Beetles are a group of insects that shine with their species diversity. Currently, the number of described beetle species already exceeds 350 thousand, and every year the number open views increases by several thousand, adding more and more amazing views. The order of beetles consists of two suborders: carnivorous and heterovorous beetles.

  • Among all insects, the order of beetles is the most numerous - almost 40% of all insects living on the planet belong to the order of beetles. And in total there are more than 350 thousand found on Earth! the most various types beetles, but biologists believe that their real number is more than 5 million species.
  • Like almost all insects, the beetle has three main parts - the head, thorax and abdomen, covered with a hard shell. Beetles also have antennae that help them navigate in space, and they have about ten sensitive zones.
  • Beetles - Beetles, like many other insects, are the most important part any ecosystem. Due to the fact that they feed on the waste products of other plants and animals, they are a kind of nature's scavengers. For example, they eat fallen tree leaves and animal digestion products. In this way they restore the balance of chemicals in the ecosystem, for example carbon dioxide and nitrogen that would otherwise end up in the soil.
  • But besides “garbage collection” there are several large species can eat bugs small size birds, and sometimes attack small species mammals. But there are many varieties of beetles, and in our world there are also peaceful creatures that eat wood dust, absorbing which they sometimes “burrow” into trees.

  • Beetles have spread to almost the entire planet, and are prey for hundreds of other species of animals, and even plants! But in each individual ecosystem, the predator-prey relationship can change dramatically. In one habitat the beetle is prey, in another it is a predator.
  • Every third insect on our planet is a beetle.

Beetle - “titan woodcutter”

  • “Titan Lumberjack” is a beetle that is rightly called titanium. It is the largest in the world - its dimensions reach 17 centimeters.
Beetles belong to the order of insects and are the largest group of all living organisms. This order has about 400 thousand species, which is 40% of all insect species. Interesting facts about beetles are discussed below.
1.The largest beetles are the titan lumberjack and the Hercules beetle, which live in South America(can reach up to 17 cm in length). In contrast, beetles are less than a millimeter in size.
2. The jumping beetle is capable of moving at speeds of up to 2 meters per second, or 7.2 km/h.
3. Some species of beetles (for example, swimming beetles, whirling beetles) live in.
4. Scarab beetles roll balls from dung, which can be larger than the beetle itself. These balls are then buried in the ground and serve as food for the beetle.
5.The rhinoceros beetle is capable of lifting 850 times its own weight.
6. Weevils are the largest family of beetles - there are about 60,000 representatives, or 15% of all beetle species.
7.The bombardier beetle has special glands that secrete a mixture of chemicals. These substances react with each other in the beetle's abdomen, heat up to 100 C and are thrown out through holes at the end of the abdomen.

South America/ Argentina/ Argentine beetle that cures AIDS, cancer and many other diseases

Previously, it was believed that people begin to get sick only in middle age and older, and young people should be energetic and not a single complaint about their health should come from their lips. But as you can now see, diseases no longer have an age. Their breed is diverse, and the speed of spread is sometimes shocking. Not all of them lend themselves drug treatment, and some people pin their hopes entirely on traditional methods treatment. It is difficult to say which method the one invented by the Argentines belongs to. Its essence is that if you eat several beetles a day, it will help get rid of stress, as well as recover from about seventy different diseases, which include such serious diseases as cancer, asthma, diabetes, AIDS, Parkinson's disease. An interesting fact is that despite the progress that modern medicine has achieved today, humanity was able to pay attention to such a healing bug and believe in its ability to heal. Or maybe people simply don’t trust all these medications that they are being fed more and more every year. But despite numerous examples of the real action of the medicine beetle, this miraculous method has not yet been proven by doctors.

Scientists know this beetle as “ulomoides dermestoides”, in Argentina it is called “gorgojo”, others popular names of this miracle insect are: “medicine beetle” or “darkling beetle”. The Argentine beetle has this systematic position: it belongs to the class Insecta, order Coleoptera or beetles (Coleoptera), family Darkling beetles (Tenebrionidae), genus Palembus (Ulomoides/Palembus), species – dermestoides. As for the size of this insect, adult beetles generally reach a length of five millimeters and a width of one and a half millimeters.

If you delve into the history of the Argentine beetle, you will find out that, according to one version, this insect is already more than one million years old. Some claim that the Incas knew about its existence and miraculous properties and used it safely. In our time, this beetle was allegedly accidentally discovered by one German soldier, and later imported from Germany to Paraguay, and after that it came to Argentina. The Argentine founder of this peculiar hobby is considered to be a farmer named Arnoldo Rosler. Arnoldo lived in a town in the north of the country, which was located near the border with Paraguay and had the misfortune of suffering from skin cancer. According to Arnoldo Rosler himself, in 1991, according to happy occasion, fate confronted him in a car repair shop with one person who was serviced there. They started talking, and during the conversation Arnoldo mentioned his illness. In response to this confession, the man said that he would send him one extraordinary medicine that would help him. Within a few days, Rosler was holding in his hands a parcel of live beetles that arrived from Paraguay. The package also included instructions for internal use. The farmer was not afraid to try such unconventional way treatment and, according to the instructions, began to eat beetles. And this wonderful method paid off - Arnoldo Rosler was able to get rid of this disease. Rumors could not help but spread about such a miraculous healing. There were many who wanted to be cured, and they all visited Arnoldo to try this miracle medicine on themselves. So, by 2001, at least twenty people visited his farm every day. They were all eager to get beetles, and it’s no secret that they were attracted by the fact that they could be obtained absolutely free, at a time when even medicines for the common cold cost a good amount.

Somewhere at the same time, systems analyst Ruben Dieminger, who lived twenty miles from the farmer, learned about the amazing properties of the Argentine beetle. But unlike other people who wanted to be cured of illnesses, Ruben had a different goal. The analyst wanted to glorify his area, and Arnoldo Rosler's discovery could help him with this. Dieminger decided to create a special website on the Internet on which all known information about the medicine beetle and his phenomenal abilities could be posted. Information began to spread with even greater speed. As a result, there were many people who wanted to breed these beetles and share them with everyone in need. First of all, these volunteers turned out to be people who were either sick themselves, or had relatives or friends who suffered from one or another illness. In two years, more than fifteen countries around the world have joined the distribution network. And in at the moment it is visited daily by residents of more than twenty countries around the world. According to some estimates, in Argentina miraculous properties“Darkling beetles” are used by more than one hundred and fifty thousand people, and this number increases every year. In addition to creating an Internet site, Ruben Dieminger also published brochures and books about the Argentine beetle and thus was able to turn this insect into a unique national phenomenon.

In his publications and on the pages of the website, Ruben told people that Argentine beetle can be used to treat quite serious diseases, for which scientists around the world have been struggling to find cures for decades. He included psoriasis, asthma, diabetes, cancer, AIDS, Parkinson's disease, dermatitis, osteoporosis and many other diseases on their list. But only Dieminger never tired of mentioning that these beetles cannot be used only as a basic treatment, neglecting inventions modern medicine, and use them as an addition to traditional methods treatment. What is it all about? healing property these beetles? It turns out that when a medicine beetle enters the human body, in the stomach it begins to secrete a special substance or even a number of certain components that affect the human immune system. Thus, it helps the body fight the disease. Based on observations of patients, it was revealed that an improvement in the patient’s condition can be noticed within fifteen to twenty days from the start of treatment. The method of using beetles is very simple. They need to be thrown into a glass of water, mixed with yogurt, and if it’s really hard, you can put the beetles in a capsule and swallow them. Required condition– the beetles must be alive. It is recommended to start treatment with small portions, preferably one beetle per day, and increase their number over time, gradually increasing the portion to seventy pieces. Since this method of treatment is folk, it is difficult to say how long such treatment should last. Patients will probably have to focus on the result and independently regulate the duration of treatment.

According to research data, medicine beetles have long been used in Cuba. Together with other insects, they are specially raised as food for wild birds and reptiles. Interestingly, there have also been cases of rapid recovery of injured animals or those that were sick with cancer or other serious illnesses. But, unfortunately, these facts have not yet been scientifically confirmed. And entomologist from the University of Illinois, May Berenbaum, claims that in medicinal properties People have been confident about insects since the times of Ancient Egypt, and this lasted until the moment when the biotechnological boom occurred. In some countries, the tradition of eating beetles is still followed. So, for example, in China they are even used as a traditional treatment. According to May Berenbaum, the Chinese are confident that chemicals, which are in them, help them protect themselves from enemies. At the same time, Mrs. Berenbaum says that the miraculous healing of many diseases by this beetle is more like a fairy tale.

But judging by the number of reviews from people from all over the world, it can be seen that even language barriers did not stand in the way of the desire to be cured of their illness, and this method of treatment has truly become popular. And on a website dedicated to beetles, people who were miraculously cured posted more than one story about how the Argentine beetle helped them overcome their illness. Of course, there were also cases when the stage of the disease no longer left a person a chance, for example, when the disease destroyed organs and neither beetles nor anything else could restore them. But people still took the beetles, and when they died, they did not experience pain. Thus, we managed to learn about another property of medicine beetles - an anesthetic. Although scientists are quite skeptical about all these stories and miracle healing, they cannot completely refute the fact that people’s condition actually improved. This was not difficult to notice from the results of tests and examinations that were carried out at the beginning and after treatment with these insects. In turn, many other doctors reject claims that this can be cured. Farmers also have special fears. So, they worry that these beetles might escape and turn to their crops. Skeptical people believe that eating insects as a means of prevention and treatment is nothing more than a sign of the decline of a once prosperous nation. After all, some time ago Argentina was proud that its national currency is on par with the American dollar, and also that their healthcare system once gave the world two Nobel Prize laureates.


What our Mother Nature hasn’t come up with. Miracles in the animal world are found at almost every turn. Thanks to numerous studies by scientists and naturalists, it is possible to reveal the secrets of almost every species on the planet.

Today we will talk about interesting beetles that have unique opportunity shine. On summer evenings, numerous lights from fireflies flash in the fields and meadows, releasing a mysterious phosphorus glow into the darkness. They glow thanks to a special substance, luciferin, which, in the presence of oxygen, begins to release “cold” light. They can produce light much more efficiently than the most economical ones light bulbs, which convert only 4% of the energy into light, and the rest of the energy is released in the form of heat. In beetles chemical reactions The energy produced by the glow is incredibly efficient: this beetle's organs use 98% of the energy to glow. So, all our light sources are wasteful of energy.

Some species may emit intermittent light. But not only the glow characterizes fireflies. Their body length is from 10 to 15-18 mm, with females being several mm longer, as is usual in all insects. The body is elongated, in larvae it is divided into segments; males have wings and can fly. The luminescent organs are located on the underside of the last segments of the body. The mouthparts of the larvae are of the gnawing type, while adult beetles do not have one at all. Why? But because adults live only a few days and their only purpose in life is to find a partner and reproduce. During reproduction, adult fireflies use the energy reserves accumulated during their stay as larvae, and soon after the birth of their offspring they die.

Males are attracted by the glow itself. Females, in turn, also like to attract males with their glow. For example, females of a large firefly leave their shelter at dusk, sit on the grass and, emitting light, attract males. Males notice the signals of females at a distance of 10 m. The male sits next to his chosen one, hides his wings under the elytra and mates with her.

In many species of fireflies, both females and males emit light. The female extinguishes her flashlight when she sees a male of another species approaching her. Some naturalists report that when a male flies over grass and bushes, his flashlight flashes, signaling his approach to his mate. The female responds by brightly blinking a green beacon, which indicates the way to the “bride.” In addition, the light protects the bug from birds that are hesitant to eat it. In order to extinguish the light, the insect interrupts the supply of oxygen to the luminescent organs.

Through numerous studies, it has been found that many species of fireflies are able to regulate the color and intensity of light. For what? And for the fact that fireflies communicate with each other only with the help of flashes of their own light, which can be of varying intensity. It is a kind of “language” with varied intonation.


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