It confidently occupies a leading position in the market, gradually displacing the usual finishing material - wallpaper. The market responds to this demand with new color compositions, an expanded range and a wide range of price segment. Next, we’ll look at what types of paints exist, how to paint walls with your own hands, and what pigment suspension to choose for this.

Color boom: wall paint instead of wallpaper

Hard to imagine stylish renovation in the house without using paints. Enamel, water-based or acrylic materials decorate the space with new colors, protect surfaces from negative impact external environment, moisture and sunlight.

Types of paints for painting walls in a room

Among wide range products for conducting repair work indoors, construction experts distinguish two types of paints.

  1. Alkyd: oil, drying oil, semi-matte, glossy, matte (subtype of gloss level), enamel, varnish.
  2. : polyvinyl acetate, acrylic, silicate and silicone.

Alkyd paints are paints based on drying oil or alkyd resin. These components have a pungent odor. Considered hazardous to human health. There are many disadvantages, but there is one advantage - excellent surface protection from moisture.

Emulsion painting compositions are used for interior and exterior work. In contrast to previous materials, they do not contain foreign odors, dry quickly and offer an unlimited number of shades, colors and combined compositions.

There are 4 main brands of drying oils on the market with various properties and characteristics: MA-021 (film-forming drying oils), MA-025 (combined), GF-023 (griftal), PF-024 (pentaphthalic drying oil).

How to paint the walls in an apartment

The walls in the apartment are painted using any of the above materials.

However, emulsion compositions that are odorless, harmless to animals and humans, and dry in 10-20 minutes are more popular, which is very convenient for combined coloring with several shades.

What paint do the walls use?

A practical option for painting walls in a residential area is, which is cheaper than acrylic and polyvinyl acetate paint. However, the latest options are more resistant to moisture. You can wash the walls without worrying about the color. Shades of acrylic materials allow you to choose the most suitable option for a particular room.

When painting walls with alkyd paint, preference should be given to glypthal or pentaphthalic-based enamels. The compositions are characterized by a high degree of resistance to water and various types abrasion.

How can you paint walls?

For walls in a basement or warehouse, more practical materials— enamel compositions that do not allow moisture to pass through and are resistant to abrasion.

There are two disadvantages - the need to clean surfaces from old layers of enamel paint, as well as vulnerability to alkalis.

For walls in the bathroom, kitchen or hallway, you should choose silicone or acrylic paints. For a children's room, bedroom and living room, the best choice is water-based and polyvinyl acetate paint, allowing you to paint walls and ceilings in rich colors.

Repair work, regardless of the type of room and its size, is carried out in compliance with safety rules, which include:

  1. mandatory ventilation;
  2. use of a protective mask;
  3. prohibition on painting surfaces with enamel compounds in an unventilated area.
  • for corners and embossed surfaces, use a brush with thick bristles;
  • for a flat surface in the center, use a roller with thick but short pile;
  • It is necessary to sand all surfaces, regardless of the type of paint;
  • Before painting, be sure to treat the putty wall with a primer, and only after drying, apply the painting composition;
  • carry out staining in one direction: side to side or up and down;
  • calculate the consumption and dilute the color in a large container so that all walls have the same shade.

PVA-based polyvinyl acetate paint is not used for painting metal surfaces and elements.

How many times is paint applied to the wall?

and its saturation depend not only on the type of dye and its consistency, but also on the number of layers. For cosmetic painting in one tone, one layer will be enough.

But, if the wall is newly plastered, sanded and primed, then it is better to use a double layer, having first dried the first layer before applying the second. This will make the shade rich and deep, without visible translucent stripes.

The market offers various finishing options for walls and ceilings both indoors and outdoors. However, as practice shows, wallpaper is increasingly being replaced with more practical and wear-resistant materials - paints. Interior solution spaces and choice coloring composition is largely determined by such qualities as practicality, price and service life.

Useful video

Painting walls remains one of the most popular options for finishing them. But, giving preference to it, you should remember that the chosen paint for the walls in the apartment can equally become both the highlight of the completed renovation and its gravestone. That's why this choice needs to be taken very seriously.

Basic rules when choosing paint

Today in construction supermarkets you can choose wall paint of almost any color and shade, and even with a variety of effects: from imitating stone and wood to marble and golden shades. In such a variety, it’s easy to get confused and choose something completely different from what you need.

It’s one thing to paint the inside of your home, but quite another to paint the exterior of your home. Paint intended for painting concrete or brick walls, it is unlikely that it will be possible to paint beautifully and correctly wooden house. And inside the house, the material used to paint walls in the living room or children's room is not suitable for painting bathroom walls.

All these nuances need to be known and taken into account. Therefore, before painting the walls, you need to draw up a work plan in which you indicate the main details: the type of room (kitchen, bathroom, toilet, hallway, children's room, etc.), the total area of ​​the walls to be painted, the material of the walls themselves and their finishes , the color and paint features needed for each room and the approximate total amount you plan to spend on paint. Only with such a plan at hand can you go shopping for material.

The main thing you should not skimp on when choosing paint is the safety of the purchased material, because you and your loved ones will spend a lot of time inside the house. Therefore, it is imperative to choose only high-quality products, although they are more expensive.

There are paints designed separately for exterior and separately for interior works. There are also those that are suitable for both types of painting. But if you want to paint the walls in an apartment or residential building with high quality, then better material purchase separately.

Paint intended for indoor use is more environmentally friendly, and for facade worksgreater durability to external factors (high and low temperature, humidity, etc.). This stability is achieved by introducing various additives into the composition, which are not always environmentally friendly. IN combined formulations these additives are also present, only in smaller quantities, therefore both their environmental friendliness and durability will be lower in comparison with special compounds.

Moreover, painting the walls in the apartment will be of better quality if you choose special paint for walls. The fact is that the composition of this paint is specially selected, so it will not stain clothes if it accidentally touches the wall, and it will get dirty much less, moreover, it is not afraid of repeated cleaning with a damp cloth and even withstands periodic washing with a brush and soap.

When choosing paint for living rooms: bedroom, living room, children's room, you should choose only vapor-permeable materials, since normal air circulation in these rooms is very important condition cozy and comfortable stay.

Two more properties colorful compositions, which do not directly affect the quality of painting, but can significantly speed up and reduce the cost of the repair itself, hiding power and thixotropy. The first indicator characterizes paint consumption per 1 m², the second - the ability of the composition to reduce viscosity at mechanical impact. Simply put, such paints do not remain in the can, do not flow from the brush, and do not form smudges when applied. That is why they are considered the most convenient to use.

Types of wall paints

To make it easier to navigate the variety of colors, they are all divided into several types:

  • water-based;
  • acrylic;
  • latex;
  • oil;
  • silicone;
  • alkyd enamels.

Water-based (or water-soluble) paints are considered the most economical of all. existing species. In such paints, ordinary water acts as a solvent, so they have virtually no odor and have a short interval before complete drying. They are made on the basis of PVA, latex and acrylic resins. All water-based paints are classified as vapor-permeable materials. Such paints practically do not absorb dirt, and they are easy to wash off from the surface. But use water-based paints in rooms with high humidity it is impossible: constant contact with water destroys the structure of the applied paint layer, therefore, repairs in such rooms will have to be done much more often.

Acrylic paints dry quickly, they do not have unpleasant odor. When dried on a painted surface, they form a matte hard film that is resistant to moisture and abrasion, so it is best to paint bathroom walls with them, as well as wooden houses. Acrylic paints lend themselves well to tinting, and they can be tinted not only in special centers, but also with your own hands.

The main advantage of latex paints is their increased abrasion resistance. On a painted surface they form a thin but very durable film that evenly covers all the protrusions and depressions of the surface. Latex paints are applied in a very thin layer, so consumption will be minimal. They are well suited for painting textured plaster. They are also often used to repaint non-woven wallpaper if there is a need to renew or change its color.

The main advantages of silicone paints are their high vapor permeability and the formation of a water-repellent film on the painted surface. They are used mainly for exterior work, especially if you need to beautifully and correctly paint a wooden house.

Oil paints are considered “yesterday”. They consist of natural or artificial drying oil and pigments dissolved in it. Previously widely used for both exterior and interior applications, they are strong and durable and can be used on various surfaces. But oil paints take a long time to dry, do not allow air to pass through, and they also have a characteristic unpleasant, pungent odor. Therefore, painting a house today is much easier and faster with other types of paints.

For similar reasons, painting walls in an apartment or residential building with alkyd enamels is not recommended. They, like oil ones, are vapor-tight and have a specific persistent odor. They differ from other types of paints in the drying process. When they come into contact with air, they undergo an oxidation process that leads to drying, while other types of paints dry due to the evaporation of the solvent.

How to paint walls

Regardless of the choice of paint type, high-quality preparation of walls for painting is very important for a high-quality final result. Its main requirement is that the wall surface must be cleaned of dirt and dust, and Decoration Materials(if any) have strong adhesion to the main surface.

For high-quality painting of walls, not only high-quality paint is important, but also high-quality tools, especially since their list is very short:

  • paint brush;
  • roller;
  • compressor.

The choice of tool depends on the area and topography of the wall to be painted. For example, it is advisable to use a painting compressor in cases where you need to paint flat surface large area. If you need to paint a relief surface, then in this case there are no alternatives other than choosing a brush. If the most important thing for you is not the speed of painting, but its quality, then it is best to use a roller.

Therefore, the question of how to properly paint a surface always requires an individual solution.

For example, when using water-based paint, you cannot use synthetic rollers, incl. and the most common foam rubber. During operation, all these materials will leave air bubbles in the applied paint layer, reducing its integrity and deteriorating its quality. Therefore, you need to purchase a roller from natural fur or, if possible, a compressor for painting. It will be much faster to use than a roller.

The seemingly routine process of painting walls is an interesting and creative activity that allows you to show your individuality and give room to your imagination.

Figuring out which paint is best to paint the walls in an apartment is not as easy as it seems. The choice of materials is huge, and the marketing policies of manufacturers do not help educate consumers in technical issues and actual product characteristics.

We will tell you what is the best way to paint the walls in an apartment, and also discuss the rules for applying paints.

Materials for painting walls

Types of paints

First, let's try to understand what paint the walls in the apartment are painted with. If we talk about “folk” methods, here you can find practically any options, even the most unexpected ones.

There are known cases when such “craftsmen” used electrically conductive paint Zinga, intended for anti-corrosion protection of steel surfaces, while the authors of the creative “blue eye” claimed that this the right decision and the walls look great.

Obviously, there is no point in considering folk art, so let’s move on to the experience and recommendations of professionals.

During the development of the paint and varnish industry, almost all types of paints have been used on the walls of residential premises, so there is solid experience on the basis of which it can be argued that painting walls in an apartment is most acceptable with the following materials:

  • Acrylic polyvinyl acetate compounds. This is the most common type of water-based (in general, it is correct to call them water-dispersion) paints, since these materials are not distinguished by high price with good quality. They consist of water, PVA and acrylic dispersion, are odorless and have no harmful impurities, are suitable for work in dry heated rooms, wear resistance is low, washability and a chalky effect are observed in matte and super matte tones;
  • Butadiene-styrene acrylic compositions, which are often called “latex”, although this name suits all water-dispersion polymer-based paints. Differ more high wear resistance, moisture resistance, high washability threshold, but have low resistance to solar radiation, therefore they are used only for interior decoration. They cost slightly higher than polyvinyl acetate materials, but are in the same price group;
  • Acrylic silicone products. These materials contain not only acrylic dispersion and water, but also emulsified silicone resins, which form a durable, water-resistant and frost-resistant protective film with good vapor permeability. Suitable for covering facades and wet rooms, as well as rooms with increased wear and frequent washing - kitchens, bathrooms, toilets;
  • Acrylic paints, meaning pure acrylic acid and a dispersion of acrylate copolymers in water, are the most expensive and high-quality compositions, which are characterized by high strength, water resistance, a wide range of operating temperatures and excellent decorative qualities. These materials are suitable for exterior and interior decoration and have much higher performance characteristics.

Also quite often applied to interior walls. oil compositions and alkyd enamels, and in bathrooms and kitchens organosilicon, silicate and silicone mixtures are used. As practice shows, oil paints are not suitable for interior decoration, either in quality or composition. Alkyd enamels are quite suitable in terms of their characteristics, but they have harmful impurities and a strong smell of solvents, so they are not very good for interior decoration.

Organosilicon, silicate and silicone materials are more suitable for, although the latter can also be used inside an apartment. Fire-retardant metal paints Polistil can be used to treat radiators and hot pipes.

Be that as it may, but water-dispersion paints are best suited for finishing residential premises, and their quality is not inferior to, and sometimes even superior to, the quality of older compositions based on organic solvents or mineral fillers.

Features of preparing the base

I must say that applying paint to the wall is the easiest part of the job. It is much more important to choose the right material and prepare the surface for painting.

We have already determined how to paint the walls in the apartment, now let’s talk about preparing the walls, and as always, step-by-step instructions for you:

  1. Brick and concrete surfaces must be plastered. It is best to use traditional cement-sand at a ridiculous price; it shows excellent results;

  1. The surface of the plaster must be primed and leveled with a starting layer of putty. In the bedrooms and living room you can use regular gypsum mixture, it gives minimal shrinkage and is easy to apply, whereas in bathrooms, kitchens and toilets it is better to apply waterproof polymer mixture or cement-based mixture;

  1. After the first starting layer has dried, apply a thin layer finishing putty. It is better to use materials from the same manufacturer and composition. The surface is made as even and smooth as possible;

  1. dried out finishing layer rubbed with sandpaper or mesh and sanded to a perfectly smooth state;

  1. Remove dust from the sanded wall and apply one or two layers of deep penetration primer. It is better to select the primer in accordance with the paint and base material; it is advisable that it be from the same manufacturer as the paint.

Now it’s just a matter of small things – we paint the walls in the apartment and enjoy the result.
The type of paint we have chosen is easy and convenient to apply, since it does not stink or corrode the skin, adheres well and has good thixotropy.

Applying paint

If it is better to hire professional finishers to prepare the walls, then you can apply the paint yourself. To do this you will need a brush, a roller, a tray for dipping the tool and masking tape.

First, we paste over the area to which paint of the same color will be applied. This will allow you to create smooth boundaries and avoid staining adjacent coatings and structural fragments. For greater accuracy, you can draw lines under the ruler and stick masking tape along them.

Next, open the bucket of paint and mix it thoroughly so that the pigments and filler particles are evenly distributed in the solution. We apply the coating to a wall that is primed and free of dust with a roller or brush, working carefully, avoiding smudges and drops. Make the layer thin and continuous, with overlaps between the stripes of paint.

We wait for the first layer to dry and repeat the procedure. If after this the color is not bright and saturated enough, apply a third layer of material.

All three layers must be thin and even, this is a prerequisite.


Important for painting walls right choice materials and correct surface preparation. With the help of the video in this article and our instructions, you can easily cope with this task, because Painting works simple and accessible to everyone.

If you are undergoing renovations, but you don’t want to put up wallpaper, the question inevitably arises: how to cover the walls in your apartment instead of wallpaper. Coming out two: decorative plaster and painting. To work with plaster, it is advisable to have experience, but painting the walls in an apartment can be done with quite a bit of skill. high level and without experience. You need desire, time and careful execution of operations. By the way, there is paint that imitates some plasters quite well, but costs less.

Paints for living rooms

The most important thing in choosing paints for this group of rooms is their harmlessness. There are also high demands on the decorativeness of coatings and resistance to impact. sun rays. Such a characteristic as cleaning ability is not the most popular, except that it may be necessary in a children's room. It is very good if the paints do not smell, or almost no smell, during application, and it is also desirable that they dry quickly.

Water based paints

More than others, these requirements are met by compositions based on water based. The binding component in them may be different, which is why some qualities change, but they have one thing in common: they are harmless to people, do not harm the environment, dry quickly and have almost no odor.


The most popular in this group are water-based paints. These are compositions based on polyvinyl acetate (more familiar to us as PVA). This paint is easy to apply and has good coverage - usually two coats are enough to get an even color. After drying, they create a dense film on the surface that allows water vapor to pass through; they also say that such a wall “breathes.” It can be tinted very well - any color can have dozens of shades.

Water-based paint from the famous Tikkurila brand and a tinting card of just one color

One of its main advantages is its low price. And this, perhaps, is the decisive factor that makes water-based emulsions leaders in sales, even despite their rather serious shortcomings.

The first serious disadvantage is that it is not very resistant to mechanical or abrasive influences (it is easy to scratch). Secondly, it does not hide surface imperfections and requires careful preparation. For the wall to look good, it must be absolutely smooth. The third drawback is the fear of water. A wall coated with water-based emulsion can be wiped several times with a damp cloth, but not all shades. On some, the stripes will be clearly visible. But the walls can be tinted - leave a little “in reserve” to eliminate stains and abrasions that appear after a while in the most “loaded” areas.

Water-dispersible silicone

These colors are almost perfect. They are easy to apply, and are able to heal even quite decent cracks - up to 2 mm. The film that remains after drying does not fade, is not afraid of moisture, and is easily damaged (you can wash it as much as you like). Painting the walls in an apartment with silicone paint allows you to get a very smooth surface even without perfect preparation and careful alignment.

After drying, the film is so smooth that even microparticles do not linger on it and dust does not accumulate. What is important is that the paint is vapor-permeable, which makes it possible to use it in wet rooms. High UV resistance allows it to be used for exterior finishing(its main application).

Water-based silicone paint - excellent quality coating

It has essentially one drawback: its high price. This is the most expensive paint today (not counting textured ones). This explains the fact that they are not very popular. But if you want something lasting, beautiful coating For walls in an apartment or house, choose silicone paint. In any case, it can be used in the hallway and kitchen.

Acrylic water-dispersible

This type of paint is perhaps ideal: it tinters well, does not fade, applies well, even paints over cracks, albeit smaller ones - up to 0.7-1 mm. It has average vapor permeability, the coating is difficult to damage, and can be washed even with detergents. She has no particular shortcomings. In some parameters (vapor permeability) it is slightly worse than water-based emulsion, in others (hiding power) it is slightly inferior silicone paints, but overall gives a very good result.

Painting the walls in an apartment with this paint will not be too expensive: the price is average. So if we take the price/quality ratio, this is best paint, both for walls and ceilings.

Decorative textured paints

This is a relatively new direction. Painting the walls in an apartment using textured paints allows you to get not a smooth, evenly painted surface, but one with a certain or chaotic relief. The basis of textured paints is an acrylic water dispersion with pigment and various additives - sand of different fractions, mineral fibers and other similar substances that form the relief.

These paints differ in thickness; accordingly, they can be applied with a spatula, brush or roller. Some types allow you to use a spray gun. The texture can vary depending on the type of application, and significantly. For example, in the photo below, you see the result of applying one paint with different tools - a brush, various rollers and a spatula. The photo shows decorative paint for walls and ceilings from the German company JOBI. It's called PUTZEFFEKTFARBE (PutzEffectFarbe).

This composition can be painted in any color from the palette, so there are a lot of options. Can be applied to drywall, concrete, fiberboard, plastered surfaces. For best results, preliminary priming is recommended.

There are decorative paints with imitation fabric, suede, with pearlescent stains, aged surfaces and many others. Application is sometimes multi-layered - three layers or more - using different instruments. Usually such compositions are accompanied detailed instructions on application and operating procedures, as well as recommendations for choosing a tool.

You will see several ways to apply decorative paint in the video.

Paints for bathrooms, kitchens and hallways

For kitchens and corridors, the decorative acrylic paints described above and water-based silicone paints are suitable. They have sufficient abrasion resistance and can be washed frequently. The use of paints with a pronounced relief in kitchens is not entirely justified - it will be difficult to keep the walls clean. But pearlescent stains can make a small room visually more spacious, especially if the base color is light.

But there are also several moisture- and temperature-resistant paints that can be used in wet rooms - kitchens and bathrooms - but are undesirable in living rooms.

Alkyd compositions

Alkyd paints are very similar in consistency to oil paints, but have a significant difference both in the base (alkyd resins) and in operational characteristics. The surface painted with them tolerates well high humidity, elevated temperatures, exposure to ultraviolet radiation. It has average vapor permeability, and therefore can be used in damp rooms. It applies well to wood and metal surfaces. What is also attractive about these paints is that painting walls does not require significant investments - they are inexpensive. However, a well-prepared surface is required for a normal appearance. By type of surface being created alkyd paint can be glossy, matte, semi-matte.

There is only one serious drawback - they are diluted with organic solvents - white spirit, gasoline, turpentine. Therefore, when painting and drying, there is a persistent characteristic odor in the room. Another minus is that over time they lose their color brightness and a yellowish coating appears. The option is inexpensive, but not the best in terms of durability. They are very good for painting radiators and heating pipes - they can be heat-resistant - but for walls it is worth using a different composition.

Paints based on silicates (liquid glass)

If speak about specific properties silicate coating, then for the bathroom it is a good choice: the chemical composition is such that fungus or mold never appears on painted walls. If there is such a problem, this is one of the options for solving it. The coating is very strong and durable, and vapor permeability is the highest among all existing today paint and varnish compositions. Therefore, you can use these paints both in the kitchen and in the bathroom.

Silicate paint - prevents the development of fungi and mold

But there are significant disadvantages. Firstly, until it dries, the composition is very harmful to health. You need to work with it in protective clothing and respiratory protection (a good respirator). After drying, the film is absolutely harmless, but it cannot be kept indoors until it crystallizes. Secondly, silicates are not compatible with other types of coatings. They do not apply to surfaces previously painted with any other paint. Exactly the same for painted silicate paint the surface will not “lay down” on any other. In both cases, complete removal of the previous layer is required. Thirdly, the compositions are tinted only mineral pigments, and this significantly narrows the number of colors and shades.

Wall painting design

There are a lot of options for painting walls, because there are no restrictions on quantity. It is important to find the right suitable color combination when painting your walls. The easiest way to do this is to select shades according to the tables that designers use. They contain groups of shades that can be used in one room, while the interior will be harmonious.

Now about the methods of combined painting of walls. There are quite a lot of them, they will look different in the interior. Choose the one you like.

Horizontal division into two or three zones

This method is traditional. Usually the room is divided into two zones. At the bottom they paint with darker shades, at the top with lighter shades. Classic version- division into three parts in height - the lower third is painted with a dark shade, the upper two are lighter. But this is just a classic; in reality, dark paint can end in the middle or almost at the ceiling. You just need to be careful with this technique: it visually makes the ceilings lower. The exception is a light strip almost under the ceiling.

The border between two colors, if you paint the walls in an apartment yourself, is rarely ideal. To decorate the imperfections, you can glue some even strips. Another option is to glue it along the border exactly along the line before applying the second shade. masking tape. After painting, remove it, you will get a perfect line (if you applied the tape evenly).

The molding can be left white - it goes with any colors, or it can be painted in one of the suitable colors

This technique can be used in premises of any purpose, and the style can be of any kind. Only with moldings - this is more of a classic, it is acceptable for country style, for one of the ethnic styles. Just a clear border or a division decorated with a shiny stripe is already minimalism or hi-tech.

Accentuating a wall

A fashionable trend in decorating rooms is highlighting a wall with color. There are two options here:

  • a darker shade of the same color;
  • another color from a compatible palette.

With well-chosen details in the interior, both methods look attractive. This is the easiest way to make the interior more memorable and vibrant.

A bright color from the same palette is the easiest way to brighten up your interior.

Just keep in mind that in bedrooms, for example, it is better to use less harsh combinations - the atmosphere in such rooms should be softer. Sharp contrasts are good in living rooms and children's rooms. Children generally like bright combinations.

Horizontal stripe

This is a fairly wide strip that runs approximately at eye level. Most often, this type of painting of a room is used if it is necessary to pay attention to some decorative elements - paintings, for example.

This technique looks good in corridors - by lowering the height of the ceiling, it makes it seem wider. Another popular application is children's rooms: children's drawings look very good against a prominent background.

The stripe does not have to be monochromatic - a slight gradient is also good

Striped walls

An interesting technique, but it’s not worth using it for the entire room. This is how you can decorate one wall - one of the varieties accent wall- or just part of it.

Horizontal stripes can be multi-colored. The main thing is that they are repeated in the interior

An interesting effect is achieved by combining stripes of the same color, but with different textures - matte and glossy. Strictly speaking, these are not two colors, but they look exactly like that.

Highlighting some interior details

Often, some details are emphasized with a different color - brighter or calmer. For example, niches, frames, placement interesting shelf, and so on.

Highlighting some elements is another way to combine painting a room.

One option is to outline the walls with a stripe of a darker color, thus highlighting all the corners. This method will help you do small room more spacious: it will appear taller and wider.

How to paint the walls in an apartment with your own hands: video

Choosing the type of paint is good, but you also need to know how to work with it. Each paint has its own characteristics of application and surface preparation. But in general, the following steps are almost always present:

  1. Removing old coating, if any. The thoroughness of this stage depends on the compatibility of the old finishing layer and the new layer. If they are compatible, only the loose or poorly adhering fragments need to be removed. If the coatings are incompatible, you will have to remove everything completely.
  2. Wall putty. Standard technology: take suitable composition and apply with a spatula, covering cracks and irregularities.
  3. Surface grinding. Use either sandpaper or a special mesh attached to a holder or wooden block. Using circular movements, remove all excess, leveling the walls.
  4. Dust removal from the sanded surface. It is better to use a vacuum cleaner, but you can wipe everything with a dry cloth several times, but each time it is clean.
  5. Primer. The primer for each surface and paint must be selected separately. It is advisable to purchase it together with paint. Priming performs two tasks: it improves the adhesion of paint to the surface (it will not peel off) and reduces paint consumption.
  6. Painting. Usually painting in several layers, applying the composition in different directions. if we talk about walls, then from top to bottom, and then from right to left. Each layer is applied after the first has dried. The instructions usually indicate this time and it is advisable to maintain it.

That's all. The painting of the walls in the apartment is finished. But a verbal description cannot convey some of the features of working with paints or putties. Watch the video tutorial, some subtleties will become more clear. After watching it, painting walls with water-based paint yourself will not be a problem.

Watch the video to see how to create the effect of decorative paint on walls using simple means.

Planning to renovate an apartment on our own, many are faced with the problem of choosing paint. Now stores are replete with a variety of goods in this category, and it is very difficult for an inexperienced buyer to understand its types and labels. Paints differ primarily in chemical composition, area of ​​application, texture and consistency, colors, as well as the presence or absence of additional decorative effects. Therefore, before buying paint, you need to study the entire range presented in more detail.

Depending on the chemical composition paints are: oil, alkyd, water-dispersion (acrylic, latex, silicone).

  • Water-dispersed.

IN Lately So-called water-based paints have become very popular. In addition to being economical in consumption, they have a number of other advantages:

  • the almost complete absence of odor does not require careful and long ventilation, so painting walls with water-based paint can be carried out even in winter;
  • quick drying is also an important plus, as it speeds up all repairs;
  • get divorced most often plain water, which saves money on the purchase of solvent;
  • accidental drops, smudges, dirty hands remaining after work, as well as brushes, rollers and containers - everything can be easily washed off with water, even without the use of soap;
  • The color and shade of water-based paint can be created independently by adding a special tint.

Paints that contain PVA glue as a binding element, after drying, form a surface with tiny pores. Because of this, they are not recommended for use in rooms with increased level humidity, but they are perfect for painting ceilings in an apartment.

For walls, it is better to choose latex or acrylic paints.

  • Acrylic.

These paints contain resins, which, after drying, form a smooth and durable film on the surface that effectively resists dirt and moisture penetration. Because acrylic paints can be included in Finishing work in showers, bathrooms and kitchens. The homogeneous coating, soft matte shade and ease of application make painting quick and easy, even without proper experience.

  • Latex.

Their main characteristics are similar to those of previous paints. They are also diluted with water, are economical and easy to apply, forming a thin film after drying. In addition, the elasticity of the texture of latex paints allows them to be successfully used on deep-textured paints. They contain special emulsified resins that simultaneously protect the treated surface from moisture penetration and allow the walls to “breathe” while leaving them vapor-permeable. Thanks to these properties, paints based on silicone resins can be used not only for finishing interior spaces, but also for painting external walls.

  • Oily.

Traditional coatings based on natural or artificial drying oil with the addition of thickly grated paints and solvent are familiar to many. Previously, they were used almost everywhere: to cover wooden and concrete surfaces, to protect metal and cast iron structures, to paint windows, doors, plastered walls and even furniture. Now this type of paint is increasingly being abandoned due to significant disadvantages: a specific, long-lasting odor during and after work; difficulties in eliminating drips and splashes; short service life due to peeling and abrasion of paint from surfaces. In addition, oil paints have a suffocating effect not only on people - they close all pores and do not allow surfaces to “breathe”. Therefore, you should think carefully before painting the walls in your apartment with such paint.

  • Alkyd.

This coloring enamels based on alkyd resin. If there is an unpleasant odor as in oil paints, these at least after drying allow the surfaces to “breathe”. Indoors they are often used to protect metal elements from corrosion.

We buy paint

Paints for walls are chosen taking into account the microclimate of each individual room and its operating conditions. At the same time as purchasing paint, you should purchase a special primer.

Advice! Before painting the walls in a room, craftsmen strongly recommend priming the surface and letting it dry. After this, the paint will apply more evenly and will be absorbed less, which means its consumption will decrease and the drying time will be shortened.

So for bathrooms, toilets, laundries, kitchens and other places with high humidity, it is worth choosing water-dispersion paints, preferably based on silicone resins. As for colors, in addition to your own color preferences, you need to take into account: the sizes and layout of these small rooms, and their stylistic decision. Traditionally light shades visually “push apart” the walls and give a feeling of space. If only part of the walls that is free from tiles will be painted, then the paint color is selected according to harmonious combination with the color of the tiles.

When painting walls and ceilings in bedrooms and children's rooms, it is recommended to use the safest possible paints, because these rooms are intended for relaxation and most of the time is spent in them. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose finishing materials that provide normal circulation air, and water-based paints cope with this task better than others. In addition, now some modern, environmentally friendly paints do not contain such harmful additives as mercury, cadmium, zinc, as well as toxic solvents. And although they are somewhat more expensive than others, these are the paints that are recommended for the rooms of small children and people prone to allergies.

Living rooms, halls, dining rooms, libraries and other rooms common use– these premises require durable and durable coating. Usage acrylic paints not only protects the surface of the walls and gives them visual appeal, but also allows you to realize many design solutions. Latex paints are ideal for painting masonry decorative bricks And artificial stones, for painting gypsum stucco and applying shade to polyurethane baguettes to create frescoes, patterns and ornaments. The elastic texture of acrylic paints applies evenly to any textured plaster, eliminating small cracks and defects. As a fashionable and stylish decoration for modern living rooms, a special textured paint for walls. This can be a “marbled” pattern, mother-of-pearl tints, with deep, smoothly flowing shades and many other decorative effects.

Advice! Get desired result possible without purchasing expensive paints, but only through skillful use painting tools and household items at hand.

Choosing the application method

For painting works necessary minimum set simple tools:

  • brushes - wide flat for basic work and small (for painting around doors and window openings, near heating radiators, etc.);
  • convenient roller for painting walls with a removable long handle (for applying water-based paints It’s better to use fluffy rollers, since foam rollers will absorb too much paint, and velor rollers, on the contrary, will absorb too little)
  • spray gun - it’s more rational to purchase for painting large areas, since the cost of the device significantly affects the budget.

Before use, the paint must be thoroughly mixed until the consistency is as uniform as possible. If it is necessary to add a tint color, it is recommended to prepare a small “test” portion, apply it to the wall and let it dry - this will make it easier to determine the color match, make it brighter or add light shades.

Advice! If you plan to paint the walls of the room in one color, then prepare everything at once required amount paints the desired shade, because in most cases it is almost never possible to achieve the same color in an additional portion.

And it’s even better to solve this problem by asking the employees of the store where you buy the paint for help - they will correctly calculate the quantity and prepare the required shade.

Having mastered painting methods and methods of creating decorative effects, you will be able not only to carry out apartment renovations yourself, but also make your work a source of pride in front of your family and friends. Relief surfaces. One of the popular types of latex paints are those based on silicone.

  • Silicone.

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