There is hardly a gardener who has never planted cucumbers. This crop, along with potatoes and tomatoes, firmly occupies a position among the basic crops in the garden. The whole secret is that these green vegetables are unpretentious in planting and care. However, there are many subtleties that should be taken into account if you decide to plant cucumbers in your garden.

There is a common formula for planning absolutely any business, right up to landing garden plants: What? Where? When? If you know the answer to the first two questions, then you should pay attention to the third special attention, because a large part of success depends on timing. This article is devoted to all the nuances regarding the time of planting cucumbers.

How to determine sowing time?

Anyone who has ever grown cucumbers knows that the whole process takes place in two stages: planting seeds in pots with them further development at home for 2-3 weeks, and then transferring the seedlings to a greenhouse or open ground and caring for the vegetable until mature plant will not bloom. However, some prefer to plant seeds directly into the soil, bypassing the stage of preparing seedlings. It's a matter of taste.

The basic rule is to plant cucumber plant you can go into the ground when it warms up to at least +15 degrees, and the air reaches +20 (even in the morning and late evening) - this optimal conditions for planting this crop. The fact is that even minor frosts can harm the plant, which will negatively affect the quality of the crop, or, in general, destroy it. Excessive heat will not have such a detrimental effect on the fate of the plant, but may delay its adaptation to the soil.

This is why it is so important to accurately determine optimal time for planting cucumbers if you want to please yourself and your loved ones excellent harvest. In the very general view Seedlings should be planted in the soil in April - June.

When determining the timing of disembarkation, it is very important to take into account many important points– plant variety, climatic conditions in which it will grow, planting method (seedlings or seeds). Some gardeners prefer to rely on the lunar calendar and trust folk signs. One of them reports that if dandelions have bloomed profusely, then it’s time to pick up seedlings and garden tools and go plant cucumbers. As for planting in open ground, then best time– the period of flowering of rowan and lilac.

If you decide to plant cucumbers, then after a thorough analysis, determine the approximate planting date. 21, maximum 30 days (optimally 3 weeks) before this, you need to plant the seeds of the future vegetable in peat pots, place them in a sunny place and do not forget about careful care and watering.

The plant should not be kept in small containers for too long, as this will deprive it of its vitality and may negatively affect its yield.

Depending on the variety

It's no secret that cucumbers exist different types, which are classified according to ripening period. So, there are ultra-early, early, mid-season and late varieties. It is not difficult to guess that they received such names from the time of their fruiting. For cold regions, it is recommended to use the first two; they best adapt and take root in harsh weather conditions.

Ultra-early and early varieties are planted first. This is due to the fact that these varieties are more resistant to cold. This advantage These varieties give them a plus when planted in the northern regions of the country.

These varieties of cucumbers can be planted at the end of February, based on weather conditions region. More successful regions for planting such varieties at this time of year are:

  • Stavropol region;
  • Krasnodar region;
  • Rostov region and so on.

The beginning of April is a good time for planting medium and late varieties of cucumbers. However, this is also determined by the region and its weather conditions.

Among the huge variety of cucumber varieties, there are quite simple and unpretentious specimens that can withstand various adverse weather conditions. These varieties include:

  • F1 Adam;
  • "F1 Cappuccino";
  • "F1 True Friends";
  • "F1 Christina";
  • "F1 Darling."

A variety of cucumbers such as the bush cucumber “Malysh” can boast of its convenience. This variety grows in small bushes, which do not need to be tied up due to the lack of large thickets and long branches.

The varieties “F1 Perseus” and “F1 Nord” are perfect for lovers of canned cucumbers. And varieties under the F1 brand, such as “Dasha”, “Rodnichok”, “Zasolochny”, “Zanachka”, are great for pickling.

For reference: the letter “F” in the name of varieties always denotes hybrid seeds.

Here are some more interesting hybrid varieties.

"F1 Bouquet"

"F1 Buyan"

This variety of cucumbers is mainly suitable for salads. Cucumbers grow very tasty, they look short, correct form. The variety is resistant to diseases.

"F1 is the envy of everyone"

"F1 Herman"

"F1 Green Stream"

This variety is suitable for open and protected ground. Its fruits cylindrical, sweet and aromatic. Great option For fresh salads. Retains crunch when preserved.

"F1 Beam Splendor"

An excellent variety that is well suited for canning. Suitable for growing in greenhouses and open ground. Abundant fruit production until the first frost. Cold summer is not a problem for this variety.

"F1 Goosebumps"

Ideally grown in film shelters. The variety is good for canning, but has an excellent taste in any form.

"F1 Spino"

The variety blooms in bouquets. Possesses good taste, without bitterness. Vegetables are stored for a long time and do not get sick. Excellent for fresh use.

"F1 Littlefinger"

The name of this variety speaks for itself. It is great for twists, but can also be used in salads. It has good taste and dense pulp. Resistant to diseases.

"F1 Courage"

Grown in film greenhouses Oh. Suitable for both canning and salads. Cucumbers are delicious both fresh and canned.

"F1 Siberian Garland"

A variety that can withstand until the first frost and still bear fruit. It blooms quickly, does not need to be pollinated, and has enormous productivity. The fruits of this variety of cucumbers have an excellent aroma, crunch, juicy and sweet taste.

"F1 Berendey"

Again, the variety is well suited for film greenhouses. Fruits well, for one square meter there are approximately 12-14 kilograms of cucumbers.


This is the main factor that needs to be taken into account when determining the timing of planting cucumbers. Since Russia is the largest and most extensive country in the world, it is not surprising that different climates prevail on its territory. Unfortunately, cucumbers are not adapted to such peculiarities of our country, so gardeners will have to adapt.

In central Russia, it is preferable to plant seedlings in the ground in the second decade of June. At this time, the soil and air warm up to the desired temperature, and there is a chance to grow good harvest reaches its maximum. Harvesting the plant should begin from late April to early May. The greenhouse will readily accept cucumbers at the end of the last month of spring.

Gardeners living in this area, especially closer to the Moscow region, and who prefer to plant seeds right away, The following dates were put into service:

  • approximately May 15 - for planting in a greenhouse;
  • starting from the 25th - for film shelters;
  • June 5 – deadline for placement in open ground;
  • Planting seedlings in the ground should begin in the second trimester of June.

IN Leningrad region Due to appropriate weather conditions, it is worth paying attention to slightly different dates:

  • the first week of May is ideal for preparing seedlings;
  • The last days of this month are good for transferring the plant to the greenhouse.

Remember that the beginning of June is often marked by a drop in temperature. This means that it is worth stocking up on material to cover the cucumbers.

In the Urals, you can start growing seedlings closer to mid-April, but if you plan to plant plants in a greenhouse, you can do this at the beginning of the month. Optimal choice cucumbers will be varieties that are classified as early ripening.

In Siberia, it is difficult to accurately determine the planting date. Due to the fact that this is a very large region, climatic conditions may vary. That's why approximate dates for sowing seedlings - the entire second half of April and the beginning of May. The optimal growing method is greenhouse, since it allows you to not be particularly dependent on air and soil temperatures.

Southerners are those who live in Crimea, the Caucasus, Stavropol, Krasnodar region, as well as in Rostov and Volgograd regions, should worry about seedlings before others. The best time is from late February to early March.

In Ukraine, the time for planting cucumbers is distributed in a special way.

If you plan to plant ultra-early and early varieties, then you should not wait until the end of warm May, as in the northern regions. Planting these varieties of cucumbers is quite simple, and you can start as early as the end of April. In general, the same rules apply here as for the southern regions of Russia, so no difficulties will arise.

Favorable days

It is useful to know that cucumbers should be planted when the moon is waxing. It is not recommended to plant cucumbers on full moon days, as they are not suitable for planting. However, these are the best days to harvest because this is when the cucumber juice begins to fill the fruit.

Favorable days for planting cucumbers in 2018:

  • in January – 9-12, 19-22, 24-26;
  • in February – 6-8, 18, 20-23, 25-27;
  • in March – 5-8, 15, 20-22, 24-26;
  • in April – 2-4, 11-14, 18, 20-22;
  • in May – 1, 9-11, 18-20;
  • in June – 5-8, 10-12, 15-16.

Do not forget that many gardeners also recommend planting cucumbers depending on weather conditions. They usually rely on data on the spring weather in the region, as discussed above. It is also worth considering the fact that cucumber seedlings can be planted a couple of weeks earlier in greenhouse fauna conditions.

According to the lunar calendar

Many gardeners prefer to coordinate the timing of planting cucumbers, and not only that, with the lunar calendar. It is believed that during certain phases of the moon, various vegetable crops grow much better than during others. The calendar is compiled every year because the satellite of our planet always moves with it and changes its phases.

Let's look at the benefits of this method of determining when to plant plants. Because it takes into account many nuances of the growing process. Yes, according to lunar calendar, it is necessary to plant cucumbers in the form of seedlings during the growth of the Moon, and vice versa, during a lunar eclipse you should refrain from planting this vegetable crop. The calendar allocates three months for planting cucumbers and indicates suitable days and those on which you should not garden.

In April, cucumbers should be planted on the 17th-18th, 21st-22nd and 27th-28th. On the contrary, with 4-6 and 14-16 this idea should be abandoned.

May allows you to grow green vegetables on 18-19, 24-16 days of the month. But 2-3, 7-8 and 15 there is no point in doing this.

The first month of summer suggests that its middle, namely days 14-15 and 21-22, promise a high chance of success in growing cucumbers. On the contrary, numbers 3-4, 8-9 and 12-13 are unfavorable.

Depending on where the seedlings are planted in the ground, this year’s lunar calendar offers different dates on which to sow the seeds. More about this.

If cucumber seedlings were to grow in a heated greenhouse, then ideally they should have been planted on February 16-18, 21-22 or 25-26, and planted on March 20-21, 24-26. This year it is too late to use a heated greenhouse, so consider the approximate optimal timing in order not to be late for next year.

Shelters made of film or greenhouses that are not heated are suitable for planting seedlings on April 17-18, 21-22 and 27-18, so the seeds should have been sown on March 20-21, 24-26. Again, remember this - it will come in handy next summer season.

If the choice fell on open ground, then study the climatic conditions of your region of residence. So, for the southern regions, the optimal dates for sowing are April 17-18, as well as April 21-22. You can plant them in the ground as early as May 18-19.

The soil is medium and northern regions heats up more slowly, and therefore the timing shifts big side. In the Moscow region, it is recommended to plant seeds on April 27-28, and seedlings from May 24 to 28. If you live in the Leningrad region and do not plan to use a ground shelter, then you should wait for significant warming. It is better not to plant seedlings until May, but you can sow on April 17-29 and 1, 4-6 and on Victory Day. This is what the Moon ordered this year. Germinated seeds will need to be planted from May 24 to 28 or June 1, 2, 6, 7.

If you are gardeners from more northern regions, then you need to wait until May 18 or 19 to plant the seeds and June 23-24 to plant them in the ground.

An important point - if for some reason you cannot garden, then do it on any days except May 15, 29 and June 13, 28. These dates coincide with phases such as full moon and new moon. This applies not only to cucumbers, but also to all other plants. Advice - don’t delay planting seedlings in the soil, because it’s too large plant will experience difficulty adapting, and so will you.

The lunar calendar has not forgotten about those gardeners who do not plant seeds. For them there is certain rule- wait for the air to warm up to +15 degrees, and the soil to +12 or +13 at a depth of 8 to 10 cm (it is at this level that seeds should be planted). Folk omens say that when the oak leaves begin to bloom, the dandelions begin to bloom, the bird cherry tree begins to bloom, and the apple tree begins to lose its petals, it is time to plant cucumbers.

In Moscow and the Moscow region this occurs at the end of May or beginning of June. As for other regions, it is worth focusing on the lunar calendar, taking into account the weather in a particular period. General dates recommended for planting seeds in open ground:

  • May – 24, 25, 26, 27, 28;
  • June – 1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 21, 22.

Folk signs

Do not forget that in most cases, signs are ordinary superstitions. Therefore, you should try to plant cucumbers, relying not only on them. But you can listen to them.

So, one of the simplest folk signs, is to plant cucumbers in the ground when the first dandelions begin to bloom. But you can rely not only on this sign. The beginning of flowering of rowan and lilac can also be considered a signal to plant cucumbers.

In addition, there are signs based on dates.

So, May 19 is Job's day. It is believed that if there was a warm night on this very day, then there will be a rich harvest all summer.

Another “cucumber” holiday comes on May 27 – Isidore’s Day. Clear weather on this day marks a good cucumber harvest. However, there is one caveat. If the morning was cold, and only then the sun came out, then the first harvest will be scanty, but then there will be a lot of cucumbers.

May 28th is Pakhom Day. This day was also called Martha the Cucumber. These days it is warm, because there will be no spring frosts, as well as cold snaps. It has always been believed that if on this day the sky is blue and there are white cumulus clouds on it, then there will be a good harvest of cucumbers. And such a harvest will bear fruit until mid-September.

June 2 is Falaleya borage day. You should not sow seedlings later than this day, because the formation of fruits will only occur in August, during the cold snap, so it is worth doing it on time. In addition, it is believed that if there are heavy downpours in the first two days of the month, the rest of the month promises to be dry. On this day it is worth looking at fir cones, if there are a lot of them, there will be a lot of cucumbers.

Cucumber mojito

The first cucumbers from the garden can be used to make many interesting dishes, such as cucumber mojito. Quite an interesting drink that is perfectly refreshing in the summer. All you have to do is take cucumber, lime, mint and infuse it mineral water. The taste will undoubtedly please you.

However, this cocktail can be varied. To do this you will need:

  • 2 cucumbers;
  • lime or lemon juice;

Cucumbers are cut so that they can easily fit into a blender. Ice is also added to the blender, and then everything is ground. After this, the resulting mass can be poured into a jug and added a tablespoon of lime or lemon juice. And you can also add more ice and a little mint. A refreshing cocktail is ready!

And a few more recipes from fresh cucumbers are given below.

Summer salad

Don't forget about the most common summer salad. It will perfectly diversify your summer diet by adding fresh flavors, forgotten by the cold winter.

Lightly salted cucumbers

For lovers lightly salted cucumbers on a quick fix can you also advise interesting recipe. To normal cellophane bag you need to put a few cucumbers, two or three cloves of garlic, sprinkle everything with plenty of salt. Next, you should tie the bag, mix and put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. The result will pleasantly surprise you.

Cucumbers for a snack

You can make a good snack. You need to cut the cucumbers into quarters, placing them in a deep container. Next, everything is mixed with herbs and sprinkled with salt, vinegar is added. All this is infused and then poured over the heated vegetable oil, mix thoroughly and infuse in the refrigerator for about one hour.

Spicy cucumbers

Another interesting recipe will make cucumbers spicy. This requires:

  • 2 kilograms of cucumbers;
  • 500 grams of carrots;
  • 105 grams (half a cup) sugar;
  • 50 grams of salt;
  • 1 medium sized head of garlic;
  • Korean carrot seasoning;
  • 125 ml 9% vinegar;
  • 125 ml vegetable oil.

The cucumbers are cut into slices, and the carrots are grated. Everything is covered with salt and sugar, filled with vinegar and oil. Garlic is added chopped or crushed through a press. Add 10 grams of Korean seasoning and marinate for 4 hours at room temperature. Everything is packaged in jars, filled with marinade syrup, and sterilized in a saucepan with warm water for further swirling.

Light salad

Another fairly simple to prepare and easy to digest salad with the addition of cucumbers. This salad is interesting because kiwi is added to it. For the salad you will need:

  • 2-3 cucumbers;
  • 1-2 kiwi;
  • green onions;
  • mint;
  • grainy mustard;
  • olive oil;
  • lime or lemon juice;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Cucumber and kiwi are cut into squares. But green onions are also finely chopped and mixed with pieces of torn or chopped mint. Everything is mixed in one container, one tablespoon of grainy mustard and one tablespoon of olive oil. And also add a couple of tablespoons of lime juice, a teaspoon of salt and pepper.

To learn how and when to plant cucumbers in the ground, see the following video.

A fairly popular vegetable among vegetable growers are cucumbers. Now this vegetable crop You can sow in the garden not only in spring. Some people try to plant cucumbers in the summer in order to harvest the first harvest by autumn. Before you get started summer planting you should figure out whether it is possible to plant cucumbers in June 2018 and decide on the planting days.

Before planting, you should determine until what date cucumbers can be planted in order to highlight favorable days for sowing in June according to the 2018 lunar calendar. It should be taken into account that the timing of planting cucumbers is influenced not only by the lunar calendar, but also climatic features region where they will be grown.

Unfavorable days

Using the lunar calendar you can determine unfavorable days for planting vegetables. Planting cucumber seeds in open ground should not be carried out at the beginning of June 2018. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant cucumbers on the 3rd, 4th, 8th and 9th, so as not to spoil the harvest.

Favorable days

In June, it is better to plant cucumbers in the middle of the month or at the end of June. Many people think that they are the best landing days– June 25, 27 and 30. Also, June 21 and 23 are considered optimal days. During this period, it is recommended to plant seeds directly in open ground.

Preparing seedlings

Having figured out when to sow cucumbers and determined the favorable days in June for planting cucumbers, you should begin growing seedlings. Seedling method cultivation is often used by gardeners who do not want to sow cucumbers in open ground with seeds.

Preparation of seed material

In order to get a good harvest later, it is recommended to properly prepare the seeds for planting. First you should start selecting the most quality seeds, which will germinate better than others. For this purpose the weak is prepared saline solution, in which you will have to soak the cucumbers for 10-15 minutes. During this time, some seeds will gradually rise to the surface. It is better to get rid of such seeds immediately, as they will not germinate well.

The next stages of preparation depend on what planting material is used during planting. Seeds purchased in a store no longer need to be processed and can therefore be sown immediately. If the seeds were collected on the site, they will have to be disinfected. To do this, all the seed is placed in a small container and filled with a manganese solution. The seeds should be soaked in it for about 25-40 minutes. They are then washed under warm water 2-3 times and dry.

You can also use heat treatment of seeds during disinfection. This procedure is carried out so that in the future the seedlings do not suffer from anything and can grow strong and healthy. To carry out heat treatment, the water is heated to 40-45 degrees, after which seeds are added to it. They are soaked in liquid for no more than half an hour.

Soil preparation

To plant cucumbers in July or June, you need to grow the seedlings in soil with a large number nutrients. They are needed for normal development seedlings and their rapid growth. Also, when choosing soil for vegetables, it is recommended to pay attention to its acidity. The acidity level should not exceed 7 pH.

A few days before planting the seeds in the ground, it is necessary to prepare a special soil mixture. During its preparation, part of sawdust and two parts of humus with peat are added to the ground. All this is thoroughly mixed, after which you can add a little potassium sulfate or urea to the ground.

Some gardeners add a special nutrient mixture made from humus and compost to the soil. For better growth seedlings, 30 grams of superphosphate and 20 grams of potassium sulfate are added to this mixture.


Having prepared the soil mixture, you can plant cucumbers with seeds for further cultivation seedlings. Before sowing them, you should fill all the pots with previously prepared soil. In this case, the containers are not completely filled, but only two-thirds. Then make holes in each pot and sow the seeds. Their depth should not be more than three centimeters. When all the cucumbers are planted, the pots are covered with film and opened only after the first shoots appear.

Seedlings should be grown for about a month. This time will be enough to obtain strong and healthy seedlings which can be transplanted.

Planting seedlings

If May or the second half of April was chosen for planting seeds, then the seedlings are transplanted at the end of June or in the first half of July.

Site selection

Before planting cucumbers in open ground, you need to choose the right place where they will be grown. It is no secret that cucumbers are a rather demanding crop and therefore cucumber seedlings should be planted only in areas with waterproof soil that contains a lot of humus.

The optimal choice for sowing cucumbers in open ground in June is sandy loam or light loamy soil with a large amount of organic fertilizers. Some try to plant cucumbers in June in difficult loamy soil. However, in in this case you will have to add baking powder to the ground in advance so that the plant can normally absorb water and absorb a sufficient amount nutritional components.

In order for the harvest to be good, you should choose an area for cucumbers that would be well lit by the sun during the day and protected from strong wind gusts. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to sow cucumbers in summer on southern slopes.

Preparing the garden

Before planting cucumbers in June, you need to prepare the area for planting. Seedlings should be planted in pre-fed soil. Therefore, in the fall, it is added to the soil fresh manure, which will eventually turn into humus. This component is added to the soil to give it looseness. Manure can also be added 2-3 weeks before planting seedlings to warm the soil.

In addition to manure, ash can be added to the soil with other mineral fertilizers. About 200-300 grams of ash should be consumed per square meter of garden. Potassium salt can be used instead. In this case, 06-14 grams of substance are consumed per square meter.

It is known that seedlings do not tolerate high soil acidity. To reduce acidity, you should start liming the soil in advance. A mixture prepared from equal amounts of limestone, flour and tuff is added to the ground. It is recommended to do liming in the fall when digging up the site. You cannot do liming immediately after adding manure to the soil, as this greatly reduces the amount of nitrogen in the soil.


Planting cucumbers in July must be done correctly and therefore you should familiarize yourself with the features of planting this vegetable.

Before planting cucumbers in the ground, it is necessary to prepare the beds on the site. For this purpose, small trenches are created into which the seedlings will be transplanted. The depth of one such trench should not be more than 50-60 cm. A small layer of turf with sawdust is laid on the sides of the trench. Then we plant the grown seedlings in the trenches. They should not be located too close to each other and therefore they are sown in such a way that the distance between each cucumber is not less than 30 cm.


When planting cucumbers in open ground is completely completed, you can familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for vegetables.

Watering is very important for grown cucumbers, since the quality of the crop depends on it. If the soil of planted bushes dries out quickly, they will begin to dry out over time. Therefore, cucumbers should be watered not too late, so that the soil does not have time to dry out too much. It is recommended to water 2-3 times a week. In summer, you can water the bushes every day.

You should also regularly fertilize the soil so that the plants have enough nutrients. The first fertilizing should be done three days after the first shoots appear. Ash with chicken droppings and mullein is added to the soil. The next time fertilizers are added to the soil is during fruit formation.


Many gardeners are engaged in summer planting cucumber seeds in open ground. To do everything right, you should study the lunar calendar in advance to determine favorable days for planting cucumbers in June 2018 and figure out which varieties of cucumbers are best suited for this.

Seedlings and in a seedless way.

Depending on planting conditions, planting can be done from late April to early June.

  • end of April - beginning of May - to greenhouses;
  • mid - end of May - planting cucumber seeds in open ground;
  • end of May - beginning of June - planting cucumber seedlings in open ground and greenhouses.

When to plant cucumbers in May? What conditions influence the choice of a specific date for planting cucumbers?

First of all, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of the gardener’s Lunar calendar for the current year.

Since the night star influences all life on our planet, depending on the phase in which it is located, astrologers identify the most favorable and unfavorable days for sowing and planting cucumber seedlings.

Favorable days for planting cucumbers in May according to the lunar calendar are the following (the time in brackets is Moscow for ease of use of the Lunar calendar in all parts of the country):

  • 06.05 (21:20) – 09.05 (8:00) – waxing Moon in Libra.
  • 09.05 (8:00) – 09.05 (18:31) – waxing Moon in Scorpio.
  • 14.05 (8:37) – 16.05 (20:50) – waning Moon in Capricorn.
  • 19.05 (6:52) – 21.05 (13:10) – waning Moon in Pisces.
  • 23.05 (15:33) – 25.05 (4:22) – waning Moon in Taurus.
  • 27.05 (14:24) – 29.05 (15:12) – waxing Moon in Cancer.

Most unfavorable days For planting cucumbers in May 2017, the dates of the full moon and new moon are on which it is not recommended to carry out any work related to seeds and seedlings at all.

  • 09.05 (18:31) – 11.05 (20:43) – Full moon.
  • 25.05 (4:22) – 27.05 (5:47) – New Moon.

When reading the recommendations of the Lunar calendar, you need to understand that you can’t get by with them alone; you also need to take into account the weather conditions in the region where you are located. garden plot. The main ones are the temperature of the earth and air.

Firstly, the soil must not only thaw, but also warm up well by the time of planting.

Air temperature at disembarkation cucumber seedlings temperature in the greenhouse should be at least 12 degrees at night and 15 degrees during the day inside it.

And already when the temperature rises to 20 degrees, you can begin to ventilate the plantings by opening the windows in the greenhouse.

For normal development of cucumber seedlings in open ground, the temperature during the day should be at least 18 degrees Celsius.

At the end of May, return frosts are often observed, which can kill plants growing in unprotected soil. Therefore, very often, after planting, cucumbers are covered with film, creating greenhouse conditions.

When the air temperature normalizes, they can be removed, but, for example, in the Urals and Siberia, cucumbers are simply opened during the day for ventilation, and in the evening they are again covered with protective material.

And now you have finally chosen a planting day for cucumbers in May, what to do next?

Planting cucumbers in open ground

The first step is to prepare the soil for planting. Usually this operation is performed in the fall.

Digged in open ground planting pits and filled with humus and compost to prepare warm cushion beds.

Rotted manure and compost are also added to the greenhouse beds, and only added in the spring. mineral fertilizers, loosen and level.

Planting schemes in open ground and in greenhouse conditions differ, so they should be considered separately.

Planting cucumbers in open ground in May is carried out in beds in one or two lines, in nests or on cushion beds.

  • In the case of single-row planting, cucumbers are planted at a distance of 20...25 cm from each other, and a passage of at least a meter is made between the ridges.
  • When planting in two rows, a passage of 1 m is left between the ridges, the distance between neighboring seedlings is 40 cm, and the row spacing is half a meter.
  • The nest planting method is usually used when sowing seeds, preparing 10x10 cm holes and placing 6...7 seeds in them. Then the seedlings are thinned out, leaving the strongest and strongest in the amount of 4…5 pieces. In this case, the distance between adjacent holes is about 70 cm.
  • When planting cucumbers on a warm bed-cushion, which usually has dimensions of 50x50, about 4...5 seedlings or seeds are placed.
  • Optimal scheme planting in a greenhouse is done in two rows, maintaining a distance between adjacent seedlings of 35...40 cm and 50 cm between rows. In this case, the passages between the beds are usually at least 80 cm.

    If planting material a lot, then you can plant seedlings and seeds in a checkerboard pattern, which will significantly improve lighting conditions.

    Seeds are sown to a depth of 1.5...2 cm, and when planting seedlings, it is recommended to plant cucumbers without deepening them root collar. It is best to plant seedlings using the transfer method, without shaking off earthen lump from the roots.

    Care and protection from diseases and pests

    Caring for cucumber seedlings and seedlings is simple and implies:

    • timely and regular, on which productivity and taste qualities cucumbers In this case, the water must be warm (warmed up in the sun) and supplied drip irrigation or from a bucket. cucumbers from a hose are highly undesirable;
    • carrying out fertilizing, the first of which is desirable two weeks after planting seedlings or emergence of seedlings; for this you can use organic and mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen;
    • loosening and weeding;
    • tying that concerns vertical growing cucumbers on a trellis;
    • ventilation of a greenhouse or greenhouse. Too much high humidity And high temperature provoke the occurrence of various diseases and pests on cucumbers.

    Protecting cucumbers from diseases and pests

    Most often, cucumbers are affected by greenhouse plantings and the most insatiable of them are spider mites, melon aphid and whiteflies, which are very difficult to get rid of.

    If the seedlings are still young and the harvest is still far away, it is better to use special cucumber pests chemicals.

    Diseases of cucumbers often occur due to non-compliance with the rules of agricultural technology by the gardener himself.

    For fungal diseases ( various types rot and powdery mildew) use natural and purchased fungicides, and when cucumbers are infected infectious diseases(like a mosaic) it is recommended to remove the diseased ones.

    Kira Stoletova

    The lunar calendar is an excellent help when growing plants. Knowing about the influence of the phases of the Earth's satellite in different stages development of vegetables, you can easily get bountiful harvest from the most budget variety. How are cucumbers planted in 2018? Let's consider favorable and unfavorable days for agricultural work.

    Calendar influence

    People have long noticed the influence of the Moon on the development of plants, so they tried to adapt to certain phases. During the period of enlargement, the disk resembles an inverted letter C, gradually “filling up” on the right side. At this time, the movement of juices in the tissues of crops is activated, which has a positive effect on the future harvest.

    Increasing in size, the Moon, like a magnet, attracts water molecules. Hence the accumulation of plant juices in the aboveground part.

    During the waning phase, the month gradually loses its fullness on the left side. An aging satellite makes the root system vulnerable, so any manipulations with underground parts are prohibited. You can control pests or pinch out vines, but sowing and planting at this time is not recommended. Plants react poorly to intervention and are then sick for a long time.

    Besides lunar phases What matters is the sign of the Zodiac through which the night luminary passes. The most “fertile” elements are the elements of Water (Pisces, Cancer) and Earth (Capricorn, Taurus). During the period of influence of Fire (Aries, Sagittarius) and Air (Libra, Aquarius), the 2018 cucumber planting calendar does not advise engaging in agricultural work. Eclipse, new moon and full moon are also not suitable for growing plants. It's better to wait a couple of days and then start working.

    Weather influence

    In addition to the Moon, you need to pay attention to the climatic features of the region. For example, in southern regions You can plant seedlings in open ground without fear in mid-April. IN Middle lane It is better to postpone the dates to the first half of May, although return frosts are still possible.

    For Siberia and the Urals there are no fixed planting dates: everything depends on the specific region, so attention is paid to the weather in previous years. It is important to choose a period when the temperature will not fall below 5°C. Cucumber is very heat-loving and does not withstand frost.

    Sowing seedlings

    At least 25-30 days should pass from pipping from seeds to the appearance of the first fruits. Climatic conditions in Russia are not always suitable for receiving early harvest. To save time, farmers prefer to grow plants using the seedling method.

    Favorable days

    When to plant cucumbers in 2018? Early sowing and long-term cultivation in a small volume of soil will negatively affect the immunity of the bushes. It all depends on where the vegetable will grow and develop.

    • In a heated greenhouse. Indoors they create ideal conditions for growing early varieties. It is best to plant seedlings in February (21, 22, 25 and 26).
    • In a greenhouse. The design is less adapted to frost, so sowing is carried out in March (2, 3, 20, 21, from 24 to 26).
    • IN southern regions. IN warm areas You don’t have to worry about frosts at the end of the month.
    • In the open ground of the Middle Zone. To ensure that the plants have time to develop on time, the seeds are buried in planting cassettes in April (18, 21, 22, 27 and 28).
    • In Siberia or the Urals. If in regions the soil takes a long time to warm up, seedlings are sown at the end of May (18, 19).

    In order for the seeds to germinate, it is necessary to create optimal conditions. Planted in separate containers or special seedling cassettes, which are covered with film. If you maintain humidity and temperature from 21°C to 25°C, the seeds germinate within 5 days.

    Unfavorable days

    Planting cucumbers according to the lunar calendar 2018 allows you to determine an undesirable period for agricultural work. The seedlings grow weak and sickly, which negatively affects the future harvest. When planting at this time, it is difficult to achieve friendly shoots:

    • in February 1, 2, 9, 10 and 23;
    • in March 8, 9, from 13 to 17;
    • in April from 4 to 6, from 14 to 16;
    • in May 2, 3, 7-9.

    What to do if you can’t sow at a favorable time? It is better to choose neutral periods when the Moon is not so dangerous for crops. Any contact with the roots (transplanting or loosening) is prohibited. Cucumbers do not adapt well to environment and experience stress painfully.

    Planting seedlings

    Young plants are transferred to permanent place growth 30 days after seed hatching. It is difficult to grow adult bushes in planting cassettes: the resulting specimens have an unhealthy appearance and take a long time to get used to new conditions.

    Favorable days

    The lunar calendar for planting cucumbers in 2018 indicates convenient dates for agricultural work. The younger the culture, the faster it adapts. By coordinating your free time with astrology, you can easily determine the optimal period.

    • Heated greenhouse. It is allowed to plant cucumbers indoors at the end of March (20, 21, 25 and 26).
    • Greenhouse. The design will not save you from frost, so it is better to start activities in April (18, 21, 22).
    • Open ground. In the middle zone, landing is allowed in the second half of May (18, 19). IN northern regions the ground warms up no earlier than the first month of summer, so it is better to transfer seedlings to the ground at the end of June (23, 24).

    Unfavorable days

    In order to grow a decent harvest in the 2018 season, you need to correctly determine the date of planting in open ground or a greenhouse. When choosing a favorable day, you should take into account the climatic features of the region. It is better not to engage in agricultural work:

    • in March 8, 9, 13-17;
    • in April 4-6, 14-16;
    • in May 2, 3, from 7 to 9;
    • in June 3, 4, from 8 to 13.

    Summer residents move the planting of seedlings to weekends and holidays. This year May will not please you with abundance favorable periods at the beginning, so you will have to transfer work to more the right time. You cannot plant cucumbers in July, otherwise the vegetable will not have time to ripen and will be destroyed by the first autumn frosts.

    How to care

    A bountiful harvest is the merit of an attentive farmer. In order for a crop to grow and develop normally, it is necessary not only to look at the sowing calendar, but also to provide bushes proper care. Let's sort it out important aspects, coordinated with the phases of the moon.


    For sprouts to hatch, favorable humidity is necessary. After sowing the seeds in the ground, you need to provide a certain microclimate. To prevent the soil in the containers from drying out, cover the pots with film.

    After the seedlings appear, watering is carried out as the soil dries. Astrologers advise performing manipulations during the period of Water and Earth signs. Favorable elements will protect the plants from the pitfalls of care and prevent the roots from rotting. Cucumbers have very sensitive underground parts, so you should not experiment with endurance.

    To irrigate young seedlings take warm water, otherwise the culture will get sick. It is advised to leave a container with liquid overnight heating devices. By morning the moisture will gain comfortable temperature(at least 20°C), after which you can water without fear.


    If you decide to sow cucumbers in 2018, you must not forget about applying fertilizers. When growing seedlings in limited containers, they are quickly “washed out” nutrients from the ground. Vegetables are a very voracious crop, so they need to be regularly watered at the roots or sprayed on the leaves.

    The first procedure is carried out on the tenth day after the seeds hatch. Contribution to more early time dangerous for sprouts. The best phase for events the waning moon is used. Unformed root system cannot absorb chemicals or organic matter, which negatively affects the health of seedlings.

    The next procedure is carried out 2 weeks later. After planting in a permanent place of growth, the seedlings are fertilized every 14 days. It is better to alternate root and foliar applications. According to the lunar calendar, cucumbers are fed:

    • in April - 29-30;
    • Timing for sowing vegetable seeds for seedlings When to sow Seedling planting calendar Summer tips

      We determine the DATES for sowing seeds for seedlings (tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers)

      IN boarding calendar For 2018, preventive and therapeutic actions are carried out during the full moon. The night light weakens bacteria - they die faster under the influence of chemicals. During this period, the culture experiences stress less sensitively, so regeneration is painless.

      Before planting, the seeds are soaked in the fungicide “Maxim Dachnik”. The drug is diluted according to the instructions, after which the raw materials are placed in it. The product protects plants from fungus for 3 months. If there is a suspicion of a disease, it is advised to water the seedlings with a solution. It is better to treat open ground with copper sulfate in the spring.

      It is best to plant cucumbers according to the lunar calendar in 2018, then the gardener will have a rich harvest.

    This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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      • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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    • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):