Many gardeners know very well what euonymus is. However, in some regions this plant is known as wolfberry, wolf earrings, bruslina. And scientifically it is called Euonymus. This is how Carl Linnaeus christened him, combining the ancient Greek eu, that is, “good,” and onymus, “name, title.” The result was “a good, beautiful, glorious name” or simply “glorious”. Indeed, any type of euonymus is unusually beautiful and effective in its own way, which is why it is so loved landscape designers. And the owners appreciated the unpretentiousness of the plant personal plots. But the uncapricious, handsome euonymus has its own secrets, the knowledge of which determines the success of its cultivation.

How to distinguish euonymus from other plants

For those who do not yet know what euonymus is, the photo will help to understand the issue. Distinctive feature The fruits of this plant are seed pods that ripen in the fall. It is then that they turn from green, inconspicuous, almost invisible against the background of foliage to bright red, crimson, purple or yellow (depending on the species, variety). Externally, the boxes are tetrahedral, hanging from a branch on thin thread-petioles. When fully ripe, they burst, revealing to the world four with black dots-eyes. All together it resembles parachutes or miniature Chinese lanterns. The berries do not fall until frost and always attract attention, and in addition, some people, especially children, make them want to try them. They taste sweet and sour, so without knowing what euonymus is and why it is dangerous, you can eat quite a lot of them. The consequences of such a meal are sad, since the berries are poisonous. After them, a persistent bitterness appears in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and fever begin. Therefore, you need to plant euonymus on your site in places where children do not walk, or explain to them clearly that these beautiful berries cannot be eaten.

Biological description

All euonymuses belong to the genus Euonymaceae. Depending on the species, they can be dwarf, only 30-50 cm tall, medium and tall, stretching up to 10 meters. The foliage of various euonymus trees is mostly green in summer, but some have a white or yellow border or are speckled. In autumn, the foliage of evergreen species does not change, but that of deciduous species flashes with dozens of shades of red, orange, and purple. By this sign you can also recognize what an euonymus is. The photo below shows one of the medium-sized species. It shows without further ado how spectacular the crown of these plants is.

But their flowers are not particularly remarkable, although they are also not without some originality. In some species, for example, in the winged euonymus, they resemble small wonderful creatures with 4 wings and 4 proboscis protruding from 4 pads. Other representatives of the genus have flowers that are less exotic, small, yellow-green, and practically odorless. The branches are also noteworthy. When cut they are round or square. Their bark is brown in color, in some species it is smooth, in others with growths, in others with longitudinal cork-like wing-like formations.

The benefits of euonymus

Previously, people involved in the production of rubber knew very well what euonymus was, since gutta-percha was made from its juice. Even now in medicine, especially in dentistry, materials obtained from warty euonymus are used. And they are needed for the treatment of periodontitis and pulpitis. Traditional healers advise using euonymus (bark, berries, leaves, branches) for heart disease, hypertension, skin ailments, and migraines. And smart gardeners plant winged euonymus among apple trees and other fruit trees, because plants of this species take on the blow of hordes of pests, saving the garden from them. What a wonderful plant this is.

Propagation by seeds

To finally understand what euonymus is and what can be expected from it, we will tell you about the methods of its propagation. And there are only two of them - vegetative and seeds. I must say that the last option is not the most successful, because it is troublesome and time-consuming. It is advisable to sow freshly harvested seeds - in the fall before winter, so that they undergo natural stratification. This is usually done by robins, for which euonymus berries are not poisonous. With this sowing technology, seeds germinate in the 2nd year. You can speed up the process by stratification. To do this, euonymus seeds are washed from the pulp, poured with a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes, then kept in a cool place for 3-4 months (up to +12 °C), and then another 4-5 months in the cold (t from 0 to +3 °C). Sow them in prepared containers in early spring, making small - up to 2 cm - holes or grooves in the soil, after which they water. Such seeds germinate in 2-3 weeks. It is advisable to mulch the seedlings with fine peat and water them regularly but moderately.

Reproduction is vegetative

In order not to fool yourself, it is better to propagate euonymus vegetatively. There are several ways - layering, cuttings, dividing the bush. Species whose branches spread along the ground or are located close to it are propagated by layering - for example, European dwarf euonymus, winged euonymus, Fortune, Japanese. The branch is tilted, pinned to the surface, and sprinkled with soil. After 1.5 months it will give roots. Then the branch is separated and planted in the right place. By dividing the bush, low-growing and medium-growing euonymus are propagated, which produce abundant growth and have a superficial root system that spreads shallowly underground. This operation is necessary not only to obtain new plants, but also to rejuvenate old ones. The bush is dug up, a fragment of the rhizome with a shoot is carefully separated and planted in a new place.

Propagation by cuttings

This method can be used to propagate any type of euonymus. Cuttings in late spring - early summer are cut from plants over 4 years old. They must be at least 8-10 cm in length and have at least one internode. For getting best result It is advisable, according to the instructions, to keep them in the rooter. Next, the cuttings are placed in a greenhouse with ready-made soil(a mixture of leaf soil and sand in a ratio of 1:3), sprinkle sand on top, water it and cover it with film. The roots are formed by autumn, at which time the young seedling can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Rules of care

So, we found out what euonymus is. Where does it grow? This question also has great importance, since this determines his life preferences. There are just over 200 species of euonymus in the world, of which approximately 80-90 are deciduous. Some species feel comfortable in sunlit areas (Maak's euonymus), others prefer partial shade (warty, European euonymus), and others like shade (Sakhalin, sacred). These features need to be taken into account when choosing a plant for your garden. You can plant an acquired type of euonymus without taking into account its light vagaries, but representatives with variegated leaves in the shade will lose their spectacular coloring, and shade-loving ones in the bright sun will grow slowly and without the splendor of the crown.

But absolutely all types of euonymus do not like an abundance of moisture. They should not be planted where there is stagnation of water or where groundwater is too close to the surface. If there is no other place for this plant on the site, it is necessary to arrange a drainage cushion of expanded clay, crushed stone, and sand in the planting hole. Its thickness depends on the hydrological condition of the area. Water the euonymus moderately, a little more often on hot days than on cool days.

Euonymus is also picky about soil composition. They will not grow beautiful and healthy on acidic soils - only on neutral or slightly alkaline and necessarily light soils. Acidity can be reduced by adding lime, and heavy loams can be lightened by adding sand, manure, or turf soil. Throughout the season, euonymus is fed with organic matter and mineral fertilizers. Then the plants turn out especially lush, bright and beautiful.

European euonymus

Representatives of this species are dwarf, medium and tall. They grow as bushes or trees. Their branches have cork “wings”, and the petioles of the fruit-pods are somewhat shorter than those of other species.

Many gardeners like the European dwarf euonymus for its compactness and beauty of the crown. The photo above shows how tiny these plants are. Most dwarf species are evergreen shrubs. Therefore, in the fall they do not delight with fiery colors, but throughout the year they create beautiful rich green spots on the site. Branches different varieties dwarf euonymus can grow upward, forming a neat compact bush up to 1 meter in height, or can spread along the ground, rising only 30-50 cm above it. The leaves of all dwarf euonymus are mostly elongated, dense, leathery, glossy on top of the leaf plastic, below matte. The plants bloom in mid-summer, and the fruits ripen in early autumn. The European euonymus “red cascade” has great charm. This name was given to the plant for its fantastically beautiful red-raspberry-burgundy-purple fireworks. autumn foliage. This euonymus is frost-resistant, more unpretentious to the soil than others, tolerant of pruning, loves partial shade and places where there is sun, but not all day.

Features of cultivation

In the forests of Moldova, Ukraine, and Romania, you can often find dwarf European euonymus. Planting and caring for this species are the same as for other representatives of the Euonymus genus. The only thing that is advisable to take into account is the fact that low-growing euonymus prefer shady areas of the garden, or at least partial shade. They are an ideal choice for arranging living fencing, rockeries, and upward-growing dwarf varieties make unique topiary compositions. This beauty reproduces by seeds, layering, dividing the bush, and cuttings.

Dwarf euonymus are not as frost-resistant as their tall counterparts. Some gardeners solve this problem by covering the creeping bushes of the plant with spruce branches in the cold, while others plant baby euonymuses in containers and bring them indoors in winter. The ambient temperature for them in the house should be within +15 ... +16 degrees, air humidity and watering should be moderate. If you place a potted plant near a radiator, it may shed its leaves.

Euonymus warty

What is warty euonymus is best understood by looking at the photo above. It clearly shows growths on the branches and trunk, resembling warts. These formations are needed to improve the breathing of the living. Its second distinctive feature- mouse “aroma” of flowers. Outwardly, they are completely inconspicuous, small, flat, and thanks to the brownish color of the petals, they seem lifeless. But the fruits of the warty euonymus are as bright and showy as those of other representatives of the genus. Its third feature, useful for propagation by dividing the bush, is superficial root system with many fibrous roots.

Warty euonymus is a semi-deciduous plant, as its foliage can remain on the branches for up to 7 years. In summer it is green, and in autumn it becomes incredibly beautiful - pink-raspberry-red. The warty euonymus lives for about 50 years, grows slowly, and when it reaches 30 years, it stops growing in size altogether. In temperate latitudes of Russia it is a bush with a maximum height of 3 meters.

Japanese euonymus

This species is notable for the fact that it can be grown both on the site and in an apartment in an ordinary pot. Japanese euonymus makes beautiful bonsai arrangements. Externally, Japanese euonymus, depending on the variety, differ significantly. So, there are types with yellow streaks on leaves (golden euonymus), with whitish (silver) or with regular green ones. Some leaves have serrated edges. But they bloom and, accordingly, bear fruit rarely. Caring for indoor Japanese euonymus consists of proper watering and ensuring required lighting. Species with variegated leaves need enough light, and green ones are suitable for apartment window sills where the sun rarely shines. Indoor euonymus are watered somewhat more abundantly than outdoor ones, especially in warm time of the year. In summer, it is advisable to additionally spray your pets with water at room temperature. Indoor Japanese euonymus can hardly tolerate heat; for them, the air temperature should not exceed +20 degrees in summer and +15 in winter. Feeding is carried out according to general principle. Pruning is carried out if you need to give your euonymus interesting view, and also to make the crown thicker and more lush.

In landscape design and in nature

A beautiful, unpretentious plant that can easily withstand the gas pollution and smoke of industrial cities - this is how gardeners characterize European euonymus. For landscape design All types are used, it all depends on the purpose and desired composition. Thus, tall representatives are excellent as landmarks, creeping ones are beautiful and effective as cover plants, and shade-tolerant ones are ideal as hedges. It is especially unique, which is capable of climbing supports to a height of up to 3 meters, clinging to them with its roots. A European euonymus good at masking less than aesthetically pleasing places on your personal plot, for example, some kind of barn. But a veranda or terrace can also be decorated with a spectacular euonymus. Dwarf varieties Excellent for creating discounts, which has become very popular in England.

Not only gardeners, but also wildlife lovers can tell you what euonymus is. And fjords (especially in Spain, Chile, America), and mountain slopes, for example, in the Himalayas, and floodplains on Sakhalin, and forest edges on Far East, in China it decorates with beautiful foliage and unusual fruits many-sided euonymus.


Finally, I would like to briefly tell you what diseases euonymus are susceptible to. These plants attract a lot of pests, including scale insects, aphids, moths, hawthorn, spider mites and flat mites. They need to be controlled with appropriate insecticides. Of the diseases of euonymus, the most common is white mold, which appears when high humidity and ambient temperature.

Every person, at least once in his life, stopped in early autumn, frozen in admiration, in front of a small, bright red, openwork blaze, like a fire. This is a miracle of nature, a real pearl of autumn - euonymus.

Description and features of euonymus

Euonymus, as it is called scientifically, and in Russian - euonymus, on the picture It looks best in September, when its leaves turn red but have not yet begun to fall.

These trees have more than 200 varieties, but only 20 varieties grow in the middle zone climate. But this is quite enough to give your own garden a unique, attractive and full of charm autumn look.

Euonymusplant decorative, and the variety of its varieties is very great. There are high ones trees, euonymus These varieties are very reminiscent of oak, grow up to 8-10 meters, in tropical areas it can grow to gigantic sizes, second only to sequoia.

The crown of such species is very branched, spreading and, of course, incredibly impressive, often exceeding the 10-meter mark in its diameter.

There are tall, dense shrubs that are ideal for hedges. With single growth, such bushes reach a crown diameter of 5-6 meters.

Very popular in gardens and parks are small branched trees that give the impression of round spherical bushes - with a crown diameter of 2 meters and a height of 2-2.5 meters.

A special place in the large family of euonymus is occupied by its “crawling” species. In fact, these are vines, or ivy. Such euonymus in the garden It will easily cover a terrace or gazebo, for which we are very fond of all gardeners, besides, it never fades, very thick, evergreen leaves.

A special feature of this wonderful ornamental tree is that it feels great in an apartment. Moreover, despite the fact that breeders have bred a couple of varieties specifically for indoors, many plant ordinary bushes in tubs and get excellent results. The creeping variety of euonymus also thrives in apartments and balconies.

This plant blooms in May and June, with a scattering of small light flowers. Flowering is replaced by catkins that look like alder; they, like the leaves, like chameleons, shimmer in all shades of color, from rich green to orange, including yellow and purple.

Planting and propagation of euonymus

Planting euonymus possible both in autumn and spring. It is better to choose a site in partial shade, although, in the absence of scorching sunshine, you can choose a sunny hillock, and variegated euonymus shrub generally prefers abundance sunlight.

The soil must be neutral or slightly alkaline, fertile and certainly not close to each other. groundwater. The tree does not like acidity in the soil, so if the soil is acidic, you need to add lime.

When planting a “hedge”, you need to expect that the euonymus quickly and strongly grows in width; the distance between the bushes should not be less than one and a half meters.

The hole for the future resident of the garden should be dug 2-2.5 weeks before planting, and its volume should be one and a half to two times the volume of the roots of the seedling. Drainage should be added to the bottom of the hole; a mixture of sand and small pebbles is ideal.

When planting a tree, you should carefully compact the soil so that there are no air pockets at the roots. After landing everything types of euonymus Water abundantly, and watering is needed daily, during the first week of the tree’s life in the garden. Reproduces:





    dividing the bush.

Reproduction using taps allows you to create smoothly curving garden compositions, natural gazebos and simply secluded corners.

This is done as follows - low-growing, “mother” shoots are bent to the ground, covered with it, secured, leaving only the very top outside. This is done in early spring, before the buds open.

As for the cuttings, they are cut from the tree in June-July, as a rule, this coincides with the moment of crown formation. The cuttings are placed in a mixture of sand and covered with glass or film. After a couple of months, the plant is ready to be planted in open ground in the garden.

Root suckers, or rhizomes, should be separated in early spring, before buds begin to form. The length of the separated area should not be less than 30-35 cm, and the diameter should not be less than 2-3 cm. Plant root shoots immediately, without burying deeper than 50 cm, the desired depth is 40-45 cm. Water generously and cover with film.

Dividing the bush is ideal for dwarf and indoor euonymus. The procedure is easily tolerated; from one bush you can get 3-4, which, as a rule, quickly become accustomed to their newfound independence. This should be done in a garden in the fall, and in an apartment at any time.

As for seeds, this is the most troublesome method of propagation. They need to be sown in autumn and winter. The growth appears next spring, and such shoots become like a decent tree after three or four seasons.

Euonymus care

Euonymus care comes down to two feedings of the tree per season. It is necessary to apply mineral fertilizers in the spring, before buds form, and in the fall, during the winter. The plant does not need additional watering, except in very severe droughts.

You also need to engage in crown formation if you want to have something specific in your garden. This plant loves haircuts very much, reacts to them instantly, starting to branch on the same day that it was trimmed. As for wintering, small ones up to 3-4 years old should be covered for the winter in the same way. as well as their root zone.

Types and varieties of euonymus

Although twenty species of this plant grow well on the territory, gardeners still have their favorite varieties, and there are popular varieties for landscapes park areas. These include:

This is a two-faced variety, depending on the gardener’s plans or conditions, the tree can become either a dense tree 2-3 meters high, or a spreading tree growing over 6 meters.

The leaves are bright green, iridescent, turning crimson in autumn. The flowers are brown with a pink center and edge. The earrings are red, with all shades of color. It grows slowly, but is very unpretentious, not capricious in terms of lighting and soil composition.

    European euonymus

Bushy tree about 5 meters in height. The leaves grow up to 10-15 cm in length, dark emerald, with shimmer. In autumn they turn purple, with orange flashes.

The most favorite variety of breeders, on its basis dwarf, miniature and a number of decorative species have been bred. It is extremely undemanding and grows quickly, easily tolerates gas pollution and urban smog, drought and temperature changes.

    Euonymus winged

This is Asian. Small, up to 4 meters in tree shape, with a fairly dense crown, similar to a giant bonsai. When cultivated by bush, the height will be 2-2.5 meters.

Like the leaves in elegant shades of green, the catkins are also silvery green. In autumn it bursts with shades of red and green. It easily tolerates winter and temperature changes, but does not survive drought and hot weather very well.

    Euonymus Fortune

The same Asian, Chinese. A favorite of all gardeners and breeders, 10 varieties of liana-shaped euonymus have been bred on its basis. It is a creeping, ivy-like evergreen with large, shiny, smooth, dense leaves.

Reproduces exclusively vegetative way, but it doesn’t need any care, however, it won’t mind a haircut and a small amount of minerals.

    Japanese euonymus

This species is popularly called pseudolaurel due to the similarity of the leaves to the foliage of laurel. Can grow like home euonymus, in an ordinary large pot, can form a hedge in a park, or can become the central tree in an empty clearing. An absolute all-rounder.

As a tree it grows no lower than 7-8 meters and has a very wide, branched crown. The growth rate of this species is also not small - 20-30 cm per season.

On its basis, 6 varieties of euonymus were bred. The main disadvantage is that this species does not tolerate cold. When temperatures drop below 5 degrees Celsius, the tree dies.

    Euonymus winged Compactus

“Daughter” variety of winged euonymus. It has characteristics similar to its predecessor, except for size.

This bushy tree does not exceed 2 meters in height under any circumstances. Very capricious regarding humidity, drought and overheating. Does not tolerate scorching hot places.

    Euonymus Emerald

This is a group of decorative hybrid “daughter” varieties of euonymus fortune. Small balls 50-60 cm high. They love a shaping haircut. Very frost-resistant and extremely unpretentious to everything in general. Indispensable when creating “Chinese” corners in the garden.

Have interesting feature– in the absence of care, namely, formation by cuttings, individual branches up to 2 meters in length are thrown away.

    Euonymus Gold

Belongs to the “daughter” varietal hybrids of the euonymus fortunea. Miniature, up to 60 cm in height, but with a certain formation of branches it is capable of vertical gardening picket fences 1-1.5 m high.

It differs from the others in having bright yellow leaves with a dark green center. It requires absolutely no care and feels great in any weather conditions.

Diseases and pests of euonymus

The main garden pests that strive to “take over” are:

The tree is quite selective to health-improving procedures, but responds well to treatment. Both directly during infection and for prevention using the following drugs:





You can also get sick, usually this is:

    powdery mildew;

    stem rot.

It makes sense to play it safe and carry out disease prevention in the spring and fall, for which the following are ideal:

There should be 3-5 treatments with an interval of 5 to 7 days. In conclusion, it should be noted that even though euonymus is a decorative

Euonymus - decorative, deciduous or evergreen shrub, belonging to the euonymus family. About two hundred species have already been studied and described. This plant is native to America, Asia, Australia and Europe. Grows in river valleys and mixed forests.

In the wild, some species of euonymus grow up to ten meters. At home, flower growers prefer to grow creeping varieties, as well as shrubs that do not exceed 1.5 meters. The plant lives and pleases with its beauty for about 60 years.

Varieties and types

– this species is an ornamental deciduous shrub. It has a thick and spreading crown that reaches four meters in height. The branches of the plant are tetrahedral. At the end of spring, elongated leaves appear dark green. In September, the foliage turns bright red to crimson.

- a deciduous variety of winged euonymus. The prefix “compactus” means that the shrub has a crown that grows into a spherical shape. You don't need to trim it to get it decorative look. Otherwise, this species does not differ from the winged euonymus.

- an unpretentious deciduous shrub that tolerates air pollution and low temperatures well. It has long green leaves that turn dark burgundy in early autumn. It is notable for the fact that every year it is tied to a large number of seed pods are bright red.

- deciduous shrub growing up to two meters in height. It has a spreading crown and dense foliage that turns pink in the fall. A distinctive feature of the shrub is its shoots covered with brown warts.

An evergreen plant that spreads widely across the ground. It can grow up to three meters wide. The total height of the bush does not exceed 60 cm. The crown is dense and covered big amount leaves with an original color - green with a golden or silver tint.

Euonymus Fortune includes popular varieties:

  • « Emerald Gold » – a shrub with dense green-yellow foliage. IN winter period yellow tones change to pink shades.

  • « Emerald Gaeti "- a shrub with a dense spherical crown and dark green foliage with a cream frame. With the onset of cold weather, the leaves turn pink.

- an evergreen plant with long leaves green with a cream or golden frame. The entire bush grows vertically. Branches extend from the main trunk into different sides. In mid-summer, yellow-green flowers appear. They bloom in large groups of fifteen. Japanese varieties growing quickly. They can gain up to twenty centimeters in height in a year.

- an evergreen plant reaching no more than a meter in height. Thanks to the creeping stems, the shrub easily takes root in the soil and grows well in width. It has narrow petals of a dark green hue with small jagged edges. It blooms in early June with small green-red flowers.

- a deciduous shrub or multi-stemmed tree growing up to 4-11 meters in height. The shoots are flat green with a dark gray coating. The petals are oval, up to 10 cm long and up to 5 cm wide. It begins to bloom at the end of June with small white flowers. In September, dark red seed pods appear.

- a deciduous shrub or tree growing up to seven meters in height. It has oval-shaped green leaves that turn pink in early autumn. It blooms in June with inconspicuous white-green flowers. It begins to bear fruit in October.

Deciduous shrub with a spreading crown growing up to 1.5 meters. It has tetrahedral shoots with side plates resembling wings. The foliage is dark green with fine jagged edges, reaching 8 cm in length. The shrub blooms at the end of May with small green-red or white-green flowers. In autumn the leaves turn bright burgundy.

- a deciduous shrub or branched tree growing up to ten meters. The branches are covered with dark bark with green shoots. The leaves reach 12 cm in length and have an elongated shape with ribbed edges. It begins to bloom in May with white-green inconspicuous flowers. In September, bright purple fruits appear, giving the shrub an unusual decorative appearance.

- a deciduous shrub with a dense crown growing up to two meters in height. It has hard, glossy leaves of a dark green color, reaching eight centimeters in length. The shrub blooms in July with small purple flowers, which are combined into inflorescences of fifteen pieces. Produces dark pink fruits in early October.

- an evergreen shrub reaching 40 cm in height. It has long shoots that take root in the soil. The foliage is tough, green with a cream edge. The plant prefers places with moderate light.

There are also many other varieties:

  • Euonymus cork variety;

  • Euonymus variety Bunge;

  • Variety Euonymus Siebold;

  • The euonymus variety is few-flowered;

Euonymus planting and care in open ground

The plant is planted in open ground in early spring or autumn. To do this, you need to find a suitable place with light partial shade, moderately humid and fertile soil. Creeping species grow well, so choose a spacious area so that all the bushes have enough space. Other varieties do not grow well near large trees.

The soil for planting needs to be nutritious and loose. It should include: turf, sand, peat and some leaf soil. Neutral or slightly alkaline soil is suitable for growing euonymus. If the soil on your site is acidic, mix slaked lime into it.

Having chosen a place, dig planting hole, which should be one and a half times larger than the root system of the euonymus. Make a drainage layer in the hole. To do this, pour crushed stones into it and sand on top.

Mix the soil removed from the hole with fertilizer. Sprinkle a small layer of drainage with the resulting mixture. Spread the roots of the bush well, place it in the hole and fill it with a mixture of soil.

Try to compact along the edges to prevent air pockets from forming. The neck of the roots should be flush with the soil surface. Plant shrubs a meter apart from each other.

Barberry also has very beautiful and decorative foliage colors. It can be grown when planted and cared for in open ground without much hassle, if you adhere to the rules of the plant's agricultural practices. You can find all the necessary recommendations for growing and caring for this plant in this article.

Watering euonymus

After planting, water the bush well. This should be done every day for the first week. Then water as the soil around the bush dries out. Try not to allow water to stagnate in the soil. Excessive humidity will harm the euonymus.

Fertilizers for euonymus

Euonymus needs feeding, just like others garden plants. Fertilizers help strengthen the health of the bush, accelerate its growth and achieve beautiful flowering. You need to add food twice a season - in spring and autumn.

Feeding in April or May ensures the formation of buds and active growth bush. To do this, use organic fertilizers - manure or chicken droppings diluted in water.

Feeding in September provides the bush long flowering. During this period, the plant needs complex mineral fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus.

Euonymus pruning

Pruning helps keep the bush healthy and create the desired decorative appearance. Carry out the first pruning in the spring before the leaves appear. This haircut is considered preventive and helps to promote active branching. To do this, remove dried branches and thin out dense areas.

Do the second pruning in the fall after fruiting. Autumn haircut is the most interesting. During this period, you can give free rein to your imagination and conduct experiments. Creative pruning will result in a unique shrub shape.

Euonymus flowering

Euonymus begins to bloom in late spring after the leaves appear. Flowers are formed in the leaf axils, forming inflorescences of several pieces.

They look small and inconspicuous and do not stand out against the background of dense foliage. Flowering is accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

Euonymus transplant

The main reason for changing the habitat is the active growth of euonymus or the obsolescence of the soil in the pot. Best time for transplantation - spring.

When replanting a plant, you need to choose a box or pot for it that is five centimeters larger than the previous one. If you want to stop the growth of euonymus, choose a container of the same diameter, but smaller in depth.

Young shrubs need to replace the pot every year. More mature specimens are replanted every two years. Large shrubs cannot be physically replanted, so you can only get by by replacing the top layer of soil.

Euonymus in winter

Euonymus is perfectly adapted to low temperatures. Winter hardiness zone different types varies from 6 to 4. That is, plants can withstand from -20 to -35 degrees of frost.

Despite their winter hardiness, young shrubs should always be covered for the winter. To do this, use pine spruce branches and dry leaves. Mature shrubs that have reached three years of age do not need shelter.

Propagation of euonymus by cuttings in water

Cuttings are the easiest and fastest way to propagate euonymus, which should be done in June. To do this, cut cuttings seven centimeters long from the bush. Good cutting should be young and vigorous with two leaf nodes. Place the cuttings in a jar of water until roots appear.

Once roots have formed, transplant the cuttings into pots with fertile soil. The plants will take root in a month. Keep them out of sunlight. Monitor soil moisture and ensure the room temperature is +20 °C.

Growing euonymus from seeds

Seeds – Euonymus is difficult to propagate using seeds. In order to successfully plant seeds, you need to prepare them using the stratification method.

To do this, mix them with calcined sand or semi-decomposed peat in a 1:2 ratio.


Keep the seeds at a temperature of +10 ° C for three or four months. Under such conditions, the seed coat should burst.

After destroying the shell, reduce the temperature, which should be from 0 to +3 ° C. Store the seeds in these conditions for another four months.

Sowing seeds

After eight months of preparation, you can start sowing. To do this, pour the prepared substrate containing leaf soil, humus, and sand into a plastic container in a ratio of 4:2:1.

Plant the seeds in the soil to a depth of two centimeters. In two weeks the first shoots will appear. It is recommended to mulch seedlings with peat crumbs in a layer of up to three centimeters in spring and autumn.

In summer, water and feed the seedlings with mullein. In winter, cover with spruce branches of pine branches and dry leaves. When three years have passed, the stronger euonymus bushes can be transplanted into a pot or open ground.

Euonymus diseases

The bark of the branches changed color – the cause is various fungal pathogens. To cure the plant, cut off the affected branches. Process the sections oil paint based on natural drying oil. Spray the remaining branches with burgundy mixture or Abiga-Pik fungicide.

The leaves dry out and fall off – the cause is direct Sun rays And heat in room. Move the shrub to a more shaded location with moderate temperatures.

Growth has stopped – there are several reasons for slower growth: overmoistening of the soil – stop watering for a while; old soil - change the substrate to a new one with fertilizers; infested with pests - wash branches and leaves with alcohol.

Doesn't bloom – is not a disease. main reason The fact is that euonymus very rarely produces flowers at home.

Pests of euonymus

Spider mite – white cobwebs appeared on the shoots, and black dots on the leaves. To get rid of the pest, treat the leaves and stems with a soap-alcohol solution.

Aphid – shoots and leaves are covered with small green or brown insects. Aphids are the cause of many beige spots. A soap solution or pine needle tincture will help combat the pest.

Euonymus medicinal properties

Euonymus has long been used in medical purposes. This plant helps cope with many diseases. Medicinal properties possess bark, branches, seeds and leaves. They contain many useful substances: carbohydrates, vitamin C, sucrose, higher fatty acids, alkaloids, tannins.

Various decoctions and tinctures help bring it back to normal. arterial pressure, normalize the functioning of the heart muscle, cure diseases of the stomach and intestines. Euonymus is also used to treat nervous disorder and headaches.

Recipes for making tincture and decoction

Decoction for migraines : take a few twigs, pour two glasses of water over them and boil for five minutes, let the broth cool. Take two tablespoons three times a day for a week, then take a month break.

Tincture for hypertension : Mix bark and alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. For example, ten grams of bark and one hundred grams of alcohol. Let the medicine sit for two weeks. Take seven drops three times a day for two weeks, then take a month break.

Euonymus is a plant that is not very popular in garden plots in middle lane Russia. Meanwhile, growing euonymus, planting and caring for it is not at all difficult. It can be a great decoration autumn garden, because in terms of decorativeness in autumn it has no equal among other trees and shrubs.

The main decoration of this plant is the leaves and earrings. In autumn the leaves turn yellow, red, orange, purple colors, and one sheet can combine several colors. The earrings are pale green in early autumn; in October they turn purple, scarlet, and yellow. If we also take into account that this plant is unpretentious and winter-hardy, then we can advise every gardener to grow it on their own plot.

Types of euonymus

Euonymus is a woody plant common in Europe and Asia. The Euonymus family includes tall trees and shrubs, both evergreen and deciduous. In total, there are about 200 of its species; no more than 20 are grown in our country. Let us list the most common of them.


Distributed in deciduous forests of Europe and Asia Minor. European euonymus is a tree no higher than 6 meters in height, looking more like a shrub. European euonymus is a cold-resistant species, easily tolerates drought, and grows well in polluted city air. European euonymus is perfect for hedges because it tolerates pruning well. There are several subspecies of the European variety: weeping, dwarf, with different colors leaves - purple, silver-spotted.


This species grows in Korea, Japan, China and Sakhalin. Winged euonymus grows in deciduous forests, along rivers and mountain streams. Most often, winged euonymus is a shrub no more than 3 meters high or a tree about 4 meters high. It is unpretentious to light and soil moisture, although it grows better in well-lit places. Winged euonymus has high winter hardiness, but at very severe frosts The ends of the branches may freeze and require pruning. It received the name “winged” because of its wing-like branches.


Distributed in China. Fortune's euonymus is very different from other species. This is an evergreen creeping shrub that grows well in central Russia. It is frost-resistant, because its creeping shoots are completely covered with snow in winter. Fortune's euonymus has many decorative subspecies; they differ in leaf color.

The most decorative of them is the Emerald Gold subspecies. Its evergreen leaves are edged with a yellow border in the form of stripes and spots. In autumn they turn bright pink, so Emerald Gold decorates the garden plot for several seasons.

Fortune's euonymus tolerates pruning easily. In varieties with variegated leaves, it is advisable to remove green shoots if they stand out from the main mass. Fortune's euonymus is indispensable as a ground cover crop.


An evergreen shrub that is grown both in the garden and as indoor plant. In the wild, Japanese euonymus can grow up to 7 meters in height. He needs certain conditions for full growth.

Japanese euonymus also comes in several types.

  • Pseudolaurus, or indoor. Grows only in greenhouses or room conditions, does not tolerate low temperatures at all.
  • Microphyllus. This is a Japanese euonymus with variegated leaves, up to 50 cm high.
  • Japanese dwarf euonymus- a creeping shrub that, in addition to decorative leaves has beautiful flowers.

Reproduction and cultivation

The plant is mainly propagated by cuttings, layering, dividing the bush or seedlings, and very rarely by seeds.

  • Propagation by cuttings.

It is best to do cuttings at the end of June. Cut cuttings about 8 cm long with one internode and plant them in a greenhouse in previously prepared and fertilized soil. After about 1.5 months, when the cuttings take root, they are transplanted to a permanent place in the open ground. Fortune's euonymus and Japanese euonymus are propagated by cuttings.

  • Reproduction by root layering.

Root cuttings are separated in the spring, immediately after the soil thaws. Layers should be no higher than 50 cm in height; it is advisable to keep a lump of earth on the roots. You can plant it directly in open ground or in a greenhouse for growing to the height of a standard seedling. Fortune's euonymus and Japanese euonymus are propagated by root layering.

  • Reproduction by dividing the bush.

This is the most common way to reproduce dwarf species with superficial roots. Carefully separate the shoots from the mother plant, leaving part of the rhizome, cut it by 2/3 and plant it in a permanent place. Japanese euonymus, Fortune, is propagated by dividing the bush.

  • Reproduction by seedlings.

For seedlings, pits are prepared in advance; their size will depend on the size of the seedlings. It is advisable to pour broken brick and sand at the bottom of the hole as drainage. When planting, you need to ensure that the roots of the seedling are straightened and the root collar is not covered. The soil must be compacted from time to time so that no air remains in it.

The distance between seedlings depends on the variety and the purpose of planting, if this hedge, then the plants need to be planted more densely. Plantings are watered abundantly and the soil is mulched to retain moisture. European and winged euonymus are propagated by seedlings.

If the seedlings have to be transported, the roots are wrapped in paper or a damp cloth. Before planting in open ground, you need to prepare a mixture of equal parts water and clay, add a few crystals of potassium permanganate and dip the roots in this mixture for a few minutes.

  • Propagation by seeds.

Seeds are collected in the fall and sown immediately into the soil. For the winter, plantings are mulched with leaves or straw. If the seeds are stored until spring, then they need to be soaked in warm water for several days, then place in the refrigerator for 4-5 months for stratification.

Planting and care

Planting euonymus requires compliance with the following simple rules.

  • When choosing a place for planting, you must remember that the plant grows greatly both in height and width. Therefore, the distance between the euonymus and other plants and buildings on the site should be sufficient.
  • Slightly alkaline soil is suitable for the plant; lime must be added to acidic soil in advance. Heavy soil is diluted with sand or peat in a ratio of 1:5, and compost is also added. The top is mulched with peat to retain moisture.
  • Dwarf species can be placed in containers or boxes and brought home for the winter.

Caring for euonymus is quite simple and consists of watering, fertilizing and pruning.

  • Water the plant abundantly, but infrequently, as the soil dries. Frequent watering Only young seedlings are required if the summer is very hot. To retain moisture, tree trunk circles are mulched with peat or.
  • The plantings are fed twice per season: in spring and autumn with mineral fertilizers. You can apply organic fertilizers to the plant in the spring, for example, water it with diluted slurry.
  • Pruning is carried out in the spring, before the buds open. Cut out old, weak and broken branches. Pruning is beneficial for the plant, after which it begins to actively branch. In tree species, the crown can be formed in various shapes: cone, ellipse, ball. This will give the plantings additional decorativeness.

Diseases and pests

The plant is most often affected by trunk rot and powdery mildew. Trunk rot is fungal disease. It is very difficult to treat, so prevention is necessary in the form of treatment with Bordeaux mixture in spring and autumn. All infected parts of the plant are removed and burned. When appearing on branches and leaves powdery mildew it is necessary to treat with fungicide 3 times with a break of 10 days.

Pests include spider mites, caterpillars and aphids. To destroy mites and aphids, spray with “Aktellik” or “Fitoverm”. Caterpillars are collected by hand. It was noticed that if the caterpillars attacked the euonymus, then fruit trees that grow next to it, there are no caterpillars.

Use for decorative purposes

Fortune's euonymus is used as ground cover plant, for decorating rocky gardens and alpine slides. Some of its varieties can wrap around a support. Fortune's euonymus can overwinter indoors in winter gardens. Quite often, Fortune's euonymus is planted for landscaping balconies.

Japanese dwarf euonymus is used as a bonsai if the branches are pruned. For landscape design, Japanese euonymus is good as a tub plant because it does not tolerate low temperatures.

European euonymus is used to decorate the garden both in groups and individually. By pruning, the crown of European euonymus is given various shapes, which look very elegant and unusual. Planted along a fence, European euonymus creates a hedge.

On rocky hills, winged euonymus looks impressive in the form of a bush; it takes root with lower branches and grows well. Winged euonymus can also surround an area with a hedge. In compositions of trees and shrubs, winged euonymus looks harmonious next to juniper. In addition, winged euonymus thrives in polluted city air.

In short, it's worth planting this extraordinary plant in your garden plot to admire its beauty on gloomy autumn days.

Low evergreen euonymus shrubs are great for garden decoration. At the same time, the plant is unpretentious and feels quite comfortable both in illuminated areas and in partial shade. The Euonymus family includes more than two hundred varieties, which differ in size, foliage color and even wintering habits.

Of particular interest to novice gardeners are methods of propagating euonymus, in particular cuttings. Experienced gardeners give some recommendations regarding this process, as well as caring for this ornamental shrub.

Features of care

The shrub will need to be provided with timely watering. To facilitate the process of caring for euonymus experienced gardeners It is recommended to immediately mulch the tree trunk area, and also be sure to loosen the soil after watering. At the same time, it is worth remembering that excess moisture can cause harm to the plant, since as a result of stagnation of water, rotting of the horse system often occurs.

Therefore, it is better to water after the top layer of soil has completely dried. As for feeding the bush, it is quite enough to apply fertilizer once in spring and autumn.

One of the ways to care for a shrub is to prune it. As a result of this procedure, the euonymus begins to branch more actively. It is recommended to form a crown either in early spring or in autumn after the fruiting process. Most often, gardeners prefer a conical and ellipsoidal crown.

The evergreen shrub tolerates winter quite well, but young euonymus (up to 3 years old) is still advised to be covered with straw or spruce branches. In addition, it is worth mulching the area around the trunk with peat or sawdust.


The optimal time for planting shrubs is spring or autumn. If your plans include growing euonymus in the garden and not in a pot, then you should worry about choosing the optimal suitable place. Of course, the evergreen shrub is quite viable even in partial shade, but still, it is recommended to select an area that will be well lit for most of the day sunlight. It is important to take into account that the shrub grows greatly in width, so it needs to be planted away from other shrubs and trees. Neutral or slightly acidified soil is best suited for euonymus.

To plant a shrub, you will need to dig a hole that will be twice the size of the root system. In this case, the bottom should be covered with drainage made of pebbles and expanded clay. The soil should consist of deciduous soil, compost and sand. The seedling should be carefully placed so that the root collar ends up above the soil surface. It is important to ensure that there are no air pockets left in the soil.

To do this, you need to compact all layers well. After the plant is planted, it is recommended to water it daily for the first week.

Reproduction methods

Thanks to the unpretentiousness of the plant, gardeners can easily propagate the plant using any of the possible options:

  • seeds;
  • layering;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

Vegetative propagation of euonymus is suitable for varieties of shrubs with red and yellow leaves.

The use of seed cultivation requires planting freshly harvested planting material into prepared soil. This should be done in the fall. After the seeds are added to the soil, it needs to be mulched and covered with straw or dry leaves on top. If the planting process is planned for spring, then the seed must be stored in the refrigerator for six months, and before being added to the soil, it must be soaked in water.

Reproduction of euonymus by layering is as follows:

  • In spring, it is necessary to make several grooves near the main bush (mother bush).
  • Then bend the shoots that grow low enough to the ground into the grooves.
  • Fill the top with soil, leaving only the top part on the surface.
  • After some time, the cuttings will give their roots and then they can be planted separately.

You can propagate euonymus using root suckers. To do this, you need to select the mother plant and separate the offspring from it, which have grown no more than 40 cm. The root should have a thickness of slightly more than 1.5 centimeters and a length of 25 cm. When replanting the shrub to a new place, there is no need to shake off the soil from the root. It is advisable to do this propagation procedure in the spring after the soil has warmed up.

Dividing the bush is practiced when breeding dwarf varieties.

This is explained by the fact that the root system of such an euonymus does not lie very deep and at the same time there is growth every year.

The procedure looks like this:

  • The root shoots along with the rhizome (part) are cut off from the mother bush.
  • You need to trim the shoots by about 2/3.
  • Plant it in a permanent place.

How does cutting occur?

Important factors that guarantee high-quality propagation of euonymus by cuttings are good condition of the stems, timely protection from sunlight, provision of moisture, oxygen and heat. It is worth noting that too early contact with the sun can result in the death of the shoots. Dry soil will also adversely affect their condition.

Euonymus propagation by cuttings occurs as follows:

  • Needs to be cut required quantity cut off shoot tips with internodes. It is advisable to take cuttings from a plant that is five or more years old.
  • Carefully treat each cut with a rooting agent, which will promote active formation of the root system.
  • Plant the prepared cuttings in soil consisting of sand and peat. It is advisable to do this in a greenhouse, where it is quite warm and it is possible to maintain optimal suitable conditions for fast growth.
  • The cutting procedure is usually done in the summer (June-July), and in the fall they appear good roots, which indicates the preparedness of the euonymus for planting in a permanent place of growth.

Euonymus of such varieties as Krylaty, Maaka, Big-winged, and Sacred is propagated by cuttings. But for the varieties Broadleaf, Cork similar method breeding is not suitable.

Pests and diseases

This plant is the “favorite” of many pests. Thus, euonymus attracts apple moths, aphids, spider mite and many others. The only ones who are indifferent to the bush are the flower beetle and the codling moth.

But at the same time, euonymus can be treated with any means without fear of harming it.

To combat scale insects (brown dots on the surface of the foliage), Actellik solution (0.15%) is sprayed.

When spider mites appear, wipe the plant soap solution, which is then washed off warm water. If the entire flower is affected, then the same “Aktellik” can be used.

If the euonymus is affected by a red flat mite, which is completely invisible, but is capable of destroying young shoots, then the entire bush should be treated with an insecticidal preparation.

Onion tincture or dry mustard diluted in water will help deal with aphids. When powdery mildew appears, you need to purchase a special antifungal agent in the store, for example, Topaz, Fudazol.

A common problem with euonymus is the appearance of rot on the trunk. To protect the plant from death, it is necessary to treat the trunk at the end of spring Bordeaux mixture, and also regularly remove the affected areas so that the disease does not spread further.

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