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What a suspended ceiling can be like: types, features, installation algorithms

December 10, 2016
Specialization: professional in the field of construction and renovation ( full cycle carrying out finishing works, both internal and external, from sewerage to electrical and finishing works), installation of window structures. Hobbies: see the column "SPECIALIZATION AND SKILLS"

Almost anyone can make a suspended ceiling with their own hands: many techniques for constructing such structures are quite simple. In the article I will provide a description of the main elements of suspended ceilings, and also describe their most popular varieties.

General information about suspended structures

Suspended ceiling systems can differ quite greatly in appearance, but general scheme their devices are the same:

  1. Suspensions are attached to the ceiling or other capital structure (beams, trusses, etc.). For hanging, either rod or plate elements are used. The first ones are easier, but the second ones provide more feminine fixation.
  2. The ceiling frame is attached to the bottom of the hangers. To make the frame, either a metal profile or wood is used.
  3. The edges of the frame are fixed to the walls, which ensures the stability of the entire system.
  1. The ceiling plane is formed by a variety of elements: these can be cassettes, slats, plastic/MDF panels, plasterboard sheets, etc. The plane parts are either placed in the cells of the frame or fixed on it using latches and fasteners.

The installation of such structures is regulated by SNiP IV-14-84 Collection 2-4. The main document. GOST R 53298-2009 “Suspended ceilings” regulates the safety requirements for such structures. Fire resistance test method."

Suspended ceiling systems have a number of advantages:

  1. Installation of a false ceiling allows you to mask defects in the ceiling with minimal costs strength and means. There is no need to spend money on either plaster or putty - you can limit yourself to repairing cracks and antiseptic treatment.
  2. In the gap between the suspended structure and the ceiling, you can hide communications - pipes, wiring, air ducts, etc.
  1. Installing a suspended ceiling allows you to implement an effective built-in lighting system. You can not limit yourself to one lamp in the center of the room, but evenly distribute light sources throughout the entire plane.
  2. Different types of suspended ceilings have different decorative potential. So we can choose for ourselves what our room will look like: the range of products of this type is very extensive.
  1. Finally, suspended structure, in contrast to capital overlapping, it is possible to add additional characteristics at relatively low cost. Thus, the technology of constructing a suspended ceiling made of lead (more precisely, from modular elements coated with lead) is widely used in the arrangement of radiological laboratories and X-ray rooms.

Modular ceilings

Structure and varieties

We figured out what suspended ceilings are. Now let's analyze the most popular varieties. Let's start with structures that are assembled from individual elements– modular ceilings.

Modular systems are suspended ceilings that are installed according to the design principle:

  1. The system is mounted on the ceiling using hangers. The most commonly used are rod hangers with adjustable length– this allows you to create a sufficiently large gap between the ceiling and the false ceiling.
  1. The ceiling frame is a lattice of intersecting metal profiles. Typically, the lattice cells are made square with a side of 60 cm or rectangular 60 x 120 cm.

If you want to create a unique interior, you can “pave” the suspended ceiling with triangles or hexagonal “honeycombs”. Such models, of course, are more expensive and more difficult to install, but they look more interesting than standard options.

  1. To fill the lattice, either metal cassettes, plates on gypsum base, glass panels, lattice sections, etc. As a rule, they are simply laid on the protrusions of the guide profiles: this makes installation/dismantling easier.
  2. A special type of modular suspended systems are Grilyato ceilings. Their ceiling is represented by lattice sections, which are assembled into a single structure.
  1. When installing built-in lighting, luminaires whose size corresponds to the profile cell are usually used. Special modules can also be used, in the center of which a small built-in lamp is installed.

Installation technology

In this section I will tell you how to make a suspended modular ceiling yourself. The work algorithm will be like this:

  1. At the first stage, we calculate the ceiling. We determine how many centimeters from the ceiling need to be retreated, how many wall, load-bearing and support profiles need to be purchased, as well as how many slabs are needed to form the plane.

We measure the distance by which the ceiling is lowered at the lowest corner in the room. This allows you to compensate for unevenness of the ceiling and perfectly align the false ceiling with the floor.

  1. Next, we attach the suspensions to the ceiling. For most ceiling systems, the installation rules are the same: the outer hangers are placed no further than 45 cm from the wall, and the distance between two adjacent fastening points should not exceed 120 cm. This results in two complete slabs.
  1. We cut the supporting profiles to size and attach them to the hangers. We install guide parts across the supporting profiles, forming the ceiling frame. If necessary, we adjust the length of the suspensions, aligning the base of the ceiling exactly on the plane.
  1. In parallel with the installation of the frame, you can lay the wiring for the built-in lighting. We put the wires in casings and fix them either to the ceiling or to the suspensions.
  1. First, we connect and install recessed lamps, placing them in the selected frame cells.
  1. After this, we lay the main modules, forming a ceiling plane. The outer cells of the frame most often turn out to be narrower, so this is where we place the trimmed parts.

Slat ceilings

Essential elements

Though slatted ceilings sometimes referred to as modular, their design is very different from the design described above:

  1. The fastening system is quite similar: rod hangers are responsible for fixation on the ceiling, and a profile with a groove into which the ends of the profiles are inserted is responsible for fixation on the walls.
  2. The frame is made of steel tires - metal profiles with protrusions on the underside. The configuration of the bus (also called a stringer, comb or traverse) corresponds to the configuration of the main ceiling elements.
  1. Ceiling base - aluminum profiles, called slats. For open-type slatted ceilings, these parts are installed with a gap of 12 - 16 millimeters. When assembling the ceiling closed type the slats alternate with inserts, ensuring almost complete tightness.

The advantages of slatted ceilings are high strength, durability, attractive appearance and almost absolute moisture resistance. Aluminum profiles are coated with anti-corrosion compounds, so we don’t have to think about how to wash the ceiling without damaging it. It is for this reason that this type of ceiling is perfect for bathrooms and kitchens.

How to install?

Now - short story on how to install a slatted ceiling:

  1. We prepare the base in the same way as in the previous case.
  2. We calculate the ceiling, calculating the length and number of tires, as well as the size and required number of aluminum panels with inserts.
  1. We apply markings to the walls and fasten a starting U- or L-shaped profile around the perimeter.
  2. We attach plate or rod suspensions to the ceiling, on which we install traverses. The optimal step for installing the traverses is about 80 cm, and we place the outer rails at a distance of 50 - 100 mm from the wall.
  3. We join the edges of the traverses with the starting profile: for this you will have to make cutouts in it.
  1. We cut the slats to the length of the room - the part should be about 5-10 mm shorter. We insert the edges of the slats into the starting profile, and then snap them onto the traverse mounts.

When installing closed-type structures, we alternate the installation of slats and inserts, fitting the parts as tightly as possible.

  1. We pre-cut holes in the panels intended for installing lamps. After installation, we lead the wires into the holes and connect the built-in backlight lamps to them.

Sheathed ceilings


Such types of ceilings as ceilings made of plastic panels or plasterboard are distinguished by their relatively low cost and simplicity of design:

  1. Fastening is carried out in a standard way. The base is a solid ceiling, to which hangers made of galvanized steel are attached.
  1. A starting profile is installed along the perimeter of the room under the ceiling. Its main function is to fix the suspended frame on the walls to reduce the deformation of the entire system.
  2. If the cladding is not plasterboard, but PVC or MDF panels, then in addition to the starting profile (or together with it), a ceiling plinth can also be installed around the perimeter. There is a special groove on the side surface of this plinth - the ends of the sheathing panels fit into it.
  1. The suspended ceiling frame is made of either galvanized steel profile or wooden beam impregnated with antiseptic.
  2. Sheathing is attached to the bottom of the frame - gypsum plasterboard sheets, plastic panels or ceiling modules made of MDF.

Such designs are widely used in the decoration of residential premises. In addition to being cheap and easy to install, their functionality is also a plus.

In any case, if you lower the ceiling by 30 cm or more, lay a reliable frame and cut a small hatch into the ceiling, you can get an improvised mezzanine. Of course, you won’t be able to store heavy objects there, but you can hide some of the wiring there, controllers from LED backlight or other compact objects can be easily.

Installation method

In this section I will tell you how to make such ceilings:

  1. First we need to calculate the amount of indentation from the ceiling. The minimum is about 50 mm (less than that, the profile will not fit), the maximum is limited only by the height of the room and the length of the existing hangers.
  1. After optimal height the false ceiling will be calculated, we carry out the markings. First of all, we need to draw a base line on all walls, running strictly horizontally. This line will determine the level of our ceiling.
  2. We attach the starting profile along the base line. We fix the profile with anchors with plastic sleeves, securing them in pre-drilled holes.

Fixing the supporting profile in the starting profile

Fastening the casing depends on what elements are used for it:

  1. The easiest way to work is with PVC or MDF panels. We cut these parts to size, after which we insert the edges into the groove of the ceiling plinth.
  2. The parts are connected to each other according to the lining principle: a tenon on one side of the sheathing element is inserted into a groove on the other side of the second panel. This allows you to create an almost airtight continuous coating.

Correct and incorrect fastening self-tapping screws

  1. Plasterboard sheets are attached to the sheathing with self-tapping screws. In this case, you need to tighten the fastener with a strictly controlled force: the cap should press slightly into the cardboard covering, but not break through it. To ensure this result, special screwdriver attachments are usually used.

After finishing you get a perfectly flat surface


Anyone can figure out how to make a suspended ceiling: the information in this article will help you with this. detailed descriptions, diagrams, photographs and videos. Using this information, you can install your own ceiling structures different types.

If in the process of studying or preparing for work questions arise, you can ask them in the comments to the material.

December 10, 2016

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The ceiling surface as such does not offer a wide range of finishing possibilities. Traditionally, it was refined with paint or lime coatings, but in last years the situation has changed radically. Innovations were introduced by the concept of a suspended frame, which allows the implementation of a wide variety of design ideas, from the point of view of external design. We can say that such structures replace the main surface, which has a beneficial effect on the quality of installation operations. At the same time, there are different types, each of which focuses on one or another technical and operational characteristics. But almost all variations of such finishing involve ensuring the aesthetic appearance of the surface and increasing the insulating qualities of the room.

What is a suspended ceiling made of?

The basis of the structure is formed by a frame made of metal profiles. They are usually made of aluminum with a low mass, which allows them to withstand both their own load-bearing elements and the finishing material. The second important component of the system is the coating itself, which forms the decorative surface. There are two finishing methods: through traditional panels or through tension materials. As for the usual finishing, it is represented by plasterboard slabs, panels made of plastic, and the same aluminum in the form of slats or rectangular modules.

A separate category includes fabric material based on polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Although this solution seems rather fragile and fragile, in practice it demonstrates very good wear resistance. Manufacturers' tests demonstrate that PVC suspended ceilings can withstand loads of up to 100 liters of water. The structure will withstand such a volume in flood conditions.

Types of plasterboard boards

The group of tile finishes for suspended ceilings is mostly represented by gypsum plasterboards. This is due to the fact that this material has an almost impeccable appearance and resistance to stress. However, tiled types of suspended ceilings also differ in technical and operational characteristics. Standard panels are inexpensive and provide smooth surface, but can only be used in rooms with normal indicators humidity.

TO special types include fire-resistant and moisture resistant boards. In the first case, it is a material that is resistant to open flames. If you plan to install it in the bathroom, then you should use such slabs that not only are resistant to moisture penetration, but also prevent the formation of fungi and mold.

Cellular ceilings

Original decorative effect The ceiling is made possible by the cellular texture of the materials used. By and large, these are panel types of suspended ceilings, which can be made of aluminum or plastic modules. The fundamental difference Such finishing is the presence of cavities that are covered with a background substrate. At the same time, the shape and size of the honeycombs can be different.

Typically, such ceilings are formed by separate panels, the installation of which involves the formation of a continuous cellular surface. But this is the difficulty of installing elements in complexly configured rooms. If a plastic suspended ceiling is used, it can be adjusted manually to certain dimensions, ensuring smooth joints. If an aluminum module is used, then high-quality edge processing is best done to order in the factory.

Slat ceilings

In finishing the ceiling surfaces of private houses and apartments, slatted elements are rarely used. This practical solution, but him decorative possibilities not as high compared to alternative options. Externally, the surface resembles clapboard paneling or a plank floor, albeit made of more attractive plastic. Public premises and offices are traditional places where slatted suspended ceilings are used. Prices in in this case quite affordable - about 200 rubles. for 1 m 2. For comparison, standard panels made of plastic cost about 400-500 rubles. for 1 piece Aluminum slats are the most common, since this material is resistant to both mechanical damage and humidity and temperature. By the way, these characteristics allow you to install ceilings in the bathroom or kitchen, where performance comes first.

Design options

Installation of a suspended ceiling

Work begins with fastening the frame. The lower part of the profiles is installed horizontally, after which slats, slabs or other finishing material are fixed to the finished base. In the case of single-level structures, the load-bearing structures are located in one direction parallel to each other. Direct fastening of the suspended ceiling is carried out using anchor elements or ceiling dowels. In addition to the parallel configuration of the profiles, a cross-shaped installation is also practiced, in which the frame elements are installed perpendicular to each other. Finishing decorative materials are attached to the profiles using self-tapping screws so that the caps do not deform the top layer.

Ceiling decoration

Final revision in mandatory provides for sealing the seams with putty in a color corresponding to the base material. Reinforcing strips are embedded in the gaps, which also impart rigidity to the structure. Next, the joints are sanded. Application paint coatings not always required. For example, if a suspended ceiling was installed, in which the texture itself creates a decorative effect, this operation is not required. But ordinary plasterboards look boring and monotonous, so it would be useful to use paint to transform their surface.

Additional features

From an engineering point of view, suspended structures are advantageous in that they allow you to hide communication routes in their niche. By adjusting the height of the suspensions, telephone cables and electrical wiring can be laid in the formed channel, as well as the bases of lamp housings can be integrated there. This opportunity is especially valuable if you plan to install suspended ceilings in the kitchen, where ventilation ducts also pass. In addition, in the under-ceiling space they are often placed insulating materials. Mineral wool or foil insulation, for example, is laid at the stage of installation of the supporting structure, after which the material is hidden by facing panels and does not spoil the appearance of the room.


With all the advantages of suspension systems, their complexity and high requirements for frame rigidity cannot be underestimated. And the slabs themselves can be subject to loads that consist of the mass of profiles and attached communication elements. Carefully calculating the characteristics of materials, specialists install durable and stable suspended ceilings. Prices for structures with a reliable power base are quite acceptable: 300-400 rubles. on average it costs one high quality profile element. Finishing a small room with such a frame will generally cost about 2-3 thousand, excluding the facing material, which will cost about the same amount. Of course, if we are talking about a simple design that is undemanding in terms of aesthetic characteristics, then you can get by with less expensive means.

Modern interiors amaze with their diversity, and the types of suspended ceilings with their design and uniqueness. Each version of the suspended structure has its own purpose in the interior of the room - to make the room taller and brighter, or to divide it into functional zones, to emphasize style, or to create a soundproof cushion between floors.

What ceilings are considered suspended?

Similar structures include almost all of them that are mounted on a frame using the following as a finishing coating:

  • drywall;
  • PVC films or fabric impregnated special composition (stretch ceiling);
  • aluminum slats;
  • linings;
  • laminate;
  • cassettes filled with metal, glass, mineral fiber or mirror parts;
  • plastic panels;
  • MDF, chipboard, OSB boards;
  • wooden decorative panels and other finishing materials.


Types of suspended ceilings made from plasterboard are divided according to their design into single-level and multi-level. In terms of cost, this type of finishing is considered the most budget-friendly, and every man can handle the installation of sheets for making a single-level ceiling. The material is environmentally friendly, since it is made from paper and gypsum, without introducing chemicals into the composition. active substances. The sheets have different thicknesses, which allows them to be used for different purposes. Thin sheets of drywall, when moistened, can be easily bent into any shape. This makes it possible to create a suspended ceiling in the most unimaginable forms. Hanging design plasterboard ceiling can be organically combined with tension panels and lighting devices of different luminescence spectrum and power, since plasterboard is a non-flammable material. The uniqueness of this ceiling decoration consists of the following aspects:

  • no need to level the base ceiling;
  • you can hide all the pipelines, wires and cables in the room;
  • installation of built-in lighting is practiced;
  • insulation and additional waterproofing of the ceiling surface;
  • allows you to zone the room;
  • environmental and fire safety.

Important remember that in addition to all the advantages, a suspended ceiling, especially a multi-level one, reduces the height in the room by at least 6 cm.

Stretch ceiling

The design of suspended ceilings, made using PVC film or polyester fabric impregnated with a special composition, is striking in its sophistication and variety. The material can be either plain or with a pattern, welded from several pieces or seamless. In this case, you can choose a design from the catalog or order your own, which is applied to the panel using photo printing. The types of suspended ceilings are:

  • arched;
  • funnel-shaped;
  • flat and multi-level;
  • as sea ​​wave or sand dune and other configurations.

Due to the elasticity of the material and good bendability of the frame elements, the stretch ceiling can be given any shape.

For large rooms, the film sheet is welded from several elements, but fabric panels, as a rule, are made without seams. In appearance, the panels differ in degree of gloss by:

  • matte;
  • glossy;
  • satin.

Matte panels create the look of a traditional whitewashed ceiling water-based composition, paint or lime. Used in classic interiors.

Glossy surfaces are created only using PVC film. This coating reflects as much as possible sunlight, and electric, allowing you to visually increase the space of the room, raising the height of the ceiling.

Satin panels are a cross between glossy and matte materials. They combine the properties of both. Without reflecting objects in the room on their surface, they at the same time create an iridescent mother-of-pearl effect. All types of suspended ceilings made from polyvinyl chloride film make it possible to create the effect of the night sky. To do this, many small holes are made in the canvas, and an electric lighting system is placed between the suspended structure and the base base.

Currently, such ceilings are very popular due to their advantages:

  • Great appearance.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Antistatic, prevents dust accumulation.
  • No base preparation required.
  • Allows you to hide communications from view - electrical wiring, cables, water and gas pipes.
  • They make it possible to insulate the interfloor ceiling.
  • In the event of a water supply system failure upper floors, can withstand more than 100 liters of water, without negative consequences for the shape and appearance of the coating.
  • Long service life if used correctly.

Important remember that lighting installed in suspended ceilings must be selected with a minimum power so as not to create a risk of fire of the material or the appearance of unsightly yellow spots on the surface of the panel around the lamps.

Slat ceilings

Such suspended structures, sometimes called French ceilings, are made using metal slats of minimal thickness. The material for the slats is:

  • polished aluminum;
  • thin metal treated with special powder paint, preventing metal corrosion.

You can create a beautiful suspended ceiling design in rooms with high air humidity using aluminum slats of various colors. In appearance, the slatted ceiling can be smooth or figured, perforated or mesh.

Suspended slats with many holes are used in rooms where good ventilation is required.

Depending on the design of the slats, ceilings are divided into:

  • open;
  • closed;
  • solid (without visible rail connections).

To form one or another suspended ceiling, German or Italian style slats are used, which differ in the shape of the edge along the long side of the product. Slats made in the Italian style have a rounded edge, while in the German style they have a strictly rectangular edge.

An open type of ceiling implies the presence of gaps between individual lamellas, which can serve as additional ventilation or a place for inserting decorative elements.

Suspended slatted ceilings made from aluminum slats are more popular due to the high corrosion resistance of aluminum. Similar designs are used in public buildings– restaurants, train stations, shopping and medical institutions and other premises.

In residential construction, metal slatted ceilings are most often installed in bathrooms, hallways, and kitchens. This ceiling covering has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • the possibility of finishing the ceiling in damp rooms;
  • long-term operation;
  • ease of care and cleaning;
  • installation on an untreated surface;
  • wide color spectrum;
  • the ability to create multi-level structures of various shapes.

The disadvantages include high cost and the impossibility of carrying out spot repairs. That is, it will not be possible to replace one or more slats that have become unusable. Taking into account the peculiarities of fastening the elements, it will be necessary to disassemble the entire structure.

The design of suspended ceilings made of aluminum slats can be created in various style direction, taking into account that the thickness of the slats is no more than half a millimeter, the cross section can have the shape of the letter S, V or P, and the spread color palette from pure white to black, silver, gold and metallic.

Lining on the ceiling

Ceiling finishing with panels made of plastic, MDF, laminate

Natural wood in the interior always creates a homely, cozy atmosphere. A unique wood pattern does not require additional decoration structures lined with this material.

Important Remember that wood is extremely hygroscopic, so it should be used only in rooms where air humidity is within normal limits, so as not to provoke the development of mold fungi.

The lining is made from various types of wood:

  • pine trees;
  • aspen;
  • linden and other deciduous trees.

Depending on the functionality of the room, the type of wood is chosen. For example, in rooms with high humidity air, it is better to use aspen material.

The products are narrow boards of various lengths with grooves on the edges. The locking connection is made according to the tongue-and-groove principle.

The most budget-friendly and fastest option to decorate the ceiling surface. Products are produced in various color scheme and with a variety of patterns, imitation wood, stone, leather and other materials. The edges of the panel have peculiar protrusions, thanks to which the connecting seams are practically invisible.

Plastic panels are used to decorate the ceiling surface in bathrooms and toilets, since they are not susceptible to rotting due to high humidity air in these rooms.

Cassette or Armstrong ceilings

Similar finishing of ceiling surfaces is used in office and public buildings. It is used extremely rarely in residential construction. The frame structure is assembled from special guides that form square cells into which panels made of various materials are inserted:

  • glass and mirrors;
  • metal;
  • wood;
  • composites of fibrous minerals in their pure form;
  • mineral fiber tiles with imitation stone, wood, leather, expensive fabrics.

In terms of functionality, tiles can be produced with different characteristics– hygienic, acoustic, moisture-resistant and with increased mechanical strength, perforated and smooth.

The advantage of such structures over all others is that they are lightweight and quick repair. You can replace tiles in literally five minutes, and absolutely no tools are required. Unique design interior design can be achieved by using translucent tiles with printed patterns that will be illuminated from inside the ceiling.

Wood panel ceiling

This is an expensive type of suspended ceiling, given that the panels are usually made to order. The product consists of several layers of inexpensive wood, decorated with veneer made from valuable wood species. It is used in interiors that imitate the decor of ancient castles and palace offices. A ceiling finished with such material requires appropriate furniture or other interior elements that are organically combined with natural wood. The panels can have either a smooth surface or carved or inlaid with other types of wood, ivory, leather and other materials.

There are analogues wood panels, made from chipboards and covered with decorative paper imitating valuable species trees. Naturally, the cost of such products is several times less than products made from natural wood.

It is possible to cover the suspended ceiling with OSB and chipboard boards in their raw form. But such an interior design is extremely rare.

The main point of the article

Can be used to install a suspended ceiling various material, but the frame is required for all types of similar structures. The frame is made of metal guides or wooden blocks, which are attached to the base base. It is necessary to choose the type of suspended ceiling taking into account its operating conditions.

Considering that suspended ceilings today are considered the most striking competitors tension fabrics, who are gradually losing ground, it is worth learning more about them design features and consider available options. Visually, these are canvases finished from different types of materials with built-in lighting. In general, the system is built on a frame, which is designed to hold the finish. Cladding panels, they are also registers or modules differ in color, type of surface, component.

Where are suspended structures used?

Almost all types of suspended ceilings can be seen in both residential and public spaces. It can be:

  • schools and kindergartens
  • pharmacies and hospitals;
  • canteens, restaurants, cafes and nightclubs;
  • offices and sales areas;
  • airports and train stations;
  • apartments and private houses, etc.

The designs are equally appropriate both in completely new premises that have recently been put into operation, and in buildings with ceiling coverings that require restoration. In any case, a suspended ceiling allows you to solve several problems at once. In addition to the aesthetic component, the system helps to hide engineering Communication, surface defects, arrange a thoughtful and functional system lighting.

There are several options for hanging systems, different in the type of facing materials used and general design features.

Plasterboard ceilings - simple and affordable

Analyzing the types of suspended ceilings, the first option that is worth discussing is using plasterboard for cladding. This option is the most affordable, budget-friendly, easy to implement and, importantly, allows you to implement interesting design solutions.

Almost any design project can be brought to life by working with drywall. These can be either the simplest single-level straight ceilings or multi-level systems with transitions based on wavy lines, with curly or three-dimensional patterns. Each plasterboard ceiling is a product created according to an individual plan, taking into account the specific parameters of the room and interior design.

Mandatory attribute of a suspended structure based on plasterboard sheets- built-in lighting, due to which you can greatly enhance the effect and zone the room.

The ceiling structure consists of a frame and sheets fixed to its surface. Traditionally, the base is aluminum profiles, onto which the sheets are attached using dowels and self-tapping screws. As for lighting, most often these are LED or halogen lamps, less often - ordinary incandescent lamps.

Plasterboard stretch ceilings are suitable for finishing rooms with humidity levels and temperatures within normal limits. In specialized rooms, for example, a bathroom or kitchen, it is worth installing ceilings using special moisture-resistant gypsum boards.

Tiled structures - features and variations

If we compare the types of ceilings, then tile structures come in second place in popularity after plasterboard. Suspension systems with tile cladding also inexpensive option finishing with quite convincing functionality. The most economical option for today is the domestic Armstrong-type ceiling. The system consists of a conventional frame with slabs attached to it.

Cladding slabs in the form of squares with a side of 600 mm and a thickness of 200 mm. Possible options with rectangular slabs with dimensions 600×1200 mm. The surface of the finishing elements is:

  • cellular;
  • smooth;
  • perforated.

The frame at the base of the system is secured with steel spokes and a special adjustable plate. It is based on T-type guides and profiles with a width of 1.5 cm or 2.4 cm.

Cassette sheets - a thoughtful solution

A worthy option for finishing the ceiling at home, in an office or in a store - with cassettes for cladding. Just like the previous options, the cassettes are fixed to the suspension system by analogy with assembling a children's construction set, by detail.

The main material for making cassettes is aluminum. You can also find a cheaper option - steel cassettes with galvanized coating. The surface of the cassettes is:

  • matte;
  • mirror;
  • metallized;
  • coated with polymer material.

All options can be used in a single version or combined to create original compositions. Modules are mounted in two versions, implementing hidden and open circuit. In the first case, it will be possible to mask surface and communication defects and hide the frame using finishing. In the second, the supporting frame remains visible, but this option is rarely seen.

Cassette ceilings are reliable, practical, and do not require special care, are available in a wide variety, making them an attractive choice.

Slatted structures - functional aesthetics

Another option for a suspended structure is slatted ceilings. Finishing material in this case - nothing more than slats with edges along the length and varnished or enamel coating. The slats are visually similar to ordinary lining. They are attached by analogy with previous facing materials to pre-fabricated installed frame, which justifies the name - suspended ceiling.

Slat structures are resistant to atmospheric influences, are not afraid of water and fire, so the choice is in their favor when finishing is needed unheated premises including those with high humidity levels.

A good option - rack structures for finishing ceilings in the bathroom, hallway, kitchen or loggia.

Visually, such ceilings look neat and modern, especially if you carefully consider the built-in lighting. The systems are available in a variety of colors, ranging from gold to copper and classic white. The surface of the slats can be smooth or perforated.

Suspended aluminum lattice ceilings - reliable and durable

Aluminum ceilings are a godsend for designers who prioritize functionality and practicality. A striking example of such ceilings is the expensive and fashionable Grilyato. By choosing these systems, buyers confirm their sense of taste and style, prove that they follow fashion trends in the world of interior design and are able to highlight the main thing from the variety available on the market.

Lattice aluminum ceilings Grilyato - variation suspension system, suitable for finishing any type of premises. It is especially important that ceilings in this design can be used in specialized rooms where compliance with hygienic safety standards is important.

The cladding is available in several color options and is ordered individually, taking into account the features of the interior. If additional ventilation is necessary, structures are created on the basis of a cellular covering with a perforated surface.

Metal aluminum ceilings are compatible with almost all types of lighting equipment, are resistant to moisture and fire, and are suitable for installation in swimming pools, baths, and bathrooms. Being environmentally friendly, aluminum does not pose a health hazard. An additional advantage is the relatively low weight of the finished structure, which will prevent its elements from sagging in the future.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that it is not enough to know what kind of suspended ceilings there are in principle. To truly make the right choice, you should study performance characteristics canvases with various cladding options. So, for example, the same tiled ceiling can be made in several versions with different types finishing made of plastic, wood and even leather. Only by understanding what to expect from this or that material, what efforts to put into installation and maintenance, can you decide on the final decision.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):