State educational institution average vocational education Yaroslavl region Uglich Industrial Pedagogical College

Summary of an integrated lesson on application in senior group(5-6 years)

Theme: “Bouquet of flowers”

according to the program of education and training in kindergarten “From birth to school” under the general editorship of M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova

Completed: student

group 26-Z Sokolova I.Yu.


Bondarenko O.V.


The purpose of pedagogical activity: Arouse interest in creating a beautiful bouquet of daisies, using available materials in collaboration with the teacher.



Expand children's knowledge about plants and their benefits to humans;

Strengthen the ability to work with scissors, glue, paper;

Teach children to work with available materials;

Expand your vocabulary on the topic.


To develop accuracy, perseverance, curiosity, observation, and attention in children;

Develop spatial thinking, the ability to see the beauty of nature, compositional skills - create a bouquet of flowers;

Develop a sense of color, imagination and fine motor skills through appliqué.


Foster respect for plants environment;

Cultivate a desire to show concern for others and love nature.

Integration educational areas:

Artistic creativity:

Improve children's cutting skills ready-made forms, connect the parts according to the sample;

Strengthen children's skills in application acquired earlier.


To form basic environmental ideas and broaden children’s horizons;

Introduce the chamomile flower;

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.


To form a holistic picture of the world in terms of ideas about the relationship between man and nature;

Develop children's creative abilities;

Develop the ability to work in a team.


Develop cognitive, research and productive activities in the process of free communication with peers and adults;


Develop musical and artistic activities.

Reading fiction:

Introduce poems about nature and daisies.


Reinforce the rules safe use scissors, glue.


Introduce children to medicinal properties daisies.

Equipment for the teacher: audio recording “Sounds of Nature”, ready-made samples works, chamomile flowers, presentation, vase, box.

Equipment for children: colored paper, cardboard, glue, oilcloth, scissors, gouache white, brush, samples of crafts, cotton pads, watermelon seeds, white and yellow napkins, pasta, white sheets of paper, wet wipes for each child.

Preliminary work: conversations about flowers, learning poems, reading stories, guessing riddles, learning the “Dance of Flowers,” looking at photographs, postcards, paintings, calendars depicting flowers; didactic games: “Gardener”(in order to consolidate knowledge of color names), “When What Blooms”, “What Grows Where”, “Color House”(for the purpose of developing and perceiving color and obtaining harmonious color combinations), walks to the flower beds of the kindergarten.

Connections with other classes and activities: preparing for the holiday, learning poems and songs; viewing paintings, reproductions, postcards depicting flowers.

Methods and techniques: showing, explaining, talking.


    Introductory part

Screen saver "Nature"

Children enter the group, beautiful music of nature sounds. The teacher invites the children to sit on the carpet and listen to music.


Guys, today I want to invite you to an interesting walk. Let us now close our eyes and imagine that we find ourselves in a forest clearing. The warm sun is shining, the birds are singing (birds are singing). How nice it is to be in a green meadow! Bright fragrant flowers bloom among the grasses, and elegant moths, butterflies and bumblebees flutter above them.

The music fades out, the children open their eyes.

    Main part


Guys, where have we been now?


In a forest clearing.


What was growing in our clearing?

Children's answers


That's right, many different colors.


- Do you know what these flowers are called?

Slide 2. " wild flowers»

Children's answers


In the clearing we can find dandelions, bluebells, cornflowers, and many different beautiful flowers. Today I want to introduce you to one “princess” of the meadows, our guest. Was walking when I was in kindergarten, guys, I met the Flower Fairy, she sent you this wonderful box.

The teacher takes out a box and shows the children:

One, two, three...

Look what's in the box.




Chamomile blooms in the meadow

A modest white flower,

What's in the yellow pocket?

Dropped a petal.


Look how many daisies have grown in the clearing.

Viewing the presentation and reading a poem about daisies by E. Malenkin.

All the daisies are dressed up

In snow-white shirts.

I don't want to guess at them

So as not to tear off the leaves.

Who to be friends with - and so I know

I can guess without the daisies.

It's better not to tear the petals

Let them grow freely...

And flowers get hurt.


Guys, what do you think, is it necessary to pick daisies just to tell fortunes on them? That's right, any flowers should not be picked just like that, nature should be protected.

Do you know what the most important benefit of all plants is?

The most important benefit of plants is the oxygen they produce and which we breathe. Without plants, neither fish, nor birds, nor insects, nor animals, nor you and I, could exist. Did you know that chamomile also has medicinal properties and can be used for treatment. Listen to the poem:

When my throat hurts

Chamomile will help, it will heal

I'll gargle with it

Everything will be alright

And I'll go to kindergarten.


Let's take a closer look at chamomile.

The teacher gives each child a chamomile and together with the children examines them, how beautiful they are, that they have a stem, a center, petals, etc. The teacher invites the children to collect all the flowers together and put them in a vase.


Guys, we collected all the daisies together, what did we get?


Beautiful bouquet.


Let him stand in our group and please us with his beauty.


Do you guys know why flowers are always so beautiful and attractive? No? I didn’t know either until I heard one flower tell the secret of its beauty. It turns out that flowers start every morning with exercise. Do you want me to teach you “flower” exercises too?

3. Physical exercise

Flowers grow in the meadow

Unprecedented beauty(stretching - arms to the sides)

Flowers reach for the sun

Stretch with them too(stretching - arms up)

The wind blows sometimes

It's just not a problem(waving their arms above, imitating the wind)

Flowers bend down(tilts)

Petals drop(sit down)

And then they get up again(stand up)

And still bloom(hands up and spinning)


- Guys, the Flower Fairy sent us this beautiful bouquet daisy flowers, maybe we can give her a gift too.

If I pick a flower, if you pick a flower...

If everyone, me and you, if we pick flowers...

Then the trees and bushes will be empty...

And there will be no beauty.


What should guys do, if you can’t pick flowers, where can we get them?

Children's answers


We won't pick flowers.

Let's cook it ourselves - with our own hands!

The teacher shows samples finished works. Conducts a short conversation: what daisies are made of, how different they are, how they are unusual.

Children are divided into groups and independently choose their favorite applique.

Practical work

Checking readiness for work.

So that the work begins to boil,

Get everything ready for business.

We will glue, make -

Everything should be fine.

Remind about safety precautions when working with scissors and glue

1) when cutting, keep your fingers away from the scissors blade;

2) remove excess glue with a napkin;

3) hand the scissors closed, holding the blades with the rings facing forward;

4) when the hands work, the tongue rests;


So, our workplace ready. Our eyes are ready to look, our ears are ready to listen, our mouths are silent, and our fingers are ready to get to work.

The teacher explains the progress of the work. Demonstrates and explains techniques.

First stage. Children choose a background - colored cardboard for a future craft. Second stage. Cut out the stencil and glue on the vase. Third stage. The stems of daisies are cut out, and then the daisies themselves are cut out from the presented material. Before gluing the flowers, you need to lay out the composition on paper. Place the flowers vertically on the paper so that they are not crowded.

    Independent work children .

Every child step by step sample work. The teacher helps children who are experiencing difficulties.


Look what beautiful daisy flowers we got! Do you think the Fairy will like our flowers?

Having finished the work, the children, together with the teacher, examine the work, pay attention to the correctness of execution, accuracy, and summarize the work:

What did we talk about today?

What new have you learned?

What are the benefits of chamomile?


- When our works are dry, we will put them in a box and send them to the Fairy of Flowers. She will be very happy with such a gift.


Each child receives a daisy emoticon with a different mood and sticks it on the board.


- Guys, now choose a flower with the mood with which you made these daisies today. And let this mood stay with you for the whole day.

Download and print the base of the applique and assemble a flower from the details, which can become a gift for your loved ones. For children from 4-8 years old.

For the craft we will need:
- A sheet of cardboard or a thick landscape sheet of A4 format;
- Colored cardboard;
- Colored pencils;
- Glue stick.

1. Print 3 sheets of applications on the printer:
- Application – “Application details”;
- Application – “Basis of the application”;
- Application – “Decals”.

Russian version.Download and print the applique base in PDF format.


4.31 Mb .pdf

ONLINE VIEWING: flowerrus.pdf

Download and print the basis of the application, collecting a flower from the details, which can become a gift for your nearest and dearest ones.
For children from 4 to 8 years old. Click the buttonDownload file» to download.


3.92 Mb .pdf

ONLINE VIEWING: flowereng.pdf

- If you do not have a program to read PDF files, (Russian version)
download it from the official website of the Adobe developer company.
- Free program “Adobe Acrobat Reader DC ” - A program for reading, printing and reviewing PDF files.
Files are distributed free of charge in electronic PDF format, and only on the website
Not for commercial use.

2. Cut out all the elements of the flower details along the contour.
3. Cut out the base of the flower applique exactly along the contour, without cutting it into parts.

4. Take a sheet of colored cardboard or thick album sheet. It will be the background of your application. Glue the cut out flower onto it (Basis of the applique).

5. Now take multi-colored cardboard. Decide on the colors of the elements of your flower details. Place the parts on the reverse side (not the colored side) indoor flower and circle them. Next, cut out all of its detail elements.

6. Glue the colored details of the flower onto the Applique Base according to the arrangement of the image details in the following sequence:

6.1. First glue the leaves of the flower.
6.2. Then glue on the details of the flower pot.
6.3. Now glue on the details of the flower petals.

7. Color the craft decals with colored pencils and cut them out along the outline. Then stick it onto the applique base.

For the background of the application (A4 format), you can choose a white thick landscape sheet.
After assembling the applique, use colored pencils to color around the applique to create a background.

If desired, you can use the Application Basics application as a coloring book.

Volumetric paper applique. DIY cactus

Required materials and tools

■ Colored paper (yellow, green and red)

■ Scissors

■ Glue, it is better to use a glue stick

Step-by-step process for making a Cactus applique

1. Choose for the background yellow leaf thick paper. A4 format. You can use a sheet of yellow cardboard.

2. Cut out the templates.

3. Fold a sheet of green paper in half, apply the templates to the fold and cut out 4-5 pieces of each piece.

4. From red paper we cut out spines for the cactus - very thin strips (slightly pointed towards one edge) 1.5-3 cm long.

5. We begin gluing the cactus from the bottom tier. To do this, we take one large detail cactus, coat half of its outer side with glue, glue 4-5 needles on it and glue the other part of the petal on top.

6. By analogy, we glue together all the parts of the same size, gluing needles between them.

7. Similarly, we glue all the other elements of the cactus. The result was five cactus shoots with needles.

8. Glue the shoots to the background, connecting them together.

9. We are making a blooming cactus, so we move on to making flowers. Using the stencil, cut out 4 red flowers. Flowers can be of other shapes.

10. Fold each petal in half lengthwise - the petals become “alive”, they rise up.

10. Glue the finished flowers to the shoots of the cactus.

Useful advice. You can plant a cactus in a pot. To do this, you will first need to cut out a pot from colored paper, for example, in the form of a trapezoid.


Direct organized activities

on artistic and aesthetic development (application)

in the second younger group on the topic " Houseplants».

Conducted and prepared


Ishmuratova A. R.

Target: develop the ability to create an image of an object from ready-made figures.

Tasks:- To consolidate children’s ideas about indoor plants and how to care for them;

To consolidate skills: first lay out the finished parts on a sheet of paper, composing an image conceived by the teacher, and stick them on.

Use glue carefully.

Develop coherent speech and fine motor skills;

To instill in children a desire to take care of indoor plants.

Vocabulary work : ficus, violet, spray.

Preliminary work : looking at indoor plants; working together to care for plants; reading riddles and poems about indoor plants; looking at pictures of “plant needs.”

Equipment: album “Indoor Plants”, Piggy toy, items for caring for indoor plants; a sheet of white paper with a green strip pasted (stem), green leaves, glue, a brush, oilcloth, a napkin (for each child).

Organizational moment.

The teacher reads a poem:

The first ray, a gentle ray,

He looked at us at the window,

And brought it in his palms

Warmth, a particle of the sun.

Guys, Piggy came to visit us and he wants to ask a riddle:

“They clean the air and create comfort.

The windows are green, all year round are blooming."

What is this? (children's answers).

Conversation about indoor plants.

Stepashka went to his grandmother and asked Khryusha to take care of the houseplants, but Khryusha knows nothing about them. Let us help Khryusha together and tell you what the plants are called, what parts they consist of and how to care for them.

What indoor plants do you know? What do plants need to be beautiful and grow big?

Piggy brought tools for caring for plants, but he doesn’t know what they are for or how to use them (watering can, napkin, wooden stick, spray).

Houseplants are very useful. They purify the air and make it easier for us to breathe.

Examination of the sample.

Guys, let's make gifts for Piggy and his friends.

What's underneath? (pot)

What's in the pot? What is missing from the stem? Where are the leaves located?

Physical exercise.

Our red flowers spread their petals,

The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway.

Our red flowers cover their petals,

They shake their heads and quietly fall asleep.

Independent work of children.

Place the ficus leaves on your sheets of paper.

Now you need to glue it. We collect glue on a brush and spread it on reverse side leaf. Place the brush on the stand and glue it to the stem.

Review of finished works.

Guys, look what beautiful, neat ficuses we got.

Summary of the lesson.

What did we do today guys?

Well done guys. Piggy also brought you gifts - medals, for being active, independent and giving great gifts! And now he says goodbye to you, goodbye guys!

Educational objectives:

Expand children's knowledge about indoor plants.

Learn to create an image of a cactus using three-dimensional appliqué.

Continue to improve your skills in cutting a circle from square shaped paper and cutting a corner from double folded rectangular paper.

Continue to improve your flower cutting skills using a template. Continue to develop skills in working with scissors and colored paper. Strengthen the ability to consistently stick forms.



Abstract of GCD on artistic and aesthetic development in preparatory group.

Application on the topic:

Educational area:Artistic and aesthetic development.

Type of activity: Visual activities. Application.

Age group:preparatory group for school (6-7 years old)

Subject: « Blooming cactus in a pot."

Target : Continue to improve the artistic and aesthetic perception of children.

Program content:

Educational objectives:

Expand children's knowledge about indoor plants.

Learn to create an image of a cactus using three-dimensional appliqué.

Continue to improve your skills in cutting a circle from square shaped paper and cutting a corner from double folded rectangular paper.

Continue to improve your flower cutting skills using a template. Continue to develop skills in working with scissors and colored paper. Strengthen the ability to consistently stick forms.


Develop attention logical thinking, imagination, curiosity, mutual assistance, aesthetic taste.

Develop fine motor skills, perseverance, and accuracy.


Cultivate an interest in indoor plants and a desire to care for them. Develop the ability to work in a team.

Preliminary work: talking with children about indoor plants, observing them, caring for indoor plants, looking at pictures, illustrations and encyclopedias, reading poems, asking riddles, presentation “Indoor Plants”.

Materials and equipment:indoor plant - cactus, teacher's sample, squares and rectangles of colored paper for making a pot and cactus, scissors, glue stick, pencils, napkins, board for applique, illustrations of a flowering cactus, encyclopedia of indoor plants.

Progress of activities:

1. Part. Organizational moment.


The teacher invites the children to guess the riddle.

He looks like a hedgehog

Only rooted into the ground.

No ears, no legs, no eyes,

But the thorns are great!

Grows very slowly

And it doesn't bloom every year.

He has a red flower

How beautiful is the blooming... (cactus).

After solving the riddle, the teacher shows the children a cactus plant.


The teacher tells the children about the cactus and asks questions.

That's right guys, this houseplant is called a cactus.

Let's look at what parts it consists of? The cactus has one thick and fleshy stem of a round shape; instead of leaves, spines grow. The thorn-shaped leaves prevent the water in the plant from evaporating. Cacti grow in dry deserts and steppes. These plants can withstand heat and lack of moisture. Cactus is very hardy and unpretentious plant. Cacti bloom, sometimes rarely: some bloom once every 5 years. People loved it amazing plant and began to grow it in pots on windowsills.

Which one of you has it growing at home?

In order for cacti to grow well at home, they need proper care.

Guys, how should you care for a cactus? The cactus should be placed in the brightest and sunniest place. Will it be possible to wipe the cactus with a napkin? No, it won't work. Why? It is prickly and has many needles that can hurt you. Therefore, it is better to remove dust from the cactus with a wet brush. The cactus needs to be watered rarely, once a week.

Would you like to plant a cactus yourself?

Let's try it.

3. Part. Physical education lesson “Flower exercises”.

Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

The flower says to the flower:

“Pick up your paper.”Children raise and lower their hands.

Get out on the pathChildren walk in place

Yes, tap your footraising your knees high.

Shake your head

Greet the sun in the morningHead rotation.

Tilt the stem slightly -

Here is a charger for the flower. Tilts.

Now wash yourself with dew,

Shake yourself off and calm down.Shaking your hands.

Finally everyone is readyPalm in front of you,

Celebrate the day in all its glory.“look” in the mirror.

4. Practical part.

The teacher demonstrates a sample of the craft “Blooming Cactus in a Pot.”

Each of you can “plant” your own cactus. First, watch how I will make a cactus. The teacher shows the sequence of making a cactus:

  • From paper folded in half, we get a pot by cutting off the lower right corner diagonally.
  • We cut out circles from green square paper by folding the square in half and trimming the edges of the resulting rectangle.
  • Using a template, cut out flowers for the cactus from red, yellow or pink paper.
  • From paper yellow color cut the thorns.

We fold our circles in half and glue the second one new circle to the workpiece, spread the second half of the circle, lay out the spines and glue the second new circle, and do the same with the two remaining circles. Here you are ready for a cactus ball.

  • We smear the middle of the flower and glue it to the cactus.

But before we get to work, we need to prepare our fingers for work.

Finger gymnastics “Cactus”.

Cactus-cactus pricklyClenching and unclenching fists.

Where are your needles?

Here they are, here they are, here they are, the needles.

Cactus-cactus prickly

Hide your needles!

The needles hid.

The children get to work. As the lesson progresses, the teacher helps them with advice and shows them individual appliqué techniques in case of difficulty.

5. Part. Final.

The teacher sums up the lesson, analyzes the finished work, and reads a poem by M. Karem about a cactus.

Pink sun in winter

Black kitten in the snow

The poor trees get:

The wind whips them as they run.

And, hidden in the greenhouse,

My green cactus has grown up,

And if I touch it, it stings more sharply,

Than winter wind and frost.

Open lesson on application on the topic:

"Blooming cactus in a pot."

(Preparatory group for school)

GBOU School No. 904

Management Company "Akvarel"


Prepared abstract

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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