil treatment

Among the variety of oils and impregnations, experts highlight linseed oil. It impregnates the wood and makes the products resistant to external factors. Flax-based oil is especially suitable for porous wood. The oil forms a film that protects the wood from dirt and water.

Benefits of flaxseed oil:

  • Environmental friendliness and safety. Even wooden utensils are treated with linseed oil!;
  • The universal product is suitable not only for treating walls, floors and ceilings inside the bathhouse. The oil is used for painting and protecting shelves and shelving, bath furniture and cooperage;
  • Penetrates deeply into the wood structure;
  • Repels dirt and moisture;
  • Preserves the color of wood and adds shine to the surface;
  • Protects wood from rotting and darkening, mold and mildew.

Before processing, the surface is also cleaned of dust and sanded. The oil is heated to 50-60 degrees and applied in 5-6 thin layers with variable sanding, with each new layer done after the previous one has dried. Flaxseed oil is used in its pure form or with wax or tar to improve its performance properties.

Both linseed oil and acrylic varnish are easy to apply. Even a non-professional can paint the lining inside the bathhouse! After painting, ventilate and dry the room. It is recommended to do impregnation once every 3-4 years. Note that acrylic is more expensive, but it also dries much faster than oil. As a rule, it takes two weeks for the oil to dry completely.

If you don’t know what product to choose for processing the lining inside the bathhouse, the specialists of the Drev-Market company will help you choose the right varnish, oil or paint and tell you how to process the lining. Ask a question online or call a company consultant! In addition, in the company’s online store you will find high-quality and inexpensive lining from the manufacturer! You will find contacts for “Drev-Market”.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):