The influence of the Moon on all life on Earth is undeniable and has been proven since ancient times. Plants react very sensitively to the phases of the stellar body. The stage of development of the Moon during planting determines whether the gardener will have, whether home flowers will bloom, and whether the plants will take root in the new place. Ignore moon calendar when growing flowers it is impossible. It will indicate the best replanting period for the plant.

The lunar cycle implies different phases of the celestial body. The growth and development of flora on Earth depends on them. This special relationship between the Moon and the Earth was noticed in ancient times. Even then, people began to organize a lunar calendar, based on which they planted crops and harvested crops.

The lunar guide is based on periods. Highlight:

  • New Moon – birth (critical moment)
  • The waxing moon is phases 1 and 2
  • Full Moon (critical moment)
  • The waning moon is phases 3 and 4

On the emerging and full Moon, it is not recommended to touch plants or do any work. Why? The fact is that there is a transition from one phase to another - at this moment all life on Earth is very vulnerable, you should not injure the plants. They may even die during transplantation during these periods.

In order to determine what phase the Moon is in, simply insert a vertical line into the semicircle of the Earth's satellite. During the increasing phase, the letter “P” will be obtained, and during the decreasing phase, the letter “c” will be obtained. Having decided on the phase, you can already decide whether it is worth replanting flowers.

If you do not take into account the growth period of the Moon, you can ruin your favorite flower during transplantation. Experienced plant growers have learned from experience that a plant planted on the waning Moon, if all planting rules are observed, can die.

You need to be able to use the lunar calendar and know its general rules, which should be followed when replanting flowers.

You can rely not only on appearance the moon outside the window to determine what phase it is in. This method is not always convenient, as there are cloudy or rainy nights. For a person inexperienced in these matters, there is a possibility of making a mistake, and, in addition, the exact phase cannot be determined offhand.

To simplify this process, you can either buy a lunar calendar and provide yourself with information for the whole year, or look at it on a specific website. There is no shortage of information of this kind.

General rules for using the lunar calendar

On the growing moon, it is recommended to replant plants that are grown for their above-ground parts - grass. In this phase, the root system tolerates any impact well. Even if it was damaged, nothing serious will happen to the plant. It will take root and delight you with luxurious flowering. It is not recommended to plant tuberous flowers during the waxing moon, since in this type of flower all the power is concentrated in the root system, and not in the leaves. Also during this period, it is recommended to apply fertilizers and propagate by cuttings. Watering of flowers is intensifying.

During the full moon, plants and especially flowers are not harmed. The soil is not disturbed by loosening or digging.

On the waning Moon, it is not recommended to transplant flowers. This is explained by the fact that the root system may not recover in case of damage. She adapts and develops poorly. However, tuberous flowers should be planted in phases 3 and 4. During the waning phase of the satellite, weeds, pests and diseases are fought.

Knowing the general rules for the interaction of the Moon on plants, you can safely plan to transplant or plant flowers.

The best periods for transplanting flowers

In addition to the growth phase of the Moon, its passage through the signs of the zodiac is taken into account. The fact is that they quite actively influence the development of all living things. Highlight:

  • Fruitful signs – Taurus, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Libra, Capricorn
  • Neutrals – Gemini, Leo, Aries, Virgo, Sagittarius

The best period for transplanting flowers will be phase 1, 2 - Virgo and Scorpio. It is recommended to plant plants on the waxing Moon in fruitful signs.

It is better to do pruning in the waning phase in the signs of Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Pisces. It is better to fertilize flowers in Gemini, Aquarius and Libra on the waning Moon. Apply plants as needed during any period except the full moon and new moon.

Don't forget about general rule- on the waxing Moon we plant what grows above the ground, and on the waning Moon we plant what develops in the soil, that is, tubers. It is better to transplant flowers in the spring from April to March. In some cases in the summer. In winter and autumn, plants are not touched, regardless of the phase of the moon, since these are periods of rest when the flowers gain strength.

We would like to note that although replanting and formative pruning should be done only at a strictly defined time for each species, and according to the lunar phases, pruning for the purpose of sanitation can be carried out at any period.

This is explained by the fact that by removing the infected parts of the plant, its death can be prevented. And, even if the plant experiences stress during pruning, this will still be the best outcome. You can help your pet recover faster by feeding, treating cut sites and proper care.

If you had to prune a diseased flowering plant, you may also have to remove the buds so that they do not contribute to the depletion of the flower.

While watching the video you will learn about the lunar calendar for gardeners.

Based on the lunar calendar, the grower can easily raise green pets healthy and strong. Flowering will always be beautiful and abundant.

Attention, super FLIGHT!

Hello, dear summer resident friends!

The article "" indicates the most favorable sowing days(planting) main vegetable crops and carrying out agrotechnical activities in our summer cottages. More detailed information information about the influence of the Moon on plants with recommendations for every day can be found by following the link to the “” page. In today's article, we will look at the features of caring for some indoor plants in March and learn about the most favorable days for planting them and carrying out basic work.

With significant increase daylight hours starts in March rapid growth majority indoor plants. I noticed that over the last week my a coffee tree managed to give a young growth of 3-4 cm. I started giving him regular feeding.

To provide abundant flowering indoor plants and the beautiful appearance of decorative foliage crops, flower growers have a lot to do in March:

  • The plants' need for watering and fertilizing increases due to the beginning of their active growth.
  • Sow gloxinia, streptocarpus, cacti, passionflower, asparagus and some others.
  • You should not be late with replanting indoor plants, which began in February. Plants that need replanting are those that use the entire lump of earth, covering it with their roots, and they are already becoming cramped in this container. It is necessary to hold off for now from transplanting plants that have formed buds and are about to bloom soon. For them, you can limit yourself to replacing the top layer of soil in pots. It should be remembered that pankratiums, eucharis, amaryllis and some other flowers feel and bloom better when their root system is crowded.
  • If the bulbs and tubers of indoor flowers stored for autumn storage are still in the basement or other cool, dark place, they urgently need to be planted.
  • Many fast-growing plants need to be divided and planted in separate containers: aspidistra, asparagus, stromantha, clivia, bush begonia, caladium, fern, spathiphyllum.
  • IN winter period in low light conditions, many indoor plants have formed numerous weak long shoots that need to be shortened in March: fuchsia, abutilon, oleander and others. Thick crowns of hibiscus, oleander, ficus, jasmine, tradiscantia, pelargonium, and fuchsia are thinned out. To make your hydrangea bloom better, remove all its thin shoots.
  • Stop watering the cyclamen so that they completely shed their foliage and prepare for a period of storage directly in the soil, which will need to be moistened occasionally.
  • Start watering the cacti, which should be in a bright, cool place in March.
  • For azaleas and camellias located in a cool and bright place, start watering more often; you can carry out the first fertilizing.
  • March is the best time to propagate indoor plants with leafy and stem cuttings: Morgan's sedum, crassula, groundsel, violet, streptocarpus, gloxinia, begonia, dieffenbachia, monstera and others.

The listed features of the development of indoor plants in March require significant labor from gardeners so that the flowers delight us with their splendor for a long time.
Plan your work and choose the most favorable sowing days and carrying out all agrotechnical activities with indoor plants, recommendations will help us lunar calendar of indoor plants for March 2018 popular astrologer Tatiana Borsch:

Favorable days planting (transplanting) indoor plants in March 2018

Best regards, Sergey Mozgovykh

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How can the lunar calendar for 2018 help flower lovers? It indicates favorable and undesirable days for replanting indoor plants and other procedures with them, for example, watering and fertilizing. He will tell you how to increase the yield of some crops at home.

Rules for transplanting indoor flowers

Healthy specimens that grow slowly are moved to another place every 2-3 years, and young ones actively developing shoots- Every year.

Adult well-formed flowers - once every 2-3 years.

Tree-like - once every 4-5 years.

Conifers - before dormancy.

Early bloomers - after they bloom.

If the plant is affected by disease or pests, as well as if the container is damaged, an extraordinary transplant is carried out.

How to replant house plants according to the lunar calendar?

The day before transplanting, the flowers must be watered.

The pots need to be prepared: washed and disinfected.

Place drainage in the container and pour in a heap of soil mixture that must meet the requirements of the plants.

First, you need to remove the flower from the previous container and turn it upside down, holding the stem.

It is necessary to shake off the roots from the soil and inspect them to identify old and painful areas that must be removed immediately.

The indoor flower should be placed in a pot, straighten the roots and fill the container with soil mixture, without deepening the roots, crush the soil and leave a space of 2-3 cm to the top.

Plants should be carefully watered along the edge of the pot or through the tray. Container - move to light and warm place so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight.

Regular spraying is necessary for 6-8 days.

Blooming flowers cannot be replanted.

Pots for replanting should be larger than the previous ones by 1.5-3 cm, and if the specimens are large - by 8-10 cm.

How do lunar phases affect indoor plants?

It is known that the moon goes through several stages, which influence the flora in their own way. That's why the florist's lunar calendar was created.

Let's list these phases:

  1. Young (growing) moon. This time is the most favorable for placing flowers on garden flower bed or other form of transplantation. The fact is that this process gives plants additional energy, which seriously affects their growth. Astrologers advise taking a closer look at the phases when the Moon passes the constellations Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Capricorn, and Aquarius.
  2. Waning moon. During this period, all actions with plants, including movements, are excluded, since specified time all energy is concentrated in the root system.
  3. The 2nd and 4th phases are undesirable for transplanting and other flower processing. If you plan to grow street options, then it is better to prepare planting material during this period.

The connection of astrology with indoor flowers

Each phase of the moon is adjusted zodiac sign, in which the satellite resides. If sowing is carried out during a “dry” sign, the Moon will not provide it with the energy and strength for productive development.

Fertile signs include: Pisces, Libra, Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer, Leo.

To the infertile: Sagittarius, Aries.

Medium fertile signs: Aquarius, Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn.

Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer are considered “leaf days”; Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn - “root days” when watering is necessary; Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - “flower days”, during which it is better not to provide plants with water.

It’s easier to navigate the lunar calendar when it is presented in table form:

Winter calendar 2018

It is better to take care of indoor plants in January between the 18th and 27th. On the indicated days, flowers can be trimmed, moved to other rooms, and transplanted. But on January 4-13, it is advisable not to do anything with them, you can only water and feed them. It is better not to touch the ground underneath them.

In winter, plants need less water than at other times of the year.

On February 17-24, you need to pay attention to shrub and tree varieties, 25-27 are the days of flowers and cacti. On February 1-12, replanting is undesirable; it can harm the condition of the plants.

December 25-31 are unfavorable dates, and 8-17 are successful. These days you need to be more attentive to your plants.

Spring calendar 2018

During the period from March 3 to March 11, any manipulation with flowers should be avoided. It is better to fertilize on March 18-26. The most good time- this is the night of the 25th.

On April 17-25, the plants rapidly move upward, and the 27-30th is the period of root growth. This needs to be addressed Special attention, then there will be a high-quality result. Any procedures with the earth on April 1-13 are undesirable.

When a flower is actively growing, it needs feeding. After all, the soil may not have enough nutrients for development and life decorative culture. Here you can remember about powders.

On May 16-24, new containers are selected for the plants and transplanted. But they don’t do this on the 1st-10th.

Summer calendar 2018

The pot must be selected strictly according to the parameters of the plant, including the root system. If the container is very small, the flower may wither. And in a container that is too spacious, it is difficult to water and fertilize the soil.

Flowers need to be given attention on June 14-22, and it is not advisable to touch them on June 1-9, since they are extremely sensitive to external influences.

July 14-21 is the time for new transplants, loosening and fertilizing the soil. All manipulations must be carried out carefully, since even in favorable times lunar days flowers are sensitive. It is better not to disturb the plants on July 1-9.

It is advisable to deal with flowers and bushes on August 12-20, and tree-like specimens on August 21-23. First 7 days of the month indoor flora It is better not to disturb, this may affect the growth of plants. It must be taken into account that there are specimens that need the sun to live, and there are those that cannot stand it.

Autumn lunar calendar 2018

There are enough bad days in September. These include the 1st-8th, 28th-30th, when it is better not to feed or replant flowers. You can do this without any problems from September 10 to 20.

October is the month when you need to be more attentive to plants. If the roots come out of the hole for draining liquid or the soil turns into 1 stone lump, this means that replanting was required for a long time, and the size of the pot is very small. The procedures should be carried out on October 11-18, but on October 1-8 and 26-31 you should not touch the flowers.

A plant that is transplanted when flowering drops its petals and buds as a result of stress.

Current dates for replanting indoor flowers: November 12-18. The 3rd-6th and 26th-30th are not suitable for this.

Knowing all the successful and unsuccessful periods of 2018, flower growers will be able to ensure active development and lush flowering for their plants.

The gardener's lunar calendar for April 2018 for indoor plants will tell all flower gardeners which day is favorable or unfavorable for working with plants, what seedlings are allowed to be planted, what and on what day it is useful to do in the garden or summer cottage when to hill up, loosen, water and fertilize. He will also provide a large amount of information on conducting work in the garden, which touches on such issues as preparing seeds for sowing, growing seedlings, revealing the secrets of agricultural technology, how to combat pests and plant diseases, and the timing of harvesting crops from the garden. But most of all he will reveal the topic of house plants. The gardener's lunar calendar for indoor plants in April 2018 will give flower gardeners a hint on what and how best to feed the plants. plot of land or at home, how and with what help you can increase productivity by an order of magnitude, what fruit-bearing plants or flowers like and do not like. See our website for the year for indoor plants.

How often to replant indoor flowers?

  1. Slow growing healthy plants replanted once every two to three years.
  2. Young, intensively developing plants annually.
  3. Mature, sufficiently formed plants once every 2-3 years.
  4. Tree-like once every 4-5 years.
  5. It is advisable to replant conifers before the dormant period.
  6. Early flowering plants will better tolerate replanting after flowering.
  7. An unscheduled transplant is necessary if pests or signs of disease appear on the plant, as well as in cases where the flowerpot is damaged.

Sequence of actions when replanting house plants according to the lunar calendar

  • The day before transplanting, the plants are watered abundantly.
  • Prepare new pot, thoroughly wash and disinfect.
  • Drainage is placed in the pot, then heaped soil mixture, prepared taking into account the requirements of the plant.
  • The plant is removed from the old pot by turning it upside down. Hold the stem with your left hand.
  • The roots are shaken off the ground, then inspected root system to identify old and diseased roots, which are immediately removed.
  • The plant is placed in a pot, the roots are straightened and the container is filled with earthen mixture, without deepening root collar, then press down the substrate, leaving a space of 2-3 cm to the top of the flowerpot.
  • Plants are carefully watered along the edge of the pot. You can water through the tray.
  • Place the pots in a bright and warm place, providing protection from direct sunlight.
  • Transplanted plants are regularly sprayed clean water within 6-8 days.
  • It should be remembered that it is not advisable to replant plants in a flowering state. Containers for transplantation should be larger than the old ones by 1.5-3 cm, and in the case of large plants (tubs) by 8-10 cm.

The influence of moon phases on house plants?

As you know, the Moon goes through several phases, each of which has its own specific effect on plants. This is exactly what we can now verify. Lunar calendar for April 2018 by a florist

  1. Firstly, the phase of the young or waxing Moon. This option is considered one of the most favorable for planting flowering plants for a garden flower bed or just a transplant. Ask why and what is it? The answer is very simple, since plants during the process of transplantation during this phase receive additional energy, which in turn has an important influence and significance on their growth. At the same time, astrologers strongly recommend paying attention to phases when the Moon is in the constellations Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, and Taurus.
  2. Secondly, the waning phase of the moon. At this time, it is strictly forbidden to engage in any actions or manipulations with plants, or, more precisely, replanting. Why? The answer is obvious, since the energy of the Moon in this case will be concentrated directly in the roots.
  3. Thirdly, the second and fourth phases of the moon. At this time, it is also better not to replant plants and process them. For example, if you are growing outdoor flowers, then the best thing to do is prepare the seeds.

Astrology and house plants

The influence of each lunar phase is adjusted by the zodiac sign in which the satellite is located. If sowing occurred during the period of a “dry” sign, then even the waxing Moon will not be able to give it the necessary strength and energy for productive growth. Lunar calendar for April 2018 for a florist

  • Fertile (water) signs - Leo, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Libra, Pisces.
  • Infertile (dry) signs – Aries, Sagittarius.
  • Signs of average fertility - Capricorn, Virgo, Gemini, Aquarius.

In addition, there are “leaf days” – Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio and “root days” – Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, on which watering is especially recommended. On “flower days” – Volodya, Libra, Gemini – on the contrary, it is better to avoid watering .

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor flowers for April 2018 by day

April 1 – waning Moon in Libra. A favorable day for transplanting indoor flowers, especially bulbous and tuberous flowers. If you have daffodils, lilies, cyclamens, gloxinias, etc., feel free to replant them in other pots with fresh substrate.
April 2 – waning Moon in Scorpio. On this day you can replant all flowers, especially bulbous and tuberous ones: daffodils, gloxinias, cyclamens, etc. Loosening of the top earthen coma in pots.
April 3 – waning Moon in Scorpio. An excellent day for planting and replanting any indoor flowers, but especially bulbous and tuberous ones.
April 4 – waning Moon in Sagittarius. On this day you can replant flowers, but only if necessary. However, it is better to wait for a more favorable period.
April 5 – waning Moon in Sagittarius. Neutral day. If urgently necessary, you can plant and replant indoor plants. However, it is better to postpone these procedures for subsequent days. But you can spray plants, wipe dust from leaves, and arrange any water procedures.
April 6 – waning Moon in Sagittarius. On this day, plants are very sensitive to mechanical damage. Therefore, if there is no urgent need, it is better to postpone flower transplantation. If you decide to replant, do it as carefully as possible so as not to damage the root system of indoor flowers.
April 7 – waning Moon in Capricorn. Good day for a transplant blooming flowers– roses, indoor chrysanthemums, violets, etc. Plants transplanted on this day will be hardy and resistant to disease.
April 8 – third quarter in Capricorn. A good day for transplanting, planting and planting any indoor flowers in the ground. Plants transplanted and planted on this day will be hardy, resistant to diseases, pests and drought.
April 9 – waning Moon in Aquarius. On this day you should not transplant or plant plants. It is better to engage in disease and pest prevention.
April 10 – waning Moon in Aquarius. If you notice spots on the leaves, dry edges and tips, buds and flowers that have withered ahead of time, check the plant for pests - spider mite, scale insects, aphids in a pot, etc. These days are a great time for pest control.
April 11 – waning Moon in Aquarius. The work listed on April 9 and 10 is currently in progress.
April 12 – waning Moon in Pisces. Because the moon is waning, better transplant Put the flowers aside, because the roots are very vulnerable on such a day. It’s better to start watering the flowers and fertilizing them.
April 13 – waning Moon in Pisces. Neutral day. Planting seeds and replanting flowers is possible, but it is still better to postpone it to a more favorable time.
April 14 – waning moon in Aries. You should not replant indoor flowers on this day. Get involved in preparing the soil for replanting and planting, purchasing fertilizers, and selecting the necessary equipment.
April 15 – waning moon in Aries. Before the new moon, and even in the sign of Aries, plants should not be replanted. But you can do it preparatory work– prepare planting material, select and buy seeds, flower pots, fertilizers, etc.
April 16 – New Moon in Taurus. The new moon is not the best time for transplanting and planting indoor flowers; it is better to refrain from carrying out such procedures.
April 17 – waxing Moon in Taurus. Days favorable for caring for indoor flowers. Excellent time for transplantation and planting. Plants are resistant to diseases, etc.
April 18 – waxing Moon in Taurus. A very good day for replanting, planting, and transferring all indoor flowers without exception. You can also trim the tips of the leaves, loosen upper layer land in flower pots.
April 19 – waxing Moon in Gemini. Pest control is shown on this day. Planting and replanting indoor flowers is undesirable, but for climbing flowers this is an exception.
April 20 – waxing Moon in Gemini. Transfer indicated climbing plants, such as passionflower, kobea, stephanotis, etc., for others it is an unfavorable time. It is better to treat plants against pests.
April 21 – waxing Moon in Cancer. A favorable time for planting seeds of indoor flowers, replanting and planting any plants in the ground.
April 22 – waxing Moon in Cancer. A particularly successful spring day, when you can replant all indoor flowers without exception. An excellent day for germinating seeds and planting them in the ground.
April 23 – first quarter in Leo. On this day, you cannot replant indoor plants, as they will hurt for a long time.
April 24 – waxing Moon in Leo. Unfavorable day for transplanting indoor flowers.
April 25 – waxing Moon in Virgo. You can replant flowers, but only decorative flowering ones: adenium, clivia, spathiphyllum, Decembrist, balsam, etc. Picking is shown.
April 26 – waxing Moon in Virgo. On this day, it is better to postpone flower transplantation until the sign when the Moon is in Libra. It is better to engage in pest control - pay attention to the condition of the leaves and flowers: is there any yellow spots, are the ends dry, is there any formation white coating. All these signs indicate diseases and the presence of pests.
April 27 – waxing Moon in Libra. Days favorable for caring for indoor flowers. Great time for a transplant. Plants are disease resistant.
April 28 – waxing Moon in Libra. A good day for replanting, planting, and transshipment of any indoor flowers. The root system is strong, plants quickly take root. good time for reproduction flower crops. On this day, plants are resistant to infections and pests.
April 29 – waxing Moon in Scorpio. Plants transplanted on this day are resistant to disease, but only if they are not pruned. A very good day for replanting any indoor plants, but especially for all types of roses and cacti. You can loosen the soil, water, apply organic fertilizers(but not chemical ones!).
April 30 – Full Moon in Scorpio. Great time for feeding and fertilizing. Transfers and landings are prohibited.

In order for flowers to delight with rich greenery, they should be provided with intense flowering complete care taking into account the characteristics of the species. Indoor crops, like any others, need timely watering, fertilizing, and replanting.

Not unimportant right neighborhood, but specialists in the field of landscaping window sills and loggias are not limited to this. People's observation has led to an awareness of the importance of replanting indoor flowers, taking into account the favorable lunar phases.

Why do you need to know the favorable day for transplantation?

It depends on how the moon is positioned according to the zodiac. healthy growth greenery IN modern world, this issue is dealt with by qualified astrologers. Annual calendar tables are expected by professional flower growers and are no less in demand by amateurs.

Dates in which transfers are allowed indoor species, indicate the most favorable time for adaptation if it is necessary to move to a new place.

Thus, the seedlings practically do not get sick and there is no negative influence on the growing season.

What days are favorable for transplantation?

Every year the lunar calendar changes, accordingly, for people involved in breeding domestic species, and for 2018 a lunar schedule was drawn up to give a hint on how to replant with less damage to plants.

Monitoring lunar movements is important, since the luminary is an incredible source of energy with varying strengths of influence depending on the month.

Favorable days depend on which sign conjunctions the Moon is located in.

The constellations associated with gardening and home plant growing are:

  • Fish;
  • Taurus;
  • Scales;
  • Cancers;
  • Lions;
  • Scorpios.

Note! In addition, the period in which the satellite is located is taken into account. If there is a full moon or the birth of the moon, you should refuse to work with the earth. If the Moon is in the growth stage, you should take advantage of this period to replant indoor plants.

Lucky table for home floriculture and moon location transplants (2018):

JANUARY 18 - 27 1 - 3; 14 - 17; 28 - 31 4 - 13
FEBRUARY 17 - 24 13 - 16; 25 - 28 1 - 12
MARCH 18 - 26 1, 2, 12 - 17; 26 - 31 3 - 11
APRIL 17 - 25 14 - 16; 26 - 30 1 - 13
MAY 16 - 24 11 - 15; 24 - 31 1 - 10
JUNE 14 - 22 10 - 13; 23 - 30 1 - 9
JULY 14 - 21 10 - 13; 22 - 31 1 - 9
AUGUST 12 - 20 8 - 11; 21 - 31 1 - 7
SEPTEMBER 10 - 20 9, 21 - 27 1 - 8; 28 - 30
OCTOBER 11 - 18 9, 10, 19 - 25 1 - 8; 26 - 31
NOVEMBER 12 - 18 1, 2, 7 - 11; 19 - 25 3 - 6; 26 - 30
DECEMBER 8 - 17 1 - 7; 18 - 24 25 - 31

It should be understood^ that the most favorable time for replanting indoor plants is spring, but if it experiences discomfort and needs to be moved throughout the year, then you should not torture the seedling, it is only important to choose the right time to ensure optimal conditions.

Typically, 2–5 cm of the top layer in flower pots is replaced annually. The entire plant is moved to a larger pot once every few years. If you don't get attached to generally accepted rules, it is worth studying the influence of the moon’s cycles on the growth and development of indoor flora.

Transplant in January

At the beginning of the year, plants are mostly dormant; caring for them does not require activity. If it is necessary to transplant a flower to another place or a wider pot, use the most successful phase of the waxing moon for that month (18 - 27).

In January, green plants do not grow and stimulants should not be added to the soil to activate the process. Since during this period they receive insufficient light and heat, fertilizers can lead to disease and even death of the flower.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive big harvest With large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain the desired result.

Often plants lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase productivity by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good one harvest even on low-fertility soils and in unfavorable climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Transplant in February

For indoor species, February is a time of awakening and preparation for throwing out buds. Flower growers are looking forward to this month, as flowers need special care: fertilizer, irrigation, loosening the soil.

If a transplant is unavoidable, the process should be treated with care and carried out only on especially favorable days (17 - 24). The second winter month is a completely natural period for sowing long-growing species; in addition, this is a good time for planting bulbous plants.

Transplantation in March

With the beginning of spring, the plants actively grow, filling the volume of the entire pot. At this stage, the flowers should change the soil. Over the winter, the soil has become depleted of useful components and green spaces suffer from a lack of nutrition.

It is recommended to carry out replanting after waiting for favorable days (March 18 - 26) - this will ensure full development and rooting. Flowers tolerate manipulation almost painlessly and can soon delight you with flowering.

Transplant in April

In April, active work with the soil should not be carried out, since intensive root growth occurs at this time. In addition, care for leaves and trunks should be gentle.

Irrigation is carried out superficially so as not to oversaturate the soil with moisture. If you need to replant a flower, you should wait until the second half of the month. Strong plants It is recommended to replant on favorable days (17 - 25).

Stories from our readers!
"I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together and yielded more than usual. And they didn’t suffer from late blight, that’s the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Nowadays you can’t grow a normal harvest without fertilizer, and this fertilizing increases the amount of vegetables, so I’m very pleased with the result.”

Transplant in May

May itself is a good time for the growth of young shoots. Everything is conducive to development - air, sun. The soil should be fertilized before planting, and to obtain maximum positive result, still perform work with planting material on favorable days according to the lunar calendar (16 - 24).

Transplant in June

Summer is the hot season and plants should be watered abundantly, loosened the soil, and combated harmful insects. When the moon enters the Cancer phase, you can move seedlings, shoots and mature plants to a more favorable location.

Note! Since the constellation is particularly fertile, caring for capricious plants will also bring good results. The period is good for growing new flowers, planting, replanting (14 - 22).

Transplant in July

The abundance of sun increases the percentage of plant germination. At this time, you can replant vegetation with complex roots without consequences. Indoor flowers taken out onto the loggias, outside - for direct contact with the sun's rays.

Transplant in August

By the end of summer, plants grow at a slow pace. If they are replanted on days that are favorable according to the lunar calendar, this will not have a detrimental effect on them; moreover, they become more resistant to temperature fluctuations.

Particularly useful are procedures aimed at caring for leaves and trunks. Useful for breathing of the root system, loosening the soil.

Transplant in September

With the arrival of the first autumn days, you should start thinking about preparing your children for the winter period.

They are brought to the wintering site, after cutting off excess branches, grafting, and fertilizing. In order to replant a plant, flower growers have a decade allotted in September, which professional breeders actively use.

Transplant in October

It is better to plant young seedlings in October, as the period is favorable for further flowering. This month more attention pay attention to loosening the soil; watering at this stage is not intensive. The lunar calendar allocates a week for transplantation. When carrying out the procedure, it is worth adding fertilizer for more active growth.

Transplant in November

Job heating devices negatively affects plants. They need to monitor the condition of the soil, constant spraying and irrigation. It should be noted that plants transplanted according to the calendar adapt well and are less prone to disease. With proper care, flowering can be seen in winter.

Transplant in December

The beginning of winter is a time of growth and flowering. At this stage, plants are grateful for loosening and caring for the root system.

If the flowers have stopped growing, then there is a high probability that they are in the sleep phase. Dormant plants should not be disturbed. By choosing a favorable time for transplantation, you can transfer flowers that grow regardless of the time of year.

How do the phases of the moon affect plant growth?

The influence of lunar phases on living organisms has long been proven in scientific level. The growth of indoor plants also depends on lunar energy, so gardeners vigilantly regulate their work according to the calendar.

It is logical that the waxing Moon has a positive effect on the growth of flowers. Since there are eight lunar phases, with the beginning of each subsequent one, actions are taken to improve development (fertilization, irrigation, loosening).

Main lunar phases are:

New moon

Lasts three days. This is not the best time for any manipulations with domestic species. At this stage, plants need rest and do not show activity on their own.

During this period you cannot produce planting work and transfer flowers to other pots, the root system must not be disturbed and disturbed by introducing drugs into the roots, and the days are also unsuitable for grafting trees.

The period is favorable for:

  • weed removal;
  • pest control
  • eliminating non-viable plant fragments;
  • low fluffing;
  • light watering.

Waxing moon phase

Source of energy for intensive growth. During this period you can:

  • sow seeds and plant shoots;
  • engage in transplantation;
  • saturate the soil with useful substances, fertilize, add complementary foods;
  • vaccinations are well tolerated;
  • effective watering and watering of flowers.

Full moon

Energetically affects the root system. Ideally, it is better to refrain from transplanting so as not to disturb the root, but the trunk, crown, and fruits deserve attention and all work can be directed to caring for them.

When the Moon is waning, flower growers perform the following actions:

  • seedlings and young shoots are planted;
  • thin out the seedlings;
  • fight insects and weeds;
  • treat plant diseases;
  • saturate the earth with nutrients;
  • perform pruning.

A true lover of home floriculture finds the opportunity to pay the necessary attention to plants in any phase of the moon.

Lunar calendar - a florist's cheat sheet. Knowing when a certain phase of the satellite begins, you can plan your actions and avoid manipulations during an unfavorable period.

Let's celebrate! Domestic species are grateful to proper attention and delight owners with intense vegetation, lush flowering during a year.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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