If there are moths in the apartment, how to get them out becomes topical issue for housewives. You can choose various store-bought and folk remedies that will save you from this scourge, but it is best to take those that have maximum effect and fast action.

A moth is an insect that can damage food, various materials, clothing, wool and fur products, furniture, etc.

Many people do not understand why moths have appeared in the house. Everything is very simple. She can fly through the window, get in with clothes, household items, food products. A person can also carry them on his clothes in folds and pockets.

Folk remedies

Lavender and mothballs have been known as a remedy for unwanted insects since ancient times.

“Granny’s” methods do not destroy the pest, but they will repel it. Their advantage is that all components are available and inexpensive. So anyone can buy them.

When the question arises about how, fumigators will help. They are used less frequently than sprays, but they have a clear advantage: their action is prolonged, due to which all adults and larvae will be destroyed within a few days. Usually a few days to a couple of weeks are enough.

Fumigators have the advantage of being prolonged

The operating principle is very simple. A special plate containing an aromatic substance and an insecticide is inserted into the device. Then the device is plugged in and the plate begins to heat up. All compounds evaporate from its surface.

The concentration of the insecticide is low, so it will not harm humans, which cannot be said about butterflies.

Instead of plates, containers with liquid can be used. Such a fight against winged pests in an apartment also has disadvantages. For example, you will have to keep the device constantly plugged into the outlet. But overall this option is very effective. The most popular devices:

  1. DiK-3. It is filled with plates or liquid solution. It operates from standard parameters network and consumes no more than 5 W. This device was originally developed against mosquitoes, but has also shown its effectiveness against other insects in the house, including moths. Despite the fact that such a fumigator can be used if there is a food pest, it is still better not to install such a device in the kitchen, since vapors of insecticidal substances will accumulate in the room.
  2. Mosquitall. This device is almost a complete analogue of the previous version. The device operates on an area of ​​up to 30 m².
  3. Raid. Outwardly it resembles DiK-3. It functions according to the same scheme, but its cost is higher. A set of a fumigator and 10 plates for it costs from 120 rubles.


Sections occupy a separate place. Their advantage is that they only contain essential oils, that is, they work on natural ingredients that are completely harmless to humans.

Sprays will help you reach hard-to-reach places

The most popular sections:

  1. Raptor. Such a device can be purchased at any hardware store. Has various scents. For every 0.5 m² it is necessary to hang a couple of sections. Install directly in the cabinet. Will be valid for approximately 4 months.
  2. Mosquitall. Such sections are produced in several forms. For example, they can be fixed in blocks directly on the wall, hung in the form of bags containing dry perfume, or purchased in the form of plates that are placed between hangers with things. The cost varies from 60 to 150 rubles.


To get rid of the winged pest that spoils food, things and furniture in the house, you can use aerosols.

Sprays contain a concentrated solution of insecticides. They come out of the cylinder under high pressure. When a person sprays an aerosol, it enters Airways individuals, which provokes poisoning. Moreover, this applies to both adult flying butterflies and caterpillars.

Sprays also work on moth larvae

Aerosols have a contact effect, so that they penetrate even under the chitinous layers of insects. But for humans, sprays are considered almost completely harmless. But you need to make sure that a large number of the substances did not enter the respiratory organs, as this could provoke various side effects, including an acute form of an allergic reaction.

In this case, the person will experience dizziness, headaches, vomiting, and nausea. But if you follow all safety rules, this will not happen.

In general, using aerosols is very simple, but there is a disadvantage. Not all sprays will last long.

It will take time to process all surfaces.

Compared to other means, aerosols are considered the most convenient and effective.

Have you once again opened your winter clothes before the start of the season and discovered several holes in your favorite sweater? This means that in this unpleasant incident The moth is to blame, or rather, its larvae. After all, an adult does not eat organic products. But she can lay larvae in huge quantities. They eat everything around. Don't think that moths are only bad for your wardrobe. This nasty insect can take up residence in the kitchen and pantry, slowly but surely devouring your food supplies. Today we’ll talk about moths in an apartment - how and why they appear, what they are like, how to fight them using professional and home methods, and also learn about ways to protect your home from this insect.

Types of moths

There are several groups of moths, which differ depending on their taste preferences. The largest group is the kitchen moth, which can often be found in food supplies. The fruit type prefers dried fruits and tea, the flour type loves flour and can penetrate even closed containers. The potato moth settles directly in the potato tuber and feeds on its pulp. Grain infects cereals partially or completely. If you open a container with cereal, the remains of the moth’s vital activity will be immediately visible - holes in the grains, fine dust, insect excrement, discarded skins. There is also a granary moth that loves to eat various nuts. These are the main groups of insects that feed on food.

Except different types kitchen moth There are also clothes moths that feed natural wool. This could be sweaters, outerwear lining, upholstery, curtains, carpets. Moths can also eat pet fur. In some cases, moths also spoil simple textiles if they are soaked in urine, sweat, or other organic secretions. Most often, moths lay larvae in the folds of clothing, in the gaps of carpets under the sofa, that is, in secluded places. As noted, the female can lay larvae, which need wool nutrition. The offspring of one individual can eat up to 10 kilograms of wool.

Another moth is the fur moth. The damage from her actions is especially sensitive because natural fur and products made from it cost a lot. Except fur this insect feeds on felt, felt, natural feathers, down, etc. Fur moths can even eat the end of your pet's tail. Moths can also be furniture moths - their preferences are very strange. This moth eats upholstery, both natural and synthetic. Such moths settle in secluded places, gaps in wood, behind the upholstery lining. In some cases, furniture moths even attack the wood itself, creating hollow passages in it. But the carpet moth is considered the most difficult and resistant to remove - it is not sensitive to mothballs, lays eggs deep inside the fibers, and it is almost impossible to find them.

Knowing about the types of moths and their places of residence, it is possible to eliminate these insects more efficiently. What to do if a moth is found in the house?

What to do if moths appear in the apartment

To evict an unexpected guest and prevent his return visit, you need to act comprehensively.

  1. If you find some type of moth in your apartment, inspect other parts of the home. The fact is that moths rarely settle in a house alone. If insects appear in the kitchen, carefully inspect all food supplies, cabinets and textiles in the house.
  2. If a nest of moth larvae is discovered, it must be eliminated. To do this, vacuum the entire affected area, rinse it with a sponge and water. In addition to soap, you need to add a small amount to the water detergent with chlorine.
  3. If moths are found in the closet, carefully and painstakingly shake all clothes, even synthetic ones. After all, insects do not always lay their offspring in edible wool.
  4. Ideally, all clothes should be washed on a cycle with high temperature washing. Large wool sweaters can be cleaned of larvae in another way - just place the clothes in the freezer for a few hours - the larvae will not survive this. Large outerwear You need to clean it with a brush, especially folds, pockets, and hard-to-reach areas of the lining. Ideally, jackets, fur coats and coats can be treated with a steam generator; this will leave no chance for the larvae.
  5. Wash everything possible - curtains, carpets, drapes. If the item cannot be washed, it should be left under direct sun rays for several hours - the moth will not survive this.
  6. If moths have infested your kitchen, a thorough inspection is also needed here. Affected grains, dried fruits and nuts cannot be saved, and they cannot be eaten. Therefore, we send them to the trash bin without regret. All containers, cabinets and the most inaccessible places should be washed with chlorine or vinegar solution, allow the drawers to be sufficiently ventilated.

These simple measures will help you eliminate visible outbreaks and nests of moths. But often this is not enough and just one undetected larva can reproduce the population in large sizes. What to do in these cases?

Here we will talk about household chemical insecticides that are designed to kill flying insects.

  1. Aerosols. The largest group is presented in the form of sprays. They must be used strictly according to the instructions. As a rule, the poison is sprayed in closets and hard-to-reach areas of carpets, furniture, etc. After this, you need to close all the windows and doors in the house and leave the apartment for several hours. The treatment must be carried out wearing a respiratory mask. Next, everything is thoroughly washed and the clothes are washed. Aerosols will help get rid of not only adults, but also larvae. Here are some popular insecticides. Dichlorvos can only be sprayed on hard surfaces, for example, in a closet. Antimol is very effective against moths. Armol is suitable for textiles. Raptor gives excellent results - it affects respiratory system larvae and kills them. This tool safe for humans. Many aerosols cannot be used in the kitchen. Sprays such as Clean house, Morimol, Foxide, Maskitol, etc.
  2. Fumigator. A fumigator is a device that is plugged into an outlet. When heated, the plate or special insecticidal liquid evaporates and releases special components into the air that kill moths. For people, a fumigator is considered safer than an aerosol. Most manufacturers make insecticides in different formats - aerosols, traps, fumigators, you can use what is more convenient for you. The fumigator has small area lesions, but it is very convenient to use for disinfecting a cabinet if you place the device inside using an extension cord. This way you won't have to rewash all your clothes.
  3. Pheromone traps. This is one of the safest and effective ways clean your house from moths. The traps are a small piece of cardboard that emits the subtle scent of the female moth's pheramones. The male flies towards an attractive scent and sticks tightly to the cardboard. Life cycle stops, there is no one left to reproduce. But you need to know one rule - you cannot hang several traps in a room at once - excessive smell disorients males.
  4. Plates. These are small pieces of cardboard or organic material impregnated with special fragrances and insecticides. You just need to place the plates in the cabinet. This will get rid of existing moths and prevent them from reoccurring. The plates are one of the most durable means of protection against insects - the effect of the device lasts up to several months.

These are the most popular, effective and safe means destruction of moths and their larvae. But is it always worth resorting to chemical insecticides? You can try to get rid of moths using folk remedies, especially if there are old people, children or pregnant women at home.

Here are a few recipes that don't kill moths, but do a great job of repelling them.

  1. Herbs. Place aromatic herbs in your closet that will repel moths. Among them are wormwood, tansy, tobacco, geranium, mint, eucalyptus, cloves, and walnut leaves. To prevent the twigs from becoming moldy, they must first be dried and then placed in fabric bags so that they do not fall out or become littered.
  2. Toilet soap. Many cosmetic fragrances have a rather pungent odor, which also repels moths and other insects. Place strong-smelling soaps in your coat pockets and wrap them in woolen sweaters.
  3. Citrus zest. Previously in New Year there was a lot of tangerine peel left, but experienced housewives didn't throw it in the trash. Fragrant citrus peels can be placed not only in the wardrobe, but also on the kitchen shelves, unlike soap and herbs.
  4. Lavender. Lavender essential oil will not only get rid of moths, but will also give your clothes a pleasant floral aroma.
To protect your home from moths, you need to carefully follow all preventive measures. Do not buy food for future use - longer than 1-2 months. Regularly inspect the cabinets and do an audit, wipe the doors and shelves. Remove dried fruits long-term storage It’s better to put it in the refrigerator - moths definitely won’t appear there. When cleaning wardrobes and kitchen cabinets, use vinegar solutions. Store food supplies in sealed containers so that moths cannot get into them. Try to ventilate your closets with clothes and clean them more often. Before putting away clothes until the next season, they need to be washed, thoroughly air dried and packaged in a vacuum sealed bag. Carpets and cushioned furniture also need cleaning - vacuum them every week, and take them to the dry cleaner once a year. Pillows and mattresses should be ventilated and dried in the sun every few months. Expensive fur coats must be treated with insecticides before storage so that moths do not spoil a good thing.

The moth family includes more than two thousand species of this insect. The phrase "moth-eaten" implies a description of a very old, dilapidated and abandoned thing. Unfortunately, moths can even ruin new thing literally in a few days. Therefore, you should not treat it with disdain. Protect your closets, clothes and food, use only proven moth repellents!

Video: how to get rid of moths using folk remedies

From time to time even good housewives Moths may appear in the house. Since moths are an unwelcome guest, as they can spoil both clothing and food, it is necessary to get rid of them. But first, it’s worth determining what type of moth has settled in your home. Then the fight against it will be more effective. Our article will help you understand the types of moths and means of combating them.

The main thing in the article

Where do moths come from in your apartment and house?

One of the main reasons for the appearance of moths in an apartment and house is the availability of food for it:

  • You can bring clothes moths into your home when purchasing fur or woolen items. You will not be able to see the moth itself on them, since the larvae of this insect were brought into the room. Also, clothes moths, or rather its larvae, enter the premises with the purchase of furniture (especially used furniture). If you have pets in the house, they can also carry moth larvae on their fur. This method is rare, but it happens.
  • Food moths appear in homes with food. If the manufacturer did not pack cereals or flour hermetically, then a pest could get in there. Those who live in an apartment can receive moths as a gift from their neighbors. She calmly knows how to move through the ventilation system, so you shouldn’t be surprised if you saw a moth among your neighbors and then noticed it in your home.

Residents of high-rise buildings who have grocery store. After all, where cereals and flour are stored, moths multiply. Often moths fly in from landing into the apartment, so when entering home, quickly close the door.

Types of house moths

There are several types of moths:

How to get rid of moths in an apartment: safe and effective methods

Exist various methods small pest control:

  • Chemical insecticides– they are presented in the form of various fumigators, special sections and spray aerosols.
  • Plants– moths cannot stand the smell of special plants, so they are placed in places where the pest accumulates. Lavender and geranium are good at repelling moths.
  • Temperature– for moths, temperatures below -5 degrees are unbearable. During the cold season, ventilate the room more often.
  • Shaking things out- in this way you can get rid of larvae that have settled in clothes.
  • Revisiting cereals– all cereals containing larvae must be thrown away.

How to get rid of food moths?

It is difficult to remove food moths, but it is possible. To do this, you will have to do a thorough cleaning of the kitchen.

  1. Carefully sort through all the grains
    If you notice cereal with larvae, it must be thrown away. It is undesirable to eat such products, since they contain feces and moth decay products. A person can become intoxicated by tasting a contaminated product. If your hand does not rise to throw it away, then in this case you should thoroughly rinse the cereal, then dry it well in the oven at a temperature of more than 70°C.
  2. Clean kitchen cabinets well
    Kitchen cabinets should be washed with a vinegar solution, then rinsed again with water. Frequent ventilation of kitchen furniture is very desirable.
  3. Purchase special storage containers
    Bulk products should be stored in special containers. These are either linen bags that can be tightly closed, or glass jars, on which the lids close well.

Food moth: how to get rid of it using folk remedies?

Folk remedies always come to the rescue, because everything you need is usually present in the housewife.

  • Bay leaf- smell bay leaf Can't stand moths. It can be poured either near the cereals or placed in a jar with them.
  • Garlic– garlic cloves will save the cereal from harmful larvae.
  • Vinegar– periodically wipe down kitchen cabinets with it.
  • Citrus and lavender– Place the dried citrus peels in the cupboard where you store the cereal. Dried lavender will fill the house with aroma and save the kitchen cabinet from moth attacks.
  • Tobacco: enough effective method fight against moths - tobacco leaves laid out on the shelves.

Treating kitchen furniture to get rid of moths

Kitchen furniture should be treated only after you have gotten rid of contaminated cereals.

  • Vacuum the inside of kitchen cabinets.
  • Then treat it with a solution of laundry soap with a ratio of 1:6, or a solution of vinegar.
  • Heat the container in which the infected cereal was stored in the oven at a temperature above 70 degrees. Then put it in cabinets special means from moths.

Prevention of food moths

After getting rid of unpleasant neighbor you probably don't want the moth to come back again. Therefore, preventive measures are necessary:

  • Do not purchase contaminated products. After purchasing cereal from the store, sift it. Pay attention to whether there are any larvae in it.
  • Ventilate periodically kitchen furniture and the room itself.
  • Store cereals in specialized containers with strong lids where moths cannot penetrate.
  • Use traditional methods for prevention. Place citrus peels in the closet, or hang a bunch of dried lavender.

How to remove moths from a closet?

The moth prefers to be nocturnal, so it is comfortable in closets and boxes with things.

  1. Thorough cleaning and washing of things will help remove moths.
  2. Insecticidal agents in the form of aerosols and sprays and moth traps will also save the situation.
  3. Temperature exposure will help evict moths from your closet.

Removing clothes moths mechanically

The easiest way is to remove the moth mechanically, slamming it with your palms or a newspaper. However, it is not entirely effective, since you will not spend the whole day chasing moths, and you can only swat an adult, and caterpillars spoil things.

It's easy to get rid of caterpillars by shaking things thoroughly. To do this, you need to go outside or onto the balcony. The caterpillars adhere weakly to clothing and therefore fall off easily.

Chemical remedies for clothes moths


If you decide to fight moths choose chemical method, then you can purchase special sections. They are sold in the form of thin plates with a special substance inside. Due to the evaporation of essential oils, the sections repel moths. Keep in mind that sections only repel adults. Small caterpillars will remain on clothing and continue to consume items.


The aerosol is also quite effective in pest control. The jet should be sprayed on internal surfaces wardrobe and clothes. The substance sprayed by the aerosol is harmful to humans. Take care of respiratory protection in advance.


Fumigators are another chemical agent against moths. There are two types:

  • electric - they look like a box with a plate inside and work from an outlet;
  • pyrotechnic - have the form of a spiral that must be set on fire. Smoke repels moths.

Aerosols against moths in the closet: a list of effective remedies

  • Armol– Particularly effective against fur moths. It does not leave any marks on clothes and has a delicate lavender scent. Destroys both moths and caterpillars.
  • Raptor "Protection from moths"— removes clothes moths after several applications. Easy to find on sale.
  • Mosquitall “Moth protection”- Spray on clothes. With a pleasant lavender scent.
  • Extramit– kills moths within a couple of hours.

Fumigators against house moths

A fumigator is an excellent tool for those who do not want to use an aerosol and spray it over their clothes and closet. The fumigator is not harmful to people, since the concentration of the toxic substance is too low for humans, but just right for moths. It is quite difficult to find an outlet in the closet, so the fumigator should be connected to an extension cord there. Among the fumigators, the following are quite effective:

  • Raid– fumigator operating on plates.
  • Mosquitall– fights moths within a radius of 30 square meters.

How to remove clothes moths using folk remedies?

Folk remedies against moths may not be very effective, but they are worth using.

  • Soap– Place scented soap in the closet. Moths don't really like its smell.
  • Oils– soak cotton pads aromatic oils. Lavender, orange or geranium oil will remove a harmful neighbor from the closet.
  • Lavender– dried lavender should be placed on shelves or hung in a closet.
  • Tobacco– it should be placed in places where moths accumulate.
  • Dried up orange peels – put them in the closet.
  • Geranium– moths cannot stand its smell and will not fly into a room with flowering geraniums.

How to get rid of moth larvae?

  1. Remove all clothing from a closet infested with maggots.
  2. Vacuum the closet thoroughly. Don't skip corners and shelves.
  3. Wash the shelves and the inside of the cabinet itself hot water with laundry soap.
  4. Spray the closet with an aerosol.
  5. Wash all clothes in hot water, preferably above 50°C for at least 30 minutes. If clothes cannot be washed in hot water, place them in plastic bag and place in the freezer for a day. After the time has passed, wash it at an acceptable temperature.

Top best anti-moth drugs


  • Raptor
  • Mosquitol
  • Armol
  • Clean house


  • DiK – 3
  • Mosquitol


  • Mosquitol
  • Raptor

Video: the most reliable remedies for house moths

If there are moths in your home, then you can and should fight them. First, try folk remedies, they are always at hand. If they don’t help, move on to others. The main thing is not to start the process of fighting, because the sooner you start, the faster you will destroy it. Protect your belongings and food from moths, and do not live side by side with the pest.

Moths in the kitchen are not only flying moths, but also their pupae, larvae and eggs.

  • This means that in order to eliminate pests forever, you need to deal with them comprehensively - find and eliminate the source, clean the furniture/ceiling, throw away everything that was infected and process potentially infected products.

Food moths come in different types. Most often in the kitchen of a city apartment you can find: flour moth, a little less often - cocoa moth (very similar to clothes moth) and southern barn moth (fighting it is more difficult than others). Where do they come from even in the purest kitchen cabinets?

  • Tiny, almost invisible eggs end up in the kitchen in packages of cereals, cereals, biscuits, dried fruits, flour, spices and other groceries. Then within a week they hatch into larvae food moth, which subsequently pupate and turn into moths.

In this material you will find step by step instructions about how to get rid of food moths, what preventative measures to take to avoid their reappearance, and how to save food if it’s a shame to throw them away.

Step 1. Looking for the outbreak and contaminated products

Moth eggs look like small white clumped grains, similar to semolina. The larvae first look like small whitish worms, and then they grow to 1.27 cm and have black or brown heads. Another clear sign of food contamination is cobwebs, as in the photo below.

To get rid of food moths, the first thing you need to do is:

  1. Inspection of kitchen cabinets and products. Inspect all supplies stored in kitchen cabinets - you need to find not only the source, but also products already contaminated with larvae and eggs.
  • Don’t forget to check unpacked groceries as well, because moths easily eat through cardboard, foil and polyethylene.
  • Special attention Pay attention to the edges of the lids of the jars - there may be moth cobwebs on them.
  • Remember that not only groceries can be contaminated, but also animal feed, bird seeds, fishing bait, that is, almost everything that is not stored in the refrigerator.
  1. Inspection of the ceiling.
  2. The ceiling, ceiling skirting boards, the edges of the wallpaper and the base of the chandelier. Moths love to hide in dark crevices and corners. Inspect cabinet tops.

By the way, if you doubt whether there are moths in your kitchen at all or, say, whether you managed to get them out after cleaning, then inspect the room at night - adult moths will gather around a burning chandelier.

Step 2. We carry out a total cleanup

  1. Eliminate the source and products showing obvious signs of contamination. Once you find which product has become a source of insect spread, wrap it tightly in plastic bag and throw it away immediately, or better yet, burn it completely.
  2. Clean thoroughly. Empty kitchen cabinets and remove the shelves, then vacuum them and the inside of the cabinet, paying special attention to corners and crevices.
  • A vacuum cleaner (without an attachment or with a small attachment) will attract hidden moths and prevent unnoticeable eggs from remaining in the closet. This method is very effective, so if you don’t have a vacuum cleaner, you should ask your friends for one. The main thing after the procedure is to throw away the bag or freeze it in freezer for 3-4 days.
  1. Wash all containers and jars. This can be done with a vinegar solution or laundry soap. The container containing the contaminated food should be frozen for 3-4 days or heated in the microwave for 5 minutes.
  2. Vacuum the ceiling. If you find moth settlements on the ceiling, ceiling skirting boards, tops of cabinets, near the chandelier, and also under the edges of peeling wallpaper, then vacuum these places as well.

Step 3. Kill the adults and set up traps

How to catch adult individuals that have already scattered into the corners of cabinets and kitchens? Males (by the way, harmless, but fertilizing females) can be caught using a glue trap (photo below). The principle of its operation is simple - a trap treated with female pheromone attracts males and “catches” them, and without males, the moth, of course, will not be able to reproduce. Thus, pheromone traps will help prevent reappearance insects

  • You can buy such a trap for 200-300 rubles in online stores and household chemical stores.

The females will have to be killed traditional methods- with a fly swatter or rolled up newspaper, since they fly poorly and slowly, this is not so difficult to do.

Step 4. Process potentially contaminated products

So, you've thrown out the source product and items that show obvious signs of contamination, but what about the rest of the supplies that appear clean or have only been slightly contaminated?

The easiest way is to throw them away, but if you wish, you can save potentially contaminated food in the following two ways:

  • Having previously sifted and sorted out the cereal, flour or other product, keep it in the freezer or on the balcony (in winter time) at least 3-4 days.
  • After pouring the product onto a baking sheet, heat it in the oven at 60 degrees for at least 40 minutes. Before warming it up, of course, you need to clean it.

Keep in mind that the first processing method, although longer, retains all the vitamins and nutritional properties food.

Step 5. We carry out prevention and protect products

  1. New or cold/heat processed foods (including pet food) should be placed in glass, thick plastic or metal containers/jars with tight-fitting lids. This will protect supplies from penetration by moths and prevent them from escaping outside the container. Let us remind you that cardboard, paper, foil and plastic bags are easily eaten by it.

  1. In the fight against moths in the kitchen it will also be useful folk recipe– storage of products with natural repellents:
  • With a couple of bay leaves;
  • With peeled but not cut garlic (a couple of heads is enough);
  • With orange peels.

  1. You can also place some of the following on the shelves, either: sprigs of lavender, leaves of birch, geranium, wormwood, rosemary, laundry soap or strong-smelling essential oils. For example, it will do fir oil, which can be used to moisten cotton pad and leave it in the closet.

Remember that these folk remedies will repel adult moths, preventing them from laying eggs in products and on shelves, but they will not affect the larvae. Moreover, if you suddenly place a package of contaminated cereal on a shelf with lavender, the moth larvae will not die in it, and the butterflies that appear later will no longer be afraid of the smell of lavender. That is why it is necessary to combat domestic pests comprehensively.

And a little more about prevention

The following tips will help you avoid the recurrence of moths:

  • Try not to let food sit for more than 2-4 months and, of course, do not store supplies that have passed their expiration date.
  • Store foods you rarely use in the refrigerator.
  • Buy dry foods in small quantities so you can eat them within a couple of months.
  • Buy groceries only from famous manufacturers and, if possible, check the quality of goods in the store. To be sure, freeze freshly purchased cereals, cereals, flour, nuts, dried fruits and other products for 3-4 days (in dry form).
  • Animal food, such as bird seeds or fishing bait, should not be stored in the kitchen.

How to remove moths is not an idle question. Why?

Any butterflies seen in the house are a reason to seriously worry about the safety of your own belongings. What does a moth eat? She eats almost everything. Many larvae can render clothing, furniture, carpets, fur coats, and food completely unusable.

What makes killing moths difficult is that butterflies are predominantly nocturnal and nest in places that are difficult for humans to reach. The larvae are also quite difficult to detect until the butterflies hatch. They prefer to live in deep folds and seams of clothing, furniture, and grocery bags.

Butterflies, in fact, are harmless (they cannot eat anything due to the lack of a mouth) and appear only when the number of larvae and eggs reaches truly alarming proportions. Exterminating them is useless and ineffective. Your task is to discover where the moth comes from and where it nests.

The insect does not eat things and products. Furniture moths, carpet moths, clothes moths and any indoor moth in the larval stage feed on keratin. She is interested in exfoliated particles of skin, nails, and hair remaining on clothes, carpets, and furniture. In an effort to get to them, she gnaws huge holes in the fabric.

The same substance is found in most cereals, dried fruits, nuts, and pasta. The grain moth feeds on this.

No one is safe from its occurrence at home, even if the household is kept in perfect order. In principle, why it started is not so important.

The most likely ways are that it starts through open window without mosquito net, entrance doors, from neighbors through ventilation ducts. For butterflies and larvae, something small is enough - cracks, cracks.

The following options are quite possible - you brought eggs or larvae on clothes, handing them over to the wardrobe; eggs and larvae were already in the purchased furniture, carpet or food.

In general, it doesn’t matter where the moth came from. The main thing is how to get rid of moths in an apartment. Start taking measures against it immediately as soon as you notice the first butterflies, because in warm conditions it breeds all year round.

Types of moths

Entomologists know more than thirty species of these butterflies. Any of them looks like a moth of indistinct color.

The most common moths found in the house are carpet, food and clothes moths. However, there is only one answer to the question of how to get rid of moths. You need to find the place where the moth eggs are laid. At one time, the female is capable of laying up to 500 small eggs in the shape of an ellipse, silver-white or pearl-gray in color.

Butterflies that have appeared in the house can be divided into two large groups - kitchen and clothing. They look different. The first has a dirty gray tint to the wings, the second is sandy or light beige.

The habitat also differs. Clothes moth lives in the closet with clothes. She is especially attracted to expensive furs and fur coats. Also receiving increased attention dirty clothes with sweat stains.

The fur butterfly is a small yellowish butterfly with shiny wings. The larvae are an unhealthy whitish color and translucent. In just a couple of days they are able to turn a fur product into a real sieve.

Clothes moths prefer thick drape, wool, cashmere fabrics, cloth, cotton and natural silk. Her butterflies are several bigger size. They can be recognized by their characteristic purple-brown tint at the base of their wings. It is difficult to detect - the female lays eggs under the lining, the larvae make longitudinal passages in the tissue, which appears intact from the outside.

Furniture moths are the smallest. To make masonry she chooses inconspicuous corners and crevices in the wood where dust accumulates. The larvae eat all types of stuffing and upholstery, then chew through wood and plywood.

The most difficult thing to deal with is carpet moths. Moreover, its larvae eat not only carpets, as the name suggests. They do not refuse fur, leather shoes, bags, gloves, belts. Killing moths is not an easy task because they are not afraid of products containing naphthalene and camphor. Washing and then drying in bright sun can help against it. In winter, place the carpet on the balcony. The colder it is outside, the better.

Food moths live exclusively in the kitchen or pantry where cereals, flour, pasta, dried fruits, nuts, mushrooms. It breeds in ideally warm, dark places with high humidity eg kitchen cabinets.

How moths harm

Why you need to fight moths:

  • Clothes moths spoil clothes, shoes, carpets and furniture. It is absolutely impossible to wear it after the larvae that have hatched from the eggs have been feeding for several days.
  • It is not the moth itself, or even the larvae, that causes irreparable damage to products, but the products of its vital activity. Cocoons made of silky threads, particles of chitin after molting, feces, and dead larvae contaminate cereals and other products. After that, you can only throw them away.

The most important thing is to understand once and for all that the enthusiastic extermination by everyone possible ways butterflies fluttering serenely in the house against moths is completely ineffective. You only see males, the removal of which makes no sense. They themselves will soon die.

Females fly very little, preferring to crawl in dark damp places, laying eggs almost continuously.

All damage to your things and products is caused only and exclusively by larvae, the removal of which from things and products must be taken care of first.

Where to start the fight

What to do if you notice butterflies in the house - start looking for nests.

But individuals constantly flickering before your eyes are also annoying. Ordinary will help against them duct tape, which catches flies.

For prevention, it wouldn’t hurt to install mosquito nets on the windows and close the ventilation holes if you think that one or two butterflies accidentally flew in from your neighbors.

Then proceed to spring cleaning and dismantling things in closets, especially those inherited from grandmother. Pay special attention to the kitchen.

Pour all bulk products, dried fruits, nuts out of containers and bags onto light paper, level to a thin layer and look for larvae. If you find at least one, throw everything away. For those products that do not contain larvae, bake them in the oven at low temperature, place them in the refrigerator for a short time and pour them into hermetically sealed glass, ceramic, plastic or metal containers.

Next stop - kitchen set. Remove all shelves and drawers. Thoroughly clean all cabinets inside and out soap solution and wipe dry. Move them away from the wall and wipe them from behind too.

Don't forget about others hard to reach places– gaps between the wall and the baseboard, dark corners. Clean them with a special attachment for a vacuum cleaner.

Whatever you have prepared for disposal, do not leave it in the trash bin for a long time. Get him out of the house as quickly as possible.

Then start disassembling wardrobes. When taking out each item, inspect it carefully and shake vigorously several times. As a precaution, wash and iron all items before hanging them back. Cover all things that may attract the attention of moths in special clothing covers or sealed bags.

Treat the cabinets themselves in the same way as kitchen cabinets.

Vacuum and clean the carpet thoroughly. Both dry powder and wet cleaning. In winter it can be cleaned with snow, in summer it can be dried in the sun. Moths equally dislike cold and extreme heat, and Fresh air, and sunlight.


How to kill moths. The most radical methods of fighting moths that will help kill them at home - anti-moth aerosol different brands based on dichlorvos. This is the only thing that can kill carpet moths.

The aerosol is used to spray wardrobe items and cabinets in which they are stored. It is strictly prohibited to treat food products, kitchen units and pantry with them. You can get seriously poisoned.

When carrying out this treatment, wear rubber gloves and a respirator (at worst, a medical mask). Carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions as outlined in the instructions. Remove children and pets from the premises. After waiting the allotted time, ventilate the room well. The effect lasts approximately 10-14 days (or until the first wet cleaning). Then the entire procedure is repeated until the moth is completely destroyed.

To consolidate the result, place gel or paper plates or moth tablets soaked in a product based on herbal ingredients in the closet. They do not destroy moths, but only repel them. Moreover, they are completely safe. This measure is also suitable for the kitchen.

What can be achieved? Despite all the difficulties, the aerosol will help destroy mainly flying butterflies. Caterpillars that live deep in the folds of clothing or under the lining suffer much less, if at all.

Special covers will help protect your clothes. They are made from dense nonwoven fabric, impregnated with an appropriate insecticide and equipped with a hermetically sealed reusable fastener. But if the larvae are already inside, they are useless.

An important point is that the aerosol cannot be sprayed onto natural fur. The villi become thin, brittle, and partially lose color. White clothes may leave unsightly marks. yellow spots, which are then difficult to get rid of.

How to remove moths? Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers carried out the destruction of moths using mothballs. Now this remedy is strongly not recommended due to increased toxicity. Human and pet health can be seriously affected. Scientifically proven connection with cancer.

Folk remedies

What are moths afraid of and what helps get rid of caterpillars and eggs? Folk remedies for moths are very diverse. It is recommended to use the following methods:

  • Garlic. Place the peeled (but not cut) slices in the cabinet, a few pieces on each shelf.
  • Tobacco. Best grown yourself. Dry the leaves and grind them into crumbs.
  • Dried citrus peels.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Ground black or red pepper.
  • Carnation.
  • Copper or aluminum wire. Put small piece into each jar or bag of bulk products. Weak electrical impulses are sufficient to remove moths.
  • Finely planed strawberry or laundry soap. Pour directly into clothing pockets.
  • Lavender and other herbs strong odor– mint, basil, wormwood, rosemary, thyme, coriander, tansy. Place fresh or dried flowers or leaves on shelves or hang them in small bunches.
  • Essential oils – lavender, fir, cedar, eucalyptus, bergamot, peppermint, tea tree. Place a couple of drops on a cotton pad and leave on the shelf. But the smell will permeate the clothes.
  • Fresh geranium or coleus leaves.
  • Vinegar. It is recommended to periodically wipe the shelves with a 6-9% solution.
  • Camphor powder and camphor oil.

All the proposed methods for dealing with moths can only scare away butterflies if they have not yet laid eggs. Caterpillars have the ability to develop immunity. After 2-3 generations, they will completely fearlessly settle where a certain remedy is spread out.

Therefore, moth control must be carried out comprehensively, using the entire arsenal of available methods.

Other means

How to remove moths - butterflies, caterpillars and eggs are equally afraid of ultraviolet radiation. The reason is that it destroys the protein that makes up their body. On a hot sunny day, take the clothes outside and leave them for 1-2 hours, periodically turning them over, shaking them and turning them inside out.

In cloudy weather, treat things quartz lamp. This is no less effective remedy from moths.

If the fabric allows, the clothes can be boiled or washed, then ironed with a hot iron.

What cannot be washed, leave it in the cold overnight. The caterpillars will not survive even a slight negative temperature.


How to get rid of moths - this question will cease to be relevant if you take some useful habits as a rule.

Preventing the causes will help prevent moths from getting into your home, instead of fighting it.

First of all, it concerns food products, which must be carefully inspected upon purchase and stored only in hermetically sealed containers. For a complete guarantee, bake it in the oven, process it in microwave oven or put it in the refrigerator.

In the closet, seal the clothes that are most valuable and attractive to moths. Periodically, you need to do an audit, getting rid of old, no longer used things, especially your grandmother's dowry.

Your brownie.

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