Unfortunately, energy tariffs are rising with enviable consistency, for this reason energy efficiency and energy saving are becoming increasingly relevant. One of the easiest ways to save electricity is to install a multi-tariff meter.

The principle of multi-tariff electricity metering

Residential buildings and industrial facilities consume electrical energy very unevenly throughout the day. At night, its consumption is minimal, since most people are sleeping, almost all offices are closed, and businesses working on full power in three shifts, not so much.

By morning, the picture changes - people have woken up and are about to leave the house, turning on the lights, electric stoves, hair dryers, boilers, irons, toasters, multicookers and much more. Computers are turned on in offices, machines in factories are started, traffic intensifies public transport, powered by electricity. In the evening, people coming home from work turn on even more electrical appliances, street lighting is turned on, and entertainment venues open.

As a result, throughout the day the level of electricity consumption can change significantly, causing peak loads on the power grid, which requires providing a certain power reserve for all power equipment.

In this regard, it seems reasonable to introduce separate energy metering tariffs for daytime and nighttime hours. Indeed, in this case, the consumer By changing your daily routine, you could save a lot of money, reducing electricity consumption during peak hours.

All this would definitely be beneficial if companies selling electricity set a tariff for night time lower than for daytime. However, not everything is so simple; energy companies not only reduced the night tariff, relative to the single rate, but also increased the daytime tariff. How can you save money under such conditions?

How to save with a multi-tariff electricity meter?

Equipment for metering consumed electricity, operating in several tariffs, may be different. There are both two- and three-tariff meters. For them separate tariff schedules have been developed and, before buying this kind of devices, you should carefully study the prices for electricity in different time days and calculate which accounting system will be more profitable in a given region.

Accounting system operating using two tariffs

First you need to understand the principle of operation of a two-tariff meter. This equipment divides the day into two zones:

  1. Daytime (from 7 to 23 hours).
  2. Night (from 23 to 7 o'clock).

Let's do a simple calculation. Let us take as a basis a single-rate tariff of 3 rubles/kWh, a daytime tariff of 3.30 rubles/kWh and a night tariff of 1.80 rubles/kWh. With this ratio, in order to so that the costs of the multi-tariff meter are at least equal to the single-rate meter, it is necessary that for each kilowatt spent at night there should be no more than 4 daytime ones. Therefore, the night consumption threshold should not be less than 20%. However, for different regions Russian Federation local administrations have established different ratios of electricity tariffs, respectively, and the value of the threshold will be different, for example, for Moscow it is 0.9%, and for Rostov region – 27%.

But, nevertheless, for most Russian regions this figure varies from 26% to 31%. Electricity trading companies set this threshold after monitoring consumption, which showed that night hours account for 25% to 31% of electricity consumption.

Accounting system operating using three tariffs

Meters, whose operating scheme includes three tariffs, divide the day into the following zones:

  1. Night (from 23 to 7 o'clock).
  2. Half-peak (from 10 to 17 hours and from 21 to 23 hours).
  3. Peak (from 7 to 10 hours and from 17 to 21 hours).

Oddly enough, the counting system with three tariffs is not much more complicated than with two. This happened because companies selling electricity have equalized night tariffs 2 and 3 zone meters, and the half-peak tariff was equalized with the usual single-rate tariff. Thanks to this, the half-peak zone is simply not taken into account in the calculations.

For example, in the Rostov region the following tariffs apply:

  1. Peak zone – 3.58 rub/kWh.
  2. Half-peak zone – 3.23 rubles/kWh.
  3. Night tariff – 2.68 rub/kWh.

With this ratio, electricity consumption in night hour must be at least 39% of the total per day. And, tariffs are calculated based on average electricity consumption in the region. Respectively, average consumer, installing two or three tariff meters for yourself and continuing to consume electricity as before will not receive any benefit.

Is it possible, in principle, to save money by installing multi-tariff meters for metering consumed electricity?

The easiest way to find out whether the transition to a multi-tariff accounting system will be justified is by starting special energy consumption log and enter meter readings there at 7 and 23 o’clock for a device that takes into account two tariffs and at 7, 10, 17, 21 and 23 o’clock for a three-tariff device for one month. Then carry out a simple calculation and draw a conclusion.

As a rule, for the average resident who does not have square meters a large number of programmable household appliances that will turn on in accordance with a given schedule, the payment will only increase. And here's who can get small savings If you want and have the opportunity to turn on your equipment at night, these are the owners of a large number of powerful electrical appliances:

  1. Bread maker.
  2. Dishwashers.
  3. Boilers.
  4. Washing machines and so on.

Although this rhythm of operation of electrical equipment also has its disadvantages:

Are the potential savings worth the sacrifice? You can calculate and draw a conclusion. The average electricity consumption per family is about 300 kWh per month, and now, having strained ourselves, taking advantage of all the possible advantages of the night tariff, a person achieves savings of 50%. And this is simply a great result, to achieve which you will need to radically change your habits. In monetary terms, in the conditions of the Rostov region it turns out to be 52.50 rubles. And the price of a simple meter operating on two tariffs is 1,500 rubles. Consequently, it will pay off for almost two and a half years.

Video: Multi-tariff meter

But there are also “pitfalls” of electricity metering:

  1. Reprogramming of the meter, which must be done in the event of a change in electricity metering or time accounting (the boundaries of the division of day and night tariffs may change, as well as transitions to winter and summer time). The price of the procedure for equipment operating on several tariffs ranges from 400 to 500 rubles, which is why it will pay for itself another 10 months later.
  2. Regular verification of meters, the cost of which may vary in different regions of the Federation.

Considering all the positive and negative factors replacing a meter operating with a single tariff with a multi-tariff unit, we can conclude that this way to save money on electricity bills Suitable only for households equipped with truly powerful consumers. Such as a lighting system for a large yard or greenhouse, well or sewage pumps, air conditioners or electrical systems heating. In addition, all this equipment must work around the clock or, even better, at night and, most importantly, autonomously, without human intervention, so as not to turn all his free time into a race to save money.

Electricity bills can cost a significant portion of your family budget. To save at least a little Money, many enterprising homeowners listen to the advice of management companies and decide to install a three-tariff meter in their home.

Such a device, unlike a conventional electricity meter, records energy consumption differentially, that is, at different time intervals. Why this can be beneficial from an economic point of view and how to reduce costs? Let's try to figure it out.

Who needs it?

Obviously, this is not happening evenly. In order to somehow reduce the costs associated with maintaining equipment and encourage users to create a uniform load throughout the day, experts suggested that residents install a three-tariff electricity meter.

The thing is that at night, when most of the residents of cities and towns are asleep, the load on the serving substation is minimal. In the morning, around 7 a.m., when people begin to wake up, the so-called morning peak occurs. It lasts until 10-11 o'clock in the afternoon. Then power consumption is reduced to average size and remains virtually unchanged until the evening peak - the moment when people start coming home from work. The evening peak lasts from 17-18 to 23 hours.

The wave-like nature of electricity consumption is reflected in the work in the morning and evening; it functions at full capacity, during the day - at the optimal level, and at night it is practically inactive. As a result of unevenly distributed load, wear of mechanisms accelerates, and consequently, operating costs increase.

Differentiated accounting

To minimize operating costs, it was proposed to use a three-tariff meter. The essence of its use is that energy consumption is accounted for differentially, that is, the amount of resources consumed during the day, at night, during morning and evening peaks is recorded separately.

The cost of “day”, “night” and “peak” kW of energy is different. The daily tariff usually corresponds to the cost of one kW of electricity under normal metering. The cost at night is 50-70% lower, but during the morning and evening peak the price of electricity is usually the highest and can be even 70% higher than during the day.

By reducing consumption in the morning and evening, but increasing the load on the energy grid at night, you can save a lot. This is the main advantage of using a three-tariff meter, which will record not only the amount of energy used, but also the time of consumption.

When is a multi-tariff meter beneficial?

The three-tariff calculation will be profitable only if the inequality is satisfied:

Here P n, P d, P p - respectively, consumption at night, during the day and during peak load (morning and evening), P k - total energy consumption for the day, C n, C d and C p - the cost of electricity at the corresponding time of day, Ts o - the price of one kW of electricity with a single tariff calculation.

To get significant savings you will have to change your daily routine. For example, launch a washing machine and dishwasher at night, and in the morning and evening, if possible, refuse to turn on some household appliances.

We must not forget that it still has to pay off. It is not difficult to calculate the payback period (without taking into account inflation). To do this, you need to divide the cost of the device by the amount it allows you to save per month. According to average calculations, this period is up to 12-16 months.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is possible to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of multi-tariff electricity metering only if we compare it with a two- and single-tariff calculation system. In the first case, it is possible to achieve significant savings in money and a reduction in the payback period. In the second, the difference may not be so noticeable due to the fact that a three-tariff meter costs 3-4 times more than a regular one.

It is important to remember that the cost of one kW of electricity is different regions different. So, in the city the difference between the “day” and “night” prices can be 50-70%, but outside the city limits, in holiday villages or in the countryside, this figure is at the level of 5-10%.

Maintenance of multi-tariff meters

When talking about costs, we cannot help but touch on the topic of appliance maintenance. All three-tariff meters are complex electronic devices that, before commissioning, are not only connected to the power system, but also programmed - for each dial, the time range during which it must record readings is entered.

Obviously, such procedures can only be performed by employees of a specialized company, for example, Mosenergo. A three-tariff meter, like a standard recording device, needs to be checked every 16 years.

These devices are designed with lithium batteries that retain the settings in the event of a power outage. Their performance is hardly sufficient for the time interval between checks. Therefore, be prepared that in the middle of the term you will have to call specialists to replace the batteries.

Ways to increase savings

The main way to increase savings with a multi-tariff payment system is to change your daily routine. If possible, try to wash, charge Cell Phones, turn on air conditioners and use other household appliances exclusively at night.

Refurbishing your home is another way to save money if you intend to install a three-tariff meter. Tariffs for electricity consumption in apartments with an electric stove are 50-60% lower than in houses with gas burners. At the same time, you can save not only on electricity, but also on gas.

Remember that for a three-tariff meter, the tariff time is set separately by the legislature in each region one year in advance, and it differs from the time intervals established for two-tariff devices. Remember to take this into account when calculating your cash savings.

A three-tariff electricity meter is a device that allows you to track electricity consumption readings at three different tariffs, each of which is activated at a specific time of day. Electricity consumption at night is 4 times cheaper than during the day. Proper Use household appliances will help to significantly reduce costs, thanks to a three-tariff meter.

Advantages and disadvantages

Using a three-tariff meter divides 24 daily hours into 3 zones. Thus, during the peak period, the fee for using electricity is the highest, during the half-peak period it is comparatively lower and the most profitable is at night.

Thanks to the three-tariff system, you can significantly save on electricity bills, provided that the peak zone is bypassed. This method is completely legal and provides its owner with maximum benefits.

However, it should be borne in mind that the system is not perfect, which becomes clear when considering the shortcomings. Firstly, not every person is ready to use technical devices at night. Secondly, tariffs are rising everywhere, and three-tariff meters are no exception. Please note that the device and its installation will entail additional financial costs.

Experts advise being careful and finding out the cost of tariffs in your region in advance. Thus, quickly and accurately adjusted operation of the meter in the shortest possible time will allow you to completely recover the costs associated with it.

Accounting time

This device allows you to calculate the cost of electricity in three different daily periods. It is generally accepted that daytime begins at seven in the morning and lasts until twenty-three hours. Daily accounting involves taking generally accepted tariffs. The multi-tariff device makes it possible to divide daytime into peak and half-peak periods.

The peak period is marked by the highest energy costs, which leads to high tariffs. During these hours, for owners of three-tariff meters, tariffs are higher than for other consumers. The most profitable period is night, when the price of consumed kilowatt is two times lower than at any other time of the day.

It is recommended to opt for two-tariff devices for household use and three-tariff for industrial enterprises. Accordingly, the dominant percentage of load on electrical network most economical at night.

Of course, it is not always possible to use electrical appliances only at night, but this period of time is perfect for:

  • heating water with a boiler;
  • washing;
  • heating the house.

When choosing a device, it is important to take into account many criteria, including climatic conditions and the features of installed electrical appliances.

Taking readings

Taking readings from a meter of this type is carried out in accordance with a number of recommendations, since it differs from the readings of a device with one zone. You must first remove the difference from each tariff, and then multiply by the tariff rate.

To gain access to the readings on the meter, you need to press the “Enter” key and wait half a minute until the readings you want to rewrite appear. Next, they take the current readings at the daytime tariff and subtract the result of past measurements from them. If there are no previous readings, you can view them on the meter by clicking “Enter” and going to the “Readings on the day of payment” section.

The resulting number is multiplied by the regional tariff. After this, half-peak and night time are calculated, and then the readings are summed up. If the owner has benefits, they are deducted from the final amount.

The receipt can be paid at each of the state bank branches.

Meter tariffs

Due to the fact that a three-tariff electricity meter can be installed in both household use, and in the manufacturing sector, it is advisable to develop a set of measures to shift the load schedule. This method allows both the supplier and the consumer to receive maximum benefits.

There is no need for special skills to understand that continuous fluctuations in load levels have a negative impact on the devices used, which causes them to quickly fail, because the best option For household devices are medium-level loads without fluctuations.

Three-tariff meter tariffs for 2018:

T1 4,85 5,16
T2 1,26 1,35
T3 4,04 4,30

Differentiation of tariffs for day zones occurs in the following time ranges:

  • night zone (23 - 7 hours);
  • peak zone (7 -10 hours, 17 - 21 hours);
  • semi-peak zone (10 - 17 hours, 21 - 23 hours).

This type of counter is recognized as effective due to the best savings, and therefore is becoming increasingly widespread. But in many houses built in Soviet time, there are also standard counters.

Electricity prices tend to constantly increase. And if so, many consumers are wondering how to save money. One way to save is to consume electricity at different tariffs. Accounting function in in this case can perform a three-tariff electricity meter.

Multi-tariff system

Electricity is consumed unevenly throughout the day. In the morning and evening time There are peaks when a lot of electricity is required by industrial and private consumers. At the same time, generating equipment and networks are subject to increased loads, but at night there is a decline in consumption, production decreases, as the equipment runs idle. To stimulate more uniform consumption, a multi-tariff system was invented in which the cost of electricity depends on the time of day. There are three tariffs: day, peak and night. Moreover, the highest cost of energy is in the peak tariff.

There are three types of flow meters on the market electrical energy: single-tariff, two-tariff and three-tariff.

Single-phase meters count electricity as it is consumed. These devices are manufactured in such a way that only the total volume of wound energy is taken into account by the controller.

Multi-tariff devices (two- and three-tariff) are designed in such a way that they take into account the consumed kilowatts at different costs in given time periods. In practice, this means that data recorded during the day is indexed separately from night and peak data.

Note! Multi-tariff devices are quite expensive, so their use is economically justified only if there is a significant consumption of electrical energy. If there is electric heating, air conditioner, hot water tank and other large household appliances, a multi-tariff metering device will pay for itself very quickly.

Device two-tariff meters simpler, but their capabilities are smaller - they take into account consumption in two time periods. Three-tariff modifications are more complex, they are equipped with more diverse software, are more expensive, but are also capable of dividing the day into three parts: day, night and peak values.

Peak values ​​mean the time intervals from 7.00 to 10.00 and from 20.00 to 23.00. Tariffs at this time not only do not decrease, but increase from the daily value by 50-70%. But at night the cost of electricity decreases significantly. Thus, it is most profitable to consume electricity at night (by loading equipment manually at this time or programming it using a timer). During the daytime, and especially during peak times, it is recommended to use as little energy as possible.

As an example, we will give the cost of electricity depending on the tariff in Moscow.

Rate Price per kWh
Flat rate tariff 3.77 rub.
Tariffs under a three-tariff system
– night zone 1.15 rub.
– peak zone 4.49 rub.
– pre-peak zone RUB 3.71

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. Significant savings with proper distribution of consumption and large quantities electrical appliances.
  2. Legality of use. Multi-tariff meters are not only legal, energy companies are interested in their widespread distribution.
  3. The recorded data is stored in the device’s memory for the entire life of the device. Even if the receipt is lost, nothing irreparable will happen.

Such equipment is not without its disadvantages:

  1. Not all people have the habit of using electrical appliances at night.
  2. Using electrical appliances at night is not always justified.
  3. Peak consumption is called such for a reason: it is in the mornings and evenings that electricity is needed most of all.
  4. Tariffs are set by the energy company, and therefore there is always a risk of them changing at any time. If the company abandons the multi-tariff system, using the device will lose its meaning.

Which meter to choose: single-tariff, two-tariff or three-tariff? It is difficult to give a definite answer. The fact is that all types of devices are good for their situations. For example, savings with a three-tariff device are achieved through peak zones and daytime. If people or businesses are awake at night with special treatment work (bakery) this situation (different tariffs) is beneficial, but most likely not for “early people” or families with children.

Regarding two-tariff devices, we can say that they are not much different in essence from three-tariff devices. However, in the latter case, there is the possibility of more flexible energy metering, which allows for greater savings.

Installation instructions

First of all, you need to make a calculation that will take into account not only the total amount of electricity consumption, but its structure (what share falls on those devices whose main load can be transferred to another time of day).

If, according to calculations, the meaning of installing a multi-tariff device is obvious, you can proceed with the following procedures:

  1. An application is drawn up to replace the electricity meter in the distribution zone at the place of residence. The application indicates the address, telephone number, and method of payment.
  2. An agreement is signed on the transition to paid individual services and on the installation of a multi-tariff meter.
  3. The provided invoice for services is paid.
  4. A new tariff system comes into force.

It should be noted that you should buy an electric meter before signing an agreement on the transition to individual services. After the new tariffs come into force, the meter is installed, seals are applied to the device, which only a representative of the energy sales organization has the right to remove.

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