Alpine slide. What a romantic name! It literally emanates freshness and you can even smell the emerald green grass that covers the mountain slopes. The atmosphere of pristine pure nature can be successfully recreated in a summer cottage. And the rock garden will help with this - original composition from stones and plants, which is Lately very actively used by craftsmen landscape design.

Features of the alpine slide

We can say that alpine coaster projects are absolutely unique design solutions. There are general rules for their arrangement, but the implementation of an idea is a completely creative activity. An endless number of interesting variations can be created from the same set of starting materials.

A mandatory attribute of a rock garden is a large stone (one or several). This is a symbol of a mountain peak. And its conventional slopes are planted with low-growing shrubs and plants that are most suitable for the mountain climate.

One should not naively believe that a pile of stones and vegetation growing between them can lay claim to the proud title of an alpine hill. To arrange such landscape composition it will require a lot of effort, financial investments and flights of imagination. To make it look natural and harmonious, space is needed. The larger the scale, the more organic, as if in a natural environment.

From the history of the rock garden

Japan is considered to be the birthplace of stone gardens. Proto-rock gardens began to be built there a thousand years ago. On the islands of the Land of the Rising Sun there has always been a shortage of free land - this is probably why they liked to create beauty on small areas. According to the Japanese canons of beauty, true value found in natural phenomena. The combination of the hardness of the stone and the delicacy of flowers creates an unusually enchanting duet of true beauty.

IN European countries Alpine slides appeared only in the 16th century. Then they grew in such flower beds strange plants, transplanted from a natural mountain environment. The fashion for them came to Russia in the 18th century. Today, many gardeners are wondering how to build an alpine slide with their own hands on own plot. After all, this is a very unusual decoration for any summer cottage.

Rock garden and rock garden: similarities and differences

Very often there is confusion between these two concepts. Let's figure out why. Rock garden and rock garden are two different types of flower beds. More precisely, two methods (or principles) of arranging a flower bed. In both cases, stones and plants are used.

However, a rock garden can be called a stone garden in the classical sense. The predominant part of such a composition is occupied by stone. Moreover, only one breed is used.

The stones are laid out in parallel strips or in random order. This chaotic technique allows you to create the illusion of a natural environment. The rock garden is also supplemented with vegetation, but here it acts as a background and plays a secondary role.

In a rock garden, flowers and grass are always in the foreground. They attract the eye with a variety of colors and surprise with a combination of opposites.

How to choose plants for a rock garden

We have already said that it is better to plant on an alpine hill unpretentious plants. In that decorative corner In the garden, flowers that do not require careful care will look most harmonious.

After all, the mountains have a harsh atmosphere, and each individual stem has to fight for its place in the sun. Under gusts of wind or the blows of heavy rain, only strong plants survive, which are able to fight for their own existence. When planning to set up a rock garden, think about what flowers and shrubs you would like to decorate your dacha with.

If you want to update every year appearance flower beds, plant annuals. And to get a stable result, give preference to perennial herbs with bright colors. Also think about the changing flowering seasons, because some plants please us earlier, others later.

Here are a few specific examples. These plants for the alpine hill are literally created by nature itself:

A symbol of the Alps that fits perfectly into the Russian landscape. This perennial is frost-resistant; it does not mind any cold. Edelweiss lines the slopes of the alpine hill with mats, the diameter of which reaches 20 cm. It blooms in June-July.

There are several species of this humble plant. Absolutely unpretentious, securely attached to any soil with its creeping stems. When exposed to sunlight, sedum leaves become brighter, as if they are tanning. It can be used to decorate the edging of a rock garden, since it destroys weeds within the radius of its “mat”.

The most popular inhabitant of alpine hills. Its fleshy leaves themselves will decorate any flower bed, and its light purple flowers can compete in modest beauty with many of their relatives.

In spring, these cute rugs are literally covered in small flowers. The plant prefers dark areas and even covers stones with its green networks.

An ideal perennial for the alpine hill of the buttercup family. People call it sleep grass. One of the first to bloom in early spring. Drained soil is favorable for lumbago; in such conditions it actively grows.

Shrubs and flowers are also suitable for rock gardens:

By combining different types of plants, you can create alpine slides whose design will be absolutely unique. Here it is important to create the effect of a mountain atmosphere due to multi-tiering. For example, this arrangement of shrubs and flowers can claim the title of classic.

An ideal place for arranging a rock garden

Having decided to build a rock garden, try to critically examine your hacienda. Of course, a flower garden can decorate any corner of it. But in this case, it is necessary to choose a spacious area that is well illuminated by natural rays.

It is also important to think about how the future alpine flowerbed will be viewed. After all, you will probably want to show such beauty, created with your own hands, to your guests.

When choosing a location, consider the nature of the soil. On sandy soil, setting up an alpine slide will be less problematic, since it can be laid out directly on the ground. But for clay or oily soil it will be necessary to carry out additional work– prepare drainage.

The indication for site drainage is not only the nature of the soil. Mountain plants do not like it when water stagnates, and to avoid this, experienced designers recommend making a special base for the rock garden. It is necessary to remove the top soil cover, but you should not go deeper than 30 cm.

You can make not a solid pit, but several holes. Then fill them with crushed stone (construction waste, broken bricks, and fine gravel work well as options). Then sand is poured in, with earth on top. Each layer of base must be watered and allowed to dry.

Soil mixture and stone placement

To form the rock garden mound itself, it is necessary to prepare a specific mixture. Mix clean soil, coarse sand and crushed humus in equal proportions.

By the way, in order for the alpine hill in the garden to be truly as natural as possible, use the soil that the mole brings to the surface as soil. Such black mounds are often found in forest plantations and abandoned areas. In the cross-sectional diagram of the rock garden, you can see a mound of soil mixture.

It is indicated in yellow. As a rule, the height of the slide is on average 1 meter. Using this picture as a guide, you can create a multi-tiered flower bed using several stones.

After the drainage has been completed and the mound has been formed, you need to take a break from construction work. Two to three weeks should pass for all layers to slowly compact and shrink. The stones are arranged in tiered order. They should create the illusion of rock coming to the surface.

To achieve this, you need to bury them into the ground at least a third. This way you will get the amazing effect of meeting strength and tenderness, which is symbolized by stone and flowers.

The size of the tiers decreases from bottom to top, according to the principle of a pyramid. At the bottom point of each individual tier, a massive stone should be laid so that the structure is strong and small stones do not roll down the slope. When making alpine slides with their own hands, amateur designers create an odd number of tiers. Schematically, the placement of stones looks like this:

The figure shows that stones should not be laid symmetrically, because in natural environment We do not observe such geometric accuracy. The space between them will be occupied by flowers, so try to leave enough distance. An alpine picture will look organic if you use stones that are similar in texture and color.

Construction of the rock garden peak

There are two options for designing the top of an alpine hill. In the center of the composition you can place the largest, most massive stone. Such simple trick will protect the rock garden from soil erosion under the influence of precipitation. Or decorate the peak with several small stones. They can be placed tightly next to each other, and you can also build a pyramid.

Decoration with vegetation

The labor-intensive process of creating an alpine slide ends with magic. How else can you call that amazing action when a mound of earth is “populated” plant life! This procedure can be carried out both in spring and autumn, right up to frost. First you need to add soil mixture and carefully plant shrubs or flowers. Here you should be guided solely by the rules of your own taste, everyone sees in their own way color scheme rock garden.

Finally, I would like to note that, like a flowerbed, an alpine hill cannot be decorated with artificial accessories. For example, glass or plastic, as well as various garden figurines, will simply not be appropriate here. Remember that a flower garden in this style is designed to create a natural mountain atmosphere. Stones and plants are completely self-sufficient decorative elements in this case, and do not at all require a variety of tinsel.

Picturesque landscape Alpine mountains inspired gardeners to create alpine slides, which traditionally consist of a combination of stone and mountain plants

Relatively recently, in landscape design, classic flower beds, ridges and plaster sculptures have been replaced by new types of site decoration - rock gardens. They are settled in rich estates and on summer cottages, in city gardens and squares, on lawns near offices and in restaurant areas. Properly and tastefully selected stones and plants will allow you to create a zone of luxury, aesthetics and peace even on the most modest piece of land near a country house.

An alpine hill densely planted with plants amazes the eye with its bright, rich colors

Being a unique and very labor-intensive decoration of the landscape, rock gardens seem to be complex in execution and hard-to-find decorative elements. However, if you understand the technology of creation, then an alpine slide at the dacha can be built without the involvement of expensive designers.

A piece of the Alps at your dacha

When developing the design of an alpine slide, you need to take into account that this is an imitation of rocky natural areas. This means that the basis of the composition should be stones and creeping low plants, characteristic of high-mountain areas. And the definition of “slide” dictates general shape rock garden - a hill with mandatory elements: bottom, slopes and top.

A rock garden is a “highlight” that can instantly transform the appearance of a garden landscape

There are several options for rock gardens that replicate their appearance various areas mountainous areas:

  • rocky cliff - a pile of almost bare large boulders with a minimum of plants in niches and “pockets”;

A combination of functionality and decorative function: stone steps and rocky rock garden

Larger plants are planted on the tops of the rolling pin, emphasizing the dynamics of the height difference

  • mountain slope - a complex high composition of stones of different sizes and with a wide variety of creeping and low-growing plants;

To design such a rock garden they use dwarf plants, as well as large stone blocks imitating rock fragments

  • valley in the mountains - large stones, partially protruding from the ground, surrounded by abundantly flowering ornamental plants;

The natural landscape made it possible to create a flowering stone hill with little effort

  • gorge - the most difficult to perform, but also the most spectacular look a rock garden that can be placed in a natural hollow, framing the slopes with stones and planting representatives of rock flora.

Neatly stacked stones in the shape of a semicircle in a composition with flowering plants - a spectacular club in your yard

A separate type is considered to be a rockery - a garden of stones, which are the main " actors”, unlike a rock garden, where stones serve as a backdrop for plants.

Any terrain landscape, including absolutely flat soil, is suitable as a site for creating a rock garden.

How to make an alpine slide on a personal plot?

If you have firmly decided that a self-made alpine slide will be the decoration of your garden, step-by-step instructions will give you the opportunity to avoid gross mistakes and get the desired result. Before starting work, sketch out a sketch of the rock garden - this will help you decide how much area it will occupy, what configuration it will have and how many tiers you will make on it. You can even roughly estimate how much an alpine slide will cost you - a diagram drawn to scale will help you calculate how many and what kind of stones you will need, how much drainage, sand and soil will need to be prepared. The design needs to be made in relation to the area in order to take advantage of all the advantageous aspects of the existing landscape.

Creative decoration for rock gardens - clay bowl with plants

  1. When deciding on the location for the future rock garden, do not forget that you will need to look at it - choose the most advantageous angles. In addition, think about it - you may want to spend your free time near it. Then you will need an adjacent flat area with paths, space for a table and a fireplace.

The path from the rock garden leads directly to the recreation area

A cozy corner for relaxation in the “rock garden”

  • Planted plants for an alpine hill will need sun's warmth- this means it is necessary to orient the slopes to the south and east.
  • Very interesting visual effects will be obtained by using natural uneven terrain - decorative elements inscribed in the natural landscape will be a great addition to it.

Spectacular alpine slide with a small pond

This is not an imitation of a landscape, but simply an artistic composition of asymmetrically located stone blocks with paths between them and plant compositions

  1. The next step is to transfer your diagram to the site. Make the markings using a string or filling the required lines with a contrasting material - sand, lime. This will allow you to look at the proposed location of the rock garden from the outside. You may decide to slightly change its configuration to suit the terrain.

The rock garden serves bright decoration garden, standing out against the green lawn

  1. Having approved the choice of location, you need to prepare the site for laying stones. Soil consisting largely of clay or black soil will have to be drained, sandy soils do not need such preparation. For drainage, the soil is removed to a depth of at least 30 cm, the pit is filled with large fractions of building materials, compacted and covered with removed soil flush with the surrounding soil. To compact the loosened soil, it is spilled with water.

A miniature rock garden with dwarf plants placed around the perimeter of the terrace will add personality to your recreation area

  1. The largest boulders are placed along the perimeter of the prepared site. If necessary, they can be buried in the soil - then they will have more natural look. The internal space is filled with soil, which will become the basis for the next tier, as well as a habitat for plants.

A composition of stones located on the main facade of the house is a wonderful addition to the image of your home

  • Having retreated the calculated distance from the first row, insert the next chain of stones, maintaining the desired configuration of the rock garden.

Advice! When laying large stones, leave between them free space, which will be filled with soil - the planted plants will need space to develop the root system.

  1. Having completed the required number of tiers, the top is decorated. To do this, you can lay one large stone, or use several small ones stacked in a pyramid. This will prevent erosion of the soil, and will also complete the composition.

It is better to begin work on laying a rock garden in the fall, then by spring the soil poured between the stones will settle and it will be possible to fill in all the resulting voids. You will also have the opportunity to make final adjustments to rock placement before planting.

Vertical blooming alpine composition creates a romantic mood

A retaining wall in the form of a rock garden is a new salvation from “boring” walls

Advice!The main rule is that a rock garden should look decorative and beautiful even without flowers. Stones must be harmonious and balanced to create a stable and extremely natural composition. The less symmetry it has, the more organic it will look.

The pride of the homeowner - a do-it-yourself alpine slide

The implemented step-by-step instructions for an alpine slide will give you the opportunity to create a real masterpiece of landscape design on your site. And to make it impeccable, we will reveal some secrets that will help you in your work:

A mini rock garden in a flower bed is very suitable for small courtyards where there is no room for standard stone compositions

To create a miniature rock garden you will only need dwarf plants, pebbles and a terracotta pot.

  • Stones for an alpine slide must be selected of the same type, of the same breed. Then the rock garden will look extremely natural.

Rock garden with a pond, decorated with stones of approximately the same shape

A high hill, made of stones and greenery, can serve as a fence for the site

  • The size of the stones should correspond to the area occupied by the rock garden - the larger it is, the larger boulders can be used to fill it.
  • When choosing flowers for an alpine hill, focus on the timing of their flowering. Maximum decorativeness is achieved with a continuous series of various flowering spots on the surface of the rock garden you create.

A minimalist version of rock gardens - simplicity that highlights the architecture in the background

  • The species composition of plants must be selected from low-growing and evergreen options. Then the rock garden will not be hidden behind lush greenery, and in the fall you will not have to choose fallen leaves among the stones.
  • For a hill, you can take a couple of low-growing coniferous plants. They fit perfectly between the stones without cluttering them. It is good to place creeping or cover species between them - the green spots between the stones look very decorative. Flowering plants also select low growth and with small flowers.

The most popular plants for rock gardens:

  • dwarf spruce,
  • thuja,
  • juniper,

Juniper looks beautiful in a composition with stones

  • cypress,
  • cotoneaster,

When arranging an alpine hill, you should definitely take into account the features of the landscape and, based on this, choose the appropriate landscaping option

  • dryad,
  • Iberis,
  • young,
  • rock alyssum,

Mountain waterfalls are also characteristic of Alpine landscapes

  • short-stemmed carnation,
  • saxifrage

Saxifraga will contribute color accents to the alpine corner

If there is a ledge or unevenness in your dacha, plot or garden, make an alpine slide.

Firstly, such a flowerbed is very beautiful; within a year its rocky cliffs will be covered with a continuous carpet of lovely pads of flowers, herbs and mosses.

Secondly, the construction of the rock garden itself - a most exciting activity. Here you need to think through everything: where to plant coniferous shrubs, what stones and perennials to choose, so that the colored carpet in the middle of the rock scree plays with colors all year round.

And thirdly, if the soil at your dacha is poor, sandy or rocky, and is completely unsuitable for organizing other types of flower beds, then alpine hill plants in such conditions, on the contrary, will develop normally and bloom well.

Types of rock gardens

There are several options for rock gardens, which repeat their appearance in different areas of the mountainous terrain:

  • rocky cliff - a pile of almost bare large boulders with a minimum of plants in niches and “pockets”;
  • mountain slope - a complex high composition of stones of different sizes and with a wide variety of creeping and low-growing plants;
  • valley in the mountains - large stones, partially protruding from the ground, surrounded by abundantly flowering ornamental plants;
  • gorge is the most difficult to implement, but also the most spectacular type of rock garden, which can be placed in a natural hollow, framing the slopes with stones and planting representatives of rock flora.

Choosing a location for an alpine slide

When choosing a place for an alpine slide, it is important to provide for the following conditions:

  1. Open location - the slide should be visible from all corners of the garden.
  2. The rock garden is located in a bright, sunny, not shaded area. tall trees, place.
  3. It is better to build a rocky hill in a place isolated from the wind.
  4. Depending on the design of the territory in a single style, it is planned to plant certain types of vegetation in the rock garden.

In landscape design, there are many styles of garden design, including elements of a desert landscape, rocky gardens, ponds and bridges, which must be in harmony with the built hill.

Making a slide with your own hands is most preferable when decorating a garden. At independent execution work, you can avoid high costs for the services of a landscape architect. Having step-by-step photos and diagrams for arranging the slide, it will not be difficult to complete the work of constructing a rock garden with your own hands.

Basic rules for arranging an alpine slide

Designed by professional designers long ago standard schemes arrangement of an alpine hill, taking into account all the smallest nuances associated with its location and the desire to plant certain plants:

  • If the rock garden is located in the center of the site, it can be viewed from all sides, then its shape should resemble a pyramid with the highest point in the center of the composition. This design does not necessarily have identical sides and the top point in the middle of the rock garden. The less symmetry is maintained, the more interesting the composition turns out;
  • A rock garden on a slope can be either single-level, parallel to the surface of the slope, or multi-level, reducing the height of elements and plants from a further point downwards;
  • How smaller size horizontal elements– the more original the visual perception of the slide, the more interesting it is to look at it, each time coming across something completely the new kind, just by changing the viewing angle. A properly equipped alpine slide (photo) should resemble a wild forest, constantly surprising with new discoveries.

Its height depends on the area occupied by the slide. IN classic version per meter of approximate diameter at the base there should be about 20 cm of height above the ground.

What stones should you choose for an alpine slide?

Stones for an alpine slide, first of all, perform a decorative function, but different rocks have different degrees of fragility and different degrees of moisture absorption, so it is better to have an idea about some of the properties of stones in order to make the right choice. Most often today when creating alpine slides, limestone, sandstone and granite are used.

If you want to plant bright flowers, it is better to choose a neutral color stone - it will act as a background. When using plants that are not particularly expressive, select bright stones - against their background the plants will look more expressive and contrasting. When piling up stones of different types, there is a risk that the slide will turn into a pile of cobblestones; use stones of similar shapes and close color range.

The height of the hill also matters - stones with sharp corners are more appropriate for a high embankment, while rounded stones are more suitable for a flat composition. Layered sandstone looks good in a water rock garden. The slide on your site should look harmonious without disturbing the unified style.

What plants should you choose for an alpine slide?

You need to select plants for a rock garden based on your own taste and imagination, but taking into account the general style and location on the site.

There are several basic rules to follow:

1. It is imperative to take into account such aspects as:

  • Climate;
  • Soil type;
  • Soil and air humidity.

2. Initially, you need to draw up a diagram and carefully consider the location of each type of plant. An important aspect is lighting. Plants may not tolerate full sun or shade;

3. Another fact that will play a significant role is the size of the plants. It should be calculated according to the size of the rock garden;

4. It is important to remember that alpine slides are not made up of plants alone. They must not only be “diluted” various kinds and size with stones, but you can also arrange a waterfall, pond, etc.;

5. You cannot “overdo it” with the number of flowers, since an incorrectly calculated number of plants can lead to the fact that one species can crowd out the others if it grows too widely.

Brighter specimens are given more attention. They should be planted more separately.

Once again we draw your attention to the fact that the alpine hill should bloom all year round, That's why seasonal plants are the following:

  • In spring – bulbous plants
  • In summer - most existing flowers
  • Autumn - Colchicums
  • In winter – decorative coniferous trees

How to make an alpine slide at your dacha yourself

The phased creation of an alpine slide requires a certain sequence of actions. When planning, it is taken into account that the rock garden looks most natural when its height does not exceed 1 meter. Alpine slide schemes make the tasks easier.

Step-by-step instructions on how to design a rock garden:

  • Site selection. South or southwest side personal plot preferable.
  • Site preparation. Provides for the installation of a high-quality drainage system.
  • Purchase and laying of soil. If the price allows, it is better to buy good soil. Make it yourself by mixing clay soil with peat 3:1.
  • Selection and placement of stones. Depends on the chosen style. It can be shell rock, granite, basalt, limestone, sandstone and others. The color and texture of the stones should be in harmony with the overall picture. To make them look natural, arrange them randomly.
  • Selection and planting of plants. Place them so that they do not block the stones and the view of the entire composition. Flowers are planted in front, then low growing shrubs, and in the background there are dwarf trees. Flowers of the same color are planted in groups.
  • Paths and steps. They are designed to provide access to the flower garden for care. Avoid sharp corners or straight lines, because they do not exist in nature. For paving, strong and flat stones are selected, which are firmly fixed. Between them must be sown ground cover perennials or lawn grass.

DIY Alpine slide at the dacha

Today in landscape design, along with flower beds, ridges and plaster sculptures, they are widely used. rock gardens. They serve as decoration for rich estates, dachas, city gardens, public gardens, and are also installed near offices and restaurants.

Thanks to the ability to correctly select cobblestones and plants, you can create a zone of luxury, beauty and tranquility even on the tiniest plot of land near a country house. From the article you will learn how to make such a section of the garden with your own hands, step by step according to the diagram.

Selection of location

When choosing a location, you need to consider the following nuances:

Landscape designers prefer to use this particular decor option compared to others.

  • This must be open place, visible from all sides of the garden.
  • The rock garden is arranged in a sunny place, which is not shaded by trees.
  • Rocky - must be laid out in an area isolated from the wind.
  • The territory is decorated in the same style, so plants are chosen of certain types.

Landscape design provides for many different styles of garden design at the dacha, for example, desert landscape elements, gardens, ponds and bridges; they must aesthetically fit into the design.

It is better to build the garden yourself. Since this can significantly save on services landscape designer. Instructions with diagrams and step-by-step photos will allow you to do the work yourself without much hassle.

And once again about choosing a place

You can make this alpine design yourself on your garden plot.

First you need to determine the territory on the site. Trees should not grow nearby perennial shrubs, which over time can form a falling shadow and thereby block the planted flora from the sun. Open area must be visible from all sides of the garden and be dry. If groundwater in a dacha is located close, this will negatively affect the durability and strength of the base of the structure. In this case, the level groundwater it is necessary to lower, for this purpose in landscape design used special drainage.

Step-by-step instructions for drainage installation

Where to start building such a section of the garden if the groundwater level is high:

The use of large cobblestones will significantly transform the landscape design.

  • First you need to dig a pit with an area equal to the size of the slide or slightly larger. The preliminary stage is marking with the installation of pegs on which the cord is strengthened and pulled. Reliable drainage will become the basis for the durability and strength of the structure, so the pit depth must be made at least 0.8 m.
  • The finished pit is filled with layers of crushed stone, pebbles or broken bricks to a minimum height of 0.3 m. The backfill layer must be watered with water so that it settles. 5–10 cm of sand and gravel mixture is poured on top of the gravel, then it is also watered with water and compacted thoroughly.
  • When digging a pit, soil was formed, which must be cleared of debris and cobblestones, and then spread over the created drainage. They are laid according to the scheme only after the soil has settled. To do this, wait about 2-3 weeks. Usually they begin to create it in the fall, leaving the natural shrinkage of the soil for the winter.
  • The basic support structure is created after the final shrinkage of the base. According to the laid out plan, the largest cobblestones need to be installed around the perimeter, with the stones buried by 60%. Smaller ones are placed taking into account that precipitation does not wash away and thereby jeopardize the stability of the structure. It is also necessary to constantly select stones for harmonious combination them among themselves. An interval should be left between them for planting decorative sprouts.

​Device diagram

While the soil is shrinking, you can draw up a design diagram, start locating boulders, and select the right vegetation for planting. How to make a structure with your own hands at the dacha? To do this you should stock up:

  • Natural boulders, including pebbles.
  • Coarse sand.
  • Decorative sprouts and flowers, in particular miniature trees and shrubs.
  • Sphagnum moss.

Click to enlarge.

Design diagram using boulders and perennials.

The layout and site plan must take into account the height of the construction, which is located at a height of 1 to 3 meters.

Important! If the rock garden is designed to be taller than a meter, you need additional device in the form of a core.

The alpine structure is an unusual garden element because it changes appearance several times during the season.

Selection of stones

Various variations in the use of different cobblestones in the design.

As a rule, natural rock stones are used for construction: granite, limestone, basalt, sandstone, with rare rocks low strength and porosity. Dolomite, shell rock, and tuff are not used for the device. Because they absorb water very much due to their porosity, which is why they quickly collapse.

The shape and color of the boulders are of great importance. You should not use round-shaped boulders, as well as overly sharp-angled ones. Boulders of different shades look good only in a certain type of rock garden. Classic style involves the use of stones of the same type, but of different shapes.

The stones are placed so that the edges look most advantageous when viewed. Boulders with defects are camouflaged by placing them in a special way. Lay them down taking into account weight and size, while ensuring that the appearance of the created slide remains harmonious. The boulders are placed randomly, imitating natural conditions, so it is better not to resort to blocks and artificial boulders made in industrial conditions.

Which plants to choose

Representatives of the flora can be very different, but it is best to use perennials.

Creating an alpine structure, as well as selecting sprouts for it, requires special knowledge about the varieties of greenery and agricultural technology. The selection is carried out taking into account the type. For example, drought-resistant varieties are suitable for such a hill in a sunny area.

Rock garden according to the classic model provides for the growth of dwarf trees and shrubs, as well as perennial herbs and flowers.

They feel great in rock gardens:

  • lavender,
  • fescue,
  • geranium,
  • Iberis,
  • lumbago,
  • sedum,
  • young.
  • hazel grouse,
  • dwarf tulips,
  • crocuses,
  • miniature hyacinths,
  • scylla.

They become early spring decoration, when there is still a little color, and it looks unpresentable. The first brightly blooming crocuses emerging from under the snow change the situation.

To create a highly decorative alpine hill, plant perennials with different periods flowering. In this case, she will maintain her presentability for a long time. Brightness of colors blooming flowers in this case, it can be pleasing to the eye from early spring to late autumn.

When planting in rockeries, the height of each representative of the species should be taken into account. Very high grades should not inhibit the full development of short people. Bright specimens are placed in the foreground with a large view.

The basis of the composition is miniature trees , look especially good coniferous varieties With different shapes crowns:

  • pine trees,
  • cypress trees,
  • junipers.

For arranging a rock garden in design, they are often used ornamental flowering shrubs, such as:

  • Erika,
  • cowberry,
  • blueberry,
  • rhododendrons.

In addition to them are perennial crops:

  • astilbe,
  • drooping reeds,
  • bergenia,
  • dwarf daylily.

Rules for caring for a rock garden

During the first year, it will be necessary to add soil more than once, since it is washed away during precipitation and watering, and also if there is a need to strengthen the stones. Photos and videos on the topic made by landscape designers focus on correct execution works The soil is poured carefully, after which it is compacted.

Care Maintenance of green spaces involves regular watering, pruning, and removing dried flowers and damaged leaves. Fertilizers are applied several times a season. Do not apply nitrogen as it causes vigorous growth, which should be avoided when planting in rock gardens.

Important! On such a design, representatives of the flora should not receive excess nutrients , since in connection with this they lose all their decorative effect.

Watering is carried out using a hose or watering can with an attached sprayer, and care must be taken to ensure that the soil does not erode.

If stones become loose or fall out, they should be strengthened.

Sometimes it is necessary to treat plants for pests. Diseased specimens, without the possibility of treatment, are removed and the soil in the place where they grow is replaced. When transplanting, you can use a special drug - "Epin", it relieves stress.

Thus, the design of park areas increasingly involves the creation of decorative alpine slides. The rockery continues the gardens and goes well with ponds and bridges, vertical gardening and lawns. An alpine slide created with your own hands will be an excellent decoration for the area, add charm, and add variety to the landscape design of your summer cottage.

Photo gallery

Rock garden

Alpine slide- a stone garden that you can create with your own hands. To do this, you should study thematic articles on the Internet and look at decoration options on photo With step by step description of the work. The slides are also called rock gardens and rockeries. They will become an original decorative element in your garden plot.

This type landscape design popular, especially among owners of country cottages. They are ready to allocate a large amount of money to arrange their plot in the courtyard of the house to obtain a corner of untouched nature. For this purpose, it is advisable to invite a landscape designer, because he will be able to efficiently translate all your ideas and wishes into reality.

Those who cannot pay for his work should try to create a beautiful corner of nature on their own. This way you will reduce costs to a minimum and get desired result your work.

The main thing is to properly plan the budget and develop a project that will display all stages of the planned changes. Take your time and try to think through all the details. Think through all the stages, choose the style of the slide, carry out thorough preparation - this will be your guarantee of getting a beautiful rock garden. Follow the principles and rules of working with plants, study useful articles on the Internet on this topic, and consult with a designer.

The sequence of work to create an alpine slide

It is necessary to finally determine the location for placing the alpine slide in the courtyard of the house. The main requirements for this space:

  • openness;
  • spaciousness;
  • sunny side. This may be the southern and southwestern parts of the land plot.

The location should be chosen carefully so that you spend a lot of time here every day. The rock garden is created so that guests and owners country cottage had the opportunity to admire the beauty of nature every day. This is a place for peace, relaxation and recuperation after a hard day at work.

After choosing, you should buy building materials for arranging an alpine slide. Start digging a pit and laying a drainage layer. The depth of the pit is average. For a slide with an area of ​​2x2, a depth of 0.8-1 m is sufficient. Think about it stages of laying a drainage layer. Its quality will determine the service life of the slide. Therefore, the layer should be laid out with high quality, because its function is to provide a reliable foundation for the structure and prevent soil subsidence. This will prevent the rock garden from failing and provide the proper conditions for the growth of flowers and plants.

You can get the desired drainage effect using expanded clay, crushed stone, gravel and construction waste. Do not use waste wood, which will begin to rot within the first months after completion of the work. The drainage layer should be covered with sand or fine gravel, pebbles. The final stage is installation fertile soil 30-40 cm thick and thoroughly compacted.

What to prepare for arranging an alpine slide before starting work

A rock garden created with your own hands will turn out aesthetically pleasing, subject to careful preparation and the right choice plot. To do this you should select open area lands for improvement. Buy bricks, crushed stone, medium and big size, pebbles. Ask your family for help or hire a worker to transport and lay heavy stones.

Decide on the plants to plant in the created rock garden. Purchase seeds and seedlings for your collection, taking into account the compatibility of plants with each other, their flowering period, soil requirements for optimal development and growth. Download photos from the Internet of completed projects whose style suits you. This design projects and works of craftsmen created with their own hands without outside help.

Rules for using stones in rockeries

Dimensions used stone elements determined by the area of ​​the plot that was allocated for the creation of a rock garden. For a spacious area, you should choose large stones, and for small plot flagstone and medium boulders - the best option. Pay attention to the color and texture of the stones. To create a harmonious composition, stones are selected to match the created ensemble, emphasizing the beauty of the hill and the garden plot.

Eclecticism is not the best solution for arranging a rock garden on the territory of a country cottage. The main requirements are naturalness and natural beauty. Limit yourself to one type of stone. Use granite, quartzite, sandstone.

Laying of stones and decorative elements is carried out sequentially in tiers. The principle used is from most to least. The basis of the rock garden is large boulders. They are able to provide a reliable foundation when creating a composition and bringing it to reality. design ideas owner. Place an original decorative element on the top small size. It will become a bright accent and make the composition complete.

The classic alpine slide consists of 3-5 tiers. These are stones of different sizes, laid out rationally and clearly. Moistened soil should be poured on top of each layer. Don't forget to leave space between the stones for the planted plants to grow and develop.

The shape of the slide is entirely your choice. It depends on the imagination, the chosen style, color scheme and the area of ​​the allocated plot of land. Don't follow rigid rules for laying stones. The main requirement is high-quality layout and a reliable foundation of the alpine slide. So it will last a long time and will delight you every day. The finished rock garden should look aesthetically pleasing even without plants!

Filling the soil and planting plants in the created rock garden

Soil mixture for alpine hills - special composition for planting plants, their normal growth and development. Buy the mixture at flower shop or do it yourself. The main thing is that it contains all the necessary nutrients and minerals. This way the planted plants will grow well, making the hill aesthetically pleasing and natural.

The optimal composition is 1:3 (peat and clay soil). Part of the gravel is taken from part of this composition from soil and peat. It is important to keep the soil clean by removing weeds and their seeds from it. This will prevent the appearance of weeds among planted plants and flowers.

Planting plants on an alpine hill begins from the top. This beautiful bushes and trees. Next - go to perennial plants. Initially, rock gardens were created from alpine plants. Now these restrictions have lost their meaning and all the plants, trees, and flowers you choose will look aesthetically pleasing.


  • perennial plants;
  • shrubs;
  • ferns;
  • cereals, herbs;
  • bulbous plants.

They will complement the composition, making it even more aesthetically pleasing. The main thing is to take into account the compatibility of the selected plants with each other. This way you will prevent unpleasant consequences and the need to replant the plants. Arrange the plants so that your rock garden looks beautiful and advantageous all year round. Flowering different plants began sequentially, replacing each other.

To preserve the aesthetics of the alpine hill in winter, plant conifers. Thuja, pine, juniper are perfect for planting. Show your imagination by adding medicinal herbs, deciduous and evergreen shrubs, bulbous, ferns and flowers - daffodils, nasturtiums.

Before planting, moisten the soil to better growth and survival rate. After planting, compact the soil and cover it with a layer of fine pebbles. This will prevent fast growth weeds and maintain the original form of the rock garden. Fill the ground around the created alpine slide with pebbles. Photo You will find examples of such compositions on the Internet on thematic sites with step by step description of the work performed with your own hands.

Classification of alpine slides for a country cottage

The admiration for the beauty and thoughtfulness of details in rock gardens is amazing. In them, every stone is on in the right place, and the flowering of plants lasts all year. Alpine slide - an aesthetic decorative element for the yard country house. There are 7 styles of its design:

  1. Natural rocky surface.
  2. “Mountain slopes” with coniferous trees, complex bends and huge blocks of stone.
  3. "Valley in the mountains." This style of execution involves the chaotic placement of stones of different sizes on the territory of an alpine hill.
  4. "Slope with terrace." Different wall heights, use unusual shapes and elements.
  5. “Forest Ravine” is a decorative space with natural springs and a waterfall. It can be created artificially.
  6. "Wall of stone." Here the stones are arranged in a chaotic manner, and the mound is of small height.
  7. "Rock from the Czech Republic." Masonry It is made in layers of stones of equal size.
  8. "Lawn in the Alps." This is a combination of wild mountain plants, coniferous trees. All of them grow exclusively in the mountains, so special conditions should be created for them. optimal growth and development.

Remember! It is impossible to create an aesthetic alpine slide in one day. This is hard work that will take at least two weeks. Therefore, you should start preparing now in order to soon enjoy the beauty of the yard of a country cottage or dacha. You have to work hard, because the alpine coaster, created independently - careful preparation, availability necessary materials and photos of finished projects.

Create the base of the rock garden in the fall so that in the spring you can plant plant seeds and tree seedlings in the ground. Already in the summer you will enjoy the aesthetic beauty of the created composition.

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