Starting individual construction, many people are beginning to wonder: which house is better, frame or timber? Both types of materials have their advantages and disadvantages.

Comparing two houses

Structures made from timber can be erected fairly quickly, but the interior decoration will have to wait a bit, since the house needs to settle for shrinkage. IN frame-panel house You can move in immediately after construction. Therefore it is worth choosing frame house, if the construction is needed in the near future.

In general, building a house from timber is very convenient. Construction can be carried out in stages. This means you don't have to have everything in one day. necessary materials and money in hand.

It is worth considering in more detail the advantages of frame and timber houses, and only then draw a conclusion about which option to choose.

  1. Cost of materials for frame house significantly lower than for other types. However, the construction itself can cost a pretty penny. The building will pay for itself after just a few years of living in it. This is due to the fact that heating costs in frame houses are low.
  2. When constructing houses and cottages using this technology, specially treated wood is used. The building is absolutely safe for human habitation. Thanks to special impregnation, the panels are not subject to aggressive environmental influences.
  3. Most of the materials used in construction come to our country from Western countries, and they take care of the safety and environmental friendliness of the material.

Now it’s worth considering the advantages of timber houses

  1. Such buildings have a long service life. If a frame house lasts 20 years, and then needs to be disassembled and reassembled, then houses made of timber will last much longer.
  2. For construction you will not have to involve highly qualified carpenters, since assembling the house does not require supernatural efforts.
  3. Many Russians associate a house made of profiled timber with an ordinary wooden frame. This is actually true.
  4. Modern timber undergoes special processing, which allows the construction of structures not only in summer, but also in winter. With this treatment, the timber does not crack even in the scorching sun or when severe frost. By the way, if the treatment has not been carried out, then there is a high probability of cracking of the wood.
  5. Opportunity phased construction. You shouldn’t invest all your money in construction right away, since the house takes more than one month to build. During this time, you can save up for further finishing and construction work.
  6. If the profiled timber is treated with antiseptics and special fire-fighting agents, then it will withstand aggressive environmental influences without any problems.


Now we can summarize some of the above. Of course, if you follow everything necessary technologies, a house made of timber will last much longer than a frame one. At the same time, it will cost less, and this is an important factor for many residents of our country. It does not require additional façade work or the purchase large quantity insulation.

Video: construction of a frame and timber house

Frame house

Timber house

Each house is good in its own way. A frame house will be very reliable, strong and warm. The same as . But when using each of these two materials there are nuances. First of all, in order to decide on the choice of materials for building a house, you need to take into account financial, time and professional opportunities developer. So, for example, the technology of building a house from timber is much simpler.

In addition, in order to make a choice, you need to take into account what characteristics the new home. For example, the rate of warming up and the time that the house is able to retain heat. At first glance, it seems that everything is obvious here. You need to choose a material that will ready house It will warm up quickly and retain heat for a long time.

And, of course, few people will give preference to a material from which a house will warm up more slowly and cool down quickly. However, everything is not so simple. A frame house warms up faster, but also retains heat for a shorter period of time. Whereas a structure made of timber warms up slowly, but retains heat much longer. And, of course, there are other differences that may be more significant.

In general, both options are good. Each in their own way. And to choose a beam or frame, you need, first of all, consider their pros and cons.

Advantages and disadvantages of frame houses


  • The price of such construction is low;
  • Speed ​​of construction. Not taking into account the time it will take to build the foundation and finishing, a team of five people can build as many as three houses over the summer;
  • When using such a house, there will be no need to update the facade and heating costs will be low;
  • The fence conducts heat poorly, as a result of which heating in cold weather will be inexpensive, and in summer it will be good to maintain coolness;
  • You can only heat those rooms that are in use. In addition, the house can be quickly warmed up in cold weather;
  • High quality sound insulation;
  • It is easy to install communication networks inside walls;
  • It is possible to use a cheaper and faster lightweight foundation;
  • There is no shrinkage, which means you can immediately begin finishing and warping of the walls cannot happen under any circumstances;
  • The frame is environmentally friendly;
  • Interior finishing is not complicated by additional procedures such as plastering, creating an additional tile frame, or floor screed;
  • Frame houses are earthquake-resistant and can withstand loads of up to nine points;
  • Such houses are very easy to defrost, that is, you can not use the house for a long time and, if necessary, warm it up at any time of the year and resume operation;
  • You can build a frame house at any time of the year, at temperatures above -15 C;
  • When building a house, the use of special equipment is not required, human labor is sufficient;
  • Without special effort you can change communications and insulation at any time;
  • Smooth walls, without cracks;
  • You can quickly and cheaply move your house to another location. The main thing is to provide for this when designing;
  • Availability of water is not important for construction;
  • Wood is used in the production of the frame, thanks to which such a house has a very comfortable microclimate;
  • Thin walls and, as a result, large area inside the house.


  • Noisy walls;
  • Complex construction technology requires modern instruments and professional workers;
  • Russia is still wary of such houses.

Advantages and disadvantages of timber houses

Advantages of houses made of solid timber:

  • Environmentally friendly, living in such a house is even good for health;
  • They are very beautiful;
  • The timber is inexpensive;
  • You can use a cheap foundation.

Disadvantages of solid timber houses:

  • If the house is planned to be used all year round, necessary additional insulation;
  • after its construction, not all materials can be used outside;
  • A long time from the start of construction and the start of operation due to high shrinkage. This is especially true for timber natural humidity. It's best to wait a whole year before starting. finishing works;
  • Such houses need to be caulked frequently and any new cracks removed, as the timber shrinks and changes under the influence of weather conditions;
  • Such houses are very fire hazardous. It is worth noting that modern technologies make it possible to treat timber with fire-fighting and fire-retardant substances during production.

Advantages of houses made of laminated veneer lumber:

  • You can live in such houses permanently;
  • The house is assembled quickly and easily;
  • Can be built multi-storey buildings with complex structures.

Disadvantages of houses made of laminated veneer lumber:

  • High cost;
  • Used in production chemicals, which makes this building material not entirely environmentally friendly.

Most importantly, you can build a frame house yourself. And for a house made of glued timber, professionals and special construction equipment are needed. In addition, in a frame house you can easily lay all communication networks inside the walls. Whereas in timber it will be extremely difficult and long. Therefore, in such buildings, wiring is often installed outside the walls and hidden.

But houses made of timber do not need finishing. And in frame finishing is necessary, and it takes a long time and is not cheap. But there are many possibilities for finishing and, if desired, any aesthetic fantasies can be realized. The timber can only be painted, but it looks very beautiful.

It is possible to build a frame house in three months. Timber construction will require a little more time. But the most important and decisive difference for many is that frame houses are half the price.

  • For suburban buildings it is better to use timber;
  • Design timber house trust the professionals;
  • You can safely choose laminated veneer lumber for your permanent home. Get a comfortable indoor climate and significant savings on heating;
  • If you want to complete construction quickly, choose a frame house;
  • Frame houses, unlike timber houses, are not deformed. Be sure to take this circumstance into account when choosing material. Understand that it is not enough to just build a Bruce house; you need to take care of it. Frame construction will save you from subsequent hassles of this kind;
  • Dry profiled timber is much more beautiful than glued timber. In addition, it is completely environmentally friendly.

Earthquake resistance of houses - comparison

Frame houses are earthquake-resistant and can withstand loads of up to nine points. A house made of laminated timber is just as stable. Houses built from all other materials have significantly lower earthquake resistance. That is why the popularity of frame and timber houses is only growing. For example, in Japan more and more frame buildings are being erected.

Cost and speed of construction

The necessary material for a one-story standard frame house can be purchased at a price of 4,000 rubles per square meter of area. So, for the purchase of basic materials for a house in 50 square meters will cost from 200,000 rubles. A house of the same area, but made of timber, will cost at the stage of purchasing materials in the amount of 300,000 rubles.

Wood is one of the most environmentally friendly materials, used in the construction of individual housing. The construction industry offers large selection wood construction technologies. Such techniques have become widespread among our fellow citizens low-rise construction, like frame houses and timber houses. Let's carry out comparative analysis advantages and disadvantages of these types of suburban buildings from the point of view of their year-round use.

Houses made of timber are divided into several types
depending on the type of timber used
in construction:

  • ordinary;
  • solid profiled;
  • glued.

The first two types are budget options and are used for country houses. When constructing a residential country cottage, the most popular type is laminated veneer lumber. This is a high-quality building material that is quite suitable for capital housing construction.

A modern frame house can also provide a comfortable stay. The main condition for this is the use of modern technologies, compliance building codes and use quality materials. Among all known species frame structures For year-round use, houses using 3D frame technology are most suitable. We will compare the parameters of this frame house with the characteristics of buildings made of laminated veneer lumber.

Both mentioned construction technologies - laminated timber and 3D frame - can rightfully be considered as the most advanced and have significant potential for further development. In houses made of laminated veneer lumber
and a triple frame, two components miraculously came together - the traditional nature of wood and technological innovation. The indicated building construction methods belong to the “Premium” class and are approximately
in one price category. They have many similar characteristics that determine the basic properties of luxury housing, but they also have fundamental differences.

Let's try to figure out which houses are better: from laminated timber
or using patented 3D frame technology?

Elements of timber structures
and frame houses

Glued laminated timber is produced by gluing in special hydraulic presses several lamellas
from pre-sawn wood logs coniferous species, which are most suitable for the production of this material. Synthetic glue is used as a fastening composition. The result is structures with mass positive qualities. Such timber can withstand heavy loads and is stable
to a humid environment, protected from the formation of fungi
and mold. Unfortunately, the undeniable advantages of laminated veneer lumber are reduced to zero if the material is made
from low-quality raw materials or in violation of technology. Even a small discrepancy in any of the production stages affects the quality of the finished material, visually
not always obvious. Defective laminated veneer lumber may simply fall apart under load over time.

Load-bearing building structures using 3D frame technology are assembled from solid wood premium dried in special chambers. Planed lumber chamber drying has a smooth flat surface and in terms of its strength characteristics
not inferior to laminated veneer lumber. Dry lumber is very environmentally friendly, does not absorb moisture at all, is durable, retains its geometry under any load and in it
no mold will form. Planed lumber is completely free of any adhesives or other chemical compositions, so its environmental friendliness is indisputable.

Unlike timber walls, the walls of a frame house have a multi-layer structure. Design by technology
The 3D frame consists of a triple offset frame
with jumpers forming cells. A slab of basalt insulation is inserted crosswise into these cells, covering all wooden elements triple frame. This method of laying thermal insulation makes country housing the most energy efficient and fire safe. The outside walls are sheathed with a special membrane
and slab material that protect structures
from external influences.

Design Features
both types of houses

Construction of any country house always starts
from design. Construction of houses from laminated veneer lumber
and the frame is no exception. The first and most important stage before construction is the creation architectural project, in which carefully thought out interior spaces and the appearance of the future housing.

Style solutions frame houses and timber vary somewhat. Glued laminated timber is a wooden texture
with cuts at the intersections of internal walls
with external ones. “Chalets” look great in this form.
But in other styles, for example, “high tech” or “techno” there are essentially no alternatives. It is possible to achieve variety in the decoration of a timber house only by combining different colors
and shades. Wood suggests naturalness
and naturalness, and this somewhat limits the imagination of designers when creating a harmonious house from timber.

But the architectural possibilities and finishing materials, which are used in frame construction, houses made of laminated veneer lumber can only envy. In various finishing options, frame buildings are almost impossible to distinguish from stone or wooden cottages.

Therefore, if you choose from an architectural point of view which option is better: frame or timber, then the answer is obvious. Wood buildings are certainly beautiful and have a certain charm, but their choice stylistic decisions very limited. Frame houses thanks to an extensive range facing materials provide ample scope for experimentation. Such a dwelling can be built in any of the known architectural styles.

Technology and terms of construction of houses
made of timber and with a supporting wooden frame

The stages of construction of frame houses and timber houses, like all other buildings, are very similar in essence. The main difference between the projects under consideration is the technology for assembling wall structures.

Houses made of timber

Houses made of laminated veneer lumber are built according to the constructor principle. Each element with the required number is stacked on top of each other and adjusted into the grooves. At the bottom and upper parts timber has spikes and ridges. This design feature allows you to assemble beams into a log house using the “tenon and groove” principle, when the tenons of the upper beam fit tightly into the grooves of the lower one, forming reliable connection. Additionally, the beams are fastened together with wooden dowels or metal pins.

Frame houses

The technology for constructing a 3D frame house is somewhat different. First, a triple wooden frame is erected, then a three-layer insulation of the building contour is carried out
and protective membranes are installed. After this, the wall structures are covered with slab or finishing material on both sides.

The construction of the houses in question is possible at any time of the year. The construction time for the frame and timber varies somewhat. For example, the “box” of a house together with a reinforced concrete foundation in a 3D frame is erected in just 1-2 months,
and from laminated veneer lumber, taking into account sawing in production
3-4 months.

Laying communications according to the timing and cost of work
in frame and timber houses is also fundamentally different. Installation electrical cables inside timber walls is quite a difficult task. To do this, it is necessary to drill channels, and then lay
there are pipes in them, taking into account the future shrinkage of the structure. The whole process can take more than 2 months and is not cheap. In a house using 3D frame technology, all hidden communications are included basic equipment and, unlike a house made of timber, they are easily laid in a special air gap inside the walls.

Anyone country cottage need finishing.
Let's try to understand the stages of finishing work on a timber and frame house.

During production, laminated veneer lumber is covered with a transport septic tank, the ends are treated with special wax,
but such treatment is only a temporary protection.

Complete finishing of the walls of a house made of timber is a serious job that consists of several stages:

  • grinding the surface of the wall beam;
  • protection special compounds;
  • removing wax from end surfaces;
  • grinding and protection of end surfaces;
  • intermediate and finishing coating (produced only at positive temperatures).

It is also necessary to take into account that objects made of laminated wood continue to require compassionate care. To prevent rapid aging of the material and changes in its color, the facade must be regularly treated with special impregnations
(ideally every spring), and, in addition, sand and paint external walls every 5-7 years.

Frame houses, like timber houses, also require finishing. This can be done during the construction stage. For example, houses using 3D frame technology, due to increased strength wall structures, do not need outside
in slab cladding material. Instead of OSB-3, external walls can be immediately sheathed with any finishing panels or imitation timber. Frame house facades
do not require ongoing care(except for imitation timber)
and can be made in any style.

As you can see, both technologies for building houses are
to prefabricated ones. Taking into account all stages of construction,
from the foundation to the installation of communications and finishing, a log house is handed over to the owners for use in approximately 7-10 months. Home completion stage
using 3D frame technology from the beginning construction work allows you to get turnkey country housing in just 4-5 months.

Energy efficiency of frame
and timber houses

The main task when choosing a technology for building a house for year-round use is not only strength and durability, but also the ability of the building to maintain the most comfortable microclimate at minimal cost.

Specialists from the specialized department of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of St. Petersburg State University conducted a study of thermal properties building structures. The task was set to determine what is warmer: a 3D frame or timber house. The assessment of the energy efficiency of buildings was carried out in accordance with the new requirements of SNiP 23-02-2003 “Thermal protection of buildings”. For Moscow and the Moscow region, the standard for heat transfer resistance is on average equal to
3.1 m2×⁰C/W.

To determine the thermal conductivity of laminated veneer lumber, a wall made of the mentioned material with a thickness of 200 mm was examined. The actual heat transfer resistance was 2.05 m2×⁰C/W. The heat loss indicator clearly does not reach the standards set by SNiP.

Taking into account the obtained values ​​and fulfilling the requirements of the new SNiP, the thickness of the walls in houses made of laminated veneer lumber for permanent residence must be at least 400 mm.
In practical terms, build country log houses
with such thick walls it is impossible.

Thus, a wall made of laminated timber with a thickness of 200 mm
in its pure form cannot be used for the construction of permanent residences. Increased standards force additional insulation of log houses.

At the same time, the thermal conductivity index for a wall built using 3D frame technology is at the level of 5.07 m2×⁰C/W, which is 2.5 times higher than that of laminated veneer lumber.

Such high energy efficiency of a frame house is achieved due to the three-layer insulation structure of the building envelope, thanks to which external walls“cold bridges” have been completely eliminated.
Three layers of thermal insulation are offset relative to each other
and cover all elements of the wooden frame. In addition, with outside buildings, an additional layer of insulation covers the joints of the floors, therefore
There are no through frosts throughout the entire area of ​​the walls.

Buildings using 3D frame technology belong to the “energy passive” category. During operation, premises can be heated with any type of energy source, even electricity, and at the same time save significantly. The buildings are held for a long time internal heat, That's why
their residents are absolutely not afraid of long-term emergency shutdowns energy systems

As can be seen from the results of the above studies comparing a frame and timber house,
The 3D frame has much better thermal conductivity, since the three-layer wall provides the house with unsurpassed thermal protection.

Strength characteristics, indicators
durability and reliability of buildings

Laminated timber is durable building material. Elements made by gluing lamellas
not subject to deformation processes. The properties of the load-bearing timber structure change little under the influence of loads. Tight joining of beams and obtaining a structure with minimal gaps generally increases the reliability of the building.

True, walls made of laminated timber are not protected by anything
from external influences. Changes in temperature, humidity
and ultraviolet radiation do not have the best effect
on the durability of wooden structures. Therefore, after construction, to maintain a presentable appearance, wooden walls should be processed regularly.

Also, when building such a house, you should take into account
that at least the shrinkage of laminated timber is significantly less than
profiled or logs, but it still exists. House
made of laminated veneer lumber on average sits 5 cm per floor. Because of this, cracks may appear in the walls, and the operational parameters of wall structures are correspondingly reduced.

The innovative 3D frame provides high stability buildings to deformation processes. Reliability of a frame house made of kiln-dried timber
does not depend on the quality of gluing of supporting structures. The durability of the structure is guaranteed by the natural strength of dried wood and technological features triple frame.

It is known that frame houses, unlike timber houses,
In principle, they are not subject to shrinkage. External walls
Using 3D technology, the frame is built not from one, but from three frames rigidly fastened together. The arrangement of the load-bearing elements has a cross structure - two vertical ones and a horizontal frame between them. A single powerful wall structure 250 mm thick is created with strong vertical and horizontal connections. Thanks to this construction method, the spatial rigidity of structures is increased significantly. The triple walls of a frame house do not shrink and are absolutely
are not inferior in strength to laminated veneer lumber.

One more important factor The reliability of suburban housing is the fire safety of a wooden structure. Glued laminated timber is quite resistant to fire, as during production it is treated with all kinds of anti-feather impregnations. But if you don’t take care of and regularly cover the walls made of timber fire retardant compounds, it will burn as well as regular wood.

Here there is an undoubted advantage over timber
3D frame house. The latter, without any chemical impregnations, structurally has the highest degree of fire resistance. All elements of the triple frame are covered with non-flammable basalt insulation(NG class). Wooden structures do not touch each other, so there is no possibility of fire spreading inside the walls. In terms of fire safety, analogues of 3D frames are among wooden houses today it's just
does not exist.

As for durability, laminated wood, when correct processing And timely care, most likely has a long service life. But the “dew point” is located inside the material itself and gradually destroys the wood. IN Russian conditions buildings made of laminated veneer lumber have been in use relatively recently, so data on the behavior of this material after 30-50 years is not yet available. Here also great value has the quality and service life of the adhesive composition used.

All wooden elements of a 3D frame house made from kiln-dried timber are located inside wall structure and are reliably protected from external influences. In the external contour of the building, direct freezing is completely excluded, so the “dew point” is located not inside the wall, but in the area of ​​the external ventilation gap. Any moisture immediately comes out, and the walls are always dry. Thanks to 3D construction technology, safety and durability wall materials a frame house is many times larger than a timber house.

Cost of construction and operation
frame and timber buildings

As mentioned above, houses using 3D frame technology and houses made from laminated veneer lumber are approximately in the same price category. But differences in the formation of the cost of compared technologies still exist.

If we consider the average market prices for houses
made of laminated veneer lumber, then you should initially decide
with the thickness of the material used, which is recommended by manufacturers when building a house for year-round use. The thickness of standard wall laminated timber is 200 mm. Sellers usually say that this size is sufficient.

So, the most common configuration of a timber house:

  • Reinforced concrete foundation.
  • Wall set made of laminated timber 200 mm.
  • Roof with 200 mm insulation.
  • Windows, entrance doors.

Cost of construction from thick laminated veneer lumber
200 mm in this configuration varies from 32,000
up to 43,000 rub. per m2 of the axial area of ​​the building. There are no floors or ceilings (only ceilings), no utilities.

Now let’s look at the basic package “Premium House 3D Frame”:

  • Reinforced concrete foundation.
  • Triple frame wall kit with 250mm cross insulation.
  • Roof with 300 mm cross insulation.
  • Floors and ceilings with insulation and sound insulation 200 mm.
  • Internal partitions with sound insulation.
  • Windows, entrance doors.
  • Hidden engineering communications.

The cost of building a house using 3D frame technology varies from 26,000 to 37,000 rubles. per m2. Price depends
from the area of ​​the house (than bigger house, the cheaper m2)
and the complexity of the project. In this configuration, housing is rented out, completely ready for finishing.

As you can see, even with a more complete set, the price of a house using 3D frame technology made from the best European materials is approximately 15-20% lower than that made from laminated veneer lumber.

When deciding the question “Which house is more profitable?”, other costs should be taken into account. Maintaining a frame house will cost the owners much less than a timber house.

When operating a building made of timber, you will always have to pay a tidy sum for heating, and given the annual rise in energy prices, maintaining such a house, for example, for people of retirement age, may simply become unaffordable. In addition, it is necessary to regularly treat the walls with special compounds, which is also quite expensive.

Taking into account these factors, the answer to the question “What cheaper house made of timber or frame? – the advantage is clearly in favor of the latter.


Summarizing the results of the study of the question, “What better house made of laminated veneer lumber or frame?”, the answer becomes obvious.
In terms of the totality of technical and economic indicators, construction time and energy efficiency, 3D technology is clearly superior to its competitor made from timber.

Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of technologies for building a house with a 3D frame and a house made of timber, we can state the following:

The houses described in the article using the patented 3D frame technology have exceptionally high mechanical strength, energy efficiency and fire safety. The construction and maintenance of such buildings will cost much less and this is another plus in their favor.

The final decision in any case remains with the construction customer, and yet, you should take a closer look
To innovative technology construction of housing with three-layer walls.

One of the most frequently asked questions, coming to our address, sounds like this: “Which house is better: frame or made of profiled timber?” The question itself is not very correct. Why? The answer is further in the text.

Let's start with the fact that both options have a lot in common:

  • these are undoubtedly houses, not temporary buildings;
  • the house will outlive you, your children and will be left to your grandchildren;
  • these are not houses for the poor: frame houses were designed for the US middle class, and houses made of profiled timber for the Scandinavian middle class.

The Volkswagen car was created in exactly the same way. The literal translation is “people's car”, while there are few complaints about the quality of Volkswagen.

You can compare prices of houses directly, but there are other more important criteria:

  • cost of land;
  • expenses for supplying communications;
  • finishing work and “filling” of the house.

These three points, given the low (compared to other technologies) cost of the house, can account for up to 80 percent of the costs.

Frame or profiled timber?

Even if there is money, it is unlikely that it will be possible to build a Winter Palace on 20 acres. After all, any choice of technology involves a compromise: each has both advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of both options:

  • low weight of the structure;
  • high degree of work performed in the factory;
  • low labor costs and costs for construction equipment;
  • high speed of house assembly;
  • the construction of a house does not depend on seasonal conditions.

Frame houses: pros and cons

Advantages of frame houses

The advantages of frame houses include:

  • if everything is done correctly, then - ideal thermal insulation of the house;
  • communications hidden inside the walls;
  • light interior decoration, which has a positive effect on its cost;
  • earthquake resistance (this advantage may seem surprising; although, if you remember that the cause of the decline of the Smolensk Principality was an earthquake, the desire to discount this advantage may disappear).

Disadvantages of frame houses

There are no perfect technologies. The disadvantages of frame housing construction include the following:

  • the house will require care: fire retardants and antiseptics lose their qualities over time;
  • high requirements for the ventilation system, which is a consequence of good thermal insulation (an open window is not enough - this can be complex system, in which the outgoing air heats the incoming air);
  • the need for careful adherence to technology in the process of assembling a house: also, there is no such thing as a 50% surgical operation; a similar approach should be applied to assessing housing construction.

Houses made of profiled timber

Advantages of houses made of profiled timber

The advantages of houses made of profiled timber, of course, include:

  • environmental friendliness, although there is one “but”: the timber is always treated (there are fireproof and bioprotective impregnations, which cannot be avoided);
  • low heat loss; nothing new here: 20 centimeters of wood is comparable to brickwork 70 centimeters (the technology of profiled timber is made to minimize heating costs: protrusions and grooves, of course, help with installation accuracy, but they also have another task - in construction this is called removing “cold bridges”);
  • Oddly enough, there is a frequent and worthy argument: “Grandmother had a wooden house” - here there is trust in the experience of ancestors, and support for traditions, and nostalgia.
  • building a house from profiled timber will cost less than building a frame house.

Disadvantages of houses made of profiled timber

Wood - proven over time natural material. However, it has not only advantages, but also some disadvantages:

  • flammability;
  • the tree may become sick: fungus, mold, woodworms (you will need preventive measures, not very frequent - once every 10 years is fine);
  • installation of a house made of profiled timber does not immediately involve finishing work: it will take time for the house to shrink;
  • the appearance of cracks in solid timber is inevitable - this is a property of wood, the same as the presence of knots;
  • You can’t hide communications in walls made of timber: disrupt load-bearing structures it is forbidden.

So what should you choose?

The assessment of the advantages of the first or second technology is very conditional. What is important is not the choice of technology, but its adherence. It’s like the joke: the name of the bank does not matter, but the bank must be in Switzerland.

For example, houses in Japan, just like half-timbered houses in Western Europe- This is frame house construction. Some of them are 600 years old.

But the museum complex in Kizhi was built about 300 years ago. Moreover, it is built from timber, and this is not a low-rise building.

From the above we can draw the following conclusion. The recipe for the customer is very simple: choose a project that you like and look at the technology with which it can be implemented.

And before you order construction from any company, find out the addresses of previously constructed objects. Go to the place, look, talk to existing clients construction company. The option is reliable, like a Kalashnikov assault rifle. Of course, the Internet and a search engine are an addition.

As soon as the question concerns construction wooden house, the developer can easily be faced with a choice: to use timber or frame?

To answer this question, and show all the pros and cons of materials and types of structure, you can conduct a comprehensive analysis, which will consist of:

  • Qualitative differences between timber and frame houses.
  • Ease of installation and assembly of the structure.
  • Cost of material.

Timber or frame

Taking into account the fact that some analysis parameters have been defined, we can make a first digression and talk about environmental friendliness. This is very important point, to which modern developers will pay a lot of attention.

On the one hand, both options use wood as their basis, but if it is natural wood without foreign impurities, then the frame version uses panels made of plywood, chipboard, and this is already a hint at the presence of various chemical compounds, some of which are dangerous to humans.

In terms of environmental friendliness, preference can be given to timber!

Warm home

The next point is the indicator of the comfort of the house, its heat conservation. And to the question which house is warmer, frame or timber, you can give a definite answer - timber.

Very interesting observations can be made here. On the one hand, the frame version of the structure is in no way inferior to timber in terms of thermal conductivity.

On the other hand, a frame house is not able to properly retain this heat, accumulate it, so to speak, so after the building is heated, it cools down quite quickly if not maintained constant temperature in the heating system.

A house made of timber, on the contrary, warms up ideally and is able to accumulate heat, thus, when it cools down, it remains long time warm. This is not only about comfort, but also about economical energy consumption.

Another point that can play a role in the choice of whether to build a timber or frame house is ventilation. The fact is that during frame construction it is necessary to pay great attention to the ventilation system. This is due to the fact that the elements of a frame house undergo preliminary “factory” drying and practically do not allow air to pass through.

While timber, timber, has the ability to “breathe” freely by passing air through the pores. This immediately affects the atmosphere indoors. The air here is always clean and fresh.


The next point of analysis will involve a comparison of materials and houses from the point of view of construction work, and this is:

  • Speed ​​. Each material has an approximate speed at which a house can be built.
  • Ease of operation. Installation can be considered as an element independent work, which ultimately affects the estimate.
  • Time from the start of construction to commissioning. IN in this case we're talking about about the time it takes to shrink houses.

Construction speed. Here, in a kind of competition, who will be erected faster, timber or frame, the frame type wins without any options.

A frame house is built very quickly, dried wood is used, and after construction you can move in instantly. The house is ready for use.

A house made of timber, of course, takes a little longer to build, due to the following points:

  • There is a need for a more massive foundation. If we are talking about concrete works, then this is at least 5-7 days.
  • The timber is laid in single elements, unless a house constructor is used.
  • The installation itself requires more precise execution, attention and time.

Important! You can move into a house made of timber almost immediately after construction, but the finishing of the structure will still have to be done after a few months. Here it takes time for the house to settle.

It should be noted that the instructions provide two options, these are:

  • The material is profiled, the grooves are made of it, and it is quite easy to install.
  • , which costs less, but also requires a more labor-intensive installation and finishing process, plus additional thermal insulation.

Important! Here it should be noted that a house made of unplaned material will have to stand for at least a year, and all this time it will shrink, and a structure made of profiled timber will require 2 times less time for shrinkage.


Most developers are absolutely sure that the timber version of the structure is characterized by increased reliability and strength, and here the following differences can be noted:

  • A frame house consists of several layers of thin finishing, between which there is insulation. Functionally, such a structure cannot boast of strength. Walls are easily opened and destroyed.
  • A timber wall is wood, which in itself is a fairly strong material, and a 150 mm timber, for example, is already a serious obstacle.

From the point of view of reliability, the answer to the question of which is better is a frame house or one made of timber, with a clear advantage the timber version wins.

Important! The service life of houses is completely different. A frame building can be in operation for no more than 20 years, after which a complete reconstruction of the entire structure will be required, with the replacement of all support posts.

Architectural nuances

In the event that the house design involves a fairly complex facade, on which there will be many complex geometric shapes, then preference is given to the frame type. In addition, the frame allows you to implement construction projects of irregular geometric shapes.

For example, houses that are not rectangular or square should be built using frame technology much easier. The frame allows you to recreate even the most complex projects.

On the other hand, timber allows you to recreate the same complex geometric shapes. Modern technologies installations, factory elements, will allow you to build complex projects, although this will take much more time. But when all the work is completed, the result is a beautiful, unusual and reliable house.

As for the internal layout of houses, it is quite difficult to compare; you can lay the beams with your own hands as indicated in the project, or add your own certain nuances. Both in frame and in timber house interior layout completely depends on the developer.

From the point of view of speed, the frame wins here too, but if the decision is made to build everything from timber, and even more so from profiled wood, then internal partitions and the layout do not present any difficulties at all.

The only one, but significant advantage in this case, the structure of natural wood appears. If, for example, you sand the timber and then varnish it, the wood texture will look much more beautiful than a frame-type finish, even with wood-look panels.

There are some nuances regarding the time of construction, or rather the time of year. If the frame version can be erected at any time, at temperatures and weather conditions suitable for work, then timber is still best used in the cold season.

This is due to the fact that the house calmly goes through the first stage of shrinkage, its walls are not exposed to direct sun rays, which prevents the wood from cracking.


To answer the question of whether a frame or timber is cheaper, it is necessary to consider the options through the prism of a completely identical project. And in this case it turns out that the timber option may be more economically profitable. It is worth emphasizing, however, that we are talking only about the cost of materials.

The cost of a timber house is made up of the price of wood, and the cost of a frame house is made up of the following materials:

  • Wood.
  • Finishing materials.
  • Waterproofing.
  • Thermal insulation.
  • Facade works.

In the end, it turns out that the box of a frame house is no cheaper, and even more expensive, than that of a timber-type house. The price in this case may not completely influence the choice of type of construction, but it plays a significant role.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):