Just a decade ago, creating an expressive design for a small kitchen was a real challenge. Today, fortunately, there are no problems with this, thanks to the skill of specialists and the inexhaustible imagination of the owners of tiny city apartments. But with the emergence of new ideas, new contradictions arise in the arrangement. One of these contradictions concerns the design of the doorway of the room, in particular, the advisability of replacing the door with a decorative arch.

Everyone is in favor of arches in a small kitchen

Arch – integral architectural element walls, which is part of the overall mood of the room. Moreover, with the right geometry and artistic concept, this design can become a universal design solution for any interior style. Therefore, when considering countless kitchen design options, owners often settle on the construction of a decorative vault.

Of course, in addition to aesthetic functions, arches are used to solve some planning problems. Firstly, they visually expand the space of a small kitchen. Unlike doors, which create a chamber atmosphere and narrow the space, vaults remove boundaries between rooms and create a feeling of spaciousness. Secondly, they are often used to construct an imaginary boundary between work area and lunch.

Thirdly, arches act as an unobtrusive tool for zoning two rooms when arranging a studio apartment. They help create a smooth transition from common area– living room, living room-bedroom, living room-office – to the dining room. Housewives are very impressed with this design solution, because the prospect of a living room opens up before them, which means they can simultaneously cook and be close to family and friends during holiday dinners. When constructing a vault, one must take into account important aspect: the wider the opening, the closer the two zones should be in design.

Materials for making arched openings

The design options for arched openings are very multifaceted and can only be limited by the imagination of the owners. Most popular materials production of vaults - plasterboard, solid wood, laminated wood, MDF and brick.

A kitchen design project with a plasterboard arch always looks relevant. Thanks to its exceptional properties, this material allows the construction of vaults of the most various designs And decoration. Plasterboard openings give the room an element of grace and lightness.

Arches made of plasterboard are most often used when decorating small kitchens in classic style, as well as such bohemian styles as baroque and retro. If you decide to build such a vault, you should remember that the plasterboard structure visually reduces the height of the room; therefore, this solution is appropriate to use only in rooms with high ceilings.

Wood is noble and durable material, capable of transforming the design of a small kitchen beyond recognition. It is possible to make a vault of any shape and with any ornament from a solid mass, thanks to its extreme pliability, as well as the variety of colors and textures. Wooden arches create a warm homely atmosphere and look “at home” in a country, classic or Provence style kitchen.

Arches made of laminated wood look no less impressive than those made from solid wood. Only such pleasure costs an order of magnitude less. To construct a structure, two or three layers of wood are usually used. Spruce and pine are best suited for these purposes, as they create an “ecological” environment in a small kitchen.

MDF vaults are the most budget option doorway design. In their natural form, they do not always look aesthetically pleasing and require additional surface treatment of the material. Still, for an economical kitchen design project, this option comes in handy.

The most difficult to manufacture structurally are brick arches. To build them, you first need to make formwork from cement mortar, in shape corresponding to the bend of the future arch. Start laying bricks after the formwork has dried; It is better to choose a trapezoidal brick so that the seams of the structure are the same width. Briquette arches will fit into the design of a small kitchen, made in country, loft or modern style.

Arches have long become one of the most popular design elements, successfully combining decorative components and convenience. Thanks to the arched opening, the room visually expands, even if it is modest, small apartment. In studios, they help to separate the kitchen area from the general space without bulky, heavy ceilings.

The popularity of this universal frame is also facilitated by its accessibility; it is not necessary to hire a team of craftsmen and install an expensive structure. You can improve the interior yourself; the arch between the kitchen and living room will become the highlight of the apartment, and will cost a reasonable amount.

Variety of arched openings

Arches are one of the oldest architectural solutions, which has remained relevant for thousands of years. They go well with different styles and can combine spaces that are different in functionality and design. Most in demand in modern interior The following types of arches are considered.

  • Classic– with a smooth arch, the opening is framed by platbands, without accentuating elements.
  • Curlyinteresting shape, with an emphasis on finishing.

Classic arches usually mark the partitions between the kitchen and the room, the kitchen and the hallway. Such an opening looks better than the standard one, and is made from cheap, easy-to-work materials - plasterboard, plywood or MDF. A symmetrical, oval arch between the kitchen and living room or in the form of an ellipse, there are a lot of options, just a little imagination is enough to enliven the most boring environment.

Figured arches more often found in luxury mansions or apartments with a substantial area. They are designed to emphasize the status of the owner and draw attention to the decor. They are used to decorate transitions to the dining room, large hall, and huge hallway. Naturally, such luxuries are assembled from expensive wood and decorated with stained glass windows and lighting.

Openings decorated with arches

Fashion trends tend to appear quickly and also quickly be replaced by new trends. There is no point in trying to keep up with extravagant ideas if you cannot renovate yourself every season. In this regard, arches win, they are always relevant, look amazing and perform several tasks at once.

  • They zone the room - they separate spaces with different functionalities, in studio apartments, this is just a godsend.
  • They increase the useful area - the absence of a door allows you to more actively use the desired meters.
  • They decorate – interestingly decorated arches become an additional decorative element.
  • Individualize - with the help of arches it is possible to change the standard layout beyond recognition, turning the dull “Khrushcheba” into luxurious apartments. The main thing is that when you touch a load-bearing wall, first get a permit, otherwise you will have to pay a hefty fine and return the painstakingly hollowed out bricks to their original place.

Perhaps only bedrooms and bathrooms should be closed with doors for privacy, but for other openings arches are quite enough.

From the kitchen to the living room

The arch between the kitchen and the living room helps to connect two rooms that are completely different in purpose, erasing sharp boundaries. In typical one-room apartments the doorway connecting the corridor with the hall is often moved to the kitchen. And in order not to take up space, which is already sorely lacking, an arch is made instead of a door. This move helps to move away from the standards and transforms both zones. An arch between the room and the kitchen is also very convenient - you can talk with household members without raising your voice, the distances traveled per day are reduced, and table setting in the hall for holidays is simplified. And it’s easier to control the kids, both what they watch on TV and when they interfere where they shouldn’t.

If the arch between the kitchen and the room is wide, the design of both rooms should coincide in direction and color scheme. Otherwise, there will be dissonance and instead of joy for the eyes, there will be a reminder of the mistake. A narrow opening is simpler in this regard, so before choosing an arch model, you should decide on the possibilities in terms of furnishings.

Of course, arches of fancy shapes look more interesting than symmetrical ones, but they are more difficult to execute. In addition, not every interior is compatible with such bells and whistles. Having focused on individuality and uniqueness, do not forget about the rest of the design; the arch should fit organically into it, and not become an eyesore.

From the kitchen to the hallway

The arches between the kitchen and the hallway are more functional than decorative, although they undoubtedly add a certain elegance to the hallway. Replacing a door with an arched opening frees up space above the wall where you can place a beautiful painting, panel, photograph, or hang a shelf. In addition, the hallway becomes lighter and appears larger, which increases the options for use. finishing materials.

The easiest way is to make it from the kitchen to the corridor arch - portal. At the same time, it remains rectangular shape, only ordinary platbands are replaced with relief ones and the top one should be wider and more massive than the side ones. In fact, a portal arch is an ordinary doorway, only beautifully finished and with an emphasis on the top.

We do it ourselves - a classic plasterboard arch

One of the most versatile and popular building materials, this is drywall. No one can do without him modern renovation, so the easiest and cheapest way to make an arch is from plasterboard. The frame is made of metal profiles, self-tapping screws are used as fasteners, parts are cut out using ordinary construction knife or a jigsaw, if available. You can also use a sharp, thin hacksaw for cutting.

Which drywall to use depends on the functionality of the arch; when it is purely decorative and does not require shelves or lighting, you should choose a lightweight ceiling sheet. For an arch combined with lighting fixtures or complex decorative elements, dense is more suitable, wall material. Fasteners for profiles are chosen based on the quality of the walls; sometimes dowels or longer screws may be needed.

On top and on the sides of the opening, load-bearing profiles are attached in parallel (on each side), the distance from the edge should take into account the width of the sheet so that the drywall does not protrude beyond the wall. If you decide to make an arch on finished walls, take into account the thickness of the finishing layer (reinforcement, putty). The length of the sidewalls depends on the dimensions of the sheet in which the arch will be cut. Some people advise using a whole profile, cutting it and bending it at the corners, but this is difficult. It is much easier to cut pieces of the required length and screw them around the perimeter.

Using a compass, stencil or other available means, the outline of the side parts of the arch arch is drawn on the sheet and cut out. The sidewalls are mounted to the profile with a screwdriver, the distance between the screws is about 10 cm. If you use a regular plastic threshold, you can actually draw a perfectly even, symmetrical arc. It is enough to use a tape measure to find the center of the sheet and apply the threshold to the corners. Gradually moving the resulting arc, it is brought to the central point and the border is drawn with a marker or knife.

For the frame under the end part, the measured profile is carefully cut at an equal distance, this allows it to be bent and screwed to the sidewalls. If the opening is wide, it is worth making several lintels from the same profile so that the sheet does not sag over time under the weight of the finishing layer. Self-tapping screws must be screwed at right angles into the middle of the sheet. The edge of the profile and the drywall must match perfectly, otherwise you will have to tinker with putty.

The end part of the arch is cut out according to measurements in the form of a rectangular strip; it should close the arched opening without going beyond the boundaries of the sidewalls. To bend a part, you can cut it along the wrong side without touching the outer paper part. Or you can use a needle roller: the workpiece is moistened and rolled; it is best to use a spray bottle. Wet drywall becomes flexible and takes the desired shape when it sits for a while. Mount the end on self-tapping screws, retreating 10 or 15 cm. To ensure that the heads do not interfere with the finishing process, the screws need to be slightly twisted, but not too deeply. This will reduce the finishing layer and simplify the work.

When in the future it is planned to cover the arch with plastic platbands, it is enough to reinforce the surface (primer, a layer of putty, fiberglass mesh, finishing layer putties). Before other types of finishing it is worth using a special plastic corner– it takes any shape and protects the edges from damage. A corner is also necessary if you plan to cover the arched opening with tiles, plasterboard or decorative bricks.

A little imagination, more patience and attention, a standard set of tools and available materials. Not so much, but the result is an arch that will become a decoration of the house and a source of pride for the handy owner. Decorative, functional, always in fashion - arches for all times and occasions.


Using a door in the kitchen is a rather boring solution, moreover, it is not convenient enough to everyday life. Replacing a kitchen door with an arch is a great alternative. This article will help you decide on the look and understand how to realize what you have planned with your own hands!

Having decided to design an arch instead of a door, you need to decide what shape the arch will suit the style of the home’s interior. The types of arches in shape are as follows:

  • Classic, or in the form of a semicircle of the correct shape;
  • Oval, ellipse type;
  • In the form of a rocker arm;
  • The “Romance” type, when only the corners are rounded;
  • “Framuge” type, if the semicircular part is cut off and filled with a glass frame, and the opening itself becomes rectangular;
  • “Portal” type – a regular rectangle;
  • Asymmetrical, when one of the sides is rounded, etc.

How to make an arch in a doorway

The arch should be high so that the passage under it is comfortable and does not create the oppressive impression that you will always have to lower your head. The height of the doorway, as a rule, is 2050 – 2010 mm.

Those who want to make the opening higher will have to knock out a semicircle for the arch in the wall above the door, which is problematic, since there is a lintel above the door, most often it is reinforced concrete. Having violated the integrity of the lintel, you will have to take measures to take the load from the section of the wall above the door, or frame a new opening instead of the lintel metal frame from profiles usually purchased for plasterboard covering.

The easiest way is to round the opening instead of a rectangular one top part and design an arch of any type.

Having precisely imagined how to make an arch in doorway, you can begin to implement the plan. The easiest way is to find professionals who can do this work quickly and efficiently, but such work will be very expensive. That is why it is better to make an arch for the kitchen yourself.

How to make a plasterboard arch with your own hands

Even if you have no experience, you can slowly, trusting the advice, begin designing the arch. Most best option– work with plasterboard sheets. It should be taken into account that according to the rules, vertical planes are sheathed with sheets 12.5 mm thick, and horizontal planes with a thickness of 9.5 mm. You will only need 1 sheet of the first, that is, wall, and 1 sheet of ceiling, with standard sizes in 2500x1250mm.

A drawing must be completed. On a piece of wallpaper in life size mark the dimensions of the opening and draw, remembering the school, the outline of the arch. Now the dimensions for calculating the need for materials are exact, instead of theoretical.

The arch to the kitchen, made instead of a door, begins with a frame. There is a special arched profile made of galvanized metal on sale; such a profile can easily be cut at intervals of 15-20 cm so that it can be more easily bent into a semicircle.

The exact length of the arched profile will be equal to PD+50 cm (for flat areas). With a door width of 80 cm, the calculation looks like this:

3.14m x 0.8m + 0.50m, that is, 1 piece of profile with a length of 4m will be quite enough to border the arch with a profile on both sides. Instead of an arched profile, you can take a regular, perforated one.

You also need to take into account one small, but very important point: the sheets of wall plasterboard have a thickness of 12.5 mm, it is by this size that the frame needs to be shifted on each side so that after covering the arch is flush with the existing wall.

To fix the frame rigidly to the top, you need to buy about 10 sets of quick hangers, usually used for ceiling frames.

Fasten the frame to the opening with self-tapping screws. The size of the drywall sheet required to decorate the bottom of the arch is visible in the drawing. But in order to bend drywall in a semicircle, you also need to know some tricks, then the arch between the kitchen and living room will come out at the proper level.

The design of the drywall itself is simple and well-known: two layers of cardboard with the space filled with gypsum mass. So, in order to bend a piece of sheet, the cardboard is cut into it without touching the gypsum layer, otherwise the sheet will fall apart.

It is better to hem the bottom of the arch with a sheet 9.5 mm thick.

Drywall is fastened by screwing in self-tapping screws so that there is a recess of 2-5 mm to the top of the sheet, then the heads will not protrude beyond the plane of the sheet.

The sheets themselves are cut well with both a knife and a hacksaw.

All that remains is to cut out the plasterboard and secure the side planes. Now that it is clear how you can design an arch in the kitchen yourself, proceed to other openings with full confidence.

An opening covered with plasterboard can be puttied, primed and painted. Instead of painting, you can use wallpaper or another type of finishing.

Having managed to decorate an arched opening with his own hands, each owner not only increases his self-esteem, but also gains important and necessary experience in life.

There are forms of arches with completely unusual shapes. Instead of traditional lamps, you can decorate the arch with lighting spotlights, for which you need to lay lighting cables when constructing the frame.

How to make a plasterboard arch with your own hands (video)

An arch instead of a door is original and very practical.

Examples of arches in the kitchen (photo)

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 10 minutes

Drywall arches in the kitchen are one of the best ways to refine the interior, visually expand the space and highlight functional areas. This technique is especially relevant in small apartments of Khrushchev and Brezhnev buildings. Photo arched structures V different styles, options for their location and detailed descriptions will help you choose interesting option for any apartment.

Types of arches

The most popular types of arched structures used in modern interiors:

  • Classic - a rectangular through opening in the wall with a symmetrical semicircular upper arc. An arch in a classic style looks especially advantageous in combination with columns decorated with stucco.

  • Modernism assumes the shape of an arch, with an arched vault without a smooth transition. In the interior of a spacious kitchen, arched products look stylish functional zones ah, door and window openings.

  • The portal arch is a rectangular structure with a simple or voluminous superstructure, which can be decorated with spotlights and openwork decorative elements. The portal can be used to decorate door and window openings in a small kitchen in Khrushchev, for visual expansion passage to the kitchen-living room, to designate functional areas in large apartments and studios. Often, to enhance the effect, a combination of a vault in a doorway with a bar counter is used.

  • An arch in the shape of an ellipse and a semi-ellipse-rectangle combines classic, modern, romanticism, and modernity. Elliptical designs look ideal in the interiors of large rooms, but in Khrushchev they reduce the height.

  • A trapezoid arch has chamfered corners in the arch. The trapezoidal shape fits into the design of a kitchen of any size and is easily mounted in door and window openings.

  • An arch in a romantic style is a variation of the classical design, characterized by the smooth rounded contours of arched vaults.

  • The fantasy arch is distinguished by a free configuration, wavy lines, asymmetry, and an abundance of figured elements. Creating a structure of this type with your own hands requires certain skills, so it is better for beginners to seek the help of professionals.

Visually enlarge small kitchen, giving it attractiveness, the arched structure helps. The structure is installed instead of a kitchen front door, securing it in the doorway. The door, especially in a small kitchen, takes up extra space. When designing an apartment renovation, designers are trying to get rid of it, creating more free space.

Before starting work, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances that may affect the entire construction process:

  • It is necessary to find out the functionality of the wall separating the kitchen from another room. IN load-bearing wall It is impossible to increase the opening by dismantling most of it. Regular interior partition can be painlessly dismantled;
  • When installing a classic arch in a finished opening, it is necessary to take into account its dimensions. The width of the structure will coincide with the width of the doorway, and its height will be about 150 mm;

Please note: it is not advisable to install an arch in a doorway less than 2 m high, otherwise the room will take on a depressing appearance. Here it is better to focus on framing with decorative trim.

  • Before demolishing the partition, you need to decide on its material. Brick, foam block or plaster can be easily dismantled. If the partition is made of reinforced concrete, then you may have to hire specialists for dismantling;
  • If you decide to build an arch larger size finished doorway, markings must be applied to the partition future design. Only according to the already completed markings are excess sections of the wall removed.

Common types of arched structures

The imagination of modern designers is unlimited. Creating different interiors, they often arrange rather sophisticated forms of arches. Today the most common models are:

  • IN classic look the arc of the design creates a smooth transition into side walls opening. This model is suitable for narrow openings, for example, in Khrushchev-era buildings and is mounted in a ready-made doorway;
  • The English version is appropriate for wide openings where the corners of the arch are at the base of the arch. Sometimes the side walls are complemented with decor;
  • The semi-elliptical shape resembles an arc flattened on top. The model is suitable for wide and narrow openings, visually expanding them;
  • The trapezoid shape is the simplest to self-production and goes well with Country style.

Materials and tools for work

The main element of the arch is the frame. It is made from fiberboard, chipboard, and plywood sheets. The most common use of drywall. It is easier to process and, if necessary, can be bent into any shape.

Please note: to arrange an arch in the kitchen you must use moisture resistant drywall, characterized by a greenish color. This is due to high humidity room air.

To fasten the structure you will need guides and rack profiles, self-tapping screws, plastic dowels for concrete walls. Finishing work will require a perforated corner, putty and primer. Depending on the chosen finishing materials, you need to stock up on wallpaper, paint, etc.

As for any construction work The following tools should be at hand:

  • A pencil, tape measure, rope, or plinth made of flexible material are suitable for marking;
  • A jigsaw or knife for cutting plasterboard sheets;
  • Screwdriver, screwdriver, drill;
  • Paint brushes, roller.


The main decoration of the structure is its front part on both sides of the doorway. Therefore, it is necessary to make two identical elements for the face, cut from sheet material. Using a marking tool and available materials, markings of the future shape of the arch are applied to the sheet.

This simple method involves making a homemade compass by tying a piece of string to the end of a pencil. A point of the future circle is marked on the sheet and the free edge of the rope is pressed against it. The second end of the rope with a pencil attached is pulled and a circle is drawn with a radius of ½ the width of the opening. For example, for an opening with a width of 1100 mm, take a radius of 550 mm. The following steps are performed in this order:

  • Based on the radius size of 550 mm plus 150 mm of the distance between the ceiling and the arch, measure the height of the sheet 700 mm and draw the bottom line;
  • The width of the sheet is measured according to the width of the opening. In our example – 1100 mm;
  • The sheet is cut according to the applied markings;
  • The free end of a rope 550 mm long is pressed to the bottom line of the sheet, at a distance of 550 mm from any edge (center of the sheet). The second end of the rope with a pencil attached is pulled, drawing a semicircle from the center;
  • By cutting out a semicircle with a jigsaw, you get a rectangular figure with a semicircle at the bottom.

The second structural element is made in the same way. It’s easier to put the finished figure on new leaf and just trace it with a pencil. By cutting out the second part, you get two front elements of the arch with the same semicircle radius along all segments.

The simplest marking device can be made from elastic plastic
skirting boards:

  • A rectangle 1100 mm wide and 700 mm high is cut out of plasterboard;
  • Measure 550 mm from each edge and draw two intersecting lines;
  • The plinth is bent in a semicircle along the width of the doorway (1100 mm) and leaned against a rectangular sheet;
  • When the highest convexity of the semicircle of the plinth is at the same level as the point of intersection of the two lines, draw a semicircle along the plinth with a pencil and cut it off with a jigsaw.

Please note: marking methods are based on the approximate dimensions of the doorway. In each apartment, the dimensions of the arch are measured individually.

Installation of a structure made of wet gypsum plasterboard

Creating the arch shape requires bending the drywall. If you moisten it a little with water before installation, the material will more easily succumb to deformation, taking on the desired shape. The builders called this installation method wet. This method for a structure with a radius of 300-500 mm requires the use of gypsum board with a thickness of 6-9 mm. In an arched structure with a radius of more than 1 m, gypsum boards with a thickness of 12 mm are used. Armed with the tool, proceed to the main installation phase:

  • According to the desired dimensions of the future structure, markings are applied to the partition and excess sections of the wall are removed along it;
  • From large sheet Using a knife, cut out two strips of gypsum board. They will be needed for closure. inside arches (sides);
  • According to the methods discussed above, markings are applied to the plasterboard and two identical front parts of the arch are cut out;

Tip: using a template, you can save material and time and at the same time apply more accurate markings.

  • The profile is used to make the basis of the entire structure. Make cuts in the sides using metal scissors and carefully bend the profile the desired shape. Curved transitions should be smooth;
  • Concrete or brick wall drill into the opening for plastic dowels and fasten profile frame. To the opening wooden wall the frame can be screwed with self-tapping screws;
  • The front elements of the arch are attached to the frame. Then the strips prepared from plasterboard are slightly moistened and, carefully bending them, sew up the sides of the structure.

Installation of a dry gypsum board structure

The method of fastening dry gypsum board requires the use of a sheet 6-9 mm thick for an arch with a radius of 1-2 m. For structures with a radius of more than 2.75 m, sheets 12 mm thick are used.

The installation procedure for the arch is similar to the previous one. It differs only in the method of sewing the inner strip, which does not require sharp bends:

  • The back side of the profile is not completely cut with a knife;
  • The profile is laid in a cut strip on plasterboard strips and all the cavities that appear are filled with putty;
  • 12 hours after the putty has hardened, the strips are attached to the frame.

The arched structure is completely ready and you can begin finishing works. Exactly finishing will give the arch architectural view. A perforated corner is secured to all ends of the bend with a stapler, the entire structure is primed and left to dry for half an hour. The dried arch is puttied and left to dry until the putty is completely dry. If the decision is made to paint the arch, the putty will have to be sanded with sandpaper or a sanding mesh. No sanding is required for wallpapering.

  • It is better to leave the arch of a small kitchen without a frame. Plastering or wallpapering will be enough;
  • If you decide to frame the arch, then it should not be contrasting. It looks better if framed in the same tone as the walls of the rooms;
  • Arches in wide openings can be decorated with moldings, mosaics, etc.

Having built it yourself the simplest model arches to the kitchen, you can begin to create architectural masterpieces in other openings of the apartment.

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