Grapes are one of the oldest and most popular crops. Thousands of years ago, grape fruits could be found on the tables of queens, and wine was served at all receptions for noble persons. Not much has changed today. However, get bountiful harvest Every year it becomes more difficult. The reason is that the plant is often affected by bacterial, viral and fungal diseases. You will learn everything about grape lesions, leaf diseases and plant treatment from the article.

We invite you to learn about common grape diseases and control methods.

Grapes: diseases and the fight against them, photo

Fungal diseases are one of the most dangerous for grapes. Every year, widespread diseases lead to the death of more than 50% of the entire crop. Given these trends, it is important to pay due attention to the prevention of fungal diseases and, if necessary, take decisive action to treat the plant.

Mildew in the photo

Mildew– pseudo powdery mildew or peronosporosis. This fungal disease very often affects plantings and is well known to winegrowers around the world. With insufficient prevention, it leads to severe damage to the bushes and loss of the entire crop.

It is not difficult to determine whether leaves are damaged by fungal spores and you should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • lightening a limited area of ​​the sheet;
  • whitening of young shoots and mustaches;
  • drying of inflorescences;
  • fruit shrinkage;
  • premature leaf fall.

The photo shows grapes affected by powdery mildew

According to the observations of specialists, it became obvious that mildew spreads especially actively if the weather is warm and humid for a long time. This creates ideal conditions for the reproduction and spread of peronosporosis spores. If measures to protect the grapes are not taken in a timely manner, all the bunches may be lost.

Contribute to defeat dense plantings grapes, overgrowing of rows with tall weeds, incorrect or insufficient pruning of grapes in the spring. Unfortunately, when the first signs of the disease appear, the bushes can only be saved with copper-containing preparations or potent fungicides, for example, copper sulfate, dichlofluanid, cynosome. These products need to be sprayed not only on the affected area, but also on those shoots that still look healthy on the outside.

Oidium Powdery mildew, or powdery mildew, is caused by a fungus that loves warm, humid weather. Behind short period, all grapes affected by powdery mildew are covered with a white, velvety coating. The mycelium infects the entire leaf, shoots and produces spores throughout the entire period, which are carried throughout the area with drops of rainwater or wind.

In the photo there is grape oidium

With the arrival of autumn, the oidium grows and the plaque becomes gray. When the berries are damaged, the latter crack and their contents flow out of the fruit along with the seeds. With significant damage, the grapes begin to emit bad smell rotten fish.

Grape growers use sulfur or preparations based on it to treat infected plants. TO good results leads by Topaz, Bayleton.

Grape diseases and their treatment with photos, videos

Anthracnoseor grape pox is another fungal disease widespread in the Black Sea regions, Moldova and the Caucasus. The fungus that causes anthracnose is able to survive on branches for several years and tolerates any unfavorable conditions well. climatic conditions. After overwintering on the grapes, the fungus begins to multiply intensively with the arrival of the first spring warmth and rains.

Pictured is grape anthracnose

You can suspect anthracnose infection of grapes when the following signs of the disease appear:

  • the appearance on fruits and leaves of brown spots surrounded by a white corolla;
  • tissue cracking and formation of deep lesions;
  • drying out of inflorescences.

In areas where anthracnose is quite common, it is better to plant grape varieties resistant to the disease. For prevention, shoots need to be treated with fungicides. For this purpose, Kuproksat, Horus, Acrobat are used.

In the photo there is black spotting or escoriosis

Black spotor escoriosis is the death of grape shoots due to their defeat dangerous fungus. Woody branches are predominantly affected, as a result of which they become discolored and covered with black spots. After prolonged development, the affected areas rot, crack, and the grape sleeve dies completely. Affected leaves dry out and fall off, and the berries acquire a rich purple shade.

Infection is promoted by formations on branches entrance gate infections - wounds, cracks, breaks. Fungal spores fall on these areas and over time the infection spreads to the entire plant.

Unfortunately for winegrowers, treatment of black spot with drugs is ineffective. The only way to protect yourself is annual prevention. To do this, the plant needs to be sprayed with copper preparations and pruned regularly.

Grapes: leaf diseases and treatment, photo

Cercospora - a fungal disease of the plant. Appears on the leaves green mold, which is easy to remove. The affected area may be surrounded by a dark-colored border. Leaves infected with cercospora blight dry out and fall off. Plaque can also grow on berries, which become hard and spontaneously fall off.

In the photo, cercospora blight is a fungal disease of grapes.

According to the observations of biologists, the growth and development of fungal spores depends on the level of illumination. In shaded areas of the vine, the fungus grows faster. The targets of cercospora blight are lower leaves and shoots located close to moist and heated soil.

When starting to treat cercospora blight, the first step is to properly shape the vine when pruning, not to over-water and not to thicken the planting of the crop. In autumn, it is recommended to dig up the soil and tie the overgrown branches to the trellis. Fallen leaves should be collected and burned, and when the first signs of damage appear, the branches should be sprayed with fungicides.

In the photo there is bacterial cancer of grapes

Bacterial cancer – one of the incurable and fairly common diseases. As you can see in the photo, bacterial cancer disfigures the bushes. If you find sleeves with growths characteristic of cancer, you need to cut them out and burn them. The resulting stump must be treated with a potent pesticide such as DNOC or copper sulfate. The instrument that was used to remove the sleeve must be disinfected. The soil under the vine with bacterial cancer It is also worth treating with copper sulfate.

Grapes are considered the favorite crop of many; leaf diseases and their treatment at home are a particularly pressing topic. In some regions it also suffers from pests. However, it is possible to preserve the harvest and prevent the occurrence of diseases if you follow important recommendations, advice from owners who have already dealt with them.

The vine is equivalent to a child. And the point is not at all that the grape bush requires care; it loves the warmth of its owner’s hands and caring attitude. Every winegrower will confirm that grape diseases are very similar to human diseases and arise due to the fact that the gardener pays little attention to his pet. As soon as a bush gets sick, a person tries to cure it. But few people know that treatment can be carried out using both dosage forms(spraying special solutions), and using traditional methods of treatment.

Treatment of grapes can be carried out using traditional methods

Probably, it was from those times that recipes for treating grapes with folk remedies have come down to the present day. They may have changed a little, but their essence is to help the grape vine.

How to protect against insect pests

Before talking about diseases and their treatment, let's remember about pests, of which there are plenty. They eat leaves and berries, damage the root part underground and above it, they destroy shoots and flowers during flowering. They provoke the appearance of stains, cobwebs and other unpleasant moments. Most often, winegrowers try to use various solutions chemical origin, but still, if you think about it, natural substances have always been better and do not harm the quality of the crop as much.

When little green hobbits appear (many call them because of their proboscis), the grapes quickly wither, the leaves gradually curl, dry out, and growth stops. It is clear that if the aphid appeared during the appearance of the berries, there can be no talk about the development of the bunch. Most often, aphids infect shrubs, but viral diseases appear after them. The grapes are so weak that they are not able to simply fight. It is much worse when the aphid infects a very young vine. The chances of its recovery are very small - the seedling simply dries out or dies due to fungal diseases.

  • rinse clean water. It is not advisable to use cold water. Just put it in a bucket and set it to bask in the sun. This way the water can not only warm up, but also settle;
  • Then we treat it with a solution with the addition of soap or ash. Proportions for a 10-liter bucket add 300-350 g of your chosen ingredient;
  • if that doesn't help, try wormwood or dandelion tea. An infusion of tobacco, citrus (crusts only), and celandine is also used. Sometimes onion peels or garlic water more effective in the fight against many pests, and not only aphids;
  • If your grape nursery is attacked by phylloxera (the fight against it is on a global scale), before starting treatment, determine which species it belongs to: above-ground or root. In order to avoid this, literally immediately after planting the grapes (or during loosening), sow parsley directly at the root and around the bushes. It’s better, of course, if parsley is located throughout the garden. It does not take up much space, but protects all the vegetation of your site.

Leaf rollers have always loved to feast on grape leaves and shoots. Their offspring will happily settle on your bush and invite all their relatives to join them. In order not to apply chemical compositions, it is recommended to use bait. Their composition: wine + sugar + vinegar. Also soap solution will show excellent results and protect the crop from pests.

In case of defeat grape mite, the vine should be treated with onion or garlic broth. Recipe: 5 liters of water will require 100 g of onion peels or squeezed garlic. There is no need to boil, but leave for 12 hours. Daily application will rid your garden of many insects, including mites.

Diseases and their treatment

Insects pose not only a threat in terms of eating leaves and shoots. After them, the plant is very weakened and, as a rule, any disease affects the bush.

Grape diseases and their treatment can be avoided if you listen to the advice of experienced gardeners and winegrowers. They are engaged not only in breeding new varieties of grapevines, but also at the same time developing new types of plant protection so that they can help at any time. While the advantage remains with garlic infusion, onion skins and a weak solution of manganese. But still, it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it later and look for new ways to solve problems.

  1. Throughout garden plot sow parsley and dill seeds. If there is a lot of greenery in subsequent years, it can be thinned out.
  2. When working in your garden, treat all your equipment with a manganese solution. Even closing on winter period your scissors or rakes, do not forget to lubricate them with potassium permanganate.
  3. Always make sure that there is no debris around the grapes in the form of fallen leaves, berries, etc.
  4. Always trim.
  5. Grapes do not like waterlogged soil. Therefore, you need to be careful with watering.
  6. The bush really needs your care and the warmth of your hands. Just talk to him and you will see that the vine will respond to you with a bountiful harvest.

To follow or not all these tips and to apply or not, everything folk recipes It's up to each individual. But if our ancestors managed to preserve their harvest and have success in the grape business, then why don’t we experience more? profitable way preserving the harvest.

It's hard to find a person who would remain indifferent to sweets fragrant berries grapes And how disappointing it is when the grape harvest perishes due to your oversight. Most often, the cause of crop loss is various diseases. Therefore, people who decide to grow vines need to know the main diseases of grapes and methods of treating them.

All grape diseases are divided into three groups:

  • fungal;
  • viral;
  • bacterial.

Fungal diseases include:

  • mildew;
  • oidium;
  • anthracnose;
  • Alternaria blight;
  • cercospora;
  • escoriosis;
  • apoplexy;
  • gray rot;
  • white rot;
  • black rot;
  • armillarosis;
  • verticellosis;

The group of bacterial diseases consists of:

  • bacterial cancer;
  • bacteriosis;
  • bacterial necrosis;
  • bacterial spot:
  • Pierce's disease;
  • sour rot;

Viral diseases of grapes are:

  • leaf marbling;
  • vein mosaic;
  • necrosis of leaf veins;
  • chlorosis;
  • short knot.

Only fungal diseases are treatable and therefore relatively safe. Viral and bacterial diseases They are practically incurable and can destroy not only the harvest, but the entire vineyard.


One of the most common grape diseases. It is also often called downy mildew. The culprit of its appearance is the fungus plasmapara viticol.

The spores of this fungus easily tolerate both frost and heat. During a season, this harmful fungus can produce up to 15 generations. But for intensive reproduction it requires moist warm weather. At +12° its development practically stops.

Fat yellow spots appearing on the leaves indicate that grapes are affected by mildew. On the underside of the leaf, colonies of fungi form white coating. As the disease progresses, the spots increase in size and become brown, the leaves dry out and fall off prematurely.

You can fight mildew with both chemicals and folk remedies. From folk remedies The most effective is to plant dill next to the vine - its smell is not to the liking of the fungus.

You can also spray the bushes with aqueous garlic or horsetail decoction. To prepare it, take 75 g of garlic or horsetail in a bucket of water.

Chemical reagents combat mildew by spraying shoots with preparations containing copper: Bordeaux mixture, copper oxide and chlorine. The pathogen is killed by drugs whose working component is mancozeb - Mancozeb, Acrobat MC, Rapid Gold, Acidan, etc.

Ridomil and Ridomil Gold are effective against mildew, in which Metalaxil is the main “impact force”. For effective fight Mildew can also be treated biological drugs: Planriz, Delan, Alarin-B.

To treat grape bushes, prepare a working solution by diluting the contents of the drug in water according to the instructions attached to it, and spray the plants with this solution. The treatment is repeated three times: the first time the plants are treated in early spring, before the buds open, the second - before flowering, the third - at the beginning of berry set.

Oidium (powdery mildew)

The causative agent of the disease is the grape uncinula fungus. It can affect grape bushes throughout the growing season. It affects young vines, leaves, inflorescences and berries.

The leaves on the bushes affected by the fungus are completely covered with a white coating, and it is observed not only on the outside, but also on the back side of the leaves. At optimal conditions development ( moderate humidity and warm weather), the mycelium grows so much that it covers the plant like a second bark. The berries on the affected plants crack, and it seems as if the grains are about to fall out.

Used to fight disease chemicals: Topaz, Thiovit-Jet, Skor, Bayleton. Also today, combined preparations are produced that can protect grape plantings from both oidium and Mildew. These are Quadris, Storby, Cardio.

From traditional methods Sometimes, to combat powdery mildew, a milk solution is used (1 liter of milk is diluted in a bucket of water), a 5% solution of potassium permanganate (5 g of manganese is diluted in a bucket of water), which is sprayed on plants several times during the growing season.

Gray rot

The causative agent of the disease is the botrytis gray fungus. Almost all above-ground parts of the plant are affected by the disease. Outwardly, its manifestations are very reminiscent of ordinary rot, but, unlike it, when high humidity The fungus multiplies rapidly, affecting large areas.

On the affected bushes, the entire berry crop dies. Effective drugs There is no way to combat gray mold yet; most often, the drugs Zuparen or Fundazol are used to treat affected plants.

From folk ways spraying bushes with iodine solution is used: 1 g of the drug is diluted in a bucket of water and treated with this solution. But both chemicals and iodine solution can only slow down the development of the disease, but do not stop it completely.

As a preventive measure against gray rot, you can consider pinching grape bushes and removing some of the leaves. These measures contribute better ventilation bush, which significantly reduces the risk of disease.


The causative agent is the fungus Gloeosporium ampelinum. Pinkish-gray spots with a brown edging along the edges appear on the leaves and berries of affected plants. Leaves and berries quickly dry out and fall off, deep cracks appear on the bark, and due to difficulties with nutrition, the bush lags behind in development.

When the first signs of the disease are detected, the vineyard is treated with Ridomil, Arcerid, and Acrobat. You need to carry out 3-4 treatments per season, at intervals of 10-14 days, and it is better to alternate medications.

Alternaria blight

The causative agent is Alternaria fungi. The disease usually rages in the spring, affecting the ground parts of the bush. Silvery-brown spots appear on the leaves and bark, and on the berries they are white. In damp weather, the spots turn olive.

For prevention in the spring, grape bushes are treated with copper sulfate, and if signs of the disease are detected, the plants are treated with Skor, Quadris, Rapid Gold, Kolfogo Super.

White rot

The causative agent is the fungus sclerotinia. In high humidity and high temperature the fungus develops very quickly. Infection of bushes most often occurs in August. It mainly affects berries and young shoots. Outwardly, it looks like white dust settled on the berries and shoots.

Berries affected by white rot become soft, as if scalded. If signs of white rot are detected, the bushes should be immediately treated with Fundazol or Kolfogo super. To finally defeat the disease, it is necessary to carry out at least 3-4 treatments.

Bacterial diseases

Bacterial diseases are a consequence of the development of various pathogenic bacteria on the bush. Almost all of them are practically untreatable, and the only way to get rid of them - completely remove and dispose of the bush.

Bacterial cancer

The causative agent of the disease is a rod-shaped, gram-negative bacterium.

It works late autumn and in winter, striking grapevine. First, the bark on the infected plant becomes blistered and then tears. Some vineyard owners are trying to combat this scourge with the help of tetracycline oxide, but the effectiveness of this remedy is in serious doubt.

The only one for today in an effective way The fight against bacterial cancer is the complete removal of the bush. But even after that, on the affected plot of land Strict quarantine surveillance has been established for 4 years.

Viral diseases

Viral diseases appear under the influence of harmful viruses. Like bacterial ones, they are practically untreatable. Today, 35 grape diseases are known that are associated with infection by the virus. But they have still been studied very little; in most cases there are only descriptions of diseases, and even those are not always complete.

Infect malicious virus healthy plant You can only use contaminated juice. Most often this occurs when pruning a patient and healthy bushes with one tool. Natural spreaders of viruses are nematodes and sucking insects.

Sometimes symptoms viral diseases weakly expressed or completely absent - it all depends on the natural immunity of the plant itself or varietal resistance. But there are cases when the development of such diseases occurs quickly and violently.

Short Knot

The leaves of the grapes become asymmetrical and begin to “curl”. Interspersed with normal-length internodes, ugly shortened ones appear; sometimes one internode is placed next to another (double internode). Young shoots of affected bushes become flattened and forked. The berries fall off before they are ripe, and the bushes quickly degenerate.

Yellow mosaic

Clearly visible in the spring, when the affected bushes change natural color, turn yellow. Yellow spots or stripes appear on the leaves. There are almost no clusters on the vine, and the formed berries grow no larger than a pea. The growth of the bushes stops and the plant dies.

Wood groove virus

Longitudinal depressions in the form of pits or furrows appear on the bark of infected plants. The bark thickens and becomes loose. The growth of bushes stops and the plants quickly die.

Red leaf virus

The leaves on the affected bushes become noticeably smaller than healthy ones and have a yellowish color. Later, as the disease progresses, they quickly turn red and fall off.

Leaf roll virus

Symptoms of infection are similar to red leaf virus. The disease develops in the second half of summer; the leaves on infected plants quickly turn yellow or red, but at the same time a green stripe remains on them along the central vein. The leaves thicken, curl, and the set berries fall off without ripening.

To fight with viral infections There is only one way - complete removal of infected bushes. Grapes cannot be grown in a virus-affected area for 5-6 years.

Despite this great amount diseases, and even a dozen pests that plague grapes, it can and should be grown.

You just have to treat him like small child- care for, protect, perform preventive “vaccinations” on time, treating bushes to prevent the appearance of diseases. And then in the fall the grapes will thank you with weighty clusters, each berry containing a piece of sunny summer.

Gentlemen of the winegrowers, as the old saying goes, you need to know the enemy by sight. I present to your attention the main diseases and pests of our vineyards. The article will only short description, photos and videos of the most common pests and the most dangerous diseases. You can find out more about the treatment and methods of combating each of them by clicking on the heading with the name of the disease that interests you or the link "read more..."

Without exaggeration this fungal disease can be called one of the most common and most dangerous diseases in our vineyards. Without use preventive measures in a vineyard, the disease can cause enormous damage to the grape plant. The infection affects both all green parts of the plant and the crop. Most susceptible to this disease European varieties grapes Most varieties of American selection, on the contrary, are not very susceptible to mildew.

Like mildew, oidium is a common and dangerous fungal disease. The causative agent of this disease is a relative powdery mildew apple trees, currants and others garden crops. The disease causes the greatest damage to grape inflorescences and berries. The disease affects, to varying degrees, almost all varieties of European and American selection, as well as their hybrids. The fight against the disease is carried out using contact drugs


Anthracnose is a disease caused by imperfect fungi Gloeosporium, Colletotrichum, Kabatiella. It is also called “bird's eye” because the pattern of the lesion is similar to the eye of a bird. The disease affects both leaves and petioles, bunch ridges and young shoots. Shoots and bunches affected by anthracnose gradually dry out and die completely. The most susceptible to grapevine disease are before and during flowering.

The felt mite is a fairly widespread species of mite. The mite spends the winter in the bud scales of the grape plant. During the growing season, the pest is located mainly on the underside of the leaf. If a vineyard is massively infested with mites, not only the leaves, but also the grape bunches may be damaged. Hot and dry weather greatly contributes to the development and spread of felt mites.

Non-infectious chlorosis.

Chlorosis is the inability of a grape plant to produce chlorophyll due to iron deficiency. The leaves become lemon-colored, the ovaries lag behind in development or fall off, and the shoots grow weakly. Rainy summer or excessive watering is favorable for the appearance of chlorosis. The disease can be weakened or prevented by adding iron sulfate to the soil, preventing stagnation of water in the vineyard

Alternaria blight.

Wasps are the main pest of grapes during their ripening period. In a year favorable for the development of the wasp population, the number of this pest increases many times, and wasps are capable of causing irreparable damage to the grape harvest within just a few days, up to its complete destruction. The fight against wasps must begin long before the bulk of the crop begins to ripen. It is best to carry out preventive actions by decreasing

It affects all above-ground parts of the plant, but causes especially great damage to bunches of grapes. The main methods of control are high agricultural technology in the vineyard, good ventilation, and timely treatment against fungal diseases. When infected, grape berries first turn brown or grey colour, then a gray coating appears

Bacterial cancer is, without exaggeration, a fatal disease of the grape bush. On this moment There are no drugs to treat this disease. Infected bushes must be uprooted and removed from the vineyard. If possible, dig up and remove as much of the damaged plant's root system as possible. Diagnosing the disease is not difficult. On infected bushes, growths of cancer cells appear, rapidly increasing in size. Bacteria that cause cancer are present in all parts of an infected plant and can be transmitted by planting material or when using pruning shears on healthy and diseased bushes without disinfection treatment when pruning.

Black spotting on grape leaves.

Black spot is a fungal disease of a grape plant that can affect all organs and tissues of a grape plant, including perennial wood. Pathogen Phomopsis viticola according to its feeding method, it belongs to the group of facultative saprophytes, i.e., it is capable of penetrating through stomata or wounds into the tissue of the host plant and spreading in its uppermost layers under the epidermis, causing necrotization of parenchyma cells.

The article looks unfinished. As we work on the section New types of pests and diseases will be added. Follow the development of the site, subscribe to the newsletter, join our group on social media. networks and you will always be in the center of events.

Grape diseases are a serious obstacle to the growth and development of the plant. They are divided into infectious, which can be transmitted from a diseased plant to a healthy one, and non-infectious, the cause of which may be related to the condition of the soil, mechanical damage, weather conditions.

Mildew is a dangerous fungal disease that affects vineyards in many growing areas, except in places with a hot and dry climate. This disease spreads to all green parts of the bush during the growing season. In winter, fungal spores remain in the fallen leaves of the plant. With the onset of spring and an increase in temperature to +10 degrees, as well as with sufficient soil moisture, primary zoosporangia are formed. They fall onto the surface of the leaves with the help of rain and wind, then rupture, and mobile zoospores easily reach the stomata - this is how primary infection occurs.

During the entire growing season, mildew can produce more than 20 generations. Sporulation of mildew develops especially actively at high humidity - more than 90%, and at a temperature of 13 degrees. At higher temperatures, from 22–26 degrees, the fungus grows even more.

Grapes will be less affected by mildew if dill is planted around them

Young leaves are affected by rounded yellow spots, which begin to cover the entire sheet. During wet weather, spots on the lower parts of the leaves become covered with white fluff. Then the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. On grape shoots infected with mildew, pinpoint brownish spots appear. Especially harmful is the disease affecting young fruits and inflorescences; sporulation of the fungus occurs on them. The inflorescence dies, and the berries begin to turn black, shrivel and fall off. The development of the disease stops if the temperature rises above 30 degrees.

To treat mildew, it is necessary to eliminate the primary lesions and treat the grapes with pesticides in a timely manner. Before flowering, the plant should be sprayed with 1 or 2 percent Bordeaux mixture. The next treatment should be carried out after the berries become the size of a match head.

Instead of Bordeaux mixture, you can use arceride, polychome, polycarbacin, copper chloride

Anthracnose grape disease

Anthracnose (grape pox) affects the shoots, leaves, inflorescences and berries of the plant. First, light gray spots form on young leaves, around which there is a reddish or dark brown rim. After this, the tissues affected by the disease fall out, leaving holes on the sheet. Brownish spots appear on young shoots, which begin to press in, merge and form ulcers. On ripe berries, depressed brown spots with a dark purple border form.

The peak development of anthracnose occurs at the beginning of the grape growing season. Affected plants lose many leaves and their berries do not ripen well. If the damage is severe, the grapes may die completely. The following measures will help treat grape pox: - airing the plants; - timely tying up bushes; - removal of excess shoots; - elimination of weeds. Leaves affected by the disease must be burned, and this should also be done after autumn pruning with leaves and vine remains. Digging row spacing also helps reduce the disease. During the growing season, it is necessary to spray the grapes with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture, making sure to treat the lower part of the leaf, since this is where the disease develops.

Grape disease black rot

The causative agent of black rot is the gingnardia fungus, which overwinters in the soil or on the vine of the plant. Infection with the disease begins after rain. Black rot affects berries, leaves and shoots of grapes. Small brown sunken spots appear on green fruits. Over time, they acquire a purple tint and spread throughout the berry, which then dries, turns black and falls off. Leaves and shoots are affected brown spots with black border.

Black rot must be combated by spraying Bordeaux mixture. The first time the procedure should be carried out before flowering, then after flowering and two weeks after the second treatment.

Grape disease chlorosis

In plants suffering from chlorosis, the clusters are usually loose with small berries, the shoots ripen poorly and have shortened internodes. The cause of the disease may be a malnutrition of the plant, excessive soil moisture, proximity to groundwater, severe drought and excess lime in the soil.

The fight against chlorosis in fruit-bearing plants comes down to timely feeding mineral fertilizers, loosening and watering. In autumn, iron sulfate is added to calcareous soils at a rate of 600–800 g per bush. In the summer, the sleeves and head of the bushes are treated with a 1% solution of ferrous sulfate. In the same concentration, it is applied directly to the soil, 3 liters per bush.

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