The most unpretentious begonias are root begonias. They do not need to have a dormant period like tuberous ones. However, the roots require care all year round. In winter they are fed, but less often than in summer; pruned in spring. Regardless of the type, all begonias grow well and delight with their decorative effect when high humidity air in combination with unflooded soil. In this connection, there are nuances of watering: as the soil dries, only in the pan, you cannot spray the leaves. How to care for a flower correctly in order to grow it as beautiful as in the photo in floriculture magazines?

Origin of begonia and distinctive features

There are more than 1 thousand species of begonias in nature. The largest number of varieties is found in South America, Asia (India, Himalayas, Sri Lanka) is in second place, and western Africa is in third place. There is an assumption that Africa is the birthplace of begonias, from here they spread to Asia and America. In the wild, plants are found in humid subtropics and mountains.

The family was first described by the French botanist Charles Plumier. In 1683, under the leadership of the intendant of the French colonies, Michel Begon, he visited the islands of the Caribbean with an expedition. There the scientist discovered plants that were unknown at that time, gave them a description and named them after the organizer of the trip.

The begonias known today differ greatly from each other in size, shape, coloring of leaves and flowers. Some are perennial, others are annual. There are herbaceous and shrubby begonias, with creeping or thickened rhizomes. But there is also something in common that unites these plants into one family.

Characteristics of begonias:

  • All types of begonias have an asymmetrical, oblique leaf;
  • flowers are monoecious;
  • perianths - brightly colored, unequal;
  • the fruit with seeds looks like a capsule;
  • all begonias grow in approximately the same natural conditions: diffused sunlight, high humidity, temperature +13… +22 ⁰C.

Video: the wealth of types and colors of a flower

Begonias - flowers for apartments, gardens and offices

How ornamental culture, begonia has been developing since 1856, when breeders began to create its hybrids. Tuberous, large-flowering varieties appeared, the most famous ones being bred in Belgium. Keeping these plants at home is not too difficult, otherwise they would not be so popular. Begonias are grown in open ground and on window sills; they are used for landscaping residential premises and offices, in compositions and separately. Flowers are planted in baskets and flowerpots to decorate walls, furniture, and are also used as ground cover plants. Ever-flowering varieties are suitable for any flower beds, even carpet ones. Tuberous varieties are grown on balconies, verandas, and enclosed courtyards.

Care at home has its own nuances, for example, tuberous plants require a period of rest. Everyone loves begonias humid air, but do not tolerate damp soil. However, any novice gardener can grow this plant. After all, if something went wrong and the begonia began to dry out, you can take a cutting or a leaf and start growing the begonia again, taking into account past mistakes. The culture is able to reproduce even with a piece of leaf, which very quickly turns back into a lush and beautiful indoor plant.

Varieties of root begonias


The main difference between the species is its constant flowering. You can plant such a plant in the garden in the summer, take it indoors for the winter, and it will bloom everywhere all year round. These are perennial herbaceous begonias. External signs, except constant flowering, are rounded leaves and small in height: tall - up to 36 cm, low - from 8 cm. Many varieties with green or burgundy leaves, white, yellow, pink or coral flowers, which, in turn, are double (in the form of roses) or simple.

Examples of plants in the photo


Indoor herbaceous begonias bloom in early spring and fully justify their name. The flowers are painted in different shades of red, and the branched flower stalks hanging down under the weight of the buds are very similar to corals. The leaves also look romantic: elongated, matte, speckled, with jagged edges reminiscent of angel wings. Begonias look most impressive in pots on stands. They are very unpretentious in care. Bush height - up to 90 cm.

Deciduous begonias

The species is famous for the decorativeness of its leaves, and the flowers of deciduous begonias are small and inconspicuous. These are often non-flowering perennial plants. They differ from other species in their capriciousness. So, leafy ones cannot be kept under open air, that is, these begonias love greenhouse conditions, high humidity, and diffused light. In the country house or on an open balcony they will die. The main characteristic of the species is large (15–20 cm) and beautiful leaves. They can be decorated with colored pearl spots, exquisite patterns, contrasting colors, silver glitter or mother-of-pearl shimmer. The stems are pubescent, the reverse side of the leaves usually has a red tint.

Photo gallery: Deciduous begonias

Varieties of tuberous begonias

These begonias are grown in shady corners of the garden or on balconies. Their flowers are very beautiful, depending on the variety they look like roses, carnations, daffodils, peonies, and camellias. Stems are fleshy, translucent; leaves are asymmetrical, heart-shaped. Hidden underground is a rhizome that has grown into a tuber. In open ground, begonias bloom from June to September, and indoors from spring to December, then a dormant period begins. The above-ground part dries out, and the tuber is stored until the next season.

Photo gallery: Tuberous begonias

Elatior or hybrid begonias

Hybrid begonias were bred in England by crossing two species: root Socotrans (from the island of Socotra in Indian Ocean) and tuberous. The result was a very beautiful plant, similar to a tuberous one, but with a regular root. Blooms in winter. Due to the compactness of the bush and the abundance of flowers, closely arranged in several tiers, this begonia is called a “bouquet in a pot.” With good care, Elatior blooms not only in winter, but almost continuously, for several months in a row. The most famous varieties: Elatior Borias, pleasing with pink double flowers with a white edge, and Elatior Baladin with flowers different shades pink: from white to red.

Photo gallery: Begonia Elatior

Ampelous begonias

Another type of luxurious indoor plants, the popularity of which is growing in recent years. This group includes root, tuberous, and hybrids. They are united by one feature - hanging shoots strewn with flowers. different forms and colors: white, yellow, red, orange, pink. The bright asymmetrical foliage also looks impressive. Ampelous varieties are planted in balcony boxes, flowerpots, and tall flowerpots.

Photo gallery: Ampelous begonias

Conditions for keeping begonias depending on the season - table

Rooted begonias in such conditions will bloom all year round or for many months (depending on the variety). For tuberous begonias, this table is only partially suitable. In autumn they are cut and stored for the winter in a dark and cool place (+12 ⁰C). Water once a month, only slightly moistening a strip of soil along the edge of the pot. At the end of February they put it out in the window, begin to water and feed it, like all other flowering varieties.

Video: Tuberous begonias: dormant period and cultivation

Planting begonias

In Europe and the USA it is common to buy blooming begonia, and after it fades, throw it away. But this option is not suitable for Russians; we like to replant, feed, change pots. Begonias are replanted in the spring, and this is the season when you need to buy them. No transfer to nutrient soil the purchased begonia will soon die. Indeed, in the store-bought version, peat serves as the soil, and the plant lives off of nutrient solutions. Therefore, immediately after purchase, the begonia needs to be replanted.

In the same store, along with the flower, you need to purchase:

  • drainage (expanded clay stones);
  • soil (for begonias, violets or universal for flowering peat-based crops);
  • perlite, or vermiculite, or sphagnum moss (for additional looseness of the soil, but not necessary);
  • a pot 3–4 cm wider and deeper than the one in which the begonia is sold; Required: tray and drainage holes.

Excess water in the pot causes the roots of begonias to rot and the flower to die. Therefore, the soil needs to be loose, breathable, and water should not stagnate in it. In addition, begonias love acidic and fertile soil. It is not recommended to take soil from the house, country house or forest. Such soil is almost always infested with diseases and insects, and its acidity is unknown.

Photo gallery: What is needed to transplant begonias

Drainage is necessary for roots to breathe
Perlite serves as an additional leavening agent. Vermiculite is used instead of perlite or sphagnum to loosen the soil.
Sphagnum moss, along with perlite and vermiculite, additionally loosens the soil Ready soil for begonias. If you don’t have it, a soil mixture for violets will do.
Universal soil for flower crops The new pot should be of such a size that the old one can easily fit into it

Stages of begonia transplantation:

  1. Take new pot and pour drainage into it with a layer of 2–3 cm.
  2. If there is additional leavening agent (sphagnum, perlite, vermiculite), then add a few spoons to the pot (depending on the size of the pot and begonia).
  3. Remove the begonia from the old pot and shake off some peat or soil from the roots.
  4. Place the flower so that it is at the same depth and fill it with fresh soil.

Video: How to transplant begonia

After replanting a homemade begonia, not a store-bought one, that has overwintered in an apartment, radical pruning of the bush is necessary. Remove all shoots, leaving three or four. In some varieties, only one stem grows, so you don’t have to remove the excess, you just need to shorten it. Strongly elongated bare stems with leaves at the top are cut by a third. After this, the lower sleeping buds will wake up, and young shoots will also begin to grow. As a result, it will grow again lush bush ik.

Caring for begonias


The top dried layer is loosened. And only when the soil dries to a depth of 1–2 cm can it be poured into the pan. The ideal way is to place the pot in a container of water until the soil is completely saturated. Then the pot is returned to the tray, after leaking into it excess water drained. The frequency of watering depends on the conditions in which the begonia is kept: on sunny window, open balcony, in the garden. In the open air it is watered every day, in an apartment, on a shady closed balcony - once every 2-3 days. The condition of the soil should serve as a guide. The water must be softened. To do this, it is filtered and settled.

Water for watering begonias can be softened and made acidic using peat: 1 kg of peat in a fabric or gauze bag is infused for 24 hours in 10 liters of water.

In addition, begonia is demanding on air humidity, but its leaves cannot be sprayed. There are several ways to moisturize more gently: place cups of water next to the flower or pour sand, peat, expanded clay, moss into a tray and always keep this filler moist. IN winter period Place a damp cloth on the nearest radiator.


Even ever-blooming begonias respond to the changing seasons. In autumn and winter, it becomes darker and cooler on the windowsills. The plant slows down. If you feed it during this period, the stems will become very elongated, the leaves will become tender and sensitive to diseases and pests. Therefore, begonias are fed often in summer, and once a month in winter.

Frequency of feeding depending on the season - table

Video: How to care for begonias

Why doesn't begonia bloom?

This question will never arise for a gardener who follows all the rules described above. If all conditions are created for begonia: diffused light, watering without waterlogging or drying out the roots, the right temperature, regular feeding, then it will bloom exactly as much and even longer than the variety should. That is, evergreens are decorated with flowers all year round, Elatior - in winter, all other varieties begin to bloom in spring throughout the summer.

If only one nuance. Begonias are not long-lived, they delight with beautiful foliage and abundant flowering only 2–3 years, and then you need to take a cutting or leaf and plant a new begonia. The old one will no longer grow or bloom.

Begonia propagation


  1. Cut a cutting with a tip 6–10 cm long.
  2. Powder the cut area with crushed wood, activated carbon or ash.
  3. Plant in moist, loose begonia soil and cover with a jar.
  4. When the soil dries out, water it in a tray, like a regular begonia.
  5. If the outcome is favorable, the cutting will take root and begin to grow in 2–4 weeks.
  6. Gradually accustom the plant to the air in the room. You can place a peg under the neck of the jar to initially only ventilate the mini-greenhouse, and after 2-3 days remove the jar completely.
  7. If the cutting has dried out or rotted, repeat the experiment with another cutting.

This method can be used to propagate all begonias that have stems.


  1. Using a sharp knife, cut off a healthy leaf right next to the cutting.
  2. Place the leaf in water with activated carbon (1 tablet per glass of water).
  3. If the petiole begins to rot, you need to cut it to a healthy place and change the water.
  4. As soon as young roots form, plant them in a permanent pot.
  5. When a new begonia begins to grow, the leaf will dry out.

The method is good for begonias with small leaves. Large ones take root very poorly, because they require a lot of nutrition, and young roots cannot cope with this task. Therefore, begonias large leaves propagated by leaf segments.

Part of a sheet

First way

  1. The leaf is cut into segments in the direction from the central vein to the edges. Each segment should have 1–3 veins.
  2. Place pieces of leaf on top of wet sand or peat; you can stick them into the ground with the cut side down.
  3. Cover plastic bag or plant each segment in a separate container and cover with jars.
  4. Keep the soil moist.
  5. The first sprouts may appear in 1–3 months.
  6. Gradually accustom the begonia to the air in the apartment and remove the shelter.

Second way

  1. Make cuts across the central vein and the thickest veins.
  2. Spread the leaf over the damp begonia soil.
  3. Press with stones.
  4. Cover the pot with film and place it in the same place where adult begonias grow.
  5. Keep the soil moist.
  6. When sprouts appear, gradually remove the cover.


Tuberous begonia is also best propagated by cuttings or leaves. Manipulating tubers is very risky; you can lose the entire plant.

  1. At the end of February, after a period of dormancy, remove the tuber from the pot.
  2. If there are children, separate them and plant each in a separate pot.
  3. If there are sprouts on a tuber, divide it with a sharp knife so that each segment has a sprout.
  4. The sections are dusted with coal or ash.
  5. Deepen the tuber pieces halfway (sprouts up, cuts down).
  6. Cover with a jar and keep the soil moist.
  7. When the stems grow 7 cm long, bury the tuber completely.


Given the fact that begonias reproduce well vegetatively, growing from seeds is an illogical decision. However, flower growers also use this method if neither home nor friends have the required variety. Then you can buy seeds in a store or from breeders and try to grow a gorgeous flower from the smallest seed. Sowing the seeds is done in December-January so that the begonias bloom by spring-summer.

  1. Spread the seeds on the surface of moist begonia soil or in peat tablets. Press the seeds to the ground, but do not bury them.
  2. Set up a mini-greenhouse: cover with film, place in a disposable container with a lid, etc.
  3. After 2 weeks, if the soil does not dry out or become waterlogged, shoots will appear.
  4. Transfer the seedlings to the brightest window or illuminate them with lamps. Gradually remove the cover.
  5. When 2-3 true leaves appear, each plant can be transplanted into a pot.

Video: Propagation of begonia by seeds

Garden begonia is a popular cultivated plant in our country that reproduces using tubers. To date, more than a thousand varieties have been bred, which have beautiful and bright flowers in red, orange, pink and white shades.

The plant reaches only 25 centimeters in height, but it cannot be called unpretentious. Planting and care requires certain skills, since the flowers are quite finicky. Therefore, if you decide to plant this miracle bush at your dacha, you will have to find out all the conditions for planting begonias, as well as recommendations for caring for the plant.


Perennial begonia is quite often found in summer cottages and garden plots. It has low bushes, so this beauty can be planted in small flower beds located along fences or paths.

Since flowers react very poorly to direct sunlight, it is advisable to plant them in places where there is almost always shade.

As a rule, the plant propagates by tubers, but if desired, it can even be grown from seeds. Begonia tubers are afraid of the cold, so early spring It is not recommended to plant it.

The best time for planting will be June, when the temperature at night does not drop to zero.

Propagation of seedlings

To plant beautiful bushes, it is enough to purchase three to six tubers of the variety you like, after which you can propagate the roots at home. To purchase good and strong tubers, choose seedlings of small diameter (up to 6 mm). The main thing is that the roots have living “eyes”, then the plant will take root and bloom in due time.

  • If you decide to propagate the bushes yourself, the process needs to start ahead of time. In winter, the tubers are planted in damp sand and stored in the basement;
  • Watering the tuber also requires certain rules. The soil moisture must be constantly monitored, the main thing is that it is not dry. But at the same time, try not to over-moisten the soil so that the roots do not begin to rot;
  • Planting in nurseries is done in March, so that by June the begonia will have beautiful flowering buds;
  • Before planting begonia in the soil, cut off the old roots from the seedlings;
  • It is advisable to disinfect the roots. To do this, seedlings are kept in hydrogen peroxide (1%) for about half an hour. This type of treatment will become mandatory if mold is found on the roots;
  • To ensure that the plant receives sufficient starting nutrition, purchase special care products in the store. They will protect the begonia from many diseases and give it enough strength for further development.

All these growing features must be taken into account when mandatory, if you want to see on your personal plot excellent flowering bushes.

How to plant seedlings correctly

It is advisable to place each root in a separate glass filled with peat. This method of planting does not injure the roots and will facilitate the process of begonia getting used to new conditions.

Subtleties of caring for seedlings:

  • The soil should be rich in organic matter. At the same time, the plant tolerates slightly acidic soils, so be sure to stock up on peat. If your garden has frankly bad soil, purchase ready-made earthen mixtures;
  • The main thing is that all tubers are planted only with the sprouts facing up! The roots are sprinkled with earth. The thickness of the layer should not exceed 2-3 centimeters, otherwise it will be difficult for the shoots to break through the soil;
  • At an ambient temperature of 20-22 degrees, begonia will grow quite quickly, since this temperature regime is optimal for the plant;

If you did everything correctly, expect young leaves to appear in a week. To care for the bush, you will need to periodically moisten the soil and add fertilizer about 1-2 times a week.

Important points in caring for begonias

During planting, it is very important to maintain the optimal distance between bushes - a maximum of 25 centimeters. Only in this case will you receive beautiful bushes with flowers in the form of a luxurious carpet. After planting the seedlings, the soil must be mulched to break capillarity. Then perennial begonia The garden will not begin to dry out. For these purposes, they are often used sawdust or crushed expanded clay.

When begonia grows up, you can “feed” it only a couple of times a month.

If you collect water for irrigation from a well, add one tablespoon of cooking vinegar to the bucket to soften the water.

Begonia (lat. Begonia) – annual or perennial, belonging to the flowering department, dicotyledonous class, order Cucurbitaceae, family Begoniaceae, genus Begonia.

Begonia got its name in honor of Michel Begon, governor of Haiti, organizer and sponsor of scientific research on the flora of the Antilles in 1687.

Begonia: flower description, characteristics and photos. What does begonia look like?

Begonia growing in various ways: in the form of grasses crawling along the ground, tall upright bushes or subshrubs. Well developed root system Begonias can be branched, fibrous or tuberous. Begonia, which has a root in the form of tubers, can be grown not only in room conditions, but also in the garden. Other types of begonia are grown only at home.

The begonia leaf has an asymmetrical shape. It can be whole or dissected into several lobules with wavy or jagged edges.

In most plants, the lower part of the leaf is colored reddish, brown or dark purple, and the upper part can be either solid green or a variety of colors with geometric patterns, strokes and splashes. In some species of begonias, the surface of the stems and leaves is covered with small fibers.

Begonia inflorescences consist of several small, medium or large flowers. The color of begonia can be plain red, pink, yellow, orange, white or with a border of various shades along the edges of the petals. The plant has a complex inflorescence - it consists of male and female flowers, above which, after pollination, a fruit is formed, having the shape of a triangular box with small seeds inside.

Begonias bloom in summer and autumn, and indoor begonias can bloom until December.

Begonia: varieties, types, photos and names

The genus Begonia includes about 1,600 species, but only 125 of them and all kinds of hybrids are used for decorative purposes. There is still no general plant classification system, and foreign and Russian-language sources provide absolutely different options classifications.

Professor V.V. Vorontsov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, identified the following conventional types of begonias:

  • decorative deciduous begonias;
  • bush begonias;
  • tuberous begonias;
  • beautiful flowering begonias.

Begonias deciduous (decorative deciduous)

Deciduous begonia does not have a common above-ground stem, and long, hairy leaves grow immediately from a branched root. This type Begonia amazes with the beauty of its leaves, which have a variety of shapes and colors. Leaf color can be green, red, silver, yellow, white or brown. Leaves can be either plain or multi-colored, with various spots and edges.

The most famous types and varieties of decorative deciduous begonias:

  • Royal Begonia (Begonia Rex) (lat. Begonia rex)

A hybrid species with round or oval leaves 30 cm long with serrated edges. Their color varies from brown-pink to purple and violet. Begonia leaves are decorated with a white, silver or green border.

  • Begonia Metallica (metallic) (lat. Begonia metallica)

A plant with small (10-15 cm long) olive-green, pubescent, ovoid leaves, the edges of which are serrated. The upper part of the leaves of this species seems to be covered with metallic pollen.

  • Begonia tiger (Bauer's begonia) (lat.Begonia bowerae )

A plant with medium-sized green, serrated, heart-shaped leaves and an animal-like pattern in brown or dark gray.

  • Begonia Mason(lat. Begonia masoniana)

Deciduous begonia, which grows in New Guinea and is of particular value due to its unusual leaf pattern, reminiscent of brown Maltese crosses. The length of the leaves can reach 20 cm; the leaves of old begonias acquire a characteristic silvery tint. The height of the plant usually does not exceed 20-35 cm. The flowers are medium-sized, light beige in color.

  • Begonia Cleopatra(lat. Begonia cleopatra)

A species characterized by very decorative leaves, similar to maple leaves. The outer side of the leaves is colored intense green or olive; the leaves below can be burgundy or bright red. A distinctive feature of this type of begonia is the elongated, fleshy leaf cuttings, densely covered with white or gray hairs. The height of the bush usually does not exceed 30 cm, in rare cases it reaches 50 cm. Cleopatra begonia blooms in January and February, then the plant throws out thin peduncles strewn with groups of white and pink flowers.

  • Begonia collarata, she's the same begonia cuff (lat.Begonia manicata )

A plant native to Mexico with a creeping stem and large, fuzzy, light green leaves up to 30 cm in diameter, growing on long cuttings. Begonia received its name due to the thick cuff of red fibers bordering the stalk just under the leaf. In winter, adult plants form about 5 flower stalks up to 60 cm long, decorated with an elegant brush of bright pink flowers.

  • Red leaf begonia(lat. Begonia erythrophylla)

A South American species characterized by short, fleshy stems and glossy, rounded leaves, green above and intense red below. The maximum height of a begonia bush is 35-40 cm. In mid-summer it blooms with medium-sized pinkish flowers.

Begonia bush

Bush begonia has densely growing, geniculate, branched stems that look like bamboo shoots. The plant is a bush with numerous side shoots. The leaves have a variety of shapes and colors. The flowers are beautiful and graceful. The root is thick and fleshy, not divided into parts. Bush begonia blooms all year round. Begonia varieties come in both annual and perennial varieties. The height of the bushes is from 10 cm to 2 meters.

Among the representatives of this variety of begonias, the following types are very popular:

  • Begonia coral (lat. Begonia corallina)

A plant with erect, bare stems reaching a length of 0.5-1 m. The front side of the oblong, ovoid leaves is dark green in color with silver speckles, and the back is brownish-red. The dense inflorescences of coral begonia consist of simple small flowers.

  • Begonia fuchsia (lat. Begonia fuchsioides)

A plant with highly branching tall stems (up to 1 m) and large oval green leaves with a glossy surface. Rare hanging flowers of fuchsia begonia are painted in all shades of red.

Tuberous begonia has a tuberous rhizome, fleshy translucent stems up to 80 cm high, simple or double flowers similar to camellias or peonies. Flowers can be either small or large, single or in inflorescences, with a diameter of 3 to 20 cm. Plants are herbaceous, shrubby or ampelous. The leaves are heart-shaped, they can be either fluffy-matte or glossy, flat or corrugated. The color of the leaves contains all shades of green: from light to dark. The flowering of tuberous begonia is long and very beautiful, lasting from May to October.

Popular varieties of erect tuberous begonias:

  • Begonia Picoti Harlequin (Picotee Harlequin )

A semi-spreading plant no more than 0.25 m high with large (up to 12 cm in diameter) double yellow flowers that have a bright red border. The leaves are green, jagged.

  • Begonia Bud de Rose (Bouton de rose )

A low, compact bush with double flowers, similar to a rose, reaching 18 cm in size. Petals are white or pale pink. The leaves of the begonia variety Bud de Rose are green, large, with a wavy edge.

  • Begonia Duck Red (Dark red )

A low-growing bush with semi-spreading stems and large, finely toothed green leaves. The double dark red flowers of this variety of begonias do not exceed 10 cm in diameter and resemble a peony.

  • Begonia Crispus Marginata (lat.Crispa marginata ) - a spreading plant with green leaves with a purple edge. Begonia height is 15 cm. The flower is delicate yellow or white with a red border and curly edges.

Ampelous varieties of tuberous begonia:

  • is a tuberous variety of begonia with long, cascading stems covered in colorful flowers on long flower shoots. The flowering period lasts from early spring to late autumn. One of the most popular varietal groups of hanging begonia is the “Chanson” series, which amazes with its variety of colors and shades. The following varieties of hanging begonias deserve attention:
    • Rocsana- flowers are large, double, orange;
    • Kristy- white, double flowers;
    • Girl- semi-double, pale pink flowers.

  • Begonia boliviana(lat. Begonia boliviensis) - a type of hanging begonia, the shoots of which first grow upward, and upon reaching a height of 30 cm, elegantly fall down in the form of a multi-tiered floral cascade. The following varieties of Bolivian begonia are especially popular:
    • Santa Cruz Sunset F1- a strong, spreading plant that forms drooping shoots, up to 40 cm long. From early summer to October it is covered with many red-orange, fuchsia-shaped flowers;
    • Copacabana F1- a hardy and unpretentious creeping plant, during the flowering period strewn with many bright red bell-shaped flowers;
    • Bossa NovaF1- a spreading plant with shoots up to 50 cm long, from spring to frost covered with fuchsia-shaped flowers of red, orange, pink or white.

Begonia blooming (beautifully flowering, decorative flowering)

This group includes begonias with very beautiful simple and double flowers of various colors. The most popular are the following types and varieties of begonias:

  • Begonia everblooming (lat. Begonia semperflorens)

Unites a wide group of varieties that have wonderful property bloom all summer, regardless of weather conditions.
The most famous varieties of ever-flowering begonia:

  • Baby Wing

A series of varieties of powerful plants with green and bronze leaves and solid or variegated flowers different colors.

  • Ambassador

A series of begonia varieties with original green leaves bordered by a thin strip of red and with a wide variety of colors.

  • Cocktail

A profusely flowering low bush with brick-colored leaves and simple flowers of a characteristic begonia color.

  • Begonia Elatior (lat. Begonia elatior)

A hybrid variety from England, obtained by crossing tuberous begonia and socotrans begonia. Because of the ability year-round flowering This plant received the name winter begonia (lat. Begonia hiemalis). It is a compact bush, about 40 cm high, with a thick stem and bright, glossy leaves about 8 cm long, shaped like an asymmetrical heart with jagged edges. Numerous simple or double flowers form multi-tiered inflorescences growing on long stalks. Varieties of begonia Elatior, depending on the height of the bush, are divided into 3 types:

– tall (about 40 cm) (for example, varieties Louise, Renaissance, Schwabenland);

– medium (about 30 cm) (for example, varieties Kyoto, Annebell, Bellona);

– low-growing (not higher than 25 cm) (for example, varieties Scharlach, Lachsorange, Piccora)

  • Begonia Gloire de Lorraine(Begonia Gloire de L orraine)

Like begonia Elatior, it belongs to winter-flowering varieties. It was developed in France in 1891 by crossing Begonia socotrana and Begonia dregei. This rather spreading, low plant is distinguished by rounded glossy leaves of light green color with a red spot at the base. Begonia begins to bloom in the fall and continues throughout the winter. Simple flowers form drooping brushes of pink color. The most popular varieties of the group:

Competitor- spreading, spectacular bush, strewn with intense pink flowers;

Marina- a low-growing plant with deep pink flowers growing on short flower shoots;

Rosemary- a variety of Swiss selection with many small, pink flowers.

Where does the begonia flower grow?

In the wild, begonia grows in tropical rainforests and high mountain areas. Most begonia species are found in Argentina and Brazil, Venezuela and Bolivia, Peru and Chile, India, Pakistan, the Malay Islands, Sri Lanka and the western part of the African continent. Despite suitable climatic conditions, the begonia flower does not grow in the vast expanses of Australia and the islands of Polynesia.

In indoor conditions, these flowers can grow all over the world; the main thing is to create the necessary microclimate for begonias.

Garden begonia: planting and care in open ground

In mid-latitudes, almost all types of begonias are grown indoors, with the exception of tuberous begonia, which can also be grown in open ground.

Begonias are planted in the garden in early June, when the threat of frost disappears. For the plant you need to choose places that are slightly shaded or with diffuse solar lighting. Before planting begonia in open ground, the seedling is hardened off by placing it for a week in a well-lit room with an average daytime temperature of 23-27 0 C and a night temperature of 12-15 0 C.

The best soil for begonias is soil mixtures containing leaf soil, humus, peat and sand, combined in a ratio of 1:0.5:0.5:0.5. Drainage (expanded clay, fine crushed stone or coarse sand) is poured into the bottom of the hole. After which a mixture of peat and compost is added to it, which can be replaced with complex potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. Begonia planted in the garden should be watered and the ground around it should be sprinkled with wood ash. To avoid hypothermia of the seedling at night, cover it with film or agrofibre.

Proper care of tuberous begonia in open ground is not particularly difficult. It is necessary to regularly loosen the soil around the flower, ensuring access of oxygen to the tubers. Garden begonia should be watered depending on the amount of precipitation, usually done once every 3 days. With the onset of a dry period, the frequency of watering increases followed by loosening the soil. Be careful when watering begonia: the plant feels comfortable in high air humidity, but it absolutely cannot tolerate drops of water falling on the leaves, as this can lead to a disease such as gray rot.

Begonia in landscape design looks simply amazing and allows you to create magnificent flower beds that will delight you all summer long!

Begonia care in autumn

In the fall, after the leaves fall, the plant is prepared for winter:

  • stop watering the begonia;
  • in the first ten days of October, begonia tubers are removed from the ground;
  • the begonia stem is cut off, leaving a shoot of 3 cm;
  • the tubers are dried at room temperature for 14 days;
  • Begonia tubers are placed in wooden box, covering them with sand;
  • Store the tubers in a room with a temperature not lower than 5-6 0 C.

When to dig up begonia?

There is no need to rush to dig up begonia for the winter immediately after the onset of cold weather. After all, in the fall the plant especially intensively grows tubers and accumulates nutrients in them, at the same time the laying of future ones occurs. flower buds. Begonia must be kept in the soil for as long as possible so that the above-ground part turns yellow and dries out. Then the entire supply of photosynthesis products from the leaves will inevitably “drain” to the tubers.

Garden begonia growing in a flower bed is dug up with a pitchfork, it is carefully taken out with a lump of earth, and without removing aboveground part, lay out in a cool, dry room. After a month, dead stems and soil residues are completely removed. For storage, begonia tubers are placed in containers with dry sand or peat and sprayed with a spray bottle once a month.

Begonias growing in pots do not need to be dug up, but wait for the stems to completely die and store them directly in the pot. In February-March, the begonia begins to be watered, and with the appearance of young shoots, it is transplanted into a new container.

Caring for begonia at home

The question of how to care for begonia at home interests many lovers of indoor plants. In fact, caring for indoor begonia is quite simple. This plant is light-loving, but does not like direct rays of the sun, so for its placement use window sills that face east, southeast, northwest or west. The main condition: that there are no drafts.

The most favorable temperature regime ranges from 22 to 25 0 C in summer and from 15 to 18 0 C in winter. The soil for domestic begonia is used the same as when growing begonia in the garden: leaf soil, humus, peat and sand in a ratio of 1:0.5:0.5:0.5.

Begonia in a pot should be watered in spring and summer with settled water, avoiding drying out and waterlogging of the earthen clod. In winter, watering deciduous and bush flowers is reduced to a minimum. Tuberous species Begonias are no longer moistened, they shed their leaves, after which all dried parts are removed from the plant, and the tubers wait out the cold in dry peat soil.

Feeding indoor begonia is important for successful development plants, and leaf species Nitrogen fertilizers that stimulate foliage growth are suitable, and phosphorus-containing fertilizers are suitable for flowering plants.

Replanting begonias

Tuberous types of begonias are transplanted into a new pot and soil every spring, and varieties with branched or fibrous roots need this procedure when the pot has become small. The plant is removed from the old container and its roots are immersed in a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) for disinfection. After removing the damaged parts, the plant is planted in bigger pot with fresh soil.

Begonia propagation, methods and photos

Spring is best time for propagation of begonias. Reproduction methods:

  • rooting cuttings with several (3-5) leaves;
  • dividing the bush into parts with separate roots;
  • cutting a large tuber into several parts with sprouts;
  • leaves, cutting large veins from the back of the leaf and plunging it with the cut down into wet sand;
  • seedlings from seeds sprouted at the end of winter.

Propagation of begonias by cuttings

Cuttings are one of the most common methods of propagating begonias. Many amateur gardeners use it because it:

  • easy to perform;
  • gives quick results;
  • Suitable for all stem begonias;
  • retains all varietal characteristics.

To propagate begonia in this way, it is enough to use a sharp knife to cut cuttings at least 10 cm long. For this, you can use both the upper and middle parts of the stem. The main condition for good cutting is the presence of at least two to three buds on it. After which all excess leaves are removed from it, leaving only one or two top ones. If the leaves are large, they are cut in half.

After completing the preparatory operations, you can begin to root the cuttings. Florists use two methods for this:

  • rooting in water;
  • rooting in the ground.

Cuttings that will be used for rooting in water do not need further processing. For material that will be germinated in the substrate, the sections must be sprinkled with wood ash and dried.

  • Rooting begonias in water

Begonia cuttings are placed in a container of water, the temperature of which should not differ from the temperature of the room where germination will take place. You can only use soft water, as hard or cold water can be detrimental to the future plant. The container with the cuttings is placed in a room with a temperature of 18-20 o C, well illuminated by indirect sunlight. It is advisable to use transparent containers to constantly monitor the condition of the cut. If signs of rotting of the begonia cuttings are noticed, the cut is renewed and a fresh portion of water is poured into the container. After roots about 1-2 cm long appear on the cuttings, it can be transplanted into a pre-prepared pot with suitable soil.

  • Rooting begonia in soil (substrate)

As a substrate used for rooting cuttings, it is advisable to use begonia soil purchased in specialized stores. However, you can use sand and peat mixed in a 3:1 ratio. For successful rooting, the room temperature should be in the range of 22-24 o C. The pot for germination should be selected small size so that the rooted plant not only grows, but also flowers abundantly.

Before planting in the ground, the lower cut of the cutting must be treated with preparations that stimulate root formation. The seedling is buried in a well-moistened substrate to the level of the leaves. After which the pot with the cutting is covered with a glass jar or plastic bottle. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that no part of the cutting touches the walls or lid.

The condensation that appears on the walls indicates the correct microclimate in a kind of greenhouse. To harden the plant, you need to remove the jar or bottle for a few minutes every day and ventilate the future begonia. When the first leaves appear, covering is no longer carried out.

Propagation of begonia by dividing the bush or rhizomes

Bush begonias with a well-developed branched root system can be propagated by dividing the bush or rhizomes. To do this, in the spring the plant is removed from the pot along with a lump of earth so as not to damage the roots. After that, old stems and peduncles, as well as large leaves, are removed from the begonia. The rhizomes are carefully freed from lumps of earth and, using a sharp knife, are divided into several parts. The main condition is the presence of a shoot or bud on each of them. The sections are immediately treated with wood ash. The separated parts are planted in pots with a substrate, for which you need to use special soil for begonias, purchased in flower shops. After abundant watering, the separated plants are placed in a room with good lighting (but not in direct sunlight) and a temperature of 20-25 o C.

Hybrid begonia Elatior Ceveca

The famous botanist Charles Plumier, while studying the local flora of the West Indies, discovered a plant that has delighted many generations of flower growers with its blossoms. It is impossible to look away from the photos of modern varieties of begonias: the plants fascinate with their beauty and splendor. Begonia: correct landing and care when growing in open ground, methods of propagation.

Garden begonia: varieties and varieties

Begonia is a flowering plant that is decorative throughout the growing season. Various varieties Begonias, in addition to amazingly varied flowers in color and shape, have lovely leaves. Begonia leaves are colored green, olive, burgundy, pink colors, sometimes with pearlescent dots and strokes.

Once you plant a begonia, you will no longer be able to refuse such a garden decoration.

In nature, the habitat of begonias is in the tropics and subtropics of South and North America, Africa and Asia. This climate zone is quite humid, so garden begonia varieties planted to decorate the site should be placed in shady place, ensuring regular and sufficient watering.

Begonias are perennial plants that usually develop in the form of vines, shrubs or subshrubs. The roots of the plant are often reduced to a tuber.

In garden landscape design, three types of begonias, represented by an abundance of varieties, are usually used.

B. tubergybrida (tuberous B.)– the height of the plant is only 30 cm. Huge double and non-double flowers amaze with the abundance of colors. The flowers of tuberous begonias are dioecious: male and female flowers can bloom simultaneously on the same plant.

Begonia root is a fleshy tuber. The genus is characterized long flowering, which begins in early summer and ends in autumn. The diameter of the flowers is from 6 to 21 cm. The shapes of the begonia flower are also different - they resemble roses, lotuses, anemones, and carnations.

Attention! Growing tuberous begonia in open ground has its own subtleties. The plant needs to be maintained in a greenhouse during the winter, or begonias must first be grown in greenhouse complexes before planting. permanent place.

B. tubergybrida pendula- a separate species of begonias with an ampelous growth form. Long bushy shoots are studded with multi-colored flower caps.

B. tubergybrida pendula

B. semperflorens (everblooming)– includes huge amount varieties. The bushes of the plant are low, about 15 centimeters high. The leaves are small, oval, smooth, from green to brownish. Varieties of this begonia are widely used in landscape design for planting in parks and squares. Begonia blooms in “caps” of small flowers of white, pink or red color. Garden begonia: growing this plant is not difficult even for beginners.

B. semperflorens

Planting garden begonia

Garden begonias: planting and care - plants are planted in a permanent place in the spring, with the onset of warm weather. Tuberous begonias are pre-germinated in greenhouses; grown plants with flowers are often planted in flower beds. Ever-blooming begonia is planted with the first flowers, which allows you to immediately create decorative flower beds. That is why varieties of everflowering begonia are widely used in landscape design.

Advice. Growing begonias requires acidic soil rich in humus.

Begonia will decorate the flowerbed from spring to late autumn

Overwatering of plants is not allowed, which can cause rotting of the tuber. At high level groundwater, beds for begonias are arranged after drainage is completed. Planting begonias in open ground allows you to solve the problems of decorating hanging pots, flowerpots, flower beds, ridges and lawns.

Plant care

Caring for the plant comes down to ensuring timely watering, which is reduced when begonias bloom.
During the growth period, begonias require several feedings.

Begonia everblooming is usually used for landscaping as an annual plant. Queen cells varietal plants preserved in greenhouses for propagation vegetative way. In winter, plant watering is reduced.

Begonias need regular feeding

Fertilizer and feeding of garden begonia

Begonias spend a lot of energy on flowering, so several feedings are required during the season.

  1. In the spring, plants are fed with a complete complex fertilizer, which will help the plants quickly grow green mass.
  2. During the period of plant budding, phosphorus and potash fertilizers, as well as microelements.

Plant propagation

Growing new tuberous begonia plants is possible by propagation by green cuttings, seeds or dividing the tuber.

Diseases and pests

When growing begonias, the plant is often damaged by pests. Infection of plants is especially important when breeding begonias in a greenhouse. The main pests of the crop are: greenhouse aphids; scale insects and false scale insects; ; thrips; nematodes.

Pest control measures are limited to treating plantings with systemic preparations, the dosage of which is specified by the manufacturer.

Begonia diseases occur against the background Not proper care, excessive watering, incorrectly selected soil mixture: powdery mildew; gray rot; bacterial and ring spot.

Treatment is aimed at destroying the fungi that cause these diseases. Plants are treated with fungicides (Fundazol, Topaz); Bordeaux mixture; copper sulfate solution.

Garden begonia: combination with other plants

Garden begonias form excellent combinations in plantings with lawn grasses, ornamental deciduous crops, and border gardens:

  • Surfinia;
  • Iberis;
  • lobularia.

Planting begonias with low-growing shrubs that provide the plant with some shade also perfectly decorates the area.

Begonia in landscape design

Garden begonia in landscape design

Photos of modern garden and park areas show that landscape architects different countries Garden begonias are widely used in the design of park compositions. Photos of landscape design with flowerpots planted with tuberous begonias attract attention. Such flowerpots look great on lawns and framed by flower beds.
The flower beds in which garden begonias are planted look great until frost.

Varieties and types of begonia: photos

With the arrival of cold weather and frost, begonia is dug up and stored all winter until spring. The garden plant has a compact size. The bush grows up to 30 cm high. There are quite a lot of buds that sometimes the foliage is not even visible. The size of the flowers in diameter varies from 5 to 15 cm.

The texture of the inflorescences can be double or semi-double. The color is varied. By appearance they resemble flowers of roses, azaleas, and peonies, depending on the variety. The stem and foliage are lush green. The shape of the leaves is asymmetrical, the edges are serrated.

Reference! At the end of flowering, a fruit is formed - a seed box. They are very small, in 1 gram there are 90 thousand pieces of seeds.

Can I plant outside?

Begonia is considered a moisture-loving plant. Prefers to grow in partial shade. However, now you can easily find varieties that grow excellently in environments with elevated temperatures and low humidity. They are not afraid of light frosts and heavy rains.

Most often in open land tuberous varieties are planted. Rhizomatous flowers are planted in flower beds in the summer, and at the end of autumn they are transplanted into flowerpots and brought indoors. Sometimes, in order not to waste time, gardeners plant begonias in pots and decorate flower beds and balconies with them.

In bad weather, they hide back in the house. But such transfers are unfavorable for the plant. Therefore, as practical experience shows, for our climatic conditions it is better to choose adapted varieties or find a suitable place right away.


As a result of many years of selection and crossing of various classes of plants, a huge number of hybrids were eventually obtained.

Below are the most common ones.

There are double, semi-double and smooth flowers. Color: white, soft pink, yellow, scarlet, bright red. The stem is fleshy and durable. This species is characterized by a long flowering process: from the first days of June to the end of November. When growing tuberous begonia under open air, it is important to pay attention to certain nuances. In winter, the plant requires greenhouse storage.

The length of the shoots hanging down is up to 80 cm. Falling varieties of hanging begonias look good when decorating street vertical structures. They are grown in hanging flowerpots or on stands. Hybrid varieties remain attractive even with the onset of light frosts.

Available numerous varieties of this subspecies. The bushes grow small, up to 15-20 cm high. The foliage is oval-shaped, smooth in texture, and the color ranges from light green to brown. Used for decorating flower beds in parks and squares. The plants are not capricious; even beginners can care for them.

You can find out more details about the types of begonias.

Planting in the garden

Planting of a garden herbaceous plant in open ground occurs at the end of May, when the warm, sunny weather. Tuberous begonia is first germinated in greenhouse conditions, at a temperature of +22-24°C. Ever-blooming varieties are planted with the first flowers, this allows you to immediately give decorative look flower beds.

To get unsurpassed beauty in your garden plot, you should pay attention to the following:

  1. It is better to place begonias in partial shade, because diffused light makes it possible to form a lush bush rather than stretch upward. But give a place in the sun to light-loving flowers.
  2. The soil for begonias should be loose, with a neutral pH. In the fall, the soil is dug up, weed rhizomes are removed, humus, peat, and sand are added to make the soil more breathable. Plants can grow in one place for about 6-7 years. They practically do not deplete the earth. If there is not enough free space in the flower beds, it is recommended to plant flowers in flowerpots.
  3. Watering is carried out regularly, but do not overdo it. Over-wetting the soil can lead to rotting of the root system. For begonias growing in flower beds and for growing in pots, a drainage layer must be provided. In autumn, minimize moisture.
  4. After preparatory work, the process of outdoor planting begins with preparing holes 20-25 cm deep. Fragile shoots or sprouted tubers are carefully and carefully placed in them. Sprinkle with earth and wood ash. The gap between begonias should be 20 cm.
  5. At the end of autumn tuberous begonia extracted from the ground. Remove the soil from the tubers, wash and dry. Then put in a cool place to store until next season.

Proper care of outdoor begonia consists of regularly moistening the soil, loosening the soil and adding fertilizers. Do not allow crusts to form under the flowers., they don't like it. However, you should loosen the soil carefully so as not to touch the stems and leaves of plants.

Begonia spends a lot of energy on flowering. Therefore, it is necessary to add nutrients several times a year. In spring, the procedure is performed in full mineral fertilizers, for good rooting and active development of green mass.

You can erect begonias in the following ways:

  • dividing the tuber;
  • vegetative;
  • seed.

Garden begonia belongs to the class of tuberous plants, so the first method of propagation is most suitable. In greenhouses, this method is the main one when growing garden species.

Although begonia seeds are quite small in size, they are still used to produce seedlings. The seed method is applicable provided there is a greenhouse. Otherwise, it is better to choose the other two methods. Also, when propagating plants using seeds, many maternal characteristics are lost: color, texture of inflorescences.

You can find out more about the propagation of begonias.

Common diseases

Outdoor begonia, like indoor plants, are susceptible to diseases. The main reason for this is a violation of proper care, which is especially typical for greenhouse maintenance.

Deviations from the parameters can lead to the development of the following diseases:

  • Powdery mildew, a fungal disease of flowers that causes a white coating to appear on the surface of the leaves. As the fungus spreads, yellowish spots appear, round shape. They can be seen in the light or on the back of the leaves. Powdery mildew develops in conditions of high humidity and lack of ventilation. This disease should be combated by spraying with fungicide or sulfur.
  • Root rot. The disease develops due to excess moisture in the soil and low room temperature. First, the roots of the plant are damaged. This disease also spreads to the leaves, they curl, and the stems undergo a process of rotting. You can rid begonia of this problem by removing the damaged areas and treating them with a fungicide solution.

You can find out more nuances about begonia diseases.


  1. Aphid. It feeds on the sap of the plant, which leads to deformation of the leaves. This pest is combated by treating with celandine infusion and onion decoction.
  2. Spider mite. Located on the bottom of the sheet. It also prefers young shoots. The appearance of a mite is indicated by pallor and falling leaves. A soap solution is used for destruction.
  3. Thrips. Small flying pests. Signs of their presence on begonias: dark brown spots on the leaves, which are distributed along the edges or in the center. Subsequently, the leaf turns yellow and dies. In this case, urgent treatment of begonia with an insecticide solution is necessary. For example, the drug "Aktara", dilute 1 g per liter of liquid.

Outdoor begonia is good for creating flower arrangements . It easily combines with various shrubs that give it partial shade, as well as decorative foliage plants, and perfectly complements low-growing perennial flowers.

Begonias look great with these borders. summer plants: surfinia, lobularia, iberis, lobelia. An excellent tandem is obtained by merging begonia with asters, lilies, and ceniraria.

Application in landscape design

Designers use these flowers to create alpine slides, park flower beds with unique flower patterns. You can also quite often find begonias in flowerpots. for decorating terraces, garden plots, open areas, flower beds.

Important! Begonias in pots are used to add color to a monochromatic green lawn and flower carpets. Landscape design specialists all over the world use this unusually colorful flower, because no matter what you plant with, everything will turn out great.

Generally garden begoniaperfect plant for garden, home, park. Unpretentious character and long-lasting flowering only add positive qualities. It is not for nothing that begonia is selected and grown on a production scale.

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