Among the dark-skinned population of southern countries, it is more common than in northern ones to meet people with white spots on their faces. If these spots spread to the scalp, then the hair in this place also becomes white.

This severe skin disease is called vitiligo, or leukoderma. The cause of this disease is still unknown. Until recently, it was believed that in most cases treatment was unsuccessful. Currently, remedies for the treatment of this disease have been found using traditional medicine.

To treat this disease in folk medicine Egypt since the 13th century. We used the fruits of the great ammi - Ammimajus L. from the umbrella family - Umbelliferae. This annual plant with whites small flowers, collected in large, up to 15 cm in diameter, inflorescences - a complex umbrella. The straight bare grooved stem reaches 100-140 cm in height. It branches in the upper part, but there are few leaves on the stem. Leaf blade double- and triple-pinnately dissected.

Numerous fruits that ripen in September are called bifid caryopsis (caryopsis). They are small, only 2-3 mm in length and up to 1 mm in width, and split into two separate semi-fruits. Ammi is wildly widespread in the European regions of the Mediterranean and in North Africa. In the 40s, Egyptian scientists became interested in this plant and, as a result of research, in 1948 they obtained the drug Meladinin, which was successfully used to treat vitiligo. Chemical analysis revealed that the plant contains a mixture of furocoumarins: up to 3.45% in fruits and up to 1.37% in grass.

When the mixture was separated, it turned out that the fruits contained four furocoumarins: imperatorin, xanthotoxin, bergapten and marmesin. Meladinin contains only two furocoumarins: xanthotoxin and imperatorin. In Russia, large ammi was successfully introduced into culture in Krasnodar region at the state farm "Giaginsky" of the All-Union Association "Lekrasprom". VILR is engaged in the introduction to the culture and study of ammi. Furocoumarins, bergapten and isopimpinellin, were also isolated from plants cultivated in our country.

Their mixture in the form of the drug “Ammifurina” is approved for use in medical practice for the treatment of vitiligo and alba. The drug is produced in the form of tablets that are taken orally, and a 2% solution in alcohol and acetone for simultaneous rubbing. Treatment is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. At the same time, ultraviolet irradiation of the affected areas of the skin is carried out. Then, for the treatment of vitiligo, two more drugs from other plants, also containing furocum arina, were approved - “Beroxan” and “Psoralen” (see psoralea drupe and parsnip).

(Ammi majoris fructus – ammi big fruit)

Collected during the period of mass ripening of the central umbrellas and dried fruits of the cultivated annual herbaceous plant Ammi major Ammi majus L., fam. Umbelliferae – Apiaceae; used as medicinal raw materials.

Ammi major is a herbaceous annual with a straight, grooved branching stem in the upper part, up to 140 cm high. The leaves are double- and triple-pinnately dissected into lanceolate segments with jagged edges. The inflorescence is a complex umbrella, consisting of 50 rays of umbrellas, which, when the fruits ripen, are compressed into “nests”. The involucre and involucre leaves are numerous and entire. The fruits are viscocarps, split into two mericarps.

The homeland of the large ammi is the Mediterranean countries. In the CIS it is cultivated in the Krasnodar region and Ukraine.

Chemical composition. The fruits contain up to 2% of a mixture of furocoumarins, consisting mainly of isopimpinellin, bergapten and xanthotoxin in an approximate ratio of 5:2:3, as well as dihydrocoumarin marmesin, flavonoids, phytosterols, saponins, polysaccharides.

Large ammi fruits are harvested in two ways: separate and direct harvesting, similar to carrot-shaped visnaga.

Standardization. The quality of raw materials is regulated by FS 42-1996-83.

External signs. The raw material consists of a mixture of whole fruits and their halves (mericarps), formed during the decay of the fruit. The fruits are oblong-ovoid with five longitudinal, slightly protruding ribs 1.5-3 mm long and 1-2 mm wide. The color of the fruit is reddish-brown, less often grayish-brown. The taste is bitter, slightly burning (Fig.).

Microscopy. On a cross section of the mericarp, the hollow secretory canals have diagnostic value: 4 on the outer convex side, 2 on the flat side. Numerous drusen are visible in the exocarp. Endosperm cells with thick membranes are filled with drops of fatty oil, aleurone grains and small drusen of calcium oxalate (Fig.).

Numerical indicators. The content of furocoumarins (isopimpinellin, bergapten, xanthotoxin) is not less than 0.6%; moisture no more than 10%; total ash no more than 8%; organic impurities (parts of other non-poisonous plants) no more than 5%, mineral (earth, sand, pebbles) - no more than 1%.

Storage. Store in a dry, well-ventilated area, protected from light. Shelf life: 5 years.

Usage. From the fruits of the great ammi, the drug “Ammifurin” is obtained, which is the sum of furocoumarins - isopimpinellin, bergapten and xanthotoxin. As a photosensitizing agent, it is used to treat leukoderma, vitiligo and baldness in combination with UV irradiation. It is often used for psoriasis and mycosis fungoides. Use is contraindicated in hypertension, pregnancy, kidney and liver diseases. List B.

The drug "Anmarin" (a mixture of two isomers of psoralen) is used as an antifungal and antimicrobial agent against the causative agents of dermatomycosis, and also has a moderate effect on gram-positive bacteria. It is most often used for mycoses (including candidiasis) of the interdigital folds of the feet and hands.

semicarp - mericarp. The mericarps on the dorsal side are weakly convex with three filiform and two marginal pterygoid ribs. There are 4 dark brown secretory canals in the hollows between the ribs; there are 2 such canals on the ventral side. The length of the fruit is 4-8 mm, width 3-6 mm. Color from greenish-straw to dark brown. The smell is pleasant and unique. The taste is spicy, slightly hot (Fig. 9 ).

Microscopy. By revising cross section it can be seen that the mericarp consists of pericarp, endosperm and embryo. The epidermis of the pericarp consists of oval cells, sometimes forming papillary warty outgrowths. The mesocarp contains the sclerenchyma layer. The ribs contain vascular bundles surrounded by a highly developed mechanical fabric. Above the bundles there are very small tubules with yellowish contents. The endosperm of the seed, consisting of large polygonal cells, contains fatty oil, aleurone grains and small drusen of calcium oxalate.

There are four recessed secretory canals. They are large and oval in shape. with one layer of excretory cells. The canal cavity is filled with oily contents, sometimes a white granular mass, in which needle-shaped crystals of furocoumarins are visible (Fig.).

Numerical indicators. Humidity no more than 10%; total ash no more than 6%; other parts of the plant no more than 10%; organic impurities - no more than 2%, mineral - no more than 1%.

Quantitative determination of furocoumarins is carried out using the polarographic method. Xanthotoxin is used as a standard.

Storage. Store in normal conditions. Shelf life: 4 years.

Usage. The raw materials are used for the preparation of two drugs - “Pastinacin” and “Beroxan”. "Pastinacin", consisting of the sum of furocoumarins - sphondin, xanthotoxin, bergapten and isopimpinellin, has an antispasmodic effect, mainly affecting the coronary vessels. It is used for angina pectoris, cardioneurosis, accompanied by coronary spasms, mainly for prophylactic purposes. Pastinacin is also used for spasms gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract and ureters.

The drug "Beroxan" is a mixture of two furocoumarins - xanthotoxin and bergapten. Used as a photosensitizing agent in combination with irradiation skin ultraviolet rays. At the same time, skin pigmentation is restored in cases of vitiligo and circular baldness. Preparations containing furocoumarins are also effective for psoriasis and mycosis fungoides. Tablets of 0.02 g and 0.25% and 0.5% solutions.

Fructus Visnagae daucoides(Fructus Ammi visnagae)

- fruits of Visnaga carrotata (ammi dentifrice)

(Visnagae daucoides fructus - visnagi carrot-shaped fruit)

Ammi visnaga (mixtio fructuum cum palea) 1

- ammi dental (

From Visnaga carrot-shaped it is obtained mixture of fruits and sex)

two types of raw materials. The first type is the dried fruits of the cultivated plant Visnaga carrota (ammi dentifrice) collected during the period of mass browning and folding of umbrellas. Visnaga daucoides Gaertn. (= Ammi visnaga(L.) Lam.), fam. Umbelliferae - Apiaceae (Umbelliferae).

The second type of raw material is a mixture of fruits collected during the period of mass browning and rolling of umbrellas and dried together with the sex of the same plant.

Visnaga carrot-shaped is a herbaceous biennial, in cultivation it is an annual with a highly branched, erect, bare stem up to 100 cm in height. The leaves are alternate, vaginal, double- and triple-pinnately dissected into linear-filamentous splayed segments. The inflorescence is a complex umbrella; the rays of the umbrella are numerous (up to 100), bare, spread out during flowering; with fruits - compressed together, hardening, forming a “nest”. The involucre leaves are pinnately dissected and bristly. The flowers are small, five-membered, with unpleasant smell. The fruit is ovoid or oblong-ovate. It blooms in June-August, bears fruit in August-September.

The homeland of the plant is the Mediterranean countries. It is found as wild in the Caucasus, mainly in Azerbaijan. It grows in the steppes, on mountain slopes and as a weed in crops. Cultivated in the Krasnodar region, Moldova and the southern regions of Ukraine. The yield of raw materials is 6-10 c/ha (fruits), a mixture of fruits and chaff is 12-20 c/ha.

Chemical composition. The fruits contain derivatives of furanochromone - kellin, visnagin, kellinin; a-benzopyrone derivatives - dihydrosamidine, visnadine; flavonoids; essential oil up to 0.2%; up to 20% fatty oil.

Harvesting, primary processing and drying. The raw materials are fruits and a mixture of fruits and chaff. The ripening of ammi fruits does not occur simultaneously, so the crop is harvested in two ways - separate and direct combining.

When harvested separately, the raw material consists of 65-70% mature and 30-50% green fruits.

Harvesting by direct combining is used late autumn when fruit ripening is delayed. Harvesting begins during the period of mass ripening and browning of fruits, mowing off all aboveground part. The fruits are dried and destemmed using grain cleaning machines.

During late harvesting (October-November), when the raw materials have high humidity, artificial drying is used at a temperature of no more than 60°C.

Standardization. The quality of Ammi dental fruits is regulated by FS 42-2098-83. The quality of raw materials, consisting of fruits and chaff, is regulated by FS 42-530-72.

External signs. The mixture contains ripe and unripe fruits. The fruit is an ovoid ovoid carp, in the raw material it mostly splits into two semi-fruits (mericarps) with five slightly protruding ribs, up to 2 mm long, about 1 mm thick. The color of the raw material is grayish-brown, the ribs are lighter, and unripe fruits are greenish. The smell is weak. The taste is bitter, slightly pungent (Fig. 7 ).

The chaff consists of parts of flowers, stalks, rays of the umbrella and umbel, crushed leaves and stems.

Microscopy. When examining a cross section of the mericarp, the hollow secretory canals are of diagnostic value: 4 on the convex side and 2 on the flat side. Each canal is surrounded by large fan-shaped cells. The ribs contain vascular bundles, and outside them there are secretory canals with a large oval cavity (Fig.).

Numerical indicators.Fruit. Moisture no more than 12%; total ash no more than 10%; crushed parts of chaff passing through a sieve with a hole size of 0.2 mm, no more than 1%; parts of chaff larger than 0.2 mm not more than 6%; organic impurities - no more than 2%, mineral - no more than 1.5%.

Fruits with genitals. Moisture is allowed no more than 14%; crushed parts passing through a sieve with a hole size of 0.2 mm, no more than 7%. The raw material must contain at least 50% fruit. The remaining indicators are the same as for fruits. The content of the sum of chromones, determined by the photocolorimetric method, in terms of kellin, must be at least 0.8%.

Storage. Store in warehouses in a dry, well-ventilated area. Shelf life: 3 years.

Usage. The drug “Kellin” is obtained from a mixture of fruits and sex, and “Avisan” is obtained from the fruits. Avisan - total purified drug; has antispasmodic activity and is used for renal colic and spasm of the ureters, for the treatment of nephrolithiasis and uric acid diathesis.

Kellin is an individual substance that has an antispasmodic effect in case of smooth muscle spasms. It is prescribed for bronchial asthma, spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, and angina pectoris. Kellyn is currently like independent remedy almost never used. It is used mainly as part of the complex preparations Vikalin and Marelin. The composition of “Vicalin” includes: rutin, calamus rhizome powder, buckthorn bark, kellin, phosphorus, magnesium and bismuth salts. Vikalin is used for stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers and hyperacid gastritis. “Marelin” is also a complex drug, its composition is even more complex (extracts of madder, Canadian goldenrod, horsetail, basic magnesium phosphate, corglycon, salicylamide and kellin).

"Marelin" - as an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory, as well as promoting the passage of kidney stones, is used for renal colic, to prevent relapses after surgical removal of stones and their spontaneous passage.

Botanical characteristics

Ammi majus is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant, which belongs to the celery family, there is another name for it - this is Kandyan cumin. Its hollow stem is straight, grooved and branched, it reaches a height of up to 150 centimeters.

The leaves are three times, doubly pinnate with rather wide lanceolate lobes. The inflorescences of the plant are represented by complex umbrellas, reaching up to ten centimeters in diameter, they are located on long peduncles.

The flowers of Kandyan cumin are very small with white petals. The fruit is called vislocarp, it is smooth and laterally compressed, and ripens in September. This plant blooms from the end of June, and this process continues until the first month of autumn.


In the wild, large ammi is found quite rarely in the Crimea and on the Mediterranean coast. The plant is cultivated for industrial purposes on specialized plantations in the southern regions.

Growing and Reproduction

This plant grows well in any soil; it prefers sunny or partial shade, but in low-lying areas, when water stagnates, ammi often dies. Kandyan cumin is propagated by sowing seeds for seedlings or directly in open ground, this procedure is usually carried out from April to May. A warm and long summer is necessary for ripening. Read more about.

Part used, chemical composition

The part used includes the fruit of the plant. They contain furocoumarins from the psoralen group, for example, isopimpinellin, bergapten, isoemperatorin, marmesin, marmesinin, xanthotoxin, and angelicin. The grass contains the same compounds, but only in much smaller quantities.

The fruits are viscocarps, which easily split into two small semi-fruits; their color varies from gray-green to red-brown. The raw material serves as a source for the production of ammifurin.

Pharmacological properties

As I already said, the main active ingredients This plant is considered to be furocoumarins. They stimulate the formation of melanin pigment in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Furocoumarins have a strengthening effect on blood vessels, have some sedative and choleretic effects, and to a small extent tone the walls of the uterus and all parts of the intestine.


Ammi makes a big one medicine, which contains furocoumarins, and is called ammifurin. In ancient Egypt, crushed ammi seeds were taken and then the skin was exposed to ultraviolet irradiation in order to prevent reappearance white spots.

In the 13th century, it was used by Arab doctors; they used the seeds of the plant to treat leukoderma, combining therapy with solar irradiation.

The method of photochemistry again became relevant in the middle of the last century, when low-toxic photosensitizing drugs were obtained, and it also became quite accessible procedure dosed ultraviolet irradiation.

Treatment with galenic preparations from Kandyan cumin was undertaken a long time ago in Czechoslovakia. In one of the dermatovenerological clinics, a tincture was prepared from these seeds, mixed with an emulsion and used to treat patients with vitiligo. The results were considered satisfactory, and no complications were observed.

In 1960, ammifurin was obtained, which included a mixture of three furocoumarins - isopimpinellin, xanthotoxin and bergapten. The medicine is available in tablets and in the form of a solution, which is rubbed into the affected areas of the skin, followed by ultraviolet irradiation.

Ammifurin is prescribed to patients with vitiligo, alopecia areata or total alopecia, psoriasis, as well as neurodermatitis and lichen planus. For extensive skin lesions, these areas are lubricated, followed by UV irradiation, and this medicine is also taken orally in the form of tablets.

For minor processes, they are limited only to the external use of ammifurin. Maximum therapy is designed for five courses, each of which contains up to 28 procedures. The duration of treatment can last a whole year.

Usually the tablets are taken two hours before UV irradiation. It should start from one minute, and subsequently the session is extended by 60 seconds each time, the maximum dose should not exceed 12 minutes.

In this case, the distance from the source of ultraviolet radiation itself should be at least a meter. A course of therapy requires one hundred rubbings, respectively, with the same number of irradiation procedures.

Under the influence of the drug ammifurin, the symptoms of the disease in psoriasis subside, namely: itching stops, the number of rashes decreases, and the degree of infiltration of the skin in places where painful plaques form is significantly reduced.

During the process of photochemistry, patches of pigment begin to appear in patients with vitiligo, and therefore the white spots disappear. During ammifurin therapy, it is necessary to wear sunglasses and also avoid direct contact with sun rays.

You may sometimes feel nauseated while taking this drug. headache, palpitations, but all these symptoms disappear after stopping the medicine.


Before you start taking ammifurin, mandatory Consult a doctor, otherwise you may harm your health.

The ammi plant has been known since ancient times; it is also mentioned in biblical stories. However, previously this crop was perceived as a weed due to its unpretentiousness to the soil. She grew literally everywhere. Often, Ammi major or its variety Ammi odontidae, which belongs to the Umbelliferae family, were mistaken for weeds. In Israel, it was even found in vineyards. The plant spread quite quickly even on uncultivated lands, in places where people did not care for the soil.

Plant from legend

One of the legends tells how this unusually beautiful and unique in its properties plant appeared. One day the goddess Isis saw her son Horus lifeless; he was terribly weak. The boy was on the verge of death, and the mother called other gods in anticipation of help. The goddess constantly shed tears of despair, she was very much afraid of losing her beloved son and God Horus. And where her tears fell, flowers grew.

Thanks to her intuition, she picked them and made an infusion, after which her son quickly became stronger and returned to normal.
Later, this legend played a role in the widespread dissemination and use of this “weed” for the treatment of many ailments. His healing properties gained popularity among the people. This was accompanied wide application ammi. People have already begun to treat this plant differently, identifying its unique and beneficial properties.

Ammi large has a relative - a variety called Ammi tooth. It was used to feed livestock, due to the fact that the plant has a high calorie content, the animals gained weight very quickly and this helped people feed not only themselves and their families, but also sell the finished product.

Ammi's healing merits

From the times of Ancient Egypt to the present day, ammi has not lost its medical purpose. Today, Ammi major and dental are specially grown for the purpose of using their amazingly powerful medicinal properties.

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The fruits are consumed for abdominal discomfort, colic, and pain when urinating. That's it useful qualities do not end, previously it was used as an inhaler for colds and the treatment of leukoderma, now this method of treating colds has not been forgotten and its use is encouraged.

When treating with ammi, you should be careful, as this plant has the ability to irritate the cells of the kidneys, liver and stomach walls.
Furanocoumarins included in its composition have a urinary, sedative and choleretic effect, tone the intestinal tract and uterus.

Diseases that the plant treats

Experience that has come to us from past centuries indicates that Ammi copes well with diseases such as:

  • psoriasis;
  • lichen planus;
  • vitiligo;
  • profuse hair loss.

In ancient times, Arab doctors used Ammi major seeds to treat leukoderma and other skin diseases. Traditional healers and now they use seeds from the inflorescences of the plant.
Having prepared the decoction, it is given to the patient to drink, and the diseased areas of the body are exposed to the sun. But in order to do such a procedure, you must have special knowledge and experience, otherwise it may lead to the opposite effect.

Attention! Ammi also has contraindications for use
If you have advanced kidney problems, then you should refuse treatment with ammi major. People with diabetes, blood diseases or disorders should also be careful when using it. nervous system, with tuberculosis or tumor (benign or malignant).

Pregnant women and women should not take it during locating either. If you have at least one of these contraindications, it is better to look for other methods of treating the disease.

Use in modern pharmacology

Now this plant is grown on large plantations in medical purposes. Huge areas southern regions are planted annually for the further production of pharmaceuticals.
Ammifurin, a crystalline powder, was extracted from ammonium yellow color bitter in taste. It is available in tablets and bottles. Thanks to this component, patients with psoriasis, after undergoing a course of treatment, can forget about constant itching, they gradually reduce the number of rashes and the severity of the disease. Vitiligo disease gradually stops under photochemistry, a pigment is produced that contributes to the disappearance of white spots.

Ammi major during treatment can cause nausea, headaches, increased heart rate, and dizziness. Symptoms disappear after discontinuation of the drug.

Ammi dental - healing power from Ancient Egypt

Ammi odorant is in some way different from ammi major, although it has similar leaves and umbrella inflorescences in appearance and can also reach a height of 100 cm. It has an unpleasant odor.

This species is biennial and its fruits are modern medicine not used in medicinal purposes. It is widespread in Southern Europe, Asia and North Africa; you can also find it in the Caucasus.
Ammi tootha is toxic, but despite this, it has a wider range of applications in folk medicine. Healers use tinctures of ammi dentifrice seeds as a powerful medicine for angina pectoris, migraines, asthma, hypertension, various painful sensations in the abdominal area, and are also used as a sedative.

Read also: How to grow annual and perennial varieties of Chinese carnations

Decoctions made from ammonium tartar help reduce vascular tone, Bladder, and also dilate the bronchi. The decoction enters the bloodstream within 15 minutes after administration.

Due to the fact that preparations and infusions from Ammi dental seeds have low toxicity, they are used more widely, but in some cases they can still cause side effects. If after use you feel drowsiness, dizziness, a rash or stomach problems, you should stop treatment with this plant.

We grow ammi on our site

Ammi dentifrice is not picky about soil; it can be grown on any soil, with the exception of flooded lowlands and dodder-infested fields.

  • Before planting, the soil must be cleared of previous fruits. The stubble is peeled to a depth of approximately 8–10 cm. After the weeds germinate, plowing occurs to a depth of 20–25 cm, after which the soil needs to be cultivated and harrowed a couple of times. Before sowing the seeds, the soil is harrowed again.
  • Fertilizers are applied during the main plowing or carried out for spring cultivation.

Ammi dentis propagates by sowing seeds, which are best sown in spring, to a depth of 2–3 cm ( spring planting), 1 – 1.5 cm (winter). The first shoots appear after two weeks. Flowering begins after about four months.

The plant will delight you with its flowering from July until frost. If you grow seedlings, flowering will begin much earlier.

Ammi big , like Ammi tootha, after flowering it forms very beautiful decorative fruits, so umbrellas should not be removed after flowering.

Actions that will have a beneficial effect on growth:

  1. the flower grows better in direct sunlight or partial shade, so it is better to place the plant in a sunny place;
  2. the ground must have a reliable drainage layer;
  3. seedlings need to be fed mineral fertilizers twice;
  4. during the growth period, especially during intense heat, it requires moderate but regular watering;
  5. loosening the soil is encouraged.

Difficulties that may arise during cultivation:

  • if the seeds are planted in lowlands, the plant may die from excess water. In this case, you need to water after the soil dries;
  • in low light, flowering becomes depleted; high humidity can also cause the same effect;
  • With a lack of space, the dental ammonia weakens and becomes smaller.

Ammi majus
Taxon: Umbrella family (Apiaceae)
Common names: Chinese cumin
English: Bishop's Weed

An annual or biennial herbaceous plant with a bare, straight, rounded, furrowed, branched stem up to 50 cm in height. The leaves are double-triple pinnate with wide lanceolate lobes, the inflorescences are complex umbrellas on long peduncles, up to 10 cm in diameter. The flowers are small, the petals are white. The fruit is a drupe, laterally compressed, glabrous, smooth. Blooms from late June-July until September. The fruits ripen in September.

It is rarely found in the wild, only on the southern coast of Crimea. For industrial purposes it is cultivated in the southern regions.

Chemical composition:
The fruits contain furocoumarins (up to 2.2%), isopyinnellin, xaitotoxin, bergaptsp. The toxicity of ammifurin contained in the plant is relatively low.

Pharmacological properties:
Ammi preparations stimulate the formation of melanin pigment in the skin during irradiation ultraviolet light. When prescribed together with ultraviolet irradiation, they help restore skin pigmentation. Furocoumarins, in addition, have a capillary-strengthening, some sedative, choleretic, diuretic effect, and slightly tone the uterus and intestines. Galenic forms from the plant irritate the kidneys, and the mixture of furocoumarins (ammifurin) is relatively low-toxic. On cardiovascular system ammifurin does not have a noticeable effect, it slightly tones the uterus and intestines.

Application in medicine:
Ammifurin is used for vitiligo, alopecia areata and total baldness, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, and lichen planus.

Attempts at treatment with galenic preparations from Ammi major were made in Czechoslovakia in a dermatovenerological clinic: an alcoholic extract was prepared from Ammi seeds in the form of a tincture, mixed with an emulsion and used as an external remedy for the treatment of patients with vitiligo. The results of treatment were considered satisfactory. No complications were observed with external use. In the 60s, ammifurin was obtained from ammonium major at VILR. Ammifurin (Ammifurinum) contains a mixture of three furocoumarins - bergapten, isopimpinellin and xanthotoxin. Yellow crystalline powder with a bitter taste. Available in tablets of 0.02 g and in the form of a 0.3% solution in 50 ml bottles. Apply 1-2 tablets 3 times a day with simultaneous rubbing of a 0.3% solution into the affected areas and subsequent ultraviolet irradiation. The tablets are taken after meals and washed down with milk to avoid stomach irritation. For limited skin lesions, the rash is lubricated with ammifurin solution followed by irradiation; for extensive diffuse processes, ammifurin is prescribed orally, lubrication and irradiation. Therapy includes 3-5 courses (21-28 procedures each), the total duration of treatment is up to a year. The tablets are taken orally 2 hours before irradiation, and applied 1 hour before irradiation. The first irradiation should last 1 minute, and then the session is extended by 1 minute each time, up to a maximum of 12 minutes. The distance from the source of ultraviolet radiation is 100 cm. The course of treatment requires 100 rubbings with the same number of irradiation sessions and the corresponding number of tablets. Under the influence of ammifurin, in patients with psoriasis, itching stops, the number of rashes and the degree of skin infiltration in areas of plaques gradually decrease. In patients with vitiligo, during treatment using photochemistry, inclusions of pigment appear and white spots disappear. During treatment with ammifurin, it is recommended to wear sunglasses and avoid direct sunlight. Sometimes when taking ammifurin, nausea, headache, dizziness, and palpitations are noted, which disappear after discontinuation of the drug.

The following diseases are contraindications to the use of ammifurin and ultraviolet therapy: skin tuberculosis, hypertension, thyrotoxicosis, blood diseases, kidney and liver diseases, central nervous system, diabetes mellitus, multiple pigmented nevi, benign and malignant tumors, during pregnancy and lactation .

From the history:
Even in ancient Egypt, patients with “white spots” ingested crushed ammi seeds and then exposed the skin solar radiation. ABOUT medicinal properties ammi major was known back in the 13th century. Arab doctors used it to treat leukoderma. The observed side effects, in particular kidney irritation that developed when taking plant extracts, limited its use.

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