The touching charm of wildflowers still inspires poets and lovers and gives a romantic mood. Field flowers, whose names are varied, can be found today in the most prestigious flower shops, because they look incomparable in fresh, charming bouquets. And one has only to imagine a boundless field strewn blue cornflowers, yellow buttercups or white daisies, as fatigue, problems and grievances recede.

Why are they called that?

Often the name of wildflowers speaks about the noticeable characteristics of the plants. Coltsfoot is so named because of its leaves - warm, terry on one side, smooth and cold on the other. The flowers of the crane bird resemble the beak of this slender bird and look like a bell. Oregano has a unique aroma, especially when dried. The tea made from it is very fragrant. Elecampane acquired its nickname because it helps well with weakness and fatigue: it gives a person “nine strength.” It also happens that the name of wildflowers is associated with myths and legends. They say that cornflower is named after St. Basil the Great, who had a special affinity for flowers, and is a symbol of kindness and spiritual purity. The flowers on the stems of Ivan da Marya received their name thanks to the legend of unhappy love. A girl and a guy, having learned that they were each other's brother and sister, so as not to be separated, turned into flowers different shades. The sleep-grass flower is so called because at night the petals close tightly and the plant droops, as if falling asleep. Another name for this flower is lumbago. According to legend, an angel fired an arrow at a demon hiding in the thickets of this plant and shot through the leaves.

Two names

Each wildflower name has a second (botanical) name. In chicory it sounds like this: Cichorium intybys. Comes from the Greek kio - “I go” and chorion - “alienated by the field”. It is called so because the plant can often be found on the outskirts of fields. The species name intybus can be translated as “in a tube” - the flower has a hollow stem. The thistle plant has a Latin name, Carduus nutans, which comes from the word cardo, meaning “hook.” The white and pinkish flowers of soapwort are scientifically called Saponaria and come from the Greek sapon, meaning “soap”. The hairy leaves and stems of mullein, called Verbascum, come from the Latin word barbascum, which is etymologically related to barba, “beard.” Other plant names: royal scepter, chieftain grass, fur leaf. The botanical name of sage, Salvia, comes from the Latin word salvus and means “healthy.” Sage is widely used as a medicinal plant.

Names of blue wildflowers. Blue linen

Among the flowers that delight us with a cool, heavenly hue, flax can be called the most delicate. Its Latin name - Línum - comes from the Celtic language, in which the word lin means “thread”: the flax stalk consists entirely of thin fibers. Since ancient times, the plant has healed, fed and clothed people. The remarkable quality of linen material is its resistance to rotting and increased strength when high humidity. Oil was made from this flax seed, which generously contains the essential linolenic fatty acid, which is involved in the metabolism of humans and animals and prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Charming doctor

There is no place where graceful and cute cornflowers do not grow. If no ears of corn are observed, it means that there certainly was a grain field here, which is now reminded of by little blue flowers. They bloom from May to September. The Latin name - Centauréa - arose from the Greek adjective centaureus, that is, belonging to a centaur. The myth says that with these flowers the centaur Chiron was cured of the poison of the hydra that bit him. Cornflower belongs to the Asteraceae family and is used medicinally as a decongestant. In folk therapy, infusion of flowers in snow water treats the eyes. In cosmetics, cornflower extract is used to produce cleansing, pore-tightening nourishing products.

How did forget-me-not get its name?

Simple forget-me-nots love moisture; they can be found along streams, in meadows, and along river banks. The scientific name of this flower from the borage family - Myosótis - comes from the name "mouse ear", because when the petals open, they closely resemble the ear of a rodent. And according to legend, the forget-me-not acquired a name when the goddess Flora descended to earth and bestowed names on the flowers. It seemed to her that she respected everyone, but then a weak voice was heard behind her: “Don’t forget me, Flora!” The goddess took a closer look and saw a tiny blue flower, called it forget-me-not and gave it the miraculous power to return the memory of people who had forgotten their homeland and loved ones.

Names of yellow wildflowers. Primrose

Primrose, or primrose, was popularly called “golden keys”. There is a legend. They hinted to the Apostle Peter, guarding the gates to Eden, that someone without permission wanted to get into heaven with fake keys. The apostle, in fright, dropped a bunch of golden keys; it fell to the ground, and flowers similar to it grew in that place. Lovely yellow inflorescences appear in early spring, as if opening the way to light and warmth. No wonder the botanical name - Prímula - arose from the Latin word prímus, that is, “first”. Another name for primrose wildflowers is firstborn. Corollas with five petals are collected in racemes-inflorescences on smooth long stems. They are dried and invigorating tea is brewed. There is a whole vitamin cocktail in primrose leaves. Healers prepare a cure for tuberculosis from its roots. And in the old days they cooked from the flower. Primrose can detect signals from the ultrasonic field that occurs during an earthquake. It accelerates the movement of juices in the plant and makes it bloom faster. This is how primrose is able to warn people of danger.

Priceless sweet clover

In the fields and meadows grows a magnificent honey plant and healer - sweet clover. Its Latin name - Melilótus - comes from the word “honey”. And in Rus' these are yellow wild flowers, whose names - bottom are etymologically related to the Slavic word “bottom”. Infusions and decoctions from the plant helped against diseases, and from fresh leaves and flowers were used to prepare a healing plaster for wounds.

Dangerous and beautiful

What a gratifying picture is a field dotted with golden droplets of buttercups! This flower with silky petals is so sweet and touching. Why does it have such a formidable name? The answer is simple - buttercup juice is very poisonous. It was from it that a potion was prepared that plunged Juliet into a deep, death-like sleep. Scientists named the flower Ranúnculus, from the Latin word for frog, because the buttercup adores wet places. The plant blooms several times during the summer, and if the season is rainy, the flowers will be large and lush, and the stems will grow waist-high.

In conclusion

The names and pictures of wildflowers given in this article are only a small part of the rich flora of our wonderful planet. The gentle inhabitants of meadows and fields are not afraid of either heat or cold; they generously give their healing powers to everyone who is ill. The famous thinker of the Enlightenment, Jean Jacques Rousseau, asked his friends to take him to the meadow if he became so ill that there was no longer any hope of recovery. Then, as the scientist assured, he would feel good again.

It’s amazing how rich the nature of our latitudes is in wild herbs. Medicinal plants live widely in fields and meadows, in steppes and forests, on mountain slopes and in valleys. Many of them are well known to almost everyone, others are not so popular, but are also widely used in folk and official medicine. Below we will look at some wild herbs, their purpose and use by humans.

What herbs are: classification

Wild herbs are divided into several typologies:

  • by life expectancy,
  • as intended,
  • by distribution.

Now let's look at each classification separately.

By life expectancy

According to their lifespan, wild herbs are divided into annual, biennial and perennial.

Here are examples of some of them:

  • annuals - cinquefoil, as well as many others;
  • biennials -, and others;
  • perennials - field mint, burdock, and so on.

Did you know? The most common living creatures on planet Earth are plants. There are more than 370 thousand species.

By purpose

Herbs are also classified according to their human use. They are divided into spicy and medicinal. Already from the names of these categories it is clear what they are intended for and how they are used.

By distribution

The places where wild cereals grow allow us to divide them into those growing in forests, in the steppe and desert, in swamps and mountains, in meadows, orchards and orchards.

Photos, names, benefits of wild herbs

There are a huge variety of wild plants, and almost each of them can be found in the corresponding catalog or encyclopedia, with descriptions and photographs.
We will also tell you about some of the herbs common in our territory, presenting their photos, brief description And positive influence on human health.

Did you know? A coffee substitute is made from roasted dandelion roots, and young leaves are fermented or pickled in the cooking of some peoples, like cabbage. In addition, wine from dandelion flowers has long been produced in England.

Dandelion (in Latin - Taraxacum Officinale) has unique healing properties. It is rich in vitamins A and C, it also contains iron and calcium, and is a good detoxifier. The roots and leaves are rich in bitter glycosides, acids, oils, choline, asparagine.
Dandelion is recognized as a plant that can have the following effects:

  • choleretic,
  • antipyretic,
  • laxative,
  • expectorant
  • soothing,
  • antispasmodic,
  • mild sleeping pill.

Experimental chemical and pharmacological studies have proven that dandelion raw materials have antituberculosis, antiviral, fungicidal, anthelmintic, anticarcinogenic and antidiabetic properties.

In cooking, dandelion also has a well-deserved popularity: it is used to cook cabbage soup, prepare cutlets, make jam, and also prepare fortified spring salads. Dandelions are excellent honey plants: the honey collected from them is golden and aromatic, with a sharp aftertaste.

Video: beneficial properties of dandelion

St. John's wort (in Latin - Hypéricum perforatum) has healthy ingredients that help a person maintain health. These are vitamin C, nicotinic acid, quercetin, rutin, carotene, sugars, saponins, hyperoside, tocopherol, phytoncides, essential oil, as well as bitter, tannin and resinous substances.

In pharmacology, St. John's wort is used to prepare a variety of drugs from it:

  • antibacterial,
  • antiseptic,
  • painkillers,
  • wound healing,
  • antirheumatic,
  • diuretics,
  • choleretic,
  • anthelmintic.

Important! St. John's wort has contraindications: it causes an increase blood pressure, accelerates the removal of antibiotics frombody, incompatible withantidepressants. In women who take oral contraceptives, it can reduce their effect. And men need to remember- with long-term use they may experience temporary impotence.

Recently, medical scientists conducted additional studies, during which it was found that St. John's wort has an antidepressant effect without side effects. This herb is also valuable because it is recommended by cosmetologists as an anti-aging, tonic, and antiseborrheic agent.

For a long time, healers used St. John's wort to heal:

  • gynecological inflammations,
  • haemorrhoids,
  • headaches,
  • diseases of the liver and genitourinary system.
Video: beneficial properties of St. John's wort

Chicory (in Latin - Cichórium) has a rich chemical composition, due to which it normalizes the functioning of many body systems.

This plant can:

  • stimulate increased immunity,
  • heal wounds and eczema,
  • have an antitumor effect,
  • tone the body,
  • relieve fatigue
  • cleanse blood vessels.

Chicory also has detoxifying properties: it is able to normalize metabolic processes and remove toxins. By consuming chicory, you can cleanse the kidneys and improve blood composition, speed up peristalsis, eliminate heartburn, and increase appetite. Drinks made from it can replace coffee.
Chicory is also used as an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and antibacterial agent for colds. Diabetics can also alleviate their condition by consuming this medicinal herb.

Stinging nettle (in Latin - Urtica urens) and stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) are two species medicinal herbs, which are used in both official and traditional medicine.

Nettle gained its popularity due to the following properties:

  • diuretic,
  • mild laxative,
  • expectorant
  • anticonvulsant,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antiseptic,
  • painkiller,
  • wound healing,
  • blood purifier
  • hemostatic.

Pregnant and lactating women use nettle to improve lactation and normalize iron levels in the blood. Its antidiabetic effect has also been proven.

Traditional medicine uses nettle for:

  • dysentery,
  • cold,
  • constipation,
  • dropsy,
  • diseases of the liver and bronchopulmonary system,
  • hemorrhoids,
  • rheumatism,
  • gout,
  • boils,
  • acne and lichen lesions of the skin.
Video: beneficial properties of nettle

Burdock (Latin: Arctium) is widely used in both medicines; Mostly its root is used. The root system of burdock is most rich in the polysaccharide inulin (about 45%), it contains tannin and essential oils, mucus, fatty substances, bitterness, resins, mineral salts, ascorbic acid, and protein.

Burdock root is used as a diuretic, diaphoretic, analgesic and choleretic agent; it helps in the formation of pancreatic enzymes.

This plant also has the following effects:
  • laxative,
  • antimicrobial,
  • antiseptic,
  • antiallergic,
  • wound healing,
  • antidiabetic.

Hogweed (in Latin - Heracléum) has long been known for its healing properties. It contains furocoumarins, which have a bactericidal effect, so anthelmintic drugs for animals are produced from it.

For humans, hogweed remedies are effective against psoriasis. The juice of the plant treats ulcers and purulent wounds, asthma and epilepsy. An anesthetic medicine for liver inflammation, as well as for jaundice, is prepared from the roots.

Hogweed is used in cooking, and it is also a complete fodder crop, which is combined with others and made from them into silage for livestock.

Hogweed contains trace elements, carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins, as well as tannins, chlorophyll, carotene, and essential oils. The flowers contain a lot of nectar, which the bees convert into excellent honey.

Important! It is necessary to handle hogweed with care, since its juice, if it gets on open areas of the body, can cause severe allergic reactions and burns that turn into huge blisters.


Oregano, or oregano (in Latin - Origanum vulgáre) contains flavonoids, phytoncides, bitterness, tannins, essential oil, thanks to which preparations based on it serve as anti-inflammatory and choleretic agents. Oregano is used to treat whooping cough and bronchitis, and is taken as a sedative and pain reliever.

Medicines from this herb:

  • increase appetite,
  • improve intestinal motility,
  • produce a diuretic effect,
  • relieve epileptic seizures,
  • relieve cramps,
  • normalize the menstrual cycle.
Video: beneficial properties of oregano

Field or meadow mint (in Latin - Mentha arvensis) contains menthol, which has mild anesthetic properties. It is also an ingredient in medications for blood vessels and the heart: Validol, Valocordin, Zelenin drops and others.

The beneficial properties of mint are very versatile:

  • mint can enhance intestinal motility, promoting timely emptying, limit putrefactive processes and fermentation;
  • Infusions are prepared from dried leaves, which are used for disorders nervous system and insomnia;
  • mint helps relieve nausea, produces a choleretic effect, eliminates diarrhea;
  • alcohol tincture and oil solution are used to reduce swelling and pain due to inflammation of the respiratory system;
  • The antimicrobial and gum-strengthening properties of essential oil are used for the production of toothpastes and powders, as well as infusions for rinsing the mouth.

Important! Mint should not be consumed by children under three years of age. Also, men of childbearing age should not get carried away with it, because it can reduce libido, and women who have problems conceiving, since this herb can aggravate the problem of infertility.


Tansy (in Latin - Tanacetum vulgare) is known for having a powerful anthelmintic effect. It is also used to prepare a powder in the form of an insecticide against pests. Tansy contains alkaloids, essential oils, flavonoids, and tannins.

This plant is used for hepatitis to reduce the production of mucus that accumulates in bile. The herb has a positive effect on the muscle tone of the stomach and intestines, increasing secretion.

An infusion of basket inflorescences can:

  • increase the amplitude of heart contractions,
  • eliminate hypotension,
  • heal stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Traditional medicine uses tansy in the treatment of:

  • enterobiasis,
  • hypoacid gastritis,
  • hepatitis,
  • colitis,
  • ascariasis,
  • cholecystitis.
Compresses made from this herb are effective for purulent wounds and gout.

Video: beneficial properties of tansy

Plantain (in Latin - Plantago). There are two types of plantain used in medicine: flea plantain and Indian plantain. These medicinal herbs contain a lot of ascorbic acid, phytoncides and carotene.

Alcoholic and aqueous leaf extracts of plantain are used to treat severe forms of stomach and duodenal ulcers. The juice is used to treat gastritis and enteritis; it is drunk for better digestion of food. Special research by phytochemists has proven that plantain leaves contain elements that affect cholesterol metabolism.

An infusion of leaves is used to remove sputum in the following cases:

  • bronchitis,
  • pulmonary tuberculosis,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • pleurisy,
  • catarrh of the upper respiratory tract,
  • whooping cough

Plantain is known as an antiseptic because it can:

  • relieve inflammation
  • heal wounds
  • anesthetize,
  • cleanse the blood.
Medicines prepared from the plant can destroy Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, hemolytic staphylococcus, and pathogenic microbes in infected wounds.

Wormwood (in Latin - Artemísia absínthium) is used in gastroenterology. Its benefits are due to active ingredients such as absintin, anabsintin, flavonoids, thujone, pinene, cadinene, bisabolone, chamazulenogen, selinene.

Wormwood leaves are rich in phytoncides, alkaloids, capillin, ascorbic acid, provitamin A, malic and succinic acids, carotene and saponins.

  • The presence of galenic substances helps stimulate the reflex function of the pancreas and improves the functioning of the gallbladder.
  • Terpenes relieve inflammation and are pacemakers.
  • The essential oil released from the plant has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system.
  • Saturated hydrocarbons found in grass have a bactericidal and fungicidal effect.
  • Bitterness, which is also present, can stimulate appetite and normalize digestion.

Traditional medicine considers wormwood an excellent remedy for:

  • insomnia,
  • ascariasis,
  • flatulence,
  • obesity,
  • migraines,
  • enterocolitis,
  • gastritis,
  • kidney and liver diseases.
Video: beneficial properties of wormwood The plant is also useful for bad breath. Ointments are prepared on the basis of wormwood, which are used to treat fistulas, eye diseases, bruises and burns.

In combination with other herbs, wormwood is successfully used for:

  • pulmonary tuberculosis,
  • hypertension,
  • fever,
  • swelling,
  • hemorrhoids.

Horsetail (in Latin - Equisetum arvense) is rich in flavonoids, derivatives of apigenin, quercetin, luteolin, silicic acid, as well as tannins.

Also present are oxalic, aconitic, linoleic, malic and ascorbic acids, fatty oils, alkaloids, calcium, carotene, iron, potassium, magnesium, copper and other substances.
Thanks to the listed components, horsetail has the following properties:

  • cleansing,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antimicrobial,
  • anthelmintics,
  • diuretics,
  • antiseptic,
  • detoxification.

In medicine and cosmetology, horsetail is used in the form of infusion, lotion and decoction. It is used when following fasting diets in the process of losing weight. Cooks use young horsetail shoots by boiling or frying them and adding them to omelettes and casseroles, as well as as a filling for pancakes and pies.

Video: beneficial properties of horsetail

Quinoa (in Latin - Atriplex) is useful in the treatment of rheumatism and helps relieve emotional stress. Because of large quantity rutin and potassium are used in cardiology and for atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels.

Did you know? Quinoa has long been used as food during war or crop failure: rye flour with ground quinoa seeds was used to make bread. Such bread, although not attractive in appearance or taste, still helped people survive in times of famine.

Preparations made from it are used to treat:

  • chronic and acute diseases of the lower respiratory tract,
  • stomach diseases,
  • skin diseases,
  • inflamed wounds.

The plant also serves as:

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • wound healing,
  • cleansing
  • diuretic,
  • expectorant
  • choleretic,
  • sedative.

Vegetarians have appreciated quinoa because it contains a lot of protein: cabbage soup made from it, as well as cutlets, soups, purees and bread, allow you to stay full for a long time.

Video: beneficial properties of quinoa

Celandine (in Latin - Chelidonium) has many useful components: it contains up to twenty toxic substances that destroy pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoan microorganisms.

Beneficial effects of celandine:

  • helps with cramps,
  • relieves inflammatory processes,
  • can relieve pain and calm,
  • has antitumor and bactericidal effect,
  • serves as a diuretic
  • heals wounds,
  • increases lactation in lactating women,
  • Medicines from celandine cleanse the lymph from infections.

When using small doses of celandine:
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • cardiac activity slows down;
  • neuroses, convulsions, paralysis, epilepsy disappear;
  • the functioning of the pancreas is improved.

When using celandine in treatment, it is important to remember that you cannot independently exceed the dose of the prescribed amount of the drug, otherwise this will lead to dangerous side effects.

Important! You should start taking this herb with a minimum dose, gradually increasing it to the required dose.

24 times already

The variety of plants in the forest zone allows you to choose for your garden those flowers or herbs that will ideally suit the conditions of your site. As a rule, forest grasses and flowering plants are unpretentious, because in nature they are content with shade tall trees and are forced to survive, despite the bushes surrounding them on all sides. Check out the photos of forest flowers and their names below to choose the most suitable ones for your garden.

Perennial plants for a forest plot

Adiantum (ADIANTUM). Adintaceae family.

Basil filamentous(T. filamentosum) - low, 15-25 cm high, with a long rhizome, forms a thicket of soft green leaves, in an openwork inflorescence, grows in the shade.

Delaway's Basil (T. delavayi)– 100 cm high, magnificent large pink or red inflorescence.

Growing conditions. Sunny or semi-shaded places with loose, moist soils (except for V. small, which prefers dry soils).

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring or before winter), dividing the bush (in spring or late summer). Capable of weeding. Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Black cohosh, black cohosh (CIMICIFUGA). Ranunculaceae family.

Tall grasses (up to 200 cm), blooming from late summer through autumn. About 20 species are known growing in the forests of the Far East and North America. The rhizome is dense, short, forms a powerful root system. The leaves are large, trifoliate, rising high on a long petiole, tall peduncles, bearing clusters of numerous small white flowers. A slow-growing perennial that holds its place for up to 30-40 years.

Types and varieties:

Black cohosh branched (C. ramosa)- height 200 cm, variety “Atropurpurea”.

Black cohosh (C. dahurica)- height 200 cm, with branched racemose inflorescence, blooms in September-October.

Black cohosh (C. racemosa = C. cordifoia)- height 180 cm, blooms earlier than other species (in July), pale-white flowers in a racemose inflorescence.

Black cohosh simple(C. simpiex)- height 140 cm, blooms in September, flowers in a simple spike-shaped inflorescence.

Growing conditions. Shaded and semi-shaded areas with rich, well-drained, moderately moist soils.

Reproduction. Freshly collected seeds, sowing before winter. Seedlings bloom in the 3rd-5th year, but it is more reliable to propagate in the spring by dividing the bush. The divisions easily take root and live without transplantation for up to 30 years. Planting density - 3 pcs. per 1 m2.

Jeffersonia (JEFFERSONIA). Barberry family.

There are only two species in this genus, growing on opposite ends of the globe - one in the forests of eastern North America, the other in the forests of the Far East. These are low (25-35 cm) short-rhizomatous herbs that form rounded bushes from delicate basal rounded leaves and bloom in early spring. The flowers are solitary, 2-3 cm in diameter.

Types and varieties:

Jeffersonia bifolia (J. diphylla) from America has a leaf cut out at the top and white flowers; Jeffersonia dubia (J. dubia) from the Far East has rounded leaves and soft lilac flowers.

Growing conditions. In the shade, under the canopy of trees that cover the ground in autumn with fallen leaves; on loose forest soil, well drained.

Reproduction.Seed propagation difficult, since the seeds germinate only in the 3rd year. Propagated by dividing the bush at the end of summer. Without dividing or replanting, they can grow for 20-25 years.

Planting density - 16 pcs. per 1 m2.

Cardiocrinum. Lily family.

The genus Cardiocrinum includes 3 species of large bulbous herbs growing on forest edges and in sparse forests of East Asia. Peduncle 150-300 cm high with numerous flowers similar to lilies. These are the most tall plants Liliaceae family. They have shiny large heart-shaped leaves on petioles and numerous (up to 30 pieces per stem) white tubular fragrant flowers up to 15 cm long.

Types and varieties. IN temperate zone grows well:

Cardiocrinum cordatum (C. cordatum), especially its shape "Glenna" (C. cordatum f. Glehnii), living in the light forests of Sakhalin, they have large flowers in a multi-flowered inflorescence.

Cardiocrinum gigantea (C. giganteum)- a plant of the Himalayas, needs strong shelter, often damaged by frost.

Growing conditions. Lightly shaded areas with moist, loose, rich soils under a canopy of broad-leaved trees (oak, linden, maple, apple).

Reproduction. Freshly collected seeds are sown before winter, they germinate in the spring, and seedlings bloom in the 7-10th year.

Lungwort (PULMONARIA). Borage family.

Perennial forest rhizomatous herbs (about 14 species) 20-40 cm high, with oval pubescent leaves in a basal rosette and tubular flowers of red-violet tones (change color after pollination) in a dense inflorescence-curl. They bloom in early spring. These forest herbs got their name because their flowers are rich in nectar; lungwort is one of the first spring honey plants.

Types and varieties:

Lungwort angustifolia(P. angustifolia)-, grows in pine forests on sandy soils in Europe.

Varieties of lungwort "Azurea" And "Smokey Blue"

Lungwort Filyarsky (P. filarszkyana)and red (P. rubra)- from the forests of the Carpathians, variety “Redstart”.

The softest lungwort (P. mollissima)- up to 40 cm high, dark blue flowers, from the forests of the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Dark lungwort (P. obscura)- lilac-pink flowers, from the forests of Central Europe.

Sugar lungwort (P. saccharata)- from the forests of Southern Europe, green leaves with large bluish spots, purple flowers, variety “Mrs. Moon."

Growing conditions. Shaded areas under the canopy of trees with loose forest soils, moderately moisturized. M. angustifolia grows well on sand, and M. sugar grows well on rocky sandy soils in good light.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (at the end of summer). Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Cohosh (CAULOPHYLLUM). Barberry family.

Large (up to 120 cm high) herbs with a thickened short rhizome, straight stem (up to 100 cm high) and several beautiful, slightly bluish trifoliate leaves. The flowers are small, pale yellow, collected in a sparse panicle.

Pay attention to the photo of these forest herbs - they are especially beautiful in the fall, when their berry-like, bluish fruits ripen.

Types and varieties. This genus contains only two species:

Powerful cohosh (C. robustum)- a taiga plant in the south of the Ussuri region and the cohosh (C. thaLictroides) - a plant in the broad-leaved forests of eastern North America. They are very similar in appearance and in their environmental needs.

Growing conditions. Heavily shaded areas under a canopy of broadleaf trees. The soils are loose, forest, moderately moist. They overwinter well under litter.

Reproduction. Seed propagation is difficult, seeds germinate only in the 2-3rd year, and seedlings bloom in the 4th-5th year. Without transplantation or division, they can grow in one place for up to 30 years.

Reproduction is possible by dividing the bush at the end of summer. Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Disporum. Uvulariaceae (lily) family.

Forest perennial herbs (about 15 species), growing in the forests of East Asia and North America, with a horizontal creeping rhizome and stems branching at the apex into two branches, covered with ovate leaves and ending in an umbellate inflorescence of narrow bell-shaped white-greenish flowers. Decorative fruits.

Types and varieties:

Bushy perennial plant up to 2 meters tall. The leaves are round, five-dissected, dark green in color. The flowers are dark purple, large, five-leaved, corolla-shaped, up to 8 cm in diameter. There are many flowers on the shoots. Frost-resistant plant. Applicable in folk medicine.

Althaea officinalis

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 50 cm in height. The leaves are oblong, pointed, located along the entire stem (large below, small above), bluish-green in color. The flowers are solitary, concentrated at the top of the stem, pale pink, up to 10 centimeters in diameter. The plant cannot withstand severe frosts. Feels good in the Moscow region. Widely used in medicine.

Amaranth spicata

Herbaceous plant up to 1 meter in height. The leaves are alternate, oblong, becoming smaller towards the top of the stem. The flowers are small, yellowish-green, collected in dense spike-shaped inflorescences. It grows in fields and meadows throughout Russia and Ukraine. The plant is unpretentious to climatic conditions. Applicable in food industry and medicine.


Herbaceous perennial plant up to 40 centimeters in height. The leaves are alternate, bare petioled, becoming smaller towards the top of the stem. The flowers are large, tricolor, tetrahedral, up to 6 centimeters in diameter, on thin stalks. Frost-resistant plant. Grows everywhere. Used in medicine.


Bush perennial plant up to 2 meters in height. The leaves are small, located throughout the stem, bluish-green in color. The flowers are four-leafed, crimson in color with a bright intoxicating aroma, up to 4 centimeters in diameter. There are many flowers on the peduncle, they are collected in umbrellas. Grows everywhere. Used in cosmetology and medicine.

Lily leaf bell

Herbaceous perennial plant of the Campanula family up to 1.5 meters in height. The leaves are narrow, dark green, sparse. The flowers are small, arranged in a row along the entire upper part of the stem, delicately purple. The plant is widespread in Siberia and also grows in Ukraine. Used in medicine.

Valerian officinalis

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 1.5 meters in height. The upper and lower leaves are long-petiolate, the main stem is sparsely leafy. The flowers are pale pink, fragrant, small, up to 5 millimeters in diameter, collected in umbels. Grows everywhere. Widely used in medicine and cosmetology.

meadow cornflower

Herbaceous perennial weed plant up to 1 meter in height. The leaves are oval-elongated, pubescent, bluish-green. The flowers are pale pink, up to 5 centimeters in diameter, and form a basket in the inflorescence. Grows everywhere. Widely used in traditional and folk medicine.

Cornflower blue

Herbaceous perennial meadow plant up to 1 meter in height. The leaves are pubescent, lanceolate, oval-elongated, bluish-green. The flowers are bright or dark blue, up to 5 centimeters in diameter, in the inflorescence a basket. Grows everywhere. Used in medicine and cosmetology.

Forest anemone

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 20 centimeters in height. The leaves are carved, dark green, located in the root zone of the plant. The flowers are large, white with a pronounced smell of honey. Blooms in warm regions of Russia and Ukraine. Rare protected plant.

Knitting mouse peas

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 1.5 meters in height. The stem is branched, creeping. The leaves are small, compound, ash-green in color. The flowers are small, purple, collected in a corolla. Very popular in the vicinity of Novosibirsk. Used in folk medicine.

Herbaceous perennial dicotyledonous plant up to 40 centimeters in height. Leaves are linear, pubescent. Flowers are red, pink, less often white with five serrated petals. A rare meadow plant protected in the Saratov region.

Meadow geranium

Herbaceous perennial dicotyledonous plant up to 80 centimeters in height. The stem leaves are five-parted, the upper sessile leaves are three-parted. The flowers are large, wide open, numerous, lilac in color with five petals. Grows everywhere. Used as a raw material in medicine.

Snake knotweed

A herbaceous perennial plant with a non-branched single stem up to 1 meter high. Leaves are basal, long, feather-shaped. The inflorescence is spike-shaped, dense, with a large number small pink flowers. Frost-resistant plant of the regions of Western Siberia. Widely used in medicine and cosmetology.

Pepper Knotweed

Herbaceous perennial plant of the Buckwheat family. Reaches a height of up to 90 centimeters. The stem is thin, branched, erect. The leaves are feather-shaped and located throughout the stem. The flowers are small, white, collected in spike-shaped racemes. Widely used in the food industry, traditional and folk medicine.

Bird's knotweed

Herbaceous plant up to 50 centimeters in height. Stems are branched, twining, creeping. The leaves are small, dark green, located symmetrically along the entire stem. The flowers are small, white, randomly distributed throughout the entire stem of the plant. Grows everywhere. Used in medicine. Used as forage plant.


Perennial subshrub up to 1.5 meters in height. The stems are dense, short, straight. The leaves are thin, long, dark green, arranged symmetrically along the entire stem. The flowers are large, solitary, bell-shaped. Flowers are blue, light blue or violet. Grows everywhere. Widely used in folk and traditional medicine.

Adonis cuckoo

A herbaceous perennial plant with a straight stem up to 90 centimeters in height. The leaves are lanceolate, arranged symmetrically from top to bottom along the stem. The flowers are pink, collected in a corymbose panicle and concentrated in the upper part of the plant. Grows in most regions of Russia and throughout Ukraine. Widely used in folk and traditional medicine.


Herbaceous perennial plant up to 40 centimeters in height. The leaves are large, dark green, round-ovate, serrated. The flowers are small, white-pink in color, collected in straight racemes. Frost-resistant plant of the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East. Medicinal plant used in medicine.

Goose onion

Herbaceous perennial lily bulbous low-growing plant up to 15 centimeters in height. The leaves are long, growing in the root zone as a separate paroxysm. The flowers are small, bright yellow with a pronounced honey smell. Heat-loving plant. Used in cosmetology and folk medicine.


Bushy perennial plant up to 1 meter in height. The leaves are entire, narrow, light green in color. The flowers are orange or yellow. They can be either single or collected in corymbose brushes. Grows everywhere. Used in cosmetology, traditional and folk medicine.


Bush perennial plant up to 1.5 meters in height. The leaves are arrow-shaped, collected in the root zone. The flowers are small, collected in a pyramidal inflorescence located on a long peduncle. Flowers can be white, pink, blue, lilac, red, pink, yellow. Grows in warm climatic conditions. The plant is used in soap making.

Wild onion

Bush perennial plant up to 50 centimeters in height. Leaves are arrow-shaped, like a feather onions, but a little thinner. A long thin stalk on which is a single, bell-shaped, pink flower. Grows everywhere. Used in the food industry.

Sweet clover

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 2 meters in height. The leaves are trifoliate, symmetrically arranged throughout the stem. The flowers are small, yellow or white, collected in racemes up to 7 centimeters long. Grows everywhere. Widely used in traditional and folk medicine.

Field larkspur

grassy annual plant of the Buttercup family up to 50 centimeters in height. Self-seeding The stem is branched and erect. The leaves are small, pinnately dissected, openwork, alternate. The flowers are small and look like a small hatchet. The flowers can be blue, purple, or less often pink. Grows everywhere. The plant is poisonous and should not be used in its pure form.

St. John's wort

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 80 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, with a large number of symmetrical leaves. The leaves are elliptical and dark green. The flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences. The flowers are bright yellow. Grows throughout Russia and Ukraine. A medicinal plant, widely used in medicine.


Herbaceous perennial plant up to 30 centimeters in height. Trifoliate leaves, complex shape on single stems. Shoots are creeping and rooting. Inflorescences in the form of a multi-flowered shield. The flowers are small, white, with a bright aroma. Grows in warm regions of Russia. Used in the food industry, cosmetology, medicine.

Golden rod

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 1 meter in height. The stem is erect, unbranched. The leaves are oblong, sharp, with jagged edges. The flowers are yellow, small, collected in a panicle inflorescence. Grows in the Caucasus, Western Siberia, and Ukraine. Used in medicine and in everyday life.


Herbaceous biennial plant up to 50 centimeters in height. Self-seeding The stem is single, erect. The leaves are oblong, pale green in color. There are very few leaves on the plant. The flowers are small, pink, collected in an umbrella inflorescence. Grows everywhere. Used in cosmetology and medicine.


A perennial subshrub with oval entire leaves and zygomorphic flowers, collected in whorls, on the upper part of the stem. The shrub reaches 1.5 meters in height. Flowers can be white, yellow and pink. Grows everywhere. Widely used in traditional medicine.


Perennial rhizomatous plant up to 60 centimeters in height. The stem can be single or bunched. The leaves are flat, sword-shaped, collected at the base of the stem. Flowers are solitary or three in an inflorescence. Flowers can be yellow, purple, white. purple, burgundy, pink. The flowers are similar in appearance to an orchid flower. Grows everywhere. Used in folk medicine.

Fireweed angustifolia (Ivan-tea)

Herbaceous perennial plant 50-150 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, bare, rounded, densely leafy. The leaves are simple, linear-lanceolate, pointed, narrowed, dark green shiny color. Flowers with double perianths, pink, four-membered, bisexual, up to 3 cm in diameter. The flowers are collected in a sparse apical raceme up to 45 centimeters long. Grows everywhere. An ornamental plant, used in folk and traditional medicine.

Kirkazon clematis

grassy perennial vine 50-90 centimeters in height with a creeping rhizome. The stem is simple, erect. The leaves are heart-shaped, up to 10 centimeters long. Flowers with zygomorphic perianth, light yellow. Grows in the European part of Russia and the Caucasus. Poisonous medicinal plant. Used in small doses in folk medicine.

Arable clover

Herbaceous annual plant up to 30 centimeters in height. Self-seeding The stem is straight, branched. The leaves are trifoliate, linear-oblong, blue-green in color. Inflorescence heads cylindrical, shaggy-hairy. Flowers in the form of a small pale pink corolla. Grows everywhere. Used in cosmetology and medicine. Forage plant.

White creeping clover

Herbaceous perennial branching plant up to 30 centimeters in height. The stem is creeping, branched, bare, self-rooting. The leaves are trifoliate on long petioles. The leaves are green in color, with white streaks inside the leaf. The inflorescence heads are spherical in shape. Flowers in the form of a small white corolla. Grows in temperate climate zones. Used as an excellent honey plant, fodder plant, soil improving plant.

Clover pink

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 80 centimeters in height. The stem is tubular, branched, erect. Leaves are oval, trifoliate. The inflorescence heads are spherical. Flowers are corolla-shaped, pink or crimson. Grows everywhere. It is used as an excellent honey plant, fodder plant, and component in folk medicine.

feather grass

Turf-like perennial plant up to 1 meter in height. Stems are erect, bare. The leaves are linear, narrow, located in the root zone of the bush. The inflorescence is in the form of a narrow, compressed, pubescent panicle up to 25 centimeters in length. Grows everywhere. Ornamental plant.

Meadow salsify

Herbaceous biennial plant up to 1 meter in height. Self-seeding The stem is thin, erect, with a purple tint. The leaves are narrow, long, located in the lower knee of the stem. The flowers are yellow, dandelion-shaped on a flower stalk-basket. Grows everywhere. Used in the food industry.

Common bluebell

Herbaceous biennial plant up to 70 centimeters in height. Self-seeding The stem is erect, thin, and sparsely leafy. The leaves are small, entire, alternately arranged. The corolla is bell-shaped. The flowers are purple, collected in a racemose or paniculate regular inflorescence. Grows in temperate climates. Rare ornamental plant.

Field bark

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 80 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, sparsely leafy. The leaves are hairy, lanceolate, pinnately dissected, located in the root zone of the plant. Inflorescence heads up to 3 centimeters in height. The flowers are bluish-lilac with lanceolate involucre leaves. Grows everywhere. Used as an excellent honey plant.

Burnet (officinalis)

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 90 centimeters in height. The stem is single, erect, branched in the upper part. The leaves are long-petiolate with many small oval leaves. The edge of the leaf is dissected. The flowers are small, dark red, collected in oval corollas-heads. Medicinal plant, fodder plant, honey plant. Grows everywhere. Used in folk and traditional medicine.

European swimsuit

Herbaceous perennial plant 40-100 centimeters in height. Leaves are basal and stem. The leaves are dark green, pinnately dissected, collected in a rosette. The flowers are rich yellow, large, up to 5 centimeters in diameter, with a bright aroma. The flower looks like a small peony. Rare plant, protected by the Republic of Belarus, Tambov region and Poland.

Kupena fragrant

Herbaceous perennial plant 30-65 centimeters in height. The stem is bare, faceted, erect. The stem forms an arch under the weight of leaves and flowers. The leaves are oval, stalk-embracing, alternate, glossy and green above, matte and bluish below. The flowers are white, small, located along the stem. The flowers are similar in appearance to a bell. Grows everywhere. A poisonous plant used in small doses in folk and traditional medicine.

Lily of the valley

Herbaceous perennial plant of the Liliaceae genus, up to 40 centimeters in height. The stem is thin, bare, erect. The leaves are large, oval, light green in color, located symmetrically in twos in the root zone of the plant. The flowers are small, white, with a sugary aroma, collected in a spike-shaped inflorescence. Grows everywhere. Rare plant. It is used in folk and traditional medicine, cosmetology and soap making.

Common flax

Herbaceous annual plant up to 80 centimeters in height. Self-seeding The stem is erect, leafy, branching in the upper part. The leaves are small, narrow, located symmetrically along the entire stem. The flowers are solitary, on long stalks, blue, five-petaled. Grows everywhere. It is used in cooking, medicine, cosmetology, and textile production.


Grassy perennial primrose up to 30 centimeters in height. The stem is creeping, thin, rooting, with symmetrical opposite rounded leaves. The flowers are yellow, on long stalks, solitary, large, five-leaved. Grows everywhere. Used in folk medicine and as a tea substitute.

Common toadflax

A herbaceous perennial plant of the Plantain family, it can reach a height of 90 centimeters. The stem is erect, densely leafy. The leaves are small, linear, pointed. The flowers are yellow with an orange center, small. The flowers are collected in apical racemes up to 15 centimeters long. Grows everywhere. A weed plant, rarely used in floristry.

Lyubka bifolia

Herbaceous perennial tuberous plant 30-60 centimeters in height. The stem is single and erect, glabrous. Leaves are basal (there can be 1-3 of them). The leaves are oval, light green, large. The inflorescence is in the form of a cylindrical spikelet up to 20 centimeters in length. The flowers are small, white, located symmetrically relative to the spikelet. The flowers have a pungent spicy aroma. Grows in Ukraine and in the European part of Russia. Used in folk medicine and veterinary medicine.


Perennial subshrub 80-120 centimeters high. Stems are erect, woody, leafy to varying degrees. The leaves are palmately compound, with many narrow and long leaves. The inflorescence is in the form of an apical raceme. The flowers are zygomorphic, alternate, dark blue or purple. Grows in temperate climates. Used in medicine, food industry, pharmacology, cosmetology, floristry.

Creeping buttercup

Herbaceous perennial plant 15-40 centimeters in height. The stem is thick, bare, creeping. The leaves are trifoliate, petiolate, basal. The flowers are bisexual, regular five-leafed, solitary, golden yellow. Grows everywhere. Used in folk and traditional medicine.

Field poppy

Herbaceous annual plant 30-80 centimeters in height. Self-seeding The stem is branched, covered with coarse bristles. The leaves are large, alternate, pinnately dissected, gray-green in color. The edge of the leaf is dissected and jagged. Pedicels are long and strong. The flowers are large, up to 7 centimeters in diameter, solitary, bright red or scarlet. The flowers consist of two tiers of petals (four in each) and a black stamen with oblong anthers. Grows everywhere. Used in folk medicine and winemaking.


Herbaceous perennial bushy plant 40-60 centimeters high. The stem is erect, branched. The leaves are palmately dissected, rounded, with concave lobes, decorative. The flowers are small, greenish-yellow, collected in spherical inflorescences on single pedicels. Grows in warm climate regions. Medicinal plant. Used in the food industry, folk medicine, floristry.

Mother and stepmother

Herbaceous perennial plant of the Asteraceae family up to 30 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, covered with scaly leaves. The basal leaves are dissected by veins, oval or heart-shaped, simple. The flowers are solitary, bright yellow, similar in appearance to dandelion. Grows in temperate climates. It is used in folk medicine and is valued as an excellent honey plant.


Herbaceous perennial plant no higher than 30 centimeters. The stem is erect, pubescent. The leaves are lanceolate, oval, regular, heart-shaped. The basal leaves are much larger than the stem leaves. Flowers with double perianth, bell-shaped in a pubescent basket. Most often the flowers are blue or dark blue. Grows everywhere. Used in cooking, folk and traditional medicine.


Herbaceous perennial plant of the Asteraceae family up to 60 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, multifaceted. The leaves are dark green, feather-like, basal. The flowers are solitary, yellow, emerging from a single inflorescence of the basket. All parts of the plant contain dense white juice. Grows everywhere. It is used as a fodder plant, in the food industry, in medicine, and in cosmetology.

Comfrey officinalis

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 1 meter in height. The stem is branched and erect. The entire stem is covered with stiff hairs. The leaves are feather-shaped, oblong, lanceolate, alternate, bluish-green. The flowers are purple, bell-shaped, sparsely located along the entire upper part of the stem. Distributed everywhere. Used in medicine, an excellent honey plant.


Herbaceous perennial plant of the Brassica family up to 60 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, leafy. The leaves are small, alternate, in the shape of small hearts. The sepals are straight, short, white, located at the top of the stem. Grows everywhere. It is used in folk and scientific medicine, gynecology, and Armenian cuisine.

Primrose officinalis

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 80 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, glabrous. The leaves are large, feather-like, bluish-green, clustered in the root zone. The flowers are regular, five-leaved, golden-yellow in color, collected in an umbrella inflorescence. Grows everywhere. It is used in medicine, the food industry, and as an ornamental plant.


Herbaceous turfy perennial plant 50-150 centimeters in height. Stems are straight, branched at the top. The leaves are alternate, palmate, carved, serrated. The flowers are small, regular, yellow, tubular, collected in an umbrella. The plant has a pungent camphor smell. Grows everywhere. Widely used in the food industry, scientific and folk medicine.

Common pikulnik

Herbaceous annual plant of the Lamiaceae family, up to 50 centimeters in height. Self-seeding The stem is erect, fleecy. The leaves are alternate, regular, symmetrically located throughout the stem. The calyx of the flower is spiny, equal to the corolla tube, with five teeth. The flowers are small, bell-shaped, lilac color. Grows everywhere. A good honey plant.


Perennial creeping shrub. The stem is thin, weaving. The leaves are dark green, angular-lobed. The flowers are small, white, collected in apical racemes. Grows in countries with mild climates. A medicinal plant used in folk and traditional medicine.

True bedstraw

Herbaceous perennial tenacious plant 60-120 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, weak, pubescent. The leaves are dark green, narrow, linear, collected in whorls. Flowers collected in a dense pyramidal panicle. The flowers are small, yellow in color, with a pronounced honey aroma. Grows everywhere. A good honey plant. Used in the food industry and paint and varnish industry.


Perennial herbaceous shrub 50-200 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, ribbed, dense, branched in the upper part. The leaves are long-petiolate, twice or thrice pinnately dissected. The entire plant is silvery green in color. The flowers are small, yellowish, in the form of spherical baskets. The flowers are arranged symmetrically along the entire stem. The plant has a pungent camphor smell. Grows everywhere. It is used in medicine, cooking, and in the preparation of insect repellents.

Primula vulgare

Herbaceous perennial plant of the Primrose family, up to 20 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, short. The leaves are lanceolate, feather-shaped, wrinkled, toothed, located in the root zone. The flowers are funnel-shaped, regular, of all possible colors. The flowers are collected in sessile inflorescences. Grows in regions with temperate climates. Ornamental plant.


Herbaceous perennial plant of the Buttercup family up to 40 centimeters in height. The stem is thick, gray, hairy. The leaves are petiolate, collected in a rosette in the root zone. The flowers are single, regular, large, purple, with sharp petals. Grows everywhere. Used in traditional medicine and veterinary medicine. Poisonous.


Herbaceous perennial plant of the Asteraceae family. It reaches a height of 30-80 centimeters. The stem is erect, leafy, branched towards the top. The leaves are small, narrow, carved. Inflorescences in the form of hemispherical baskets. The flowers are regular, white with yellow center. Grows everywhere. It is used in cosmetology, gardening, and floristry.


Annual herbaceous plant of the Astrov family up to 60 centimeters in height. Self-seeding The stem is erect, branched from the base. The leaves are alternate, narrow, small, carved. The inflorescences are numerous, in the form of a conical basket. The flowers are regular, white with a yellow center. There are bisexual yellow ones small flowers. Grows everywhere. Used in medicine, cosmetology, food industry.

Chamomile yellow

A perennial herbaceous plant from the genus Papavka of the Asteraceae family. It reaches a height of 25-100 centimeters. The stem is erect and bare. The leaves are alternate, pinnately dissected, and large. The flowers are collected in single conical baskets on long stalks. The flowers are regular, yellow with a yellow center. Grows everywhere. Used in medicine and gardening.

Checkered hazel grouse

A perennial herbaceous plant of the genus Fritillary family Liliaceae. It can reach 35 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, smooth, and bends into an arc under the weight of the flower. The leaves are thin and long, arranged sparsely and symmetrically along the stem. The flowers are solitary, drooping. The bell-shaped flower is burgundy and on the main color you can see dots of blue, arranged in a checkerboard pattern. The species range covers almost all of Europe with the exception of the extreme northern and extreme southern regions. Rare ornamental plant. Used in medicine.

Sverbiga eastern

Perennial herbaceous plant of the Sverbig genus of the Brassica family. It can reach 40-100 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, branched at the top. The leaves are serrated, oval-lanceolate, located in the root zone, in the area of ​​the first knee of the stem. The flowers are up to 5 millimeters in diameter, yellow, collected in corymbose racemes, and the racemes are collected in a large panicle. The plant is not picky about the climate. Used in the food industry and traditional Armenian medicine.


Herbaceous perennial plant of the Asteraceae or Compositae family. The plant can reach a height of 15-90 centimeters. The stem is thin, erect, glabrous. The leaves are pinnately dissected, alternate. Inflorescence in the form of a rough basket. The flower is pale pink, single or bisexual. Grows everywhere. Excellent honey plant. Used as a dye.


Perennial herbaceous plant of the Apiaceae family. It can reach 1.5 meters in height. The stem is straight, bare, bluish in color, branched at the top. The leaves are entire, pinnately dissected, spiny, toothed. The flowers are small, mostly blue-blue, of the ordinary umbrella type, collected at the top of the branches in an ovoid head. Grows mainly in southern regions. Used in folk medicine and as an ornamental plant.

blue cyanosis

Perennial herbaceous plant 35-140 centimeters in height. Stems are solitary, erect, hollow, indistinctly ribbed, simple or branched in the upper part. The leaves are alternate, odd-pinnate, glabrous, oblong-lanceolate, pointed. Flowers range from blue to purple, occasionally white; collected in paniculate inflorescences at the ends of the stems. Cup with five lobes. The corolla is wide open, spicate, bell-shaped with a five-lobed limb. Grows everywhere. A good honey plant. Used in folk medicine.


Perennial herbaceous plant, subshrub, of the Carnation family. Weed. Stems are erect or ascending, branched at the top, up to 50 centimeters in height. The leaves are opposite, sessile, lanceolate, linear, scapular, ovate. The flowers are monoecious or dioecious, collected in general paniculate or spike-shaped inflorescences, sometimes they are solitary. The corolla is white, there are five petals. Grows everywhere. Used in folk medicine.

Common gum

Herbaceous perennial dicotyledonous plant of the Clove family. The stems are erect, slightly branched, reach 30-90 centimeters in height, glabrous, usually sticky at the nodes. Basal leaves are petiolate, lanceolate or almost linear, pointed. The flowers are regular, pink in dichasial inflorescences. The growing area of ​​tar is almost all of Europe with the exception of the southwest. Ornamental plant.


Perennial herbaceous plant of the Anemone genus of the Ranunculaceae family. It reaches a height of 7-15 centimeters. The stems are erect, covered with thick, protruding, soft hairs. The root leaves are on long, not densely hairy petioles, rounded-heart-shaped, tripartite with rhombic tripartite segments. The flowers are purple or white, six-petaled, star-shaped, with a yellow center. Rare plant. It is used in folk medicine as a sedative and hypnotic.

Common cress

A perennial herbaceous plant with biennial shoots, of the genus Crescent from the Brassica family. The stem is tall, branched, glabrous or slightly fluffy, 30-80 centimeters high. Leaves are sessile, entire, lanceolate to obovate, serrated along the margin. The inflorescence is a raceme, single at the beginning of flowering. The flowers are four-membered with a double perianth, bisexual, golden yellow. The flower has five stamens. Grows everywhere. It is used as a fodder plant, in medicine, cosmetology, cooking, and floristry.


Perennial herbaceous plant of the Rosaceae family. The stem is erect, pinnate, up to 80 centimeters in height. The leaves are palmate, collected in a star, on long stalks. Numerous small white or pink flowers are collected in terminal corymbose, paniculate inflorescences. Perianths are double. Grows in temperate climates. Used in folk and traditional medicine, food industry. Ornamental plant.


Herbaceous perennial plant, subshrub of the Asteraceae or Compositae family. The stem is erect or slightly curved at the soil surface. The leaves are serrated, carved or pinnately dissected, located in next order. Inflorescences are small baskets, mostly collected in a common corymbose inflorescence. The flowers are regular and white. Grows everywhere. Medicinal plant.

Field tulip

Perennial herbaceous bulbous plant of the Liliaceae family. The stem is dense, erect, with a single peduncle. The leaves are smooth or wavy, elongated, lanceolate, extending from the base of the stem to its middle. An adult plant usually has 2-4 leaves, young plant always only 1 sheet. The leaves are bluish-green. The flower is single, six-petaled, regular, with a large number of stamens. Most often the flowers are red, yellow, white or pink. Ornamental plant.

Meadow violet

Perennial herbaceous plant of the Violet genus of the Violet family. The stem is aboveground, branched, erect or erect, 5-20 centimeters high. The leaves are alternate, simple, serrate. The lower leaves are petiolate, round-oval. The flowers are solitary, irregular, zygomorphic, purple. The perianth is double, there are 5 sepals and petals, not fused together. The flowers exude an intoxicating aroma. The plant is found everywhere. Used in cosmetology and medicine.


A perennial spore-bearing herbaceous plant of the Horsetail genus, Horsetail family. It can reach 40-60 centimeters in height. Generative shoots are brownish or pinkish, not branched, with triangular brown leaf teeth. Vegetative shoots green, erect, hollow, with a peak-shaped top. Leaf teeth are collected in whorls of 6-12, sometimes up to 16 pieces, free or fused. The plant is distributed in subarctic, temperate and tropical climates. Used in traditional and folk medicine, food industry.


Perennial herbaceous plant of the Horseradish genus of the Brassica family. The stem is straight, branched, 50-150 centimeters high. The basal leaves are very large, oblong or oblong-oval, crenate, heart-shaped at the base; the lower ones are pinnately divided; oblong-lanceolate; the upper ones are linear, entire. Calyx about 3 mm long; petals are about 6 mm long, white, short-marigold. Grows everywhere. Used in cooking and medicine.

Common chicory

A perennial herbaceous plant of the Chicory genus of the Asteraceae family. Weed plant. The stem is erect, twig-like, green or bluish-green, rough, 15-150 centimeters high. The basal leaves are pinnately divided, entire, serrated along the edge, gradually narrowing at the base into a petiole. The baskets are solitary, numerous or clustered several at the top of the stem. Flowers are ligulate. The corolla is 15-25 millimeters long, different shades of blue or white. Grows everywhere. The plant is toxic. Used in medicine and cooking.


A perennial semi-shrub plant with thin stems up to 40 centimeters in height. The leaves are thin, small, hard, oval-shaped and green in color. The flowers are collected in small elongated inflorescences of pinkish-violet color with a very fragrant smell. Grows in Eastern Europe, Western Siberia, eastern Russia, and the Caucasus. Ornamental plant. Used in cosmetology.


A perennial herbaceous plant with a triangular stem up to 50 centimeters in height. It has two oblong, sharp leaves. The flower has the shape of a hemispherical umbrella of white color. Flowering period May-June. Grows in Central, Northern, Southern Europe and Turkey. It is grown as a cultivated plant.

Chernogolovka vulgare

Perennial herbaceous plant 15-30 centimeters in height. The leaves are petiolate, oblong. Flowers symmetrical on short stalks in false whorls blue-violet color(rarely yellow-white). Habitat: Asian countries, Japan, North America and Africa, Australia. Used in folk medicine.


A spiny perennial herbaceous plant with a straight stem up to 1.5 meters in height. The leaves are large, hard, spiny. Flowers in the form of a basket of pink or purple. Blooms from early July to late August. Grows in Central Europe and Asia, North Africa, USA. Used in traditional and folk medicine.


A perennial herbaceous shrub with a straight branched stem 50-100 centimeters high. The leaves are lyre-shaped and dark green. The flowers are golden yellow, regular in shape, collected in an umbrella. Blooms from May to August. Distributed almost everywhere. Used in medicine.


Herbaceous perennial plant or subshrub 20-70 centimeters high. The leaves are oblong gray-green. The flowers are blue-violet, pink or white, collected in corymbose whorls. Blooms from late May to July. Grows everywhere. Widely used in medicine and cosmetology.

Rosehip cinnamon

A thorny shrub plant up to 2 meters in height. The leaves are imparipinnate with five or seven cuts. The flower is single, less often double or triple, pink or dark red. Blooms from May to July. Distributed in Europe and Central Asia. Medicinal plant.

Dog rose

A shrub plant 1.5 -2.5 meters high, has sparse thorns. The leaves are imparipinnate, mostly with seven cuts. The flower is pink or white-pink, 5 centimeters in diameter, practically odorless. Distributed in Europe, North Africa, Western Asia. Used in medicine and as a scion for garden roses.

Stock rose

Mallow. Perennial or biennial herbaceous plant up to 2 meters high. The leaves are alternate, the stem is herbaceous. Self-seeding The flower consists of five fused petals that are white, pink, yellowish, cream or pink. Cultivated everywhere. Used as an ornamental and medicinal plant.


Grass, shrub or subshrub with thorns up to 70 centimeters in height. The leaves are imparipinnate with stipules. The flower is collected in spikes, the brushes of which are white, yellow or purple. Distributed in central and southern Europe, Western Asia and northern Africa. Used medicinally or as a fodder plant.


A perennial herbaceous plant up to 1 meter high with a straight, rough stem. The leaves are long-petioled, broadly oval, tapering towards the petiole. The flowers are large, regular, collected in baskets up to 15 centimeters in diameter, the color can be from pink to red-brown. The plant is native to the eastern United States. Used as an ornamental and medicinal plant.

Echinocystis lobes

An annual herbaceous liana-like plant up to 6 meters long. Self-seeding The leaves are round, pale green, with long petioles. The flower is dioecious, collected in racemes, with a delicate honey aroma. The flowering period is from June to September, the fruits ripen from August to October. Distributed in North America, Central Asia, Far East, Japan, China.


Perennial herbaceous sun-loving plant 20-45 centimeters in height. Leaf on a long petiole, thrice dissected. The flowers are cup-shaped from white to orange. Flowering period is from June to October. Grows in western North America. Used for decorative purposes.


A tubular perennial herbaceous medicinal plant with a single stem 10-50 centimeters in height. The leaves are broadly lanceolate, tapering into a petiole. The flowers are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences from lilac to dark cherry color. Grows in the mountains of the Caucasus, Crimea, North America, Central and Southern Europe. Used in cooking.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):