The product has been produced by a Russian company since 2001. During this time, the company has occupied a large market share, and the system is sold not only in Russia, but also abroad. This happened thanks to reasonable pricing policy and constant innovation.

One of the most popular signaling devices is the KGB TFX 5, but there is another variety of this model - KGB FX 5. The instructions for them are almost the same, the only difference is the presence of a transponder in the delivery kit, indicated by the letter “T” in the name.

The main characteristics of the alarm are as follows:

  • system operating distance is 600 m, and in open areas - up to 1,200 m;
  • the control module and the key fob exchange commands at a frequency of 433 MHz;
  • power is supplied from the car battery;
  • number of security zones - 6 pcs;
  • when fully activated, consumes 25 mA;
  • supports connection of up to 4 transmitters;
  • the system can operate in the following temperature conditions: -39 to +84 °C.

The range of the complex depends on the relief and nature of the area, settings. If the ambient temperature is close to the limit values, this will negatively affect the operation of the system and sensors.

The advantages of KGB TFX 5 include:

  • the instructions are very detailed and describe all aspects of interaction with the alarm;
  • the price of the system does not exceed 6,000 rubles, which is a very good offer in this category;
  • quite rich functionality for this price;
  • high volume of the siren, which can scare away intruders;
  • Automatic engine start works stably within the range from -39 to +84 °C.

Among the disadvantages are the following:

  • if the alarm is installed incorrectly, the shock sensor does not work; this also happens with the minimum sensitivity set;
  • In some sets the key fob does not work correctly and does not always work. This problem can only be resolved by exchanging for a new device;
  • a large number of false alarms are caused by incorrect sensitivity settings, at the maximum values ​​of which the alarm will be activated by a passing car.

The system is supplied as follows:

  • key fob, which is equipped with 3 buttons and a display;
  • control module;
  • a transceiver that is equipped with a temperature sensor;
  • indicator light, it shows the status of the alarm;
  • siren;
  • shock sensor with wire for connection;
  • button to activate the “Anti-Robbery” mode;
  • kit and wires for connecting a remote engine start unit;
  • separate button to start service mode;
  • cables for mounting the control module;
  • connectors for connecting to electric door locks;
  • user manual, which can also be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website.

Alarm installation

  • de-energize the car by removing the terminals from the battery;
  • selection of installation location. It is advisable to avoid the area under the driver's seat and behind the center console, as this is where intruders will look first. The best area to use is behind the dashboard. To avoid exposure to vibration, you need to wrap the block with foam rubber and secure it with self-tapping screws;
  • The siren is mounted under the hood of the car, away from the engine. High temperatures can cause equipment failure. The horn should be pointed down or forward, but not towards the driver;
  • The Valet service mode key is installed in a hidden place, but to which the driver has access. If installed incorrectly, a criminal will easily gain access to it and be able to disable the entire system;
  • The antenna adapter is installed as high as possible, as this increases the stability and operating range of the system. The best place for this is the windshield. The block is held in place using double-sided tape;
  • The temperature sensor, which is necessary to enable auto-start of the engine, is installed in one of the cooling pipes. It must be securely fixed so that it is not torn off by the refrigerant. The power cord is led out;
  • special switches are installed on the trunk, hood, and doors. To do this, technological connectors must be present in the body;
  • The shock sensor is mounted inside the car. After installing it, you need to configure the device. The best place for installation will be the central part of the partition, which separates the interior from the engine. Fixation is carried out using self-tapping screws;
  • After connecting all the elements, the battery is connected.

System functions

The car alarm has with these options:

  • giving sound and light signals when one of the sensors is activated and transmitting a message to the control key fob;
  • turning on panic mode with a button;
  • blocking the power unit during a break-in attempt;
  • two-way communication allows you to monitor and control the system using the control key fob (read more about);
  • The car engine lock remains activated even after the alarm is removed;
  • The Anti-Robbery mode can be turned on with a special button;
  • When the system starts, all sensors and devices are checked, and any problems are reported on the key fob screen.

Autorun option

The remote engine start function has such features:

  • performed using a command sent from the control key fob;
  • it is possible to register a timer and the air temperature at which the start is made;
  • the key fob screen displays the engine operating time;
  • when presetting the mode, you must specify the type of fuel that the engine consumes;
  • Additionally, you can adjust the starter operating time;
  • the system is compatible with both manual and automatic transmissions;
  • operation is monitored by reading the tachometer readings;
  • You can set the operating time of the unit.

To make the function work you need to do following:

  • put the car on the handbrake in advance;
  • With an automatic transmission, the switch must be set to the park position, and with a manual transmission, in neutral.

Autostart won't work If:

  • the hood is open;
  • ignition on;
  • in a manual transmission the lever is not in neutral;
  • The handbrake is not applied.

Setting up KGB TFX 5 alarm

Instructions for use describe several programming options.

  1. Control key fob buttons.
  2. Protective and energy-saving functions.

Control key fob

Writing a sequence of commands to the system memory is done like this:

  • the key is inserted into the ignition;
  • press the service mode button until 4 beeps sound;
  • to bind the key fob, you need to hold down the first 2 buttons until the siren emits a signal;
  • After these manipulations, the key can be removed from the ignition.

To program the first button on the key fob, do the following.

  1. Press the sun key several times to move the cursor around the screen.
  2. Place the cursor next to the required command.
  3. Press the button with the image of the sun for 6 seconds until 2 siren signals sound, and then after a while 3 more.

Other keys are configured in the same way. The system can be given settings using the service mode button; to do this, you need to do the following.

  1. You need to insert the key into the ignition, after which you need to press the Valet button (service mode) 6 times.
  2. The machine will beep 6 times.
  3. With help. Valet keys select function.
  4. Use the buttons on the key fob to set the desired value.
  5. After setting, the ignition can be turned off.

The energy saving function is activated as follows:

  • by pressing the button with the sun and holding it until a signal sounds;
  • after which the cursor on the screen points to the word Save;
  • The mode is started using the first button of the key fob, and turned off - the second;
  • In order to exit the setting mode, you must hold down the sun button until a sound signal appears. After which a battery icon will appear on the screen.

To configure protective mode:

  1. Start the car engine.
  2. Press and hold the right button on the remote control until the side lights flash (3 times), an exhaust gas icon and an engine operation timer will appear on the key fob.
  3. After setting, you need to remove the key from the ignition. If everything was done correctly, the motor will not turn off.

To restore factory settings, you need to perform a number of steps.

  1. Turn on the car ignition.
  2. Press the service mode button 10 times.
  3. Turn off the ignition and wait until the siren sounds 10 times. This means the system is ready to reset.
  4. Press the emergency button once, a beep should sound.
  5. Click the right button on the key fob, after which the system settings will be reset to factory settings.
  6. To exit the mode, you must turn on the ignition.

Programming the protection function

To enable the protection mode when the engine is running, you need to:

  • put the car on the handbrake;
  • Press and hold the right button on the key fob until the remote control emits a signal. After which the exhaust gas icon and engine operating time will appear on the display;
  • after which the ignition can be turned off, and if everything was done correctly, the power unit will continue to operate;
  • within 30 seconds you need to leave the car and lock all the locks. Press the right key fob button and wait for the siren to sound. A lock icon will appear on the remote control screen.

When this mode is activated, the ignition control function will be disabled.

To emergency enable the protective mode (without a key fob) you need:

  1. Turn on the ignition.
  2. Press the service mode key seven times.
  3. The system should beep.
  4. Remove the key and leave the cabin within 20 seconds, with the door locks locked.

To emergency turn off the protective mode (without a key fob):

  1. Open the door with the key, and the alarm will work.
  2. Start the car engine.
  3. Press the service mode button 4 times within 20 seconds.
  4. Turn off the ignition, the siren will stop working and the turn lights will blink twice.

Safety precautions

Some nuances when using the alarm system.

  1. The system can be installed on cars with a 12-volt power supply.
  2. If it is necessary to drill the machine body for installation, it is best to clarify this point with the dealer. Otherwise, you may lose your warranty.
  3. Before installation, a test connection is made with all elements activated. This is necessary to identify a possible defect.
  4. The system must be secured only with the fasteners that are included in the kit. The use of third party parts may result in incorrect operation.
  5. Avoid getting water and detergents on the system elements; to do this, installation must be done in places inaccessible to moisture.
  6. If any alarm unit fails, there is no need to try to open it and carry out independent repairs.
  7. Do not use solvents or strong detergents to remove dirt from the surface of the device. It is best to do this with a dry paper napkin.
  8. (7 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

According to the KGB FX 7 instructions, ease of use of the alarm is achieved due to the presence of two-way communication and, implemented using the function SmartKey. The anti-theft reliability of the system in the event of a car robbery is ensured thanks to the safe shutdown of the engine in the Anti-HiJack mode.


Description and technical specifications

  1. The frequency range at which information is transmitted between the anti-theft system control module and the key fob is 434 MHz.
  2. The operating range of the main pager varies around 1.2 km. This is allowed if the area is open and there are no obstacles. When receiving notifications, the radius is about 600 meters.
  3. The range of the additional pager is approximately 15 m.
  4. Protection of all power lines of the installed alarm system on the car is carried out using safety devices. Depending on the purpose of the circuit, their rating will be from 7.5 to 30 amperes.
  5. Current consumption when the protection mode is turned off varies around 15 mA.
  6. To arm the system, a time delay can be used, which can be adjusted in the range from 5 to 45 seconds.
  7. The maximum number of alarm cycles is 8, each duration is 20 s.
  8. Number of security zones - 7.
  9. The car is protected by using triggers for door locks, trunk, hood, and handbrake lever. The system also controls the operation of the ignition input and sensitivity sensor.
  10. It is possible to connect up to four communicators to control the car alarm.
  11. Protection of transmitted pulses is carried out by using different combinations when sending them. The total number of options can be more than 100,000,000,000.
  12. The operating temperature range of the microprocessor device is from -45 to +85 degrees.

The Yaroslav540 channel spoke in detail about the technical characteristics and configuration of the KGB FH 7 systems.


Functionality of the security complex:

  1. The presence of cursor command selection, which allows you to configure basic system parameters using the main key fob. Some options cannot be used using the cursor method.
  2. The KGB security complex has an automatic engine start option, which allows you to start the unit when the voltage drops to a certain threshold. The KGB FX 7 alarm can monitor the voltage level in the vehicle's on-board network, promptly detecting a low battery.
  3. The system implements the possibility of feedback. This means that KGB FX 7 monitors the operation of the machine and alerts the user of any events by sending messages to the remote control.
  4. Current time, alarm clock. The second function will allow you to activate the car’s power unit automatically.
  5. Sound and silent warning to the user about events related to the operation of the alarm. In the second case, you can set vibration for notification.
  6. Protection against robbery on a vehicle. The essence of this function is to block the car's engine when the car is grabbed by force. If the driver is forcibly kicked out of the car, the car's engine will stop after a certain time when the attackers leave the crime scene. This is done in order to ensure the safety of the car owner - so that the car thieves move a sufficient distance away from the car owner. The function is automatically triggered when receiving signals from the brake pedal and handbrake controllers.
  7. Possibility of installing and connecting auxiliary sensitivity and shock sensors.
  8. Silent protection mode. Its essence is that when an alarm is triggered, the siren signals do not turn on. Alerts are sent to the display communicator only. This is done so that a criminal trying to steal a car does not realize that it has an alarm installed.
  9. Possibility to select the type of alarm signal. The siren belongs to the category of six-tone devices, so the user can configure the operation of one of 6 pulses.
  10. Monitoring the functioning of the car engine based on readings from engine and interior temperature sensors.
  11. Availability of an immobilizer option - the function is activated automatically when the security system is turned on. When it is triggered, the main electrical circuits of the ignition system are blocked in the event of an unauthorized attempt to start the power unit.
  12. Ability to enable alarm modes without using a sensitivity sensor. The controller turns off and the alarm goes off when you try to open the door or start the engine.
  13. The presence of an LED indicator allows you to determine the alarm status by flickering the light bulb.
  14. The ability to control the lighting system in the car interior, a function called “Polite lighting”. Its essence lies in the fact that the lamp turns off after a certain time after the security is activated. This will allow the user to collect their belongings in the cabin at night.
  15. Warning the car owner about unlocked doors when arming.
  16. Possibility of connecting a horn to an alarm system. When the system is triggered, not only the siren will turn on, but also the steering horn.
  17. Alarm activation memory when power failure occurs. Re-activating the battery will cause the system to inform the car owner about events that occurred before it was turned on.
  18. Possibility of additional connection of GPS/GSM modules. Their presence will allow you to control the location of the vehicle.

The World of Electronics channel presented a detailed description of the capabilities and functions of the KGB FX 7 systems in a video.


Devices included in the KGB FX 7 alarm kit:

  1. Control element.
  2. Basic communicator equipped with a screen.
  3. Replacement key fob without display and two-way communication function.
  4. Transceiver module with built-in antenna. This device is equipped with a button to call the car owner, as well as a temperature sensor. The adapter is equipped with a cable for connecting to the on-board network.
  5. Siren with a wire for connection and a block, as well as a bracket for mounting.
  6. External temperature sensor, intended for installation on a car engine.
  7. LED with cable for connecting to an alarm system.
  8. Button for activating the service mode.
  9. Limit switch designed for installation on the hood or tailgate.
  10. Set of cables for connection with blocks.
  11. Two batteries for installation in the main and additional communicators. The batteries differ in standard among themselves - the main key fob is powered by “finger” batteries, and the spare one is powered by “disk” batteries.
  12. Detailed service manual.
  13. Warranty card.
  14. Box.

The KGB FX 7 alarm package does not include door limit switches; these devices must be purchased separately.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of the KGB FX 7 model:

  1. Reliability and high quality vehicle protection achieved through the use of a unique encryption algorithm.
  2. A price affordable for most consumers.
  3. Ease of installation and programming. The service manual includes operating and configuration instructions that allow you to install the security system correctly and without difficulty. The connection diagram should be highlighted separately - it describes in detail the purpose of each contact.
  4. Fast alarm response.

After analyzing user reviews, we can highlight the following disadvantages of KGB FX 7:

  1. High cost of the main key fob. If the device breaks or does not work correctly, the buyer will have to pay at least 2 thousand rubles for a new remote control.
  2. False positives. The system may trigger an alarm for no reason. Usually this drawback is due to incorrect settings of the shock sensor and sensitivity.
  3. Incorrect operation of the engine warm-up option. Users note that this function may fail at low temperatures. In addition, if the car is equipped with a standard engine blocker, the alarm may conflict with the immobilizer. To solve the problem you will have to install a bypass module.
  4. Rapid wear of the main key fob. During intensive use, the keys on the device may become stuck and functions may not function correctly. Car enthusiasts note that the vibration alert option on their communicator often fails.

User Danil Abramchik showed what disadvantages and problems the owner of a KGB FX 7 car alarm may encounter.

How to install an alarm?

Before installing the KGB FX 7 anti-theft system, the user must turn off the power to the on-board network. To do this, you need to disconnect the negative clamp from the battery; the terminal should be loosened with a wrench.


KGB FX 7 Installation Guide:

  1. All elements of the security system are assembled and connected to the battery. This will allow the user to verify that the alarm is working.
  2. The control unit is installed in the most hidden and protected from external influences place in the cabin. It is best to install the device behind the instrument panel, there is free space there, so the length of the wires coming from the anti-theft device will be minimal. Fixation is carried out using a special sticker, self-tapping screws or plastic ties. It is recommended to place the block with the block down, which will prevent possible drops of water from flowing down the wires into the device. The device must not be exposed to moisture or high temperatures at the installation site.
  3. The transceiver module is placed in the car, in the passenger compartment, on the inner surface of the windshield or rear window. Do not install the antenna near electronic devices or metal parts of the body, as this will lead to poor communication. The surface is cleaned and degreased before installation. If there is a tint film on the top of the glass, you cannot install the transceiver on it.
  4. A siren is installed under the hood. To do this, you need to drill holes in the metal part of the body to fix the bracket. The device should not be placed near the cylinder block, exhaust manifold or other sources of high temperatures. The siren's horn turns downward to prevent moisture from collecting in it.
  5. A shock and sensitivity sensor is installed in the central part of the body. For installation, you can use a partition separating the engine compartment from the passenger compartment. The controller must be placed so that the user has easy access to its adjustments. In this case, the sensor must be installed secretly; the cable from it is laid under the cladding to the control unit.
  6. An external temperature sensor is placed directly on the motor or other metal surface adjacent to it. The reliability of the device’s performance will depend on the correct installation.
  7. The status LED is installed in the vehicle interior, on the center console. The lamp must be positioned so that its flickering can be seen from the street.
  8. The emergency mode entry button is installed hidden. The user must have access to the key from the driver's seat.
  9. Limit switches are installed on the hood and doors of the car. The wires from them are routed to the control module.

Connection diagram

General connection map of the KGB FX 7 microprocessor module

Features of connecting the 18-pin block of the KGB FX 7 control unit are presented in the table:

Contact colorPurpose
Gray-orangeGoes to the negative output of the hood trigger
Black and blueConnects to the negative terminal of the door limit switch
Orange-violetConnects to the sensor on the brake pedal or on the handbrake
Black and yellowOutput of the first additional channel. Can be connected to the trunk door release relay or to auxiliary equipment.
Yellow-whiteOutput for connecting a third additional channel
GreyGoes to the positive contact of the siren
Black and whiteAlarm status output, connect to negative LED input
Yellow-green and black-greenContact elements for connecting the electrical circuit of turning lights or marker optics. The maximum current value at each terminal should be 7.5 amperes.
BlackMachine ground or grounding. Must be connected to any standard bolt screwed into the body. Connection directly to the negative terminal of the battery is allowed.
White-orangeNegative output of the luggage compartment lock trigger
Red-blueConnects to the positive contact of the door limit switches
Black-grayThe contact element is connected to a generator device or tachometer electrical circuit if it is necessary to implement a motor control system. Negative conclusion.
Red-yellowSecond additional channel output
Black cable loopContact for selecting manual or automatic transmission
PinkInput for the status of the anti-theft system when the power unit is running. Designed to bypass the standard alarm system or central locking.
BlueAdditional programmable output. Used to control the interior lighting system or closing car windows. The latter is possible when using electric windows.
Red-blackConnects to starter lock relay

User Guide

The KGB FX 7 instructions indicate that before use, a working power source must be installed in the communicator. To complete the task, the back cover of the device is opened and the battery is inserted into a special compartment. When installing, you must take into account the polarity of the element.

Designation of buttons and symbols on the key fob

Correspondence of controls on KGB FX 7 communicators:

Key numbers on the main and additional KGB FX 7 remote controls

Description of the buttons on the KGB FX 7 communicators and their purpose:

1 0.5 sActivation of the protective function, closing the door locks with the ignition on or in service mode
1, 1 Double click within 0.5 sDisabling the Sensitivity Controller Warning Zone
1, 1 Press twice within 0.5s after the warning zone is deactivatedDeactivating both shock sensor zones
1, 1 Same as with turning off both zones, only when the device is turned offEnabling the Sensitivity Controller
1, 1 The button is pressed until a melodic signal is heard, then it “clicks” brieflyActivating protection mode without sound
1, 2 Same as for launching the optionEnabling silent security
1+2 The keys are pressed simultaneously until a melodic signal is heard, the ignition is turned offActivating the Panic function
1+2 The principle of pressing is the same as for activation, but the ignition system must be turned onEnabling the Anti-Robbery mode
2, 2 Double short-term “click”Disabling the “Anti-robbery” option
2 0.5 sTurning off the protection mode, opening door locks with the ignition on
2 0.5 sDeactivating the alarm mode
3, 1 The third button is pressed until the signal is heard, then key 1 is briefly “clicked”Controlling the output of the first additional channel
3 0.5 sDiagnostics of the state of the anti-theft complex, monitoring of temperature in the car interior
1+3 Simultaneous pressingActivating button lock on your communicator
2+3 0.5 sDisabling the key fob locking function

Designation of indicators on the screen of the KGB FX 7 remote control

Description of the indicators on the KGB FX 7 device display:

  1. Function of autostart of the power unit on an alarm clock, at a time set by the user.
  2. Automatic engine start in accordance with timer readings.
  3. Automatic engine start mode based on air temperature.
  4. Anti-theft system service.
  5. "Turbo timer" option indicator.
  6. Icon for automatic activation of the protective function.
  7. Auto engine blocker mode.
  8. Option to block keys on the communicator.
  9. Indicator of one of the sensitivity controller zones being triggered.
  10. Charging symbol of the power supply in the key fob.
  11. Powertrain temperature detection icon.
  12. The “Anti-robbery” option is enabled or disabled.
  13. Symbol of a running car engine.
  14. Indicator of an additionally connected search and security module.
  15. Icon to bypass the warning zone of the main or auxiliary kick controller.
  16. Indication of temperature in the vehicle interior.
  17. Symbol of the switched on ignition system.
  18. Indication of the current time.
  19. Bypass the warning zone of the regulators.
  20. The countdown timer is activated.
  21. The alarm function is enabled.
  22. Indication of the presence of communication with the transceiver.
  23. Icon of locked or open door locks.
  24. Security mode with or without sound alarm impulses. In the second case, the horn is crossed out.
  25. The function of disabling the alarm using a password is activated.
  26. Manual transmission mode is activated.

How to set up and program the key fob?

Full use of all system functions is possible only after linking the communicator to the KGB FX 7 alarm control unit.

Instructions for programming a new device:

  1. The security mode is disabled; if it was turned on, the ignition must be deactivated. The service mode entry button is pressed 7 times.
  2. Within 5 seconds after the last “click” the key must be inserted into the lock and turned to the “ON” position.
  3. The siren should sound seven times. This confirms entry into the programming menu.
  4. Within 10 seconds, the user must simultaneously press buttons 1 and 2 on the communicator. If the key fob is successfully linked, the siren will emit one beep.
  5. Over the next 10 seconds, similar keys are pressed on the additional remote control. The device will be registered in the memory of the control unit. The same actions are performed with other key fobs.

Setting up and disabling autorun

Features of controlling automatic start on command from the KGB FX 7 key fob:

  1. Key 1 of the communicator is pressed and held until the device plays a melodic signal. Then you need to briefly “click” on the third button. The car's lighting devices (side lights or turn signals) will blink three times, the key fob should play a melodic signal. This indicates the successful launch of the power unit.
  2. An icon in the form of smoke from a muffler should appear on the remote control screen. The engine will run for a certain time programmed in advance by the user. To increase it, first press the first button until a melodic signal is heard, and then briefly “click” key 3.
  3. Remote stopping of the power unit is carried out by holding control element 2 and then briefly pressing 3.

If autostart is required at a set time or temperature, the user performs the following steps:

  1. First you need to make sure that the clock on your pager is set correctly.
  2. The car owner presses and holds the third button on the remote control for several seconds. The device should beep twice. When the indicators on the screen flash, the driver uses key 3 to select the desired icon. The cursor is moved to the position of the symbol with the inscription “Clock Start” or “Temp Start”. In the first case, autostart is configured by an alarm clock, in the second - by air temperature.
  3. The selected function is activated by pressing the first button, and disabled by pressing the second. When determining the position of an option, the cursor moves to the corresponding indicator. As confirmation, the vehicle should display light signals.

Setting the time

Guide to changing time parameters in the KGB FX 7 key fob:

  1. The third button of the communicator is pressed and held for several seconds. The key fob should emit a series of beeps.
  2. The key is released. The device screen will display the current time setting mode and the corresponding indicator will flicker.
  3. To increase the readings, use the first button of the key fob, and to decrease the readings, use the second. If you hold down the control, the values ​​will change faster.
  4. Key 3 is pressed again. This will activate the minute selection menu. The procedure for changing parameters is carried out in a similar way. After the desired values ​​have been set, the third button is pressed and held until a melodic signal sounds.

Setting up security functions

Features of changing KGB FX 7 alarm parameters:

  1. The protective mode is activated by pressing the first button on the remote control. To disable security, use key 2.
  2. The Anti-Robbery function is activated by simultaneously holding controls 1 and 2. The ignition in the vehicle must be activated. The keys are pressed until the key fob plays a melodic signal. Disabling the option is done by pressing the second button.
  3. To enable the silent protection mode, the first key is pressed and held until a signal is heard. After it appears, you need to “click” on it additionally. The car's turning lights will blink once and the LED indicator will flicker slowly.
  4. Activation of protection when the engine is running is done by pressing the second key while the engine is running. When the corresponding indicator appears on the remote control screen, the user must remove the key from the ignition and lock all doors. Then the first button of the communicator is pressed. This will activate the security system when the engine is running.

User Karabas Barabasovich spoke in detail about the implementation of anti-theft options, including the “Anti-robbery” mode of the KGB FX 7 alarm system.

How to use service functions?

Features of KGB FX 7 options control:

  1. The “Panic” mode is activated by simultaneously “clicking” on buttons 1 and 2. The siren should emit a triple beep and the car’s headlights will blink three times. If the function is turned on when the protection is disabled, the alarm will automatically close all the door locks of the car.
  2. To search for a car, press button 3 twice within one second. This will activate the car's siren and headlights. The communicator should emit a melodic signal.
  3. The “Turbo” mode is activated by pressing the third key on the remote control. It is held until the melodic signal is played.
  4. After the indicators on the device’s display begin to flicker, the cursor must be moved to the position of the icon that says “Extra Run”. Then the first key on the remote control is pressed, the function is enabled.

Programming a personal alarm code

To set a password for KGB FX 7, perform the following steps:

  1. The ignition in the car turns off.
  2. The “Valet” button is pressed four times to enter emergency mode. Each time you click, the alarm status LED will flash.
  3. The ignition system is activated. The siren should sound four times.
  4. Within five seconds, the user presses the “Jack” button again. If the siren goes off, this indicates that the car alarm is ready to program a personal password.
  5. Over the next 5 seconds, you must press one of the communicator keys to assign a code number. Buttons 1-3 correspond to the meanings of symbols 1-3. To enter character 4, press key 1 twice, the first time for a long time, the second time for a short time. For 5 - control element 2 is used, for 6 - 3. The principle of assigning a sign is similar.
  6. The emergency mode entry button is pressed and released for five seconds. The siren will sound twice. This indicates that the alarm is ready to specify the second digit of the password. After assigning it, the “Jack” button is pressed again. The steps to enter the remaining characters are repeated.
  7. To exit the programming menu, you must turn off the ignition system or wait ten seconds. The turn lights should blink five times to confirm.

Reset settings

Guide to resetting operating parameters to factory settings on KGB FX 7 communicators:

  1. The “Valet” service mode entry button is pressed 9 times with the ignition off.
  2. The key in the lock is turned to the “ON” position. The siren should sound three times.
  3. The "Jack" key is pressed once.
  4. Button 1 on the communicator is “clicked” and released. If all settings are reset to factory settings, the siren will emit one beep. To exit the programming menu, the ignition is turned off.

Download the diagram and instructions for installation and operation of the KGB FX 7 alarm system in PDF format

Service manuals for using and setting up the KGB FX 7 car alarm can be downloaded from the following links:

Possible malfunctions and their elimination

Reasons why the KGB FX 7 system does not respond to commands:

  1. The battery in the remote control is low. To fix the problem, you need to replace the communicator's batteries.
  2. Pager malfunction. The device may have failed as a result of being dropped or exposed to moisture. It is necessary to disassemble the communicator body and clean it from blockages. Damaged contacts on the board must be re-soldered. If the reason is exposure to moisture, then the circuit must be dried.
  3. Failure or incorrect installation of the transceiver module. You need to make sure that the antenna adapter is installed correctly. If the device is broken, it must be replaced.
  4. Damage to wires. The reason may be wear and tear of the insulation, which leads to current leakage. Failed power lines must be replaced. Cables should not be laid in places where moving elements and structures are located.
  5. Failure of the control unit. If the breakdown is due to exposure to moisture, then similar actions are performed as in the case of a communicator. Software malfunctions can be resolved by flashing the device.

How much does the KGB FX 7 alarm cost?

You can buy a new KGB FX 7 security system at the following price:


User Alexander Shkurevskikh spoke about independently checking the control unit and other components of the KGB FX 7 car alarm.

Protecting your car from damage and theft is relevant today. Therefore, the use of various security systems (alarms) is simply necessary. The KGB car alarm system is domestically produced and is therefore very popular among car enthusiasts. This signaling has many advantages, which will be discussed below.

General characteristics of car alarms

The Russian manufacturer of this security system for cars has introduced the latest developments into it, as well as its own innovations, and therefore the kgb car alarm system is in great demand among our motorists.

It has the following advantages over other products on the market:

  • large selection of varieties, the manufacturer made sure that the alarm system had many varieties, as well as technical functions and capabilities to prevent unauthorized entry into the car;
  • price, kgbtf brand products have a low cost, so they are available to all car enthusiasts, some types of security systems can be purchased for several thousand rubles;
  • effectiveness, testing of this security system has confirmed its reliability and quality;
  • simple operating instructions, that is, the instructions for this security system are completely written in Russian, which gives motorists the opportunity to install this alarm themselves, without the involvement of specialists.

You need to remember that the KGB car security system effectively competes with world market leaders, such as car alarms Pharaoh, Alligator, Starline, and is in no way inferior to them in quality and safety.

Types and their technical characteristics

The manufacturer offers car enthusiasts several types of its products, which differ in technical capabilities and cost.

  1. One way security system. Its application is intended for all car models, and especially outdated cars of domestic manufacturers. It will be discussed in more detail below.
  2. Two way security system. This is a more complex anti-theft system that provides many functions, which will also be discussed in more detail below.

One-way security alarm KGB

The model that meets this security alarm is the KGB VS 130. This system has a durable shockproof housing equipped with three buttons. The system itself is protected by a special radio code that does not allow the owner’s key fob to read, copy or intercept the signal coming from the car.

Instructions for use This version allows you not only to easily and quickly install the system on a car, but also to configure about 16 VS 130 functions. The manual is written in Russian.

There are other models that have fewer functions and are designed for different consumer wallets. But the principle of their operation is similar to VS 130.

Two way security system

There are several models that meet the technical characteristics of this security system (kgb fx 3, 10, 8, 5, kgb tfx5, ex 7, 6, 3). Despite this variety, all these anti-theft systems with auto start have similar functions:

  • the key fob is equipped with a bright liquid crystal screen;
  • the signal sent from the car to the key fob operates at a distance of 1.8 kilometers;
  • presence of auto engine start;
  • special technology that protects the signal from being read.

The KGBtfx 5 alarm system with auto-start deserves special attention; the instructions for this security system provide for several new options for automatic start of the power unit.

Alarm system with auto start KGB tfx 5, in addition to general technical characteristics, has several functions of automatic engine start:

  • starting the engine in timer mode, that is, the car owner independently sets the time when the car’s power unit should start (this function is designed for gasoline and diesel engines);
  • starting the motor using a command, that is, by pressing a button on the key fob;
  • engine starting temperature, the driver can configure the system in such a way that at a certain subzero temperature, the engine will start, warm up and stall on its own (ideal for northern regions).

The kgbfx 8 model is also endowed with such functions; car alarms with this index are also designed for automatic engine start settings in winter. The kgbfx 7 alarm, the instructions for which contain detailed steps on how to configure it, also has the function of automatically starting the engine upon a signal from the driver, but its capabilities are less than those of the fx 5.

It is important to remember that each modification of this alarm system is equipped with all the necessary equipment that will be needed to install it on a car.

KGB alarms have long been in good standing with car owners due to their convenient functionality and affordable price.

The KGB brand is Russian; alarm systems from this company first appeared on the market in 2001.
Now the company occupies a strong position in the Russian market, and is also successfully entering the world market.

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The fx7 ver 1 model has a two-way communication type, GSM and GPS modules. The key fob is equipped with a display for displaying notifications, the range is 600m. As well as installation and operating instructions.

Alarm Description

  1. Autostart by timer (automatic engine start at the right time for the driver);
  2. Autostart based on temperature (possibility of starting the engine to warm up in the cold season);
  3. Turbo timer (can be disabled for an engine with a turbocharging system);
  4. Window control;
  5. Automatic door locking mode when driving;
  6. “Panic” mode (manual alarm - with siren, light, engine blocking);
  7. “Polite lighting” (control of car interior lighting);
  8. “Search for a vehicle” (when you press a command from the key fob, the alarm emits short sound or light signals, thereby making it easier to find the location of the car, for example, in the parking lot of a shopping center).

In addition, kgb fx 7 has seven independent security zones, where each zone is equipped with its own set of sensors that allow you to understand exactly where on the car a break-in attempt or strike was made.

Security and protection functions of KGB 7 ver 1

  • “Silent security” (no sound signals when the alarm is triggered; in this case, notifications are sent to the key fob);
  • Silent arming or disarming (silently turning on and off the “Security” mode. A light signal or notification is sent to the key fob);
  • Automatic switching to “Security” mode;
  • “Security” mode when the engine is running;
  • Anti-Hi-Jack (blocking the engine or control of a stolen car);
  • Disabling security in two stages (the first stage is unlocking the driver's door, the second is the remaining doors).

Equipment KGB 7 ver 1

The ver 1 alarm kit includes:

Alarm Installation Instructions

Place the central unit under the dashboard so that water can never get inside the housing through the wires. Secure it with self-tapping screws or double-sided tape.

Place the external transceiver antenna module on the windshield of the car as high as possible and away from thermal heating.

Next, secure the siren under the hood so that it is as far away from heat rays and any moisture as possible. Lower the horn down. Don't forget to check that the siren and wires are not accessible from under the car.

Attach the shock sensor well to the interior.

Attach a remote engine temperature sensor to the engine housing or any other parts of the engine.

Attach the LED indicator to the instrument panel. And place the service button in a place that is invisible, but still accessible to the driver.

Before installing push-button switches under the hood and in the trunk, check to see if they are functioning properly.

This is checked as follows: when the trunk or hood is closed, the distance between the contacts in the switch must be at least 3mm.

The KGB alarm system is distinguished by its expanded functionality and high-quality characteristics, allowing for reliable protection of the machine. The technical documentation describes in detail the nuances of installation and operation of the complex. Thanks to this, the consumer will be able to independently install and configure the “alarm”.


Types and their technical characteristics

Regardless of the car alarm model, all types of security systems have approximately the same characteristics:

  • The system is powered from the on-board network, the voltage is 12 Volts;
  • the current parameter that the security system consumes in the car protection mode is less than 20 mA, which allows you to prevent the rapid discharge of even a dead battery;
  • the temperature range in which the system operates is from -40 to +85 degrees;
  • in signal transmission mode, the range of operation of the complex is about 600 meters;
  • in the mode of receiving notifications on the control panel, the range is about 1200 meters.


Let’s briefly look at the models that can be purchased on the market today:

  1. VS-130. Despite the use of one-way communication, this model is considered one of the most reliable, as confirmed by consumer reviews. The car owner can configure 16 security system options himself. If necessary, it is possible to implement the function of disabling the “signaling” using a special password. There is an option for remote activation of the protective mode when the motor is running without a control panel. The pager is equipped with three keys and is characterized by the use of a radio code, which is protected from interception by special cryptographic means. The price of this model is about 2200 rubles.
  2. TFH 5. Another model with feedback that allows you to remotely exchange messages with the car owner. Two operating modes are implemented - silent and standard. When the standard mode is activated, the car owner receives messages from the security system on the remote control when there is the slightest physical impact on the car body. If the silent option is activated, the remote control will vibrate when the siren is activated. Activated security zones are displayed on the pager screen. Depending on the type of terrain, the operating range will be different. If there are no large buildings or transformer substations nearby that emit interference, then the pulse can be transmitted over 1200 meters. To increase this parameter, you can additionally purchase a more powerful transceiver, the main thing is that it must be compatible with this brand of system. The TFX security system protects the hood, door locks, luggage compartment, handbrake lever, ignition system, etc. The cost of the model varies around 6 thousand rubles.
  3. FH 7. The model is designed to operate in a 12 volt network. There is an option for remote auto-start of the engine, as well as two-way communication. The “signaling” package includes a remote control, made in a housing with a stylish design. This allows you to more conveniently manage the system, and the body of the device is made of high-strength materials, which prevents it from being damaged if dropped. The key fob is equipped with a screen and many options. Thanks to its extensive functionality, the car owner can monitor the condition of the car around the clock. A warning to the user about unauthorized actions regarding the car is sent to the remote control. You can activate silent mode. To transmit signals, the system implements an improved dynamic code, which helps protect pulses from interception. This model will cost the buyer approximately 5 thousand rubles.
  4. The GX-3 and GX-5RS complexes operate using a dual dialogue code. Thanks to the use of this technology, all impulses sent from the remote control will be duplicated simultaneously on different channels. The transmission is carried out over the channel that the “signaling” has chosen after checking the quality of reception. This allows for high resistance to interception by various grabbers and devices. The manufacturer used custom 128-bit encryption keys to develop the system.
  5. Models AX-5, EX-6, FX-3, MX-9, EX-7 belong to the class of feedback systems. The “signals” are controlled via a remote control with a liquid crystal display. The last three models also have an automatic engine start function. In addition to standard functionality, alarms with and without auto start are characterized by a high range of the key fob. The car owner can be notified at a distance of 1.2-1.8 kilometers from the car. The systems also feature an Anti-hijack function, which allows you to protect signal transmission from scanning and hacking. Pagers of these models are equipped with displays, which simplifies the management and use of the systems. Prices for such alarms range from 3,500 to 4,500 rubles on average.

Danil Abramchik spoke about the problem that owners of KGB complexes may face.


The main functions that all modern models of car alarms of this brand have:

  • activation of the alarm function when one of the machine’s security zones is activated;
  • messages from the complex about the triggered zone are sent to a pager with two-way communication, the car owner is warned by triggering a melodic signal, as well as indicator lights;
  • the “Panic” function, which allows you to scare away potential intruders from the car, can be implemented remotely;
  • support for the function of blocking the power unit when attempting an unauthorized start;
  • the ability to remotely enable the anti-robbery option;
  • When the protective mode is turned off, the user can activate the machine engine blocking.


Complex equipment:

  • main “signaling” control unit;
  • main control panel with feedback, equipped with a display;
  • spare key fob without screen and two-way communication options;
  • transceiver with a wire for connecting to the on-board network;
  • sensitivity sensor with a connected cable for connecting to the network;
  • siren with speaker;
  • diode light bulb with a wire for connection, designed to monitor the status of the system;
  • button to call the Valet service mode with a wire for connection;
  • button for turning on the anti-robbery option, equipped with a cable for connecting to the on-board network;
  • limit switch equipped with a special terminal for connecting to the network;
  • mounting kit of wires with a connector designed for connection to the control module;
  • six-button plug, required to connect door locks;
  • user manual, which will allow you to correctly install and operate the alarm.

Pros and cons

Advantages of the systems that users highlight in reviews:

  1. Large range of models. The developer supplies the market with various KGB “signals” that differ in functionality and capabilities. All security systems equally protect cars from burglary.
  2. Affordable price combined with quality. The price range depends on the specific model. But if your budget is limited, then you can choose a more affordable system.
  3. High efficiency. Numerous studies have shown that KGB security systems reliably protect cars from hacking. Even using the latest versions of code grabbers does not allow signal interception.
  4. Detailed user manual for use and installation. This simplifies the installation and operation of the device.
  5. Availability of two-way communication on most modern models. Thanks to this, the consumer can always know about the alarm status.
  6. All modern systems have an autostart function. This allows you to remotely start the engine and warm up the car in advance. This is especially true if the car owner is in a hurry in the morning and there is no time to warm up the internal combustion engine.

All disadvantages are usually associated with errors made during installation and operation of the system. Some consumers note that the signal transmission range does not actually correspond to that indicated in the service manual. But we must take into account that the values ​​given in the documentation were calculated in open areas where there is no interference. In the city, finding such a place is problematic.

Dmitry Glukhikh told what problem the owner of a car with a KGB “alarm” might encounter.

General rules for installing KGB alarm systems

Instructions for installing the complex:

  1. The central unit is installed inside the car. The luggage compartment and engine compartment are not suitable for this. The installation location of the device should be as discreet as possible. We do not recommend installing the module under the dashboard, in the area of ​​the hood release lever, or under the seat or behind the door trim. It is best to place it in a free space behind the dashboard. To do this, you will have to remove part of the steering column trim. Securely fix the module in the seat so that the device does not vibrate.
  2. A siren with a speaker is mounted under the hood of the car. Installation is carried out as far as possible from the cylinder block. Exposing the siren to high temperatures will cause the device to fail. It is advisable to choose a hidden location for installation so that the criminal does not disable it.
  3. If the complex has an option for remote start of the internal combustion engine, then its equipment will include a temperature sensor. The controller must be installed in the cooling system line of the power unit. Securely fix the sensor and lead the electrical circuit out of the pipe. The device should be placed as far as possible from the intake manifold, otherwise exposure to high temperatures will render it unusable.
  4. The transceiver is installed inside the car. The antenna is installed as high as possible on the windshield. There should be no metal components or objects near the installation site. Their presence will lead to interference during signal transmission. Secure the antenna using double-sided tape or the included sticker.
  5. If the package includes an engine blocking relay, then this element is mounted under the plastic lining of the ignition switch and connected to the starter control circuit. To do this, use the diagram included in the kit.
  6. The next step is to install a button to call the service or emergency Valet mode. With its help you can disable the car alarm, so the key must be installed in a safe, hidden place. It can be hidden between the wires under the center console.
  7. The shock sensor is installed in the central part of the car body. You can place the device on the partition separating the engine compartment and the interior. The controller is securely fixed to the body using self-tapping screws. There should be no spacers between the metal base and the sensor, especially if they are made of plastic. This will cause the sensor to not work correctly.
  8. Limit switches are installed on the hood, luggage compartment, and car doors. If special holes are not provided for their installation, then they must be made using a drill or cutter.
  9. At the final stage, while maintaining safety, the wiring is laid. All components of the “signaling system” - siren, transceiver, limit switches, service button and sensors are connected to the control module. The connection of elements is carried out strictly in accordance with the diagram. Wires from the temperature sensor and siren are led into the car interior through a special technological hole located in the partition.

If you are faced with the need for installation for the first time, then it is better to entrust the connection task to professionals.

1. Installation of the central module 2. Fixing the siren under the hood 3. Position of the transceiver on the stand 4. Installation of sensitivity controller

Terms of use

Below we will look at how to set up and use the alarm.

Keychain binding

Operation of the security system begins with recording the key fob into the module’s memory; let’s consider this procedure using the FX-7 model as an example:

  1. Find the Jack button and click on it seven times. Protective mode and the ignition in the car must be turned off.
  2. After clicking for five seconds, install the key and activate the ignition.
  3. The siren speaker will emit seven beeps. This confirms that the security complex has entered the mode of setting up and binding new sensors.
  4. Within ten seconds after the siren emits seven signals, the car owner must have time to press the first button on the pager. If the security system confirms that the code has been entered into memory, the siren will emit one signal.
  5. In the next ten seconds after this, hold down the second button on the key fob. If everything is done correctly, the siren will emit two beeps.
  6. Then, for ten seconds, you need to hold down the third button on the pager. If the system recognizes the key fob, the siren will emit three beeps.
  7. Over the next ten seconds, you must hold down key 4 on the remote control.

Sigmax69 talked about pager binding in the TFX-5 model.

To leave the binding mode, turn off the ignition or do not touch the buttons on the remote control for ten seconds. To confirm, the car's turning lights will blink five times.

General alarm setup

Instructions on how to program the complex:

  1. Study the manual for the alarm. Different models may have different programming nuances.
  2. Sit inside the car and make sure that all doors, luggage compartment and hood are locked. Insert the ignition key into the lock and start the engine.
  3. After startup, check whether there is a reset button on the control panel. If there is, then briefly click on it several times. On all models of KGB systems, these actions must be completed within 8 seconds. If there is no reset button, remove the key from the lock. You need to have time to install the key in the lock six times in the next 10 seconds and pull it out. If the steps are performed correctly, the interior lighting lamp should blink twice.
  4. If the programming procedure was performed using a pager, then in order to complete the process, click on the Lock key. In the case when the setup was carried out using a key, you must enter an identification password using the button to enter the service mode.
  5. After input, it is necessary to diagnose the operation of the complex. Check all the keys on the remote control. When one of the buttons does not work or functions incorrectly, you need to study the book on use and configuration and program the pager again. If you have completed this procedure several times, but the buttons still do not work, we recommend that you contact a specialist.

Using Basic Features

To use the system, you need to remember that:

  1. Pressing a button in the form of a closed lock allows you to lock and unlock the car door locks and enable or disable the security function.
  2. If, after activating the security mode, you press the padlock key for five seconds, this will disable the sensitivity controller.
  3. If you press the same button after activating the protective mode twice within five seconds, the additional “signaling” controller will turn off.
  4. Triple pressing the same button under the same conditions (within five seconds after arming) will lead to simultaneous deactivation of the sensitivity controller and additional devices.
  5. Double-clicking the button in the form of an open luggage compartment after activating the protection will activate a special security function.
  6. To activate the silent activation of the protective mode, click and release the key in the form of an open lock.
  7. To open all doors simultaneously after disabling the protective mode, press a key in the form of a locked lock. This must be done within three seconds.
  8. Double clicking on the button in the form of an open trunk for three seconds will temporarily disable the activation of the passive protection mode. The same combination disables the functions of automatic activation of the security mode, as well as the operation of immo. The only condition is that the protective mode and ignition must be turned off.
  9. Activation of the Panic mode is carried out by simultaneously holding two keys - in the form of an open and closed lock. In this case, the ignition should be turned off, and the buttons should be pressed for three seconds. To disable this function, the same keys are clicked briefly without holding them down.
  10. When you press the same buttons, but with the ignition on, the Anti-hijack option is activated.


When implementing the remote start function for internal combustion engines, you need to take into account:

  1. The type of transmission and power unit must be configured, and if the car uses the Start/Stop button to start, then the type of ignition system must be programmed. The programming procedure for manual and automatic transmissions is performed differently; detailed instructions are provided in the manual. You also need to configure the type of power unit. For example, for gasoline engines the activation delay of the starter device is 4 seconds, and for diesel engines it is from 10 to 90 seconds, this is required to warm up the spark plugs.
  2. The starting procedure will not be performed if the ignition is activated, the engine compartment is open, the handbrake lever is disengaged, or the brake pedal is depressed. The start will not occur if preparations for the start have not been made on vehicles with a manual transmission.
  3. Regardless of the type of internal combustion engine, the cranking time of the starter device is 3.6 seconds.
  4. If the running power unit stalls before the configured warm-up time has expired, the system will make another start attempt.
  5. If you set the engine to start based on temperature, then this function will be activated regardless of whether you set the start to time or timer.
  6. When using the KGB alarm system, it is impossible to simultaneously activate the option of remote engine start at a set time and according to a timer. The function that was last activated will be activated.

User Incognito9323 talked about the implementation of auto-start of the FX-5 “signaling” in the Chevrolet Rezzo.

The procedure for activating remote start may differ depending on the KGB alarm model.

In GX-5RS models, the remote engine start function is performed as follows:

  1. The locked lock button is pressed and held until the pager emits a melodic signal.
  2. The same key is pressed and released. The turning lights will blink three times, the LED status indicator will be on.
  3. The key fob will emit one melodic signal. SE will appear on the pager screen.
  4. After a few seconds, the security complex will begin the procedure for starting the power unit. The LED indicator will light without blinking. If the car doors were open, the system will close them and the security function will be activated.
  5. After starting the engine, the turning lights should blink three times. The pager will emit a melodic signal, and an indicator in the form of an ignition key will begin to blink on its screen, as well as a symbol in the form of smoke from the exhaust pipe. One of the icons will also be activated, showing the operating time of the motor after starting. If for some reason the engine does not start, the turn lights will blink four times and the display will show SP. The remote control will emit four short beeps.

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