Almost all city dwellers value going out into nature, but fighting mosquitoes in the country with annoying bites can ruin any vacation. In such situations, the question of how to get rid of mosquitoes on the site is especially relevant, especially considering their numbers.

Protecting your cottage from mosquitoes: the simplicity and complexity of solving the issue

The fight against mosquitoes at the dacha in the city of Moscow and in the region is most in demand in summer period. Mosquito protection on outdoors when they successfully hide in thickets of bushes and grass, in a nearby grove, even in a neatly trimmed lawn, it seems unrealistic.

Fighting mosquitoes outdoors takes a lot of effort and time. Many summer residents try to poison mosquitoes on their property with various pesticides or repel them using fumigation, but such methods only allow them to get rid of insects temporarily. Many people come to the conclusion that treating their summer cottage for mosquitoes is a wasted effort and give up.
However, such an opinion is extremely erroneous and effective fight against mosquitoes on your site in the city of Moscow can be very successful and you can get rid of such an undesirable neighborhood by long period time.

Effective mosquito repellent measures

Many residents of the metropolis began to understand that the fight against mosquitoes summer cottage in Moscow on our own, the process is ineffective, so they began to attract specialists from the city sanitary and epidemiological service to help. By calling experienced specialists, you can be sure that treating the area against mosquitoes will be effective and reviews of the service’s work are always positive. The destruction of mosquitoes in a summer cottage by SES professionals provides relief from these bloodsuckers for a long period and allows you to relax comfortably without intrusive hordes of midges. Disinfection of mosquitoes on site, carried out by specialists, in accordance with modern technologies, gives a stable and reliable result.

The destruction of mosquitoes on the site worries many summer residents, since these insects are carriers of various diseases, and bite marks and itchy skin cause concern. Timely protection against mosquitoes at the dacha will allow you not to spend most of your time constantly fighting them, but to fully enjoy your vacation. The destruction of mosquitoes in country houses is extremely important, because when viruses enter the blood or lymph, they spread throughout the body, causing the occurrence of various diseases.

Safety and reliability from professionals

The destruction of mosquitoes in the countryside, carried out by surface irrigation with highly effective substances of a certain concentration, will allow you to achieve a sustainable result.

Many people are interested in treating their area for mosquitoes, but are concerned about the price that will have to be paid for this service. It is generally accepted that you can kill mosquitoes in your dacha yourself. However, if you are planning to kill mosquitoes on your property yourself, it may be a good idea to call the city SES first and find out in more detail about the cost of preventive work, the methods for carrying it out and the means used. It is quite possible that exterminating mosquitoes in your summer cottage will not be so expensive compared to the sustainable effect of protection.

Therefore, when deciding how to get rid of mosquitoes in a summer cottage effectively and for a long time, the answer is clear: you should contact the city sanitary and epidemiological service.

With the onset of spring, work begins on personal plot or garden. Land owners are engaged in landscaping, planting vegetables, flower crops or just spend time on fresh air. But rest and work can be overshadowed by annoying insects, such as. To get rid of midges, you need to use mosquito repellent in your dacha around the perimeter of the entire area.


Local application of creams can only drive away insects temporarily. They have short term actions, and they do not destroy - main reason presence of midges on the site. There are more effective ways to combat mosquitoes in the country. Their use is safe for humans and environment, but is destructive for annoying insects.

Killing mosquitoes over a large area is a process that requires certain costs. To achieve results, you need to carefully treat the entire area, paying attention special attention damp places where insect larvae are usually concentrated. The most effective ways to get rid of bloodsuckers are:

  • spraying plants with insecticidal solutions;
  • treatment of reservoirs and drainage ditches with special means;
  • use of spirals;
  • landing;
  • lighting a fire;
  • processing with a hot or cold fog generator;
  • folk remedies (repelling mosquitoes with strong odors);
  • ultrasonic repellers;
  • mosquito traps.

Insecticidal concentrated liquids

Today, the most popular means for treating areas against mosquitoes are liquids that contain the strong insecticides cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos. Using solutions obtained from them, you can spray bushes, trees, treat surfaces, interior space buildings Many of the products are suitable for treating ponds and wet areas.

Insecticidal preparations are toxic and can cause harm to humans if the instructions for their use and precautions are not followed.

Before starting work on the garden concentrated means against mosquitoes, you need to carefully read the instructions and dilute the drug correctly. You need to treat the yard or garden with the solution in the next few hours. To achieve a high result, spraying should be carried out in dry, windless weather. To prevent the toxic drug from getting into respiratory tract and on the mucous membrane, the person must be protected with special glasses, a respirator and thick clothing.

Medilis Cyper

Domestic professional product designed to protect against mosquitoes open area, various rooms, tent camps. It contains the active ingredient cypermethrin 25%. The concentrate has a yellowish tint. When diluted, it takes on a milky color.

Method for preparing the solution:

  • dilute 2-5 ml of insecticidal liquid in 1 liter of water (the concentration depends on the density of plantings in the country - the thicker, the higher the concentration);
  • Spray the resulting solution onto plants, room walls, and tent fabric;
  • spend 1 liter of the finished product per one hundred square meters of cultivated area;
  • use the solution 8 hours after its preparation;
  • The duration of the protective effect against insects is up to two weeks.


Release form: bottles with a capacity of 100, 500 ml and canisters of 5 liters. Average price for products is 500, 1300 and 10 thousand rubles, respectively. Analogs – , .

Bioneutral I50

This drug contains the active component cypermethrin. A powerful insecticide allows you to cope with garden plot with mosquitoes, ticks, midges and other insects. Its concentrated release form ensures economical consumption.

Dilution method: 4 ml of emulsion per 1 liter of water. The resulting solution should be sprayed in the garden within the next 8 hours, sprinkled country houses, verandas. carry out in evening time when pollinating insects stop flying. The effect of the drug can last up to 4 weeks depending on weather conditions.


Using an insecticide at the same time as neighbors in the countryside will lead to effective disposal from midges for a longer time.

Bioneutral is available in containers of 1 and 10 liters. One liter of product is consumed when cultivating 20 acres of land. Price liter bottle about 2 thousand rubles. A 10-liter canister will cost 15 thousand.


An effective mosquito repellent designed to treat damp areas where insect larvae predominate. It consists of chemicals cypermethrin 5% and chlorpyrphos 50%. With help, you can secure summer cottages located close to bodies of water, in lowlands, with drainage ditches and drainage pits. These are the places that are favorable for the breeding of midges.

To prepare the working solution, you must adhere to the ratio: 3 ml of concentrate per 1 liter of water. The resulting product is consumed 50 ml per 1 square meter country plot, and 100 ml per 1 sq. m of reservoir or drainage ditch.

Agran is available in 100 ml and liter containers. Their average cost is 350 and 1600 rubles, respectively. One small bottle can be used to spray an area or room of up to 50 m2.


The biggest problem at the dacha was mosquitoes. My site is located in a lowland next to a small pond. And all the vile things flew to my garden. in the form of ointments and aerosols they only helped for a couple of hours. I read a lot of articles about how to get rid of mosquitoes in a summer cottage. Agran helped me exterminate all the bloodsuckers. I bought it in Moscow in a store household chemicals. I use this product once a month. This insecticide has become a real salvation for my dacha.

Egor, Reutov

Every summer I go on vacation with my children to country house. Children spend all day outside and are often exposed to insect attacks. I’m tired of using creams every day, and it’s not safe. I decided to treat the area myself with the insecticide Medilis. I did everything according to the instructions. Using this product I was able to save myself from mosquitoes for several weeks. I'm happy with the result.

Marina, Pskov

Calling special services

The problem of annoying insects in the country house or nearby country house familiar to everyone. But not every person is ready to constantly use anti-midges products, applying them to their skin or clothes. But treating an area against mosquitoes with your own hands is not always possible. For such cases, special insect extermination services are provided.

Experts go to the dacha and assess the situation. For the most effective impact Cold or hot fog generators are used for mosquitoes. These devices spray microscopic particles of insecticide, which penetrates everywhere and has a detrimental effect on bloodsuckers. One procedure is enough to get rid of all types of midges in your yard or country house for several weeks.

Cost of calling employees sanitary service starts from 600 rubles for cultivating one hundred square meters of land. Such companies often provide a guarantee for their work and certain discounts for repeated use of them.

Hello! I live with my wife in the country all the time summer season, and our grandchildren come to visit us on vacation. Every evening we had to escape mosquitoes in a small house. Last summer, we spent a long time choosing how to treat the area against mosquitoes, and decided to call professionals to exterminate midges. The guys arrived late in the evening, walked around the site with their steam generators for a couple of hours and that was it. More than a month We didn’t have any bloodsuckers at our dacha. The grandchildren were happy that they could play outdoors until late in the evening.

Victor, Leningrad region

Exposure to smoke

Since childhood, everyone knows that there are no annoying midges near the fire. This old-fashioned way is still relevant as a mosquito repellent in the country. For thicker smoke, you can throw weed leaves, spruce or pine cones, and branches into the fire.


It is recommended to build gazebos or organize a relaxation area at the dacha near the barbecue area. The smoke from the fire will drive away flying midges from the company of people.

Having a fire every evening at the dacha is not the best convenient way getting rid of bloodsuckers. Neighbors may complain about the unpleasant smell of smoke. Among modern means against mosquitoes has become very popular. It is made of wood chips impregnated with insecticide. During smoldering, smoke is released, which can poison all flying bloodsuckers within a radius of several meters.

This tool has its advantages:

  • smoke from coils of some companies has no odor;
  • one product smolders for up to 4-5 hours;
  • no open fire;
  • can be used indoors;
  • affordable price.

The most popular brands producing spirals include:, Goodnight,. The average price of one package of 10 or 15 pieces is 100-150 rubles.

Our family really loves outdoor recreation. We recently purchased a dacha outside the city, but have not yet had time to build our own house. But that doesn't stop us from spending the whole weekend there. We pitch tents and spend the whole day active. Mosquitoes on the site do not bother us because we light Raptor coils every day. One piece is enough for the whole evening. Very convenient and profitable. It's better than spraying all sorts of aerosols on yourself. tea tree, lavender works as a mosquito repellent if you drop the oil on a cotton swab or piece of cloth and spread it in a gazebo, in a clothing pocket, among the beds.

Ultrasonic devices and traps

Ultrasound has become popular in the fight against many pests in the country. It is convenient to use as a tool for a plot or vegetable garden. It emits waves at a certain frequency, scaring away midges within a radius of several meters.

The device itself is small in size and can operate independently from batteries. The average price for such a device is 700-1200 rubles. The most famous brands are: Ecosniper, Weitech, Typhoon, Tornado.


A very effective and expensive way to kill mosquitoes in the countryside is ultraviolet. They attract insects with light, heat or carbon dioxide, imitating human or animal breathing.

The device body is made of durable materials, which allows them to be used for many years. Powered by mains power. The price for such a reusable device is 3-4 thousand rubles. The most popular brands of devices:

  • SITITEK Angara-3 - has a conductive surface, touching which mosquitoes immediately die from electric shock;
  • SITITEK 028AF – a trap that sucks up insects that fly close using powerful fan inside the body;
  • Weitech – destroys attracted insects with a discharge of current.

Since mosquitoes can appear on your site already in mid-spring, when the cold has subsided, they can cause a lot of trouble to a person both during rest and sleep. In this regard, the owners are trying to find suitable way to get rid of insects or at least reduce their population near your home. In this article we will tell our readers how to treat an area against mosquitoes using a variety of means and technologies.

Treating a property for mosquitoes is a difficult task. Conducting an active struggle always leads to a certain result, but in addition to this approach, one should not forget about passive ways protection from bloodsuckers.

Typically, the largest concentration of mosquitoes is observed near bodies of water - a pond, river or lake. If land plot and the house are located next to them, then you will need to use all available opportunities to repel insects.

Tomatoes and mint (pepper and lemon) can be planted in the treated area. Also suitable are tansy, catnip, basil, lavender, marigold, lemon balm or wormwood, which can repel not only mosquitoes, but also many other insects.

Of course, some plants (like tomatoes) will need to be looked after, but if you have a vegetable garden, then why not grow a crop of these vegetables. Moreover, this great way to repel insects. Tomato bushes have a specific smell that is not pleasant for bloodsuckers, so there will be significantly fewer mosquitoes in the dacha.

To prevent mosquitoes on the site, you will need to plant tansy, mint or wormwood around the perimeter.

However, you should not expect very serious results from folk remedies, since they can have a temporary effect. Of course, such methods will not be able to destroy mosquitoes, only to reduce their activity in a given area. Folk remedies can be used as an auxiliary method of insect control, but not the main one.

Video “DIY trap”

From the video you will learn how to make effective trap with your own hands.

Modern technologies

Such means include ultrasonic devices, special gas and electric traps, as well as insecticidal lamps.

Ultrasonic repellers have long proven themselves as effective remedy from mosquitoes. If you want to get rid of insects in a certain area, it will need to be connected to electrical network(unless it runs on batteries). This device will produce a low frequency sound, to which most species of insects, as well as rodents, moles, and other small mammals, are very sensitive. The main thing is to choose the correct range of action of the device so that it affects insects specifically. If you install it near a person, it will be difficult for bloodsuckers to get closer. You should also take into account the range of the device, for which its power is responsible.

Gas traps are another special mosquito repellent. The principle of operation is based on attracting insects. They do this using carbon dioxide. When bloodsuckers fly up to the device, they begin to be drawn into the trap with the help of a powerful fan, which creates draft. This trap is perfect for installation in a country house or near a private house, as it is absolutely harmless to both humans and the environment.

All these means are safe and quite effective, but they are not suitable for the complete destruction of unwanted living creatures. Some mosquitoes will still remain and will annoy you with their annoying presence.

Treatment with chemicals

Treatment of your property against mosquitoes can be done using chemicals. This method of fighting insects is one of the most effective. Chemicals can destroy not only adult mosquitoes, but also mosquito larvae. It is advisable to treat not the entire area, but along the perimeter, as well as places where dense shrubs are planted. It is not advisable to apply chemicals to trees and flowers, as the treated buds, seeds and fruits may die.

Treatment of a summer cottage against mosquitoes can begin with the buildings that are located on the territory: garages, fences, drains and drainage systems, plinths, thresholds, sheds and other objects, since there can be a large number of them on the farm.

For mosquitoes on the site you will need special kind chemicals that will not harm vegetation. They need to treat the trees.

Since cottages are often located near bodies of water, where mosquito activity reaches its peak, special fills can be used. They pour into a lake or pond and destroy all the larvae that were deposited by insects. Also given chemical drug able to prevent the appearance of new clutches.

Of course, if the dacha is located near a river, this method of struggle will not work. Since the concentration of the substance will be insignificant.

For self-processing mosquito control area, you must have certain skills, as well as have special equipment and tools personal protection, which not everyone can afford. Therefore, many resort to the services of sanitary companies to kill mosquitoes. There are such organizations in almost every medium-sized city, so you can call specialists to your dacha without any problems. The cost of services of sanitary companies ranges from 2 thousand rubles per site. The price depends on the location of the site, its area, the presence of reservoirs, etc.

Pest control products

To treat the area, summer residents and gardeners can use targeted preparations or special products that you can prepare yourself.

If you choose a product for spraying, then before using it you should carefully study the instructions to make sure everything is done correctly and mix the solution in the correct proportions. Quality products must have a certificate confirming compliance with production and sanitary standards.

When choosing special preparations, owners should treat areas in thick clothing. It is also necessary to use protective gloves and glasses to prevent chemicals from damaging the skin or mucous membranes.

It is advisable not to spray the area if precipitation is expected in the near future.

Before processing the summer cottage, it will be necessary to remove all people and pets. After spraying is completed, it is recommended to leave the area for 1-2 days, or go outside less. Remember that during spraying, the wind can carry chemicals over a long distance, so be sure to close all the vents and windows in the house. After the procedure, you will need to change the water in all containers on the site, as chemicals will remain there. Otherwise, animals risk poisoning by drinking water from that place. Large vessels must be sealed tightly.

Long gone are the days when the only mosquito repellents on the property were mosquito net and a mosquito net. Moreover, summer residents constantly burned fires from rotten leaves, suffocating in clouds of acrid smoke.

Of course, you can lubricate your skin with some insecticidal lotion or cream the old fashioned way. But these drugs, for the most part, have a very short-lived effect and quickly evaporate. The same substances that are truly effective tend to be quite toxic to both humans and pets. And using them on children is generally dangerous. In addition, enzymes and other components that repel insects have a strong, unpleasant odor and can cause allergies. And such “cosmetics” are far from beneficial for the skin.

Now you can get rid of the bites and annoying squeaks of these blood-sucking insects relatively easily and simply. Large selection various repellers, traps and other insecticidal agents available not only to professionals, but also ordinary summer residents, makes treating mosquitoes a routine task.

Mosquito treatment for garden plots

And yet best protection from mosquitoes on the site - this is a prevention of their appearance. And to do this, the territory itself and the buildings located on it must be processed.

The drugs that work most effectively in this direction are:

  • — Medilis Cyper;
  • — Biolavricide;
  • — Doctors Klaus

Medilis Cyper

The domestic insecticide Medilis Cyper will quickly destroy mosquitoes not only on the site. It can also be used inside residential premises - apartments, country house, tourist tent.

The transparent yellowish liquid is supplied in containers of 500 and 50 ml. If necessary, you can purchase the drug in five-liter canisters. Before use, it is diluted with water to obtain a milky suspension.

Order now - from 650 rub.

But we must keep in mind that the active ingredient of Medilis Cyper - 25% cypermethrin - is quite toxic. Therefore, the dosage recommended in the instructions must be strictly observed.

  • Typically this is a solution containing 0.05% of the drug, or, in case of heavy mosquito infestation, 0.1%
  • In some cases, the concentration can even be reduced, bringing it to only 0.03%.
  • Instructions for using the drug Medili Cyper against mosquitoes for the area -

Doctor Klaus

The insecticidal drug Dr. Klaus Insect Super is designed to combat mosquitoes, ticks, wasps and flies. Active ingredient– alphacypermethrin at a concentration of 0.12%. In addition, it contains auxiliary components - stabilizers, emulsifiers and water.

Dr. Klaus is a ready-made preparation for treating a summer cottage, the area around a cottage or a country house. This is not a concentrate, but a working solution, enclosed in a plastic bottle with a sprayer. The ejector spray can be used many times by connecting to a spare bottle.

Order now - from RUB 532/bottle

In addition to mosquitoes, when treating lawns, this product also helps get rid of a number of pests:

  • chafer;
  • - wasps and flies;
  • - mining insects, etc.

Using Doctor Klaus allows you to quickly poison mosquitoes on the site, without preparing mixtures and carrying heavy sprayers.

Destroyer of mosquito larvae “Biolarvicid-100″

Before mosquitoes appear on a site, they must settle there and find a favorable environment for the development of their larvae. By destroying the larvae, we will prevent the appearance of adult insects. This is exactly what it does biological drug Biolavricide 100.

With Biolavricide, treating a summer cottage against mosquitoes becomes easy and affordable even for pensioners. To destroy the larvae, just dilute it plain water and spray all reservoirs, containers under drains, cellars and other damp places where larvae can live.

Order now - from RUB 1,013

  • The bacterial spores contained in the preparation are completely safe for plants and animals on the site. But mosquito larvae die without exception.
  • There is no addiction.
  • Therefore, treatments can be repeated many times – as many times as necessary.

The drug for killing mosquito larvae Biolavritsid-100 is the development of leading scientists in our country. It is produced on special equipment with a five-stage control system. It looks like a powder, packaged in a 100-gram bottle with a screw cap. But even with open lid bacteria that are in an inactive state can be stored without losing their properties for two years.

As soon as they enter a humid environment, activation will occur. Bacteria will begin to rapidly multiply in the area where mosquito larvae develop, becoming the main food for the latter. Infected larvae will suffer severe disturbances in digestion and other vital processes. The result will be that new mosquitoes simply will not be born.

  • Biolavricide is capable of killing more than 80 species of mosquito larvae, including rice mosquitoes, bell mosquitoes and.
  • does not cause any harm to the environment.
  • economical - 1 gram is enough to process 10 sq.m. territories.
  • The larvae begin to die within 4 hours. And after a day there are no more than 1% of them left.

The bacteria that have entered the water continue to be active for almost a whole month, preventing new larvae emerging from the eggs from growing. At the same time, water containing biolavricide does not become toxic. It can be safely used for washing, watering the garden and other household needs.

Feedback on the use of the drug

“I decided to try Biolavricide on the advice of a friend, because I didn’t want to poison my area with chemicals. Since then I have only used this. None unpleasant odors, sounds and other phenomena that spoil the rest. And we haven’t even heard a mosquito squeak for a long time.”

Marina, Perm

Biolavricide can be considered an ideal remedy for those whose site is located next to a natural body of water, swamp or pond. But when purchasing this drug, one should not forget that it, like other similar drugs, kills only larvae. Adults continue to fly freely around the site. Therefore, the greatest effect in the fight against mosquitoes can be achieved by using it together with flying insect killers.

Professional approach

Today's most in an efficient way mosquito control open areas are special insect killers for carbon dioxide. Below are the market leaders who have earned the maximum number of positive reviews.

SkeeterVac SV-3501 “Full Set”

The tangible effect is noticeable after only 7 days of trap operation. And after about twenty days, there are almost no mosquitoes left on the site, especially if the device is used together with substances that kill the larvae.

The SkeeterVac SV-3501 Complete Set includes:

  • — a mobile stand designed to kill mosquitoes;
  • — Octenol is a branded bait with a validity period of 45 days;
  • — a case for storing a gas cylinder.

How the device works

Mosquito Magnet

Mosquito Magnet is the most popular trap today, designed to kill mosquitoes, flies, midges and sand flies.

  • The main active ingredient is Permethrin, at a concentration of 10%
  • Effective area affected by insects is 300-400 m2 (1000 m3 for indoor spaces)
  • Cost - from 500 rubles

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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