Chrome plating of some parts of the body or chassis of a car has been in fashion, perhaps, from the very moment the first production car hit the road. And, despite the fact that more than a century has passed since that moment, chrome-plated parts, or even the entire body, undoubtedly attract the attention of others!

But few people know what chrome plating methods exist, how applicable they are for a particular car, and, most importantly, how to achieve the “wow effect” and not waste your own time and money.

So, let's start with the pros and cons of a chrome car or its parts.

+ Catchy, attractive appearance

+ Individuality

+ Additional protection (good chrome plating is more reliable than good painting)

Of the minuses:


Dust and dirt are much more noticeable

Full chrome plating or gilding of the body and large parts is a complex process

It seems that we have sorted out this issue, and, to tell the truth, the pros still outweigh the cons!

But before you collect the Nth amount of money and go to the master, you should familiarize yourself with the possible options for chrome plating technology

Chrome plating using films

In fact, this is the application of special foil to a previously prepared body or its elements. Perhaps this is the least labor-intensive and budget-friendly method of chrome plating, but its main drawback is the instability of the coating. It’s not so easy to find a good film; even trusted sellers often have defects and outright fakes in their assortment, which can begin to peel and peel literally after the first rain.

However, this method also has a couple more advantages! Firstly, the factory paint is not removed from the body, and under the film the surface is protected from external influences, so after removing the chrome film, your car will look just like new. Secondly, the relative simplicity of the application process allows you to cover even the entire body in just one day in an ordinary clean garage, without the use of special equipment - all you need is the help of a friend when gluing the film on large-area parts, such as the roof and hood.


Applying chrome plating using electroplating is a labor-intensive and expensive process, but the ability to create “patterns” and the incredible reliability and durability of the finished coating completely outweigh the disadvantages of this method!

In addition, chrome applied by galvanic means is not subject to fading, does not turn yellow, and over time practically does not become covered with black spots, and the parts will shine much brighter compared to other methods.

Catalytic chromium plating

The process of catalytic chrome plating, like film application, is quite simple and can be performed without special preparation. On the body, cleared of factory paint, several layers of special liquids (harmless, by the way, to humans) are applied in turn, which, when dry, give the effect of a mirror chrome coating.

Another advantage of this type of chrome plating is a wide range of shades and colors. In addition, chromium applied using a catalytic method does not tend to peel off parts of complex shapes and looks great not only on metal, but also on plastic or plaster - just enough for the surface to be uniformly smooth.

Electrochemical chromium plating

This is perhaps the most expensive method of applying chrome to parts or a car body. In addition, this method is unlikely to cover the entire body with chrome - the process is complex and requires alternate application of the substrate and the outer coating.

However, this is still a good option for those parts that are often exposed to the external environment - wheels, mudguards and decorative elements of motorcycles - such chrome plating is very, very difficult to damage (if, of course, all the subtleties of the process are followed).

Chrome paint

Like the option with films, this method is simple and cheap, but achieving a “wow effect” with its help is very difficult; handicraft painted elements often do not survive more than one season, losing their attractiveness in just a few months of active use of the car.

But if a more or less experienced person does the painting, and you don’t skimp too much on preparing the body, the result will be very worthy.

Technologically, chrome painting is not too different from conventional painting. A layer of HS varnish with black pigment is applied to the prepared body, then chrome paint itself, and after the layer has dried, it is enough to cover it with another layer of HS varnish, to which a small amount of colored pigment is added - this way you can achieve rainbow highlights or blued steel effect.

From theory to practice

It is this method of body chrome plating that we will focus on - high-quality chrome painting combines relative simplicity and an acceptable result, so almost anyone can do this kind of car tuning and does not require special equipment.

So, to paint chrome we need a small initial set of tools and conditions:

  • Clean garage with good ventilation
  • Respirator
  • Spray
  • Airbrush
  • Paints and varnishes in sufficient quantities (base, black and colored pigments, chrome paint, protective varnish)
  • Solvent and alcohol-based degreasing liquid
  • Polishing attachment for drill or sander

The technology is quite simple, just follow 6 basic steps

  1. The body or its elements, prepared and cleaned of dirt and grease, are evenly coated with black paint - the base.
  2. The painted body is carefully dried and polished - the result should resemble a clean mirror.
  3. After polishing, the body is thoroughly, but not too much, wiped with alcohol or an alcohol-containing liquid without foreign impurities, after which we take a short pause, allowing the surface to dry completely
  4. The area where chrome will be applied is thoroughly heated with a hairdryer.
  5. We proceed directly to chrome plating the heated areas. In this case, there should not be so much paint, and it is advisable to make the pressure in the compressor a little higher than with conventional painting - chrome plating entails a high air consumption.
  6. When the finished chrome elements are completely dry, they are polished again, achieving a mirror effect. It is acceptable to use a small amount of car cosmetics intended for chrome surfaces.

However, before you start finishing work, take a few evenings and a small amount of paint and varnish materials to get your hands on! Experience comes quite quickly, and on unnecessary pieces of metal, and perhaps even on garage doors, you will not only get plenty of practice, and, accordingly, reduce the chance of mistakes when painting the body, but also try your hand at airbrushing, experimenting with patterns and shades.

Chrome plating of wheels

As in the case of the body, all of the above methods of applying chrome are applicable for wheels, but the most reliable are electrochemical chrome plating or painting.

However, as mentioned above, the process of electrochemical chrome plating is complex and practically impossible to implement at home, so we will focus on conventional painting.

There are not so many differences from usual bodywork.

  1. The surface that will undergo chrome plating should be thoroughly cleaned with sandpaper, and then, using a compressor, blow off dust and residual contaminants.
  2. Next, by analogy with the body, the disc is degreased and dried, after which a primer is applied - with its help, minor defects are hidden and the surface is “smoothed”.
  3. After the primer has dried, you can proceed directly to chrome plating, this time without a base - just a can or two of chrome paint is enough.
  4. The paint is applied in two layers, with a pause of 20-40 minutes between each layer (the exact time is usually indicated directly on the paint can or can). If the layers turn out to be too thin or there are sloppiness in the process, a third, “finishing” layer is allowed, but in this case the coating may begin to peel off after some time.
  5. After the paint has dried, cover the disc with a layer of varnish - it will add additional shine and extend the life of the paint.

Chrome parts are often found on various products - in furniture, appliances, cars, bicycles and other items. Sometimes it becomes necessary to paint these parts, but this cannot be done in the usual way. The paint on the chrome elements adheres very poorly and peels off quickly.

Since chrome is a very hard metal, paint applied to it in the usual way does not adhere well, and, for example, such parts on a car lose a layer of coating under running water in a car wash. Poor adhesion and violations of paint application technology lead to deterioration in the quality of the coating. The main mistakes are made at the initial stages. In order for the paint to stick well, chrome parts must be matted, and this is done using different methods.

Painting with preliminary acid priming

You can use acidic primer for chrome-plated parts, which creates a protective film on the surface of the part and eats into the metal to 0.5 microns. This will promote better paint adhesion on the chrome part. Then apply a standard primer for painting and then the paint itself.

You can use a two-component phosphating primer for these purposes, consisting of a base and an acid diluent. The base is a suspension of pigments and fillers in a solution of polyvinyl butyral in a mixture of volatile organic solvents, and the acid diluent is a solution of orthophosphoric acid. Such primers are used for treating metal surfaces during intraoperative wounds, and instead of oxidation and phosphating.

Regular primer is then used to protect the metal from corrosion, filling in minor scratches and depressions to improve the quality of the paint job.

Then paint with the selected paint using the usual method. The result should be a durable coating that will last a long time.

Painting over primer

Painting chrome parts is possible without the use of acidic agents. It is necessary to choose a suitable primer on which the paint will adhere well. Primers in the form of aerosols are often chosen. If you choose primer in cans, it is better to use a primer-putty that paint adheres well to.

  • First, the chrome surface must be degreased, since its surface is very smooth and shiny. First, wipe the part with a solvent, and before the priming process, degrease the surfaces with anti-silicone. To prevent fingerprints from remaining on the part, you need to use napkins or cloth gloves.
  • Then you need to remove the gloss from the surface, since the paint will not stick to such a flat surface. To do this, use fine-grained sanding paper with a grit of 2000. If this step is skipped, the paint will peel off.
  • Then the parts are primed. It is best to apply the primer in two thin layers, waiting for the first layer to dry.
  • If high quality painting is required, the primer layer is also sanded with 500, 800 or 1000 sandpaper. If dust or other contaminants adhere to the surface during the process, they are also removed with sandpaper.
  • For painting it is better to use a small spray gun. The paint must be applied in a thin, even layer. If desired, you can apply several layers to achieve uniform, dense paint.

High-quality chrome painting is a unique opportunity to decorate a car, decorative elements in the interior, etc. It is no secret that real chrome plating is a high-tech and expensive process that is unlikely to be implemented at home.

On the other hand, it is possible to obtain a mirror coating with a characteristic metallic color without the use of real chrome plating. In this article we will talk about how and with what, do-it-yourself chrome painting is done.

How to paint

All paintwork materials with the effect of a chrome-plated or nickel-plated surface on the market can be divided into two general categories:

  1. in cans;
  2. paint in cans.

It would seem that both packages contain paints and varnishes, only the method of application is different. But it turns out there is a difference and it is significant. First of all, the price of the can is higher than the cost of the contents of the can in terms of the same number of grams.

In addition, coatings sold in cans vaguely resemble a chrome surface, while materials sold in cans are intended for professional use and guarantee greater aesthetic similarity.

Important: When deciding to purchase chrome paint in cans, you need to remember that applying such paints and varnishes is impractical on large substrates. In addition, the technology for working with shiny paint from a can is complex. And only if all technological requirements are followed can you expect satisfactory quality of the finished result.

On the market, paints with the effect of a shiny metal surface are presented in one-component and two-component compositions. One-component compositions are, as a rule, what is pumped into cans and some types of inexpensive nitro paint in cans.

Two-component compositions are paintwork materials based on acrylic or epoxy. In this case, the method of preparing the coating for use will take some time, but the result will be an order of magnitude better than when working with one-component analogues. The essence of paint preparation is that the base is mixed with a hardener until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

You should not save on purchasing high-quality paints and varnishes, since cheap materials will not provide the expected effect. You will find more interesting and useful information by watching the video in this article.

Chrome plating is the coating of car parts with chrome. Chrome parts are an integral part of tuning, and modern car manufacturers do not miss the opportunity to highlight their creations with such elements.

If you decide that you need to update your chrome parts, then learn all the stages of applying paint to chrome.

Preparatory work before painting chrome parts

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Chrome painting is carried out using various methods, the main ones being galvanic and diffusion. Moreover, the latter method is the most accessible for doing chrome plating yourself, since, in essence, it is painting with special paint.

Part of the preparatory work necessarily includes a selection of materials and tools. The materials needed will be:

  • chrome effect paint or another paint (if you just want to change the color);
  • acidic primer or two-component phosphating primer;
  • automobile soil;
  • sandpaper of various adhesion;
  • degreaser (anti-silicone);

First you need to carefully and carefully dismantle the part. After this, the cleaning stages begin: everything should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, rinsed and dried. Then the surface is degreased with anti-silicone.

Priming chrome parts

The most common mistake in the next step is to immediately apply automotive primer or paint to the surface, which will peel off immediately after washing with strong pressure. Therefore, the following rules must be observed:

Firstly, it is impossible to completely remove chrome; it is better to rub the surface with P2000 sandpaper for subsequent good adhesion to the metal. Matting the surface increases adhesion, which prevents the paint from peeling off under any external load.

Secondly, it is necessary to use an acidic or two-component phosphating primer. Its use improves adhesion, since such a primer penetrates into the metal by about 0.5 microns.

Next comes standard priming. Do not forget to allow the surface to dry between layers of primer, with obligatory degreasing between the various components.

Automotive primer is applied in 1-2 layers, thereby smoothing out small cracks. The last layer, after complete drying, is sanded, cleaned of dust and degreased. We proceed to the actual painting of the chrome parts.

Painting chrome car parts

After thoroughly degreasing the primed surface, the paint of your choice is applied. It can be applied either with a spray gun or using a store-bought spray can. The paint is applied carefully in a thin layer. Allow to dry for 10-15 minutes, and then apply a second layer, gradually achieving a uniform color of the surface. After complete drying, a thick layer of varnish is applied to the surface of the part, after which it is polished.

This completes the process of painting chrome parts. Now try to be more careful with parts painted with chrome: wash parts with a sponge, not a brush, and wipe off dirt and corrosive salts in winter. When washing your car, use gentle substances that will not damage the surface. If necessary, polish the parts using a polishing machine.

A significant portion of cars are equipped with a large number of decorative parts. They are often chrome plated, giving the car shine and impressiveness. This can be found both on a new car and with. However, not all drivers like such decorations, and they are not very practical during operation.

The chrome-plated part is subject to rapid wear of the outer protective coating. Even minor spring damage leads to a significant decrease in attractiveness. Just one scratch and such a detail begins to stand out too much on the body, spoiling its appearance.

Naturally, all these reasons lead to a single solution - changing the outer covering. For such a change, you can use special films or paint. The film allows you to hide defects, however, it is no less susceptible to external influences. Just a few days or even a month of careful handling and the film also becomes unattractive and not very attractive. As a result, there is only one way out - painting the chrome parts of the car using one of the simplest techniques.

Painting chrome car parts: process

Preparation is the basis for quality work. If it is carried out carefully and all the necessary tools and materials for the work are provided in advance, then painting the chrome parts of the car black will be done quickly and efficiently. Moreover, such a procedure will also not take too much time and the car will quickly be ready for further use, boasting a new design.

The preparation procedure includes two stages - preparing the room for painting and purchasing materials. The room should be chosen carefully, because it will really influence the final result. First of all, this influence is expressed in cleanliness and the presence of dust. Even a small amount of dust that gets on a part during the painting process can lead to defects.

Thus, the room in which this procedure will be carried out should be thoroughly cleaned. You can also wet clean and cover areas that will affect the painting process, such as vents or entryways with windows.

Having prepared the room, you should immediately prepare the entire set of tools that may be needed during work. Such tools and materials include coarse sandpaper, degreasing agent (you can use gasoline or acetone), paint, primer and varnish.

When painting chrome parts, it is important to use a high-quality primer. As a rule, such a primer consists of two components and provides maximum adhesion for paint. Its negative side will be the long drying time.

Stages of painting a chrome part:

  • The first step in painting a car element is to remove it. The already removed and cleaned part must be treated with sandpaper. If the chrome layer peels off or cracks, it is necessary to remove all poorly adhering pieces. Only after the surface of the entire part has been thoroughly cleaned and matted with sandpaper should you begin further work. It is important to carefully check all areas of the part and use sandpaper to obtain a matte surface.
  • Next, painting the chrome parts of the car will require a new cleaning and degreasing procedure. The degreasing agent must be applied after washing and drying. After degreasing, primer is applied to all visible chrome-plated parts. The primer must be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements indicated on the packaging.
  • The next step will be the actual painting. Several layers of paint should be applied, allowing up to 15 minutes to dry between them.
  • It is important to apply the first layer so that there are no gaps left.
This type is the most common. Black color is a practical solution that will provide an attractive appearance to any body part for a long time. Even small scratches or other consequences of mechanical impact will be practically invisible against a black background.

You can carry out the staining yourself, having previously prepared, or use the services offered by technical stations and service departments. Such an operation is quite simple, it is not, so to save money you can do it yourself, gaining experience for further changes to the body of your car.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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