Squat unpretentious alyssums, densely strewn with white, yellow, pink, purple inflorescences emitting a rich honey aroma, are among the twenty most common, commercially in demand flower crops.

Growing alyssum from seeds is not a problem if a few simple conditions are met.

Variety selection

Currently, both the original, natural forms of alyssum and new varieties carefully bred by breeders are cultivated. The rich list of varieties includes annual and perennial forms.

Table of the most common varieties

Name Description Life cycle

Squat, up to 8 cm high, spreading bushes with green foliage, densely dotted with truly snow-white inflorescences. Annual

It only grows up to 10 cm in height. Inflorescences are purple, pink, red. Annual

Low, up to 20 cm, bushes with silvery-pubescent foliage bloom profusely with a bright yellow carpet in the second year after sowing. Perennial

Height up to 15 cm, gray-green leaves, dense purple inflorescences, lighter in the center. Annual

It grows no higher than 15 cm, forms a scattering of inflorescences representing many delicate shades of cream, pink, yellowish, lilac and brown. Annual

Seedling method

Most reliable method growing alyssum - early sowing for seedlings. It guarantees excellent results if the following conditions are met.

  1. Optimal timing. It takes 6-8 weeks from seed germination to first flowering. Therefore, in order to get the desired flower “mat” by the beginning of summer, sowing is carried out in late March-early April. It is useful to correlate these dates with the lunar cycle and sow alyssum during the waxing Moon, in the first quarter phase.
  2. Convenient container. In order for the seedlings to appear quickly and uniformly, you will need a not too deep container, which at first will need to be covered with transparent plastic and from time to time lift this covering to ventilate and moisten the soil. One of the successful solutions is the use of plastic packaging containers with transparent lids, the bottom of which must have drainage holes.

  3. Suitable soil. The best substrate for alyssum is a light, nutritious soil mixture with a small content of lime, that is, slightly alkaline. Neutral soil will also work. Required condition– sufficient looseness to provide air access to the roots and prevent harmful stagnation of moisture.
  4. Sowing parameters. Small seeds are not too densely placed on the surface of the moist soil and pressed against it. Some gardeners sprinkle the crops with a symbolic pinch of soil, but this layer must be very thin, since the seeds definitely need bright light to “awaken”.
  5. Sufficient lighting. In early spring, alyssum seedlings may require additional lighting. Most economical optionled lamps located low above the crop.

  6. "Greenhouse" germination. The seeded container must be covered with transparent plastic without contact with the ground and kept at a temperature of 15-18? C. The coating must be periodically opened for ventilation, and the soil must be moistened as it dries. As a rule, under such conditions, the first shoots appear within 4-5 days, and within a week a friendly shoot with the first cotyledon leaves is formed. At this time, the coating can be removed.
  7. Timely feeding and picking. When the seedlings acquire their first true leaf, they are fed with a solution of complex fertilizer. At the stage of two or three true leaves, young alyssums can be picked into separate “apartments” small sizes With optimal soil and grow, watering moderately.

Planting and further care

IN last days May or early June, when the threat of night frosts has completely passed, the seedlings are placed in open ground. The most abundant flowering is ensured by a sunny location. The distance between individual bushes when planted in the ground is, depending on the length of the shoots, 20-40 cm, and the holes for planting are dug a little larger in volume than an earthen ball of seedlings.

Alyssum grows and develops well in the vicinity of large stones that warm up during the day, so it is successfully planted in rockeries, next to slabs of paved paths and in the recesses of stone fences. A carpet of fragrant inflorescences is appropriate in flower beds and garden beds; it replaces spring primroses. However, with all the variety of planting sites, the basic condition must be strictly observed: well-drained neutral soil without fresh organic matter, which is regularly loosened and moderately watered. The need for the next moistening can be determined by the degree of drying of the soil: if it is dry to a depth of 3 centimeters, it is time to water the alyssum.

Perennial alyssums are fed with full mineral complex once a season, in the spring. Annual varieties will require four feedings over the summer. The first, the earliest, occurring in the phase of active growth of stems and leaves, can be predominantly nitrogen. The remaining fertilizing is evenly distributed over the summer months and is carried out with a complex balanced in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

To stimulate abundant and continuous flowering, pruning is carried out to remove elongated drying inflorescences and shorten the shoots by 3-5 centimeters. At the end of flowering, the stems of perennial alyssums are cut to a third of their length to stimulate the abundant formation of inflorescences in the next season. In spring, weakened shoots and dried inflorescences from last year are also removed from them.

Alyssums belong to the “brassica” family of cruciferous plants, so they can be attacked by pests typical of cabbage.

Insect Control measures
Spraying with acetic acid solution (a tablespoon of essence in a bucket of water). Applies exclusively to mature, mature plants.
Treatment with soap and tobacco solution or chamomile infusion.
Target insecticides: lepidocide, entobacterin.

In too dense thickets, in combination with abundant watering, alyssum is affected by powdery mildew. In this case, spraying with Bordeaux mixture, thinning, limited watering and careful loosening are required.

Retention of moisture in the soil also leads to late blight - brown rot that destroys the root system. Copper preparations and fungicides in combination with drainage and loosening of the soil help to cope with this disease.

As the seeds ripen, you can organize their collection by rubbing the faded and ripened seed pods with your hands over a sheet of paper. This produces your own seed that remains viable for three years.

Perennial alyssums without winter shelter withstands frosts down to -10? C. If you mulch the bushes with the onset autumn cold, they will survive even more severe winters without damage.

Sowing alyssum in open ground for the summer

Somewhat later, by July, the alyssums bloom, sown in the spring directly on that sunny, well-drained area dug up with a little lime, where they will grow all summer. Such sowing is carried out in late April-early May, burying the seeds into the soil no more than one and a half centimeters. Seedlings, as a rule, form a continuous mat, which, for better plant development and prevention of damage powdery mildew, thin out, removing the weaker shoots first. Subsequently, the alyssum plantation is watered moderately, systematically loosened, weeds are removed and fed.

Sowing in open ground before winter

Persistent alyssum can be sown in a selected and prepared area in November. In this case, the seeds, buried up to one and a half centimeters, successfully overwinter in the soil, stratify naturally, and produce strong seedlings in the spring. If they appear too early, the young greens will need to be protected from frost.

Alyssum is so viable that in areas of mass planting it often continues to grow by self-sowing.

To grow honey alyssum from seeds, which blooms profusely from June to October, you need very little - neutral loose soil, sufficient lighting and moderate watering.

Video - Alyssum

Lobularia, alyssum, alyssum, aurinia, stoneweed - it’s not for nothing that so many different names have been invented for one unpretentious plant. Low-growing bushes of annual lobularia are covered with a lush honey cap from the beginning of summer until severe frosts. The fragrant flower is planted in balcony containers, boxes, and used to create various compositions in flower beds, to complement rock gardens and rock gardens.

There are more than 100 species of annual and perennial herbaceous plants known as alyssum plants, a class of dicotyledons. Garden culture amazes with its abundance of colors. Depending on the variety, alyssum comes in pink, red, yellow, violet, lilac and white shades.

Fragrant and pleasantly smelling flower, with a strong honey aroma, with proper care reaches an impressive size in width, forming a thick carpet or a lush ampel cap. On dense branching stems there are small inflorescences with four petals and long leaves lanceolate shape. After wilting, fruits appear in the form of a pod. Alyssum has a fibrous, bundle-shaped root system.

Common varieties and types of alyssum

Alyssum belongs to the small-growing perennial and annual plants of the cruciferous group. Motherland garden culture located in southern Europe. Despite the abundance of plant varieties and species, in decorative purposes Only a few groups of semi-lignifying alyssums are used.

Until recently, lobularia marine was included in the list of the genus Alyssum. After the recognition of sea alyssum as the most popular annual in culture, the flower was singled out as separate species plants.

Alyssum marine

  • Sea alyssum (A. maritium) is one of the most known species plants. The miniature dimensions of the garden crop are about 20 cm in height and up to 30 cm in width.
  • The inflorescences have a variety of colors - yellow, pink, white, lilac. Sea alyssum grows quickly and forms a flower carpet after pruning.
  • Under favorable conditions, the plant can reproduce by self-sowing; the need for replanting arises only after two to three years. The flowering period is one of the longest - from May to September.

Marine alyssum has a wide variety of varieties:

  1. Bentama is one of the largest representatives of the genus Alyssum, the plant height reaches 40 cm. The flowers are painted in a bright white shade. This category of culture includes Shneeshturm and Weiss Risen.
  2. The compact variety is distinguished by its miniature size. White inflorescences bloom on a crop only 12-15 cm high. The most popular varieties are Capet of Snow, better known as alyssum Snow carpet and Violetkenigin with compact purple flowers. The main advantage of the variety is its strong honey aroma.
  3. Prostrate lobularia grows no more than 10 cm in height, dense inflorescences are collected in small brushes. The most common varieties are Konigsteppih with a purple hue, Rosie O Day - pink alyssum, and Schneeteppich, an abundantly branched white representative with abundant flowering.
  4. The variegated form of alyssum is represented by small purple and yellow flowers, crop height up to 15 cm in height. A hybrid of Tetra Schneetraben with abundant large white inflorescences.
    New varieties of marine alyssum include about 12 groups, which differ not only in an unusual color scheme, for example, the apricot hue of New Apricot alyssum flowers, but also in the intense flowering of ampelous and ground cover representatives of the subspecies.

Alyssum rocky

  • Perennial alyssum is native to central and eastern Europe.
  • The height of the plant can reach 30 cm.
  • Leaves colored in gray shade various shapes, remain on the stems even in severe frosts.
  • The flowering period is short and early - from April to May.

Only 6 varieties of rock alyssum have been bred:

  1. Compactum is distinguished by its miniature size, the height of the shoots is up to 20 cm.
  2. Plenum - rocky aurinia up to 30 cm in height. The flowers are double, with a golden tint. Long flowering varieties last longer than the main category.
  3. Dwarf variety Procumbes. The shoots resemble a creeping carpet, only 8 cm high.
  4. The Dudley Neville variety has a pronounced yellowish tint with a brown tint.
  5. Citrinum – lemon-colored alyssum flowers.
  6. Most popular variety rock alyssum - Golden Wave. Lush plant reaches sizes up to 20 cm in height. The flowering period begins only a year after planting alyssum.

Alyssum mountain or Gmelina

Alyssum gmelinii - perennial species lobularia of a green-gray hue. Stems and leaves covered with villi, rhizome thinly woody.

Yellow flowers are more than 5 mm in diameter, fruits (pods) are round and elongated. Seeds 2 pieces per nest. It blooms for only 2 months from April to early June. Widespread culture in steppe zone, sandy hills.

Alyssum pyrenees

Pyrenees alyssum (A. pyrenaicum, or Ptilotrichum pyrenaicum) - perennial, brought from the Pyrenees. Reaches a height of no more than 15-20 cm. The inflorescences are large and pubescent. The flowering period is all summer.

Alyssum silver

Alyssum perennial with small leaves, green above, ash-colored below. Giant among classic varieties alyssum, can grow up to 80 cm in height. Flowering period - from May to mid-July, lemon-colored inflorescences.

Alyssum Lensky

Herbaceous perennial with branched stems up to 20 cm in height. The variety is distinguished by numerous shoots with dense foliage. Allisum blooms in yellow multi-flowered racemes, the diameter of the inflorescences is more than 5 mm. The homeland of the Lena alyssum is from East Asia to Eastern Europe.

Alyssum propagation

Alyssum does not require special conditions For cultivation, the plant is quite unpretentious, however, if an optimal environment is created, the garden crop can retain its decorative properties for a long time.


  • For the lobularia planting site, the main thing is to choose a well-lit place. In partial shade, the plant will bloom unevenly and intermittently.
  • Most varieties of alyssum are winter-hardy, so it is better to give preference to fertile, light, well-drained soil with an average reaction.
  • The ideal place for growing alyssum is on slabs or stones, warmed up in a sunny place.
  • To green the area, you can plant alyssum on fertilized, rich nutrients ground. But under such conditions the plant will lose numerous inflorescences.

Planting seeds

There are several ways to plant a plant. One of the simplest and most effective methods is growing alissum from seeds.

  • It is better to sow alyssum in open ground early spring, after the retreat of morning frosts.
  • The sowing procedure is quite simple - alyssum seeds are scattered over the surface of drained soil and lightly pressed with your hand; there is no need to cover the soil, since alyssum will need a lot of sunlight for fast and proper germination.
  • If the planting area is covered with film, seedlings will appear in 5 days.
  • Alyssum is not picked from open ground, so initially the seeds should not be sown thickly.
  • Thickened sowing of alyssum can cause damage to the fungal plant disease - powdery mildew.

If you grow alyssum seedling method, the plant will begin to bloom earlier. For sowing the most favorable period at the end of winter, beginning of spring.

The growing procedure is very simple:

  • choose a special box or peat cassettes with cells;
  • fill the container with moist, drained, nutritious soil;
  • Gently sprinkle the soil with alyssum seeds;
  • press easily with your hand;
  • watered;
  • polyethylene, preferably transparent, is used as a container cover;
  • Place the crops in a lighted and warm place.

The growing season is about two months.

Reproduction by cuttings

Alyssum is grown and vegetative way. Propagation by cuttings is carried out at the beginning or end of summer, provided that the plant is kept in an insulated greenhouse or a special winter garden.

Cut shoots are rooted in the prepared soil mixture, provide shelter and active watering. The resulting alyssum plants are planted at a distance of at least 30 cm between neighboring crops.

Dividing bushes

Reproduction by bush division of alyssum rarely gives the desired result, however, if all conditions are met, the plant can take root. The timing of dividing the bushes coincides with the period of planting seeds - no earlier than April. Old bushes are dug up and cut into several parts (divisions), taking into account a sufficient number of strong shoots at the beginning of development. The resulting cuttings are planted in a specially prepared place. The distance between the parts is about 30 cm, water thoroughly.

Features of caring for alyssum

Plants of the genus Aurinia are used for landscaping borders, flower beds, and grown in open ground. Alyssum is one of the unpretentious and undemanding plants; a garden crop is planted on sunny side plot and for decorating faded areas of alpine hills.

Top dressing

  • During the period of active growth and flowering, alyssums need nutritious soil. For perennial subspecies of alyssum, it is enough to fertilize in early spring, provided that the plant is planted in light and high-quality soil.
  • Annual representatives need multiple applications of fertilizers throughout their entire life. summer period- about four feedings, the first of which is done before the alyssum blooms.
  • If perennial lobularia grow in poor soil, you can add organic matter according to the scheme designed for annual plants.
  • After weeding and soil drainage, the plants receive the necessary light, loose, water- and breathable soil.


Does alyssum need frequent watering- a controversial and controversial issue. Provided that the soil is fertile and nutritious, the level of precipitation in summer is not below average, alyssum does not need additional watering. If an excess of moisture forms in the soil, even in the smallest amount, root system plants may get wet. Therefore, even if there is a slight drought, it is worth holding off on watering.

In especially dry seasons, it is better to provide periodic watering to preserve decorativeness and extend the flowering period. Annual representatives of the genus Alyssum, regardless of weather conditions need systematic watering and a high level of soil moisture.


All varieties and types of lobularia require regular removal of shoots. The pruning procedure promotes strong growth and lush flowering of alyssum.

All types and subspecies of garden crops have their shoots shortened to 8 cm. Rock alyssum is an exception. For rejuvenating pruning after the inflorescences wither, all shoots are shortened by a third.

Pests and diseases

Absence proper care for alyssum can lead to plant disease.

  • The most common flower disease is root rot. The symptom appears immediately, the leaves on the plant turn yellow. To preserve the alyssum, transplant it to another prepared place. The root system is pre-washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate - pink in color.
  • Despite the hardiness of alyssum, due to improper conditions the crop loses its protective properties and stability. Shoots and inflorescences wilt, powdery mildew and aster jaundice appear.
  • The plant can die from pests - cruciferous flea beetles, cabbage moths, turnip moths. After the plant is damaged, there is little time left to save the alyssum. You can get rid of pests using special chemicals in accordance with the dosage specified in the instructions.

Alyssum in flower arrangements

Garden culture is combined with many annuals and perennials, hanging and ground cover plants- petunia, Turkish carnation, pelargonium, sulfinia, surfinia.

Alyssum is planted on alpine hills, rockeries, and in mixborders.

Representatives high grades cut and combined with roses, irises, forget-me-nots and tulips.

Photo of alyssum

Alyssum in landscape design

Ampel pot with alyssum

Alyssum in the interior of the site

Alyssum in combination with conifers

Lobularia - the main decoration of the garden

In the world of flowers, there are commercially viable varieties that are in demand always and everywhere and are in consistently high demand among flower growers and landscape designers. Alyssum is just such a flower - a ground cover plant with very abundant flowering and unpretentious character. Alyssum can have a wide variety of shades; its bushes are compact and capable of growing quickly, covering large area earth, another advantage of this plant is the honey aroma that envelops the bushes. There is nothing difficult in growing alyssum, because the plant adapts perfectly to almost any climate. How to grow alyssum from seeds, when to plant its seedlings in the ground and other planting methods will be discussed in this article.

Features of alyssum

The height of the plant is only 20 to 30 centimeters. Small flowers can have the following shades: red; purple; white; pink; yellow. Alyssums are grown at home on summer cottages and private households, cultivation is also practiced in public city flower beds.

Most plant varieties bloom from June to October with proper care. Alyssums are able to tolerate minor cold, in particular frosts down to 10 degrees below zero. And some species of this plant can survive the entire winter without shedding their foliage. In the photo you can see how wide the variety of varieties of this flower is.

Sowing alyssum for seedlings

Most flower lovers, of course, want to see more early flowering and this is where seedlings come to the rescue. Alyssum growing from seeds when to plant? We start seedlings in mid-March. Need a lightweight one nutrient soil, slightly acidic environment (pH 5.5-6.2). However, it will grow in any, but we are talking about optimal conditions. We pour the soil into the seedling box, spread the seeds over the surface and lightly sprinkle with the same soil or simply press it to the surface and moisten it with a spray bottle.

We create conditions close to ideal:

  • cover with glass or film,
  • temperature 10-15 degrees,
  • moderate humidity.

Growing alyssum from stump seeds is particularly difficult. If all conditions have been met, the first shoots will appear within 5-6 days, protective film or remove the glass. After the appearance of the first true leaf, it is time for the first feeding - suitable complex fertilizer. When two or three leaves appear and the seedlings become stronger, you can replant. Carefully pick the seedlings into the pots using a fork or toothpick.

Sowing alyssum in open ground in spring

Alyssum seeds can be planted directly into the soil from the first warm spring days until June. Before sowing, you should dig up the soil and fertilize it with calcium. Then level the surface and rarely sprinkle seeds on it. They are not sprinkled with earth, but only lightly pressed with the palm, because for good germination seeds need intensive solar lighting. At temperatures above +16°C, sprouts appear within 7-10 days. Less favorable climatic conditions may slow down the germination process. 2 weeks after emergence, weeding is carried out. A distance of 10 cm or more should be maintained between seedlings (depending on the variety). The miniature sprouts can grow widely over time, covering the ground between plants. By the beginning of July, seeds sown in the soil will delight you with decorative bushes with picturesque flowers.

Winter sowing is done before snow falls, from October to November. Before the cold snap, the seeds will have time to take root on the ground, and in the spring full-fledged plants will appear with further flowering. Seeds are sown in frozen soil so that they do not germinate before winter, but germinate only in the spring.

Alyssum care

Alyssum is unpretentious. It is distinguished by drought resistance, it is not afraid of high and low temperatures. The perennial does not need to be covered for the winter. There is a peculiarity: if it grows in a region with mild winters, it prefers to be in a little shade. If winters are harsh, then in summer alyssum prefers to bask in the sun in a brightly lit place. This species does not like either excessive watering or drying out. If the plant is dried out, it will lose all its leaves; if it is overwatered, the roots will rot. In climates with sufficient humidity, you don’t need to water it at all. During the dry season, watering is needed, especially at the height of flowering. If alyssum is annual, then regular watering is needed. It is necessary to ensure that the water spreads evenly over the ground.

So that there is no doubt about the need for watering, you need wooden stick stick it to a depth of 3 cm. If it is dry when it is removed from the ground, it means watering is needed.

It is important to fertilize Alyssum regularly. Fertilize at least twice a year. For this purpose, nitrogen and complex fertilizers are used. It depends on them how strong and healthy the plant will be, and how bright and lush the flowers will be.

How to prune alyssum correctly

Fragrant perennial flower it needs to be pruned from time to time to maintain its shape and resources. Plant pruning is carried out not only for aesthetic effect, but also to remove diseased, dry and damaged shoots. As soon as the alyssum has bloomed, you need to cut off all the flower stalks. This is done to conserve the plant's resources. Important! If you plan to get seeds for seedlings, then you cannot cut off the flower stalks! 25-30 days after the alyssum has bloomed, another pruning is carried out. Each shoot that extends from the main trunk is shortened to 3-4 cm. After this procedure, the plant sends out many new shoots in the fall and its crown becomes noticeably thicker. In addition, by renewing the shoots, you prevent the formation of diseases or pest damage on them. The last pruning is carried out in the spring. Cut off dry leaves, diseased or damaged shoots. At the same time, it is possible to give more beautiful shape trim healthy shoots.

Pests and diseases of alyssum

Like all plants of the cabbage family, the alyssum flower suffers from cruciferous flea beetle. To protect against fleas, it is sprayed with an infusion of garlic, wormwood, and tobacco dust. For severe damage, use chemicals: “Aktaru”, “Aktellik”, “Fitoverm”.

At high humidity and thickening, alyssum suffers from root rot and powdery mildew. Rot appears on it by yellowing of the leaves. Diseased specimens are dug up, the roots are washed in a pink solution of potassium permanganate and planted in another place.

When powdery mildew disease occurs, the leaves become covered whitish coating and over time they become brittle and brittle. Severely affected plants are destroyed, the rest are treated with a fungicide solution. In the future, it is necessary to observe the watering regime and try not to thicken the plantings.

How and when to collect alyssum seeds

You can start collecting seeds in late September-early October. To do this, on a dry, windless day, spread an old blanket in the yard and rub the alyssum inflorescences over it with your hands. Large debris is then removed, but small debris will not bother you. Dry the seeds in a dry place with good ventilation, but without drafts, and store them in a fabric bag until spring. If you are late and the seeds fall off, take a broom and, lifting the branches of the alyssum, sweep the seeds from under the bushes, clean them of debris and soil and store them as mentioned above.

To decorate the garden area, various ornamental plants. Beginner gardeners will be interested to know what alyssum is, planting and care in open ground, and other nuances regarding this herbaceous crop, otherwise they will not be able to get a beautiful landscape composition.

Alyssum - types

There are many known species of perennial and annual plants. This garden crop surprises with its abundance of colors, so you can grow flowers in pink, red, white, purple and other shades. When figuring out what alyssum looks like, it’s worth focusing on a few facts:

  1. The flower reaches a height of 10-40 cm. It has semi-lignified, highly branched stems. With proper care, you can get a thick carpet or a lush cape.
  2. Alyssum leaves are long and narrow, and their color is gray-green. The inflorescences are small with four petals. They are twisted and have a strong pleasant aroma, which has honey notes.
  3. After the flowers wither, fruits form in the form of a pod. Alyssum has a fibrous root system shaped like a bunch.
  4. In gardening, other names are also used - mason or alyssum.

Alyssum annual

More often gardeners use annual varieties, thanks to which you can regularly change landscape compositions. The initial forms are the following varieties of alyssum: “Bantama”, compact, variegated and prostrate. Breeders, combining them, got a lot hybrid forms, which are easy to grow from seeds. The description of Alyssum states that annual crops need to be sown in prepared light soil in mid-April.

Alyssum perennial

Herbaceous crops, which can be grown for many years, amaze with their variety of forms. Can be grown herbaceous forms, reaching a height of 8 cm, and subshrubs whose stems are 80 cm long. The main forms that can be grown in open ground include the following varieties of alyssum: “Gmelina”, Pyrenean, sea, creeping and rocky. There are both hybrid options and variety mixtures. If you are interested in how alyssum blooms, then the flowers are small and there are many of them. Reproduction can be carried out by seeds and vegetatively.

Alyssum - landing

This garden crop is unpretentious and can be planted in open sunny areas. Shaded areas are also suitable, but the flowering will not be as bright. Planting and caring for alyssum in open ground means choosing a dry and well-drained area. Acidic and waterlogged soils are not suitable for cultivation. For cultivation, you can use seeds, seedlings and cuttings.

How to plant alyssum with seeds?

You can collect planting material yourself or buy it in a store. The second option is more successful, since the seeds have passed necessary preparation. To understand how to sow alyssum, you should consider a number of recommendations:

  1. Plant at a time when the open ground has already warmed up well, so you will have to wait until May.
  2. It is better to pre-treat the seeds, for which they are soaked for several hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Thanks to this, you can protect yourself from pests and diseases.
  3. To sow alyssum, correct landing and care in open ground involves creating furrows no more than 1.5 cm deep. You can sow generously, since few people will be able to use tiny seeds separately. When seedlings appear, be sure to thin out the plantings.

How to plant alyssum seedlings?

Many gardeners prefer growing seedlings because it is more reliable way. If you are interested in how to plant alyssum seedlings, then consider a number of tips:

  1. It is necessary to purchase light and nutritious soil, which should contain large number lime, so the pH should be 5.5-6.2.
  2. Seeds are planted for seedlings in March-April. Take a seedling box, fill it with soil and spread the seeds on the surface. Don't do it thickly as this will reduce the chance of germination. Sprinkle lightly on top soil mixture or simply press the seeds with your finger.
  3. Cover the top of the box with glass or film to create greenhouse conditions and place it in a well-lit place. Care involves maintaining the temperature within 10-15°. Humidification should be moderate and do not forget to periodically ventilate the seeds. If all these conditions are met, germination will occur in a week, or even earlier.
  4. carried out when 2-3 leaves appear. If observed rapid growth, then such a procedure may not be necessary at all and the alyssum is immediately planted in open ground.

At what distance should I plant alyssum?

It is difficult to plant seeds at a specific distance from each other, since they are small, so after the seedlings appear, it is important to thin them out. Planting alyssum in the ground with bushes should be done so that the distance between them is at least 20-30 cm, depending on the variety. If planting occurs in order to ultimately obtain a living border, then the distance between the bushes should be minimal. It is recommended to prepare the holes in advance, and they should be slightly larger than the rhizome with an earthen lump. Do not deepen the plant too much.

Planting alyssum in open ground - timing

It all depends on how the culture is propagated. To grow alyssum, planting and caring in open ground means planting seedlings when there are already 2-3 pairs of full-fledged leaves. The ideal time is from the end of May to the beginning of June. If you are wondering when to sow an alyssum plant in open ground, then this should be done in May, when the ground has already warmed up. At spring landing The plant will bloom at the end of summer, and in order to see flowers in May, sowing is carried out in the fall in November. During the winter, the seeds will get stronger and the seedlings will be more resilient.

Alyssum - growing conditions

One cannot but rejoice at the fact that this plant is unpretentious and can be grown in different areas. It is not afraid of drafts, rocky soils, dry areas, sun and proximity to other plants. When figuring out how to grow alyssum, it is worth noting that if you want to enjoy it for a long time bright colors, then attention should be paid to the quality of the soil in the selected area.

Soil for alyssum

Before planting, it is necessary to prepare the soil.

  1. When growing an alissum plant in open ground, you must first add humus or. This procedure should be carried out a month before sowing.
  2. Experienced gardeners recommend improving the drainage properties of the soil, for which expanded clay is laid, river sand or small pebbles.
  3. After this, the soil must be dug up and leveled with a rake. In order for alyssum to develop well, planting must be done in non-acidic soil, in which the pH value should be at the level of 6-6.3.

Do you pinch alyssum?

If the seedlings are too elongated, then it is recommended to pinch out the main shoot. It is necessary to remove 1/3, and in some cases 1/2, of the stem, leaving 3-4 pairs of true leaves with axillary buds. This happens if the seedlings were grown with insufficient light or too much light. high temperatures. After the procedure, the plant will begin to bush and form side shoots.

Alyssum, the cultivation and care of which must be carried out according to the rules, includes pruning and should be done regularly. Thanks to this procedure, growth will increase and flowering will be more magnificent. It is important for all types of this crop to remove up to 8 cm of shoots. The only exception is rock alyssum. To carry out rejuvenating pruning after the inflorescences wither, all shoots are shortened by 1/3.

Alyssum - care

There are a few tips to keep in mind to preserve the beauty of this flower.

  1. Feeding. After planting five weeks later, it is recommended to water the bushes with a solution of potassium and nitrogen fertilizers. When the period of active growth and flowering begins, take care of the nutritional content of the soil. You can use the following composition: dissolve 1 tbsp in 10 liters of water. spoon of urea and Agricola-7. Annual species require repeated application of fertilizers and there should be approximately four feedings during the summer period, and the first is carried out before flowering. You can use complex fertilizer, 20 g per 10 liters of water. In order to preserve the flowering of alyssum longer, when planting and caring in open ground, reuse complex additives, but in this case 40 g are taken per 10 liters.
  2. Watering. If for growing perennial varieties fertile was chosen and nutritious soil and the level of precipitation in summer is not lower than average, then additional watering can be completely eliminated. The thing is that if there is an excess of moisture, the root system will become wet and the bush will die. During the dry period, in order to preserve the decorative appearance of the alyssum flower, care includes additional watering. Upon landing annual species Regardless of weather conditions, it is necessary to systematically moisten the soil in large volumes.

To prevent alyssum from getting sick, planting and care in open ground should be carried out according to all the rules, otherwise, in the absence of fertilizers or sanitary pruning, as well as excessive watering, various diseases may appear:

  1. The most common problem is late blight or brown rot. This problem occurs if watering recommendations are not followed and the soil begins to turn sour. As a result root collar rots, and the alyssum dries up. To cope with this problem, completely treat it with fungicides, for example, using Ordan or Kuproksat. You should refrain from watering for some time.
  2. Another problem for alyssum is that it appears on the leaves and a coating forms on them. white. As a result, they turn black and die. The problem occurs if the shoots have been pruned excessively or a large amount has been added to the soil. nitrogen fertilizers. Another reason is sudden and severe temperature changes. You can cope with powdery mildew using Bordeaux mixture or a fungicide, for example, Fundazol.
  3. In order for alyssum to grow well, planting and caring in open ground involves the use of pest protection. A flower can die from cruciferous flea beetle, cabbage moth or turnip moth. It is important to immediately begin treatment using special chemicals.

Alyssum in landscape design

The popularity of this garden crop is due to the fact that it looks great in different compositions. Alyssum in a flowerbed in open ground goes well with many annuals and perennials, as well as hanging and ground cover plants. Planting a herbaceous crop in open ground is carried out on

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):