Thistle belongs to the Asteraceae family. Today there are about 250 species of this plant, including weeds, decorative types and honey plants. Each representative differs in leaf shape, flower structure, and root system.

Thistle belongs to the Asteraceae family. Today there are about 250 species of this plant, including weeds, ornamental species and honey plants. Each representative differs in leaf shape, flower structure, and root system. Some have found their application in medicine, others cause a lot of trouble to gardeners and their gardeners. rapid reproduction and displacement of cultivated plants.

Botanical description of thistle

This is most often the case perennial(there are also biennials), which can reach a height of up to 1 meter. The stem is erect and contains a sticky liquid inside. At the very top there are flowers collected in dense inflorescences-baskets. It is surrounded by spiky pale yellow leaves. The plant blooms at the end of summer or at the very beginning of autumn. You can meet it along the banks of rivers, near ditches, in garbage areas, vegetable gardens, and orchards.

The most common is considered to be the common thistle, which quickly grows everywhere and adapts to everyone. climatic conditions. In addition, thistle is known as garden thistle, field thistle, bristle-leaved thistle and multi-leaved thistle. Let's look at them in more detail botanical description and human use.

This is a biennial weed that can be found in abandoned fields, vegetable gardens, in thickets of bushes, under fences, along roads. Its stem is straight and covered with sharp thorns. The root system is taproot type. The leaves are dark green and hard, with spines along the edges. The leaf blade has a lanceolate shape with large lobes. There is a spine at the top of each blade. The leaves below are covered with hairs.

Just like others asteraceae inflorescences of this representative of the basket. They are quite large (about 5 cm), prickly, oval-ovoid in shape, located at the top of the main flowering shoot. The inflorescences contain bisexual tubular flowers with a pink or purple corolla, which attracts insects with its abundance of nectar and pollen. Blooms from late summer to mid-autumn. The fruit is an achene. When the wind blows, the fruits are carried over long distances, which is how the weed multiplies.

Common thistle is used in folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases.

  1. You need to prepare raw materials late autumn after the growing season ends.
  2. The roots are cleaned from the soil, washed well, cut into small pieces and dry.
  3. Can be stored for three years in paper bags.

The decoction helps fight infections, colds, headaches, and migraines. The product improves immunity and relieves inflammatory processes in the body. Alcohol tincture is effective for external treatment. With its help you can get rid of boils and acne.

The perennial plant has a well-developed root system, which consists of a straight rhizome and huge amount root shoots. The stem is straight, has many ribbed, slightly pubescent branches. The length can reach up to 130 cm. The leaf blade is oval in shape, the leaves are smooth on top and covered with small hairs below. They have bristles along the edges, which is how the plant got its name.

The flowers are bisexual with stamens, the color is either lilac-red or purple. Collected in thyroid loose inflorescences-baskets. The grass blooms from June to October. After the flowering process is completed, the basal leaves die off.

The fruit is represented by an elongated achene of brown or yellow color. The seeds ripen in early autumn. Reproduction can occur in two ways: by seed and division of the rhizome.

Thistle bristles grows in pastures, meadows, and along river banks. Distributed in the Caucasus, European Russia, and Siberia.

In alternative medicine, dermatitis, eczema, and dandruff are treated with lotions and compresses based on thistle.

Leaves, as in fresh, and dry, steam and apply to pustules, abscesses, wounds, ulcers. Fresh Juice from young plant used as a wound healing agent.

Women's diseases (mainly uterine bleeding) is treated with a decoction of inflorescences.

The plant also helps cope with nervous disorders.

The rhizome is harvested in spring or autumn. It is washed, slightly crushed and dried.

Leaves and inflorescences are collected at the time of flowering. It is during this period that these organs accumulate a large amount of useful substances.

They are also washed from dust, crushed and dried on cloth or paper in a semi-shaded place.

Thistle, or it is also called vegetable, is a perennial herbaceous plant with spines, about 1 meter high. People have given it the nickname "devil's rib" due to the fact that the leaves look a bit like ribs. It grows in swamps, onions, in thickets of bushes, and, despite the consonant name, you will not find this representative in gardens. The distribution area is the eastern part of Russia and Western Siberia.

The rhizome is creeping, consists of many fibrous roots. Thanks to this structure of the root system, thistle can provide for itself the necessary supply water and minerals. In addition, creeping roots contribute to the rapid growth of grass over long distances.

You can recognize the plant by its tall, branched stem without thorns. The leaves are large and segmented, located closer to the ground. Those that grow higher are solitary and located at a distance from each other. At the very top they are collected into a bouquet. Distinctive feature This representative is the color of the leaves; at the bottom they are rich green, and at the very top they are yellowish. It is in them that the inflorescences are hidden.

The flowers are inconspicuous and have a pale yellow tint. These inconspicuous flowers are very fond of insects, because the plant is a honey plant. It is pollinated not only by bees, but also by butterflies and bumblebees.

In folk medicine, a decoction of the roots is used to treat rheumatism, gout, and toothache. Our ancestors used young shoots and leaves to make salads. It was believed that this dish improves digestion.

It's elegant and beautiful plant can hardly be called a weed. Bees collect a lot of nectar from its flowers, and herbalists have found use for it in folk medicine. The perennial has a tall, vertical stem that is pale green in color, but sometimes turns purple at the very top. Distinctive feature This representative is that the stem does not branch at all.

The leaves are spiny, pinnately divided. The stem is covered only from its lower part. The representative received its name from the fact that the leaves are different in shape and color, however, there are no sharp differences.

The spherical flower basket contains tubular bisexual flowers purple, red or lilac color. Each inflorescence reaches up to 5 cm in size. The leaves have a green-violet involucre, which fits tightly, are not prickly, but have a pointed spine at the top.

Variegated thistle is widespread in the European part of Russia, Western Siberia and the Urals. The grass is valued for its rich chemical composition. Raw materials are harvested during flowering and used for medicinal purposes. He is famous for such healing actions: anti-inflammatory, wound healing, hemostatic.

Young stems and leaves are used in cooking. Bleeding wounds are sprinkled with powder from dried leaves. Lotions help with abrasions and boils.

This perennial plant has a powerful root system, which consists of a long taproot and lateral roots. The tap root goes 4 meters or more deep. The stem is straight, has grooves and branches. The leaves are alternate, sessile, the shape of the leaf blade is oblong, entire and spiny at the edges. The leaves adhere quite tightly to the stem.

The flowers are purple, unisexual, collected in panicle inflorescences. The fruit is represented by an oblong achene compressed on the sides. It narrows towards the base, and inside has feathery hairs.

The surface of each seed is dull shiny. Each plant produces about 35 thousand seeds. In autumn, fallen seeds germinate at a temperature of 20-25 degrees, however, if they are buried more than 3 cm deep, they do not have the opportunity to germinate. Moreover, their viability remains for another 5-7 years.

Thistle is propagated by seeds and root shoots. The plant attracts pollinating insects with its honey-bearing properties. Blooms from early summer to late autumn. Refers to weeds that are difficult to eradicate from vegetable gardens and orchards.

Herbalists use decoctions of the root for colic. The herb also helps with boils, abscesses and is even used to treat cancer.

Application of thistle

A herbaceous plant such as thistle is widely used in folk medicine. It serves as the main raw material for the production of infusions, decoctions, lotions and compresses. The root, inflorescences, leaves and stems are used.

Thistle root

Decoctions and infusions are prepared from root preparations. Medicines are used to treat diseases digestive system, toothache, colic and kidney problems. Lotions are used externally to eliminate bruises, hematomas, bruises and treat furunculosis.

The decoction is prepared as follows: pour 1 tsp into a glass of boiling water. chopped root. Boil for 10 minutes and leave to steep for 3-5 minutes. Afterwards, strain and treat before meals, 1 tbsp. three times a day. The product copes well with abdominal pain, symptoms of gout and rheumatism. To treat toothache, you need to rinse with a warm decoction several times a day. oral cavity for 30 seconds.

To eliminate bruises and bruises, a compress is prepared from the powdered root. Pour 1 tsp. warm water until a creamy consistency is obtained. The resulting pulp should be applied to the problem area and rinse with water.

Thistle inflorescences

This part of the plant helps fight nervous disorders and the progression of cancerous tumors. A decoction of the inflorescences is used to treat cancer.

It is prepared as follows: pour 1 tbsp of water into a cup. dry inflorescences. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes and leave to steep for 1-2 hours. After straining, take ½ cup 3 times a day.

Infusions are used to treat neuroses. To do this, pour 1 tablespoon of boiling water into glasses. raw materials and leave to infuse for 4-5 hours. Strain and take 1 tbsp. before meals three times a day.

Stems and leaves of thistle

The herb is used in folk medicine, both fresh and dried. Remedies based on stems and leaves help fight boils, bleeding wounds, abscesses, swelling, hemorrhoids and rheumatism.

For external treatment, you need to prepare a poultice. Wrap 3 tbsp in a sterile bandage or gauze. herbs. scald hot water and apply to the problem area.

To prepare the decoction, pour 1 tsp into a glass of boiling water. raw materials and boil for 10 minutes. Then strain and take 1 tbsp. three times a day.

Harm and contraindications of thistle

The use of this plant for medicinal purposes is contraindicated for those who suffer from:

  • varicose veins;
  • myopathy;
  • individual intolerance to plant components;
  • encephalopathy;
  • high blood pressure.

Pregnant and lactating women, as well as young children, should not be treated with thistle.

The grass contains poisons, although not in large quantities, therefore non-compliance with the dosage medicine may lead to poisoning. The toxic effect on the body is manifested by nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance. In addition, improper use of the herb can lead to the development of tachycardia and hypertension, as well as the formation of blood clots.

Botanical characteristics

Field thistle, translated as Cirsium arvense, the second name of this biennial herbaceous plant is pink sow thistle. Its root is branching and quite long. The stem is branched, erect, its length ranges from 60 to 125 centimeters.

The leaves are entire and at the same time notched-incised, wavy, and they can also be oblong-lanceolate in shape, with bristly-ciliated edges. Egg-shaped baskets small size, but numerous, collected at the very top of the stem in the form of a loose panicle.

The flowers are pink, unisexual, with only stamens or pistillates in each basket. The seeds have a flying device in the form of a tuft, which allows them to fly over long distances. This plant blooms in the second half of summer.


The plant is distributed throughout the European part of Russia. It can be seen in fields, meadows, between crops, and it also grows near roads. Field thistle is considered nasty weed.

Part used

Medicinal raw materials include the herb of the plant, which contains cyanogenic glycosides, alkaloids and thaliacid. Fatty oil was detected in the fruits. Sometimes the part used includes the roots.

Collection and procurement of raw materials

It is customary to collect the grass during the flowering period of the plant, which lasts almost throughout the summer. It is carefully cut off, after which it is laid out on pallets in a fairly thin layer, and placed in a ventilated place, for example, under a canopy or in a well-ventilated veranda, or in the attic.

It is periodically necessary to turn the grass over to prevent it from becoming damp, as in this case it may become moldy and rot, and therefore become unsuitable for use.

To prepare raw materials faster, it is recommended to use special drying chambers, which maintain constant temperature, which does not exceed 50 degrees. Under these conditions, the grass dries out almost instantly, and the risk of rotting is eliminated.

After the raw materials have been thoroughly dried, they are placed in cloth or paper bags, which are placed in a ventilated dry room. It must be stored for no more than twenty-four months, since after this time it loses its medicinal properties.

Growing and Reproduction

This plant is considered a weed, and quite hardy, it is not easy to fight it if it settles on summer cottage. It is absolutely indifferent to growing conditions, in terms of soil moisture, and as for the presence of humus in the soil, the plant is demanding. Like many representatives of the flora, thistle is propagated by seeds or by dividing the bush.


The plant is used in folk medicine quite rarely, but, nevertheless, a decoction is prepared from its herbs, which is taken for colic. Made from flowers alcohol tincture, it is taken together with poplar buds and calamus root for stomach cancer.

Moreover, for stomach cancer, taking the tincture is alternated with using an infusion of thistle flowers. A decoction of inflorescences mixed with others medicinal plants taken for other cancers.

The infusion is also used externally in the form of lotions, which are used for dermatological diseases, for example, eczema, itching. skin, lichen, bruises and other manifestations. It is recommended to wash your hair with seborrhea with this drug.

An infusion of the herb is also used for hemorrhoids; for this purpose, two tablespoons of dry crushed herb are wrapped in gauze, forming a small pad, and scalded with boiling water, after which they are applied to the affected area.

An infusion prepared from flowering herbs is taken orally for headaches, stomach and intestinal cramps, neuroses, and metabolic disorders. Young thistle greens are used for culinary purposes to season soups.


To prepare the infusion, you will need two tablespoons of dry crushed herb, which is recommended to be poured with 200 milliliters of boiling water. The drug must be infused for several hours, after which it should be filtered through a fine sieve and can be used.

To prepare a decoction from pink thistle, you will need thirty grams of crushed herb of this plant, which should be poured with boiling water and placed on water bath, for about twenty minutes.

After this time, remove the broth from the stove, cool it and filter through a double layer of gauze or a fine strainer. After which it can be used for oncological pathology, but in in this case You should not neglect other medical treatment methods. The finished drug should be stored in the refrigerator and prepared as needed.


Of course, before consuming infusions and decoctions prepared from thistle, you should consult a doctor. I would like to warn you against taking these drugs on your own. Contact your doctor, and he will recommend more significant treatment, and perhaps together with the use of medicinal herbs.

Botanical characteristics

Common thistle, translated as Cirsium vulgare, is a biennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. Botany knows more than 200 species belonging to this genus. It is believed that most of them are harmful weeds. Some are honey plants.

In the literature you can find the following synonyms for the name of this plant: thistle, sow thistle, sow thistle, sow thistle, and many others. Some of them come from the verb to prick. This is due to the many sharp spines located mainly on the leaves of the plant.

The generic name itself - thistle, as stated by many botanists, takes its roots from the verb to butt. The reason for the origin of this name, I believe, is clear and does not require additional explanation.

In the first year of life, thistle appears in the form of a small rosette, created from several leaves. During next year, the plant forms a long, erect, slightly pubescent stem.

Its length can reach one and a half meters, but often does not exceed 80 centimeters. Its diameter, as a rule, has a ribbed shape. Color - light green.

The root system, as is typical for all representatives of the genus, is taprooted and is represented by fairly fleshy branches. The depth of penetration into the soil, as a rule, does not exceed half a meter.

The leaves are located in in the next order, each leaf blade is elongated in length and has a characteristic pinnate shape. The length of the lower ones is about 20 centimeters, the upper ones are less than 10. Along their edges there are many sharp, thin spines.

The inflorescences are quite large, their diameter can reach seven centimeters. They are located at the top of the trunk. Their lower part is enclosed in a kind of wrapper formed from small prickly leaves.

The diameter of the flowers does not exceed a couple of centimeters. Their color varies from light pink to dark purple. Flowering time occurs in mid-summer, early autumn. The fruits are multi-seeded capsules with a diameter of no more than five millimeters. Ripening time is from mid-summer to early autumn.

Plant distribution

Common thistle is considered a malicious weed, which is sometimes quite difficult to remove. Once on agricultural land, this plant quickly seizes control over it, almost completely destroying it. useful crops. Some representatives of this genus are excellent honey plants or ornamental plants.

Most of the representatives of this genus are distributed in the territory of the northern obedience. In Russia, this plant is found almost everywhere.

In addition to our homeland, it grows in the territory from the western borders of Europe to Asia. It is also found on other continents, for example, in North America and Africa.


Thistle reproduces exclusively with the help of seeds, which, with a gust of wind, are carried throughout the entire nearby territory. This is carried out from the end of July to October.

Procurement and collection of raw materials

From point of view alternative medicine, the leaves and roots of interest in this plant. The procurement of raw materials is carried out as follows.

The roots are dug out of the soil with a shovel, then cleaned of remaining soil and dirt. After which they should be slightly “withered” for outdoors. You can, of course, dry them in the sun, but in this case there is a risk of rotting.

Therefore, it is better to equip a special drying room in which the temperature should be maintained at about 50 - 60 degrees. The raw materials should be mixed, gradually moving the underlying roots upward.

The foliage is collected after the end of the flowering period, after which it can be dried in the open air, again, stirring periodically, and removing rotten leaf blades.

Use what you receive dry matter possible within the next 24 months. After this period, the amount of nutrients decreases significantly.

Use in folk medicine

Official medicine does not use this plant in any medicinal collection. The reason for this lies in insufficient knowledge of the chemical composition of this species. Perhaps this circumstance is a reason to refuse drugs from it.

But, nevertheless, traditional healers allow the use of infusions and decoctions of thistle. It is believed that these drugs have a pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.

But their scope of application relates exclusively to diseases of the skin and mucous membranes of the oral cavity. In addition, many healers believe that with the help of these drugs it is possible to have a diaphoretic effect on the body, which can be useful in the presence of intoxication. True, in this case, some caution should be exercised.


A decoction of the roots of the plant can be used as a diaphoretic. The medicinal drug is prepared as follows. Take 2 teaspoons of dry matter and grind them thoroughly. This can be done using a coffee grinder or food mill.


In conclusion, I would like to remind you that the chemical composition of the plant has not been studied, which means that it is impossible to predict with certainty what the body’s reaction to the use of these drugs will be. By using them, you take full responsibility upon yourself.

Scientists count more than 250 species of this plant; about 110 species grow in Russia alone. Weeds, honey plants, ornamental plants– varieties of thistle differ in the shape of the leaves, the color of the flowers and other characteristics. But they all belong to the Aster family - Asteraceae; many have medicinal properties, which are used only in folk medicine. Among the most common are the common thistle (lanceolatum) - Cirsium vulgare Airy-Shaw (Cirsium lanceolatum (L.) Scop.)

Biological description

– a biennial weed plant up to 180 cm high. The stem is ascending, branched, straight, covered with thorns. The root is tap-shaped, fusiform. The leaves are alternate, lanceolate, notched-pinnate, hard, covered with stiff bristles, and have long, strong spines along the edges. Inflorescences are large, spiny single baskets consisting of tubular flowers of pink-crimson color. The fruit is a grayish achene with a tuft of dirty white hairs.

Thistle blooms from June to September, the fruits ripen during July-October.

Thistle is widespread throughout Europe, the European part of Russia, North America, and the Caucasus. It grows in wastelands, garbage areas, and along roadsides.

Collection and preparation

WITH medicinal purpose They use the roots of thistle; they are dug up in late autumn. The roots are cleared of soil, dried and stored in a dry, ventilated area.

Chemical composition

Since thistle refers to weeds and is used only in folk medicine; its chemical composition has not been studied.


Beneficial features and the use of Bodyak

Infusions and decoctions are prepared from the roots of thistle, which have the following effects:

  • Painkillers.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Bactericidal.
  • Wound healing.
  • Antispasmodic (relieves colic in the stomach and intestines).
  • Sweatshop.
  • Diseases for which infusion and decoction of thistle root are used:
  • Colds.
  • Diseases of the liver, intestines.
  • Inflammatory processes in the kidneys, accompanied by colic.
  • Non-healing wounds.

Also, crushed fresh roots are used to treat wounds, purulent abscesses and tumors, applying them to the site of inflammation.

Contraindications on the use of Bodyak

Bodyak and preparations made from it should not be taken by persons suffering from

  • severe form of hypertension,
  • myopathy,
  • encephalopathy.

If you are prone to blood clots, you should consult your doctor.

Application in other industries:

There is information that young shoots of the plant and the bottom of unopened inflorescences can be eaten.

Taxonomic affiliation: Aster family - Asteraceae (Compositae).

Conservation status of the species: Not well known.

Scientific significance: The view is to the south. the border of the range and in isolated localities outside its boundaries.

Range of the species and its distribution in Ukraine: Euro-Siberian species, common in the north. parts of the Western, Middle and Eastern. Europe, Siberia, on p. Mongolia. In Ukraine it is known only from several different localities on the Left Bank and in the Carpathians. Adm. regions: Sm, Iv, Chts, Chr, Lg.

Number and structure of populations: Most of the localities are based on herbarium materials from the past and the century before last, so the current state of the populations is not known. The reliably known population on the town of Gnetesa (Chivchinskie Mountains) is complete, but small in number and occupies a small area.

Reasons for the change in numbers: Very sensitive to anthropogenic impacts, especially grazing and drainage measures.

Growing conditions: In the population of the city of Gnetes, the species grows in the Caricetum paniculate association group (Magnocaricion elatae association), in flat conditions, and gravitates towards wet meadows of class. MolinioArrhenatherethea (mostly of the union Molinion, rarely Arrhenatherion). IN optimal conditions has high vitality, but is sensitive to intense influence external factors. Hygromesophyte.

General biomorphological characteristics Hemicryptophyte. A perennial herbaceous plant with rhizomes and creeping underground shoots. Stems are straight, up to 100-150 cm tall, simple or slightly branched, raggedly cobwebby. The leaves are oblong-lanceolate, pointed, finely spiny, jagged and spinously ciliated at the edges, some pinnately incised, dark green, whitish below; basal long-petiolate, up to 80 cm long and 15 cm wide, with a narrow-winged stalk. Baskets are single or sometimes 2-3, on long leafless stalks, erect, 4-5 cm long; the involucre of the baskets is 18-25 mm wide, brownish or dirty purple at the base, glabrous; involucre leaves from ovate-lanceolate with small spines to narrow-linear, pointed, finely ciliated at the edges; outer and middle - with a bent tip; internal - with a lanceolate, membranous reddish-purple tip, separated by a constriction from the green part of the leaf; purple flowers. The achenes are oblong, yellowish-brownish. Blooms in June-August, bears fruit in August-September. Propagated by seeds and vegetatively.

Population conservation regime and protection measures: Were not implemented. It is necessary to monitor the existing population and search for others, study their condition and protect them. It is prohibited to collect plants, destroy settlements and change growth conditions (hydrological regime).

Reproduction and breeding in specially created conditions: No information.

Economic and commercial significance: Decorative.

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