Spices in the garden have a triple effect: they grow beautifully in the garden, have a healing effect and serve as spices for most dishes. Growing anise from seeds will bring a lot of pleasure to the gardener, as it is a very exciting activity.

Despite his eastern origin, the culture is resistant to cold climates, withstands temperatures down to -5-7°C. At the same time, it is heat-loving, so it is recommended to select southwestern or southern areas for planting it. The soil for planting must be well cultivated, that is, it must have a light mechanical structure. After all, where anise grows in nature, and this is Asia Minor, Egypt and the Mediterranean, the air is warm and dry.

Humus, which is mainly used to saturate the site nutrients, makes the ground loose. Sand is also suitable for this purpose, but over time it sinks deeper into the ground.

Growing anise from seeds - everything ingenious is simple

The plant is not at all capricious and grows in middle lane Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Like all other crops, it needs neutral or even slightly alkaline soil. Experienced farmers practice sowing it in the spring. As soon as they have the opportunity to enter the garden, they immediately get down to business. Not used point technology planting, and mass planting - dense sowing. As a result, some of the fresh herbs can be used to make salads.
The event includes the following stages:

  • scatter humus over the surface;
  • dig up together with fertilizer;
  • the earth is compacted a little so that there are no voids in top layer(one seed can lie to a depth of 6 cm, and the other can remain on the surface);
  • make grooves of about 1.5 cm, and row spacing - 35-40 cm;
  • sow in the following proportion: 2 g per 1 m²;
  • they water the planting abundantly.

Fertilizing the garden with high-moor peat should be done with extreme caution. It strongly acidifies the soil, and this can be fatal for some plants.

Anise seeds have problems germinating, which is why they are mandatory germinate. Experienced gardeners advise placing planting material in containers and filling them with water. This is done so that the liquid covers the grains by 0.5-1 cm. They are left in this state for 3 days. At the same time, change the liquid to fresh every 6-8 hours.

After the procedure, the seeds are laid out on a damp cloth and placed in the refrigerator for 3 days. There the temperature should be +1+2°C. As a result, when the seeds are planted, they will be able to germinate in 20 days.
Still, you need to be careful, because if the shoots do not appear, then you should sound the alarm.

Vegetable anise is not very deep root system. In this regard, the soil must be well prepared, and therefore as loose as possible. Only in this case can you get an excellent harvest.

Bonus+: 3 germination technologies

The seeds of the plant have a fairly dense shell. Moreover, they contain the lion's share essential oils, which is why they do not allow liquid to pass through well. As noted earlier, before growing anise in the garden, the grains must be sprouted. There are several technologies for this process:

Why is vernalization necessary? It helps the plant adapt to unfavorable conditions. Often in the spring the weather changes dramatically, which leads to fatal consequences, but hardened grains don’t care. Moreover, they will emerge much earlier, almost 10-11 days.

The four methods listed (the first one is mentioned in the previous subtitle) have many differences. It is impossible to say unequivocally which of them will be most effective. After all, the results largely depend on climatic conditions region, as well as soil condition/composition. Nevertheless, the painstaking efforts of the farmer, in any case, will pay off with interest.

Garden bed care

The weather is often unpredictable. Therefore, even in spring it can be unbearably hot. Regardless of how anise grows, it is recommended to water the garden bed. The procedure is carried out in the evening or morning. It is advisable to use warm rainwater. The plantation must be periodically cleared of.

The key to healthy and bountiful harvest serves as timely thinning of planting. This procedure is necessary for lush growth crops, and it also protects the plant from the appearance of diaper rash.

The area should be sunny, but protected from drafts. Otherwise, gusty winds will cause lodging of the rising shoots. You should also not neglect the basic rules for growing anise from seeds:

  1. Monitor soil moisture. This is especially true during periods of prolonged rain. If a plant sits in wet soil for a long time, its yield decreases and diseases begin to progress.
  2. Use fertilizers. In the first month of germination, the soil is fertilized first with organic matter, and a little later with. For this procedure, weakly concentrated solutions are prepared.
  3. Remove diseased inflorescences in a timely manner to prevent infection of neighboring crops.
  4. Pinch/cut off young shoots with umbrellas. This event promotes intensive formation of green mass.

Sufficiently mature bushes do not need much moisture. Still, the soil needs to be periodically watered and weeded to remove weeds.

Among other things, some advise sowing anise only after planting vegetable crops. This is done if the garden is far from home. In addition, representatives of the Umbrella family should not be allowed to grow nearby. If the above rules are followed, with 10 m² the gardener will receive more than 1 kg of seeds, not counting the fresh herbs that he will take for salads.

The harvest is large and ready to be harvested

It is recommended to cut off succulent leaves when the bush reaches 40 cm in height. At the same time, his umbrellas should still be green, and the seeds should just begin to set. When these original stars are ripe, they are collected in this way:

  • cut off yellowed stems along with inflorescences that have acquired a brown-brown tint;
  • tied into bundles;
  • left to dry under a canopy;
  • thresh and collect grain.

Store the spice in an airtight container or cotton bags. For preparations, choose dry, cool and without access to sunlight place. It is important to consider that planting material is suitable for sowing only for the first 2 years.

For medicinal purposes, the greens are harvested in September, when the umbrellas turn light brown. The branches are laid out on a cloth and dried. This can also be done in dryers, setting the temperature to about 50°C.

Thus, growing anise from seeds will bring maximum benefits to the whole family. In spring they will be able to enjoy the delicate taste lush greenery, in summer - the enchanting aromas of planting, and in winter - healing properties oriental spice.

Learning to grow anise - video

Anise is still rarely found in vegetable gardens, but in the modest unpretentious plant great future. It is well known both as a medicinal plant and as a spice and can be grown successfully. Here you will learn everything about how to grow anise in your summer cottage, how to care for it and reap a fragrant harvest.


Anise is a herbaceous annual spicy plant up to half a meter tall with feathery leaves and white flowers collected in lush umbels. These umbels contain small brown seeds that have a strong pleasant taste. This is exactly the part of the plant that is usually used as a seasoning. The leaves are sometimes added to soups and salads.

Read about the uses and properties of anise in this article.

Anise is a fairly cold-resistant plant; it is grown in the garden in a seedless way, since its seedlings are too tender and fragile and do not survive transplantation well.

Types and varieties

Anise is grown as annual crop. Most often in summer cottages there are species of plants whose homeland is the Middle East. Varieties most adapted to local conditions are common. Here are the characteristics of some popular varieties:

Common anise variety



From full germination to cutting into greens 40-55 days. Plant medium height, erect.

Mid-season, greens can be cut after 60-65 days, 115 days pass before the seeds ripen. Height up to 60 cm.

"Magic Elixir"

From germination to harvesting of greens 60-65 days, seeds ripen in 115 days. Plant height – 60 cm.

"Moscow Semko"

Late-ripening, 95-110 days pass before the greens are harvested. The bush is semi-spreading, 65-70 cm high.

Place and soil

Anise prefers chernozem fertile soils with good structure or loose loamy and sandy loam soils with a sufficient amount of humus and lime.

To grow anise you need a sunny area protected from the wind and well-drained soil!

The best predecessors of anise are legumes, vegetable crops and potatoes. It repels aphids, so it is good to grow it next to carrots and basil.

When to plant

Sowing is carried out in the spring, after the danger of frost has passed and/or in the fall (in temperate climate) "before winter".

Seeds are sown directly in open ground in late March-early April. Exact date sowing depends on weather changes and the end of frost.

Seed preparation

The shell of its seeds contains 2–3% essential oil and 4–23% fatty oil, so they take a long time to germinate. To speed up the process, before sowing, the seeds are soaked until they bite. For this:

  1. Take a wide flat container and place a cloth moistened with water at room temperature or Epine solution in it.
  2. Anise seeds are placed between layers of fabric.
  3. Cover with film, but not tightly.
  4. Leave for approximately 36 hours.

When some of the seeds hatch, they need to be slightly dried (to a free-flowing state).

Sowing method

Anise seeds are small and easier to plant if mixed with dry sand.

Anise is sown to a depth of 3–5 cm in one of two ways, depending on the cleanliness of the area (the cleaner the area, the thicker you can sow):

  1. wide-row – row spacing 45 cm, seeding rate 1.2 g/m²;
  2. continuous - row spacing 15 cm, seeding rate 1.8-2.2 g/m².

There are approximately 220 anise seeds in 1 g.

Favorable average daily temperature for germination 25 C. Under such conditions, seedlings will appear in about 14 days. If there is a lack of heat (3-4 C), they will germinate in a month.

At the beginning of the growing season, seedlings grow and develop slowly. Tolerates light frosts.


Until the moment when shoots with sprouts of about 2 mm appear, the beds are loosened and the rows are weeded. If necessary, thin out the plants after the formation of 3-4 leaves.


In the absence of rain and after applying fertilizers, watering is carried out. Growing anise needs regular watering until the plants are strong enough to withstand periods of drought.

Top dressing

Add fertilizer only if the soil is extremely poor. When feeding, they are applied to a depth of 5–7 cm.

Fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers can be carried out before flowering in June-July at a dose of 10–15 g/m².

It is better to apply mineral fertilizers in the fall when digging up the site at the rate of 20–25 g/m² nitrogen and 25–30 g/m² phosphorus fertilizers.

Further care consists of loosening the rows and weeding.

Diseases and pests

Modern varieties of anise are resistant to pests and diseases.

Most often, the plant is damaged by the following pests:

  • seed eater


  • Bacteriosis
  • Powdery mildew
  • Rust


For greens, the upper tips of shoots and whole stems are usually collected throughout the summer, but before flowering. Not used large quantities! Because of its strong, spicy aroma, it can overshadow other ingredients in a dish.

The final harvest of anise occurs around the end of August, when the umbels are filled with ripe brown seeds and the stems turn yellow and dry out.

Cut off the tops of the plant before the seeds fall, in dry weather, and then tie them into bunches and hang them in a warm, well-ventilated place. The bunches are threshed when they are dry, and the fruits are further dried.

Store in airtight containers in a dry place. Under such conditions, seeds used for culinary, medicinal or cosmetic purposes can retain their properties for several years.

To further grow plants from these seeds, they are used for no more than one year.
If you have a summer cottage, be sure to find a place for a bed with anise, now you have learned how to properly grow it, store it, and it will give you health and a unique taste of your dishes.

Growing anise

Anise - annual herbaceous plant family Umbelliferae up to 60 cm high. Anise fruits are rich in essential oil (up to 6%). Anise is not only a favorite spice in the baking and confectionery industry, it is also used in the alcoholic beverage industry, it is used to flavor some fermentations and pickles, and is added as a seasoning to various dishes.

Anise has been consumed since ancient times, as evidenced by seeds found in Stone Age pile buildings. Information about it is reported by the ancient Egyptians and the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. From distant Egypt, anise came to the fields of all Europe and many other parts of the world. And in Ukraine, anise was introduced into culture at the beginning of the 19th century. It is now grown almost all over the world for its aromatic fruits. The highest quality ones include Italian and Moravian anise. The most famous countries cultivating it are India, Mexico, Spain, Italy and Türkiye.

Anise is used as a medicinal plant with an expectorant and disinfectant effect, and is also used against flatulence, promotes the formation of milk in nursing mothers, and improves digestion. Has an antispasmodic effect in intestinal and gastric colic. Anise also serves to improve the taste and smell of medicines and products. Anise has an intense, light, refreshing, characteristic spicy and oriental aroma. When ground, it smells sweetish, the taste is refreshing, spicy, sweetish.

In the pharmaceutical industry, anise is used to produce syrups, lozenges, medicines, medicinal teas, aromatic waters and essential oils.

Ground fruits are used as a spice. Most often they are added to various pies, cookies, gingerbreads, pancakes, muffins and small cookies for the Christmas table. Anise is also added to milk and fruit soups, oatmeal, sweet rice dishes, puddings, fruit salads, creams, cakes. It gives a unique taste to beets, red cabbage, cucumbers and carrots, and various fruit compotes, especially apples, plums and pears. Anise is included in various cough caramels and many liqueurs. Fresh anise leaves are used in cooking to make salads and side dishes.

Anise has a branched stem and leaves of three types. The flowers are white or pinkish, collected in large complex umbels. The calyx of the flower is shallow, the corolla consists of five petals and five stamens. Anise blooms in summer months. The fruits are double-seeded, obverse pear-shaped, 3-5 mm long, grayish-yellow or greenish-brown in color, with a rough surface.

Growing anise at home

Anise is sown in March or April in rows located at a distance of 0.3 m. Mature umbrellas are cut off from ripening plants. Ripe fruits acquire a greenish-gray color. Sheaves or umbrellas are dried in the shade and in a draft, dry plants are threshed.

The soil: pH 6.0-6.5 (neutral), chernozems, light fertile loamy and sandy loam soils are most suitable for growing anise; good yields are obtained on dark gray forest soils, heavy clayey and saline soils are unsuitable. Planting method: without seedlings, sown in late April-early May; It is advisable to roll the soil before and after sowing; seeds germinate for a long time, seedlings appear on the 15-17th day, and if there is a lack of heat on the 25-30th day, the sowing depth is 2-3 cm. Temperature: the culture is cold-resistant - optimal temperature for growth and development 20-25 °C, seedlings tolerate frosts down to -5 °C. With a lack of moisture, plants develop poorly, seed set and seed quality decrease. During the growing season, you can carry out 1-2 fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer such as nitrophoska at the rate of 10-15 g per 1 m2. Ripening time: growing season 100 days.

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What do we know about

Probably many people are familiar with anise drops from childhood, which are used for coughs, and perhaps someone has heard about such an alcoholic drink - anise vodka. It was first produced in Russia during the reign of Peter I and was one of his favorite drinks. Seeds

added in the manufacture of various


– in marinade, during fermentation

Let's get to know this interesting plant closer.

Anise inflorescences
Anise(Pimpinella anisum) comes from the large family Apiaceae. The plant is an annual, herbaceous plant; it is believed that its homeland is the Mediterranean or the Middle East, although it is not known for sure - anise is almost never found in the wild.

It has been cultivated in the countries of the Mediterranean coast for a long time; its seeds were found even in Stone Age buildings. Anise is a biblical plant along with cumin, mint and hyssop. In Russia they began to grow it at the beginning of the 19th century.

Anise seeds
In appearance, anise is a bit like dill. Its stem is branched, up to 60 cm high, the leaves are pinnate, openwork, the inflorescence is an umbrella. The seeds are also similar to dill seeds and ripen in August.

Where is anise used?

The seeds of this plant are mainly used, their aroma resembles the smell of other spicy plants - caraway, star anise, fennel. This feature of anise is given by essential oil; its content in fruits can reach 28%. Anise is grown for this very oil.

The seeds are used in medicine, perfumery, cooking, but they are especially widely used in the alcohol industry. A wide variety of drinks are created on the basis of this plant: anise and pastis in France, anisette in Spain, sambuca in Italy, ouzo and tsipouro in Greece, arak in Iraq, and besides this there is also Pernod, ricard, raki and so on.

Cookies with anise

In cooking, it is used in baking bread, in confectionery production, as well as in the fish and meat industry.

The seeds of this plant have medicinal properties, therefore they find application in folk and traditional medicine, especially for diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as for pulmonary diseases. Decoctions of anise seeds are taken for general strengthening of the body, for coughs, for hoarseness, for improving skin condition (rejuvenation), and for bad breath.

Growing anise

Get your seeds of this interesting spice plant you can by growing anise in your garden. It is not afraid of the cold, so it grows well in all regions of Russia. A regular one will suit him garden soil, only heavy clay and sandy soils are not to my liking.

Anise is sown in early spring, as soon as the soil allows it to be well cultivated. In the garden bed, grooves or lines are made with a distance between them of at least 50 cm. Seeds are sown in the grooves in moist soil: for anise to germinate, a lot of moisture is needed.

Anise in the garden. Photo from the site urologia.msk.ru Seeds take a long time to germinate (like all Umbelliferae). To speed up this process, before sowing, they can be soaked for two days, periodically rinsing them under running water. Better yet, keep the seeds in the refrigerator for about two weeks before sowing.

Precursors for anise can be legumes and green crops. Under no circumstances should you sow after other celery plants, such as fennel, cilantro, celery, and dill.


When the seedlings grow a little, they need to be thinned out, leaving 15-20 cm between plants. Caring for anise is not difficult, you need timely watering, weeding and loosening.

It is important to remember that if you are late with sowing, the yield may be reduced. In addition, in very cold weather, seed germination is delayed. The growing season of anise is 120-140 days.

Anise greens Anise is grown for greens and seeds. If you need greens, you need to regularly pinch the flower shoots. This way they will branch better and more green mass will grow.

Anise has pests - umbrella bugs, aphids, and coriander seed beetle. Diseases also occur - rust, bacteriosis, powdery mildew. To keep the plantings healthy, you need to regularly inspect the crops and remove diseased and pest-damaged plants.


When grown for seeds, the inflorescences are left and they ripen at the end of August. The signal for harvesting is the yellowing of the stems and a change in the color of the fruits in the central umbels from green-yellow to brown. They are collected selectively: first, the umbrellas with ripened seeds are cut off, and the rest - as they ripen. You should not be late with harvesting; the finished seeds fall off.

Anise seeds

The umbrellas are dried in a shaded, ventilated place and then threshed. Seeds

suitable for sowing within three years, but are suitable for food and other purposes longer.

Growing anise in the garden is not difficult at all. Try it and add to your collection of herbs.

Spicy anise is incredibly useful and is in demand both in the kitchen and in folk medicine. Its sweet aroma perfectly complements the taste in cooking, baking, and confectionery industries. Anise oil is also included in a variety of medicines. Therefore, if you have a personal plot or a vegetable garden, growing anise is a necessary thing. And it's not complicated at all.

When purchasing anise seeds, pay attention to their color, it should be greenish. If the color of the grain is brown or black, then it will not sprout.
Anise seeds must be soaked before planting, since dry ones germinate very slowly in the ground, especially cold ones. To do this, the seeds are soaked in water for 2-3 days, changing the water. To fully swell, anise must absorb 150% of its own weight in moisture. Therefore, the seeds cannot dry out. Anise germinates for a long time and unfriendly. This is explained by the fact that oil channels are concentrated around the embryo, which slow down the process.

The sprouted grains are sent to the refrigerator for vernalization. The seeds should remain there for about 3 weeks. Thanks to these procedures, anise will sprout on the site a week earlier.
Seeds should be sown in well-moistened soil. It should be soil with a neutral or alkaline reaction. Swampy or podzolic soil is not suitable for this plant. Row spacing is 40-50 centimeters. The depth of the groove for sowing is 3-4 centimeters. Having covered the seeds with soil, you need to roll the soil for better contact. Please note: anise is a heat-loving plant and loves the sun, so it should only be planted in sunny areas.
After a week, use a rake to lightly harrow the area diagonally.

Regular and thorough soil moisture.

When the seedlings produce the first 2-3 leaves, lightly loosen the soil with a rake, deeper between the rows.
Thin out the seedlings every 10-15 centimeters, and at the same time rid the crops of possible weeds. If the seedlings are sown too densely, you will not get a seed harvest.
You can harvest anise greens when the plant height is 30-40 centimeters. If your ultimate goal is seeds, then they can be collected 2.5 months after germination. The stems will begin to turn yellow, and brown seeds will appear in the center of the umbrellas.

Anise - excellent honey plant, so it is best to plant the spice near the apiary. This will benefit both the plant and beekeeping.

In the article we look at what anise is. You will learn the chemical composition of the spice, what it looks like and where it grows, what it tastes like. We will tell you what benefits anise brings to the body, how it is used in cooking and cosmetology, and in what cases the plant will cause harm.

Anise berednets, otherwise anise, - annual plant, growing both in the wild and cultivated by humans to obtain seeds. The seeds and essential oil are used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, and the ripe fruits are also used as an aromatic seasoning in cooking..

Appearance (photo) of anise

Botanical features of anise:

  • thin, taproots;
  • Not a large number of leaves evenly distributed throughout the stem - at the roots, in the middle and around the flowers;
  • small, inconspicuous flowers are collected in umbrellas with a diameter of up to 6 cm;
  • the seeds change color from light green to brown during ripening;
  • flowering time – June – July;
  • seed ripening time is August.

What does it look like

What does anise look like? As it grows, anise takes on the round shape of a small bush with straight stems up to 60 cm high. lower leaves long-petiolate, toothed. The middle ones are wedge-shaped. The upper ones are solid or divided into 3 segments.

Several branches develop in the upper part, on which flowers form in the first third of summer. They are collected in complex umbrellas with 6-14 rays.

Each flower produces a two-seeded, ovoid fruit with a diameter of several millimeters and a length of no more than 4 mm. The ripe fruit contains two seeds. Anise seeds in the photo, where you can see that they are shaped like a pear with several ribs.

Anise seeds are used in cooking, cosmetology and folk medicine.

Where does it grow

The Middle East (Lebanon) is considered the probable birthplace of anise. To obtain seeds, it is cultivated in southern Europe, Asian countries, Egypt, Mexico and Russia.

In Russia, anise plantations are planted near Kursk, Voronezh and Belgorod, as well as in the Krasnodar Territory.

You can see in the photo how anise grows in nature. The plant is not afraid of frost and germinates well in fertile soils, so it is readily planted on personal plots throughout the country.

Anise plant in nature

What does anise taste like?

The spice acquires its characteristic aroma and sweetish-spicy taste due to its high anethole content (up to 90%).

Chemical composition of anise

The widespread use of anise is determined by its rich chemical composition. For giving back maximum benefit green anise must be ripe, in which case it contains:

  • up to 6% essential oil (read more about the composition and benefits of anise oil in);
  • up to 28% fatty oils;
  • up to 19% proteins.

The benefits of anise for the body

Anise has wide range pharmacological effects, including:

  • reduces inflammation;
  • disinfects;
  • relieves spasms;
  • relaxes the smooth muscles of the intestine;
  • facilitates expectoration;
  • stimulates uterine motility and improves lactation;
  • eliminates bad smell from mouth;
  • strengthens nervous system and relieves insomnia.

Anise in cooking

Anise is included in various dishes and drinks to improve digestion, including when overeating. Most often, the spice is added to confectionery, fruit soups, and some fish and meat dishes. Strong alcoholic drinks are made from it.

IN different countries I have my favorite recipes with anise:

  • in India, green shoots and leaves of anise are added to salad - the dish is no less appetizing than a salad with spinach;
  • in Egypt and France, the popular alcoholic drink pastis is infused with anise seeds;
  • in Russia, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini and cabbage are salted with anise, and apples are also soaked, because it is in combination with apples anise aroma especially pleasant.

The photo shows anise fruits, ready to eat. Make your own or buy them at the store to try anise tea.

Tea with anise

Tea with anise improves appetite and sleep, soothes and quenches thirst. The drink is useful for bronchitis and laryngitis, gastrointestinal colic, and insufficient milk production during lactation. Citrus fruits are used as additives to anise tea, herbal infusions chamomile, cinnamon, mint, ginger, honey - the choice depends on taste preferences.

We invite you to prepare delicious and healthy tea with anise and walnuts, which can be drunk both hot and cold.


  1. Large leaf black tea – 500 ml.
  2. Anise seeds – 1 tsp.
  3. Water – 500 ml.
  4. Walnuts – 2 tbsp.

How to cook: Pour a little boiling water over the anise seeds. Leave for 15 minutes. Add anise infusion into brewed tea. Sprinkle chopped walnuts on top.

How to use: Drink anise tea an hour before meals to increase your appetite and speed up the digestion process. A cup of hot anise tea before bed will help you fall asleep faster.

Result: Tea with anise and walnuts has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

For more information about anise, watch the video:

Anise in cosmetology

Having understood what anise is, it is worth remembering its benefits for the skin.

Anise infusion has a beneficial effect on skin, especially mature skin, including:

  • tones;
  • pulls up;
  • increases protective functions;
  • relieves swelling.

Thanks to its high potassium content cosmetical tools with anise relieve muscle tension, smooth the skin and reduce the risk of wrinkles.

Anise is added to shampoos to improve hair condition, prevent hair loss, and tone the scalp.

The anti-stress effect of anise makes it a popular component in the manufacture of gels, bath salts and foams, as well as creams for massage treatments.

Preparation of anise

On a production scale, anise is harvested in the second half of August using a combine. Gardeners collect plants by hand.

After the first umbrellas that open turn brown, and the fruits in the rest still remain green, the plant is cut, tied into sheaves and dried in a shaded, well-ventilated place (usually under a canopy).

The dried plant is threshed, separating the fruits from impurities.

Anise during pregnancy

Eating anise during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. AND we're talking about not only about the seeds of the plant, but also about any products to which they are added. Therefore, it is important not only to know what anise looks like in the photo, but also to be able to guess its sweet-spicy taste in confectionery and dishes prepared in a cafe or restaurant.

Due to the fact that the plant provokes uterine bleeding, it was often used as an abortifacient.

After childbirth, anise tea will be useful for anyone who is dissatisfied with lactation. The drink will help increase milk production during lactation crises, when the mammary glands do not have time to adapt to the baby’s growing appetites.

Contraindications and possible harm

Despite all the benefits, anise will be harmful to health if it gets into the food of people suffering from chronic pathologies of the stomach or intestines. It is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, as well as people with blood diseases.

Do not apply cosmetics containing anise to skin with wounds or acne.

You should not add anise in large quantities and often to food, and when used in medical purposes You must strictly follow the dosages and the recommended course, otherwise allergic reactions are possible.

What to remember

  1. What is anise and what does it look like? This is an annual plant up to 60 cm high with small white umbrella inflorescences.
  2. The most popular are anise seeds, which are eaten and used for medicinal purposes. Anise essential oil is also beneficial for health.
  3. Tea with anise can be drunk cold or hot to improve appetite, normalize sleep, speed up recovery from colds, and increase lactation.
  4. Contraindications for consuming anise include pregnancy, work disorders gastrointestinal tract, hematological diseases.

Anise is universal plant, having a spicy-sweet and warm aroma. The plant, which is widely used in cooking, pharmacology, cosmetology and folk medicine, has gained respect for its rich properties among millions of people.

Today, anise is cultivated in almost all countries of the world; it grows wild only in Greece. Knowing just a few simple rules, each of us can grow this unique crop.

Did you know? People have known about the existence of anise since ancient times. Back then, in many homes, bunches of anise were tied at the head of the bed to purify the air and prevent nightmares. In the Middle Ages, anise was highly valued and cost a lot of money. For example, in the 14th century in London, the Thames Bridge was repaired using money collected from taxes on the sale of anise.

Common anise: description

Common anise (scented anise, vegetable anise, aniseed anise)This is a fragrant annual plant. It got its name from the Greek anison, also the Greeks call it ganizh, jire, sweet cumin, bread seed.

The homeland of anise is still not precisely known: some believe that it comes from Asia Minor, others from Egypt or the Mediterranean countries. The plant has a straight stem 60-70 cm high and small white umbellate flowers.

Anise is rich in useful substances and microelements, its description chemical composition No less valuable cumin and fennel can be envied. It contains a large amount of proteins - 19%, up to 23% vegetable fat, up to 3% carbohydrates, sugar, healthy fatty acids, including caffeine.

Anise has a wide spectrum therapeutic effect and helps with migraines, bronchitis, asthma, cough, pneumonia, laryngitis, kidney diseases, Bladder, flatulence, gastrointestinal diseases, of cardio-vascular system, and also has a rejuvenating and regenerating effect.

Anise is widespread in Food Industry What it is is known today in almost every home. Even the ancient Romans noticed that anise helped against bloating and flatulence, so they began to add it to almost every heavy dish.

Anise is used in baked goods, desserts, salads, fish and meat dishes. Moreover, if in medicinal purposes Only anise seeds are used, but in cooking both the fruits (in desserts), the green parts (in salads and side dishes), and the seeds are used. Thanks to anise, dishes do not spoil for a long time and do not go stale, maintaining a wonderful taste and fragrant aroma.

Important! When used for culinary purposes, do not confuse star anise (star anise) and common anise. This different plants, although both are spices. They have a similar aroma, but different type and taste.

How to plant anise, choosing a location and preparing the soil

Now let's take a closer look at how to sow and grow anise at home.

Where to sow anise

Anise is both cold-resistant and heat-loving plant, no matter how strange it may sound. Therefore for good growth It is best to sow anise in optimally lit places on the south-east and south sides.

Anise reproduces with the help of seeds that germinate at a temperature of +5...+8 °C, but the optimal temperature for it is +20...+25 °C. However, young plants can even tolerate sub-zero temperatures down to –5...–7 °C.

Places where vegetables or leguminous crops were previously grown are ideal for sowing.

Preparing the soil for planting

The site chosen for planting must be prepared in the fall, before the onset of the first frost: dig up to 25-30 cm and remove weeds.

Anise is a rather demanding crop, so its propagation is best done in sandy loam soils, rich chernozems with a sufficient amount of lime and humus.

Also likes anise loose soils, enriched with phosphorus, which increases yield and essential oil content.

Important! Heavy loamy and swampy soils are not suitable for planting. Also, you should not plant anise in the place where cilantro used to grow, since they have the same diseases and pests.

Planting anise

Despite the culture's resistance to cold, there is no need to rush to plant anise, as cold soil leads to slow seed growth and the development of diseases.

Planting time for "miracle grass"

Sowing anise seeds is carried out in the spring, this can be the end of March - April. At this time, the soil is optimally warmed up after a frosty winter.

Although there are still frosts in April, this is not a problem, anise tolerates them calmly. To plant seeds, the soil needs to warm up, but at the same time remain sufficiently moist.

How to prepare seeds for planting

The seeds grow very slowly due to their dense shell, which does not allow water and air to pass through well, and also due to the high content of essential oil in anise fruits.

Soil temperature has a great influence on seed germination. If it is quite low (+3-4 °C), then the seeds will germinate in 25-30 days, if higher (+10-12 °C), then the first shoots will appear in two weeks.

Before sowing the seeds, they must first be soaked in water at a temperature of +16...+18 °C for 3-4 hours, changing the water every day. Then the seeds need to be wrapped in a damp cloth and kept for another 2-3 days at a temperature of +18...+22 °C.

When 4-5% of the seeds begin to germinate, they need to be spread in a thin layer on a cloth and dried a little, stirring from time to time. Also, the seeds must undergo partial vernalization in the refrigerator for about 20 days.

This is necessary in order to ensure the adaptation of crops when the air temperature changes or decreases, which is often observed in the spring. After such preparation, the seeds germinate 10-11 days after planting.

Rules for sowing anise

On the same day that you plan to plant anise, you need to thoroughly loosen the soil and add superphosphate. To get a good harvest, you need to sow the crop in rows, at a distance of 35-45 cm between them.

The sowing depth is no more than 1.5-2.5 cm. Then the soil is rolled. The growing season reaches 150 days. Two weeks after the sprouts appear, they need to be thinned to a distance of 10-15 cm.

Did you know? Anise is good to plant near the apiary. This will benefit not only the plant, but also the apiary itself: anise is an excellent honey plant.

What you need to know about caring for anise

The plant requires standard care: watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing and removing weeds. You need to carefully monitor how anise grows, since excessive soil moisture, frequent rains and weeds lead to disease in the inflorescences and a decrease in yield.

Diseased inflorescences must be removed promptly. To increase the intensity of the green mass, new flower shoots are pinched or cut. During the germination period, two feedings are carried out organic fertilizers and a weak mineral solution.

Anise is a plant that was known in the Ancient East. It was used not only as a seasoning in cooking, but was also known for its medicinal properties. Today, anise is grown all over the world. You, too, can enjoy the fragrant, subtle smell of anise if you try to grow it in your summer cottage. Today we will talk about the main varieties of anise, the features of growing the plant in open ground– planting, care, etc. (photo materials attached).

Anise: main varieties and varieties

Anise belongs to the Celery family. This is an annual plant with a thin root, a low stem (up to half a meter in height), and small white flowers collected in asteraceous umbels. The fruits of anise are ovoid pods, covered with small hairs.

Anise comes from the Mediterranean, where it has been cultivated for a very long time. And in the Ancient East (India, China, Arab countries) it was known since the beginning of the 5th century. In the territory Russian Empire it appeared only in the middle of the 19th century.

Anise fruits are used in cosmetology, perfumery, cooking, and medicine. Anise oil, contained in its fruits in an amount of about 3-4%, has a characteristic aroma and sweetish taste.

Anise is considered medicinal plant. It has long been used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract, for whooping cough and gastrointestinal diseases. Anise oil is used as a mosquito repellent. It is believed that the aroma of anise helps sleep soundly, calms the nervous system, which is why anise oil is actively used in aromatherapy.

Anise umbrella

Young anise leaves are often used as a delicate seasoning for salads and side dishes, anise umbrellas - in pickles, fruits - for baking, when cooking jam, various preserves, etc.

To the most popular varieties anise suitable for cultivation include: Blues, Magic Elixir, Moscow Semko.

Plant propagation and planting

The site for sowing seeds must be selected with fertile, non-acidic and light soil. The place must be sunny and warm, since anise loves warmth, but at the same time it is very cold-resistant. Traditionally, the soil for planting anise is prepared in the fall: the area is dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet, all weed rhizomes must be removed.

The soil must be fertilized with manure or compost. In the spring, on the eve of planting anise seeds, the area must be dug up again (by half a bayonet), leveled with a rake and compacted a little.

If you decide to grow anise at your dacha, keep in mind that this is a rather slow-growing crop due to its unusual structure and fairly dense shell, which does not allow moisture and air to pass through very well. Contribute more rapid growth seeds can be soaked on the eve of planting for literally a couple of days in warm, settled water, which must be changed at least once a day.

Advice. To be sure to get a good harvest, the seeds need to be germinated a little before planting. Wet seeds are poured onto some flat surface(even a plate will do) and cover with film for several days. As soon as you notice that about 5% of the total seeds have sprouted, they need to be thoroughly dried and you can start planting.

Anise should be planted in the soil when the first frosts have receded and a consistently warm temperature has established. Sowing of seeds is carried out in a row method to a depth of about 3-4 cm. The distance between the rows should be at least 20 cm. Seed consumption per 10 sq. m. m. is about 15 g.

When buying anise seeds, check their expiration date

Features of caring for anise

Anise is a plant that is not particularly demanding to care for, however, to obtain good harvest Anise should be cared for in the same way as any other crop.

To prevent the development of the crop from being delayed, the soil with young plants must be regularly cleared of weeds and fluffed up. Until the first strong shoots appear, anise seeds need constant and fairly generous watering. As soon as it starts active growth anise, and the shoots will sprout quite densely, the plants must be periodically thinned out, leaving a distance between shoots within 15 cm.

When the sprouts rise high enough, you can stop too abundant watering and keep the soil slightly moist and fluffy. Only during very severe drought does the plant become saturated with water to the maximum.

Advice. You can independently determine the timing of crop germination. So, if after planting the weather is consistently cool (within 4-5 degrees plus), then expect the first shoots no earlier than in 3-4 weeks. If the air temperature is above 7 degrees Celsius, then the first shoots should sprout within a couple of weeks.

Feeding and fertilizing the plant

In order to get a rich and high-quality anise harvest, you do not need to add a lot of fertilizer to the sown soil. It is important that sowing is carried out in fertile soil well fertilized with superphosphate. This will be quite enough.

If desired, you can periodically (once every two weeks will be enough) feed the growing seedlings with nitrogen fertilizer.

Disease and pest control

Almost all varieties common anise differ high stability to pests and diseases. Most often, the plant is damaged by the following pests:

  • Coriander seed eater. It feeds on the contents of the achene, significantly reduces the number of seedlings, damages the fruits and reduces the content of essential oils in them. The simplest control method is to disinfect anise seeds with naphthalene. If the seed eater still appears, treat the crop with metaphos.
  • Bug. Damages leaves, stem tips and fruits of anise, causing them to dry out and die. There are several ways to combat bedbugs. Folk remedies– easy to make and least harmful to the soil and future harvest. So, onion infusion will do an excellent job of protecting anise from bedbugs. Take 250 g onion peel and leave it in a bucket of water for 5 days. We filter the infused product and spray the crops with it.
  • Aphid. It settles mostly on umbrellas, as well as stems, and sucks out all the juice from them, thereby causing the death of the plant or a significant reduction in yield. The simplest and effective means To repel aphids, use ammonia or soap solution.

Do not plant cilantro next to anise

Combination of anise with other plants

There is an excellent combination of anise with crops such as Chinese cabbage and radish. Bad predecessors for anise are coriander and cilantro (due to the same diseases). Good predecessors Almost all vegetables are aniseed.

Despite the fact that the plant will produce its first shoots somewhere towards the end of spring, anise will only fully ripen by the beginning of autumn.

We looked at the features of growing anise in open ground. Use our tips and you are guaranteed to get a rich harvest. Good luck!

Anise: video

Growing anise: photo

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