"Aktara" is a new generation pesticide. This drug belongs to the group of neonicotinoids. A synthetic remedy for sucking insects affects nerve cells.

The manufacturer's preparation "Fitoverm" can be used to treat soil against pests, and can also be applied to leaves. The procedure is performed with careful adherence to all safety precautions. Actara against ticks is used only in conjunction with other agents.

Consumption of the drug and features of use

Aktara insecticide is sold in glass packaging of 250 mg or in sachets of 4 grams. For one-time use of a small area, the contents of one sachet are sufficient. Actara for indoor plants is an indispensable assistant in pest control. The finished solution is enough for 250 pots.

Treatment of plants is carried out in dry weather in the evening or early in the morning in the absence of wind.. It is not recommended to apply Aktara insecticide in the scorching sun to avoid possible burns. The product can be used to treat affected plants during vegetative growth, as well as in the off-season for preventive purposes.

Before spraying plants, it is necessary to test the performance of the backpack sprayer to prevent incorrect spraying of the finished solution. The application of the liquid product is carried out carefully so that the solution does not get on other types of plants. If dosages and precautions are observed, the risk of phytotoxicity of crops is minimal. Aktara should only be bred outdoors.

Preparation of mother liquor

It is not recommended to dilute Aktara product indoors; the backpack sprayer should be taken outside. Initially, you should make a stock solution. The contents of a 4-gram sachet in a separate container are diluted with 1 liter of cold, unboiled water. This liquid is added to the sprayer in a certain proportion depending on the type of crops being treated. Effective against mealybugs, whiteflies and other insects.

To disinfect potatoes, pour water into the sprayer tank, filling the fourth part, and add the resulting liquid in an amount of 200 ml. To process currants, take 250 ml of diluted liquid for the specified volume of water, for other types - 600 ml of Aktara liquid product. Instructions for use are written in detail on the bag. Next, the total volume of liquid in the tank is brought to 5 liters and mixed thoroughly, shaking the contents of the tank.

Aktara can be used with most similar drugs, growth regulators, pesticides (Zircon, Epin, etc.). It is worth noting that the drug does not replace fertilizer. Before using other drugs, it is recommended to check compatibility and adhere to manufacturer's restrictions. It is not allowed to use Aktara with products that give an alkaline reaction.

Security measures

Aktara is a substance of moderate toxicity for humans. When working with the solution, you must use protective equipment: overalls and safety glasses, and wear a respirator. During the procedure, food and water are prohibited. After spraying, you should change clothes and thoroughly wash exposed areas with soap and water, including your face and hands. Do not smoke near the diluted solution or during treatment.

The solution is low-toxic for aquatic organisms, fish, earthworms, birds and animals. Actara has a damaging effect only on insects, so bees must be covered before processing crops. They can be released only 5 days after processing the plants. The protection zone should be 4-5 km from the treatment site.

It is prohibited to pour unused drug into an open reservoir or other source of fresh water. It is necessary to ensure that the pesticide does not get into animal feed and drinking water for livestock. In areas treated with Aktara, livestock should not be grazed during the first 4 days. Care must be taken to ensure that the powder or diluted solution does not get into food or drinking water.

Instructions for use for indoor plants

Important! It should be borne in mind that the roots of indoor plants have a more delicate shell, so you should not exceed the recommended dosage when watering in a pot.

Aktara liquid when added to a pot does not reduce its protective properties. During the processing of indoor flowers, it is recommended to maintain the room temperature within +25°C. The solution spreads through the root system to the leaves and shoots. Death of insects occurs after absorption of juice from treated specimens. The protective effect with this method lasts up to 45 days. This method for indoor flowers is used if spraying is ineffective, for example, if the lower part of the leaves and sepals is severely damaged.

Aktara insecticide is not the main method of combating various types of ticks. The drug does not have the desired toxic effect on them, but with a single treatment of Aktar against ticks it can be used, since its effect can be detrimental to the harmful insect.

If the liquid product gets into your eyes, you must rinse them thoroughly for 15 minutes with a large volume of water and try not to close them. Wash off Aktara from the skin with water, thoroughly treating the skin with soap. If the diluted solution gets into the stomach, you need to induce vomiting and give the victim activated charcoal diluted in a glass of water in the amount of 3-5 tablespoons. You should not induce vomiting when you faint. Treatment is carried out symptomatically in a hospital setting. The drug has no antidote!

Aktara is a fast-acting and effective insecticide of a new generation. It is widely used for spraying various types of crops. This drug protects plants from pests. It is used not only on mature trees and shrubs, but also on vegetable seedlings before planting.

Aktara is effective against one hundred species of pests. This product not only protects the plant from unwanted insects, but also promotes its development.

Aktara belongs to the contact-intestinal insecticides of the Neonicotinoids group. The drug is produced in Switzerland. It is available in the form of tablets, granules, soluble light cream powder and suspension (in glass or plastic containers in various volumes). The active substances of the drug do not burn, but melt at a temperature of +140 degrees. Good solubility in water is observed at a temperature of +25 degrees.

Functions and properties

Aktara improves the quality of foliage and shoots, protects the plant from many pests. The product is effective for 1-2 months after treatment (depending on the method of application).

It is used to protect vegetable crops and indoor plants, and is also suitable for fruit trees, berry bushes and flower crops. Treatment with Aktara can be carried out in any weather conditions (heat, precipitation, high/low humidity levels...).

The drug can be used both for spraying the vegetative part of plants and for cultivating the soil. Thanks to the unique properties of the active substance - thiamethoxam - Aktara decomposes well in the soil, is perfectly soluble in water and is well absorbed by the plant from the soil. With the help of this complex drug, you can completely control the reproduction process of any pests throughout the season.

Areas of use

This insecticide is able to fight against a wide range of insect pests of many crops. Aktara is mainly used in horticulture and agriculture. The drug is intended for the extermination of the Colorado potato beetle, aphids, moths, scale insects, soil flies, thrips, whiteflies, May beetles and many other pests.

The product can be used to treat:

  • grain crops;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit trees;
  • vegetable seedlings;
  • berry bushes;
  • decorative flower crops;
  • houseplants.

The Aktara insecticide does virtually no harm to birds, earthworms and aquatic organisms. For humans and mammals, the product is moderately toxic, but for pollinating insects (wasps, bees, hornets) it is poisonous. In this regard, it is not recommended to treat plants during the flowering period.

Operating principle

The main active ingredient of Aktara is thiamethoxam. Its concentration in the preparation is 250 g/kg (or 240 g/l). The product destroys even hidden insects.

Weather conditions are also not an obstacle to the action of Aktara. The product is absorbed into the leaves through the skin (when sprayed), or absorbed from the soil by the roots, spreading through the vascular system throughout the plant (when watering). In the first case, the protective effect of the drug lasts about 3-4 weeks, and in the second - up to two months.

It should be noted that Aktara does not cause any harm to the fruits of vegetable crops, fruit trees and berry bushes.

The drug begins to act half an hour after contact with the pest. The insect eats the treated parts of the plant. Once inside, the active substances first act on the digestive system, suppressing receptors. The pest stops feeding on leaves. Then its nervous system is paralyzed, as a result of which the insect dies within 24 hours.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each insecticide has its own strengths and weaknesses. Aktara is no exception. Let’s look at the main “pros” and “cons” of the drug.


  1. High efficiency.
  2. Performance.
  3. After processing the plant, the fruits remain harmless to human health.
  4. Wide range of applications.
  5. When used correctly, it is not addictive to insects.
  6. Efficiency does not depend on weather conditions.
  7. Long lasting.
  8. Small consumption rate.
  9. Possibility of soil cultivation.
  10. Detailed instructions for use are present on the packaging of the drug.


  • poisonous to wasps, bees and hornets;
  • impossibility of storing the working solution;
  • Alternation with other insecticides is recommended.

Instructions for use

You need to start treating plants when you detect the first signs of the presence of insect pests (or their larvae and caterpillars). We will consider the details of preparing the solution and its subsequent use below.

Preparation of the solution

For convenience, first prepare the mother solution, and only then prepare the working solution. What is the essence of the mother liquor? Take a container with a volume of at least 1.5-2 liters. In it, the contents of the package (4 g) are dissolved in 1 liter of water. Next, prepare the working solution (directly in the sprayer).

First, the sprayer is filled with 250 ml of water. To process potatoes, 150-200 ml of mother solution is poured into it, for currants - 250 ml, and for flower crops - 600 ml. The resulting liquid is brought to a volume of 5 liters, the tank is closed with a lid and shaken thoroughly. After this, the working solution is ready for use.

Application for various types of crops

Each type of crop has its own processing rules and cost standards. The method of application is usually the same. There are only two options: spraying and watering. Spraying is carried out until the leaves and shoots of the plant are completely wetted, and watering is carried out until the soil is deeply moistened.

Let us examine in more detail the processing of various types of crops:

  1. Tomatoes Aktara protects against the Colorado potato beetle, aphids and whiteflies. For irrigation, dilute 4 g of the substance in 10 liters of water, and for spraying - 1.2 g in 10 liters of water.
  2. For guard cucumbers against aphids, tobacco thrips and whiteflies, water with a solution (4 g of the drug per 10 l of water) or spray (2-4 g per 10 l of water).
  3. Aktara is indispensable for peppers and eggplants. The product saves these crops from aphids and tobacco thrips. The solution (4-8 g of the substance per 10 liters of water) is poured under the root, and for spraying, 2-4 g of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water.
  4. Onion often attacked by thrips and onion flies. These pests are eliminated by spraying. To do this, you need to dissolve 4 g of the drug in 10 liters of water.
  5. The high effectiveness of the drug is also noted when processing cabbage. Aktara easily copes with slugs, caterpillars and fleas. To do this, the solution is poured under the root (3 g of the product is diluted in 10 liters of water).
  6. For processing potatoes You can use a working solution based on the mother solution, or you can separately dilute 1.2 g of the drug in 10 liters of water. The crop is sprayed once during the growing season. The Colorado potato beetle should disappear after 14 days.
  7. The drug is also suitable for fruit trees(apple trees, pears, plums...). You can get rid of the apple tree from the copperhead and codling moth by spraying (3 g of product per 10 liters of water). Pears are also treated against the same pests (4 g of the drug per 10 liters of water).
  8. Currant treated against aphids. The first spraying is carried out before flowering, and the second after harvesting. To prepare the working fluid, take 2 g of the substance per 10 liters of water (or 250 ml of the mother solution per 10 liters of water).
  9. Grape treated against cicadas and other pests. To do this, dissolve 3 g of Aktara in 10 liters of water. Then spraying is carried out.
  10. Decorative flower crops(roses, violets, orchids) are sprayed when pests such as aphids, whiteflies and scale insects appear. Take 8 g of the drug per 10 liters of water. For 10 sq. m consume up to 1 liter of working solution. If the roses are attacked by thrips, then 16 g of the product is diluted in 10 liters of water, and then the plant is sprayed with the resulting liquid.
  11. When fungus gnats and soil flies appear, potted flower crops are watered with a solution prepared at the rate of 1 g of the drug per 10 liters of water. Aphids, scale insects, thrips and whiteflies are eliminated by repeatedly watering the soil with a working solution (8 g of the drug per 10 liters of water). For 10 sq. m consume 10 liters of liquid (in other words, this working liquid is enough for 250 pots).

Processing of seedlings

The drug "Aktara" can also be used to treat seedlings and seed material. To treat potato tubers, 6 g of the product is dissolved in 0.3 liters of water. The tubers are evenly laid out on the film, sprayed with the working solution, and then mixed thoroughly. Such potatoes are not suitable for storage. It must be planted immediately. This method is also suitable for processing onion heads and garlic cloves.

You can also soak seedlings in the working solution. For these purposes, 1.4 g of the drug is diluted in 1 liter of water. The roots of the seedlings should be immersed in the mixture for exactly two hours. This procedure is carried out 12 hours before landing. One such working solution is enough to treat 200 plants.

Compatibility with other drugs

This drug is compatible with many other popular insecticides and fungicides in gardening and agriculture, as well as growth regulators (Ribav-Extra, Zircon, Epin, etc.). Aktar should not be combined with drugs that give an alkaline reaction. In any case, before mixing any products, you should first check their compatibility.


The drug "Aktara" is indispensable because of its effectiveness against many types of insect pests. However, the drug also has analogues, which are the following products: “Adamant”, “Cruiser”, “Tiara”, “Doctor”, “Voliam Flexi” and “Ephoria”. These insecticides have similar properties and functions. These drugs, like Aktara, contain thiamethoxam, their main active ingredient.

Precautionary measures

Aktara belongs to toxicity class 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

When working with the drug, you should observe some precautions:

  1. The working solution should be prepared and applied wearing protective clothing (suit, rubber gloves, safety glasses and a respirator).
  2. During treatment, it is prohibited to eat, drink and smoke.
  3. At the end of the work, you need to change clothes, wash your face and hands with soap, and rinse your mouth.
  4. It is prohibited to carry out processing in the immediate vicinity of water bodies.
  5. Aktara should be stored in a dry, dark place at temperatures from -10 to +30 degrees.
  6. Indoor plants are treated in well-ventilated areas or outdoors.
  7. Treatment is prohibited during the flowering period.

In case of contact with skin, the drug should be removed with cotton wool or a soft cloth. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of water for 15 minutes. When poisoning with Aktara, characteristic symptoms appear: vomiting, nausea, general weakness. You must immediately call a doctor and show him the drug label.

If the victim is conscious, then before the doctor arrives he should be given activated charcoal to drink (3-5 tablespoons of crushed charcoal washed down with a glass of warm water). It is also recommended to induce vomiting. But if a person is unconscious, then vomiting cannot be caused!

Aktara is a highly effective fast-acting insecticide. If used correctly, you can get rid of hundreds of different insect pests of many crops, while enjoying fruits that are absolutely safe for health.

Today, not a single owner of indoor plants is immune from the invasion of dangerous insects - pests that can destroy a flower and cause harm to its root system. If you act on time and take the right actions, you can protect the plant and preserve its beauty. One of the most practical and high-quality drugs that affects the condition of the flower is Aktara. How to breed Aktara for watering indoor plants? We will learn the answer to this question from this article.

How to breed Aktara?

Aktara for indoor plants - instructions for use

Aktara is a systemic drug, an insecticide, which was created to combat the most common pests of flowers: thyroid gland, aphids, whiteflies, spider mites, thrips and mealyworms. After treatment with the drug, the plant becomes protected and is completely cleared of pests, which die within 24 hours. But in order to benefit from using the drug, it is important to learn how to use it and strictly follow the instructions given.

Aktara is a fine powder in the form of small grains. It is very easy to use for preparing a special solution or for treating soil. The first signs of insect death can be noticed within 30 minutes. Where can you buy Aktara? The drug is sold in all specialized stores and has different packaging - from 4 g to 250 g. If you want to treat indoor plants, then a 1 g package is ideal for you.

When is the best time to use Aktara? The product is universal, so it can be used all year round, regardless of the air temperature or the influence of sunlight. Aktara is not washed off with water, so indoor plants can continue to be watered as usual. The drug also comes into good contact with other insecticides, so don’t be afraid to mix them.

Advantages of using the drug Aktara:

  • Rapid penetration into the leaves of the plant, its shoots and root system. Pests begin to be destroyed almost immediately after applying the drug.
  • High efficiency indicators when spraying a flower or adding the drug to the soil.
  • A simple recipe for preparing the solution and the product dissolves quickly.
  • Long-term protection of plants from the negative influence of several insects at once.
  • Economical consumption and minimal number of treatments.
  • Long-lasting effect even after a single application.

Important! With frequent use of Aktara, some pests become accustomed to it, so they may no longer react to its presence.

How to use Aktar for indoor plants?

So, if you bought the drug, you need to mix it correctly, while observing the established proportions. Preparation of the solution begins with heating the water, the temperature of which should be no lower than +25 degrees. It is in this water that all the granules of the product will dissolve. For 5 liters of water you will need 4 g of Aktara. If this volume is too large for you, then create a proportion and use the amount of the drug that suits you.

Immediately after treating the plant, be sure to ventilate the room, as the product quickly spreads through the air. What to do if it is not possible to spray the room? In this case, it is recommended to pour the drug directly into the ground. Then, through the roots, the product spreads throughout the flower and reaches its very top leaves, killing all pests in its path. Is Aktara safe for the plant itself? Undoubtedly. It will not harm your flower, so you don’t have to worry about its safety.

Also always follow safety rules when spraying plants. Wear gloves to protect the delicate skin of your hands and gauze bandages to prevent particles of the drug from entering the respiratory tract. If Aktara accidentally gets on your skin, immediately rinse it off under strong water pressure, and then lubricate it with a light, moisturizing cream. Always hide the drug if there are children in the house.

So, now you know how to breed aktar for watering indoor plants. We hope that our tips will help you protect your indoor flowers from the negative influence of insects, so that you can continue to enjoy the beauty, greenery and flowering of your plants.

See also video: How to breed actara for watering and spraying indoor plants

Aktara is a universal preparation for caring for potted plants. The insecticide is capable of quickly and efficiently eliminating a fairly long list of pests. However, its use will not harm the indoor flowers themselves. It is only important to use this tool correctly.

Aktara: description and features

This insecticide appears as a fine particle powder. The active ingredient is thiamethoxam. It is considered a systemic remedy to combat:

  • scale insect;
  • thrips;
  • mealybug;
  • whitefly, etc.

Attention! Among the insects that are not affected by the product are spider mites. The use of Aktara against it has low effectiveness.

A characteristic feature of the drug is its rapid action on shoots, leaves and root systems. The instructions say: after standard treatment, the pests completely die in less than a day. In cases with large plants, it will take up to 3 days. This does not depend on the method of use (in the ground or on greenery).

The drug is in original packaging

Other features and advantages of Aktara:

  1. Can be used at any time of the year, regardless of sunlight on the windowsill, humidity or warm air.
  2. Does not wash off with water. Therefore, the use of Aktara does not affect the irrigation regime in any way.
  3. The drug is considered safe for plants. Aktara provides long-term protection against damage by new pests even after a single treatment. When added to the substrate - up to 1.5-2 months, when sprayed - up to 15-28 days.
  4. Aktara does not lose its properties and does not inhibit other insecticides and fungicides when used together or mixed. An exception is mixtures that contain Bordeaux mixture, soap or lime.

Attention! The main disadvantage of using Aktara is the high level of addiction of individual pests. Therefore, plants are treated infrequently with the drug in its pure form, alternating or mixing it with other insecticides.

How to prepare an active solution of a substance

Correct use of Actara is impossible without the correct proportions in the solution of this product. The powdery mass is diluted with water. The procedure is simple, the substance dissolves quickly and is odorless. For indoor flowers, it is most convenient to use vacuum packaging of 4 g. Although in specialized retail outlets you can find options up to 250 g in packs. The video will help you understand how to use the product.

Advice. Aktara powder is used sparingly. The product is not cheap, so it is not advisable to purchase it in bulk for home use.

The active solution of the drug is prepared in warm water (approximately +25 ° C). The dosage depends on the tasks:

  1. To spray potted plants, dilute a 4-gram pack of Aktara in 5 liters of water. This amount of working fluid can process 125 small specimens.
  2. To water the soil, the concentration of Aktara is needed even less: 1 g per 10 l. This is enough for 250 pots.

Advice. You can reduce the dosage by maintaining the correct ratio of powder and water. Dilute the mixture, taking into account that any treatment should be carried out with a fresh Aktara solution.

Correct technique for processing flowers

Advice. For maximum efficiency and safety of the flower, spray at a distance of 25-30 cm from it.

Aktara is an insecticide (moderately dangerous class 3 chemical substances), therefore, when handling it, it is necessary to strictly adhere to technology and safety precautions:

  1. Do not allow the reagent to come into contact with the mucous membrane (eyes, nose, mouth). Wear a mask, rubber gloves and safety glasses.
  2. While working, you must not drink, eat or smoke.
  3. Ventilate the room after completing treatment with Aktara. Also change clothes, thoroughly wash your hands, face and all exposed parts of the body, and rinse your mouth.
  4. Excess Aktara solution should be disposed of only by burning it together with the container in which it was prepared. Do not throw it into containers with household waste or pour it into sewers or water bodies.

When storing dry matter, the instructions require compliance with temperature standards: - 15 °C...+35 °C. Do not keep the powder in high humidity conditions, near food or drinking water. Do not dilute Aktara in food containers. Access to the drug should be closed to children and animals.

If you follow basic safety requirements, you will improve the health of your green window sill. If you do not have the opportunity to use Aktara, find analogues: Cruiser, Adamant, Tiara or Doctor.

Aktara drug: video

Aktara instructions for use which is presented in this article, is a new generation insecticide, characterized by speed and effectiveness. It is used to process various types of crops. The main property of the drug is protection against pests. The product is used for spraying adult shrubs and trees, as well as for treating vegetable seedlings before planting in the ground. The drug is effective, as shown reviews, and is used widely and everywhere.

The product is effective against hundreds of types of pests. Moreover, in addition to protecting against insects, the drug promotes plant development. Let's consider ways and instructions for use of "Aktara".


Aktara is a contact-intestinal insecticide, a representative of the Neonicotidoid group. The drug is produced in Switzerland. Available in several forms:

  1. pills,
  2. granules,
  3. cream-colored soluble powder
  4. suspensions in glass or plastic containers of different volumes.

The active substance dissolves at a temperature of +25 degrees, does not burn, but melts at a temperature of +140 and above.

Functions and properties

Aktara helps:

  • protect the plant from various pests,
  • improve the quality of leaves and shoots.

Depending on the method of application, it is effective for 1-2 months after treatment.

The treatment can be carried out under different weather conditions and at any time, there is no difference, when to process:

  • heat;
  • wind;
  • humidity.

Thiamethoxam, the active substance of the drug, decomposes well in the soil, dissolves in water and is absorbed by the plant from the ground. Thanks to these properties, the insecticide can be used for spraying vegetative parts and for soil treatment. The complex preparation can be used to completely control the reproduction process of various pests throughout the season.


Aktara insecticide can be used in gardening and agriculture. It fights many different insect pests:

  • Colorado and May beetles;
  • codling moth;
  • thrips;
  • whitefly;
  • soil fly and others.

The product can be used to treat:

  • cereals;
  • vegetables and seedlings;
  • fruit trees;
  • decorative flower crops;
  • berry bushes.

Akara will do virtually no harm:

  • birds;
  • earthworms;
  • aquatic organisms.

The insecticide is poisonous to pollinating insects:

  • hornets;
  • bees

For humans and mammals the level of toxicity is average.

Watch the video! Aktara Effective insecticide: description, characteristics, price

Operating principle

Thiamethoxam is the main active ingredient of the drug "Aktara". Its concentration is 250g/kg or 240g/l. This product can even destroy hiding insects.

Processing is carried out under various weather conditions. The product is absorbed:

  • into the leaves through the skin when sprayed, then its effect will last up to 4 weeks;
  • is absorbed by the roots from the soil, then when watering the substance will spread throughout the entire vascular system of the plant, and the effect will last up to 2 months.

Important! Aktara does not harm vegetable, fruit and berry plants.

Harmful toxic masses do not accumulate in them, and insects do not develop resistance and addiction to this product. The main thing is to use the insecticide correctly according to the instructions.

The effect of the drug begins within 30 minutes after contact with the pest. The insect eats parts of the plant that are treated with Aktara. Active substances, when ingested, begin their action in the digestive system, suppressing receptors. Thanks to this, pests stop feeding on the leaves of the plant. Afterwards, the insect’s nervous system is paralyzed, causing it to die within 24 hours.

Advantages and disadvantages

All insecticidal drugs have strengths and weaknesses, and Aktara too. Let's consider all the pros and cons of using this tool.

Positive sides:


  • dangerous for bees, wasps and hornets;
  • the prepared solution cannot be stored;
  • It is better to alternate with other insecticides.

Instructions for use

As soon as the first signs of the presence of pests or their larvae appear, it is necessary to immediately treat with an insecticide. To do this, you need to know the correct method of preparing and processing plants.

Preparation of the solution

It is more convenient to first prepare a mother solution, and then a working solution. The mother liquor is prepared as follows:

  • take a container of 1.5-2 liters;
  • pour 1 liter of water;
  • dissolve the contents of the package (4g) in it.

The working solution is prepared directly in the sprayer according to the instructions on the package.

  • First, pour 250 ml of water into the sprayer:
    • for potatoes add 150-200 ml of mother liquor;
    • for currants – 250 ml;
    • if you need to treat flower crops - 600 ml.
  • Then the water is added to a total volume of 5 liters, the tank is screwed on and shaken.
  • The working solution can be used.

Watch the video! How to breed actara for watering and spraying indoor plants

Application for different crops

For different types of crops, there are certain processing rules and consumption rates. There are only two ways to use it:

  • spraying;
  • watering.

Water until the soil is deeply moistened, and spray until the leaves and shoots are completely wetted.

Processing by type:

Processing of seedlings

The drug "Aktara" can be used for processing seed material and seedlings.

  • To process potatoes, the tubers should be spread evenly on the film;
  • Spray with a working solution of 6 g in 0.3 l of water, mix the tubers;
  • Treated potatoes must be planted immediately and cannot be stored.

Advice! You can process onion heads and slices in a similar way. garlic .

You can also use this insecticide to treat seedlings:

  • Dilute 1.4 g of the drug in 1 liter of water;
  • Soak the roots of the plant in the solution for 2 hours;
  • This procedure is carried out 12 hours before disembarkation;
  • This amount of working solution should be enough for 200 plants.


Aktara is compatible with other widely used products for processing horticultural and agricultural crops, as well as with growth regulators (Zircon, Epin and others).

Important! This product cannot be combined with substances that give an alkaline reaction.

It is better to check the compatibility of different drugs immediately before mixing.


The drug is universal and will help effectively fight many different pests. The drug has several analogues, in which the main active ingredient is thiamethoxam. These are the means:

  • "Adamant";
  • "Tiara";
  • "Ephoria";
  • "Doctor";
  • "Cruiser";
  • "Voliam Flexi".

Precautionary measures

Aktara is a moderately hazardous substance with toxicity class 3.

Precautions should be observed when working with this insecticide:

  1. To prepare the working solution, you should wear a protective suit, rubber gloves, goggles and a respirator;
  2. Do not eat, drink or smoke while processing plants;
  3. After treatment, you must wash your hands with soap and rinse your mouth, change clothes;
  4. Do not cultivate crops near water bodies;
  5. The drug should be stored at temperatures from -10 to +30 in a dry, dark place;
  6. It is better to treat indoor plants outside or in a well-ventilated area;
  7. Do not treat plants during flowering.

If the insecticide gets on the skin, remove it with a soft cloth or cotton wool. In case of contact with eyes, rinse them thoroughly with clean water for 15 minutes.

In case of Aktara poisoning, the following symptoms may appear:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • weakness.

As soon as symptoms appear, you should call a doctor and inform him of what was used and when. If the victim is conscious, he should take 3-5 tbsp. l crushed activated carbon and a glass of warm water. It's better to try to induce vomiting. But, under no circumstances should you induce vomiting if the person is unconscious.

Aktara is a fast-acting insecticide that is highly effective. If used correctly, you can get rid of various pests without harming human health.

Watch the video! Systemic insecticides AKTARA - long-term protection against aphids, mites, caterpillars

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):