With the growth of general well-being, more and more compatriots are discovering the delights of private home ownership. With the average cost of a good house comparable to the cost of a city apartment, how much better is it to live separately from everyone else? fresh air! There is peace and quiet here, and the absence of drinking neighbors and hooligans, silence outside the windows and grace.

When planning to move to a private home, you need to understand that all the responsibilities that previously lay on the shoulders of the house company will become yours.

At the same time, many, having moved into their own home, or just starting to plan such a move, are faced with the fact that a whole range of work, previously carried out by general house services, now falls entirely on the shoulders of the homeowner.

This includes cleaning the local area and maintaining the roof, updating facades, and of course heating - without which it is impossible to imagine comfortable conditions living in our harsh climate.

Many people know how houses are heated using gas or solid fuel boilers, but not everyone has heard of such a trend as alternative heating of a private home, which is gaining increasing popularity in European construction, and from there it comes to us.

Alternative home heating is a term that implies the use of alternative sources of thermal energy, or electrical energy converted into heat and obtained in an alternative way, for heating. It is these systems that I would like to talk about in a little more detail.

Geocollector systems

It cannot be said that such systems real alternative heating in a private home, but they have already been successfully launched and are working in a number of households. The number of sunny days per year is critical for such systems. This significantly limits the scope of their application.

The geocollector heating system is not suitable for everyone, since the operation of such a device completely depends on sunlight.

Geocollectors are certainly an alternative heating solution. The system works as follows:

  • Collectors are located directly on the roof of the house, which look like a system of tubes or flasks surrounded special coatings, the purpose of which is to collect and retain the thermal energy emitted by the sun. They are closed to a common container, from which the coolant moves through the pipes into the house;
  • Additionally, such systems can be equipped with a pump and even a heating element, which is activated on cloudy days.

Among other things, such networks include thermal energy accumulators that accumulate potential during a sunny day and release it at night. In general, they can provide a fairly comfortable stay in the house when it comes to southern regions, for harsher climates they are ineffective.

Use of wind turbines

Here it is more appropriate to talk not about alternative heating of the house as a whole, but about an alternative source of energy for heating. Wind power generators have already become quite widespread and do not need additional introduction, everything happens extremely simply.

A dynamo is installed on the support, equipped with a special attachment that sets it in motion. The nozzle has several blades, the size and number of which determine the sensitivity of the windmill. Rotating on an axis like a weather vane, following the wind, and converting kinetic energy into electrical energy, they generate voltage. The energy is then supplied to batteries for further use in household purposes.

It can serve, among other things, to operate an electric heating boiler, providing heating in the house. This is already a real alternative to heating in a private home. The use of wind energy has been known for more than several centuries, there is nothing revolutionary here - this method has long been known and tested, there is no doubt about its reliability, but this is not the only really working method of alternative heating at home.

Heat pump

This is a complex and modern engineering complex that provides truly efficient heating at minimum costs during the period of operation. The only significant drawback of such a system is the undeniable high cost of its installation. Nevertheless, many people go to these expenses - after all, they pay for themselves many times over time. How nice it is not to depend on anyone, not to spend money on heating every month and, nevertheless, to be warm.

The operating principle is simple and original. The heat pump pumps thermal energy from deep layers of soil, which always remain heated, and transfers it to the entire structure. This is a simple system of pipes buried deep in the ground. Strictly according to the laws of physics - the heated coolant tends to rise, but when it cools down, it returns, and the cycle closes.

In addition, in the summer heat the system can serve to cool the house. The main thing to remember is that for it to work correctly, you need a pump, which means electricity. No electricity - no heating. So it’s worth having at least a generator, because you can never be completely sure that the light will not be turned off, and with it the heat will leave the pipes.

Another important point in the operation of such a system is the use of special antifreeze, which will increase the efficiency of the system. The savings will be very, very noticeable.

Infrared systems

One of the really working alternative home heating options is infrared systems known as PLEN (film electric heater). They look like a thin film consisting of several compressed layers that include a heating element. It emits thermal energy in infrared spectrum and is usually installed under the floor of the room.

Ease of installation and maintenance, as well as low power consumption and the absence of visible parts of the system, have made them very popular today. Heating proceeds from the floor to the ceiling, the air does not dry out, and the most comfortable temperature is created at the level from the waist and above.

Control is provided via an electronic rheostat. The system is mounted on a subfloor, which is lined with a special material - isolon, which is construction foam with foil applied on one side, reflecting heat into the room.

Installation can be done independently; there is nothing complicated about it. Upon completion of assembly, the system is checked for functionality and covered with dense polyethylene. Upon completion of this work, the floor is covered with laminate or linoleum.

This solution can be supplemented with separate infrared heaters installed in places where people gather near windows and doors, performing the function of additional thermal insulation of the room.


The article examined the alternative methods of home heating available on the market today. Do not forget that the classic heating option using a boiler, expansion tank and pipe and valve systems, despite significant energy costs, are the most preferable option for harsh climates. And all the methods described in the article can be an addition to the basic heating system, but their independent use can jeopardize the issue of heat supply to the building in the winter. So don’t forget to insure yourself with classics, no matter what modern system the market did not offer you.

In a desire to cause as little environmental damage as possible and reduce the consumption of non-renewable energy resources, many homeowners consider alternative heating as a source for heating their home in the winter. Currently, homeowners have access to a variety of alternative heating sources, which use solar energy, fuel pellets, wood briquettes, geothermal pumps, etc. in the process of generating heat.

Such systems are not only environmentally friendly, but also provide a number of advantages to home owners - they do not involve the use of products from the gas, oil or energy industries and reduce monthly heating costs. To find out which home heating alternative is the most acceptable and profitable, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the specifics of each heating system available on the modern market.

Geothermal system - using the heat of the Earth

Currently, alternative types of heating are represented by a variety of devices, among which there is a geothermal pump, which allows you to effectively generate heat in houses located in a temperate climate zone. According to the principle of operation, a geothermal system is similar to a standard house heating scheme - its operation requires the installation of radiators to circulate coolant, however, the key element of such a system is not a boiler, but a geothermal pump. Like a traditional gas boiler, this device is compact in size and will not take up much space in the house.

The efficiency of the pump is impressive - with one kilowatt of electricity consumed, it generates five kilowatts of heat.

The principle of operation of a geothermal system is that the heat exchanger is placed in the thickness of the earth or in the thickness of thermal waters, and the coolant circulating in it takes on ambient temperatures. Next, the heated coolant enters the heat pump and is then fed into the circuit, releasing heat to the room.

This alternative way heating is silent, safe and very effective. In this case, the heat source for the system geothermal heating serves as an endless resource that is available at any time. Among the disadvantages of this method there are such nuances as the complexity of installation, high cost of equipment, labor intensity earthworks, therefore, making geothermal alternative heating sources with your own hands will be quite problematic and you will have to resort to the help of geodesy specialists.

Use of solar energy

Solar systems Alternative heating systems can be active or passive. Passive solar heating relies on the use of special elements in a building's design to capture and store energy. Projects for the construction of such houses provide for the placement large windows on south side facade, as well as the presence of surfaces inside the house to absorb and preserve solar energy. Such absorbing surfaces can be concrete walls and floors and other heat-saving materials in the structure of the house. They collect heat and store it for later use.

Alternative active heating systems for a private home require complex and expensive equipment - solar collectors, heat pumps, heat exchangers, reservoirs and elements for controlling energy harvesting, parabolic solar steam boiler, etc. During operation, active solar heating systems rely on the use of electricity to power some elements.

Both heating systems are quite efficient and use 100% renewable solar energy as their heat source.

They can be used for heating and hot water supply to homes. Among the advantages of this type of heating, it is worth noting the absence of harmful emissions, environmental friendliness, stable operation, reduction monthly expenses for heating. Disadvantages are also present and lie in the high cost of the equipment and the complexity of its installation in the house.

Boilers using renewable energy sources

Unlike the systems listed above, which are characterized by a complex structure and high price, heating a private house with a wood-burning boiler can become an affordable and effective option for heating a home for a wide range of rational and economical owners. At present, wood heating country house is good alternative traditional gas boilers, the use of which implies the inevitable receipt of substantial gas bills every month. You can find out how to organize heating at home without gas here.

At the same time, home owners who have chosen this heating option can buy firewood for heating at an affordable price or prepare it themselves and achieve even more impressive savings. You can buy wood-burning boilers for home heating, the prices of which depend on the chosen model, in the store or on the manufacturer’s website. When choosing a boiler, you should pay attention to its specifications.

The following indicators are decisive:

It is worth noting that firewood is not the only type of fuel that boilers can operate on. In particular, alternative heating boilers can use sawdust, peat briquettes, pellets, and fuel pellets as burned fuel. Such materials are much cheaper than gas and liquid fuels, such as fuel oil. In addition, they can be produced in any country and do not require supply from other countries.

Boilers running on renewable wood fuel can be used as the main or additional heat sources in the house, and the owner can choose a model that will optimally complement the existing heating system and make it more rational and economical.


Competition among companies involved in the production and sale of alternative heating systems motivates manufacturers to set increasingly reasonable prices to attract customers. The authorities of states that do not have their own sources of oil and gas and depend on export supplies of fuel are also interested in using alternative heating. Therefore, it is likely that over the coming years, the installation of alternative heating systems in the home will become commonplace, and homeowners will be able to take advantage of the operation of an environmentally friendly system, which is qualitatively different from traditional heat sources.


Alternative energy sources for heating a private home

aqueo.ru » Heating » Alternative sources energy for heating a private home

The modern term "alternative" is borrowed from the Latin language (alternatus - other) for the need to choose from several possibilities or to designate each of these possibilities under consideration.

Energy sources for heating

Traditional way

Traditional methods of heating an apartment or private house require the installation of a heating system, which includes:

  • a heat source that converts the energy of fuel combustion or the energy of network electricity into thermal energy;
  • heat exchanger for transferring thermal energy from energy carrier to coolant, for subsequent distribution of heat among heat consumption points;
  • a closed pipeline circuit through which the movement of coolant is naturally or forcefully stimulated;
  • heating devices that distribute heat from the coolant into the surrounding environment of the room.

The figure below shows the structure of a heating system with a boiler as a heat source and heat consumption points in the form of heating radiators and heated floors.

The structure of a traditional heating system of a private house


For most types heating systems The sources of thermal energy are heating boilers. They burn gas, liquid or solid fuel in order to use the heat of combustion of the fuel to heat the coolant (the so-called gas, liquid fuel and solid fuel boilers).

Another option for heating the coolant in the heat exchanger of a heating boiler is to use network electricity ( electric boilers heating).

Each type of boiler and corresponding energy carrier has certain negative features that affect the efficiency of its use:

  1. Gas fuel boilers are widespread due to the availability of gas.

Negative factors accompanying the use of gas for heating are:

  • organizational and technical complexity of connecting to the gas main;
  • the threat of fire or explosion if the rules for operating the gas heating equipment or improper installation with your own hands;
  • rising prices for gas resources.
  1. Electric boilers are the easiest to install and maintain yourself. The most significant disadvantages are:
  • volatility of the equipment - when the power supply is turned off, the flow of heat into the heating system stops;
  • high electricity tariffs.
  1. Liquid fuel boilers as sources of thermal energy are quite difficult to operate. On the negative side, we note the following factors:
  • the high cost of liquid fuel, the complexity of its delivery and safe storage;
  • noise at work;
  • unpleasant odors when burning fuel.

Home boiler room with liquid fuel boiler
  1. Solid fuel boilers using coal, peat, wood or pellets impress with their low cost of fuel resources and energy independence in operation, but they have their drawbacks:
  • fuel loaded into the boiler firebox with your own hands quickly burns out;
  • lack of automation of the fuel loading process;
  • the need for constant visual monitoring of the boiler operation.

All of the heating systems discussed above have two common disadvantages:

  • they operate on irreplaceable sources of thermal energy - the fuel is completely burned without the possibility of any recovery;
  • the operation of equipment that burns natural resources or uses centrally supplied electricity is accompanied by constant payment for the volume of energy consumed and to service providers for its provision.

The figure below shows the delivery of liquefied gas for gas heating at home.

Delivery of liquefied gas to a private home

Points that require attention:

  1. Such a convenient and familiar heating of a private home by burning non-renewable organic resources leads to a catastrophic decrease in natural fuel reserves for money from our own pockets! Naturally, prices for fossil fuels will constantly rise.
  2. Combustion of fuel is accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide and volatile toxic combustion products, and the precipitation of tar and soot occurs.
  3. Each consumer of organic fuel is forced to equip additional premises:
  • for fuel storage;
  • for its combustion with the release of combustion products into the atmosphere.

Alternative heating concept

When considering alternative home heating options, you need to decide on the concept itself.

Alternative heat sources for a private home include two fundamentally: different types equipment:

  1. Devices that work in addition to self-installed electrical or gas boiler. For some reason, a boiler running on gas or electricity does not provide full heat to the heating system of the entire building.

The main heating power is provided by the boiler, and during peak loads or off-season periods its operation is supported by alternative sources. In this case, alternative heating will be, for example, a home-made pellet boiler, or a unit that burns waste, and even infrared heaters.

  1. Devices that completely replace a boiler running on gas, electricity or another traditional energy source. Their thermal power is enough to provide alternative heating for the house.

The most common alternative options for heating homes without burning gas and other fossil fuels are technologies that use the energy of natural resources - heat from the bowels of the earth, geysers, sunlight and climatic processes - wind, ocean tide.

House equipped with solar panels

Modern heating methods

The practical implementation of projects to use the energy of natural resources and phenomena as an alternative source of heat for heating a home most widely affects:

  1. solar energy (solar thermal systems);
  2. wind energy (wind power);
  3. energy of the warm earth's interior (geothermal pumps).

Two options are noted practical application natural energy for the needs of alternative heating of a private home:

Solar thermal system

When installing solar heating systems with your own hands, both options for solar radiation are used:

  1. Converting solar energy into electrical energy using solar panels.

Solar batteries are usually called a group of semiconductor photoelectronic converters combined in one common module to generate electricity. Several solar modules create a circuit to provide a private home with a certain amount of electricity.

Power of each solar module can range from 50 to 300 W. The picture below shows the principle of use solar panels for alternative autonomous heating of buildings.

House heating scheme using solar panels

The principle of operation of the solar system:

  • from the solar module, the converted light flux enters the battery pack;
  • the batteries generate direct current, which is sent to the inverter;
  • In the inverter, direct current is converted into alternating current, which is used to heat heating elements in the heating system.

Solar panels are only capable of generating electricity. They do not create, convert or accumulate thermal energy. They work equally effectively on a frosty day or at above-zero ambient temperatures, since the intensity of the incident solar flux is important to them.

  1. Using solar collectors for direct water heating.

In private housing construction, do-it-yourself installation of solar collectors for alternative heating is more popular than installation of solar panels. Collectors convert solar luminous fluxes directly into thermal energy, bypassing the generation of electricity.

Do-it-yourself heating collectors have a wide variety of designs, which can be divided into two types:

  • flat collectors consisting of absorbers - elements that absorb Sun rays(in the simplest case – metal plates or black sheets) connected to a pipeline system;
  • pipe manifolds assembled from glass tubes, inside of which a steel absorber is inserted.

The figure below shows one of the options for making a solar collector with your own hands with copper tubes placed in the absorber for heating the coolant.

A coolant with a minimum crystallization threshold is pumped into the tubes. IN middle lane Russia recommended for use 60% water solution propylene glycol with a crystallization temperature of -390 C.

Solar collector made of copper tubes

Both types of collector systems are mounted on the sloping part of the roof of the house. The figure below shows the principle of heating a building using a collector.

The coolant heated in the solar collector (red line) enters the buffer tank, which acts as a heat accumulator and an automated system for maintaining temperature in the heating and hot water circuits.

If there is a lack of incoming heat on cloudy days, the water in the buffer tank is heated by another accessible source heat, for example, water from a gas boiler, which is the main heat source of the heating system.

Thanks to automation, the temperature in the heating system is constantly monitored. At night, the lack of solar heat is compensated by connecting a heating element to maintain a comfortable temperature level.

The operating principle of a solar heating system

Home wind power

The use of kinetic energy of air flows for the heating needs of a private house is carried out in two directions:

  1. Converting kinetic wind energy into electrical energy by rotating the rotor of special wind generators.

The resulting electricity is accumulated in batteries and, as needed, through inverters (similar to solar heating technology) is used to heat water in the heating system. In calm weather, heating devices are connected to the general electrical network.

  1. Converting the energy of the rotating windmill rotor into heat for direct heating of the coolant using vortex heat generators VTG.

The dominant method in private housing construction is do-it-yourself manufacturing and installation of devices consisting of a windmill, a generator and a battery to generate your own electricity. The design captivates with its simplicity and possibility self-assembly.

Wind generators differ from each other according to the following indicators:

  • location of the axis of rotation – vertical or horizontal;
  • number of propeller blades;
  • propeller pitch.

The figure below shows a house equipped with wind generators with a horizontal axis of rotation.

Wind generators for power supply to a private home

Geothermal (heat) pumps

Devices that can use the geothermal energy of the earth's interior allow owners of private houses to significantly save on gas or other types of fuel when heating their homes. Thermal energy is extracted directly from the depths of the earth or from the bottom of a reservoir using a device called a heat pump.

The operating principle of a heat pump is similar to the operation of a refrigeration unit using freon:

  • when liquid freon passes through pipes at a considerable depth in a reservoir or in a drilled well, in which the temperature remains above zero even in winter, the freon begins to evaporate, turning into a gaseous state;
  • the gaseous phase of freon rises to the top and enters the compressor, which strongly compresses it;
  • when gas is compressed in a limited volume, it is heated to 80 degrees C;
  • freon is cooled in the heat exchanger;
  • in the throttle chamber, due to a decrease in temperature and pressure, freon again turns into liquid;
  • the cycle repeats.

Heat pumps are energy-dependent units; however, the energy consumption for operating the device is disproportionately lower than what would be required for direct electrical heating of the coolant.

The temperature of the coolant in a heating system with geothermal devices does not exceed 50 degrees, which is not enough for radiator heating, but for “warm floors” it is quite enough.

Heat pumps are structurally different in the technology of heating freon before it passes into a gaseous state. Depending on the source of “low-level heat” there are:

  • water installations for obtaining heat from surface reservoirs or underground groundwater;
  • earthen, “taking away” heat from the ground;
  • air.

Scheme of operation of a ground source heat pump

When classifying geothermal devices, the type of coolant in the heating system is also taken into account - water or air. Accordingly, devices receive the designations “soil - water”, “soil - air”, “water - water”, etc.

Video about heating

How to organize economical home heating with your own hands is described in the video below.

The logic of switching to alternative heating is not only about saving money on buying gas or paying electricity bills.

Of course, prices for non-renewable energy resources are rising rapidly. But how can one not recall the words of D. Mendeleev, who said: “Burning oil is the same as heating a stove with banknotes”?

It is unreasonable to burn tons of coal or tens of cubic meters of wood to heat a modest room and at the same time cause irreparable damage to the cleanliness of the surrounding ecology.

In many countries, alternative types of heating and energy supply for individual residential buildings surpass traditional heating methods in demand. The heating equipment market is filled with innovative alternative heating devices, the range of which is constantly expanding.

Air-to-water heat pump


Alternative heat sources for home and apartment

Most of us have normal gas, coal or combined heating. Of course, there is also electric method space heating, but it is not very common due to the high cost of electricity. But what to do if the heat is suddenly turned off, there is a failure in the pipe, there is a blackout, etc.? Don't freeze in winter! Of course not, because in this case alternative heat sources come to the rescue. This is a mandatory attribute in an extreme or even catastrophic situation. Let's talk about everything in more detail.

Gas and electric heating

It is safe to say that today is an extremely turbulent and difficult time for many. Anything can happen to a gas line. For example, a major accident takes a long time to resolve, and if there are no alternative supply routes, then people will freeze. As for electric version, then, firstly, it is expensive, and secondly, it is not very reliable. This is due to possible network overloads when connecting large quantity consumers. Nevertheless, gas and electricity are the main sources of heat today. All we can do is protect ourselves by installing emergency equipment. Sometimes you can make alternative heat sources with your own hands, we’ll talk about this a little later.

Solid and liquid fuel boilers

These are perhaps the two most common solutions today. This is due to the high availability of equipment. Of course it's labor intensive installation work makes itself felt, but the cost of solid fuel (coal, firewood, etc.) is quite reasonable. But you need to think about such a heat source in advance and install it together with gas equipment. Certainly, water system can be carried out in parallel with the electric convector, so, in fact, it’s better to do so. As for liquid boilers, this is good decision, but for last years The popularity of this heating method is decreasing. This is due to increased fuel costs. The latter is vegetable and machine oil, and waste oil is also suitable. If you work in a production facility where dozens or even hundreds of such fuel are spilled every day, then it’s time to think about this issue. Such alternative heat sources for the home are extremely relevant, especially if there are oil reserves. Let's move on.

Alternative heat sources, made by yourself - it's easy

Sometimes we ourselves can make something for heating. The simplest option is a potbelly stove. Most often, a barrel or steel pipe large diameter. Two holes are made in the body, one larger is the firebox, the second smaller is the ash pan. It is advisable to make doors. Slightly below the level of the firebox door, it is necessary to make brackets on which the grate will be placed. The latter can be made from conventional reinforcement by welding. If you are making a potbelly stove from a pipe, then you need to weld the upper and lower parts. But don't forget that you need a chimney. To do this, a small hole is cut from the top and a pipe is inserted into it. In fact, such alternative heat sources, made with your own hands, are quite capable of heating a large room during the cold season. Coal or wood is used as fuel. Do not forget that you need to connect to the chimney.

Long burning stoves

This heating option has become more common over the past few years. This is due not only to good advertising, but also to the high efficiency of the method. The bottom line is that there are two stages of fuel combustion. In the first, smoldering and release of wood gas occurs, and in the second, combustion of the latter occurs. As a result, we have a fairly effective, but at the same time economical heating. But it is necessary to carefully monitor the moisture content of the fuel. If this indicator is higher than normal, then the amount of heat released will not be so large, sometimes such fuel will not even smolder. That's why more attention must be given to storage. It is better to give preference to a garage or any other covered, dry room. Leaders in furnace production long burning“Breneran” (Canada) and “Buleryan” are considered to have an air or water circuit. In principle, such alternative heat sources for an apartment should not be ignored. Moreover, sometimes this is the only available solution.

Heat pumps - alternative heat sources for a private home

Many people have never even heard of this method of heating a room. But today, if we consider alternative heat sources, this is one of best options. This is due not only to high efficiency, but also to safety. The idea is that heat collected from soil or water is transferred to the heating system. IN summer time most often used reverse principle(building cooling). As you can see, one heat pump can solve several problems. In winter it is a heating system, in summer it is air conditioning. As for efficiency, heating costs will be approximately 10% lower than gas. But often the problem lies in the fact that heat pumps not everyone can afford it, because this is expensive equipment that requires precise professional installation. And this system is too dependent on electricity, so it doesn’t make much sense when there are problems with electricity.

Install TEK or fireplace

Hydrodynamic installation (heating), also known as TEK, is a new source of alternative heating for premises. The installation design includes expansion tank(hydraulic accumulator), pump and electric pump. The principle of operation is based on the release of energy from two streams of water that collide with each other when entering the tank. Often it is simply connected to the heating system of an apartment or house and does not require the installation of additional equipment, such as a circulation pump, mechanical filter and so on.

As for such a solution as installing a fireplace, this is not available to everyone. But if you live on top floor or the building has a chimney, then you will not have any problems. Of course, this is quite expensive and requires a lot of space in the room. But in return you will get excellent heating. In principle, these are the most popular alternative heat sources for dachas, where there is a lot of space and it is possible to make a chimney yourself. The main thing is to properly design the air heating system so that air flows through the entire room.

Basic information about solar systems

Solar systems, despite their complexity, are quite popular. But if their use in apartments is difficult, then for a dacha or country house this is just what you need. This heat source consists of a solar collector (vacuum). A collector is installed on the roof, where it collects solar energy. When the rays hit its surface, the room heats up. It is noteworthy that the system works even in sub-zero temperatures or cloudy weather. But do not forget that it is extremely important to monitor the condition of the plates, clean them of snow, leaves, etc. Since thermal energy is ultimately supplied to the heat exchanger, it is used for the heating system and heating water for household needs. But in places where there is almost never sun, such systems are impractical to install.

So what to choose

We have considered the main part of alternative heat sources. As you can see, there are quite a lot of them. But what you install is up to you. Thus, solar systems are preferable in the southern and central regions, and in the northern regions it is practically useless to install them. For suburban suitable for home fireplace, and it is better to install a slow combustion stove in the apartment. The best alternative heat sources for the garage are potbelly stoves, since here you can burn waste oil without worrying about the specific smell.


That, in principle, is all that can be said on this topic. The choice is very large; you need to be guided not only by your own preferences, but also soberly assess your financial capabilities, as well as the feasibility of this or that choice. If you come to your dacha a couple of times a year, then it hardly makes sense to install a solar system there; it’s the same as installing a potbelly stove in a European-quality renovated apartment. Of course, the decision is yours, but make it wisely and think about safety first, as well as staying warm during difficult times.


Heating without gas: 7 alternative heat sources for a private home

Traditionally, a private house is heated with a gas boiler. But what to do if the site is not connected to the gas main? Or there are interruptions in the gas supply and you want to have insurance in this case? Or you just want to reduce your dependence on gas and the state.

In this case, it is necessary to consider the option of alternative heating of the house. And then we will look at what can be used. Which devices will serve as a full replacement for a gas boiler and provide heating without gas, and which can only be used as a supplement.

What is an alternative heat source

Since traditionally the house is heated with a gas boiler, by alternative heating of the house we mean any heating device, which does not run on gas.

When is it relevant?

  1. You are unable to connect to gas network or it costs too much;
  2. You want to reduce your dependence on gas and have insurance in case of severe frosts or interruptions in its supply;
  3. To save on heating costs. Combining and properly managing heat sources will reduce your heating costs.

Types of Alternative Energy Sources

Conventionally, alternative heat sources are divided into two types:

  1. Which work in addition to the boiler. By virtue of various reasons they are not able to fully provide the building with heat. The main heating power is provided by the gas boiler, and other sources support its operation during peak loads or off-season.
  2. Which replace a gas boiler. These are the heat sources that are capable of producing sufficient heating power to warm the building.

Let's consider what devices can be used in each case.

Heat pump

A heat pump is one of the most economical heating methods. It runs on electricity and converts natural energy into heat to heat your home. Depending on the type, the pump can be the only source of heat in the house and fully provide heating without gas, or it can work in addition to the boiler.

  • Ground heat pumps are a complete alternative to a gas boiler. They work equally efficiently regardless of the outside temperature and completely provide the building with heat. Their disadvantages: high initial cost, payback period of more than 10 years and the required availability of a large plot of land to bury a ground collector.
  • Air source heat pumps are cheaper and easier to install. They can also replace gas heating, but at zero degrees and sub-zero temperatures their efficiency drops significantly. Heating becomes economically unprofitable. Therefore, it is optimal to use “air vents” in conjunction with a boiler: in spring and autumn, when it is warm outside, the pump mainly works, and in winter and when it is cold, a gas boiler is switched on.

See also the operating principle of a heat pump.

In addition to the heat pump, you can connect a two-tariff electricity meter, which will reduce heating costs by another 30-50%.

Solid fuel boilers

Solid fuel and pellet boilers are one of the most available ways heating a private house without gas. They are cheaper than a heat pump and are able to completely provide the building with heat, regardless of the time of day and street temperature.

But when choosing and installing solid fuel boilers, you need to consider:

  • You need to constantly monitor the combustion and add firewood 1-2 times a day. Of course, this is not so difficult, but in comparison with gas boilers it causes inconvenience. In pellet boilers this is easier, since they provide automatic supply of pellets into the firebox from the hopper.
  • Not all regions have developed woodworking and it is possible good firewood will have to be transported from afar. So make sure you have access to at least 2-3 firewood sellers.
  • You need to buy firewood one year before the start of the heating season. Year - required period so that the firewood dries out and gains energy value. Initial low humidity only fuel briquettes.
  • You become dependent on firewood instead of gas.
  • At certain volumes of consumption, heating with wood is not cheaper than gas.
  • Need storage space. If firewood is stored incorrectly, it will get wet and lose its energy potential. See the article on how to store firewood.
  • From time to time you will have to clean the chimney and the inside of the boiler from soot.

Solar collectors

Solar collectors - good way reduce gas consumption and complement the operation of a gas boiler.

It will not be possible to fully heat the house using collectors. They definitely need a second (main) heat source in combination, because in winter the daylight hours are shorter and the solar intensity is much weaker than in summer.

The collectors are ideal for heating water for domestic hot water supply in summer, spring and autumn. And in winter they can only be used to support heating.

Fireplace with water circuit

This fireplace is a combination of a traditional fireplace and solid fuel boiler: it is installed indoors and connected to a common heating system. There is a container of water installed inside the fireplace, which heats up when the wood burns. Due to this, you not only heat the air in the room, but also heat the water in the heating system, which then goes to the radiators, heated floor or storage tank.

Theoretically, a fireplace with a water circuit could be an alternative gas heating. But since it does not have automatic fuel supply and new firewood needs to be added every 2-4 hours, you shouldn’t count on it too much. If you don't add wood in time, the fire will go out and the house will cool down.

Therefore, such a fireplace should be considered as an addition to the main heat source.

Conventional air fireplaces

Conventional fireplaces are cheaper and easier to install. It does not require connecting a pipe in advance, installing a storage tank or providing thermal protection. It is enough just to allocate a place and build a chimney.

The fireplace only heats the air around it. And to increase its efficiency, you can run air channels from the fireplace to each room. Due to this, the fireplace will heat not only the room in which it is installed, but also other rooms where air ducts are installed.

The difficulties with a regular fireplace are the same: it will not replace a gas boiler, and you will also have to regularly add firewood and monitor the combustion. This is an excellent additional and alternative source of heat, but nothing more.

Pellet fireplace

A pellet fireplace also only heats the air around it. But he has two important advantages:

  • It is not necessary to have a chimney in advance. For such a fireplace, you need a small diameter pipe, which is led into the wall, and not through all the floors of the building.
  • There is automatic fuel supply. That is, you do not need to constantly monitor combustion. It is enough just to maintain a supply of fuel pellets in the bunker. Therefore, a pellet fireplace is quite suitable as an alternative heating without gas. But from a practical point of view, this is inconvenient: the fireplace is locally effective and only heats the room in which it is installed. It is impossible to use heat throughout the entire house.


  • You need access to high-quality pellets that will not clog the burner with soot and burn well.

Air conditioners

Air conditioning is the most affordable and simplest alternative source of home heating. You can install one powerful one on the entire floor or one in each room.

Most best option using air conditioner – late spring or early autumn, when it is not too cold outside and you don’t have to start the gas boiler for now. This will reduce gas consumption due to electricity and not exceed the monthly gas consumption rate.

Important points:

  • The boiler and air conditioner must be linked to each other to work as a pair. That is, the boiler must see that the air conditioner is working and not start working while the room is warm. A wall thermostat is indispensable here.
  • Heating with electricity is not cheaper than gas. Therefore, you should not completely switch to heating with air conditioners.
  • Not all air conditioners can be used in freezing temperatures.

To become less dependent on gas, you need to work on the energy efficiency of your building. Read about possible hidden heat leaks in a private home.

Personal experience

I use four heat sources to heat my house: a gas boiler (main), a fireplace with a water circuit, six flat-plate solar collectors and an inverter air conditioner.

Why is this necessary?

  1. Have a second (backup) heat source if the gas boiler fails or its power becomes insufficient ( very coldy).
  2. Save on heating. Using different heat sources, you can control the monthly and annual gas consumption rates so as not to switch to a more expensive tariff.

Some statistics

The average gas consumption in January 2016 was 12 cubic meters per day. With a heated area of ​​200m2 and an additional basement.

Fluctuations in consumption by day during the month are associated with different outside temperature and the presence of the sun: on sunny days the collectors work and gas consumption decreases.


Heating without gas is possible. Some heat sources serve as a complete replacement for a gas boiler, while others can only be used as a supplement. For convenience, we will combine everything into a table.

In this article we will look at Alternative heating of a private house, when you find yourself without gas and electricity, how to make heating yourself? Read more about this in this article>>

Advanced countries around the world have been switching to alternative energy sources for a long time. This brings a huge number of advantages, both for the owners themselves and for the environment. How to choose suitable option heating your home and not regret your choice?

Which system can fully provide the building with heat, and which will only complement the basic one?

The system is directly related to the intensity of sunlight. During the cold season and on cloudy days, the generated energy cannot fully cover the needs of a residential building.

However, it is optimally used as an additional source.

There are collectors with vacuum pipe and flat. In summer lighting conditions, the performance of both types will be equal. But in winter time vacuum will dominate. Flat-plate collectors can heat air up to 60 degrees. Vacuum - up to 90. Also, both of them can be used to heat water.

Wind turbines

The main unit is a wind generator (vertical or horizontal). Next come: blades, mast, weather vane, controller, batteries, inverter. The wind rotates blades attached to a mast high off the ground.

The performance of the entire structure directly depends on the height. The rotation of the blades affects the generator rotor. It produces electricity, which is converted into direct current by the controller.

Electricity is stored in batteries. At the output of the batteries, the current enters the inverter, where it is converted into variable frequency 50Hz and voltage 220 W.

Infrared emitters

They are also called eco-heaters. Their work is based on the transfer of heat in the form of infrared radiation to objects, and they transfer it to the air. Such systems are capable of heating both the rooms of a residential building and people in the open air.

They provide significant savings in heating due to targeted heating of only the necessary segment of space. Can be mounted on a wall, ceiling, or installed on the floor.

Hydrogen boilers (nano-method)

Relatively new way alternative heating. The hydrogen boiler system operates from the reaction of hydrogen with oxygen. The interaction of these two substances produces H2O molecules and heat of about 40 degrees. This is what is used to heat the air.

Electric boilers

Most of us have normal gas, coal or combined heating. Of course, there is also an electric method of heating a room, but it is not very common due to the high temperature. But what to do if the heat is suddenly turned off, there is a failure in the pipe, there is a blackout, etc.? Don't freeze in winter! Of course not, because in this case alternative heat sources come to the rescue. This is a mandatory attribute in an extreme or even catastrophic situation. Let's talk about everything in more detail.

Gas and electric heating

It is safe to say that today is an extremely turbulent and difficult time for many. Anything can happen to a gas line. For example, a major accident takes a long time to resolve, and if there are no alternative supply routes, then people will freeze. As for the electric option, firstly, it is expensive, and secondly, it is not very reliable. This is due to possible network congestion when connecting a large number of consumers. Nevertheless, gas and electricity are the main sources of heat today. All we can do is protect ourselves by installing emergency equipment. Sometimes you can make alternative heat sources with your own hands, we’ll talk about this a little later.

Solid and liquid fuel boilers

These are perhaps the two most common solutions today. This is due to the high availability of equipment. Of course, the complexity of installation work makes itself felt, but the cost of solid fuel (coal, firewood, etc.) is quite reasonable. But you need to think about such a heat source in advance and install it together with gas equipment. Of course, a water system can be installed in parallel with an electric convector system, and that’s actually the best thing to do. As for liquid boilers, this is a good solution, but in recent years the popularity of this heating method has been decreasing. This is due to increased fuel costs. The latter is vegetable and machine oil, and waste oil is also suitable. If you work in a production facility where dozens or even hundreds of such fuel are spilled every day, then it’s time to think about this issue. Such alternative heat sources for the home are extremely relevant, especially if there are oil reserves. Let's move on.

Manufactured Alternative Sources Made Easy

Sometimes we ourselves can make something for heating. The simplest option is a potbelly stove. Most often, a barrel or large-diameter steel pipe is used as a body. Two holes are made in the body, one larger - the firebox, the second smaller - the ash pan. It is advisable to make doors. Slightly below the level of the firebox door, it is necessary to make brackets on which the grate will be placed. The latter can be made from conventional reinforcement by welding. If you are making a potbelly stove from a pipe, then you need to weld the upper and lower parts. But don't forget that you need a chimney. To do this, a small hole is cut from the top and a pipe is inserted into it. In fact, such alternative sources made are quite capable of heating a large room during the cold season. Coal or wood is used as fuel. Do not forget that you need to connect to the chimney.

Long burning stoves

This heating option has become more common over the past few years. This is due not only to good advertising, but also to the high efficiency of the method. The bottom line is that there are two stages of fuel combustion. In the first, smoldering and release of wood gas occurs, and in the second, combustion of the latter occurs. As a result, we have quite efficient, but at the same time economical heating. But it is necessary to carefully monitor the moisture content of the fuel. If this indicator is higher than normal, then the amount of heat released will not be so large, sometimes such fuel will not even smolder. Therefore, more attention needs to be paid to storage. It is better to give preference to a garage or any other covered, dry room. The leaders in the production of long-burning furnaces with an air or water circuit are considered to be “Breneran” (Canada) and “Buleryan”. In principle, such alternative heat sources for an apartment should not be ignored. Moreover, sometimes this is the only available solution.

Heat pumps - alternative heat sources for a private home

Many people have never even heard of this method of heating a room. But today, if we consider alternative heat sources, this is one of the best options. This is due not only to high efficiency, but also to safety. The idea is that heat collected from soil or water is transferred to the heating system. In summer, the opposite principle is most often used (cooling the building). As you can see, one heat pump can solve several problems. In winter it is a heating system, in summer it is air conditioning. As for efficiency, heating costs will be approximately 10% lower than gas. But often the problem lies in the fact that not everyone can afford heat pumps, because they are expensive equipment that requires precise professional installation. And this system is too dependent on electricity, so it doesn’t make much sense when there are problems with electricity.

Install TEK or fireplace

Hydrodynamic installation (heating), also known as TEK, is a new source of alternative heating for premises. The design of the installation includes an expansion tank (hydraulic accumulator), a pump and an electric pump. The principle of operation is based on the release of energy from two streams of water that collide with each other when entering the tank. Often it is simply connected to the heating system of an apartment or house and does not require the installation of additional equipment such as a circulation pump, mechanical filter, etc.

As for such a solution as installing a fireplace, this is not available to everyone. But if you live on the top floor or the building has a chimney, then you will not have any problems. Of course, this is quite expensive and requires a lot of space in the room. But in return you will get excellent heating. In principle, these are the most popular alternative heat sources for dachas, where there is a lot of space and it is possible to make a chimney yourself. The main thing is to properly design the air heating system so that air flows through the entire room.

Basic information about solar systems

Solar systems, despite their complexity, are quite popular. But if their use in apartments is difficult, then for a dacha or country house this is just what you need. Such a heat source consists of (vacuum). A collector is installed on the roof, where it collects solar energy. When the rays hit its surface, the room heats up. It is noteworthy that the system works even in sub-zero temperatures or cloudy weather. But do not forget that it is extremely important to monitor the condition of the plates, clean them of snow, leaves, etc. Since the result goes into the heat exchanger, it is used for the heating system and heating water for household needs. But in places where there is almost never sun, such systems are impractical to install.

So what to choose

We have considered the main part of alternative heat sources. As you can see, there are quite a lot of them. But what you install is up to you. Thus, solar systems are preferable in the southern and central regions, and in the northern regions it is practically useless to install them. A fireplace is suitable for a country house, but it is better to put it in an apartment. The best alternative heat sources for a garage are potbelly stoves, since here you can burn waste oil without worrying about the specific smell.


That, in principle, is all that can be said on this topic. The choice is very large; you need to be guided not only by your own preferences, but also soberly assess your financial capabilities, as well as the feasibility of this or that choice. If you come to your dacha a couple of times a year, then it hardly makes sense to install a solar system there; it’s the same as installing a potbelly stove in a European-quality renovated apartment. Of course, the decision is yours, but make it wisely and think about safety first, as well as staying warm during difficult times.

Traditional heat sources are either not always available or are undesirable for environmental, economic or other reasons. In this case, it is worth thinking about other options. Alternative home heating is an autonomous home heating system using the latest technologies.

Modern heating methods include obtaining heat from geothermal sources, converting solar and wind energy, and burning biomass. Alternative options also include infrared heating, when they can be used common species fuel, but uses an innovative system to distribute heat throughout the room. Let's look at the most common options independent heating Houses.

Solar systems

Devices for converting solar energy into heat and electricity are called solar systems. The coolant heats up due to work circulation pump, supplying heat to batteries or convectors.

Types of solar devices:

  1. Solar collector. Such alternative heating systems usually operate in conjunction with electric heater. The temperature of the coolant is monitored by sensors. In low-sunny weather, the temperature regime becomes unacceptable, and in this case, electric heating elements are connected to ensure proper heating.
  2. Solar battery. This equipment has not only a temperature sensor and an inverter to create voltage, but also battery high capacity. During the day, the battery stores energy, which is then used at night or on cloudy days. If area solar panels and batteries corresponding to the size of the building, they can be used to create a completely autonomous system. However, solar systems have a significant drawback - high cost, both when purchasing equipment and when replacing batteries.
  3. Solar battery equipped with inverter and controller. The system is connected to an electrical outlet. You also need to purchase a mechanical disk meter, since an electronic one will not be able to record the reverse direction of electricity. If during the day the system generates more electricity than necessary, the meter turns off kilowatts, which allows for significant savings.

In recent years, the use of wind energy has become economically feasible due to the widespread use of wind turbines and the reduction in cost of their production technology. When wind hits the turbine blades, they begin to spin, resulting in the generation of electricity. Maximum efficiency wind turbines cannot exceed 59%. Knowing the area of ​​the building and the efficiency of a particular wind turbine, you can calculate the power of the equipment planned for purchase.

Features of wind generators

Wind turbine models may differ in the following parameters:

  • number of blades;
  • location of the rotational axis;
  • materials from which the parts are made;
  • propeller pitch.

There are windmills with horizontal and vertical axes of rotation. Equipment equipped with a horizontal axis may have one or a set of blades. Such equipment has the most high efficiency. Another type of wind turbine has vertical axes, which, in turn, can be carousel or orthogonal.

In devices with orthogonal axes, the blades are opposite each other and are supported on radial beams. Due to the aerodynamic design, this type of wind turbine is technically complex.

Equipment with carousel axles are equipped with two blades having a sinusoidal shape. Such wind turbines have low efficiency (up to 15%), but if you arrange the blades vertically, in several tiers and with angular displacement of the blade pairs from each other, the efficiency will double.

Advantages and disadvantages of wind turbines

Advantages of wind power plants:

  • autonomy from utilities and fuel suppliers;
  • free electricity (you just need to recoup the installation costs);
  • environmental friendliness.

The main disadvantage of wind turbines is the unstable supply of electricity, depending on weather conditions. In connection with this system, it is necessary to install additional devices - stabilizers, batteries, etc. Horizontal systems They have good efficiency, but for stable operation they need a special wind flow controller, as well as protection from hurricanes. Vertical devices have low efficiency, but are almost silent, and also small in size and stable.

Equipment of this type provides a private home with heating and hot water. The devices operate by taking energy from the air, water or earth. Heat pumps are connected to electrical network. At the same time, they work more efficiently than solid fuel, oil, electric or gas boilers. Every kilowatt of electricity spent produces 4 kilowatts of thermal energy.

The cost of thermal boilers is high, more than that of traditional boilers, but thanks to free natural energy, such equipment pays for itself in 2-3 years.

The performance of the equipment is proportional to the temperature of the alternative energy source: the higher its indicator, the higher the efficiency.

  1. Operating principles of heat pumps:
  2. The coolant moves through pipes that go to the heat source. There, the coolant is heated by several degrees, after which it moves through the heat pump and heat exchanger to the internal circuit.
  3. The internal circuit contains a refrigerant that has a low boiling point. This substance is sent through an evaporator, where at low pressure and temperature it is converted into a gaseous state.
  4. The refrigerant gas entering the compressor is compressed and its temperature increases.
  5. After the refrigerant enters the pressure reducing valve, the pressure decreases. The refrigerant then moves to the evaporator and the cycle repeats.

Types of heat pumps

Heat pumps differ in the type of alternative heating source:

  1. Ground-water. Such devices are optimal for almost any climate. Heat exchangers are lowered into wells, where the soil transfers heat to the system.
  2. Water-water. This method of obtaining energy will be effective if there are nearby groundwater at shallow depths.
  3. Air-water. In this case, energy is obtained from air. Disadvantage: at low air temperatures the equipment is ineffective.
  4. Air-to-air. This is the most inexpensive option in terms of installation cost. Latest models equipped with inverters that will heat the room even at an external temperature of -25 degrees.

Biofuel boiler

Biofuel equipment operates on briquettes, pellets, wood chips, as well as granules (wood, peat, straw). If you use briquettes, you can automate the filling of the boiler with fuel.

The disadvantage of biofuel boilers is their high cost. Buying briquettes will also be expensive.

Infrared heating

This type of heating systems has become very popular in recent years. Although traditional energy sources are used as fuel, the principle of heating rooms can be classified as alternative. The IR heater has a deflector that creates a beam of IR heat rays that barely interact with the surrounding air. Heating efficiency depends on the temperature of the heating device and the quality of the deflector.

Distributed and infrared film, used when installing “warm floors”. She is placed under flooring in such a way that its installation does not require complex repairs.

Alternative heating of a private house can be carried out using “ warm baseboards" The devices are installed under the baseboards along the walls. Heated walls transfer heat inside the room and prevent it from escaping outside. Such heating is characterized by uniformity.

The choice of a specific alternative heating method depends on many factors: weather, fuel cost, economic feasibility, etc. You can install such devices yourself or contact a specialist. However, it should be remembered that only correct installation- guarantee of reliable operation of the equipment for many years.

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